Jay-Z and Beyoncé KILLED Blu Cantrell's Career and She MYSTERIOUSLY Disappeared (This is SCARY)

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you ever kissed Jay-Z romantically I no no I can't answer that but just for the record I have a major crush on Jay-Z did you JayZ oh my God blue Jay-Z worked very hard to erase you and me just like he did L and I wonder if we'll ever get closure to what happened to Blue contrell Once Upon a Time blue contrell was dominating the music industry she had was ties to LA Reid and Jay-Z and it seemed like everything was going right until Beyonce came into the picture and wanted blue control to go away blue says Beyonce didn't like her friendship with Jay-Z and claims that Beyonce kept copying her music to try to get back at her when Beyonce finally had enough fans speculate that she worked with Jay-Z to end blue for good blackballing her from the music industry and leaving her on the street running around in chaos but interestingly enough blue control must have stayed on this couple's mind because Beyonce and Jay-Z ended up naming their daughter Blue Ivy and blue control believes they did it to get back at her so let's get into [Music] it I have an interesting video for you guys about Beyonce and blue contrell blue contrell was a singer who was in the music industry before Beyonce was and they had a similar Vibe but that wasn't going to fly for Beyonce eventually Blue's opportunities became less and less until their Feud blew up emphasis on the blue because Beyonce named her daughter Blue Ivy which blue contrell believes is inspired by herself it gets even Messier when we see that blue contrell is out here on the streets talking about being poisoned and it seems like someone's trying to get rid of her nonetheless this is a really complex story and a feud I didn't really know existed because blue kind of has been a race if it wasn't for one of her songs going viral on Tik Tok people probably wouldn't be talking about this story but let's go ahead and give you guys some background on who blue catrell is now Blue's real name is Tiffany Cobb she moved from Rhode Island to New York City to try to make it as a singer even though she was super talented she was 17 she had no connection so she left New York City to go to Atlanta and someone came up to me and said I look like a singer but it really was a pickup line and uh I took my mom and my family and we went to the studio and I sang and they signed me and like 2 weeks later I had a record to so blue really did that I mean it sounds like a movie but before long blue had five different record labels fighting to sign with her eventually blue agreed to sign with a wrist of records though she may have signed on that dotted line a little bit too eagerly so blue knew that she belonged in this industry I mean At first she wasn't entirely sure where she fit in but she was talented with her voice and people saw that I think I always wanted to be a performer forer since I was very young it it was something that I knew I wanted to do it was the only thing I ever did actually now in the late '90s she was introduced to LA Reid who is kind of a scary dude if you guys seen my video about him but with his help she released her debut solo album which quickly shot to the top of the Billboard [Music] charts go actually one of her songs she released in 2001 hit him up style oops is actually the song that's gone on Tik Tok and went viral has like 11.8 million views on the app so her music Still hits but let's get back to how she got involved in the industry and how she got so close with such important people I mean they were crucial to her career but also a big part of her demise well la called me himself and told me he said uh blue he's like your song is number one today and I was totally ecstatic he's always the one to call me with the good news like when I when they said I was nominated for a grand me he called me he always calls his artists and really you know connects with them and spends time with them now Blue's success did not stop there she released her album so blue which was certified platinum then throughout 2003 she released her second album Bittersweet it includes a hit single titled breathe featuring Shawn Paul which coincidentally became a Tik Tok hit as well thanks to Troy savon's [Music] cover now you guys know when a female artist is doing well in the industry they like to pit them against each other I mean who's like a recent one I feel like well I mean Nick Minaj and Meg the stallan they did that to themselves I mean they were already pitted against each other but like you know maybe Olivia Rodrigo and Sabrina Carpenter but like they kind of feel like they get along right I mean their Feud's old but in the mix of all of Blue's success she was constantly pled with rumors that she had an intense Feud with Beyonce of course Beyonce is arguably the biggest pop star in the world to date but in the early 2000s Beyonce had just launched her solo career and when she was releasing her solo music she was with Jay-Z who already was a big figure in the industry since blue had a close friendship with Jay-Z and was releasing chart topping R&B singles right around the same time as Beyonce started to it was only a matter of time before the whisperers started now blue actually admitted at one point that she had a crush on Jay-Z um which already is enough fuel for Beyonce not to like her but speculation on social media suggests that blue control was blackballed from the industry after this drama and allegedly the beef between blue and Beyonce grew in 2003 when they both released a song with Shawn Paul and these songs had some similarities fans say that Beyonce's line let me breathe is directed towards blue who also released a song with Shawn Paul titled breathe months [Music] before you must Adit a little bit Shady that they both collaborated with the same guy and both songs are talking about breathing I mean it is just quite a coincidence Blue's anger is increased because Beyonce chose to use Shawn Paul in her song and she reckons that his presence is a direct dig at her because she's been linked to Beyonce's current Boo and sometimes collaborator Jay-Z she adds now she's doing a song with Shawn Paul because I'm linked with Shawn Paul so I don't know what her intentions are pretty much she's clocking Beyonce saying that you're copying my every move at this point she adds that she doesn't waste her time sitting around trying to think about what Beyonce is thinking woo she was also quoted saying her song baby boy has the exact word breathe in the hook she's ripping me off and there's no animosity because I'm a very positive person however I'm a little bit disappointed because she is established and didn't have to do that but she won't get away with plagiarizing me because I'm a number one artist so blue is really coming for Beyonce