The Try Guys Make Illusion Cakes Without A Recipe

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- It all comes down to this. - The hardest, toughest thing that we've ever tried to bake in our kitchen. - Cancel all my afternoon appointments! God, this is so hard. - [Keith] We're making illusion cakes. Okay. - This is the worst (bleeps) I've ever tasted. (Zach laughs) - Here we go. The stupidest bake in this show's history. - [Keith] One of the greatest art pieces I have done. - Oh, my God! - Is it cake, or are you just happy to see me? Last episode before the live finale. - [Jonny] Real art and sculpture. - I'm really scared. - It's awesome. - Okay. - This is not a beginner's baking art form. (bell dings) (intense music) - [Zach] No more big episodes, this is our last one. Next year, we're making bologna sandwiches. (exciting music) That's right, you get to watch the finale live, live, live. The show where we have no recipe, no clue, and no help. (exciting orchestral music) - [Narrator] The Try Guys are back in the test kitchen for the penultimate episode of "Without a Recipe." - Let's just go for it. I'm gonna ruin all this. - [Narrator] Today's challenge is their hardest one yet: illusion cakes. - I've made cake before, Rachel, I think I know what to do. - [Narrator] Will they fake it til they make it? - Oh, boy, oh, boy, I hate today. - [Narrator] Or will the judges once again say (bleeps) you. - Oh, my God. - [Narrator] Over the course of two days, each guy will bake, construct, and decorate their cakes and present it to our panel of judges. - Welcome to the judging of illusion cakes. Hey, everyone, it's Rosanna Pansino. I host one of the most popular baking shows on the internet. - Hi, I'm Monika Stout and I am the lead cake artist on some of your favorite cake shows like "Is It Cake?" and "Nailed It." - I gotta check those shows out. Hey, I'm Jonny Cakes, and I am a hyper-realistic cake artist and not a doctor or a lawyer, as my mom and dad wanted me to be. (all giggle) (soft music) An illusion cake is a cake that looks like something completely different. It may be an inanimate object, a hand, a person, a purse. It could be anything. The point is you fool whoever it is you're giving this cake to into thinking it's not a cake. Which why give someone a cake and do that? I don't know. But we do it. Illusion cakes are difficult because not only do you have to be a baker, you have to be an artist. You have to sculpt, cover, mold, and paint using edible food items. Making an illusion cake is really difficult. I'm a professional, and even I use recipes. I do think illusion cakes can look beautiful and taste amazing. Baking is a science, there's so many little details. If I was giving advice for somebody trying to make this cake without a recipe, I would say good luck, it's a noble goal, choose something simple. If The Try Guys can pull this off, then I honestly think this might be their most impressive feat to date. - An illusion cake is a trick played by the devil. - What's an illusion cake? Who knows, it's an illusion. Oh, that Coke bottle was actually a cake! Wow, that doorknob was a cake. Whoa, my sister, she's a cake. I'm not great at making cakes on the show. However, every cake I've ever made has been sturdy. - This is my last chance to win a cake challenge. I've lost every cake challenge. - It's just like Eugene's. - Are you (bleeps) out of your mind! I lost "Without a Recipe" cake, and now I have lost "Without a Recipe" ice cream cake! I haven't won a single cake challenge. I think I've gotten fourth on every cake challenge we've done. - We don't have a great history of cakes here at team Try Guys. - The texture's unbelievable. - Thank you. - No, not good unbelievable. - Somehow they continue to vex us. They should be simple, but we make it hard. (exciting orchestral music) Guys, today is the day we're doing it. We're gonna make cakes and we're gonna do it right this time. - This is the most difficult designing challenge and construction since we did gingerbread houses. (rooster crows) What? We don't cut that in, editors. - Okay. - [Rachel] Three. Two. - Two. One. Whoa! - Let's go! Yeah! Mua! Mua! Mua! - We want the light, the fine, the fancy flour. - Oh, but you know what, Keith? Maybe we don't. Maybe we don't. - Oh, you're right! - Because we're making structured cakes. - The internet loves illusion cakes. And you know what else the internet loves? Feet. (Rachel laughs) I will make a foot for everyone to feast upon. Yes, I am hoping to build this to the exact scale of my foot. I'm the most popular Try Guy on Wikifeet. My feet has the most pictures, the highest ratings, people love my feet. Those people who love the feet, let 'em have it. It's all yours. - Okay. Gonna need a lot of cake. I think my idea might be the toughest to realistically create out of cake because, drum roll, please, Good Eugene, ah. Good Eugene is doing the nicest thing someone can do for someone else, which is create a self-portrait of their head. Yep, Jonny Cakes, our special judge, I'm going to try to make his face out of cake. And he's not gonna know, so we're gonna surprise him, so it's like all the good things for Good Eugene this episode. He is of Lebanese descent, so I'm pooling from those flavors. Strong turmeric, and then a little bit of sesame, and some orange blossom water. But I need to see references from his face from all angles. You know, Evil Eugene would probably