The Try Guys Make Tacos Without A Recipe

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- It's Without a Recipe Tacos. (upbeat orchestral music) ♪ Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ - The dryness is everything for me. (Zach laughing) - I've taken a tortilla-making class. Well, it definitely smells like it's burning. This is wrong. Everything is wrong. - It would just be too easy. I don't know why the tortillas are bad. How is this heating? What's going on? - It's too wet. Oh god, now it feels too dry. - I'm uncomfortable. (everyone laughing) (dramatic orchestral music) (dramatic orchestral music ends) (waves crashing) (gentle upbeat music) - [Narrator] The Try Guys are back in the test kitchen for another episode of, "Without a Recipe." Today, they are making tacos. - Today we're making tacos and tortillas. We love tacos. I go to Mexico all the time. Eugene, you grew up in the land of breakfast tacos. - Yeah, I grew up in Texas. Ate tacos pretty much every day. And I had friends who had grandmas, their abuelitas, making tacos in front of me. - [Zach] Do you need more flour? Do you need more water? - [Eugene] I'm good, Zach. I'm good. - Okay. - The hovering doesn't help. - [Narrator] Will they taco 'bout their feelings? - Oh, this one's poofing and burning. - Puff, you magic dragon. Come on! - [Narrator] Or will they spill the beans? - It went pretty bad. I mean, honestly, I was pretty stressed out. - [Narrator] The guys will first make their tortilla from scratch, and create their own tacos, then present them to our panel of judges. - Hello, Try Guys! Today, we're gonna be judging tacos. Hey everyone, I'm Rosanna Pansino, and I host one of the most popular baking shows on the interwebs. - Hello, I'm Kwesi James. I'm a professional judge and critiquer. Anything you have, I'll judge and critique. - Hello, I'm Brianna Valdez, also called, Breezy, and I am the Founder and CEO of a restaurant here in Los Angeles called, HomeState. - [Rosanna] Woo woo! - I was born and raised in Texas, moved out to Los Angeles in the year 2000 after I graduated from college, and soon after realized that the breakfast tacos that I love from home, they just were nowhere to be found. So I decided that somebody should really open this restaurant, and after waiting for so long for somebody else to do it, decided to bring it to life myself. - HomeState is Texas-style breakfast tacos. They do flour tortillas, they've got a delicious menu. Maggie and I went three nights in one week. And the third time they said, "Oh, welcome back!" And we were like, "Oh (beep), we gotta get outta here." - For me, what makes a great flour tortilla is how it feels. Is it soft? Is it pillowy? It's not too thick or too thin. Is it cooked well? Does it brown spots on it? I love cooked brown spots. (whimsical music) - Right now, we're about to make some tortillas. You can make corn or flour tortillas, or you can make another kind of tortilla. - I'm feeling good. It's a new episode, a new day. A beautiful day to start a Zach Sweep. - [Narrator] All right, guys. 30 minutes on the clock, in 3, 2, 1. - Let's go! - Zach Sweep! Zach Sweep, third place! - So I am going to embrace the idea of corn and make a Thanksgiving taco. We're gonna make a stuffing-inspired tortilla. We're gonna put turkey in there, we're gonna put some cranberry sauce in there. I can maybe make the tortilla have some of the spices, like the rosemary, thyme, and sage, some nice turkey, some cranberry sauce, that could work! (turkeys crowing) That could work. And I've never had turkey in a taco that wasn't like, ground turkey. So I'm gonna sous vide 'cause that's the best way to make sure it's good. - Now of course, there are two types of tortillas you can make. Corn tortillas, flour tortillas. My personal bias, I like flour tortillas. I think they taste better. I also think they're just gonna go better with what I'm making today. I'm bringing Judaism up in this bitch. I'm making a Jewish deli-inspired taco, the latko. I'm taking a latke, I'm taking a pastrami sandwich, I'm putting it in my taco. I have this idea that I'm gonna incorporate latke into the tortilla somehow. I'm actually making a rye flour tortilla because pastrami on rye. - What's rye flavor, Zach? - I don't know. - You should know this. You eat pastrami on rye. - I eat it but I don't know how to describe it. It's just different. - Ding dong! Hello, sir. Have you heard the good