The Try Guys Make S’mores Without A Recipe

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(Keith humming fanfare music) - Oh. (Keith and Eugene laughing) How about this? - "Without A Recipe." We're doing s'mores. - [Marissa] It's a lot. You're doing the graham cracker and the marshmallow. - [Keith] Don't forget your chocolate. - [Zach] This is our stickiest competition, yet. - I don't even know where to begin. This is a pretty intense challenge. Make something that you chemically don't even understand. - I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. - This tastes like a breakup I had. - Urgh. - Hmm. - No, no, no, please don't throw up, Ro. Oh my God, this is my worst nightmare, its happening right now. Please, don't throw up (metal creaking) (dramatic orchestra music) (upbeat orchestra music) - [Narrator] The Try Guys are back in the kitchen for some more baking. (Zach exclaims) - Okay, stretch. - Should we do like a warmup? - Oh, your arm pits sweaty. - I get warm so fast - [Narrator] This week, they're baking s'mores. - Is this something that I've put in my mouth before? - [Narrator] Will the judges want some more? - Not great, it's not great. - [Narrator] Or will they beg for s'mless? - What do you do now, you idiot? - [Narrator] Over the course of two days, each baker will have two hours and 45 minutes to make and assemble all their s'mores ingredients. And present it to our panel of judges. - Welcome back to "Without A Recipe" s'mores. Hey, everyone, I'm Rosanna Pansino. I host one of the most popular baking shows online, and I am now a host and judge on a couple Food Network shows. - Hey, I'm Jonny Cakes. I host one of the least popular baking shows on the internet, and I am, as we've established, a Food Network loser. - I'm Noelle Ramirez, and I am the creator and owner of S'moreology, an artisan s'more shop based here in Southern California. - Oh, for (beeps) sake. - What? - An artisan- - No. - S'more shop. - Oh dang. (lighthearted mellow music) - S'moreology is an artisan s'more shop based in West Covina, California, where we make artisan s'mores from scratch and come up with different combinations of variations of s'more flavors. The s'more is some type of biscuit, cracker, wafer. I want it to be crunchy. The texture should be nice and dry. And it should include a delicious, gooey marshmallow. And then for toppings, a lot of people like to do chocolate as the original s'more is. However, you can switch it up, play it with different types of flavors. Marshmallows, by definition, are a candy. It's a very technical process. It requires, in a controlled environment, a certain temperature that you're supposed to cook the sugar up to. And it does get very temperamental. I think that it's a little crazy to think that anyone would make marshmallows without a recipe 'cause it's such a technical skill. Even people who have culinary backgrounds find it very challenging. - I don't care for s'mores that much. It feels very Boy Scout of America type vibes to me. Very much like the Catholic church, I don't really feel like I need to get involved in those institutions. They didn't want me anyway. - The only thing I know is that marshmallows aren't vegan. So there's some sort of gelatin element in there. - [Interviewer] What's gelatin made out? - I don't wanna think about it. (Marissa laughing) I do not wanna think about what marshmallows are made out of. - I've never made a marshmallow. 'Cause why would you do that? It's sugar, but there's gotta be more to it. Do you bake a marshmallow? Do you freeze it and it just holds its shape? - If you burn it, it melts. If you microwave it, it grows. Certainly the greatest challenge of today is figuring out what the (beeps) a marshmallow is. (lighthearted whimsical music) - I don't really even know. What's your cooking experience? - I hate cooking, honestly. - Sick, let's do it. - I don't make s'mores typically. - I don't love s'mores. - S'mores- - There's sticky, gross. I can't believe people eat that out in the woods. - And the time starts now. Marshmallows. - Marshmallows. - Let's go. - What is a marshmallow? S'mores are lit on fire. And my favorite thing to light on fire is weed. Today, I'm making s'morijuana, it is a s'more inspired by my favorite plant in all the lands. For my cracker, I want it to be grassy. I'm gonna be doing some matcha powder. For the marshmallow, I want it to have a little smoky undercurrent. I want you to bite into the s'more and go, "Ooh, did I just take a hit of that good-good?" - There's a thermometer here. - Nah, we don't need that. (Marissa laughing) - So, today, I am going to be making a coquito s'more. Coquito is a Puerto Rican coconut based cinnamon holiday bevy. I'm gonna try to infuse that flavor into the marshmallow. - [Interviewer] Are you adding alcohol to yours? - I am gonna be adding alcohol to mine, yes. - I don't even know where to begin. I'm gonna be trying to make mozzarella marshmallows. - Oh, you're putting mozzarella in them? - Yeah. - Oh, that's cool. - So I'm just gonna (beeps) go for it today. And I'm making pizza s'mores. That's right, pizza s'mores. I'm gonna figure out some way to make a cheese marshmallow. I'm gonna put pepperoni as the chocolate. The graham cracker is going to be some sort of like corn meal. Maybe some basil on there. (lighthearted whimsical music) - You know, I was inspired by how you used to honor your father all the time. - (gasps) I recently did even. - You made another daddy's favorite? - And I won. - This season, there's no Evil Eugene. There's no Good Eugene, that's a satire of Bad Eugene. There's just Eugene via the women in his family. My sisters and my mom have provided me with all of their favorite things, and I've translated that into my recipes. So for s'mores, no one wanted to take that one. My little sister being the nicest said I'll do it. She asked me to make it better. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make the s'mores, but create little bite-sized tartlets. Three different types of chocolate. Milk, dark and white. And then I'm gonna mix it with three different flavor profiles. Pistachio, raspberry, passion. With sugar to create a creme brulee crust. I'm gonna create a marshmallow meringue. Then also a little visual flare with some gold flakes. I probably bit off more than I can chew, but I'm trying to honor my sister's vision. My sisters are scary. - [Narrator] Over the course of two days, each baker will have two hours and 45 minutes to make and assemble all their s'more ingredients. - It's my fancy season. - You're a fancy boy. - That's why I'm wearing my pearls. - I mean you're kind of our fancy guy. I mean, look at your pants. He's in the kitchen in these pants. I've gotten flour and shit all over my clothes every day. I'm wearing the same pants. See, season-long pants. - We're gonna start by making marshmallows. We're gonna go ahead and bloom the gelatin first. And we're