stake out his house and then watch him sleep. But Good Eugene, I'm just gonna look at Instagram. - Soft butter, here you go. - Yeah, let's be soft boys. - Soft butter. - When me and Keith are together, it's soft boy time. For my illusion cake, I'm making a spooky book cake. It's a book cake and it's spooky. It's my book-kake. Huh? So for my book-kake, it is going to be a Necronomicon inspired Book of the Dead. So it's gonna be a spooky book. - [Rachel] What is that? What's that word mean? - It's just if you take book and cake and put it together. - [Rachel] Zach, I had to learn about this because of you. - Now, this is not just any normal book-kake. When you... (Zach laughs) (Rachel laughs) - [Rachel] Your mom's gonna watch this. (cheerful music) - [Narrator] First, the bakers will have two hours to bake their cakes. - We know how to do this. - We know... (metal clangs) - Oh, shit. (Keith laughs) - I think I'm gonna have to make five to seven cakes. Yeah, I think I know the basics for a cake. All right so, can we get the turmeric here? You know, Evil Eugene's in the past, there's nothing that can go wrong with trying to replicate someone's head out of a cake. - So to start an illusion cake, you need a cake. I start by sifting together my dry ingredients. Two and a half cups of flour, two and a half teaspoons of baking powder, and salt. - Flour, salt, baking soda, and then turmeric. - Four cups of flour. We're gonna add a bunch of cocoa powder and baking soda. - I think you use baking soda and baking... - I think you do too. - No baking soda. Why? Baking soda requires an acid to make it come alive. - Look at this, there's, like, little crack rocks of baking soda in here. That's fun. - There you go, Zach. - Oh, thank you, Keith. Tablespoon or teaspoon? - Tables. - The point of baking soda and baking powder is you don't taste it. We want it to be delicious. If you're not measuring the two and a half teaspoons of baking powder or baking soda, you have a really good chance it's gonna go from, like, doing its job to adding a nasty, rancid flavor to the cake. - Look at me and Keith, we're such diligent little Dilberts. - [Keith] Mm-hmm. - Did we just crush it? - I mean, it's going well so far. - Then we're gonna start working on our wet ingredients. The first step for the wet ingredients is creaming the butter and sugar. - Time to cream the sugar. - [Keith] Mm. - Cream the sugar. I actually improved my cake skills. I've learned. - What this does is it creates a lovely, light, airy texture, which is going to make for a lovely, light, airy cake. - This looks creamier than it usually does. Oh, well. - So I'm gonna add four eggs, two at a time at this point. - I know it's not too many eggs, so I think I'm gonna do, like, four, five, six, 18 eggs. - I'm gonna go with four. - You definitely wanna be careful with how much liquid you add to an illusion cake. - Why does mine look just awful? - You don't want a soft, wet cake. - We're adding it slowly. - How come you're using the heavy whipping cream? - [Keith] I'm making a chocolate cake, it should be rich. Is this one of those old-timey cameras? Oh, I love these home videos. Zach, wave! (piano music) (Keith laughs) You gotta look at it. Yeah, yeah. - Wow. - Right? It feels like an old-timey camera. - Oh, my butter! - Oh, yeah, the butter! (Zach laughs) Oh, wow, it's really going. - The one thing I do without a recipe is add vanilla extract just 'cause I like a really powerful vanilla flavor. - I'm doing a turmeric orange blossom rosewater sesame. Because he's Lebanese. You know, when you taste yourself, you wanna taste like your parents. - You don't want your cakes to taste like your grandma. Extracts are a funny thing. They're really, really potent and it's super easy to use too much of an extract. - [Eugene] Oh, that smells like a garden. - A floral extract or even, like, a lemon extract can really be overpowering and take away from the taste of the entire cake. - It smells like flowers. Delicious. Okay. Like my mom used to say, when you're making a face, you want hard flesh. - All right so, now it's time to marry the wet and dry ingredients and I'm gonna put half in. Again, we are adding everything slowly because we don't want to deflate this mixture. - I really thought I was crushing cake this year, and I'm less confident than ever before. Oh, boy, oh, boy, where's my milk? - Liquid gel food color. Let's start with four drops. Like, bloody a little bit, you know? It should be a bloody foot. - [Zach] It looks like red velvet, I think. - [Keith] But it doesn't even look like it's chocolatey enough. This will make it chocolatey. It's going in the batter itself. Free the foot. I don't care if people get off to my feet. - [Zach] Just let 'em have a foot! - I'm not using them. (Zach giggles) - So I had this vision of you cut into the Book of the Dead and you get surprised with this ooey gooey cookie layer. I'm calling it my ookie cookie 'cause it's icky. No other reason. - Zach's making a cookie with cum all over it. (Keith laughs) - I would not fill an illusion cake with soft fillings like a fruit filling or a jam filling. - Now, there's nothing spookier than chunks of fruit. - [Keith] You're picking straight raspberries in there? - [Zach] Is that bad? - [Keith] I just never seen anything like it. - Let me just take a sip from my Zach vagina mug. You know, I found multiple of these at Goodwill. (Rachel laughs) - And that means