word about tacos? Good Eugene. (wind chimes twinkling) This episode in tacos, I am making little widdle bitty taco angel babies. (laughs) Today, I am making little widdle angel baby tacos 'cause I'm Good Eugene. Actually, this is the goodest of all Good Eugene episodes. - You widdle baby? - 'Cause it's little angel tacos. - Are you gonna talk like a widdle baby the whole episode? - No, hell no. - Oh, you widdle baby. - No, I hate that voice. - Look Eugene's a little baby. - So for my angel baby tacos, I'm gonna make big flour tortillas. I want them to be flour and big because I need enough white to create the garments and the wings of the angels. So my filling, of course, is lamb. Duh. And I'm gonna add some milk and honey in it because I'm going a little biblical-inspired for these tacos. You know, I grew up a Christian. Went to church every Sunday. I have a strong memory of tacos across the street from my Asian church. (chuckles) - So today, we are making my version of a flour tortilla. You don't need much. We have flour, salt, baking powder, and butter. So we're gonna dump in the four cups of flour. - I'm gonna make two doughs right now. I'm gonna make one that's just the dough I normally make at home, and one that has the spices in it. My fear is that when I cook the tortillas, these fresh spices, they're gonna burn. So masa harina is a corn flour that is specifically used in tortillas. - You know, this whole season, Good Eugene has focused a lot on the crafting at the end. And I need more material, so I really need a lot of dough. These angels need wings and dresses y'all. - I don't know how much caraway to put in. I'm putting just half a teaspoon. It seems like it would be a pretty powerful flavor. - Salt level. Everybody's a little bit different with the amount of salt they like in their tortilla. I like my tortillas to have some flavor and so I'm adding two tablespoons of salt. - [Eugene] I'm adding a little more salt. (camera crew laughing) - [Zach] What kind of ratio are you working there with? - My ratio? Biblical proportions. (angelic music) - We're doing one teaspoon of baking powder. This is the agent for rising. And then, we're going to put in the butter which is at room temp. - So something that is gonna shock people. Tortillas have lard. I'm gonna also use vegetable shortener. - [Eugene] Oh, so you do know a thing or two about it? - Yeah, I've done it, and I was like, "What the (beep)? "There's lard in it?" And it's like, "Yeah!" I've taken a tortilla-making class. Is it without a recipe if it's in my memory? I'm doing a half and half. I have half AP flour, half rye flour. Half lard, half vegetable shortening. Some salt and some caraway powder. - That's it. Just water and masa harina. Literally nothing else. No salt in this one 'cause that's how I do it at home. Yeah, and it's just a ball. - And you wanna add the water just a little bit at a time. Even if you measured perfectly, the dough may not need all the water you have in your measuring cup. - Okay, I'm gonna start adding my milk and honey. I'm assuming a lot of people use water but I'm going to use milk and honey. - [Producer] You're losing a lot of real estate. - Don't worry, it's just the excess salt. (chuckles) - Take it out of the bowl. The dough has a really nice hydration to it. You can see that it has a lot of elasticity as well. You want it to feel almost a bit sticky to your hand but not sticking to your hand. - Oh, come on. Oh, this is not combining at all. This is a crumbly mess. All right, we're making a second dough. - [Producer] Are you doing it exactly the same? - [Zach] No, I'm doing it different. This is more AP flour, less rye, less caraway, less salt. - [Narrator] 10 Minutes. - I'm just gonna make these as fine as I can so that they really integrate nicely into the dough. I was thinking, you know how Eugene, he really is so inventive with the types of foods he uses in things. Previously, he served bull testicles. Do you think he'll ever serve the judges food made with like, edible condoms? - [Producer] You were thinking about that? - I was thinking about that. - You know what? Let's just take it out of the bowl. - [Producer] I've been waiting for you to do that. (everyone laughing) - [Eugene] I'm making myself wet. I just need more moisture 'cause it was feeling really dry. But now I think I just ruined it. Oh, now it's really sloppy. - Oh yeah, this one I feel like is sticking a lot