gonna use water to activate the gelatin. We're gonna mix it and then we're gonna set it to the side. - What are you doing? - I'm blooming the gelatin, I think it's called. - What the (beeps)? - Like activating it. - What, blooming the gelatin? You're not thinking about activating yeast, this is a different thing? - A different thing. - If you do not bloom the gelatin, then you're not gonna set your marshmallows at all. - And you wanna stir the gelatin gently as to not kill it. - That's yeast. - Is a marshmallow a type of meringue or is it its own thing? - It must be meringue. - The technique we're using today does not use egg whites. - But I do know one thing is that there's no yolk 'cause this shit's white. - That's no yolk. - We should describe white people from now on, oh, he got no yolk. (all laughing) - However you can use egg whites in a traditional French-based marshmallow. - Oh man, smell this (laughing). - That, what is that? - This is liquid- - Hickory. - Liquid smoke. - I was gonna say, it smells like barbecue. (Zach coughs) - Why are ingredients so bad? - Oh my gosh. So I'm gonna start with making a Puerto Rican holiday drink called Coquito. This is cream of coconut Coco Lopez brand. It's the only one you should use. Fight me. - What's Coco Lopez? Sounds like a good comedian. - What does this drink taste like? - Like what eggnog wishes it could be. - Ooh, shots fired. You know, I didn't know that eggnog was alcoholic the first time I had it because I got litty city and it was a fun night. - (Marissa laughing) Eww, litty city on eggnog? - Yeah. - That's disgusting. - Yeah. (Marissa laughing) - Mm, oh, that tastes good. - You know, gelatin on its own does smell like bones. - Oh. Doesn't it smell like- (Keith gags) Doesn't it smell like bones? - God, I hated that moment. It did smell like bones. - Ugh. - What is that? - Gelatin smells like poo-poo. (Marissa exclaims) - It's like a farm. (Marissa coughs) - To make marshmallows, we're gonna use a combination of white sugar, light corn syrup, and water. You wanna make sure that you mix it very, very well. - Sugar is what makes gelatin good. So let's put sugar in this water and let's put corn syrup in that water. When do we add the meringue in? Before it gets hot? Now? - My theory here is I'm gonna try and mix together sugar and corn syrup and maybe corn starch. Like I'd be making boba, but with a different kind of flour. And then just- - You're putting flour in this? - May, yes. - Okay, yeah, put flour in it. Yeah, put flour in it, Zach. - I don't like how confident you are. Are you just playing mind games? - What, me? No. (lighthearted mellow music) - You would never wanna add flour or corn starch into the actual marshmallow mixture. - Did I put cornstarch in here instead of powdered sugar? Oh, that's an oops. (Keith laughing) - Sometimes our philosophy for anything in baking is just put more flour or sugar in it and hope it works for the best. - Oh, that smells awful. - That's probably not right. (Keith laughing) - You think people want to eat that? I don't think so. We gotta start over. - If you put cheese in it, it might help. - No, bro, you gotta smell this. Give it a whiff. - Urgh. - I told you it doesn't smell good. Look at that. That's just gooey, gooey sugar. What else is to it? - Add more flour, Zachary. - Hmm, Marissa is playing mind games and I don't like it. Basically, treating this like a sugary dough. "Without A Recipe All Stars," here I come. - [Rachel] 33 minutes. - 33. - 33 minutes. - That's not a lot of time. - Does that look appetizing? Does that look good? - Those bones smell bad. - Mask the smell of the bones with some vanilla. - Oh, why does it smell horrible? - Let's go for it. (lighthearted mellow music) - [Rachel] This pep talk took a turn. - You (beeps) idiot, come on now. Think I still want to heat it up with some water and sugar, 'cause that's how you make candy and they gave us a candy thermometer. - It's so important for you to use a candy thermometer when heating up your sugar, 'cause if you do not heat it up to the right temperature, your marshals will not set correctly. And we're looking about 245 degrees Fahrenheit. - Oh shit, Marissa. Do you think it needs to get to a certain temperature or can't get to a- - Oh yeah, absolutely. - Because I've been doing this on the lowest temperature possible so it doesn't burn. - Well, I did it on the second to lowest and it did burn, so. - [Zach] Oh. - So once our sugar reaches a softball stage, then we're go ahead and then pour into our bloomed gelatin. And we're gonna start off at a slower speed, 'cause we want to go ahead and allow that sugar to slowly cool down as we're incorporating air into the marshmallow. - Okay, let's do this one with a lot of gelatin. Oh, look at that gelatin. Gross. - Is this doing anything? It is, it's thickening up, okay. - [Rachel] 16 minutes. - Oh my god. - Y que? - Y que? - That means and what. - And what, just sassing Rachel in Spanish. - [Rachel] Eugene, when was the last time you went camping? - Like in an actual tent? - Yeah. - I don't think I've ever slept in a tent overnight in nature. - [Rachel] Ever? - No. - I used to go to 4-H Camp as a kid. We played capture the flag. Played in the pool. I did some woodworking. Had a crush on a girl. Kissed her and started swearing profusely. - Right after you kiss someone, you swear? - No, the older kids were like swearing profusely. I was like- - I thought it was like- (Keith gasps) (Rachel smooches lips) - [Rachel] Bullshit. - Are there eggs? Like, do we incorporate egg whites? - Too late for that. Did I just make frosting? - [Marissa] There are eggs in here. - Did I, did I just make, (beeps)? - Okay, okay, okay. - The stickiest frosting- - Okay, okay. - That ever existed. - Okay, okay. I'm gonna do egg whites. - You're crazy, there's five minutes left. - [Marissa] I'm gonna try. - Quarter cup. - That's so much. - Of cheese powder. - Yeah, oh yeah, ugh. - You don't wanna use any type of powdered flavorings in your marshmallow because marshmallow is air and sugar. And that would cause it to weigh it down. - Maybe that's enough 'cause you're putting all that cheese in. - A little more. You don't want them to bite in and say, I don't taste the cheese. - Oh, I think they're not gonna have a problem with that. - I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, ah. - I also don't know, I also don't know, I also don't know, ah. - Keep whisking. - Okay. - Keep whisking, Eugene. - I can feel it thicken in my hand. - Yeah, gross. (Rachel laughing) (laughing) Gross. Eugene. - [Eugene] I feel like. - Keep whisking. (Eugene laughing) Keep whisking, quick. - Come on. - Powdered sugar. - Yes. - Ooh, this looks right. This is doing something. - A minute and half. - What? - Minute and a half? No, but I just, I just, (beeps) it all up. - Ah, gelatin, more gelatin. Oh no. It smells like hooves. (Rachel laughing) Oh no. - We wanna make sure our