The Try Guys Try To Survive A Major Earthquake

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- It's fair to say that we're overdue for the big one and a lot of people think its gonna happen in the next decade or two. - What? - I have no idea what to do in an actual earthquake. - I don't feel safe in this place. (speaking all at once) - I would love to prepare for uh, a big night out, but, we're, its very serious video about earthquakes. (upbeat music) - Today the Try Guys are gonna learn exactly what you should do in an earthquake and how you can be prepared for one. - Earlier this summer we had two pretty big earthquakes in California. I was in a restaurant with my grandmother celebrating her birthday 'cause I'm a cutie. Everyone in the restaurant, we just sat there and stared. There's these giant chandeliers shaking right above my head. No one moved, no one did anything. - I realized I have no idea what to do in an actual earthquake. - Flail your arms and say, "Oh my God, its an earthquake!" - Do I lay down? Get in between the door frame? - Was I supposed to get on the table? Was I supposed to run outside? - What if the table breaks? Now you're under a broken table. - Get to a bathtub and put a mattress over it! - I'm not prepared. - So we got together and we said we need to figure this out. - [One Of The guys] We are joined today by the CEO of the L.A. Red Cross. - Because you gotta be ready, I'm not. - When we prepare for earthquakes, a lot of times what we talk about is preparing for "The Big One." In Southern California, where we are, there's often two or three small ones in a day. (surprise exclamations) - And they just happen. - I know you're supposed to have an emergency kit, I don't have one. - I don't have any water. I got like one jug in the closet. I literally have a jug. - What are some of the dangers of earthquakes? - Death. - Death? - A seven or an eight point earthquake, Really scary and also can be really fatal. We don't know when it's gonna happen. There's no earthquake season, but we can get prepared because it might happen in our lifetimes. - Welp, I don't know if our office is fortified for an earthquake, I have no idea. I don't feel safe in this place. It's just an old house, like this is an old building. - In developed countries, like the United States, where we have building codes that anticipate earthquakes, you're probably safer here than you would be in a place that doesn't have those things. This house, probably built, looks like in the '20s or the '30s, maybe? Which means, unless you've done something to it, it was probably built before those codes. - We've done nothing to it. - Oh, we've done some things to it, but nothing to help it. - This part of your house looks like it was an addition. You've got poured concrete foundation, so this is probably a pretty safe room, relative to the rest of the house. - Wow. - An earthquake happens right now, what are the do's and don'ts, what should we do? - I do know, you shouldn't try and run anywhere. That most injuries happens when you're trying to run across the room, you slip, and then, boom, you hit your head. - You should stay away from windows and you should stay away from things that could fall on you. - I feel like every time I think I know what you're supposed to do, I read something else telling me no, that actually the worst thing. When I was growing up, they were like, get under door frames, door frames are your friend. Now, everyone's like, door frames, bad! - A four-point, or five-point earthquake can be scary, but your house isn't gonna fall down on top of you. Drop, cover, hold on. Now, I know we said these were Ikea desks, so, but, if you get under it, two of you can fit under there, this desk is better than that one because you're gonna have broken glass over there. The closer inside, you can be- - Get under, Keith, get under. - the better - Injuries to your head are the most serious, you know, 'cause falling things, right. You can break a bone, your head, you know, concussion, much more serious. Now, if there's no room, Eugene, and you're still right there, - [Eugene] Yeah. - get on the couch, get the cushions, and hold on to your head with the cushions on top, right. No, no, like, down, down some, - [Guys] Down! Down! cover your head, cushions on top. - [Guys] Your head, not your butt. - I think you got the short straw. - I should probably get on top of Eugene. - [Eugene] No, no, there's no room here. - And then I'm protecting him and he's protecting me. - Get under this