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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love it y'all i am so inspired right now how many of you needed this yes praise god i'm also inspired to get a walkout song because bianca that was legit that was so cool i was like yes we're doing walkout songs now i know uh i actually remember this is a cool story real quick about five years ago bianca asked me if i would be her plus one to if gathering before she even really knew me i met her very briefly in washington dc very randomly and she said hey i don't know why the lord's telling me to invite you to this thing called if gathering now this was before i was speaking or anything like that and i really needed that in my life a women's gathering i said okay yeah i'd love to join you so i pretty much came by myself i didn't know bianca really it didn't come with my mom or a friend i just came by myself and i just sat by myself in the back and i just listened and man it was just water for my soul it's just so refreshing and then during that time i got to talk to jenny and jenny began to prophesy over my life that i would preach the word to my generation and y'all i don't even know if i really believed her i was just like all right i'm gonna have to definitely pray into that that's crazy you know and here i am five years later and i'm preaching after bianca at ginny's if gathering and i just have to tell you god is a waymaker like ann voskamp said and i just had to testify for that for a minute because that is just so cool and sometimes i still wrestle with fear and i still feel unprepared and then i just remember that man god's been preparing this for a long time and there might be things in your life that you know you feel unprepared but when you look back at your story he's been preparing you the whole way that has nothing to do with my message tonight but that was just really cool no denny actually asked me to preach on a specific topic tonight and she said sadie i want you to talk about the difference between your truth and god's truth the difference between my truth and god's truth now that's a big topic right and if you're in the millennial gen z day and age you know that's a really big battle that we're facing right now you see it everywhere live your truth literally christian and i were in la recently and there was a huge billboard and no joke it said we the youth live your truth like it's everywhere this message is parading saying live your truth your truth will set you free your truth is the ticket to find your truth is the best way to live and friends i'm here to tell you that that is a lie and so i'm going to start by just showing y'all a little bit about what this generation is kind of believing when it comes to your truth so has anyone ever seen urban dictionary urban dictionary is the dictionary of the people there is no legitimacy behind this this is um just what people have gone on and said this is what this definition is and then the most liked definition becomes the definition so it's not a lot of data behind that just is what it is but i feel like when it comes to your truth we should let the people define it since they are defining what truth is and this is what urban dictionary says my truth is a non-negotiable personal opinion this is a convenient phrase for avoiding arguments because people can contradict your opinion but not your truth and y'all that's actually kind of scary because there's a generation that would just put my truth behind anything behind their feelings behind their opinion behind whatever they're feeling in a moment because as long as it's their truth then you can't argue it it's scary you know used to it seemed like the truth was pretty straightforward and we almost all knew that to tell someone the truth was the most loving thing that you could do right like we all know that like if someone's sitting across to me at lunch and they have a giant spinach leaf in their tooth the best thing you can do in that moment although it will be incredibly awkward it might even be painful to hear is to tell that person girlfriend you got some spinach in your teeth like we all know that is loving to tell the truth is loving but nowadays it gets really tricky because you can literally tell someone hey friend you got spinach in your teeth and they could say no i don't and you could say yeah you do and they could say well it is my truth that it nourishes my teeth and then you would just be like what like this is how confusing it gets what is true what is true and you see what's really hard is when nothing is true then what is love and what is freedom and what is power and what is anything if we don't have a foundation of truth and now it seems like this is a problem that just our day and age is facing but this problem has actually been around for a very long time even back into jesus's day in john chapter 18 jesus is talking to pilate because at this point in the story the jews were so fed up with jesus they were like you like we've got to get rid of him he was driving them crazy because he was challenging everything about what they believe he was ruffling feathers he was turning over tables in the temple and they're like we got to get rid of this guy and since they didn't kill people they were like the romans might crucify him if we make it seem like he's posing threat to their government and so they turn him in he's having this conversation with pilate and the truth is super confusing this is how the conversation goes verse 35 of chapter 18. pilate answered am i a jew your own nation and the tree priests have delivered you over to me what have you done and jesus said my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world my servants would have been fighting that i might not