marshmallow isn't solid into our bowl. We're still able to move it around because we want to put it into our setting container. And we've already prepped our pan. Our pan has a mixture of corn starch and powdered sugar. - Nice pour. Hey, it looks beautiful. - Ew (laughing). I'm an all star. - Wow, hot, that looks good. - Pretty good. - Dang. - I don't want them too huge 'cause I'm making little tarts. - 18 seconds. - You gotta get in the pan. - [Zach] Maybe it's a dusting. - Tell me when I have five. - Oh, I spilled the liquid smoke. - Five. - Those are marshmallows. - [Narrator] Four, three, two, one. Hands up, you sticky, sticky campers. - Oh my God, it smells terrible. No! (mellow orchestra music) - [Narrator] Next, they will have 45 minutes to make the dough for their graham crackers. - Now I'll be making a little tomato basil cracker- - Oh, perfect, thank you. - Situation. How? Let's find out. - First step, graham flour, let's do it. I'm just gonna grab stuff, that's the color. - Light brown sugar. - I'm also gonna do whole wheat flour 'cause it's- - Yes, whole wheat flour, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I want it to be- - What's that smell? It smells like food - [Rachel] Zach spilled an entire bottle of liquid smoke. - That's what it is. - And then of course the liquid smoke. (Zach laughing) - [Rachel] We all regret giving you that. - [Marissa] Yeah. - Yeah. - We all do. - You and me both. - So now we're gonna make our graham crackers. You have to start with creaming your butter and sugar. We're not gonna want it to be very cake-like. For our sugar, we're gonna use brown sugar with a little cinnamon in it. And then we're gonna use a combination of honey and molasses. I'm gonna add a little bit of the flour. - I'm using one cup of whole wheat, one cup of corn meal. - Corn meal? - Yeah, so it has that crunch and reminds you of pizza. - My crackers are graham cracker flavored. See, I put a lot of stock into the decoration and the fillings. But then I didn't realize I only had an hour to do all of that. So I feel like I kind of screwed myself. - This is specialty chocolate that we paid way too much for. Not a hint of smokiness to this. What is this bullshit? So I may have to make some chocolate in this time as well, which I did not budget time for. - There are no rising agents in ground crackers. So no baking powder, no baking soda, no eggs. (air rumbles) - Normally, there's not egg in a pizza dough. But I don't want a pizza dough, I don't want it to rise. But I do want it to bind together. - Is there any baking soda or powder? - [Rachel] Do you want that? - Is it? If it's not up there, maybe I shouldn't use it. Isn't that what everything that you bake needs? - I would assume you need a little baking something. - I'm basically making a pie crust (laughing). - Look, coming in today, I knew two things. Graham crackers, pie crust, marshmallows is boba. That's how I'm going today. Honey graham crackers, that's what they're called. But, today, they're gonna be matcha, honey. All spices, cool. Do that, just all of them. - [Rachel] It's not. - It's not all of them? Pshk, mislabeled (dramatic orchestra flourish) - Tomatoes are going to be my water and sugar. I wanna put yeast in this just so it tastes like pizza. But I don't want it to yeastify. I was thinking about trying to put yeast in and kill it. Die, you little bacteria that we love. - Gonna fit? Sure. It's not incorporating. - There's so much in here that I can't tell what's happening. I don't know if the butter is incorporating or if it's just smearing on the side. - Maybe, we have one of these so that we can slowly put in our liquid. Eggs. - Eggs. (food processor rattling) - I am gonna do it. I need something to bind this all together. Let's just start with one egg. Do you wanna use the egg I broke open but decided not to use? - Sure. - So we don't waste. - Okay. You didn't (beeps) with this egg, right? (Rachel laughing) - I don't know, did I, Zach? - I'm gonna add all the spices in. Bring back season one Eugene. Dash of cloves, ooh. Who doesn't like a nice spicy cracker? All spice, ha. Nutmeg. Oh (coughs). It is a little bit of nutmeg. - You should do basil. - [Rachel] What texture are you each going for? - Dough. - Going for dough texture. - Dough. - I'm going for as long as everything's incorporated. - Oh, mm, summertime. - I'm using my coquito as the liquid. - You're doing it all into this machine, that's fun. That's smart. Okay, now we've got a nice little crumble butter. Wow, look at this. - [Rachel] It got darker. - It got much darker. This is what I wanted and intended. Like it, love it, gotta have it. - Here we go. Here we go. Okay. S'pose to knead this? Do you knead it? - Do I need it? - Do you knead the dough? - What do I need? - So I'm just going to knead it just a little bit, 'cause there's some unincorporated flour. - Oh, it's so wet. I've been here before. - Oh, it's so wet, oh, it's so wet. Oh, I didn't want it to be this wet. - Oh, yours is so much wetter than mine. - But I don't want it- - But mine's not- - To be this wet. - Mine's too dry. - Oh, it's so wet (beeps). And I'm just kind of doing a one for one here. Every cup of flour I add, I'm adding a cup of sugar. - Honestly, that sounds right. - Oh, and now I'm losing my color. Oh God, what am I? I'm so stupid. Oh, why is this wet? Let's get it together. - Is this too crumbly? No, crackers are crumbly. It would be a cookie if it wasn't. - Yeah, maybe it was a cookie. (Rachel laughing) We're gonna consider another batch. - So we're gonna take a small piece of the graham cracker dough and then we're gonna lay it flat. We roll our ground crackers to one fifth of an inch and we're rolling it out quite thin because we're trying to ensure that it's evenly baked. - It smells like the back of a Pizza Hut. (mellow guitar music) It tastes like a bland tomato and Italian seasoning cracker. - Kinda what you're going for, right? - Yeah, I guess I am. Whoa, you got little thingies. - Yeah, I'm making my little tartlets. - Ooh. - Being a little fancy boy. - I love what you're doing. - Thanks, I'm a little worried 'cause my decoration and filling phase is three times the work of anything that's happened. I might need to simplify, ugh. - So once we have our dough in a nice even thickness all the way around, then we're gonna go ahead and cut our graham crackers and then we're gonna pop 'em in the freezer really quickly just so that they can harden a little bit and it'll be easier for us to place on our baking sheet. - Can I just smoosh it in? Let's try. I'm just gonna smoosh it in. You don't want these to be too thick, right, 'cause they're crackers. - Right, they need to be pretty thin. - Oh God, this is gonna take me forever. Do I look like Bob Ross? Painting a happy little tart. Well, you know what, I have enough dough. I can do this and I'll make a cracker sheet just in case. - [Rachel] What was that? - Butter. - Butter