table - But you said that table's bad. - Well it's bad but it's better than not being covered. - [Ned] What about- - [Keith] You said you were tiny enough to fit under that table. - Yeah, try. - All right, go for it. - I don't know. - Did he make it? - Ah, he's head's safe. - My head's safe. - Well, you made it, okay, the ground stopped shaking. - Don'ts. Don't stand in a doorway if there's a door. The door will shut on you. So you're standing in the doorway, the door's gonna slam shut and you're gonna be falling to the ground. If it's an opening, a framed opening without a door, it's probably okay to hold on to. The beauty of the door frame is you can hold on, but my arms, and I'm six-two, I don't really, I'm not really tall enough for this. You might be. You might be. - I can do this. - What about you brace up here? - Um, you know, its, I would say, if this is all you've got, it's better than standing in the middle of the room. Now, that door entry in the next room, might be something. There's no door here, right, that's what you wanna be careful of. This might be okay, but there's still better options in this room. You've got four desks that you can get under right here. - What about this bowl of thumbtacks. - Yeah, that'll be on the floor. - Oh, it'll never be affected. - Don't put heavy things on the wall behind you because they can fall and kill you. - Keith, no! Exactly. Those are probably okay, but a large portrait. All your pictures on the wall are gonna, unless you've got the right hooks on them. Can, we, take something off one of these walls. - Yeah, sure. - With one little screw, this is gonna fly right off. A 69 cent earthquake hook for your picture, will keep those pictures on the wall. - Something's gonna fly at you, I mean, beautiful faces. - It is a nice, it is nice. - You know. Be a fun last moment. - And then there more serious stuff, televisions, bookcases, things that are top heavy, they might come flying at you, right? So bolting them to the wall, can earthquake-proof your home. - Now that I have a baby, I'm terrified of what could happen to the baby in an earthquake. Even just a book falling off a bookshelf could hurt him. Oh, Wesly. - You guys have mentioned how much you love the television. - We love the TV. - This television is gonna be flying across the room. - Oh, yeah. - This is definitely not attached, this is gonna go flying somewhere. A really heavy bookcase right over there, it fell, is gonna fall right on top of you. - To think that our beautiful book could both change your life and, in wrong case, end it. - Wow, get your copy today. - [Zach] And then bolt it. - Those child safety hooks that you put in your cabinets, well those are actually really useful for earthquakes. Right, you know. - Nice, I'm covered. - That, there you go, you got the kids, right, you know what I'm saying. Because your cabinets are gonna open and all your dishes and glasses are gonna pour out. - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always feel like I'm in danger in the kitchen. - You are, during an earthquake, there's a lot to put at risk here. If you can, I would say, yeah, you can get under this table, but if you can get to the desk in the room next door, there's jus a lot less to hurt you. When they modeled what The Big One would look like, the biggest source of damage was not actually damage to homes from the shaking, but damage that resulted from fires after the earthquake, because of the gas. Hopefully, you've got one of those automatic shut-off valves, if not, you need to shut off the gas. First thing you need to do. This is also probably the place, if there's a gas leak, that you're gonna smell it first. - I think it's a hazard to have so much alcohol. - Really good point. - Well, we're full of wine, we'll be a little more fluid, like a giant skyscraper. - Exactly. It's really understanding the shake potential of where you are. You guys would really need to get, I would say, get out of this room because all that stuff, those shelves are gonna fall, everything from there's gonna come flying out. Earthquake hooks, on those cabinets, that stuff's still gonna go flying. - How bout just like a hammer hanging out on a hook that immediately fell. - [Jarrett] That might be better in a toolbox on the ground somewhere so it doesn't come flying as a projectile. - Well, well but, you love the hammer on the hook. - I love it. I look over there and I salute it everyday. - Yeah, it inspires our team. - We have to re-teach folks, don't run outside. - Why