The Try Guys Get Earwax Extractions

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Never seen Eugene laugh this much 🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome to my ear! Let's check this place out. - [Zach] We know why you clicked on this video. - Oh, God. (Laughs) - You want to see a ton of earwax get taken out and guess what? We're gonna get those goods. - Oh my God - Oh my God. ♪ Try Guys ♪ ♪ Keith, Zach, Steve, Steve! ♪ ♪ Try Guys ♪ ♪ Eating pizza? They'll try it ♪ ♪ The Try Guys ♪ ♪ Eating Chicken? They'll try it ♪ ♪ Try Guys ♪ ♪ They're America's Dads ♪ - We are here at an ENT's office and we're going to be getting professional ear extractions. Earwax extractions, they're not taking out ears off. - Super honored to be here with the Try Guys today. I'm kind of a big fan, I watched all their videos. - [Zach] Really our goal today is to just see who has the most ear gunk. - I think I'm gonna win, cause I'm a big 'ole goo boy. I just got nothing but goo. - It could be one of the Try Guys, it could be Jack, we're gonna just throw our crew in their, too. We just wanna get those goods. - All right, let's take a peek here. - Oh, buy me a drink first, Ram. (laughs) - Let's get right to the point. Sure, my name is Rami Abdou. I am a otolaryngologist head and neck surgeon. It's kind of a mouthful, so people usually call us ENTs: Ear Nose and Throat. So, already you can kind of see - I see a nugget. - You see how there's a lot of some stuff that kind of trapped off over here. - Ah, hell yeah. - And he actually has a little bony spur. - Yeah what the hell is that? - Yeah right there. And a little osteoma. So we got some on that side. - Yeah! - That we can take out. So, cerumen or earwax, is made up of three different components normally: First, skin that's coming off of the eardrum, and as it's going out it'll mix with oily substance that's produced kind of by the outer ear, and then dust, dirt, things like that, all mix together, and that's what the wax is. - Wow. There he is. - We got another one. This time it's in the back. - Oh, hell yeah. - All right, shall we take some of this out? - Yeah, I'm a waxy boy! - All right. So we're gonna do this, we're gonna, just kind of want to loop around there and just drag it along - Wooooahh. - That feels so fucking good. - Did you guys see how it just crumbled out a little bit? - [Keith] Oh, yeah. - We all produce wax, some of us produce more than others, and sometimes it can just get stuck and build up. - The key is to relax - Yeah! - So that is goes in deeper. (Intense string music) - [Eugene] Merry Christmas. - Whoa! - Why is my first instinct to eat it? - What's up MTV, this my crib. Come inside my ear! Don't come in my ear. (Laughs) All right, let's do it! It's not gonna hurt, right? - Um, I hope not. It can definitely be painful at times. If the wax has been there for a long time, and particularly if you're dealing with a case where it's super hard. So, you guys see-- - Oh, I feel it! - You guys see that little flake over there? - Their faces are horrified! - There it is. - You got it? Yeah! - That is yours! It's your little baby. - Let's go right up to camera. - [Rami] So we're going to go in little by little here - Oh, look at all of those hairs. - [Rami] You can see how there more towards the outside of the canal here. - [Eugene] You ever get icked out by it? - Um, not if it's wax, but there are some other things happen in people's ears which can be kind of gross. You have other findings that are not wax. - [Keith] I'm sorry. - That we can definitely talk about. - [Keith] What do you mean? - [Interviewer] What's the craziest thing you've seen? - Oh my goodness. Probably the craziest are live insects. Cockroaches being the most common. - Findings? - I'll show you. Your eardrums are a little bit flacid. - You should see me at night. - So, some other things going on, but no wax for yours. - Oh, I looked right into it. - Yeah, sorry. (laughs) - You might be just a little maybe ticklish as we go in. So that is your ear. Actually, you don't have any wax at all on this side. And you have a very nice eardrum. - He was a little bit maybe on the oily side. Yeah, like the skin itself maybe glistened a little bit. - Wow. - So you can see he has a little bit of some stuff that got trapped in his hairs here. But, overall, no wax. - Normally, I'd be thrilled, but this is a video about gross ear stuff, so I'm a little disappointed. - Things you might find in my ear today? I'm a little worried. Bad YouTube ideas, mostly. - [Rami] So we're gonna start over here. - So they're removing my earwax, but my goal today is to replace Zach as the fourth official Try Guy. I don't think Zach's pulling his weight. - You have a little ring of stuff. - So hopefully, by the end of the day, it'll be just Kieth, Jack, Steve and Steve. The Try Guys! - He has something we call an anterior overhang, which is kind of a little bony prominence, but you also don't have any wax. - Whaaat? - There are some folks who just never really build up wax. There are some people who just have bigger ear canals, and so it's just much easier for the wax to come out on it's own. - Now I feel like a liar. I feel like I've just been exposed. - I'm one of those people. I've never had my ears cleaned, believe it or not. (Mumbles) So you can see, like, it's very nice, it's actually a very nice eardrum on this side. So your ears are clean, which is good. - Okay. - But if you wanted to see kind of what it looks like... - Oh that looks cool! - I know! (laughs) You're like, "That looks awesome!" - It turns out the Try Guys are not waxy boys, but we brought some ringers from our office. - I'm here because my bosses have told me I have to get my ears checked out. (Laughs) - Okay, let's take a look, shall we? So have you had any wax removed from you before? - I have never had wax removed. I'm very excited. - You've done this before, right? - My