The TRUTH About Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin's TOXIC Relationship (She CHEATED and He SPIRALED)

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tried to maintain a private life with boyfriend mcau culin I've never confirmed the name I'll never deny the name we've had an amazing relationship for over two years and why ruin it right now in the back of your mind you were never really in love with him you know who know like honestly who know I just don't know I had a horrible breakup I up and I'll be the first admit it she doesn't actually say for sure if she cheated or not but it's definitely obvious that she blames herself for the breakup and not you make mistakes in your 20s that you wish that you could take back munz almost ruined moli Clan she dated him for 8 years they met when she was only 18 and he was 21 and freshly out of a divorce they had a private relationship until their breakup in 2011 Milo won't admit that she cheated on mcau but she will admit that she's the one to blame and she did some really awful things to him fans even suggest that this breakup is what led to mcca's battle with drugs but you'll need to watch this video to figure out so let's get into it we're going to be talking about the complicated relationship between munes and maau cooklan now these two started in the industry very young as child stars and then they kind of grew up together dating for 8 years in their 20s until they had a horrible breakup Mila and moli were first linked when she was 18 and he was 21 they went on to date for most of Mila's 20s and the actress admitted near the end of their relationship that it shaped her life back in 2009 she gave a rare insight into their relationship at the time saying we grew up together you find a steady Rock in your life and that's all you need we have our ups and downs but work through them but of course they didn't work through it all the time because in 2011 they broke up I want to remind you guys that Mila has moved on to Ashton Kutcher and we've got mcau over here married to Brenda Song of all people which I actually like stand that relationship because I loved her on the Disney Channel but back to Mila and mcau because they kept their relationship incredibly private despite them having a messy breakup we didn't know much about the couple so in this video we're going to uncover everything we know now in 2002 Mila and mcau actually first met she was only 18 years old and he was 21 to give you guys some context in 1998 moli married a woman named Rachel Miner who was also in the industry they were both 18 they separate in 2000 and divorced in 2002 so he actually married very young we're going to do a deep dive into mcau and his entire life and a new video coming on the channel soon but he claims he had met Mila during a period following his divorce in which he decided to be abstinent or asexual or whatever just kind of a refraining from romance after going through a divorce at such a young age one of the reasons why mcau claims that he made a move on Mila was because she was working on family guy and he loves that show but when they started dating there were rumors right away that they were engaged that they were moving very fast actually Mila did an interview and the audio is terrible so I apologize for the audio quality it's the only version we could find where she is talking about her new relationship with mcau you and you were there with your fiance M fulan um no I oh God you're not engaged no I'm 19 no I mean I don't even know where people get these ideas why do people think just cuz you're dating that you must be engag JLA was on a break that week and they nothing better right about I don't know is it because it's not like we went to like a jewelry store together or anything to give him like any insight that we're going to even buy jewelry of any sort you bought jewelry no now it isn't until 2003 where Mila and maau are first spotted together and he is now freshly divorced now it's March 2003 Mila and maau are seen out and about in Los Angeles together that same year rumors began swirling about their engagement but mcau actually clarified to the public that he had not proposed to Mila yet he told Barbara Walters we're not engaged we're not getting married I have a very very beautiful and wonderful relationship with somebody it's going very well we try to keep our private lives private in our public lives separate but it's a good thing tried to maintain a private life with boyfriend moli culin I've never confirmed the name I'll never deny the name we've had an amazing relationship for over 2 years and why ruin it right now kunas preferred to be recognized for her work hi Mom she received special attention for Lending her talent to a hit animated series my boyfriend I truly believe only started dating me because I did the voice of Family Guy now for the first bit of their relationship they were incredibly private I mean Mila wouldn't even say his name publicly which I think is a little bit weird I mean granted it's before the wave of social media so it's like you know we all already know but they're just really trying to keep their words straight because you know the paparazzi they mess up everything so nowadays you can really set the record straight on your own platform but in 2007 me actually opened up about her relationship with mcau she said we're incredibly private and I think we relish the Privacy we do actually have and we're able to sustain it we enjoy each other's company we like to read books play video games watch TV or go to the movies he's an amazing cook he makes dinner every night which I totally relate to mcau I love to cook and make dinner every night but um she added that he was probably the most brilliant person she had ever met so they were so deeply in love but of course their love did not last for long because in 2011 we learned learned that they weren't so great after all reports write well there must have been a landslide because Mila and her quote study Rock announced their breakup in early 2011 quote the split was amicable and they remained close friends Mila said being settled so young really helped which I think is a major red flag when you are in a really intense relationship in your teens and your 20s those are the years where you need to figure out yourself so um being like pretty much married at 21 is not like a Life Learning lesson she says you know I wouldn't take back anything in my life not one thing I think it's all shaped me to who I am today while neither has explained why their relationship