not? - Stay, because, think about what a eight point 0 earthquake look likes, you're gonna fall down. You're gonna get slammed by the door. Glass is everywhere, you're gonna get your feet cut. then, the house is gonna pancake on top of you, you turn around and it's, I mean, a million things could happen. You're much safer under a table, holding on till it's done. - Who's desk is the safest? - Ah, again, furthest from the window probably best, so, maybe that one. - I will show you that usually, my desk is a standing desk. - You'll probably be safe underneath, but it's gonna fly off, so, it could hurt that person hiding under there. - Zach, no! (laughing) - You'll be injured but my posture will be impeccable. - Yeah. - So we're outside during an earthquake. Ah, this is a bad place to be. - Yeah, you've got a lot of trees, - Yeah. - And you've got a lot of power cables. Like, lots of power cables. - [Zack] They're like, eight billion power cables. - It could electrocute you, if you were to, it were to come into contact with you, which is the biggest reason. I think you may want to get as, quickly as possible, inside and under something. - I'd say, this backyard is somewhat of a hazard even just normally. We've got giant branches falling, really almost daily, so, try to spend, not so much, time back here, earthquake or otherwise. - People refer to the North Ridge Earthquake in '94 as the last Big earthquake we had. - The death toll from yesterday's quake has gone up to 33 this morning. - It's a little deceptive because it wasn't actually The Big One. When we talk about preparing for The Big One, it's probably something a little bit more dramatic. - [Woman] This white, the beam wood ceiling, was the ceiling of your home. - [Announcer] Gordan, let's just show them- - So, you think, "The Big One," to come, would be bigger than that was? - Typically, Southern California, has a "Big One" earthquake every couple hundred years and there hasn't been one for about 300 years. Fair to say that we're overdue and a lot of people think it's gonna happen in the next decade or two. - Walk us through, if like an eight point 0 earthquake hits, what's gonna happen? - What's not gonna happen, you can't call 9-1-1 after the earthquake 'cause when ten million people call 9-1-1, nobody comes. That's what The Big One's gonna look like. That's why getting ready is so important. - Oh wow, what'd you do? What if everything totally falls apart? - We don't know, you don't know where you're gonna be when the earthquake happens, how bad it's gonna be, but what you can control are what you have with the materials at hand, right, in your car, at work, and at home. - Well, let's say the unthinkable has happened and everything is gone to shit. Luckily, you're smart, and you have an emergency preparedness bag. - What's inside, how do you use it? We're gonna find out. - So, this is a, this is an Urban Survival Kit that we found online. - Like just some basic stuff. People think food and water, but have enough, bout a gallon a day. Power's out two or three weeks, you're gonna be living off canned food. We typically recommend, plan for 10 to 14 days on your own. - Ah, first thing I see is toilet paper, green glow sticks so you can poop. - And see how your poop looks to see if you're eating well. - You're not gonna have gas, you're not gonna have what else? - Trash bags. I would have not of thought of this but very versatile. These are for poop. - 'Cause you might not have plumbing, oh. - Why are the bags so big? How big are your poops? - Potty bucket. - Poop bucket. - Don't put your head in it. - Wanna just, you know, making sure it's fresh. - Oh, no. - Children can fall into bucket and drown - [Both Together] Oh, no. - Show the camera the image. - No. - He died the way he lived, he's creepy and covered in poop. - Yeah, this works. I could be shitting all over the place right now, this is great. - Wow, SOS emergency food ration. - This has 9 biscuits. - Wait, is this in French? - What have the French come to save us? (reading in French) - Hmm, well, I guess, if I got nothing else. - Not bad. - Ah, pretty good. - Think so? - This tastes like everything they sell at Starbucks and it's gonna save my goddamn life, so show some respect. - Water. - This is water? - Pouches. - Give me a pouch. - This is a taste test. - It says drink minimum 2 bags per person per day. So if you're really in a bad place, this is, you need 2 of these. - It's a little weird to drink it out of a pouch, with no straw. - Yeah, it should