you've made it, and lost it. (Zach laughs) - What scares me about the Try Guys not using a recipe is that baking is a science. - The one thing I've learned is don't overmix your cake batter. From four previous seasons of "Without a Recipe," I know how to make cakes now, I think. Nice and pretty like a rainbow. - I've watched enough baking shows where people forget one step and it just doesn't work and you waste a bunch of time. - I'm a turmeric boy, a turmeric boy making really good cakes. Oh, my God, I forgot eggs in a couple... I forgot eggs in all of them. (intense music) I forgot eggs in everything. No! Goddammit. Shit. Dang it! I have to redo all this shit. How much time do we have? - [Rachel] 10 hours, 20 minutes. - (bleeps) me. - (bleeps) this isn't enough, this isn't even close to enough, Keith. This is, like, not even enough for one book. You can't have a book-kake by yourself. It takes a village. - You never wanna fill your cake pans more than halfway. First of all, it would take way too long to bake and it will maybe overflow. - Okay, I'm putting my first one in the oven. - Do we have a really big bowl? So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna whip 12 eggs. (Eugene laughs) Back to square one, baby. We're going full circle, Eugene puts 12 eggs the first cake episode. Last cake episode, I forgot all the eggs. And then I'm just gonna remix all this together. - Oh, your cake's looking like it's rising or you filled the (bleeps) out of that thing. - Both. Yeah, I kind of forgot that it rises. - Can we do a foot photoshoot while you're making the cake? I got thick ankles, huh? - Got that one, that one's nice. - 10! 11. 12. - Maybe I should position my toes so they're as spaced as possible. Oh, that one's a good shot. - My cake is overflowing. My cake is overflowing, it's gonna cometh over. - [Keith] Look at the hourglass shape of my toes. Dude, ugh, look at that stress. - This is not my day. - So we have made this lovely, light creamed butter and sugar and if I were to add all the eggs at once, it would deflate all the air we just put in. - Gonna go ahead and pour just a little bit in there. The butter's not even incorporated. Oh! - Take a look here. That's sort of like a muscly green ball that is on the outside of my feet. I don't know if that's normal. But... (Keith laughs) - If you can do this and it, like, jiggles too much, you got a problem. - [Zach] It looks like a frittata. Oh, yeah, that's... (Keith laughs) - [Keith] Soup. - Here we go. Careful! All right, let's go, we gotta go outside. - Sesame seeds, okay. Here I go, I'm gonna do two at a time. Let's go. - Oh, boy. - I feel good. I mean, I have the materials to make a lot of cake, I just don't know how it's gonna taste 'cause I think I threw a lot of turmeric in it. - There we frickin' go. All right, open it one last time. - A couple of them could use more time, but this one, that's done. - Oh, the convection has just sort of blown your aluminum foil off the cake. - [Zach] Okay, here's what you do. You do a long piece. - [Keith] Is that one long enough? (Eugene sighs) - I didn't know turmeric turned red when you put half a pound of it into a cake. (Eugene laughs) (exciting orchestral music) - [Narrator] It's day two. After leaving their cakes in the freezer overnight... - I found my berries. (Zach laughs) - [Keith] Where are your berries? - [Zach] There they are! - [Keith] There they are! - And they're black. - Well... - That's confusing. - Yeah, it's frosting, it's not mold, don't worry. - I think that could be the raspberry bleeding out into the batter. Mold actually has a different appearance. - [Narrator] And after making their icing... - Powdered sugar, butter, I'm also gonna had some tahini just to keep it in the Middle Eastern flavor profile. - [Narrator] It's finally time to build and decorate their illusions. - I hope you know that the harder this is, the less funny I'm gonna be. - So when I build illusion cakes, I always have a template to go off of. - I'll need that paper and pen over here. Time to wash the feet. I gotta wash that feet so I can trace my feet so I can use my tracer on the cake. Feet are the forgotten hands. - I'm thinking that my book is gonna be smaller than I initially thought. It's gonna be inspired by the Book of the Dead, it's gonna be oh-so spooky. - Let's start constructing! I wanna make sure it makes a statement. You don't want, like, a tiny little head cake. I could make out with this. - If you can't have the object with you, just have a photo. - Now, I've pulled a lot of reference photos of my model from different angles. Obviously there's some from the front, some that probably he's not so happy that we printed out. - It's even better if you can have the real object on hand. You can really get an idea for depth, scale, size. - Can I borrow a white guy with five o'clock shadow with glasses, please? (Rachel laughs) (soft orchestral music) And look, angle towards me. I assume you guys have about the same head width. As long as I make an attractive version of Jonny. - [Rachel] Eugene, this is some serial killer shit. - [Eugene] Less wide on the scalp here. I feel like I'm giving a haircut. - So I felt up this pinata and figured out that he's this shape. - Just imagining my boyfriend's head. I want this to be so beautiful, it's just gonna come to life. The nose is back. Wow. Heads are much longer in depth than you think. - Thank you. (crew laughs) - So