be delivered to the jews but my kingdom is not of the world then pilate said to him so are you a king and jesus answered you say that i'm a king for this reason i was born and for this purpose i've come into the world to bear witness to the truth everyone who is in everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice and pilate said to him what is truth you see this question dates back all the way to when pilate was even asking jesus what is truth the truth is so confusing because they're saying that you're a madman that you're driving everyone crazy that you're being destructive that you're doing all these things but you're talking to me and you're saying that your kingdom's not of this world and all this stuff so that's contradicting and you're saying you're of the truth and what does that even mean what is truth well then after that moment pilate goes away and it says and he had said this he went after he had said this he went back outside to the jews and he told them i find no guilt in him so in this moment pilate kind of identified what his truth was he's like i don't think this man's guilty there's nothing i see here that's a problem you know i think everything's cool let's move on and then he said but you have a custom that i should release one man for you at passover so do you want for me to release to you the king of the jews it's almost like this seemed obvious right you want me to release you the king of the jews i don't find guilt in him isn't this like a very obvious decision and they said no not this man but barabbas now barabbas was a robber and we read this story and doesn't that just sound crazy like here jesus is he's healing the sick he is literally making the blind people see he's feeding five thou he's doing incredible things pilate's even like there is nothing wrong here i don't see any guilt in him don't you just want to turn him back over i mean is it really that bad and they're all saying no not that man barabbas give us barabbas and you see we know how the story ends we know what pilate did we know that he gave them barabbas and we know that jesus was crucified and you see that's what happens when you don't have a foundation of truth whatever the majority says is true becomes true to you you see pilate knew that jesus was not guilty pilate knew that he was a savior pilot knew there's nothing wrong with him there's nothing wrong here but because the crowd said give us barabbas all of a sudden the truth changed and barabbas was released and jesus was crucified i think we have a generation who just lets the majority rule whatever urban dictionary votes is the truth whatever tick-tock says is the truth whatever the snapchat article reads is the truth whatever the news headline is is the truth and it doesn't matter if we fact check it that's just true we don't need to fact check it that's how we're going to live our life even if it's leading us to destruction even if it's no good for our life even if we literally don't even recognize ourselves anymore if everyone says it's true that it must be true scary proverbs 16 i mean sorry 12 15 says this the fool is right in his own eyes but the wise man listens to advice i don't want to be a generation of fools thinking that we're right all the time thinking that our truth is the best thing for our life you know you read this story too and you say you know this makes no rational sense like even if jesus was bothering them that is actually dangerous that they would put barabbas back on the streets like he's actually a criminal this doesn't even make sense why would they do this but here's the thing your truth is not really concerned with what makes sense it's not really concerned with what you know is better for you in the long run your truth is always going to seek what is the most comfortable thing in the moment your truth is going to feed your pleasure your truth is going to feed your feelings your truth is going to be the thing that makes you comfortable and jesus made them so uncomfortable because your truth allows you to stay the same the truth requires change the truth requires submission the truth requires you to lay down to repent to turn and to follow in him and we don't want to do that we want to live our truth you know there's a scripture i'm going to read it to y'all and john 8 and it is so powerful and jesus just lays out the fact that he is the truth that says this if you abide in my word you are my disciple and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free so if you're in my word you are my disciple and then if you're in me you will know the truth and the truth will set you free when i was preparing for the message i couldn't remember where that verse was found in the bible and so i literally googled where is the verse or jesus says and the truth would set you free y'all i'm not kidding i told y'all sometimes i don't feel prepared so i googled this okay i should have known it but i googled it and when i googled it the first thing that popped up was who said the truth will set you free and so i click on it and there's literally all of these lists of people in the history of the world that have said this great line and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and it's this person who said it in 1960 and it's this person who said it in 1820 and it's this person who said it in this war and this person who said it in this movement and then along with all of the other listings there was jesus and jesus said and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free and as i was reading that i was like man this is the problem you see that sentence is not true for anyone to say but jesus and you know why it's not true you know why it was true when jesus said it is because when he said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free