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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel hi how the hell are ya now today we're gonna be talking about the infamous and the controversial tart shaped cake foundation now listen girl we're gonna have to start this video off with a few words because I am just at a loss right now I'm at a loss for words but I also got a lot of [ __ ] to say so if you've been sleeping under a rock or maybe you've been busy working or [ __ ] your husband I have something to share with you this picture hit the internet last week and it was announced that Tarte was putting out a brand new foundation to go along with their famous shaped tape concealer now I was very excited because this is one of my favorite concealers of 2017 now I know this actually came out all the way in 16 which is important to know this foundation first launched in 2016 2017 it grew into a monster everyone fell in love with it or most of you did including myself so when there was a announcement that there was gonna be a foundation version a lot of us were like yes it might be the new holy grail it better be amazing there was a lot of hype and then the swatches came out so if you have not seen this this was going around online and is basically showcasing tarts shade range for their new foundation so I sat here and I was like crickets that's what I that's what happened so let's have a conversation you guys last year Breanna came in the game and she slayed everybody she basically said hi everyone let's be inclusive and if you're not you gotta go and it was such a beautiful launch Rihanna had a foundation color for almost literally every one every skin tone every undertone every complexion she came in so laid no thief NT Beauty foundation is actually one of my favorites from last year it is amazing and the brand definitely put things in perspective for a lot of people that high if a brand does not have a big shade range why bother and I know there's a lot of opinions about this but girl here's mine if you cannot create a all-inclusive shade range why is the product even being out there was a lot of controversy that went down with this and I am just kind of a little shocked and horrified when I saw this watches it looked like they had 50 shades of white and then like two shades for women of color and I'm it's not acceptable it is literally 2018 so I know a lot of people have done videos on this foundation already it's just hit the market but I have a few more words to say so I've seen a few youtubers already review this now there was an amazing review by Jackie aina and Alyssa Ashley you can watch their video here is the thumbnail and they really go in depth and just they're just brutally honest and I think that's why a lot of people [ __ ] with our channel it's because they say exactly what's up they speak the truth and a lot of people are afraid of the truth part of me didn't even want to review the foundation I know a lot of you want to see in action so I am gonna do it but part of me just feels like girl unless they want to put out a full-range don't bother so while I'm filming this video tart actually went on their IG story and did a little we're gonna call a press release or a response to the controversy and everyone being upset now let's read this together and you guys can decide what you think for yourself so tart went on there IG story which girl you should have done a full post on Instagram you should have posted on Twitter Facebook everything so the whole world could see your response but I guess an Instagram story will have to do we all know by now that we revealed our much anticipated shaped tape foundation and the final shade range that we launched was definitely not a full rapid representation of all of you it may be a little too late but we can assure you that this was not meant in any malicious way we all just got so caught up in the shape tape nation and seeing your tweets asking for it we wanted to get the product out as fast as possible and we made the decision to move forward before all the shades were ready to go they then go on to say we know that there is no excuse and we take full responsibility for launching this way we lost sight of what's really important in this industry and for those who feel alienated in our community we want to personally apologize we're doing everything in our power to bring those unfinished shades to market as fast as we can at any cost we can and we will do better also one thing I want to note is that a lot of people were going in because Tarte disabled their comment section for the post about the foundation so it really made people even more upset like you're literally I don't think the voices of those who need to be heard now it is great to have an apology but to me I feel like some of that is maybe a little too late a woman of color and afterthought to tert are they not good enough so you got to wait to get your shade later I just couldn't imagine being excited for a release now that concealer that they have put out does have a lot of shades but I couldn't imagine being excited for a launch and then you log in to buy your shade and you can't find your color and it really does not exist I mean to me foundation should go from A to Z tart did like a to M skipped a whole bunch and then did like you Z and that's about it so to me it just felt like okay why would you have to put out darker shades later so only white people get to buy your [ __ ] first