we're gonna take my template and then just sort of carve around, slightly smaller than my template. - I'm gonna cut the soles of my feet out. Look at that (bleeps) beautiful ass sole! Put them on this, and the put the cake on that, and then frost. I'm gonna build it on the finishing platter. I'm just starting to do feet and if one breaks, I'll put my best foot forward! The new competition cooking show where everyone makes feet! - So my backup plan here is to make a Rice Krispie treat and let that be part of a base. I've never done this before. Now, do you think you just throw marshmallows in? Get you in there before you can do any more damage. That seems sort of like a Rice Krispie treat. - Rice Krispie treat is really good for structure, like legs to hold the weight of the cake. - [Zach] I don't really know how I'm gonna get to this design, but I do know at one point I want my ookie cookie and an ookie cookie needs some juice. So we've got lime juice and sugar and I'm not really sure if I'm gonna put anything else in there. I'd say that my real unspoken theme this season is goo. Yeah, we're gonna (bleeps) win, bitch. - So we're going for an even and flat layer of ganache. This is called a crumb coat. - This layer of frosting is called the viscera. The nice, fleshy stuff under the skin. - So you wanna get it as smooth as possible to hide any imperfections. - Then I gotta put frosting all over the whole thing now. When you look at it, you're like wow, that's too thick, but that's what I measured and I put my foot on, like, yeah, that's what it looks like. How could it actually be that thick? - Your fondant will take on the shape of this layer of ganache. - I know you're looking at my cake and thinking, "Zach, your cook looks moldy." We consulted, it's not. It's just the raspberries bled in a horrific way. My hope is that when you cut into it, you go, "Oh, what's this ookie cookie?" (Keith laughs) - That's what you want? Oh! - [Zach] Yeah, maybe I should add green goo to every layer. Just to make sure the flavor's infused. Oh! Perfect. - So next we're gonna roll out some fondant. Fondant is technically a really thick, pliable frosting. - Now, I was thinking, like, I could probably cover both feet in this one thing of roll of fondant, right? A foot's not got that much skin. But I measured, really it's 15 (bleeps) inches of skin. - You have to knead it and you have to get it a little bit warm. - Uh oh, we got some cracks. - I know, it's okay. - [Zach] Wow. - [Keith] This'll barely, I think, cover the foot. - I don't use fondant that often because I prefer modeling chocolate. It's easier for sculpting. - This is the modeling chocolate. Why is this so crumbly? I think I'm gonna put fondant over everything. - Fondant, you kind of get one shot, and once you drape it over the cake, it kind of is what it is. (Eugene laughs) If you're creating, say, a human, there's no seams on skin. I would never put fondant straight onto cake. It's gonna look lumpy and bumpy and ugly. - [Keith] That's beautiful, Zach. That's what I wanted to happen with my foot. - [Zach] It looks like... Guys, can we rebrand to a ghost? It's a boo-kkake. - [Keith] I think you could still get away with it. It's the same title. - How is this not smooth? It should be smooth. How do I smooth this? - [Rachel] All right, three hours and five minutes. - [Eugene] Three hours and five minutes, okay. - The outside of an illusion cake is all about texture. So I've taken some wafer paper and then given them this pinata like fringe. - Oh, look at that, foot. It looks like it's a foot wearing a sock. I gotta just, right now, just open this up 'cause it wants to tear on this heel. - It's very hard to make two pieces of fondant look seamless. - [Keith] What if I cut my actual foot to match it? (Rachel laughs) - It's just so dry. Should I wet it? Is that a thing? - Fondant does not react well to water. In fact, it makes it gummy and overly sticky. - Maybe the wetting helps. Oh, it's like moisturizer. I think that actually helps. - Under absolutely no circumstances should you be dipping your fondant in water. - [Eugene] I'm starting to go into full sculpting mode, so this is gonna be the next two hours. This is so bizarre. When Michelangelo was making David, he probably didn't look so hot half the time. - Now, there's probably a way to carve this that doesn't involve electronics, but where's the fun in that? (knife whirs) - Once fondant or modeling chocolate are on the cake, you can't trim it down. You really have to be thinking about durability and structure all the time when you're making these cakes. - This is, like, an airbrush. - There's an airbrush? - All right, here goes nothing. Oh! It's yellow. Did we want that color? We got it. We like book-book. Oh, yeah. Now that there's paint on it, I realize the shape is awesome. - [Eugene] Everything's just slowly melting downward. Kind of hoping I'm not ruining the cake under this. Push up the nose, weep, weep, weep. - [Keith] Those toes are looking disturbingly good. But I do need to start making some toenails. We need a little corn syrup, a little sugar, and melt it all together. I know how to do this from when I used to make candy as a child that I sold in middle school. And I'm gonna put them in those spoons, turn them into toenails, put some toenails in the wrong spot in my dummy foot, put the toenails on the dummy foot, cover the ankle in blood, and figure out what else