2023 Tesla Model Y Delivery and First Impressions!

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do you remember when we got my Equinox and we were sitting in a Chevy dealership and it was like we were in this little tiny cubicle and there was just like all this chaos happening all around us and people buying cars and selling cars and then it was like oh here's your car and then we just they pulled it right up to the door and we just drove off and left it's just like this is a different experience it feels like a luxury experience and I mean we've been here what like three times yeah but it still feels like I don't know I feel special yeah it's like so nice and they even gave us water all right there it is what do you think she's beautiful wow I like the blue it looks like it's riding kind of high yeah I don't know just like just walking up to it like compared to walking up to mine I feel like it looks a little higher it's probably not but it just maybe it's the color or something wow looks pretty nice oh there's a bug on it it's got a bug about to have a lot more than a bug on it let's make sure it's Hardware four there it is RED cameras so that's looking good go for it check it out I mean it's a model y I don't know the cleanest it'll ever be yep the cleanest it'll ever be I don't know what else to expect here man black interior is so weird I'm not used to it now especially the wood I like the wood but I'm just not used to it and then our cars have not had this in the doors yet so that's new for us and then on top of that nice yeah yeah it looks good and then the Alcantara here I actually way prefer this over the white because the white is just like a weird plastic thing and just looks weird to me I don't even know the difference you don't remember from my car you'll see it next time but yeah this is like sound deadening and everything I just think this is way better than the one I like the black a lot yeah black interior is nice the thing I think you're going to notice that I is really bad about black interior it gets so hot oh yeah so the white interior keeps the car so much cooler I never like thought about that as a benefit but even in Michigan it's awesome so we did get seven seat there they are sitting back there so you can grab this and Scoot it up they are back there yeah they're up they're ready to go so I'm gonna get in all right I'm gonna I'll come over there all right and then you can pick that up so you have more room to get in see I fit I fit back here come on what are you people talking about this is so comfortable I could like be all the way to Florida back here oh wait I gotta move the C back so you just you gotta hit the button and push it there you go that's it so now this is the legroom I have I'm five nine so yeah I wouldn't want to be back here for an hour as long as no one's sitting there oh I gotta move back more yep [Applause] there you go there's my leg room that's why it's for kids so there they have leg room there now yeah and then one thing people said was another benefit of the back of having the seven seeds is because this middle row is movable the middle row actually has more room than the middle row in the five seat so the kids are going to be farther away from you in this car than they are in my car really yeah because like when you put this all the way in the back position like when you don't have someone sitting back here it's farther away well so uh just it's just the nature of the way they installed it and the way it can slide oh okay and so they won't be able to kick in stuff as much sweet I like that pretty good all right let's look at it from the back all right let's see can I get out of here push the button and then you're gonna like push it again or something I don't know if I'm doing it right I'll have to practice but there you go you take that and hey this is in the middle not all the way down at the bottom right and the X this was stupidly placed it was way down here and it would always like kind of slide off the side for the anchors so that's much better there's one for the middle too so you can have three car seats we only need two we only need two thank God no the kids are the best take that show me show me getting out all right so oh yeah so now this is like loose you can just slide it around wherever you need it but I gotta get out of here oh my goodness yeah I ain't sitting back there but it's for the kids it's for the kids and then just put it back there you go so lock it all the way back there let's open up the trunk yeah this is what I want to see is when these seats are folded down right but what do you think right now when they're up this is honestly great some people were saying they actually prefer to leave them up because then their groceries don't slide around as much now what I'm thinking about right like you don't need more than that groceries no it's not like the model X and the model X that hit a little door yeah there's no door there all right on either side I mean I could fit a bag so I I might be able to fit all the groceries right here if you didn't need so much LaCroix you can edit that out no that's fine um so and then you just wow look at that so it's like motorized like assistant you just push like click it in it you also you have buttons there too that can do it so that will be the middle row oh yep oh wow okay so that's the middle row my bad I thought you could use these with the buttons too but I guess it makes sense that you don't need buttons for those so that's a lot of room oh yeah I mean this is huge this is way bigger now than your ex because we had the six seater and you can't put the middle seats down right so that's really nice I mean if we need that um and then what you do um so actually this was in kind of incorrectly right now so she's still a good size subject is yeah still huge how do I pull this up you just pull it well that's what I was gonna say I actually another thing I'm liking over the X third row so you have to