better. It's so weird. It like feels the perfect moisture but then there's all these crumbly bits. And then you put a little bit more water in to get those crumbly bits, and then it feels too wet. - Another really important thing when making fresh dough for tortillas is to not overhandle it. If you overhandle it, it'll toughen up almost as like, a defense mechanism. - Oh god, it's too wet. (choir singing) Oh god, now it feels too dry. - [Zach] Do you need more flour? Do you need more water? - [Eugene] No, I'll just do it with my hands. - [Zach] Do you need flour or water? - Zach, concentrate on your dough? - I'm done. I'm here for you. - I'm good. - This time, the Jews are helping. - When it's kind of shaped in a nice little ball, you put it into a bowl. And you also wanna give it some privacy and some humidity. - So I have a dough that has fresh herbs and spices in it. And since that might burn, I have a dough that's just plain. Since I have a head on this, I'm gonna save myself some time later and just quickly make the brine that the turkey goes into 'cause it has to be boiled and cooled before the turkey goes into it. (dough squelching) - How was that for you? It was good for me. (upbeat music) - [Narrator] 3, 2, 1! Hands up! (bell ringing) (turkey gobbling) (upbeat music ends) (upbeat music) - We've got an hour fifteen. We've gotta make our tortillas, we gotta make the filling. But we've got some cooking to do first. - Yes. - Fun thing for me, I was like, "You know, "if you wanted to save me some time, "I would take some pretty cut down turkey "into like, turkey strips." They didn't do that so I guess they didn't wanna save me the time. - So first thing I'm gonna work on is a coleslaw. You can't have a pastrami without a little slaw. - All right, I'm pulling out the pressure cooker. This the first time we've had a pressure cooker on, "Without a Recipe." So I'm doing lamb in honor of the big man upstairs. So I'm over here pressure cooking my lamb. - I've got pastrami which if my calculations are correct, I can just eat this, right? - You're just taking precooked pastrami? - Yeah, yeah. I'm an economical chef. I like to work with locally sourced ingredients. - I brought a sous vide and a vacuum sealer in case you didn't have one. Putting it in cold, salty apple juice. Get this into a brine and let it sit in a brine for like 15 minutes. And then sous vide it the rest of the time, and take it out with five minutes to spare, and chop 'em smaller and hope that they're delicious. - So let's do some chili powder. I am making sure this lamb is seasoned, baby. 'Tis the season to season your lamb. ♪ Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪ - That was probably like 15 spices I just put in there. - I'm gonna chop up some golden raisins and some serrano peppers. Serrano peppers are my favorite pepper. They've got a really nice heat and a good flavor that I think will make the coleslaw like, better. And then I'm gonna add some golden raisins to have a kick of sweetness. Oh, that smells like vinegar. That's a lot of vinegar, oops. - I am making a little slaw with brussels sprouts and garlic and onion and a little bit of parsley. Oh, the back one is some actual cranberries, some cranberry sauce, and a whole mess of sugar. And we're gonna let that cook and then figure out what to do with it. - So typically, when you're doing something like a hot pot, you use like broth of some sort. But I am gonna be using red wine. - He loves turning water into it. I mean obviously that's a good sales point, right there. That might get me to convert. - [Narrator] 50 Minutes. - 50 Minutes? Okay. Then I'm gonna put my thing in this sous vide and then I'll work on tortillas. So this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna take this little sous viding bag, put our turkey in it. So I do a brine but I brine it normally at least 12 hours. This last year, I sous vided the turkey breasts, and they were unbelievable. But the brining just traps so much more moisture, that apple brine puts a lot of nice flavors in it. I just love any kind of meal that's a lot of people around the table eating together, and you know, we can be happy with one another. - Just to give it a little more kick, I'm gonna throw in some fresh tomatoes. - Eugene, I'm ready to move on to tortillas when you are. - Okay, I just gotta put this on. We're gonna move on to our tortillas. - Okay! - This is the rested dough. This