The Truth About The Tesla Semi Revealed!

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on today's episode PepsiCo reveals just how efficient their Tesla semi-fleet really is Tesla buys property in India and the Cyber truck Funk is looking a little small PepsiCo recently released a video showcasing exactly how helpful their Tesla semi-fleet has been for operations at their facility in Sacramento California the video released on August 2nd has some of the first real world data we've ever seen for the semi mostly because PepsiCo is one of the first adopters of the vehicle the company received their first batch of the vehicles at a delivery event in December of 2022 and have since grown their Fleet to 21 trucks as it turns out the battery electric semi trucks are ideal for the bulk of work that goes on at the Sacramento Depot with most deliveries being inside a 100 mile radius allowing the Tesla semi deliveries to basically Run Around the Clock the company reports that charging at their mega charger stations or at one of the many Tesla stations dotted along the normal delivery routes takes at most 25 to 30 minutes to bring a vehicle from 10 charge all the way back up to 90 five percent which also would give their drivers a good time to take a break something many industry employees don't tend to get with diesel-powered trucks and for the three semis reserved for longer haul routes anywhere from 250 miles to 450 miles PepsiCo reports that the regenerative braking systems end up extending the range of trucks significantly regenerative braking charges the vehicle's batteries by converting kinetic energy from the wheels as the vehicle coasts and is slowed by magnetic resistance in the vehicle's three motors an electric motor and an electric generator are basically the same thing it just depends on what direction you flow the energy this happens so often on routes like the one through donors pass between Sacramento and Nevada that the trucks actually end up gaining charge on the way back so between the easy charging the mostly local trips the accessibility of charging stations and the regenerative braking PepsiCo reports that they've been able to to more or less maintain an average of 1.7 kilowatt hours per mile for the Tesla semi Fleet which is just an incredible level of efficiency a big part of that is from the Sacramento Depot's charging system PepsiCo opted to install their own system when they took delivery of their semis because it gave them a level of control over where they fed the power from the facility is almost entirely run on solar power from panels on the location's roof but while this is enough to cover the daily charging needs of their electric forklifts and smaller Vans the company was forced to hook up to the local substation grid for the extra 3 megawatts of new service to the facility and while that's certainly not ideal it did allow PepsiCo to maintain their own Chargers and take advantage of Fleet rates for energy use as well as Government credits to offset the cost all in all a win for the company and local managers report that the next couple of facilities will have extra on-site generate Station built with this in mind so they can bring even more of their power needs under their own control and all of that is just the numbers the drivers are also thrilled with these trucks we've already talked about the charge rate creating great opportunities for some much needed downtime for drivers but they also reported a better turn radius than most cars and a quieter smoother ride the design of the Interior is reportedly a huge perk as well aside from just being comfortable the central location of the throne allows for an easier driving experience and that's before taking in the multiple information displays in conventional semi trucks The Operators need to keep an eye on a series of gauges and switches on a Tesla those have more or less all been replaced with displays and touch screens and while One driver reported having some difficulties At first she was able to get a handle on the layout quickly and found the vehicle much easier to manage once she did with within a half hour I was comfortable if you know how to use a smartphone then you can easily operate one of these trucks said PepsiCo driver Casey Theon all of this data goes a long way to showing why the company is planning on investing more of their infrastructure on the switch to Electric semis pepsico's long-term plans are to reduce their emissions by 75 percent by 2030 and 100 by 2040 but at Sacramento they are pleased to report that the facility is already 50 electric with the addition of the Tesla rigs what we're really seeing here is a huge company with a major stake in the transportation industry testing out a new type of rig and finding that it has huge benefits regardless of The Upfront costs to make the switch similarly to when Ford decided to partner with Tesla to use their Superior nacs Chargers this video from PepsiCo will likely start a major shift in other large companies who previously were unconvinced with the utility of these electric semis Tesla and India have finally decided to get serious on August 2nd Indian media Outlet ponakar news reported that the EV company and the local government had reached a point in their ongoing negotiations that Tesla pulled the trigger on the lease of a 5 850 square foot office the new location at the Pancho Business Park in Poon is definitely not for production but the local area is a bit of a hot spot for it and automotive industry so it does seem like the right place to set up a headquarters Tesla and India have