will make it softer. - Shh, Rachel, don't tell me things. - We're at that time of the episode where I start panicking. - How much time? - [Rachel] 12. - Oh boy. - I didn't think it would take me this long. Just a little milk this time. And just a little egg this time. - [Rachel] What are you looking for, Zach? - I'm looking for somewhere between this and this. (Marissa laughing) I wanna split the difference. - Okay, so I'm just gonna prep all my chocolates and my cream and get this ready for the next setup, so that when we start filming, the hot cream can go right in and I can mix everything up. - I'm melting chocolate in a double boiler. I'm using steam to melt the chocolate rather than a direct contact heat. Oh, I didn't put any cheese in the cracker. - [Rachel] Do a dust. - I don't think I should do a dust. - Oh God, these are so thick. - Oh God. - Should I roll them out more? Oh, they're so thick. No, how much time? - [Rachel] Four minutes. - (beeps) Okay. - God, the whole team hates me. Look at this mess that I make. I don't mean to, I just get nervous. - Oh, you poor, helpless little boy. (Zach and Rachel laughing) - Being poor, helpless little boy is kinda like my whole identity. - [Rachel] Yeah. What is that? - Cream? I'm gonna boil it up right now and then mix it up with my chocolates. - No. - Oh no, Marissa, I'm so sorry, but we are running out of time. - No. - We only have a minute and a half left. - My goal for this episode is just to beat Zach. - That's a low bar. - Oh God, ah, move, move. Zach, move. Move, move, move. (Zach and Marissa laughing) - Really basily, we want it really basily. Fun, I feel like I'm making little secrets. It's my little secret. - 10, nine. - Ah. - Eight. - Ah. - Seven. - No. - Oh, actually I'm late. Five, oh, four. - No. - Three. - No. - Two. - Ah. - One. - Ahhh! - And time is up. - Look at this freaking penis cracker. - Yup. (hands smacking) (Eugene mimics squealing barking) (Keith and Eugene mimics squealing barking) (Keith mimics squealing barking) (mellow festive music) - [Narrator] Finally, our bakers will have one hour to bake their crackers and assemble their s'mores. - Well, it's time to look at our marshmallows and see how we did. - Oh, mine doesn't feel bad. - Mine's pretty close. (Eugene laughing) Let's try it. - No. - Oh. - Ugh. - Okay. - I made Jell-o, I straight up made Jell-o. - This is too hard. (marshmallow thwacks) - I think we want to cut these before we put 'em in the oven. I was thinking of cutting 'em into circles, but let's just cut 'em into squares for now. Let's not do anything too fancy, huh, guys. Let's just sort of, let's keep it, let's keep it simple on this part, huh, guys. What do you guys think? - I'm already panicking. - Wow, this is thick. This is too thick for a graham cracker. Really wish I had rolled this out flat before it froze. - How are we gonna make marshmallows, Keith? How are you gonna do it? - I'm having so much fun poking holes in my food. I love poking holes in my matcha, matcha food. - I don't know how much milk I was supposed to put in. Maybe I put too much in. Oh-ho-ho, no, did I ruin it? This seems way too watery. Do we have more chocolate? Ugh, I don't think we have more chocolate. Ugh, I spent so long prepping that. (sighs) Do we have more white chocolate, and milk chocolate, and dark chocolate? - [Rachel] Maybe, not sure - 'Cause I used most of it, but now it might be unusable. - So we're gonna bake our graham crackers at 325 degrees on high fan and we're gonna bake it for about 12 minutes. - Go, crackers, go. Put a timer for seven minutes. - I'm gonna get these five into the oven and just see what happens. - What's our marshmallow? What's our marshmallow? How much marshmallow we have left? - [Rachel] 45. - What do we do? There's no gelatins, maybe we try corn starch. Try something new and then just heat it up. - Oh, that's looking weird. - Cool it down. - [Eugene] It's looking weird. - [Rachel] What's it look like? - It's looking not right. They're puffing up too much, I think they're too thick. - It feels like taffy, I made taffy. (frenetic orchestra music) - Okay. (Rachel laughing) - Does it taste good? - That's almost sort of a marshmallow. - It tastes like Play-Doh. - I feel like I'm in trouble. But let's check in with Keith. Keith, are you in trouble? - I'm making marshmallows. - You're making new marshmallows. - I'm making new marshmallows. - What happened to the- - Mmm, well, you wanna take a taste? - These are your marshmallows? - Yeah, scoop out one. Touch it, those are my marshmallows. It looks like egg yolk. (Marissa and Zach laughing) - It's so much dust. - It feels like- - It's slimy. - One of those hands that- - It's slimy. I'm gonna move all this. I'm not gonna throw it away just in case. - It tastes great. - It tastes great. - Texturally a nightmare. - [Marissa] Uh-huh. - Oh wow. What if you put it in flour? (Rachel laughing) - I hate you. - We have a pan of marshmallows that have been resting overnight and we're gonna go ahead and cut them now that they're nice and set. Then you're dipping all the fresh cut areas into the mixture of corn starch and powdered sugar. - Okay, we're gonna take these little balls, boom. - I wonder if I can take what I have and try to fluff it up with just air it out a little. (Marissa laughing) It looks like vomit. I don't think this is gonna work, but this is my Hail Mary attempt. So I have a kind of medium peaked egg white and sugar. And now I'm putting in the coquito Jell-o. - [Zach] Oh, should I put the butter or something in there? - It's time to make pepperonis. I'm having fun again. I went from not fun to fun. - I'm having a terrible time. - [Marissa] God, I hope they're cooked. What do you think? - They're a little soft, it's tough to say. - So our graham crackers, now that they're fully baked, they have a very cracker like crunchy texture. So when you break it, it should not bend, it should snap. - Oh, no, no, no, no, no. (Zach sobbing) - Oh, these look bad crackers. - [Keith] Tart crackers. - So I have to completely pivot because we don't have enough time for me to make what I wanted. The tart shape is there. Well, at least these are cute. And then I'm gonna try to freeze that chocolate, so at least I have an original chocolate. And I'm gonna like try to do a little caramel top on these just to give the illusion of the creme brulee. Please don't ruin it, please don't ruin it. Well, that's kind of fun. - Four-zero or one-four? - Two-zero. - 20 minutes? - You wanna do a breathing exercise? - Yes. - Okay. Ah. - Ahhh! - Great, let's back to it. - Are they cute? - [Rachel] They're so cute. - As long as they're cute. My sister would be so mad if they weren't cute. - Okay, in through the nose- - Out through the butt. (Rachel and Marissa laughing) - Maybe a miracle will happen, I don't know. - Little bit of liquid smoke for the people. That's what you wanna see. - Well, they are staying