has now gone from sticky to really smooth. You can even see it. - We've got my dough. It is different, it's grainy. Don't love that. - [Eugene] I have my dough here. It looks crazy. - So one of the first things I'm gonna do is portion out the dough. If you're not rolling your dough into balls first, you'll have less success at a round shape. - [Eugene] I'm just gonna start making tortillas. - So how I believe you do this is you kinda roll up a little ball. - Yeah, you do a little ball. - Perfect. It's perfect. Oh boy. This is not doing what I want it to do! What do we think about this shape, huh? (Producer laughing) - If you're making a corn tortilla, you'd have a metal press with a liner and you'd place the dough inside and press it down. The rolling pin is where it's at with flour. - I'm gonna get some parchment paper. Put one piece on the bottom here. I'm starting with the seasoned dough which I think is the more fun dough to serve. So I like to have a little bit of water with my hands. - All right, so I'm gonna start by, again, dusting the base. So I'm kind of applying gentle pressure to start rolling it out. Then you turn it. And again, there are no rules to this. It's really by feel. - I mean, I really want to get this thin as all heck but it's not turning into a circle. It's turning into kind of like a Pangaea. - [Eugene] I'm trying to shape mine into a circle before rolling it so that it maintains a shape 'cause when you just roll it, it just becomes like, it doesn't stay in a circle. - And I hope this is hot enough. So when you place the dough onto the comal, you should start to see some bubbling happening almost right after you place it down if the grill is hot enough. If you don't see any bubbling, A, the grill's not hot enough, or you haven't put enough baking powder in. - Let's test it. Now, what I think you want to happen is it inflates like a balloon. - See, this one's kind of puffing but I think it's a little thicker than I'd like it to be. It's kind of poofing but I want like it to be a balloon. Like a whoopee cushion. - [Zach] Well, it definitely smells like it's burning. - How long does it stay on here? All I smell is your burning. - Yeah, it's burning. - Oh, it is bubbling in the middle for me. (children cheering) - (beep) See, that's what you want! That's what you're looking for! - Cool, what does it look like underneath? The outside is not cooking as much as the inside. Do I have to make my taco smaller then? Man, this is the size I need though, for my angels. - If we're being honest, it should be charred to death. What's going on with this heater? Like I can see water just got on it and sizzled, but why isn't it burning? I want it hot. It needs to be like so hot they should cook in 30 seconds. - [Producer] It's smoking. - I know it's smoking. - If your tortilla is taking longer than 30 seconds to cook per side, your griddle is not hot enough, or your dough might be incorrect. You may have rolled it too thick or you might not have enough butter. - How is this heating? What's going on? What? This side is like not hot. - And this is getting too hard. Does that mean it's too hot? Or I'm cooking it too long? This looks like, did I invent matzah by accident? I'm reintroducing some moisture. Maybe it got dried out too much, or maybe there wasn't enough to begin with. - I guess I'll just go with the smallest bowl size? Yeah, I'm gonna have to make really tiny little angels. Oh, the smallest little baby angels. - I really don't know what to do. It's just not cooking how it ought to. Oh, this one's poofing and burning. Cooking totally different than the previous ones. I think it rested too long for how I make these. - Oh, go! That looks edible. - [Zach] That's a thing, Eugene! - [Eugene] That's a thing. - That's exactly what I'm trying to achieve. Puff, you magic dragon. Come on! - And it is firing smoke out of it. I'm up to 460 and there's nothing? - [Producer] Do you want a different one? We have another burner, here. - Oh, now we're too hot. This is wrong. Everything is wrong. - I got the start of a gravy back there to add a little more depth of flavor. Why the (beep) not, baby? If the tortillas aren't good, I gotta make everything else good. - [Producer] Why are your tortillas so bad? - I don't know why the tortillas are bad! The (beep) pan is doing all sorts of confusing things. You've seen it. Unless they edited it out to make me look like an idiot. Yeah, I