been going back and forth about a potential partnership for a couple of years at this point but we've never seen this sort of commitment in the past Tesla has hit the proverbial wall in terms of dealing with India's notoriously tough tariffs on foreign companies but the most recent push into the Indian Market has shown a much more willing Indian government with officials as high up as Prime Minister Modi taking an interest in the deal not only that but every bit of reporting we've had about this year's attempts to get a partnership going between India and Tesla have shown that Indian officials seem much more enthusiastic Reuters reported that just last week India's Commerce Minister piyush goyal met with Tesla Executives to discuss a manufacturing plant days before they finalized the deal for Tesla's new office space and it all comes down to one detail Tesla's plans for a new 24 000 US Dollars model of car during this year's investor Day event in March Tesla presenters revealed that the company was making preparations to launch a truly affordable small vehicle the thinking at the time was this could be the fabled compact model 2 a vehicle smaller than the model 3 priced for roughly twenty four thousand dollars that CEO Elon Musk had hinted at years ago it was also heavily implied at investor day that the newly and announced Giga Mexico would likely be the first location to produce these vehicles however Mexico certainly wouldn't be the only place a smaller electric car would sell Tesla has had a relatively tough time in China most of their strongest Rivals are well established there but a compact vehicle would certainly go a long way to allow the company to compete in not just China but throughout Asia and so we look back to India a country that has been on Tesla's shortlist for a new facility for some time now India is becoming very popular for automotive companies wanting to expand across Asia as their High population and lack of competition makes for a very enticing opportunity Tesla specifically would have basically no Rivals operating in India as companies like China's byd are also fighting for a foothold provided they can manage to make a manufacturing facility there Tesla should be able to get an early lead and luckily for them it seems like in media is finally interested enough to begin removing barriers a new office space doesn't guarantee Tesla will land this deal but it's way further than they have ever gotten before so a giga India announcement might not be so far away Tesla fans have been taking in as much news about the Cyber truck as they can get for weeks now but there's one particular question about the vehicle specs that has been getting some attention lately without any answers just how big is the Cyber trucks trunk the front trunk of the new stainless steel truck has been a subject of much debate since we started getting images of it back in April this year and well before that if we're being honest but the beta production Vehicles gave us our first real images to make estimations about the capacity of the front storage space early estimates had the size being potentially similar to Ford's F-150 Lightning and even though cyber truck's pre-production models have been spotted in close-up venues like the investor event in March and the Peterson Museum visit in June we've never seen a close-up of the frunk then on July 23rd we saw these shots of a pair of cyber trucks in a garage getting worked on the main focus was the funny F150 50 wrap on one of the models but last week industry veteran Sandy Monroe and his team went over this image and had some concerns about the size of the front storage space obviously the two vehicles shown here don't have the frunks tub installed making it easier for technicians to get at the parts behind but even without the insert that space looks awfully small and then on August 4th a pair of sightings showed more details in an overhead Shot by Joe tetmeyer we can see a cyber truck charging in the Tesla lot with what looks like a frunk insert laying in the truck's box at the same time we get a closer view of the front sizes from a quick video posted to Tick Tock by user randomness2646 both the video and Joe's drone shot seem to confirm that the frunk size is not only smaller than we would have hoped but potentially varies in size the variation could be caused by Tesla's technicians making small adjustments to production candidates or it could be that frunk sizes will be different depending on which package you purchase the big problem right now is that we just don't know Tesla hasn't released the specs yet even though they've been very open about the size and features of the Cyber truck's bed to be fair to Tesla though the bed is a primary feature of a pickup truck whereas the trunk is hardly the most important thing about the new vehicle it would be great to get any sort of confirmation though don't forget to give this video a thumbs up today if you liked it that is so important for getting our content out to more people if you enjoy the content then you'd probably also enjoy our Weekly Newsletter so sign up with the link down below at a huge thank you to all of our patreon supporters who are listed on the screen now you help us make the best content we can and we really appreciate it thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next
Channel: The Tesla Space
Views: 69,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ubZgh5L4Cfs
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Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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