together, which is very cute. - It's wild. - You're wild. - It's tremendous. - [Eugene] You're tremendous. - All right, let's take my first batch out. These are so wet. Oh, they're so wet. This is cake. - This is horrible. It feels horrible. - I made cake. - I hate failing. - Chocolate, freezing. Crackers, cake. Zach, Freaking out. - So now that our gram crackers are baked, we're gonna go ahead and make a flight of s'mores. For the first s'more, it's just an OG. So we just put basic milk chocolate on it. Then our Samoa s'more. On top of the dulce de leche, we're gonna put toasted coconut and then a little piece of dark chocolate. And our Salty Ex is the dulce de leche with a little bit of sea salt. What we wanna do is we wanna present it very beautifully. We eat with our eyes first before we actually take a bite. So presentation is super important. This is a flight of the most popular s'mores from S'moreology. (mellow opera music) - Wow, ooh. Ooh. We're gonna do this. - [Rachel] Five minutes. - Oh, we're not gonna do this. - What if I just throw some gold leaf on it? - [Rachel] That was Eugene's special request. - Oh, I'm sorry, it's Eugene's special gold. - [Rachel] We got you CBD and liquid smoke. - [Zach] Yeah and shitty chocolate. - [Rachel] You picked that out. - What am I gonna do? - Okay. What am I gonna do? What is my plan? - I have no idea what I'm doing, but I still wanna be great. - I have been learning. I learned like a (indistinct). - Ba-boom, you want s'more? - I think it's impossible for me to lose at this point. - [Narrator] Five, four, three, two, one, hands up. - Woo, wow. - Nice job. - Nice job. - Ew, what happened to your hand? - I put a lot of cocoa powder on it. - Woo (blows raspberry). (hands smack) - Wow. - That was rough. - Wow, wow, wow. (air whooshing) (mellow chime music) - Today, we'll be judging on a taste, presentation, creativity, and is it a s'more. I'm pretty simple, I love the classic s'more. I just spent a lot of time in nature and we would always make s'mores. - I love when you guys play with what is possible. There's always like fun experimental flavors. Flavors that match the judges, flavors that match your cultures. - The cracker definitely needs to be crunchy, have nice texture. It should not be soft at all. The marshmallow should be ooey gooey. It should toast perfect. I don't think necessarily it has to have chocolate. - Okay. (all laughing) Okay. Cool. - Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. (dramatic orchestra flourish) (mellow guitar music) - Judges. If you know me, you know I'm not the biggest dessert boy. I like savory things over sweet things. And when it comes to dessert, I'm always thinking, gosh, if instead of a dessert, I wish I just had some more dinner. So if I were to have chicken- - Oh my God. - I'd want a little more chicken. If I had spaghetti, I'd want a little more spaghetti. And if I had eaten pizza, I'd want s'more pizza. So how about we have s'more pizza? Pizza s'mores. Let's bring them out. - I- - Oh my God, I'm very worried. - Mamma mia, judges! It's time for us to sit around the campfire and have a little pizza s'mores. Here we have a savory- - That's so dumb. - Tomato basil cracker- - It's so (beeps) stupid. - With mozzarella and pepperoni. And we have basil and oregano fresh, both, chocolate, and marshmallow that has nothing odd in it whatsoever, as the cheese marshmallows I tried to make, ha, they didn't work. So I made some new marshmallows not too long ago. So we'll see if they've set. And I didn't use gelatin, so they probably didn't. (Zach laughing) - And we have to eat this? - Now, remember- - Oh my gosh. - And we have to eat this? - Now remember, it's fun when we're positive- - No, no, no. - And we want to have fun. - No, I- - If we don't wanna have fun, we won't. If you walk into Disney World and you're all, (exclaims), you're not gonna have fun. But if you walk in, you go, oh wow, I've never seen that before, you might have a good time. So let's go with that second attitude. (all laughing) Now if you start eating it and you go (exclaims), that's fair. But let's start with oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. - Okay, well, just off the bat. - Yeah. - The travel- - The cracker is actually kind of lovely. It looks like a pita chip. Love that you've got this nice, like crispy pepperoni. So that's fun. I've never seen basil in a chocolate before. - I'm getting charcuterie vibes. I mean, we do make tables called s'more-cuterie tables. - Oh. (Marissa gasps) - But this is definitely- - Oh, fun. - A different take. - I've never seen this. I mean, I just don't know how it's gonna play out in my mouth. - I don't know if the marshmallows are gonna stick on that stick. So I gave you little spoons. Oh, but you can- - Oh my, oh. - [Keith] Put it on the spoon and you can just hold the spoon over the fire. How about? - I'm not familiar. - Don't do it. - Straight in there, get it in there. Ooh, look at it, look at it, it's cooking just like a mallow. - Look at that, okay. - That does what a marshmallow should. - It smells like marshmallow in here. - [Jonny] This is so weird. - Look at that, that looks like a toasted s'more. Crunch right through. Yes, easy peasy, no problem, yeah. - The crackers are tough, but not a crunchy. (Eugene laughing) - [Jonny] I was expecting a (crunches). - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, think about how pizza eats. (all laughing) - [Jonny] Hmm, no, you wanna- - So it's not a snap. - It's a snap If you like, someone has really soft hands. - Well, you definitely didn't use any type of setting agent. - Corn starch. - That's not setting. - No. (all laughing) - You needed like gelatin or something like that. It is super sweet. Did you use like regular sugar? Did you use powder sugar? - Powdered sugar. - It's a very powdered sugary. - It's very powdered sugary. - Yum. - It almost taste like icing. - This is really creative, Keith. I've never had a pizza s'more. When you first bite into it, it's sweet. I'm getting all the chocolate and as soon as that fades from my palette, I get all savory. I get pizza really salty. This tastes like, oh my gosh, I can't. This tastes like a breakup I had. (Zach laughing) - In what way? - Tastes like a breakup? - [Marissa] Wait. - Tastes like a breakup. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - What do you mean? - It's so weird how taste brings back memories. But I remember being on that couch and just eating my feels. This is it (laughing). - So it tastes of heartbreak. - Judges, is it s'mores? - Yeah. (suspenseful orchestra music) - They're so mean. (Marissa laughing) - I'm the Paula Abdul, I'm the nice one. - I love you. - It's the marshmallow. - It's the marshmallow for me 'cause it tastes like frosty chewy. (cracker crunches) - Now that was Crunchy. - Oh, that was nice. - Mm, the pepperoni. - Oh my god. - Mmm. Mamma mia! - Why did it kind of taste like toothpaste? - Basil? - This girl's walking into Disney World with a poo poo attitude. (all laughing) Never gonna go on Big Thunder Mountain with that attitude. (Marissa laughing) Judges, thank you very much. (mellow festive music) - When I think fire and roasting by the fire, that, it makes me think of Christmas time. And when I think of Christmas time, I think of Coquito. Do you guys know what that is? - Yes. - Yes. - I do. - Thank you. Coquito is a coconut based holiday beverage with rum, and brandy, and cinnamon. Eggnog wishes it could. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad. I decided to make coquito flavored marshmallow with a homemade graham cracker with a little bit of coquito in there too. I made my own hazelnut chocolate as well. - I didn't think these were s'mores. This is a Jell-o jiggler. - I know. - [Rosanna] I thought it was a marzipan at first. I'm worried about toasting them though. - Didn't have to really toast Keith's, you just scooped it. - Ohhh. - But they actually worked. - Oh-ho-ho-ho. - [Jonny They actually did toast it. - Hey, don't bring mine into the argument if you don't need it. - Okay. - Did you use gelatin in it? - You think? (Zach laughing) - Yeah. - That's a bit too much. - It's sexy. - I can tell you that's too much - Sexy, sliding down the pole. - It's weird that this is not- - [Keith] Working the pole. - Breaking. - Yeah, it's just, it's a lot of gelatin. - If I had dollar bills, I would be raining. - When we make a batch of like 96 marshmallows, I mean, we're putting a couple tablespoons of gelatin in it. It's really not that much. A little bit goes a long way. - Yeah, I've learned so much today. - I mean, it feels like- - Like you wanna spank it? - No, wait, I am spanking it. - Spank it, Johnny. - You've been a little naughty. What's this called? - No, you have to whisper, ASMR. - Oh yeah, yeah, you- (all laughing) - Why'd your voice get higher? - Yeah, you bad boy. That feels like a wet ass. - Okay- - Here we go. - [Rosanna] Ba-doo, ba-doo. I'll get my water ready - This is fun, I feel like I'm camping. - Just in case. - [Noelle] Just in case. - Doesn't this feel like we're camping? - It does feel like camping. - Who's gonna sing a song? - They're just oozing into the candle. - [Rosanna] Oh, they're oozing, they're oozing. - Oh. - I'm not getting any golden yet or like like toasty. - It's also still weirdly cold. - It's just kinda melting. - Oh my God. - Oh, no toasty, just melty. Sorry, made it a little messy, there you go. - Uh-oh. (chefs laughing) Oh, too, whoa. (Zach laughing) Slimy little sucker. - Pinch it in the back so it doesn't fall out. - Oh. (chefs laughing) (Keith exclaims) (Zach laughing) - [Jonny] Oh no. - Oh, Marissa, you're getting it. (chefs laughing) - No, no, no, no, please, don't throw up, Ro. No, no, no, no, please, don't throw up. Oh my God, this is my worst nightmare. It's happening right now. - Oh my God. - It tastes like horse. - No! (chefs laughing) It does not. - It tastes like animal butt. Oh my God. - Oh my goodness. Oh, it's so slimy. (Zach laughing) - Oh no. - It's okay, it's okay. This is what's supposed to happen. Just let it wash over you. - Yeah. I love doing this show. (all laughing) - So how was it - After the, the rest? (Rosanna coughs) - Oh God. Just swallow it. (Rosanna clears throat) We got it, it's down. (Zach and Keith laughing) Texture aside, I like the taste. (Zach laughing) - Hey! - No, no. What taste, sorry, what taste? - [Rosanna] The graham cracker and all the flavor is really nice. - [Jonny] Delicious cracker, very delicious. - Great cracker. - [Jonny] And I love the the chocolate, hazelnut chocolate. - [Rosanna] Mm. - It's like really good. I could eat a whole plate of those. - Yes. (Zach and Rosanna laughing) - Innovative, innovative. - I think if you got the marshmallows, right, this would be really good. - Yeah. - I think it's really creative. - Points for creativity. - Mm-hmm. - Judges, is it a s'more? - I really wanna say yes. But this little sucker, I just don't think is a marshmallow. (all laughing) So it's missing a key component. - But it doesn't remind you of a breakup, right? - I think no. - No. - Paula? - I'll say yes. (Marissa gasps) I'll say yes, it's a s'more. Actually, yes, because it's all the components. - Yeah, cookie chocolate, Jell-o. - He said yes, he said yes, he said yes, final answer, yes. - Oh, oh yeah, little combo of both. - I love it. - Thank you, judges. - It's beefy. (all laughing) (mellow festive music) - I've been through an evolution on this show. First, too much alcohol, then too much spice. Then the dawn of Evil Eugene and the fall of Good Eugene. So now, I've run out of characters, I'm just tired. So I did the next best thing, I asked my mom and my sisters to tell me all their favorite things. So I dedicated each of the dishes this season to one of them. - That's cute. - [Rosanna] Aww. - I didn't mean, don't aww. - You're so cute. - That's really sweet. - It's so cute. - You're the sweetest boy. - Special and cute. That is so sweet, Eugene. - You sweetie. - Let it wash over you. - You cutie patootie. - (beeps) you, Zach. - We love you. - So, interestingly enough, the women in my family are also very fancy. They have high taste. So all these dishes lean a little French like Bougie Eugene. - #BougieEugene. - Bougene. - Bougene, #Bougene. - Oh my God. - Bougene! - Wow, cool. - Oh yeah. - Bougene. In honor of my little sister who hates s'mores, I present The Whitney. You may open your eyes. - What? - What is this? - Deconstructed s'more petit fours. - Oh. - You have in front of you a graham cracker tartlet with a medley of spices. I did a brulee on top with sugar. And then there's mango, raspberry, or pistachio for your taste. A marshmallow fluff with some gold flakes. And then a chocolate ganache with macerated raspberry in a truffle form. This is kind of the direction my sister wanted. - And how, uh, it's a s'more? - I have no idea. - [Jonny] Okay. - I just tried to put everything that she liked together. Is this the graham cracker? - And so hopefully, you can. - This the chocolate and this marshmallow? - Yes, that's- - So they gotta go - Together. - However you like. - How did you, actually, how did you do this? - This is- - How long did you have? - I just- - So beautiful. - I just trucked. I trucked and Keith cheesed and I trucked. - This is amazing. - In the same amount of time that I made that amazing pizza dip. - Sure, yeah. (all laughing) - Wow. - Yeah. It's pretty cool that we both did such a great work. - They all look really pretty separate. I just don't know how you put it together. - It is a mystery. - [Jonny] But also like a deconstructed s'more is fine. That's a thing. - Yeah, it's like at a restaurant that costs too much. But hopefully, the flavor profile, when eaten together, will replicate a s'more like experience. - Is it roasting? - I like 'em a little toasty. I like when they kind of catch