he was literally talking about himself as in the truth and the reason why he could say that and it would be true is because he actually knew he holds the power beyond the grave he can literally wash you free of your sin he literally is going to resurrect from the dead to life so that's actually true for him to say that his truth actually will set you free that whatever sin you have in your life whatever bondage you're dealing with in your life the thing that's actually going to set you free because he literally raised from the grave is jesus christ you see when i say that that holds no power what does that mean for anyone if i'm like my truth will set you free that's not true that doesn't do it for anyone and here's the thing that's about to seem so obvious but i think we need a reminder of this the reason why the truth is powerful is because it's true you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying that's the reason why truth is powerful now i'm about to say something that for all you hallmark movie fans you're gonna hate me for this you're gonna hate me for this i need to watch more movies and maybe i wouldn't be like this but there's a thing that christian has said to me and it's so sweet and i am really grateful but i just don't really like this sentence okay it's when he says to me you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world and i know that's so sweet i should really watch more hallmark movies and i would be so sentimental like that but i'm so practical for that and in the back of my mind when he says that i'm like that is so sweet but that's not true you know like like i seen people out there gorgeous gorgeous you know there's some people in different parts i mean beautiful you know and so when he says you're the most beautiful girl in the entire world i'm so literal i'm like in the entire no it's it's literally just not true but you know what is so powerful to me this is so powerful to me is when he says i love you i actually love that because i know that's true because i know even though i'm not the most beautiful girl in the entire world and even though you know he's seen me on my worst days and he's literally held my hair over the toilet as i threw up for 24 weeks straight pregnant with honey he would still look at me in all of that and he would say i love you and the fact that that is true makes it so powerful and we have a generation y'all that would rather just be puffed up then be set free they'd rather just be told you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world then i love you they'd rather be told the thing that makes them feel the most empower the them feel the most god-like then then feel completely loved by god and i'm telling you being loved by god is so much more powerful than any moment of power that you could ever ever feel you see i was um on instagram one day and uh gosh it just stuck out to me so clearly just this kind of thing with my truth your truth the truth all this stuff i'm scrolling through my stories and i get to one of my favorite influencers and she's my favorite influencer simply just because i like her cute clothes it's not um a super spiritual reason um but she's you know i'm just honesty right now okay so i'm scrolling through and i get to her page and she's talking about something that really interests me she's talking about how awesome wonder woman is and i'm like yes i totally agree i love wonder woman so she was like i just saw the wonder woman movie and it was just so great and all this stuff and i'm like yes girl click to the next slide and she's like you know i'm just so thankful that we as women have such a heroic figure to look up to like wonder woman because little boys have had something like this their whole life with superman and you know now they have spiderman and black panther and captain america and all these super inspirational heroes and i'm so glad we as women have that and i'm like yes that is so cool i love that too then i click to the next slide and then she says and you know all this got me thinking maybe that's why i don't relate to god because he's a man and you know that's probably why that's never really worked for me and so then i heard somebody talking about um a woman god a woman version of guy like heavenly mother so i started praying to her and gosh it's just been so empowering and she goes on and on and on about how empowering this has been for her and her daughters and all this stuff and i'm like man that's tricky because you had me with wonder woman and you had me with the fact that that is really awesome that we have this inspiration but then it got tricky because then you took it to your relationship with god you see if i didn't have ears to discern the truth it would have been really easy for me to look at my own sounds like man i wonder if that would work for me like maybe that could yeah because that makes a lot of sense maybe that could be that would make me feel so much more empowered but then i clicked to the next slide and the next slide and someone even asked her they said where have you found this in scripture and she literally answered and said i actually haven't but if you find it let me know and so unwilling to fact check it unwilling to look and see if it's actually true but once again the truth is powerful because the truth is true the reason why prayer is powerful is because there is a real god in heaven i am praying to and yes i call him my father but that doesn't mean i can't relate to him because he knit me together in my mother's womb and i made in his image and so that is enough for me and you know what the thing is whenever you're praying and the idea of my truth it is for you to feel empowered but when i pray i'm not praying for my empowerment