should be done. - In what world does this look like a (bleeps) book? (Rachel laughs) - God, it looks awful. (exciting orchestral music) My assumption is you smooth this out by just rubbing it with your wet hand. Is there, like, a smoothing tool? It's looking so bad. Oh, God, this is gonna be the worst results in "Without a Recipe" history. I just feel like as I'm doing this, the cake is drooping. - This looks nothing like a goddamn book. (all laugh) This couldn't look less like a book. It doesn't look like anything. - One thing I know is hair. - [Keith] Wow, that looks like veins. I'm gonna do this. - [Eugene] If I'm doing Jonny's face, I just need it to be a little more realistic, sorry. Oh, I'm just gonna rip it off. Oh, sorry, oh, it's all gooey. Oh, I just ruined the nose. - It's not like, oh, that's a bad book, I can't even tell you what it looks like. What can I even pretend that it is? It kind of looks like a melting toaster. Look at Rachel. She's crying. She's (bleeps) crying. She's crying because it's so good. - Should I not have worked with fondant? I'm so confused, should I just switch to the other one now? Shit, I don't know. I don't have any time. See, it's all... Even the face is falling off now. Maybe I should have done my dog. - [Jonny] I've definitely had issues with fondant coming off of my cakes. (Jonny sighs) I would panic, I would just take off the fondant and start again. - I think I'm gonna have to pivot. So we have, I think, 45 minutes left. I've been molding this for over three hours. The fondant is just not working. So I'll just redo it with what time I have left and just make a cartoon, I guess. All right. So three hours down the drain. - Illusion cakes are difficult because not only do you have to be a baker, you have to also be an artist. - I'm taking it apart. I don't actually know what fondant is, but I sure did waste a lot of it. - If I really served them a foot, it would have to have been cut off of someone's body. - All right, I think we're getting there. I think this pinata's coming to life. - My new fondant plan is pretty similar to the old fondant plan, but I'm trying to do it one piece at a time. Right, pages go through the top, don't they? - Trying to work out some real veins, give it that top of foot look. - [Zach] I have these pearls. Maybe give it, like, a nice pearl necklace. I'm adding little individual sprinkles to create the illusion of stitches. Is it possible my cake is starting to melt on me? - I am loving it. This suddenly is so cartoonishly cute and fun. - [Zach] I really am impressed with yours, Keith, I think it's exactly what you set out to make. - It's better than I ever thought I could have done. 30 minutes to go, but an artist needs to know when to step away. You know? - And I should have stepped away an hour ago. - [Narrator] With 30 minutes remaining, Keith and Zach's cakes are finished. But Eugene is running out of time to salvage his Jonny cake. - I'm not finishing, Rachel, I don't think it's gonna happen. - [Narrator] Will this finally be the first disqualification in "Without a Recipe" history? - [Eugene] Better to just have a DQ and not present. It just doesn't make sense to present this. Drape. It's just gonna look like a cartoon anyways at this point. I don't know, I'm not sure what I can make out of this. You know, one thing I did really work hard on was the shape of the head. I mean, it's a head. Could I make a fetish gear version of Jonny? What if I just made... Maybe he's just a fetish boy. Maybe he's just a fetish boy. (intense music) Fetish boy, fetish boy, fetish boy. I really wanted to be Good Eugene, but I guess you can't take the bad out of the boy. Can I get the black loaded? Maybe he's just ready to get spanked like a bad pig boy. I wanted to be Good Eugene! The only thing I could do is just turn evil. (Eugene laughs) Should I give him a ball gag? Should I make a big dildo? I can? - [Rachel] Yeah, yeah! - [Eugene] It needs spikes. Four minutes! Adorable little sub with his cute little face mask. - [Rachel] Okay, minute and a half! - Where'd the glasses go? Oh. Ugh, will they fit? Oh, my God! - [Rachel] Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Hands up, guys, hands up. (intense music) - [Eugene] See that? That's a good Evil Eugene cake. - Foot finish. Rather than a foot fetish. But it probably also is a way to, like, be able to cum on someone's foot. (cheerful Christmas music) - [Rosanna] Welcome to the judging of illusion cakes. Today we'll be judging on taste, creativity, presentation, and is it an illusion cake? Am I seeing an illusion, or is it real? - [Jonny] I like when an illusion cake has maybe a texture that looks inedible. - [Rosanna] I don't like a dry cake, so light and fluffy, not dry, and I really am gonna be looking at structural integrity. - [Monika] They can be gravity-defying, something that looks like it could not possibly stand. I wanna see something that I'm not gonna believe it's a cake. (soft music) - [Zach] Judges! book-kake. (judges giggle) I made a spooky book, a book cake, a book-kake. What you're about to see is a book unlike any you've ever seen, not just any book, a spooky book, the Book of the Dead, the Necronomicon itself. And inside, crazy ghost goo's flying abound, and you cut inside, you might find yourself with a little ookie cookie. Judges, I think you maybe should close your eyes. - [Monika] I'm a little scared now. - [Rosanna] I'm really