fire and then you have to blow 'em out. - Me too. - Oh, oh. - Mmm. - Oh. - Oh, that's nice. - [Jonny] Wow and it smells right. - Oh. - That's a (beeps) marshmallow. - Hello. This is my problem when they make like hamburgers and stuff so big as I can't, oh, Jesus. - Maybe you should put another tart upside down on top of it. - [Jonny] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Tiny sandwich. - Yeah, can I have another? (chefs laughing) - Oh. Tart is great, the marshmallow is great, the chocolate is really bitter, and a little too rich for me. It overpowers all the other beautiful flavors here. So this crust or cracker is very soft. So the texture's like kind of cakey. - My sister said she likes snickerdoodles, so kind of went more the cakey route, I guess. I also don't know how to make crackers. (all laughing) - The flavor, I like the spice a lot. The spice is very good. Marshmallow, I love the way it toasted. It tastes definitely like a toasted marshmallow. The chocolate I'm not a fan of. And the only reason is it's super cold in the center. On the outside, it's like melty. On the inside, it's very cold, so- - Like me. (people laughing) - Texture-wise, it needs improvement. The chocolate's a little bit too big. - Yeah. - If it was a little bit smaller, the ratios would be better. - I agree, completely. - Yes, yeah. - Because this chocolate overpowers my palate. - [Noelle] I think it's very creative. - [Jonny] It is very creative. I can't believe you did all of this. - Is it a s'more? - It's a s'more dessert. - A deconstructed s'more dessert? - I'm inclined to say no. - It's not sandwich and then it just gets so tall. But it has elements of a s'more. - Mama, this is a s'more. - Yes, dadda. - I put the whole thing, two layers- - Uh-huh. - Two crackers on top of each other in my mouth. Got it all in my mouth. I don't have a very big mouth, first of all, so it fit. Second of all. - Wow. - It's all the elements that are just elevated. I'm confused why this would, what isn't a s'more? - Let me show you the height of this. - Yeah. - This is not, I don't think most people could bite that. - Look how little my mouth is. - [Eugene] Compared to his. - Yeah, ready? - Yeah. - Well if you compare it to Keith's, Keith can open his mouth pretty far. - Jonny, I need to remind you that images stay on the internet forever, so. (all laughing) - It sounds like all three of us so far have gotten two noes and one yes. - Good point. - Judges, is it so sweet though? - Good point. - Not flavor-wise, like, just emotionally? - Like, yeah. - It's so sweet. - Is it emotionally sweet? - It's like so sweet. - It's so sweet. - [Zach] Is it just like the cutest thing- - So sweet and nice. - You've ever seen? - Mm-hmm. - I can taste the love. - And loving. - Oh God. - Oh. - She can taste the love. - Yeah. - [Zach] The love must be so integrated. - [Marissa] Mm, mm, mm. - This is a one-time season thing. - [Rachel] Ooh. - Oh wow. - That chocolate. - Yeah, that's definitely one of the better things I've made. - Thanks, Whitney. - See what love can do for you. (Zach laughing) - Thanks, Whitney. - Thanks, Whitney. An thank you, judges. - Judges, what's up? (Noelle laughing) - Mm-mm. (all laughing) - S'mores, you kick it around the fire and light it up. My favorite thing to light up, weed. - Oh my God. - So I wanted to take the love of my culture and put it into a s'more. Light 'em, if you got 'em. These are my s'morijuanas. Take a rip. What you have before you is a marijuana inspired s'more dessert. I really wanted to capture the essence and flavor of smoking a joint right in your s'more. So what you have is a gram, like a gram of weed- - Uh-huh. - Gram cracker. - That's good. - Really good. - It's matcha flavored, to really give you that grassy herbal. You have the marsh-mellow out, CBD marshmallows. - That's good too. - Yeah. - That's good too. - Good puns in this one. - Damn. - Thanks, man. And then you have our little chocolate joints. They are smoky chocolate with you got some smoked paprika and a little spice to really bring out the, like, wow, mouth's on fire. And I wanted it to look a little more like weeded, so we've got some mint to add some brightness. - Wow. - And I just wanna point out, 'cause your boy's an all star, I really wanted to to up my game. So on the top you do have a perforated graham cracker that you can snap like a real factory graham cracky. Presentation. (Marissa and Eugene laughing) - That was a beautiful story you just told. - Thank you. - Yeah. I love that there's puns. You've thought about this sort of like comprehensively. That's really impressive. I just am shocked at your ability to burn everything. - You don't know that it's burned, Jonny. - Why is- - Maybe it's just blazed. - Oh. - Yeah, but these, these are so much darker than those. - They're different batter. And unlike some of these people, I don't hide my mistakes. - Okay. - Jonathan Cakes. So yeah, you do have two different types of graham crackers. - Okay. - One is gonna have a little bit more of a crunch, one is- - (laughing) So one's burnt. - I'd say they're kind of more of like the sativa indica experience. So up to you to decide what experience you want. - Yeah. - One has a little bit of a puff puff and one you'll just wanna pass. (Marissa laughing) - [Jonny] Did you make your chocolate? - Yes. - In a mold? - Yes. - Really? - No. - Yes. - Oh, what is the truth? - Yes. - Yes, again. - They're pre-rolls. - They're pre-rolls. (all laughing) I bought a smoky chocolate and it sucked ass. - Okay. - So these are better. - I like the theme. - I know you do. - Yes, I'm a big fan. - It's got the sound, it's got the little dots. - Ready? - I did, yeah. - Ready? - How do you- (cracker cracks) - Ow! - It's just a little too thick. I'm a little worried about tasting a burnt flavor. I mean, the marshmallows, it kind of looks like mochi. - [Jonny] Wow, it's like hard. - It's hard, yeah. - It looks like cauliflower. (all laughing) - It does. - Charred cauliflower. - I love cauliflower. - It's holding its shape, it's not going away. - This is- - Let them, let them. - No, I got it. - The texture and the density is not right. - It's so weird. - It is like weird mochi. It's like mochi. - Remember the (beeps) Disneyland thing? Disneyland, we're happy. We're in (beeps) Disneyland, go back to Disney. - It smells- - Burnt. - Like dank. - Dank? (all laughing) - Yeah. - Nice, nice. - Hey, hey. - Hey. - That's what it smells like to me. - Oh. - [Zach] Let's (beeps) go. - Oh, that's- - Let's go. Let's go, baby. - I like the crunchy. - I think the texture's really great on the cookie. The first one that has that texture that I was looking for. - Marshmallow is bizarre. - It's so hard to describe. It almost tastes like bad cookie dough. (Marissa laughing) - [Rosanna] Is it just like- (Noelle laughing) - So there's CBD in it? - Yeah. - You could taste it. - [Zach] Thanks. - The texture's weird. It's