can make tortillas. So I'm actually challenging myself to not make anything remotely traditional because I know I could just crush it. It would just be too easy. - How much time do we have? - [Producer] 36. - This isn't happening. We gotta try this again from the top. - [Producer] What? - Is that from the top? - It's not working, Rachel. This rye, I don't know that it's the rye's fault but I gotta deliver. I don't want to give matzah tacos. Matzah is something that we barely tolerate. - What the hell just happened? How did it get stuck? What? Huh? That would only happen if it's way too cold, is that it would stick like that. - [Producer] Well, switch to back there! There are so many burners. - [Keith] But I don't know. Like two different induction things did that. This is another induction surface. - [Producer] Well, that's all I have for you. - Well, I'm telling you that's (beep) up. I don't really have a lot of time. I've changed three burners at this point. It would just be too easy. Too easy. Too easy. - [Narrator] 25 Minutes. - In the last 25 minutes, I've yet to have a successful tortilla, I need to cook my meat, I need to do everything. - I have to do so much in the last 25, it's not even funny. It's all design so I'm prepping all of the ingredients. I gotta design my angels, my little angel babies. - My goal here is to have little potato crisps. Big old potato pancake. AKA, the latke. I'm gonna make a giant (beep) fried potato and then chop it up into little bits and put it in each taco if I ever get to the taco part. (dramatic music) Guys, we're (beep) doing it. Okay, we're on our way. The new non-rye dough is far superior. We're back in this. (flames roaring) (crowd cheering) - So today, we're gonna be making the Trinity taco on a flour tortilla. It's HomeState's most ordered, most favorite taco. The Trinity does not have three ingredients, it actually has four. But it's named after a river in Texas, just like all of our breakfast tacos. So it's made with eggs, bacon, potato, and cheese. This is the Trinity taco. It's one of the most favorite, most ordered, beloved tacos that we sell and make. - All right, I'm just gonna start assembling one, and then we'll see how long that takes me. The lamb smells pretty incredible. - Hey! Oh! Oh (beep)! (crowd cheering) (Zach speaking inaudibly) It's a (beep) bubble. It's a (beep) bubble up in here. That's what I'm talking about. Let's (beep) go, Zach Sweep is on! - [Narrator] 15 minutes. - Okay, I'm taking the turkey out. It's cooked. Cuts pretty easily. Just trying to get a little bit of color and butter onto this turkey. Give it a little more fat. I threw some herbs in there. - Okay, I'm gonna start just trying to do my assembly. I'm doing an assortment of a lot of more traditional Mexican toppings because for me, I have to focus so much on using them as design elements to create the little angel. - My god, I'm rolling in the middle. I'm cooking on one side. I'm cooking on the other. This is the most stressful. - [Narrator] 10 minutes. - So I have lamb, onion, and avocado, and then I'm going to be doing some queso fresco, which is this soft Mexican cheese, for the face of the angel. These are my little eyeballs. Of course, angels need little halos. - We're gonna have some roast turkey, we're gonna have some cranberry sauce, of course, we're gonna get those little crispy onions that come in a can, and maybe even those little tiny matchstick potatoes that come in a can, because Thanksgiving is about embracing that which comes from a can. - All right, it's time. I gotta start constructing some tacos. I'm taking a pastrami, I'm gonna take little lakte bits, some fried potato, put it in there, get yourself a nice little crunch. And then you're gonna have some coleslaw. For better or for worse. That's a (beep) taco. - So I need to create wings out of tortillas, but I'm gonna melt the cheese on so it kind of gives it a different vibe. Like you know, golden and white angel wings. Okay, angel's coming together. - [Producer] Two minutes. - Ooh. - [Producer] Two and a half, really. - [Zach] Well, let's make that closer to two and a half then. - If you're watching this and you don't know, I am actually the originator of the viral hit song, "White People Taco Night." It goes little something like this. ♪ White people taco night ♪ ♪ We're getting taco shells from the grocery store ♪ ♪ And ground beef from the grocery store ♪ ♪ And shredded