scared! - [Jonny] Do you know what bukkake is? - [Rosanna] No. - [Monika] I don't get out a lot. (exciting Christmas music) - [Zach] Judges, feast your eyes! - Oh. - Whoa! (Monika laughs) - [Monika] Is that, it looks like raw hamburger? (thunder rumbles) - And to really complete the illusion, you guys have syringes of ghost goo and you can kind of make it fly over the cake. All together now. (judges laugh) Three... (judges laugh) - Okay. - Do you just shoot it at the cake? - Yeah, all together now, three, two, one. - Oh! - Oh! I'm so sorry! - [Monika] Wow. - [Jonny] Sorry, mom. (exciting music) Do you know what bukkake is? - No. - I think, from what I've heard, I've never seen it, but... - [Rosanna] Is it a sex thing? - [Jonny] Yeah. - Is it water play? - One (bleeps), and a bunch of (bleeps) standing... - Around them? Oh, my God! - My little cousins watch this show. - [Rosanna] Oh, my God! - I am aghast. I had no, why did you guys not tell me that? - Do you have to do it at the same time? - I think you... - Typically. - I don't know if you can control if it's at the exact same time. He also soggy waffle or ookie cookie? - [Rosanna] I like that I need details. I'm, like, I learn something new every time I come here. - And you'll see it's wearing a beautiful pearl necklace because even though this is an evil book, it's still classy. - So a pearl necklace... (judges laugh) - I got that one. - Oh, you know it? - I know that one. - I don't know, I mean, I felt like the perv here today, but okay. - So let's talk about presentation. - Zach, what's the cake plate for? - It started to fall. And so, we saved it. - [Jonny] You put the more impressive thing on the back of this cake. - Oh, let's see. - Which, like, that looks maybe like a graveyard. It looks like something coming out of the ground, which gives us movement, and that's fun. - [Zach] Yeah. I mean, I'll tell you what, you look at this, don't look like no cake to me. - Oh, it doesn't look like a cake. I just am not getting book. Like, you had to tell me it was book. - Hmm, do you read much? (Jonny chuckles) - Good point. Touche. - [Monika] Yes. - But I know what a (bleeps) book looks like, Zach. (all laugh) - This is a tall cake. - [Zach] You found the cookie. - Oh. - The ookie cookie, yep. - [Rosanna] This is hysterical, this is a really funny thing. - [Zach] Yeah! - Wow! - [Rosanna] Okay, how thick is that cookie? - [Monika] This is a little scary. - This is a scary cake, Zach. - As it should be. - [Monika] Oh, my gosh. - This cookie is so tough. - [Zach] Take a bite, Jonny. - Zach, this cookie is out of control. (Zach laughs) - Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, my God, I can't wait for you to eat it. - [Monika] Why, you want me to eat this? Okay, I'm coming. - Don't tell me, I'm gonna try it all right now. Here goes nothing. - Wait for it. Zach, it tastes like, I'm not being funny, it tastes like dish soap. Like, it tastes like soap. - [Monika] What is that? What is that? - [Jonny] I don't know. Is there dish soap in this? - Not intentionally! - [Monika] What is that? - What is that? - What is on my palette? What's going on there? - [Monika] Oh, my God. It hits you right at the end. - Mm-hmm. - [Keith] What is it? - My esteemed colleague here is assuming, perhaps, that there might be just a little bit too much baking soda, baking powder, which has given it a chemically taste and turned the raspberries. - Oh, the raspberries, because the baking powder. - Yes, 'cause it tastes like toothpaste with the baking soda added. - [Monika] Yes. - Okay, remember when Donald Trump was president. (Zach laughs) And every day he'd say something and you'd go, "There's no way he could say something crazier. He could not stoop to a lower level." That's how I felt about your baking. You have managed to outdo yourself, stoop to the lowest level, this is the worst (bleeps) shit I've ever tasted. (all laugh) And no! No, it's good! It's good because you should have seen some of the things I've tasted that you have made. This is the worst thing I've ever tasted and it's impressive. Yeah, it's really terrible. Like, I had to spit it out. It tastes like dish soap, toothpaste. - [Monika] Chemicals do funny things when they bake. - [Rosanna] What's the green? 'Cause it tastes terrible with the cookie. I mean, maybe it's fine on its own, but... - [Monika] What is it? - The combination is awful. It's the chocolate chip cookie with this piece of green thing and it's terrible. - That's lime goo. Lime goo. - Oh, oh, lime goo. - Of course, yes. - Like you pick up at the grocery store. - [Monika] I got my jar of lime goo. - Lime goo! (Rosanna laughs) - [Jonny] I'm not kidding, like, I'm actually so impressed, I've never tasted anything worse. It smells like fish. - [Monika] When you eat it. - [Jonny] Creativity. Let's give some points. - Well, this was very creative. - Yes. - I've never spurted on a cake before. - Well, that makes one of us. (all laugh) - Judges, is it an illusion cake? - Yeah, it's not a cake. - [Jonny] Right. - It's the illusion that it was a cake, but it's not really, yeah. - Zach, I didn't know what it was. - Right. I'm so grateful my smell and taste came back from when I had COVID, but this... (Rosanna laughs) This would have been better three months ago, yeah. - Oh, my tongue is tingling. - No, Zach, honest to God, like, I'm actually impressed. - Thank you, judges. (exciting orchestral music) - [Keith] Judges. I