Ludwig Reacts to The Quest for the Biggest Trackmania Shortcut

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all right now we virtual we're gonna watch this video you're the quest for the biggest track mania shortcut there's a famous saying that in life there are no shortcuts to success but in the world's most competitive racing game that couldn't be further from the truth where'd you worry about mania nations forever the only thing that matters is your time at the finish line hold up i'm gonna use my geo gesture skills let me just re-listen in trackmania nations forever the only thing that matters is your time at the finish line okay okay i'm getting like hints of da fran splashes of john ludwig hammer i i want to say netherlands oh it's norway oh close though close anyway no matter how you achieve it in the 12 years since the game was released many players have found and performed incredible shortcuts on tracks usually these shortcuts save anything from a few hundreds to sometimes a few seconds versus driving the intended way but those numbers pale in comparison to what you'll see in this video because for over a decade trackmania players have been actively searching for the biggest shortcut in the game and this hunt for perfection led players to saving minutes and eventually hours on tracks this is the story of the quest for the biggest shortcut in trackmania good song it's all about the music you need to we're finally landing there are many ways you could measure what the biggest trackmania shortcut is but the metric players have traditionally used is the total time a shortcut way saves over the intended way and in order to save a lot of time you first need a track that takes a lot of time to complete our story begins in march of 2013 when jav an infamous trackmania shortcut player made a video about the track longest track ever this track isn't actually the longest one ever but that's how it was named when it was built in 2010 the track has two checkpoints one at the very start of the track and one at the ending but in order to collect the second checkpoint you first need to drive all the way up to the top spiraling back and forth seems miserable the entire length of the stadium six times in a row taking around 45 minutes to complete jav and his team were frustrated with this track and they wanted to see if they could shortcut it and what they found was amazing you see the author of the track had tried to be cheeky and play some speed traps at the end of each level where if you weren't aware of them you launch right off the track forcing what is miserable jab and his teammates discover that they could use this speed trap to their advantage when on the 5th of march 2013 jab uploaded this one to the leaderboards started out by taking the first checkpoint and then instead of continuing on the road he went out on the grass and drove a lap around the stadium skipping the first layer of the track then he climbed back onto the track at the end of the first layer just before the speed trap he then went at full speed and right at the end of it he steered sharply to the left to bounce on the road border flying and landing perfectly on the middle part of the stadium from there he gathered speed on the outside and when the time was right steered sharply to the right to bounce up on the roof of the stadium he then drove all the way up to the glass and dropped down underneath the big pipe to land perfectly on the road in front of the second checkpoint he picked it up dropped down to the grass and drove to the still going completing the track in one minute and 28 seconds and pulling off a shortcut route that saved 43 minutes that's kind of nuts quite the time saver that's it that's actually not the game only saved a few seconds yeah and finding one that saved more 43 minutes was going to be very difficult if someone wanted to beat the biggest shortcut record but a few months later a new track had sprung up that was even longer and if it could be shortcut it would completely crush the biggest shortcut record this track is simply called this track is possible it was built by the mapper until in 2011 and originally it started out as a puzzle ignthal challenged other trackmania players to finish it and at first it seemed pretty straightforward just drive to the finish line but this red block is an engine off block that permanently shuts off your car's engine and because of the anti-boosters pointed against you it's not possible to just drive to the finish line even with perfect driving skipping the anti-boosters you still don't get far enough so how do you finish it well by driving upside down this is the original solution to ignell's puzzle where in the start intel intentionally drives upside down doing a technique called a turtle whereby rocking the car back and forth kind of like a turtle suck on its back it's possible to drive upside down since the wheels touch the ground and accelerate the car okay virtual i just figured it out bros versus pros but you have to turtle through the entire course before me h rock and stands finish it there we go they're just just a quick little turtle race it's not you know that's kind of flat across the engine off block and drives as far as he can reach until the car stops still far away from the finish but when upside down the trackmania car has a very slow default movement at the pace of one block per hour wait that's easy for virtual is it actually turtle backwards turtle turtle backwards blindfolded drunk hi and since the distance to the finish here is 16 blocks long the solution to the puzzle is to wait for 16 hours until your car finally crosses the finish line making it the longest track in dragmania history this track is possible drew a lot of attention from shortcutters because if the map could be somehow exploited it would easily be the biggest shortcut in the game's history by several hours but finding a shortcut was not easy because the only way to shortcut the track would be to somehow skip the end and off block but it seemed like there was no way to get past it two years passed without any players managing to shortcut the track you could unlock a music 2013 that all changed when tortugo uploaded this one to the leaderboard [Music] jesus christ bro two years after a user-made map that takes 16 hours to beat comes out this dude's like hmm i've discovered it two years 46.48 beating the world record on the track by the hobbies in hours and 41 minutes crazy easily making it the biggest shortcut in the game tortugo had performed a gravity-defying bounce majestically soaring like a high jumper this bumper yeah making it up on the road and skipping the engine off block this record would stand for a little over a year until in 2014 again till decided to update this track as possible to prevent shortcuts the main change though was that he added walls to block the ledge tortuga had launched from and there was now seemingly no way to skip the engine off why the track was widely considered shortcut proof and it seemed like players would have to look somewhere else if they wanted to break the biggest shortcut record but that's before the shortcut nation attacked meet fwo fastest way only a trackmania team solely dedicated to finding unique oh it's actually stylized that way how the [ __ ] do they get that in youtube track media team that's so hype it's just funny to think that like when i was growing up there was like cod kids and there was like clans and the same thing exists for like track mania who's the phase of trackmania is it fwo is this phase getting interesting shortcuts on tracks in 2015 they were requested to try this track as possible to see if they could set the biggest shortcut record and sure enough