cheese from the grocery store ♪ ♪ And Ortega sauce from the grocery store ♪ - [Producer] One minute! - Okay! - Can I get the gold glitter, please? - Where's my latke? Where's my latke? - I'm gonna make myself one. Make sure it's good. That's Thanksgiving. - [Producer] 10, 9, 8, 7. - I need a ramekin! No, I need a ramekin! I need a ramekin! - [Producer] One! Hands up! Hands up! No more angels. That's it, guys. - It went pretty bad. I mean, honestly, I was pretty stressed out. - I just feel sad. I only got one. There's millions of angels in heaven and only one fell to my plate. And I made 40 tortillas. (light mysterious music) - Today we will be judging on presentation, taste, and creativity. Also, is it a taco? - [Brianna] Guys, for me, a good tortilla is pillowy, the right size, it's not too small, not too big, it's not a burrito. You can also undercook a tortilla. Gooey, gummy, gross. You can overcook a tortilla. Crispy, burned. - [Zach] You want that leopard spotting but it can't be burned. - You do want the leopard spots. See, leopard spots are hugely important to me. - Yes, they are. (everyone laughing) This is what you want, guys. This is the goal. - I don't like cheese that much. So hopefully, don't put any cheese. (dramatic music crescendos and ends) (choir singing) - Friends, family. We have gathered here today for the best, nay, the goodest of Good Eugene. I'm a shining beacon of light. So I'm about to take y'all back to church. - Hallelujah. (Eugene laughing) - Judges sing with me, ready? ♪ Angels we have heard on high ♪ ♪ Sweetly singing o'er the plains ♪ ♪ And the mountains in reply ♪ ♪ Echoing their joyous strains ♪ - Judges, I proudly present my precious angel baby tacos. The flour tortilla has milk and honey for the land of milk and honey. We've got lamb that's been slow cooked in a pressure cooker with red wine. You know, praise Jesus. And everything else is just the accoutrement to make the angel come to life. - [Kwesi] This, this is biblical. - [Rosanna] It's a holy taco. - Oh wow. - It's a whole lot of tacos- (everyone laughing) - [Rosanna] Going on here. (laughs) - I did wanna make three of these angel baby tacos, but the assembly and design took a quarter of my time. So you might have to unfortunately rip apart the angel baby. - [Producer] Brianna, what do you think of this presentation? - I'm uncomfortable. (everyone laughing) It's really creative. - Very creative. - It's really outside the box. - It sure is kind of beautiful. I mean, if you squint your eyes a little bit. - Is the glitter edible? - [Eugene] It is, yes. - Okay, oh! - Oh! It has a crown! - Yeah, a little halo. - It's got a little halo. - I mean, that looks like a good taco. - [Kwesi] The lamb is pretty good. - [Eugene] So if I just didn't do the design stuff, it could've looked cute. - How do you? - Put the flower in your mouth. Put the flower in your mouth. - [Zach] Eat the flower, Ro. Eat the flower, Ro. - It's edible, right? - Yeah, Ro, get the flower in it. - [Zach] The Holy Spirit compels you! - Okay, I will try it. I'll try the flower 'cause it's there. (lighthearted string music) - The power of Christ compels. (lighthearted string music continues) - Oh, I don't like that flower. (everyone laughs) - I didn't make the flower but- - And what's this part? - Oh, that's the wing. That was another tortilla that I melted cheese over just to make the shape. - Got it. - Yeah, with all the cheese, it's kind of got a little bit of a quesadilla vibe going. - Yeah, there's a lot of cheese, Eugene. Look at this. So I really like the lamb. I don't eat a lot of lamb. I think there's a bit too much cheese, and there's no spice, no little salsa, no little, you know. Eugene, I really thought you were gonna gimme some spices on this meat. - Well, roll the footage. I threw in like 12 pounds of spice for the lamb. - [Rosanna] Really? - But I was gonna spice it up at the end. I ran out of time. - [Rosanna] Okay. - I love the story. The lamb was fantastic. But then after the lamb is when it took a turn. (dramatic music) It's really heavy. The cheese, wow. That's a lot of cheese, man. - I spent too long making tortillas. - [Kwesi] Okay, all right. Can I feel that? - Yeah. - It looks perfect. - Looks amazing! - Nice. - The tortilla's for me, the highlight of the dish, if you could focus more on that. just like that shine. - Yeah. - Smells amazing, feels amazing. And I think it would be a perfect traditional