had made the most magnificent illusion cake for you and as I carried it through the forest, on my way to the judging table, ow, ow, ow! Oh, no! I've stepped into a bear trap and I've, oh, dropped my cake. With nothing left to serve you, the only option was to grab my foot out of that bear trap and put it on a platter and hope that it passed for cake. I would like to present to you my left foot. (judges laugh) (exciting orchestral music) - Wow! - [Monika] Okay. I gotta say. - [Jonny] I mean, the skin texture. - [Monika] I know, it's awesome. - This is so cool. - [Monika] Yeah, the wrinkles on the toes where the joints are and in between. It's really, really well done. And the sculpture, the shape is perfect. It just looks like skin. - Look at the detailing on the skin. What did you use on that? - I would take a little edible ink pen and paint over it and then take water and immediately try to remove as much as I could so it was faint. - [Jonny] It looks like skin and I know how hard, like, texture is, especially skin or hair or anything. The one thing I would say is the bottom of the foot is giving cake. Right, like, it's giving cake. - Oh, yeah, I sprayed a little bit of airbrushing to try to give more shading. - And actually, that does give, right there, if you look from far away, it gives the illusion of that you can see a shadow underneath. - Yeah. - Do you wanna see my real foot? - Okay. (judges laugh) - My foot. - Okay so, very sanitary situation. - Same size. - [Keith] I'm gonna keep it away from the foot. - [Monika] You're not as veiny, but... - When I'm dehydrated though. - Okay. - [Jonny] Wait, look at, like, the color gradient there. - [Monika] Yeah. Is this in the gelatin, the color, or is it underneath it? - [Keith] It's painted underneath it. - [Zach] Which one are you gonna cut into? - Well, which one's cake? (judges laugh) - Which one's the cake? - Keith has the highest Wikifeet rating of all of us, so. - It's obvious why. - So you have, like, people out there who, like, are really envious of me right now 'cause I'm about to eat your foot? - [Keith] Yeah. - [Monika] Okay. - Sorry, ladies. Okay, here we go, ready? - [Keith] Yeah. - Is it like a voodoo doll, will it hurt you? (intense music) - [Keith] Ow, ow, ooh! - [Jonny] Wow, that feels weird to do. - Oh, my God! - I know. - Oh, gosh, I can't. - [Jonny] Oh, wow, it's gross. - [Rosanna] He's, like, jiggling them and I'm like... - [Keith] Oh, can you pick it up and see if it's got a sole? - [Rosanna] It's great. That's great. - [Monika] Yeah. - [Zach] Now, everyone is welcome to eat cake, but I think someone should suck on the toes. (Monika laughs) - I'll suck, listen, at this point. (all laugh) (Keith laughs) - [Keith] Yeah! It's a big piece of sugar glass. (intense music) - That's a pretty tasty foot. (cheerful orchestral music) - Keith, it's a good-tasting cake, and again, it's dense, lots of moisture. - [Jonny] That's a good cake. - [Rosanna] It's a good-tasting cake. - [Monika] Yeah, it is a good-tasting cake. Your buttercream, I think, absorbed into the cake a bit, but I'm not missing it. - It's moist. - Yeah. - It's got levity to it. - Wow. - [Jonny] I'm not sure what flavor it is. You know, it's not too chocolatey, there's a chemically aftertaste, but then again, you know, I'm eating a foot. - Yeah, I think the dye's pulling the chocolate flavor away. But, I mean, it's not bad. - [Rosanna] And one of the problems I have with red food dye is that you have to add so much of it for it not to be pink. So that does affect flavor. - Yeah. Judges, is it an illusion cake? - 100%. - [Jonny] I would say that this is definitely an illusion cake. Would I think that that was a real foot, if I had it served to me? Maybe not. But it actually looks just as good as one of those, like, Halloween decorations you'd put on your lawn. - And it's the details. The wrinkles, the varicose veins. I mean, look at the top. - Easily the best cake I have ever made on this show. Easily. - I'm very impressed. - I love it. - Yeah. - Thank you, judges. (intense music) - [Eugene] Judges, seems like we took a little bit of a dark turn and we gotta bring it back to the light. Now, Evil Eugene, he's in the past. It's been a season of good. Righteousness, sweetness, all-Americanness. I gave you angels. I gave you bombs. And of course, fracking. (Monika laughs) What is sweeter to end on in the world than a self-portrait cake. - Oh, my God. - [Zach] America's sweetheart. - For America's sweetheart, to end Good Eugene's run, I give you Jonny Cake. Maybe close your eyes. Maybe close your eyes. - Oh, my God. - [Rosanna] Honey, this is so special! Okay, okay, okay, don't look, don't look. I'm not gonna look either. It's gonna be a surprise for all of us. - Oh, my God. - Good Eugene's sweetest gesture yet. Judges, feast your eyes on Jonny Cake. (judges laugh) (Rosanna screams) (intense music) (Monika laughs) (Rosanna screams) (Monika laughs) - [Rosanna] Identical. (all laugh) - What? Do I look different than I think I do? (Monika laughs) - [Rosanna] Oh, my gosh. - I don't know where to start. First of all, the glasses, I mean, uncanny. (Monika laughs) I'm (bleeps) ugly. (all laugh) - [Rosanna] No, no, no, no! I think you're wearing a leather mask. - Right, am I robbing a bank? - No, you're getting your ass robbed. You're making a deposit. - Or someone is. - I think this is a sexy, you know, leather mask sexy night, that's what this