they found a very promising idea fastest way only had figured out that the engine off block would only activate when your wheels had grip on the surface this happens both when the car is on wheels and when it's upside down but technically if one manager get across the engine off block without having grip it would never activate and they are the phase class the 16 hour hiding part at the ending but how exactly would you get across well so they walk into a gamestop and they go hey we're fwo you know us right like fwo fastest way only this is a two wheel for the longest time two wheels used to just be a fun coincidence players would include in their montages as it was a very rare position to get the car stuck in but on this track is possible fw discovered that they could use the two wheel to their advantage because while in a two wheel the car doesn't have grip with the surface meaning that if you got one which drifted across the engine off block you could easily shortcut the track but the trick itself was by no means easy they first had to flip the car from being upside down to being perfectly balanced on the side without tipping over and then hoped that the default movement of the car sent it across the engine off block it took many many attempts but finally edge managed to set the first shortcut time on the track after the new update even in the world record run it took edge many attempts to get stuck in the perfect 2 wheel position but he finished with a time of 28 minutes still saving over 15 hours versus why do you wait so long when intel heard the news of the shortcut he updated the track adding bro i hate this guy i feel like you just got to leave it i feel like if you change it's got to become a new track a pipe above the engine off block which made two wheeling across it now impossible but in the update he also messed up and accidentally created some holes in the glass layers which now had an edge you could conveniently bounce against and the player panos was able to complete the track in just 31 seconds oh even beating tortugo's original shortcut i bet he changed it but after that was patch 2 no one managed to shortcut the track ever since but there was another hope for players wanting to break the record in 2015 why would you created a track called the spiral why would you want to break the record because if you break the record he's just gonna patch it so there's no point in breaking the record because you're just gonna pat it's basically like you're just a play tester this track takes advantage of another default movement in the game which is that the car will slowly move backwards when stuck in this position on a rail once you've gotten into that position on the rail you can leave your computer running get some rest and return the next day to drive the car into the finish this was the new longest track in the game taking 30 hours and 30 minutes to complete jesus but could the track be shortcut somehow well cymo 900 had been very thorough the track has several ring checkpoints that you have to pass through to get to the finish and the only way of doing that is by going on to the rail so the only hope for a shortcut was once again to skip the engine off block in 2018 i myself gave the shortcut a fair shot i had found a setup for getting the car upside down on the start but i quickly discovered that getting the car into a two wheel position was much harder since you had very limited space to work with and to add to that you'd also need a very specific two wheel drift that would go towards the wall before the car just fell off the edge after a lot of hours of trying i only managed to get into the two-wheel position once and that attempt quickly died and after that i decided to give up for the time being it seemed like there was no possible way to shortcut the spiral and i forgot about the track for a while but then in march of 2020 the event khakis khaki 5 was hosted a competition where players build crazy tracks exploiting unique bugs and show them off to the community one of the tracks in the competition khaki's khaki 100 built by wasker was almost exactly like the spiral a series of engine off walks followed by an impassable uphill if you try to just drive normally i noticed that his author time was under 20 seconds whereas a two wheel run would take several minutes it could only mean one thing wasker had found a new way to skip engine off blocks a little while later wasker revealed the trick to the world by getting the car to turtle and then driving against the wall at a very specific angle it's possible to lock the front wheel driving against the wall and since the other wheels are all in the air you can skip the engine off block this way without ever touching it a tremendous discovery immediately after seniors i told wasker about the spiral and though it was late into the night we went onto the map to try it out if we can't have mars we'll take this instead but the problem on this is our moon landing boys let's go drive across the entire rail without falling off to save time and that's much easier said than done the safest way to drive on a rail is to have the back wheel on and the other three wheels hanging off with this position you should never exceed 45 speed on the turns and 25 speed on the straights else the car will climb over the rail and you'll fall off you can also never let go of searing to the right or the car will fall as well jesus considering that we started trying this at 4 30 am it was one of the most stressful things i've ever done but after a little over one hour we both reached the finish line setting the new world record for the biggest shortcut in the game 29 hours and 30 minutes saved but still there was one final way to improve the record further and one thing that both me and oscar forgot about in the heat of the moment going backwards across the rail it's harder for the trackmania car to climb over the rail backwards so the speed limits become 40 on turns this meant that one could go pretty much twice as fast across the rail and when i realized this i decided to play the track again on stream but technically if you beat it backwards after beating it forwards wouldn't this short could only save you a little bit of time because the 30-hour time would be gone that's still pretty good that's still a pretty good voice because this is only a 33-minute time save like he did a 30-hour time save but the 30-hour time save was replacing the record of 30 hours but now it's a one-hour record that's being replaced by a 30-minute record oh compared to author 30 minutes and 11 seconds beating the normal weight record by 30 hours and four minutes which is where the world record stands today after the wasco trick was discovered it has since been used to set the world records on other tracks with engine off blocks since it's a fast and efficient way to get across and the acceleration payoff can hardly be understated damn so you just discovered [ __ ] well i guess some other guy discovered [ __ ] but you popularize other [ __ ] but perhaps there will be an even faster method in the future for now though this is the history of the biggest shorthand shout out to the king canucks thanks for watching a sincere thank you to all my patrons for making this video possible if you want to become a patron i'll leave a link in the description below until next time have a good one virtual on forward slash virtual
Channel: Ludwig Reacts
Views: 212,339
Rating: 4.8690581 out of 5
Keywords: Ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, QT, QTcinderella, cinderella, twitch, OTV, ldwig, ludwg, udwig, luwig, ludig
Id: k89sF7Mywd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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