This is The Only Problem With Cybertruck? - Sandy Munro

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oh this thing will interact with an accident or a crash it's going to win so Elon said that I think somebody told me that it would withstand a a small caliber bullet so that's a that's a 303 um it's old-fashioned and and that might be able to bounce off of the skin of um of the uh the um the truck the Cyber truck but this is a 50 caliber bullet I mean Sandy has always a different way to start his videos this is a cyber truck I wouldn't say an updates video but some really insiphone news they would genuinely don't want to miss about the Cyber truck Sandy talks and shared some really interesting secrets you will find the full length of the video in the description so let's begin okay and you'll notice that there's a difference yes a little bit Yeah so this uh the Alon will stop that and this doesn't have a chance but under normal circumstances if you take ordinary um Armory armor glass which is maybe about this thick and you fire it'll go right that'll go right through it and then if you take something about that thick for um Halon then all of a sudden that bounces off wow it does shatter the ground glasses is broken there's no question about it but nothing nothing comes on the inside the outside is all chewed up to be honest with you I don't believe that the socket truck glass is actually bulletproof I think it was just a marketing strategy but if it was real just imagine with me how cool would that be having a car with the bulletproof glass only Elon can think about something like this we know that just luxury cars that cost more than three hundred thousand dollars are the only kind of cars that have bulletproof glass because it's kinda expensive the normal glass of course all of this stuff are just to confirm that the Cyber truck is not a car it's close to a tank more than it is a car I wonder if if this glass I don't think that they tied the the I think it was like they they demonstrated a nine millimeter uh handgun being shot at the actual body and not the glass yeah but um could they be using this glass as well in SpaceX in this family Starship I'm I'm pretty sure that they would be I right now uh one of the big problems with um with space exploration is the the windows um you're getting bombarded continuously with small fragments uh you know it's it may have a vacuum up there but it's full of junk and um and the small ones okay they've got really thick armor glass and it bounces off but at the end of the day uh sooner or later they're going to hit something the size of uh you know like uh like a rock you'd skip on a on a on a stream or something that's going thousands of miles an hour and uh that that could cause a problem um that type of glass the Elon uh kinds of stuff or or whatever he's come up with that'd be the kind of thing I'd want to have in a spaceship if I was going to be doing that and it doesn't it would make no sense whatsoever if he's thinking of going to the Moon not to have your own a hotel and people are going to want to look out the window so it wouldn't surprise me that that's what what's going on there I see a lot of things coming out of the guys that they hired from NASA that are that will be uh that will be uh uh be utilized by by Tesla's uh Tesla's products it's really interesting um it's not new to us that Tesla uses so many parts that takes from SpaceX this is no new news this is something that became old but I don't think that that many people know about this that actually does that takes Technologies from SpaceX and uses it on their cards and the first cyber truck models gonna be the first to unveil how much technologies that Tesla actually took from space and implemented them into a normal day drive car I think its own Niche people have been telling well it's a pickup truck no it's not and oh it's going to compete with a Jeep like my Wrangler I don't think so I think this has got its own little niche market I I don't um I don't see this being something that the average F-150 especially not like I'm young but I don't think you're going to see many older F-150 drivers jump a ship and get into that but if you um if you uh are an off-roader it has a peel because it's quite especially if you're a hunter and there's lots of room I mean at six and a half feet well it's got two meters or whatever at two meters um if I shot a deer I could put that in there and if I had a moose I could maybe get it in there but the thing is he's got that that extension which is like perfect for quads and whatnot but you know what if you if you really are hunting and you and you do shoot something big like a moose or whatever I'm thinking that you should be able to pull that and it kneels which is even better so I can drop the back end down put a winch in it pull it up and if that extension is there I just leave it wherever it wherever it happens to go and uh now I've got a lot of it a lot of room to uh to either haul things or like I say if you're hunting and whatnot you you've got that aspect there's a lot of there's a lot of good things in uh in that San Diego asked in the following clip based on how much he knows about the production of the Cyber truck the final question was does he think the Cyber truck gonna be affordable to the public and if the parts of making this car will be expensive for Teslas to make so let's hear what he got to say well um okay so first off uh there's there's probably not going to be a whole lot of stamping dies if um if you're if if the if what I can't see you know the parts I can't I didn't crawl underneath it for some reason I didn't get an invitation but anyways uh the things that I can't see um are the things that may be stamped but everything I saw won't be stamped it'll probably be um break formed so you know you you have a break it uh it it's just basically a big thing that goes up and down and that'll that'll give them whatever shapes he wants and the outside skin my guess is going to be water cut so uh the sheet will come in and it'll be water cut and then it'll move on Down the Line a little bit and it'll be a couple of break points and um and I'm guessing that he'll probably just take well the whole works because take welding uh with uh with stainless steel works the best and that'll make it solid um and then there's no paint so that kind of saves you anywhere from 300 to 450 bucks right there that's no paint means I don't I don't have to have a paint line and then you also get rid of the other issues uh the EPA does not like paint at all and uh they would just assume get rid of it if possible and this is a good way of doing that too and it looks Snappy I mean uh I don't think you're going to have to worry too much about mud or I'm going to tell you a secret um there's the following secret that Sandy has shared you would want to watch till the end but anyways the things that Sandy talked about is that the Cyber truck will not be extremely expensive because the parts that has been made with are not expensive it's a simple formula the car is not even using paint which is the most simple thing which Max cost about two thousand dollars but I heard the news that the Cyber truck will come in three colors which are basically the red the white and maybe even the black one and of course the stainless steel but the final answer remains that the Cyber truck will be easy to produce and not that expensive based on what Sandy has been saying I'm going to tell you a secret um if you look at my Wrangler right now you'll see that there's bumps and bruises and scratches on it that means that I actually use it yeah and I bet you dollars to Donuts uh the people who buy it will not be buffing it out unless they're you know they're buying it for style or something like that I want to buy it to look cool that's a good segue into how this thing will interact with an accident or a crash it's going to win well actually you know that's coming out what's the date for release 2020 a couple years three yeah 2023 something like that okay by then we should have so much crash avoidance that I don't think you're going to see too much of that uh that's a great point yeah what do you think about that yeah really that that and that would go for both pedestrians and somebody would have to be trying to get hit by a car uh at that point in time I think um yeah so I I don't think that's going to be as big an issue as it is now now we we have crash tubes we have points where the where the uh car or truck will bend or or break or or fall off basically um or Shear off so that so you can get rid of mass and one but I don't think that's going to happen too much in the future because uh if you've got a crash avoidance and is working uh should be should be no big wow if if this truck is high demand and high volume production um stainless steel is it readily available yeah resource-wise raw material wise they shouldn't have any issues with with getting enough raw materials to be able to fabricate produce no that shouldn't be a problem at all okay basically Sandy in this video answered all the questions that anyone would probably ask about the Cyber truck I hope to recovered everything but I don't think that we fully did because the big stuff we didn't cover but we did Cover in this video right here you would genuinely want to click on it
Channel: Tesla And Other Stuff
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Keywords: Sandy Munro, tesla stock, tsla, tesla stock analysis, tesla news, tesla stock prediction, tsla stock, tsla stock forecast, best stocks to buy now, tesla stock chart, tsla stock news, cathie wood, ark invest, tsla stock price prediction, stocks to buy now, tsla prediction, tesla stock prediction 2023, tesla stock predictions, tesla stock tomorrow, tsla tesla, tsla price analysis, tsla stock tomorrow, tsla stock analysis, elon musk, tesla, cathie wood tesla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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