not as sweet as like a traditional marshmallow, but I definitely taste like the CBD in it. - I'm very proud of you because you're usually really bad at this (Marissa laughing) and this is quite nice. - Let's talk about the creativity. - Talk about it. - I think it's very creative. - Very. - I love it. - Oh yeah. - You have the most down the road s'more. Like it looks the most like a s'more. But what you've done is every element, you took to like the weed route. And there's earthiness, there's like smokiness - Judges, big moment. - Oh god. - Is it a s'more? - Definitely. - Ro. Ro, what the (beeps)? - It is- - I didn't love- - Definitely a s'more. - I love you guys, but this is not a marshmallow. - Look at this. - Hence, it can't be a s'more. - Look at this. Look at that (beeps) thing. - No, that's a- - You're gonna tell me that ooey goo- - It's like melted cheese. - [Zach] That ooey gooey. - That looks like- - Look at that. - Mozzarella. - Look at that. Look at that. - I mean it- - That's a (beeps), when you held it, okay, well, - With the- - Now it looks bad. But if you rewind- - Basil that- - To when she held it up. - Really looks like basil. - [Zach] That's a (beeps)- - I mean that looks like. - How boring would it be if we came in here and everybody gave us the same marshmallow? - Thank you. - Thank you so much, Jonny. - Thank you, Jonny. - Thank you. - But only one person gave us a marshmallow. - Because all of them- - And only one person gave you a graham cracker. So it sounds like we're tied for first. (all laughing) - I'm gonna say no, I'm sorry. - [Eugene] Wow, we're even across the board. - Wow. - Good job, everyone. - Neither of you can smoke with me after this. - I'm sorry, I'm strict on the rules. - All failed. - Oh, they do look like little mochis. - Yeah, they are. They're definitely mochis. - Rice balls, I'm just gonna take a little. Mm, I like the cracker. - No, that's the worst. - Yeah. - The matcha. - But the rest is- - The cracker is really nice. - I like the matcha. - [Zach] Did you guys have some? - It tastes like eating weed. (Zach laughing) Yeah, judges, tank you. (dramatic synth music) - So you guys presented us with a very difficult task. Making marshmallows without a recipe is kind of insane and crazy. - Yeah. - But I think what we were presented with was s'more-esque. - I'll take that, I will take that. - Yeah, but I mean obviously it had its challenges. (dramatic synth music) - It pains me to have to announce fourth place. - Oh, she's hugging me- - Horrible job. - So hard. - Oh my god. - You're a hugger, huh? - Yeah. - Fourth place today is gonna go to somebody who arguably did not make a s'more, whose marshmallow element was wacky AF to say the least. But who came, who showed up, and maybe tried their best. Oh, I don't like doing this, okay. The fourth place, the loser of today's episode. - Oh, that's such- - I mean the pathetic, pathetic (beeps) today is Zach. - Yeah, no, so. - Oh my god, I didn't get fourth. - Yeah. - Ah! - It is hard to say that to you Zach. - It's hard 'cause it's wrong. (Marissa laughing) Normally, I would yell, (Marissa laughing) but I just feel bad. (Marissa and Eugene laughing) Clearly, I put too much of the CBD and it with y'all's brain. Kids, say no to drugs. (Eugene laughing) I'm the only person that gave you a graham cracker. That's 50% of the competition, which means my marshmallow must have really sucked. She made (beeps) Jell-o. He gave you dip. They both didn't do marshmallows. I'm the only person that got the other element right. Okay, I'm okay, continue. - Yeah. - It is- - It's zany town and we clearly forget the rubric. We have a rubric- - Yeah. - And we just say (beeps) the rubric. What's the point of the rubric, Rachel? What's the point of the rubric? I want to take the beginning of this episode and just cut it out because Rosanna's lying to you in the beginning of every episode, when she says what we're judging on, she's lying. We judge on taste. - [Rachel] I think we're also judging on presentation. - Yeah, they were ugly. (all laughing) (dramatic synth music) - Okay, well, I get to announce who came in third today. Had some technical difficulties with their marshmallow, but had one of the most delicious elements that we had today. It was so good. Marissa. - Yeah, yeah. - Third. - Well deserved, well deserved. I'll accept, I'll accept it. - The crackers were so good. - Yeah, oh, I'm gonna come back next time and really wow you. - That's so different than him. - I came in Disneyland and he did not. - Wow. (people laughing) - [Eugene] This is a good metaphor you started. - [Jonny] To see how you guys reacted. - My goal was to beat Zach and I met my goal. So, I (laughing). - Oh, wow. - Am- - She's such an amazing player. - Happy with that. Ah. (triumphant orchestra music) (dramatic synth music) - I get the pleasure of announcing the first place winner. It's very difficult because both items that you presented technically were not s'mores. They were both very creative in their own ways. However, one of you gave us one of the components and executed it nearly perfectly. The second one was just a little shy of that. Therefore, we are going to award first place to (dramatic orchestra music) Eugene. - [Eugene, Zach And Marissa] Yeah. - Mamma mia, I can't believe it. (all laughing) - Oh, look how far love can get you. - Good job, Eugene. - The power of love prevails. - The power of love. - I gotta just take a moment to say that both the ham cookie and the pizza s'mores have come in second. I have crunching this season. What's gonna happen next? This is (beeps) wild. I was like, I fully wrote my rant law speech in there. I can't believe I came in second. I feel over the moon, truly. - Wow. - You guys came today with a good attitude at Disneyland and it shows. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm so happy, I'm so proud of you. You did a wonderful job. Plus! the live special. So get your tickets now at Congrats, Eugene. Congrats to Marissa for not losing. Thanks to our judges. And thanks to you, we'll see you next time. - Bye. - Bye. - [Eugene, Keith And Marissa] Bye. - We do second place speeches now. - Yeah, no, fine, I think he nailed it. I think he nailed it, I'm good. (upbeat synth music)
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,155,227
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Keywords: try guys, keith, zach, eugene, habersberger, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, the try guys, keith habersberger, zach kornfeld, eugene lee yang, comedy video, youtuber, trending, tiktok trends, new series, without a recipe, cooking challenge, baking challenge, cooking, baking, smores, campfire, smores recipe, smores dip, recipes, chocolate dessert, dessert, without a recipe challenge, baking fail, cooking fail, fails
Id: sF16XLFx_no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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