pull the button maybe you do I can't reach it because I'm so I can't reach it all right so what I am liking about these back seats compared to the x is they're a little easier for me to reach and the X I had to crawl into the car where's this button there we go oh no they're hard to pick up still but I can actually reach them while I'm still standing outside the car I don't have to crawl into it the ax I had to actually like crawl all the way in there you went around the front and that was the way you had to do it yep which was the same as the X you never really I never picked them up in the next time the X had like a little button on the side that was easy to yeah but then they were like kind of far away you know from you I just did it to clean it but I don't remember I don't remember what I did you're probably walking around in there it was so big probably so cool and then liftgate I mean is good shouldn't be anything really different there charge port should be the same looks good it's clean we'll have to fix that what it's clean oh and I guess we'll look at the front just in case scheduled oh look at that scheduled at North America U.S Michigan Detroit Clarkston August delivery status in wash delivery status that's hilarious so they have some type of um thing going on there where uh it's like in different modes of delivery on the car very cool so let's open the front cool look at that like flies open and then slowly goes back did you see that no I didn't can you do it again yep because that would be new oh yeah that is definitely new mine does not do that I barely had to lift it it just went up the rest of the way on its own very nice and then we have this gasket thing which I've seen here before I guess it's just to keep out water but like mine doesn't have that and doesn't get water in it so I don't know what that's about what are you seeing what's that that's your toe eye in case you need like to get pulled out of a ditch or something you put it in there oh yeah so all cars come with that cool never knew that yep and then we'll put some mats in here and stuff but yeah it looks pretty standard all right we're gonna take it for a drive I mean as soon as we finish up insurance this glove box is a lot smaller than the X I had a lot in there [Music] all right so it's the next day you can see we were parked over here and we're here there was some weirdness with the insurance I don't know it was really dumb but it's the next morning we got the car we got the kids there checking it out Tesla was also super nice enough to give us these cool Tesla coloring books for the kids with some crayons so very nice of them to do that so uh unfortunately I'm gonna drive it home alone and give you first impressions and we'll try to get some something from Stephanie before I post the video but I might have to come in the future oh I can already tell the difference in the suspension let me tell you are you serious oh yes yes wow I can't totally wow I can't tell yet but that's I'm glad to hear that's why I wanted you to drive it because I'm not picky about that stuff so oh yeah you'll notice yeah cool it was very smart all right how was it we went one foot all right so here we go I just put in the nav I definitely want to take the highway because I want to experience the road noise and the suspension and wow that's a new sound for the shift into reverse shifting into drive yeah so that's a new a new sound but I think that's with software updates my model Y is in beta so it's super super behind oh no no no no no we always have to turn that off checking out remember how to do there you go we'll just mute that I don't like the talking to me all right so we're heading out man Tesla is delivering a lot of model wise today and yesterday oh my gosh I couldn't believe how many model wise they were delivering so so far the sound in here sounds amazing super quiet uh as you probably heard Stephanie say she felt the suspension right away it feels good to me but it's just not something I'm that picky about so I'm not the best judge for you as to whether or not it is you know dramatically better or whatever so we're on Hardware four here if we check out the cameras my oh my they are pretty they look so good on the display they look very good when you save that footage to um Center mode I'll be doing comparisons of all of that for you of course let me know everything you want to know about the difference between this 2023 Hardware 4 model wide and a 21 2021 Hardware three model y so we're going here and let's acceleration feels normal so I do not have acceleration boost on here yet but I will be getting it so let me hear that let me listen sounds fine the wind noise Etc sounds pretty similar to my 2021 which is not a bad thing at all not a complaint I am very happy with the sound the noise in my 2021 all right sorry I had to sneeze there and of course we're behind this semi that can barely move this is kind of scary and ridiculous oh my goodness so I can't accelerate I can't really do much of anything of course everyone behind me is also moving over what a terrible start to getting on the highway all right so obviously autopilot is not uh calibrated yet so that'll take some time should be yeah it's already a one-fourth done it should be pretty quick usually takes a few miles especially when you're on the highway yeah halfway there and everything I did already uh probably not in this profile though enable autopilot and all that which you have to do while you're parked man that is super annoying um because yeah I had enabled it but now I'm in a different profile so probably not on darn it well I'll turn it on in a minute try it out when I can but yeah as far as suspension I guess it does feel pretty good now I'm biased from you know hearing Stephanie's excitement but just going over all these little bumps and things in the road um yeah feels fine uh the seat is very comfortable so that was something I was a little concerned about because I remember when I