The Truth About the Traditional Mass w/ Scott Hahn

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Everybody trying to be snarky on both sides of this issue needs to listen to this wise and knowledgeable man speak about this. Thanks for posting this. I’m going to share it with so many people.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/neighbor_mike 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] dennis vu says dr han hi from one of your former students hello to dennis we text almost every week oh really he says can you comment on what attending the latin mass has done for you i attend daily how has this changed your prayer life and perspective of the sacred liturgy all right first of all every valid mass is heaven on earth it's inexhaustible you know uh every valid mass novus ordo or the trident you know the the traditional latin mass uh i am more at home in the novus order because for so many years that's all i knew that's all my parishes did but i must admit that um going to the traditional latin mass at our parish at noon on sunday has been transformative and i have a preferential option for that which has been around for more than 1500 years you know we're doing something that is a valid experiment and you know concocting eucharistic prayers in the 60s canonizing them in the 70s and you know but i can't help but wonder if lex orandi lex credendai is true lecturandi the law of prayer the law of worship is the basis for lex credential the law of belief but also lex vivendi that is the law of life you know if you can just tinker with this and change it you're going to set an emotion expectations that will conclude well we can change the doctrine we can change the morals as well that's right what's happened yeah and so i would say we've got to affirm the validity of the novus ordo mass and recognize it is inexhaustible i think we can also recognize the objective superiority of the latin mass without becoming mad trads that's what i most of the rad treads i've known over the years are angry i describe myself as a glad trad as a a trento costal as a stratismatic i'm a catholic and so you're gonna write a new book with all these puns well it's it's all of the above we don't have to give into the sectarian impulse to say that this one movement is going to save the church yeah no the mass will save the church however it's celebrated validly in the orthodox in the eastern rights or in yeah the dominican right or i wanted to ask you what do you see as positive in this new movement of young people desiring the heritage that was never given them right well i mean and then what should we be careful of and i think you're already alluding to it in becoming angry but well i think they're rightly saying to the older generation look you know you ended up rejecting something and that is the traditional latin mass and all of that went with with it we don't have the choice i mean in a certain sense you abandoned something that you felt perhaps was inferior or whatever out and outmoded but i think the next generation is coming up and saying you know give us a chance expose it to let us be exposed to that and when they are i think all of the the fads of the 60s the 70s the 80s into the 90s i mean fad is just an acronym for a day and you know and so i think there have been a lot of liturgical fads you know i was hearing about one priest was describing a marijuana mass in 69 after woodstock yeah and we heard about clown masses and other things too and so i just feel like let the experimentation die out you know and let the novus ordo continue and let us prepare for it at our mass 10 a.m at saint peter's uh it's beautiful it's beautiful it's out orientum we have the latin rails yes and we receive on our knees at the altar rail as well and so to me there really is a glorious convergence that can be done and that should be done i think it will take the next generation of priests because i can't speak for my two seminarian sons but i get a sense that they and their classmates are open if not eager to sort of appropriate both streams and make it you know i grew up in pittsburgh three rivers stadium monongahela the allegheny becomes the ohio river now i live alongside of the ohio river and i feel as though i live where the confluence of the novus ordo and the latin come together in a beautiful life-giving way okay thank you dennis yeah there's a lot of people who are like glad trads rise in a sense there's an awkwardness in reclaiming a tradition that was never yours because you weren't given it it's almost like going to an antique store and buying something beautiful but it's not really yours it's somebody else's and so i think that awkwardness that we're seeing among younger catholics myself included who are super excited about tradition is just that right it's going to be nice to see when it becomes second nature it's good analogy thank you yeah yeah because you know growing up what i thought of it uh yeah i wish i wish that i i wish i had it you know i wish i wish somebody had exposed me to the rosary to the incense i wish they didn't try to be i know i'm not making a false dichotomy here i'm not saying you can either have a sloppy nervous order or a beautiful tridentine mass of course you can have both of each but i wish somebody had exposed that to me you know everywhere else i see irreverence it would be nice to see deep reverence in in the here's a question we can never answer and that is what would it have been like if all of these rad trads had grown up only with the latin and only with the family rosary i mean would they have gone through an adolescent phase where they too would have preferred the fads of whatever decade they were raised in you know and so i don't think that the blame game is something that either side will win i just think that what we have to do is say yes and yes at yes you know both hand is the latin is the catholic phrase and uh oh here's another question for you what i think there are a lot of people who and i was one of these for a while felt um like a bit of a refugee uh i lived in atlanta and many of the parishes around me the holy mass wasn't celebrated with a great deal of reverence and so i ended up going to a byzantine church because it was there that i found reverence um but i think maybe there's a danger there too uh and i'm not sure i wonder if natural piety should lead us to want to be a part of our own heritage and not to quickly set it aside and adopt some sort of ruthenian traditions or something like that do you have any concerns about that or not really who's the australian saint again that is saint mary mckillip and you were telling me before we started that she was how was your relationship with the bishop like my understanding i got to look this up to get all the details right so i apologize if i'm getting it wrong but i believe saint mary mckillop was excommunicated by the bishop of adelaide uh who may himself have been an alcoholic she never spoke up or criticized him and eventually she was sort of brought back into the church i think there's something profoundly catholic about that especially if we want to become saints where we um it's not like a cover-up watergate but it is like you know shem and japheth walking in backwards to cover the nakedness of noah as saint jose maria points out and i must admit i mean opus dei has been my tribe in israel and so when they do this novus ordo because i've never seen them do the traditional latin mass it is so beautiful it is so sacred it is so reverent and transcendent that i i wasn't but on the other hand i must admit that when i was in milwaukee becoming a catholic you know you could go and it was ring around the altar i remember in the uh the chapel of saint john of arc where we were commanded by the priest to stand around the altar you know i quietly slipped out but i remember just those few awkward moments where let's just kind of wing it and uh and so i've been in many liturgies in the 80s where all of the experimentation was still going on i'm just thinking you know if if if you had to give up your career for this i don't think you would feel so comfortable just kind of dabbling i don't want to judge their hearts but at the same time the objective reality of the mass when it's celebrated according to the rubrics with reverence you know it just is so amazing i would one last thought i was just talking to a dear friend a former student who's been celebrating the traditional latin mass for the last two years and he was describing the first time and he went back into the sacristy after it was done sang it for some carmelites and the mother superior came back and he just said this is the single most joyful day of my life because i have never been at mass where i disappeared yeah where i was joined with you all of the sisters and i was able to worship our lord it wasn't my personality it wasn't my accent it wasn't anything that was me i disappeared and this is the single most joyful day of my life do you have any advice though for a catholic who might say i just want to go to a byzantine catholic church and maybe kind of abandon the western heritage as it were well i mean the quick advice was the what was given to me when i was thinking about that myself going byzantine catholic you know my my priest friend said look you are a westerner you know german and english and so is kimberly it's not fair for you to impose that on her i mean it's one thing to change but he also pointed out that you know to shop around to do church shopping is such a vestige of your productionism yeah and so to find the most exotic blend of coffee that's understandable but to find the most exotic blend of liturgy you know that is the subjectivism of your own background your protestantism and so you know i just think that you know you bloom where you're planted you are who you are and so if you're in america you're part of the west for better or worse and the occidental is not like inferior to the oriental you know no matter what you hear there really is a sense in which breathing with both lungs doesn't privilege the right over the left thank you for watching this clip you can click here to watch the full episode and i want to say a big thanks to our sponsors and to our amazing patrons for making all of this possible please do us a 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Channel: Sips With Aquinas
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Id: GUvwllaZyIc
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Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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