that will not get me very far that will not stop the war going on that will not heal the sick i am praying for the power of god and so you have to look at this and say man is my truth really that powerful it's not but the enemy does just like that one slide's true the next slide's true and the last slide's a lie the enemy plays the game that we know two truths and a lie with us every day y'all ever played that game two troops and a lie we played that game we actually went out in atlanta georgia and started asking people this just to see if this was true if people really got confused and one girl we said okay two truths and a lie number one chick-fil-a the a stands for graded meat number great a meat number two chick-fil-a is closed on sundays and number three chick-fil-a only uses born-again chickens y'all let me tell you what this girl thought the lie was she thought the lie was that they used great the a stands for grade a meat she legitimately chose that they use born-again chickens as truth what okay and you look at that and that's hilarious that's hilarious but why did it seem true it's because it was mixed in with the lie like and so all of a sudden it start the lie seemed true because it's mixed in with some truth and because they are closed on sunday then it makes sense and then emmy does this with us he plays two streaks in a lie he says oh you overslept today that's true you're not where you want to be in life true you're worthless all of a sudden that lie seems really true because the other thing two things were true and then he's doing this a lot too saying oh um you love your best friend your best friend's beautiful you're attracted to your best friend wait a second was that true because the other two things were true so maybe that means this is true and when we're not rooted in a foundation of truth we begin to search those lies to see if that might be true so that we can be free but we don't stop long enough to say i find my freedom in you jesus you are the way you are the truth you are the life i'm following you to get to everything my heart desires which is god who is love in fullness who is truth who is power we have to be able to hear that you look at that story and you say why do they choose barabbas well why do we choose barabbas you say what do you mean sadie we don't choose barabbas well barabbas was known for three things this is what he was accused as he was a robber so he stole things he was a murderer he killed people and he was a rebel he destroyed things what do those characteristics sound like kill steal and destroy sounds a lot like the father of lies huh it's the same characteristics and you see in life every day there will be a choice to hear the voice of truth or to hear the lies of the enemy because the truth is is that we have a savior and we have an enemy there is jesus and there is barabbas and so i want to challenge you if gathering don't choose barabbas just because it's more comfortable in a moment choose jesus because although it will require you to change from the inside out man it is purifying you in such a way that you can stand before a holy god blameless and truly feel the power of what freedom really is so i'm going to pray over us today if gathering and gosh this has just been so good and i pray that you would choose to stand on the truth of god's word in a world that will literally pitch everything they can throw at you to believe your own truth so god i thank you so much for these women i thank you for these women who would choose to be here with their time who would choose to tune into if gathering and god i pray that it would not just be a gathering where they come and they just listen but i pray it would be together and they come and it changes everything about who they are because they allow your spirit inside god i pray that they would not just hear the word and take it in for themselves but they would go out into their homes to their families to their churches to their schools and they would preach the word god god i pray that we would be disciples for you god jesus i pray against a generation believing the lie that their truth will set them free when only you have the power to do that god i pray that you show them how beautiful it is to believe in your truth and what that means to really be in freedom we love you so much we praise you thank you for jenny and if gathering and this amazing thing that they put on for us women to come together to fellowship and be refreshed it's in your holy name we pray amen amen [Applause] [Music] so that was incredible and i'm proud of you um she's my girl and i love her so much and i'm so proud of her life but she represents something that i believe is going on in a bigger way in the world that i want to mention and i know you care about we care about a lot is there something happening in the 20-somethings there's something happening in gen z like there's a zeal and a fire that is clear and passionate and wants to change the world and i wanted everybody to hear this with you up here that there are almost 600 if locals on college campuses tonight almost 9 000 college students registered themselves to attend one so you got to think about how laid back they are y'all they don't make plans that far in advance like that was a miracle that they signed up so if if almost 10 000 of them signed up imagine how many of them just got pulled into a dorm room or somewhere else and is just watching right now so we want to say to if college we see you we love you and we believe in you thank you i'm so proud of you so proud of you
Channel: Sadie Robertson Huff
Views: 142,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1K8gW2EGeLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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