switched from black to white I remember the seats being like insanely comfortable on the white and thinking man the white seats must be a little different somehow but I think honestly it was just that they were new and I think you know new seats are nice and they don't have as much wear on them and everything so again not that my seats are bad but these do feel nice to sit in so black seats are good I'm happy I mean it's it is kind of weird to be so dark in here but at the same time what's nice is I mean you spent a thousand Less on it you don't have to worry so much about cleaning um and then the big negative for me is it gets so hot in here with the black seeds so you can see why I use autopilot so much I'm just I can't help but speed when I drive manually all right so exiting the highway I mean it feels good sound is similar to my 2021 model y it's not much quieter but my I'm happy with that my model 3 I had in the past my 2018 model 3 was super loud everywhere super windy and everything and going to the 2020 2021 model y was a huge Improvement and this I would say is similar to that experience so that's that's fine there's nothing wrong with that and it is definitely not as quiet as the model X although I will say smoothness just in terms of driving on the highway was was pretty similar actually so the suspension I don't know what you're digging at me for just getting close I don't know uh so just in terms of the suspension it honestly doesn't feel that dramatically different from the model X but you know I also don't think it feels that dramatically different from my car wow that's why you got to stop at the stop line pull out uh that far it does you know what as I turn when I'm turning I do kind of feel like it's almost a little more floaty versus uh kind of like a harder sharper thing I'm just coming here to turn on autopilot all right so autopilot is on I cannot turn on navigate on autopilot because it's still calibrating we do have full self driving on this car I did the transfer so I'm again I'm keeping my old 2021 model y we sold our model X that did not have full self driving and I transferred full self driving from my 2021 y to this new y even though I kept my car so my model y I will be trading for cyber truck whenever that happens in the meantime I am subscribing to what is with all the trucks I'm subscribing to full self driving on my old car right now I'm using referral credits so it's free which is great and uh if I run out of referral credits I'll just have to pay the 200 a month if I want to continue using beta on my car which I absolutely do I'm at the point now where I'm I I am so used to it I use it so much that I really do not want to lose it so I will say driving manually is really bad I'm so used to autopilot like even base autopilot I'm so used to Beta that driving like this manual like this is like super annoying but you know that's just how it goes all right so there we go camera calibration complete navigate on autopilot available in the settings so now haha I can turn this on but I can only go five over which is uh lame so I will say the font here even looks different than my car that's interesting so this is the ryzen chip all of this from what I've done so far is wicked fast especially putting in the nav even though my car was fixed and I got the new connectivity board so my internet works uh on my car now basically and it'll load nav destinations and stuff wow putting like typing things into here clicking navigate to them is uh pretty pretty amazing actually so I'm enjoying that everything is so fast we can go into well I guess we could do that later but in terms of driving like here we go so this is autopilot right now on Hardware four there is no beta on Hardware four but it's coming you know they're working on it a lot of speculation about like waiting for version 12. I don't think so I think it's just not ready and they're doing everything they can to get it ready and I'll be here you know as soon as they can do that so I I made a video on using navigate on autopilot on Hardware four I noticed no differences it was a short drive I didn't have any Phantom braking or anything during it it actually performed I think perfectly from what I remember so that's good that's the good if you buy hardware for and get full self driving or enhanced autopilot navigate on autopilot is stellar and it seems to be working great and that's awesome along with base autopilot that's like you know it's still got the same quarks as Hardware three uh now the bad you pay all this money either you know 10 uh what is it for enhanced auto part six thousand for that 15 000 for full self driving or you pay the 200 a month the bad is that you don't get beta you don't get summoned you don't get smart summon you don't get park assist like ah because a lot of those features are missing because there's no ultrasonic sensors that's not related to Beta but it is related to the other ones and then you get the vision you know part Park to help you you know see and it's been hit or miss I'm gonna test it out I'm gonna let you know how it works for me and what I think but from what I hear some people seem to be fine with it other people say it's awful it doesn't work so um I don't know it probably depends on exactly the situation you're you're driving in and everything but I will test it out myself and let you know what I think about it and how well it works but as far as autopilot here you go it seems to be working fine no problems at all you still got the steering wheel mag and all that stuff so our odometer now has 14 miles on it oh I didn't do uh I gotta do it right now a new okay yeah just save trip B as all time all time there you go never reset that one so apply uh slight Force to the steering wheel that's the same we'll give it a minute here just to see if it beeps like normal I'm sure it's all the same it's getting mad fly there you go and it's good so if you were to let that keep going it'll yell at you and turn off