taco vessel. - Eugene, these are so pretty that your design was super creative. It's covering up how pretty. - I covered up all that. You know, it was for the angel baby. I'm glad I made one. Judges, is it a taco? - It's a holy quesadilla. (choir singing) - Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. I would say it's not a taco but it is a holy quesadilla. - [Kwesi] Baptized quesadilla. - Baptized quesadilla, wow. - And with the filling inside, and then this was flat at the melted cheese, I think it's on quesadilla territory. - It's a televangelist quesadilla. (everyone laughing) - Holy quesadilla. Judges, bless you. - Bless you, Eugene. Thank you very much! - Bless you, Ro. (waves crashing) (cheerful orchestral music) - Give thanks. We love Thanksgiving, don't we? And there's always so many leftovers, and what the heck are we gonna do with them? We can make a sandwich, we can make a soup. But what if we made a taco? I present a Thanksgiving taco. (cheerful orchestral music continues) So we've got cranberry sauce on the bottom, we have some sous vided turkey breast that I finished in some butter and some herbs sauteed. I've got a little bit of a brussels sprout and onion slaw, dried crispy onions, and those canned dried crispy potatoes, because part of Thanksgiving is really embracing the stuff from the can. And some corn tortillas that I made. - Huh? - It actually kinda looks like a plate of Thanksgiving in a taco. - The color palette is definitely Thanksgiving-type vibes. - I like that there's different textures 'cause whenever I'm eating tacos, I like that sensation. I see some things that are like soft, I see some mediums with the brussels sprouts. - Wow, look at that. Not too much leopard skin here. - Not on that one, no. Rosanna's got some. - I've got some, I've got some! (everyone laughing) - So why'd you go with the sous vide method? (gentle string music) - So turkey is a tough protein but I love the turkey I make for Thanksgiving. I do sous vide it, I brine it. And I sous vide the turkey breast. I roast a whole Turkey but I think it's like a really amazing way to get a lot of flavor into it, and actually have bigger chunks of turkey that you normally wouldn't have in a taco. - It smells like so many things. - [Keith] Thanksgiving! (gentle string music fades) - [Kwesi] God damn, Keith. This is outta control. I might take a second bite. (cheerful orchestral music) - I would love that! And there's no cheese! - Oh my god! - I think people are gonna be eating Thanksgiving tacos this year. - Yeah, this is so creative and it's- - This is awesome. I think probably individually, everything's seasoned so well, and when we eat it together, it's just very balanced. - The tortilla's soaking up all the juice pleasantly. - I think it's a little dry but I think it folds, it's really pliable. - (beep) I feel great. - Yeah, I really enjoyed that. I'm pleasantly surprised. - You know, Thanksgiving is one of the things that I just actually love cooking for. - This is a great turkey. Can I come over for Thanksgiving? - Hell yeah, Ro. - It's a great way to reuse the food that was left over, all the green stuff you have in there and the fried stuff you have in here, and put it in your mouth and chew. (everyone laughing) - Well, judges. Is it a taco? - It's a taco. - Yeah. - [Kwesi] This is a taco. - I've never had a judging session go this well. I don't know what to do. (lighthearted upbeat music) - Judges! Y'all say, "Shalom?" - [All] Shalom! - You're looking at a hot little Jew. And judges, today I want to give you a hot little Jew. Say goodbye to taco. Hello to the latko. (lighthearted upbeat music continues) The latke taco. It's the entire Jewish deli inside a single taco bite. We got a pastrami on rye with some coleslaw, little latke bits to give you that crunch of potato, and of course, would not be a Jewish deli without some pickles. - What was your tortilla out of? Is it flour or corn? - Let's talk about it. - Okay. (everyone laughing) - So you've got, I wanted to do a rye taco 'cause pastrami on rye. Turns out rye's a little (beep) tricky bitch. It don't work. So with like, what? 30 minutes to go, I said, "Screw my dough," and I frantically remade new flour dough from scratch, and that's what you got there. I did add some caraway powder to hopefully give it that taste of rye. - [Brianna] It actually kind of looks like a barbecue taco from here. - [Kwesi] Tortilla, I could feel the beautiful homemade dust. - Oh wow. - The smell smells divine. You know. - Some old testament shit. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. - Opening and closing a tortilla is a test of the tortilla. Is it pliable? Is it gonna crack? And it is. I mean it's tearing a little bit but not- - Mine's tearing. - Oh yeah, this one's doing great. - Mine's a little dry. - This one's doing better. - I'm not afraid of dry. (everyone laughing) (playful music) I like dry more than wet substances. - I've heard. And you know what, Kwesi? I had you in mind. - Yeah, yeah, thank you. Yeah and with no cheese too, I'm a fan. - You know, there's some serrano in the coleslaw so hopefully giving it a little kick. I have some golden raisins in there to give a little bright sweetness. The vinegar. - This is amazing. This is really, freaking good man. Holy shit. - Why do I love this coleslaw? This is really delicious. - The haim. - This is out of control. It's like next level good. The dryness is everything for me. (everyone laughing) - This tastes so good. I'm shocked. Shocked. - Same. - I might wanna put this on the menu. - No, okay. - It's so good. - Whoa. - Whoa. - Holy shit (inaudible). - [Rosanna] Hot little Jew Taco. I love it! - Judges, is it a taco? - This is a taco. - Is it a latko? - I think so. - It's a latko, yep. - I think it is. - Judges, the haim. - [Judges] Haim. - Mazal tov. (waves crashing) (tense music) - Okay guys, when I first started trying to learn how to make tortillas before I opened my restaurant, I was awful. And I kept trying, like, "Why am I so bad at this?" But I kept practicing, I put on the music that my family used to play. I put a picture of my grandma in the kitchen, I channeled her spirit, and I had a recipe. And you guys, as far as I know, don't have that running through your veins, that history, that culture, that connection or a recipe, and you were still able to pull off some pretty good tortillas today. So I just wanna say I was really impressed, and hats off to y'all. - Thank you. - Thank you. - All of you, great job. But there has to be a fourth, right? This taco was a lot on the plate. Creative but confusing. Bless the Lord. Eugene, you're number four. - Aw, hell. (everyone laughing) Judges, I understand. I only got one on the plate. It makes sense. But I'm gonna come back next episode, Ro. Good Eugene's gonna come back. I'm gonna make you proud. - Okay. - I'm gonna make you so (beep) proud. - In third place was a taco that fused two cultures. A fusion. - That's all of us. - (beep) It was delicious and it came down to the tortilla. Congratulations, you've got third place. It was a great taco though. (turkey gobbling) A great taco. - Only one holiday can win. - [Brianna] Okay, so we have two amazing tacos. It was the Thanksgiving taco and the latke taco. - The hot little Jew. - [Brianna] The hot little Jew. The turkey was cooked perfectly. I really appreciated all that went into seasoning everything so well. The latke taco was also really well done, the tortilla was great. I loved the flour dust, I loved the size and the flavor. It's the one that we all wanted to keep eating. So for that reason, we chose the latke taco as the winner. (all cheering) - Zach Sweep begins! The preseason's over, baby! Zach Sweep begins now! I'm never losing again for the rest of, "Without a Recipe," history. I'm gonna win every single episode! I'm never gonna die. - Zach gets one win and he just goes bananas! - Mark my words, I will never lose another episode of, "Without a Recipe," for as long as I live. - Probably Judaism deserves a win more than colonialism. (everyone laughing) - So, I'm gonna aside with the judges on this one. - So if you like missionary, check out our live season finale. You can go to to get your tickets now to watch the live season finale, which is churros. - Go there now, get some tickets, and vote for me 'cause you can vote for the winner. - [Narrator] Next time on, "Without a Recipe." Boba. (dramatic music) - Oh god. - What? Look, it's all about technique. - [Eugene] Boba's basically kind of like dough. - The drink is bad. - How does this? - Oh, give it to me! - I honestly thought coming into this that there would be some that are like, drinkable. (dramatic music fades)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 4,390,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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