and then everyone is like an afterthought it blows my mind but I think that this is a very important topic to talk about and I think that it is also something that a lot of brands kind of you know put under the radar don't bother putting out this foundation until you are ready with a full inclusive line so another thing that was a little controversial the last two days is that beauty youtuber at nikkietutorials deleted her entire shape tape review and I was like whoa what is going on so after digging in I found out that she deleted the video because people were really going in on the comment section and you know the Internet is the Internet and this is a very hot topic but I think that it's very important that when you do have a huge platform like Nikki with over 8 million subscribers you do not that you have to do things a certain way but you do have a choice to really talk about something and bring it full forward because yes girl they may have had your shade but half your audience then you have their shade so me which I know I don't have as many subscribers as her but I would like to be one of the people to go on record and start the conversation which the conversations already started the whole internet is [ __ ] up roared angry and upset and I just think that people with a bigger audience should speak up about it it's ridiculous you know I saw Nikki's tweet she said you know I got to pull up the screenshot so I don't misquote thank you for showing me the importance of showcasing my voice the tart shade range is an absolute and I should have spoken up about it more than I did my problem with that you've been on YouTube for eight years you know you have a voice girl so you live your life online you saw the shade range you didn't really acknowledge it so here I am I would love to acknowledge it and start the [ __ ] conversation I just feel like that is a very important topic and please sound off below of what you guys think I'm very just kind of like shocked to even see this behavior still happening in the makeup world but at last here we are so if you guys want to see me even review this foundation keep on watching if you're over I don't blame you you can log off I don't care but I do want it to you know speak my mind and I think that it's very important to talk to you guys about this subject let's dive into it now there is two formulas there is a hydrating shaped tape and there is a mat shaped tape now I have watched a few people review this which I normally don't do not that anyone sways my opinion I just don't like to see other people use it yet until I try it out but from watching a few people's reviews the hydrating one seems very skin-like and natural which No thank you we're gonna try out the matte one so it looks like this now I did get three shades here which all jokes aside you guys I can't with the shade names we got lights and fair neutral and light neutral now the other shades were like deep dark and mahogany and I'm over here like so anyway I am going to test this out today now this foundation does retail for $39 it's kind of up there this one is supposed to visibly refine pores and absorb shine it has a vitamin E for nourishing the skin no flaking or caking now it does recommend that you apply with a paddle brush so they have put out their own brush which this retails for $28 it's vegan and cruelty free now of course you guys have seen every brand on earth I think right now put out a paddle brush we all know that our teeths was the first one to do it and everyone has followed suit we're just gonna dive in and try this foundation now of course I'm gonna use a primer that I always use everyday so there's no surprises and since this is a matte foundation we're gonna go in with my sicily double tendency are instant and long-term primer this one is amazing she's [ __ ] pricey but girl does she work all right my neck my ears my forehead my whole face is primed now let's dive in so I guess we have to shade match my face first let's do that now first of all I haven't even seen this bottle yet really having absorb it okay it's cute it's alright what do we have here we have 30 milliliters and 12.01 fluid ounces made in canada and this is of course a full mat foundation all right now let's see which shade is going to work for me the concealer I use is very light now this I'm just gonna do a little swatch test I probably should have done this before I primed but hey see what happens here okay that looks a little yellow for me I am a very cool toned so I don't think I'm gonna live for that one this one is which one is this one fair neutral oh god that's light okay and then we have light neutral let's pray light neutral work so we're gonna have to go in with that one you guys I'm scared okay and then we have let yea this is light neutral okay I think light neutral is it gonna work alright you guys so I'm going to wipe this off but we're gonna go in with light neutral it's a little too yellow for me there's not like that full pink undertone I'm seeing here now I did get this off line so you know how it is when you're trying to match your shade off of a little square it can be a little annoying sometimes so we were going to just wipe that off and then I'm very worried about reviews you guys know I'm gonna wipe this even the residue of the makeup wipe i want completely off my skin there we go alright so here we are with Missa light neutral now I know this is a very thick foundation so during reviews you