uh autopilot for the rest of the drive but that's all you got so as far as initial Impressions this does feel really smooth on the suspension actually like on this road I can really tell as we hit like you see a little dip that truck just hit and then we hit it you could barely feel it and again like I said when I was turning into parking lots and stuff that's where I really felt as the car was kind of moving it was more of a soft roll rather than like a hard movement I don't know it's kind of hard to describe but I can tell that this one is like a little floatier which is it depends on your taste for me I I prefer that but I know a lot of people you know uh didn't really like the snx suspension because it was it could be depending on your settings and exactly the model year it could be so floaty and people were like oh I want to feel the road I want to blah blah blah well I don't I want to be comfortable no I'm not I'm not in a race car I don't really care about any of that stuff I just want to be comfy I want to be you know this all to be gentle and we did notice a pretty decent difference from uh our X to our 2021 model Y and I'm wondering once my wife really gets into this car and it has the kids in the back and everything if she'll notice you know a difference between let's see how this does nobody's behind me so yeah kind of goofy um not bad if she'll notice the difference between my car now that she's been driving it a bit with the kids and this uh newer model y because you know she was saying like something like they'd hit a bump in the X and like nothing would happen you hit the same bump in the Y and like their snacks would go flying and like if they have a water bottle it might even fall out of the the cup holder because it was just so much rougher in my car versus the model X so it's just pretty interesting to notice all those differences parking in the garage let's see how this Vision crap works no USS now to be fair at this point I don't use them I don't use them until I'm like getting to the back so here we go I am in here nicely no so normally be dinging because I'm close to that wall with the USS the ultrasonic sensors a bunch of stuff back there hey it's dinging wow it says 20 inches still I don't know exactly what it means probably going to the wall park assist degraded distance estimations may be inaccurate so I'm getting some warnings here but it's dinging at a good time to be fair like this is where I would normally park I don't normally wait for the like really there's a shrill kind of beep that it does when you get really close let's just move a little more [Music] yeah it's still it's still dinging at me so that's actually not bad um there we go so this is about where I'd want to be it just kind of rolled forward there um so first impressions it was good enough um it seemed fine I mean I'm like I can't sit here and say it was more or less accurate than the ultrasonic sensors let's hop out and see where I ended up all right excuse all my junk but this is where it ended up so that's pretty much perfect of course I was using the cameras myself too my own eyes and that's there so that's I mean that's a perfect Park job I had no issues at all with the um Vision based parking in this scenario so initial Impressions with this brand new model y I did notice the smoothness that we have a really long stretch of road on the way back home and I could just tell as we're going down that road it's just a little kind of again a little more of like a Glide it's kind of hard for me to describe but there was definitely less kind of harshness or sharpness if that makes sense in the suspension so I'm glad that I could tell because again as I said I'm I'm really not that picky with that kind of stuff and it did seem it did seem better the X I think was still a bit better than that but it makes sense road noise Wise Road noise is good I like that it's quiet it's similar to my 2021 model y so I wouldn't expect you to notice the difference there it was not as quiet as the model X but model X has like noise canceling in the the headrest and everything so I don't know how much that really did did but maybe it made a big difference because the model X was I would say significantly quieter than that quieter than this I mean again this isn't bad but model X is better double the price you hope it would be value on this car is awesome I think it's a great choice still if you're shopping for any kind of car electric or otherwise what's up um I want you to come in right now I'm coming in I'm just finishing this little video overall value is awesome here in my opinion I think anyone that gets this car is going to be super happy if you're upgrading from a model 3 and then you're going to be really blown away especially if you have an older like 2018-ish model 3 then it's going to be night and day this car blows that one out of the water if you're coming from an older model why I don't have a super early one mine again is 2021 but I don't think the differences are that huge and you know I mean if you upgrade that quickly I guess you shouldn't expect much so overall I think you'll really enjoy this one I'm excited for it and if you have any questions leave those down below and you will see me and maybe giant baby in the next video
Channel: Dirty Tesla
Views: 12,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model, elon, musk, electric, car, ev, phev, truck, review, autopilot, auto, pilot, self, driving, selfdriving, enhanced, eap, full, fsd, accident, super, charger, supercharger, service, center, dealer, battery, degredation, uber, lyft, rideshare, rural, off, road, offroad, awd, all, wheel, drive, performance, dirty, dirtytesla, regen, regenerative, brake, braking, tech, update, accessories, cyber, cybertruck, pickup, software, sentry, rivian, smart, summon, model y, ai, chat-gpt, chatgpt, chatgpt-4, beta
Id: AmUvCT02Rgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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