Will GREEN PEAS TOFU? | Mary's Test Kitchen

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can Green Split Peas tofu well hello there my friends and not yet friends welcome back to Mary's Test Kitchen where we already know that yellow split peas can turn into high protein low carb tofu that tastes great but will color make a difference and will green food be worth making well that's what we'll find out on this episode of will it tofu the series where I'm using a traditional method of making tofu and applying it to non-traditional ingredients we've had some good some bad and some well just interesting results so far which category will split green peas fall into keep watching to find out as usual I'm starting with one pound or 454 grams of our dried ingredient of the day I bought these for about 250 Canadian per pound and with today's exchange rate that's about about 90 American but I found the prices varied quite a lot store to store regardless if these can make good tofu it'll be well worth it and conveniently because the peas are split a relatively short hot soap using just boiled water should plump them up in as little as four hours as opposed to the usual overnight soaking using cold water inconveniently though I'm on crutches and it didn't occur to me how little walking and standing and bending I could handle on this day and because this is a one-woman show these actually went into the fridge for two days until I was well enough to finish making this Tofu for you in one day or so I thought anywhoes it's not that bright beautiful green anymore but I still expect a beautiful tofu out of these first we must remove the water and for posterity measure how much water the peas actually absorbed [Music] curiosity stated for now will blend with water as usual I'm just using half of the peas right now and then adding about double the amount of water blending for 30 seconds [Music] and then straining the puree through my favorite nut milk bag as usual I'm going to leave some links for my favorite products in the description box in case you want to check them out these are my tried vetted very reliable been using them for years products this female is I would say a little bit harder to strain than the previous batch of yellow split pea milk the difference is so slight so that I don't really know if it is my perception of that day or not regardless I would say just a little bit tougher than regular soybean milk to push through the milk bag which I expect because of that starch content that is in the peas whereas regular soybeans do not have very much starch at all it takes me quite a while to get this completely through and my pulp as dry as I can possibly get it afterwards your pulp is going to look like this you want to see that there's no chunky bits you want to see that the particles are quite consistent it will be clumpy but not like super wet and Soggy this is actually quite crumbly and it's actually reminding me of this cookie I used to have as a kid it's called the direct translation for this cookie is called Blind Man's cookie I think it's like this kind of crumbly cookie I don't know how to explain it um I might try to make that for you with this pulp as always if you have any suggestions for what we should do with this fiber let me know in the comments below otherwise I'm going to put it away for now because we need to blend the second half of these peas just the same way [Music] foreign [Music] usually I let the milk sit for 40 minutes to let the starch sink to the bottom and we can separate the protein Rich milk but I need it to sit for the rest of the day which is why this bowl is chilled it's actually built in the fridge overnight the starch layer has not gotten noticeably deeper though but we do have this upper layer separation creamier in the middle watery on top so I became curious what does this mean does the creamier layer have more protein is the top layer just mainly water we shall have to separate them to find out [Music] um okay we're gonna try we're just going to try it like that [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] look at all that starch you can save it to use instead of cornstarch in your cooking or let the kids play with it or you can I don't judge [Music] before we get to cooking our first watery layer I've prepared a coagulant mixture it's one cup of room temp water with a tablespoon of calcium sulfate that's enough for two one pound batches so it's more than we need but you all know I like to have extra on hand just in case before we before get started actually I want to just see how much milk we have here so just quickly so this is the top layer of milk starch 899 grams mils grams they're going to be the same thing when we're just measuring liquid generally the heat is on high and then we're just going to stir this might take a little bit because this milk has been in the fridge for a day so it's chilled now oh I need to get my thermometer we're at 23 degrees Celsius which is 75 degrees Fahrenheit as usual I'm just stirring so that the protein doesn't get stuck on the bottom there's not much scent it's kind of fresh kind of springy well it smells like um you know if you have those green snap peas that you put in your salad I really love basically just smells like that if you went and snapped one that's this smells like at the moment so I plan to take this to a simmer and then I'll simmer it for 10 minutes on a kind of a low simmer not like a full rolling boil and that's just to cook the Pea milk thoroughly and then it will give it a taste test after that it's tucked away for like a second I swear okay it's been 10 minutes nothing is burned at the bottom thank goodness but also that gives me the idea that maybe there's not very much protein in here because I expect that it's like the protein that makes Milk burn at the bottom and stick to the sides you know what I mean that's what I think any hoosies let's stop speculating let's take the pic of take the picture let's check the temperature that's good anyways now it's really smelling like green pea soup but also kind of chalky like what does chalk smell like I thought chalk doesn't smell like anything but the impression I'm getting so let's go ahead and do a little taste test it's beautiful milky greenish yellowish green pea milk oh it has a wonderful Savory flavor I would like to just have this as like soup yeah it's actually really nice like I don't even have to add salt it tastes really good by itself it tastes like green pea soup but without the thickness it's like a light broth it's really nice I really like it but we're gonna try to turn this into tofu so let's see the temperature 69 location I'm going to put in a quarter of it because I usually do half for a whole batch [Music] yeah that's about a quarter sure sure [Music] dot that spinning action oh you can already see see those little curves do you see that little but all those cards forming okay and cover this chip quick count to 140. so the equivalent actually probably well it did it took the temperature down like 20 degrees so I'm just going to cover it and wait 10 minutes for now we'll see what happens and then later we'll doctor it if need be all right moment of truth [Music] I don't know I don't know why I love to take the temperature but um I do and this is what it is all right let's see a quote loaster look closer this is promising I mean come on look at it I mean could that be separation clear way look at it it's clear nice I like I like oh my God this looks really promising okay I'm going to get a um slotted spoon and my tofu press ready spoon any milkiness do we need to I don't see any milkiness do you yeah guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys are you seeing this if you're as excited as me tell me in the comments it's not the amount of cards it's not so much carefully gather this up I think so there's not a lot of curds which might be expected since we don't have all the milk here I expect some good amount of protein in the other layer of milk fold over the cloth all right time for the way taste test looking pretty good right nice and clear it probably has the sugar content or some of the sugar content of the peas dissolved in here but I never have a problem tasting this way so I'm gonna go for it hmm even by itself no cell no nothing it tastes good it tastes like vegetable broth oh it's a little plain for a vegetable broth but like you know just add a little bit of this and that and yeah it's it's some of it went down the wrong way other than that it's really good so I'm gonna go ahead and save this for later we have 503 milliliters and I'm Gonna Save this in the fridge for later maybe tonight's dinner we'll find out I'm gonna put this in the fridge to chill and then let's get on with the milk layer number two it's actually been a few days because well filming is hard on crutches all right this is the second layer of the tea milk and because it's been sitting for quite a long time I can see that there is some kind of layer on the bottom oh it's kind of soft oh question is should I try to separate it I'm not going to I don't think I'm going to be able to get very much a liquid out of this pot if I separate it [Music] and we have this like it's thick goopy decision decisions decisions I kind of feel like I should have asked you guys before continuing but like how could I get your feedback in time I do not come here to make decisions this morning here but I am going to do what I was going to do originally and that's just take the whole second layer and try to coagulate that I'm gonna mix it up and then I'm gonna put it on the stove just thank you oh yeah we have the simmer it's happening for all the people who like say worked at Celsius so the rest of the world didn't understand um you'll have Google so here in Canada we use both in cooking we're generally using Fahrenheit but for basically everything else we're using Celsius like for our for the weather we're usually thinking and speaking to each other in Celsius but for cooking for some reason we're often conversing using Fahrenheit just with just it's only half it's kind of simmer oh it's starting to form the skin it's going to stir it so that it dissolves back in once you stir up the equivalent or just a quarter cup [Music] all right yeah there we go okay so this is promising we're seeing some thickening can you see those tiny curds in there so that's good all right I'm just gonna put the lid on and wait 15 minutes and hope for the best and we're back all right see what this looks like it doesn't move have we made soaking tofu foreign it's like we have solid tofu already this is like Silk and tofu oh well you know how green peas have a texture to them that's not quite that but it has sort of that kind of powdery characteristic to it could use this as soft tofu like tofu pudding anyways We're not gonna do that though we're going to actually put it in a press so we'll just close up [Music] which there's not that much the other layer had way more way so that is a huge difference I guess this layer actually had most of the protein more of the protein anyways less water more protein so let's go in for the Whey taste test yeah I feel like it tastes like the same as last one sweet and delicious definitely ready to be in your NYX broth like I think you could just put a little bit of miso in there tofu that'll make a really nice misutsu maybe that's what we're gonna do with this I'm gonna put this guy in the fridge to cool completely and then when it does when it is completely chilled we'll see how both of our pea Foods come out [Music] foreign [Music] on the left we have the first tofu we made the one from the watery top layer of milk on the right we have the second tofu made from the thicker creamier layer of milk side by side you can immediately see the color difference just go for it [Music] yeah that tastes like peas it tastes like peas it feels like peas this one is more the tofu texture it has a bouncer quality to it has more flavor and this one has more Mild flavors less tofu like more like the inside of a pea what can I say and I like green peas so these taste good to me it looks like we have 90 grams of tofu from the watering milk layer and 110 grams from the creamier layer for a total of 200 grams of green pea tofu but is it worth it [Music] so compare that to regular extra firm tofu it's looking a little bit pricier and of course a lot more effort still it's such a unique food I think it's worth trying what do you think I'll leave it at that for now but next I'm gonna properly make green pea tofu with the whole milk undivided because that will be our most fair comparison to Soy tofu and the other soy free tofus we've made in this series so far thank you so much for watching this vloggier edition of willit tofu I'm much better now so no need for crutches or cane in the next videos therefore they should be my more regular Style please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe for more tofu Adventures here on Mary's Test Kitchen bye for now
Channel: Mary's Test Kitchen
Views: 23,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marystestkitchen, vegan food, vegetarian food, vegan cooking, vegan recipes, vegan comfort food, asian, chinese, canadian, green pea tofu, peafu, green peafu, tofu from peas, tofu from green peas, soyfree tofu, greenfu, soy free tofu, vegan protein, pea protein
Id: 0ewWGU6hfhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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