have, like - [Both] A Capri Sun. - So, imagine, a situation, you're not gonna have electricity, - A crank flashlight, I've always wanted one of these. - Oh, I had one of those. - How well do they work? - They work as much as you crank 'em. (winding noise) - It's not a toy, Zach. - I'm playing with it so it must be a toy. - Okay, let's try the radio now. AM always has- - Religion. (foreign voice over radio) - Help! Help us! - Help us. - What is this? - Oh, I think it's a solar- - Charger? - Charger, it has a- - Cool. - Runs of the chest. - Uh huh. - Juice in the veins. - Sure beats doing this. No, we don't want another caller. (sirens) - [ Both] Oh, no. - Taking a first aid course, isn't a bad thing. Three hours out of your life, learn some basic first aid. How to do a tourniquet, how to do a bandage, right. Simple things but they could save somebody's life. - Now, American Red Cross also gave us, a first aid kit. (laughing) - Someone save the first aid kit. - A pen. - A pen. To write love letters. - A, rubber gloves for, - Rectal exams. - A whistle. (shrill whistle) Remember in Titanic where she's like, Come back, come back. - Is anyone alive? - Out there. I've watched Titanic many times. - You know what this is? - What? - A mouth-to-mouth guard - No. - They look very creepy but are probably quite helpful. Try breathing into my mouth. - I don't. I can see this much. I don't want to share breath right now. - La, la, la, la - Oh, a water bottle with a purification tablet. - Will remove over 99.9% of giardia. - Dude, that's awesome, I hate giardia. - Oh yeah, map, map. I can see my house right there. - Yep. - And there we go. That's how to use the map. - Oh, a blanket, of course. - Oh, it's like the Jewish shaw you guys wear. The scarf you guys wear. - Ready for my bat mitzvah. - I remember I use this in a survival video, you get so hot. - You know they came up with this? - Uh? - The space program. - You can cause play as a bar of Hershey's chocolate or you can pretend to be a Pop Tart. - So, it's like a makeshift tent. - I've never pitched a tent. - You've never pitched a tent? - Not like that. - Gloves. - Don't need those. - Don't need those, these hands are made for grabbing. - I hope we really need moist towelettes during an earthquake. - Are you kidding? After all the Buffalo wings I'm gonna eat. - So, uh, this looks like, well this is double some stuff on this table, but - But also, we're two people. If you're in a couple, you, you need a lot of stuff. - But this is still manageable, like, this will fit in, you know, a closet. - Right, and we took it apart, but - Yeah. - it was pretty compact. - It was just like in several bags. - Kinda, make your list, and every time you're at the grocery store, maybe get an extra pallet of water. Maybe the next time, you get a first aid kit, you know. Five dollars here, five dollars there, and you eventually buildup. Those are things you can do that reduce your risks. - My current plan of just relying on Ned isn't bad, he does have one of these bags, so that's good, but I should get myself a bag, so that I can make it to Ned's house. - And do it as much as possible, so you can plan, let's say, 10 days, you can be self-sustaining, on your own. - If you want to see everything that you need in emergency situations, just check out the Red Cross' app, It can get you all the information you need so you can check everything off that we've laid out here. - You and I are not prepared. - But you know what, my dogs will be prepared 'cause I'm gonna steal this. - Yeah and I'm gonna steal the rest of this, especially this poop bucket. - Poop bucket. (music) - Who should we eat first? - I probably taste the best. - You Think so? - You kidding me? - I have the most seasoning. - Not a chance. - [Keith] Too lean. - I'm definitely eating Keith. - Just the flavor. - I'll gladly do a taste test. - Fat is flavor. I used to be fat and now I exercise, that means I'm marble, baby.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 4,187,804
Rating: 4.9546824 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, earthquake, earthquake preparedness, the big one, survival skills, survivalist, how to survive, survival, survival challenge, los angeles, news, science, educational, 2nd try, survival games, emergency, disaster, technique, expert, professional, teach me, saving lives, cpr, first aid kit, how to, on our own, worst, tips
Id: aYRosuC_akU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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