right ear gets clogged like three times a year, and so I have to get it unclogged. - I'm gonna have you look towards that, your left. This side looks okay. So, you're good over here. Oh, we got a little something over here. - A little dude? (Playful flute music) Oh watching their reactions is almost as fun as... - All right, there it is! - Nice! Actually, that's a pretty good size. - That's a sizeable piece. - Yeah, I brought it, I brought it! (Laughs) That is disgusting, but I'm so glad it's out of me. - So you have a little bit here on your back wall of the canal. Oh! We've actually got a little bit right there. - Ooh, do I have fun stuff? - So we have a little bit of stuff in there. So yours is actually quite close to the eardrums, so we're going to want to be really careful here. (Relaxing violin music) - Everyone's mouth is agape! - Yeah, they're like, "What?" It's like a little game, it kind of slipped out through my wand. You okay? - Yeah. - That little goober. Not super big, but here it is! - Aw, hi, Buddy! - Yeah! Here you go. - Am I going to hear better now? - It was kind of in territory it should not be. - Oh, dear! - Yeah, so we got it out of there. - Also like a little goober over here that we can get out. Can you hand me that curette again? The same one I was using. - I love that you refer to them as goobers. It gives them a personality. - Right? Yeah.That's what I think. Patients respond a little better to that. Let's see. Have a little pieces to remove. (Laughs) - [Steve] Oh, yeah. - [Zach] This is good. This is killing it. - There it is! - I'm prepared for this moment. - It's like a pair. They're actually almost the exact same. - Look at that! - Oh my god! Twinsies! - You're very symmetric. All right, that's great! Take a peek here. (Hallelujah chorus plays) Look at that. - Oh my god. - [Miles] Is it crazy? - It's a big wax plug. - Oh god! - Literally it's a plug. - So we can't really see. There's a little room above it, I think that's why he can hear okay. All right, my friend. - Okay, is this going to be painful? - It should not be painful. We'll take it nice and easy, you know, there's no reason to be aggressive about this. Just hold still, but if you feel like you have to move for any reason, just let me know. (Mumbles) (Intense violin music plays) (Mumbles) (Grunts loudly) Is that pretty painful there? - Yeah, it's a little painful. - All right, my friend. - Oh my god. - Oh my god! - Holy shit! That's fucking huge! (laughs) That's so huge! - This is a true cerumen entity. - [Zach] Can you show it to the camera? - [Keith] It looks like a spider! - Do you wanna hold it? - I'm sal--I'm just so shocked. - [Zach] Hold it up closer to your face - I'm disgusting! That is so gross! - It looks like it's about to sprout legs and run away. Like a spider! So this is you and the guy she tells you not to worry about. - So notice it's all out now, so we can actually, you can see his eardrum right there. (Cheers) - [Rami] And it's otherwise 100% normal. - I can't even believe it. - We have one that's a little bit smaller here, but we definitely have some... - You're good, Miles, just stay still. - Oh my god this is making me nauseous. - Yes! - [Steve] Oh, that's big, too! - Yeah, a little more than I thought. So you may be a really good candidate for actually just suctioning it out. Yeah, it's something we can try, something we haven't done today. Cause it's pretty much blocking the entire opening. - It's true. - [Rami] Ah, so this is critical for you. - So that's why all of our videos only come out of the let ear? (laughs) Oh, wow, that's different. - This is, like, a little more of a procedure. So, you're gonna--I'm gonna put some drops in there, and you're going to feel a little bit of moisture, and then it's going to sound like, a little bit like Rice Krispies. - [Zach] Oh, we're ready. - So we're just gonna start suctioning. - Oh my god. Wait... - Oh this is awesome. (Screeches) - This is pretty crazy. - [Keith] Oh it's stuck in there. - What are we listening to? Is that his ear or is that the suction? - Yeah that's the suction kind of against the wax. (Vibrating sound) - [Rami] You okay? - Yeah. - [Rami] If it becomes comfortable you can just like-- (Mumbles) He's doing the hard work. Yeah, if you need a break just let me know. It's quite a bit. Sometimes it's like you're just looking at the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, you know? - Oh my god! Oh my god! (Gasps) - [Rami] Oh, there is. All right. (Cheers) - Yeah, Will! Yeah! - [Eugene] Oh is that bigger than Miles? - [Keith] It's probably the same size, but he had to chip-- - But you can see, it almost, it's like a cast of your ear canal. So you see how the edges are very, very smooth? And you see how the hairs are trapped in there? - Yeah, we see. - It looks like beautiful, petrified wood. - [Rami] Yeah, yeah I can see that. Check it out. So, that's his ear drum. Very nice, yeah. - Way to go. What a ride. Will, you want to give the video sign off? - Well, the Try Guys I don't think could come through in this video, but, uh, me and Miles could. Giant ass ear globs! You know, glad that my freakish ears are good for something. Jesus Christ. Oh my god, I gotta go. I gotta get out of here. (Laughs) (Upbeat rock music) - Try Guys try driving in flip flops, that's a fun one. I love the Try Guys try women's toothpaste, love that. Ooh, the Try Guys try not to pet pet-able pets that you shouldn't pet challenge. That's a fun one.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 7,104,693
Rating: 4.9534349 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, earwax, ears, body, doctors, gross, removal, extraction, wax, ear, medicine, procedure, operation, body fluids, disgusting, cringe, creepy, orange, yellow, doctor, surgeon
Id: tNdVTnrA-2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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