is. - Little bit of a rubber man. - The simulation of leather texture is actually very well done. - Oh, thank you. - [Monika] Yes, yes. - [Rosanna] But why would you have glasses on over your mask? - Because he needs to see where to spank. - [Rosanna] Oh, okay. I also love for the spiky collar that you used piping tips. - [Eugene] 'Cause he's a naughty chef. - I think that's really fun and creative and I'm like, this would be a cute necklace. The eyes are the creepiest for me because they're kind of sunken and then one's crying and it looks a little melted. - [Eugene] 'Cause it hurts so good. - [Jonny] Oh, my God. Thank you. This is a high honor to be commemorated in cake form. (all laugh) I don't see a lot of myself in this, necessarily, but I do see a man in it. - You don't see yourself in it yet. - [Jonny] Yet. - [Eugene] Just slice right into your skull. - [Jonny] I can say this is the first time I've cut into... - Do you wanna take the glasses off? (all laugh) Much better. Much better. - Daddy! - [Monika] He's here all week. - Oh, my. - [Zach] Oh, yeah. - [Jonny] Didn't quite cut through the left cheek. (intense music) - [Zach] Wow. - [Jonny] Wow. - [Monika] Okay. - Wow. Those are really even layers, huh? - What kind of cake is it? - So to honor Jonny's Lebanese descent, I went with Middle Eastern flavors. (Jonny laughs) So the cake is turmeric with rose and orange blossom, and the buttercream is with sesame and tahini. - [Monika] Okay. - [Jonny] Thank you. (intense music) For the boys at home watching this, I'm delicious. (all laugh) It's good. - It's turmeric forward. - [Jonny] Very. - It's not bad. - No. - [Monika] It's like, on the verge of good, because it's not really sweet, so it's got that nice, and the tahini's coming out. It's interesting. - Something you're really good at is experimenting with flavor and not being afraid to go bold. - [Rosanna] No, and I love the idea of a turmeric cake. This is really creative, really cool. - [Monika] Yeah, I'm totally doing a tahini buttercream. - [Jonny] Yes. - Here's something I never thought I'd say, but I enjoyed eating Jonny. So it was tasty. (Jonny laughs) - You didn't think you'd enjoy eating me? - I didn't think I'd ever say it. I really do like that. - [Jonny] Is there a floral in this? - I did dump a lot of orange blossom and rose water in there. - [Rosanna] Again, there's a little too much. It gets a little potpourri in your mouth. - [Monika] Little soapy. - Wins for creativity. Points for taste. - [Rosanna] Mm-hmm. - And yeah, this was a special day for me. (all laugh) - [Eugene] Judges, is it an illusion cake? (intense music) - Yes, yes, yes. The answer is yes. When you put it down, I knew it was a human head. I didn't know it was my human head, necessarily, but we got the idea. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - I think that was successful. - Yes, did not look like a traditional cake. - [Jonny] And you've inspired me to make a big change in my life. (judges laugh) - Oh, well, let me know how it goes. - You don't wanna be there for it? (all laugh) - [Eugene] I mean, I'll talk to my boyfriend, but we'll see. - Are we too comfortable as friends now? I don't know. - [Keith] Do you guys wanna look at my foot again? (soft music) - [Jonny] All right, boys. Nobody makes illusion cakes without a recipe. It's wild that you did that and you should all be very proud of yourselves. You all swung big and we loved elements of all of your cakes. And now I'm gonna tell you whose elements we liked the least. (all laugh) (intense music) So in fourth place, this is somebody who used different types of techniques, which more advanced bakers would use, but usually not a novice baker. Fourth place today is going to Zach. (Zach sighs) I'm sorry, but actually you owe us an apology. (all laugh) So I'm not that sorry. - I'm glad you got to put it in your mouths. - I'm not. (all laugh) (intense music) - [Rosanna] The winner of the illusion cake episode is going to be going to the person who made a cake involving human body parts, based on the human body, we were all very impressed, Jonny was very impressed. - Loved it, loved it. - Loved it. Now, the two cakes left in the finals, we loved them both, but the winner of the illusion cake is going to be... (intense music) Keith. (Keith cheers) (all applaud) - I lost "Without a Recipe" cakes, and I lost "Without a Recipe" ice cream cakes, and I lost "Without a Recipe" ice cream! This is the first cake "Without a Recipe" that I've ever won, this is huge, and it all is thanks to my foot! Get out here, buddy! Get out here! You're the star! Yay! (all cheer) Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Whoo, foot, foot, foot! - [All] Foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot! - Yay, five stars on Wikifeet! - [Zach] Congratulations, Keith! But the fun's not done. We got the live finale. Get your tickets at You get to vote, you get to decide who is the ultimate champion. See you there.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,730,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, without a recipe, cooking fail, cooking, competition, cooking show, eating, culinary, food, holiday, illusion, illusion cakes, baking, bakery, cake, is it cake, bake, dessert, desserts, sweets, birthday cake, hyperrealistic, hyperrealistic cakes
Id: PabgSZmvG2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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