should probably use a normal amount so everyone can actually see if the product works or not so let's just go in with one swipe here oh that's a lot of product girl and then we'll go down a little bit and let's just see how that looks I mean that's a lot of product we'll do half my face just so you guys can see if and when there's a difference now let's take the brush and let's blender out here is the foundation blended out so I guess we're gonna have to zoom in right here and see now of course I'm gonna look directly in the camera here is the side with foundation of course and here is what you see in real life we have freckles we have a little cut on my lip we have moles and we have some discoloration and then here is the now looking in the monitor it does look a very airbrushed all the discoloration is gone it is definitely a medium to full coverage foundation the color match I'm not like living for but I've also not hating it it is definitely can be build it to a very full coverage now there's no patches it looks smooth it's very like I look like I have a filter on my face what you guys know I'm into that my guess let's apply more on this side but I love applying my foundation with the Beauty Blender most of you guys know that so even though this brush does say its suggest to apply this with the foundation not everyone is gonna buy this or want to use it so let's try to this side with a Beauty Blender now this applicator actually don't mind it it goes on really easy it's not messy and I do like how sturdy it is because it is I'm going to assume this is glass it feels nice and heavy okay let's bounce all right so this is kind of weird blending it out with a damp beauty blender made it apply better than their brush I have to say that right off the bat I'm like whoa now brands always recommend buy a brush with this girl its foundation you can apply it with your fingers with a sponge with a Beauty Blender with a synthetic brush whatever you want girl but just buffing this in actually applied better almost feel like this side with the brush looks a little k here but this cider looks a lot better when I wasn't hating this side it just now that I'm comparing the two I'm like whoa this one is a nicer I am going to add a tiny bit more of this just to see if it will let me add on some extra coverage and let's see what happens now that it's buffed out you can definitely see it is a medium to full coverage foundation there is no denying that I am curious to see if this shape tape concealer works great over its own formula so let's pull out the concealer of course this is in shade fair and let's put some on and see what happens [Music] all right should we try to buff it out with their brush or should we just stick to a beauty sponge I guess we can do both right why not okay so yeah this is blended out all right it kind of took off a little bit of the foundation it looks like let's see this right here and if a lot of you're like girl what the hell are you doing right there this is what I've been doing lately under my contour just so it's so sharp and your cheekbones look like knives but yeah this brush girl I'm not living for it [Music] alright now I'm going to set my concealer like I would always do and let's go in with the RCM a no color powder now we're gonna take our damp sponge and we're just going to lay that right on top of the concealer and the foundation and let's see how it looks as I'm letting the powder bake I'm just adding on a little bit of bronzer and warmth to my face oh right so let's brush off the powder here and let's see how the under eyes and concealer are looking alright so I think I'm ready to give my final thoughts and give you guys the real tea so here we go so I'm sure a lot of you are wondering and you want to know maybe you've already fast forwarded to the end is the tart shaped cake foundation jeffree star approved well here's the problem the formula yes it's good it's not the best thing on earth now what I did put the concealer over the foundation with the setting powder it does look good there's really no creasing it's not bad if my problem is I really don't know if we should support this foundation or the brand until there are more shades and I'm sure a lot of you are gonna be on the same page as me and you're like girl I agree so I'm glad that you guys got to watch me play around with it but I'm not going to improve it based on all the facts that I presented in the beginning of the video I hope you guys can understand that and relate because girl I can not until the brand wants to be fully inclusive maybe y'all should not be wasting your [ __ ] hard-earned coins on it and that is that I'm gonna go wipe this off now but I hope you guys enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching and I will see you on the next one
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 6,086,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, jeffree star cosmetics, tarte shape tape foundation, shape tape foundation review, tarte cosmetics shade range drama, jeffree star approved, jeffree star drama, kylie makeup brushes, nikkietutorials jeffree star, fenty beauty review, kkw bebauty review, drugstore makeup tutorial, full coverage foundation, manny mua, james charles, patrick starrr, tarte cosmetics drama, tati westbrook, sephora haul, foundation review, jackie aina
Id: ZNC8XT93rds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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