has ended M gave us a little bit of insight in a Howard Stern interview saying you couldn't just walk down the street with him noting that fans just screamed when they saw him and it was difficult for her to claim him as a boyfriend yeah we started dating I have to think back but he's like the biggest star in the world at that point right did he done Home Alone Oh yeah this was way way after home yeah I think I was 18 so we were both 18 I mean and he was like the biggest star in the world though I mean he was huge he was huge because you couldn't walk down the street with him it was a very and he always had this weird um attract like fans were just screamed when they they didn't know how to react it wasn't like a normal response to a celebrity he had the fans responded in a in a very abnormal way to him in the back of your mind you were never really in love with him you know who know like honestly who know I just don't know but I know since I was no before we started dating since I was like 16 right I told my dad I was like just say know I don't believe in marriage now Mila was a little bit more comfortable speaking in 2016 to Howard Stern but in 2018 she became even more comfortable sharing details headlines read munas on the effed up way that she broke up with mcau culan during an episode of dax's Shepherd's armchair expert podcast Mila sat down and admitted she effed up when it came to her horrible horrible breakup with mcau reports right their split wasn't bad because it caused her devastating sadness she said it was bad because she made it a horrible breakup she said she was an [ __ ] in her 20s and she'll be the first to admit it she claims that she was a dick and she accepts it and she owns it now and she said when I got to be single I said I just need to figure myself out she depended on him way too much I wonder how bad mil was to mcau because it sounds terrible she said it was super hard for her to forgive herself she said you know it's been so long enough time has gone by that I think enough mutual friends have been like everybody kind of forgave everybody for what went down she shared that after they broke up they weren't very inable like they initially said probably not as friendly as we could be quote there are too many aspects of it that just prevented us from ever moving forward from the past yeah speaking of breakups I know you recently shared about your breakup with mccol did feel cathartic to kind of get that out get that off your chest well let me be clear I think it was misconstrued I was just talking about in the 20s you do you make mistakes in your 20s that you wish that you could take back but then they wouldn't mold you to be the person you were in your 30s to be clear not to be specific so she tried to walk that back a little bit and and save herself a source said that they had a deep love that Milo always recognized as something special she ended it badly they haven't talked for years and she isn't going to reach out to him now one article reads that mil says that she was a Duke and that she in fact cheated on mcau pushed him into a drug addiction despite their 9-year relationship now these are some heavy claims the way that she talked about it led fans to the possibility that mil had cheated on mccauly however since this was mere speculation not ever confirmed fans are still unaware of what happened we will dive into mccaul's issues with substances later on but some people believe that he got involved in this to cope with his breakup from Mila where on one hand Mila was ready to admit that she had done something wrong during the affair mcau on the other hand has been notoriously private about the entire thing never once opening up about it or even bring up the topic after the breakup mcau did not look great going out in public it looked like he was struggling and it showed and the poor guy looked like he was pretty much crying out for help maau seemed to be in a really good place with Milo until his world was shattered by some devastating news Dakota culin sister of child star mccauly culin died Wednesday after being hit by a car it hit MCCA and his family really hard even during this tragedy mol and his dad didn't speak and a couple of years later he got some more devastating news I had a horrible breakup it a horrible horrible horrible breakup and I'll be the first admit it what happened did she cheat well she doesn't say for sure if she cheated or not but it's definitely obvious that she blames herself for the breakup and not him maau wouldn't talk about it publicly and then he disappeared again and the world was shocked when these new images of him came out H hul's health is rapidly on the decline rumors that he's addicted to heroin what happened well M denies ever using drugs but he does admit that he went through depression I'd spend like 12 hours a day in my bathtub it is so crazy to see maau not doing well after that and it makes be question whether Mila had cheated on him had enough there he was heartbroken they were done and yeah it's just a really complicated and sad story either way mcau is doing so good now with Brenda's song and Ma is doing all right with Ashton ccher right I think we could say all right I I wouldn't say bad i' would say all right I mean the Danny Masterson thing was not pretty that's why they're not good in my opinion but I want to hear what you guys think in the comments below of this relationship I'm going to talk a little bit more about Mall in a future video if there's something you guys want me to include or another person you want me to dive into a relationship anything my email is slown getting way too close see when I at the end of my videos I get too like personal I start getting close to the mic and I'm like trying to cuddle it but my email is slow wellknown yeah see I can get really close if I whisper I just don't want to blow your ears out also what do we think of this necklace I think it's really cool I saw someone wearing it and I was like I want to get it I'm such a copy person like that I will copy anything that I think is cute but you know I like to say inspired by inspired by sounds better I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you in a new one soon bye guys [Music]
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 155,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mila kunis, mila kunis interview, ashton kutcher and mila kunis, macaulay culkin, macaulay culkin mila kunis
Id: EdF4lHtrzr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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