but she does admit that Beyonce is talented she beautiful she's a fan but she has a song out which is very similar to mine and she uses my word so she's trying to accuse her of copying her which maybe she did but blue also went on to point out how similar Beyonce's music is to hers it's alleged that Blue's music video to round up is very similar to Beyonce and Jay-Z's video Bonnie and Clyde which was released 4 months after Blue's video speaking to the guardian she noted that the music video for Beyonce and Jay-Z song Bonnie and Clyde looks an awful like the promo for her song Round Up which came out first and looking at these two music videos You must admit there are a lot of similarities so maybe Beyonce was inspired or maybe this is just where the industry was where you know everyone was kind of doing the same thing but I guess that's a little bit less likely now if you take a look at these videos side by side you will have to agree that there are some nearly identical scenes found in both music videos the concepts of both videos are also very similar as well as the over all setting all of which gave Credence to Blue's claim so of course blue contrell does not like this because she feels like again Bean's copying her when asked about this she said maybe she's trying to do this to get pressed but I want to make her understand that if she goes there with me it's the wrong move she needs to understand that what she's doing and what she's getting into I'm a master at singing Blue said I'm an adult she's younger and if she's doing what you're saying then she's being a little immature when asked if she thinks Beyonce is sending her subliminals had to say this quote if she's being negative she doesn't need to be because she's a beautiful girl but if you have issues with your man and I don't know what the situation is with them I don't want to speak on that but if you have issues address it with the guy don't take it out on the girl so she's really bringing in Jay-Z here and um I guess talking about her relationship with Jay-Z saying that they did in fact have something going on and Beyonce was bothered by it and maybe she's taking it out through her music fans also think Beyonce fired shots and her song s eyes where she sings These lyricss I was in love with a Sagittarius I wish he was a Virgo the same sign as me and know how to show me love cuz I've been hurt by a Pisces if you really want to go down the warm pole Beyonce Whispers in the song size I was in love with the Sagittarius hurt by a Pisces and um you would note that Jay-Z is a Sagittarius and blue is a Pisces I was in Sagittarius I've been hurt by Pisces now Jay-Z and Blue control have never confirmed their relationship in the past but the rumors were ignited once again when blue did an interview with Wendy Williams she nervously was laughing and dodging these questions and you guys know Wendy Williams is able to get the tea so we kind of saw through Blue's nerves you ever kissed Jay-Z romantically uh no no I can't answer that I can't answer that oh she's touching above the neck look do you see why do people not want to let the Jay-Z Blue C thing go you guys can tell that blue wants to say more and her body language is telling me everything and I mean Wendy straight up asks her like did you guys sleep together and here was her response J oh my God I heard he h like a horse blue Are You Beyonce she really have him locked down I think so I think they're in love I think they're in love politics speaking no I really do think they're in love now during an appearance with Wendy Williams Wendy alluded to the intimate nature of the relationship between blue and JayZ blue played it koi though she reiterated her feelings for Jay-Z saying I still have a crush on him now she said I don't care who he's dating I've always had a crush on him and I'm sure those kind of statements do not make Beyonce happy and actually I would understand why Beyonce is not happy because it's just not like respectful to their relationship especially if she wants to claim that she's still friends with Jay-Z like shoot well I'm not going to let these two friends hang out without me I have a big crush on him now I'll tell you that much I still have a crush on now yes no I didn't no I'm really selective about it what really I really like him though and I don't care I don't care who he's dating I always had a crush on him though if he came in right now and we were all not here what I'm just saying you in New York yeah okay and what what you ran into them and and everything was right and right and right and right would you make that play um I wouldn't turn it down let's just put it that way she wouldn't turn it down which I'm sure is the answer for a lot of people especially at this time and in this scene but um also again at the same time do you you like imagine what Beyonce is thinking like watching this like I feel like I would be oh really like you think you could just like I don't know talk about taking my man and you I mean in hindsight too Beyonce and Jay-Z been together for so long this was back in the day that like now we can't even really imagine them not together um and honestly blue I feel like she kind of avoided a you know a sticky situation there because we've talked about Jay-Z's control over Beyonce in a past video anyways the way that she speaks about him seems like they've almost had a relationship before or kind of has a little like side thing going on absolutely but just for the record I have a major crush on Jayy I totally believe that though he such a he's just so he's just a doll baby so what about the rumors about when you guys were over in Europe together Europe that wasn't me that wasn't me I'm saying I'm confused that wasn't me I don't know all I know is that we've hung out a couple times we're friends and that's it you know people saw us in public and assumed now we don't have a lot of concrete evidence but there are some reports that blue had apparently dumped Jay-Z and ended their relationship at some point though it seemed like she still felt as though it was necessary to express her feelings about the way that he had treated her during their relationship and the first verse she dies into the subject matter about how she felt though she was a loyal down to ride type a girlfriend but he didn't reciprocate the same kind of love and after this interview it seemed like blue control kind of like sitted her fate as um being blackballed by the industry they didn't want her talking about them anymore they didn't want her you know singing about them in her songs this interview seemed to have set Beyonce and JayZ off because blue vanished she went from making hits to to radio silence which fueled the rumors that Jay-Z helped Beyonce black ball Blue from the industry because she was too much competition now things got creepier in 2021 when we noticed that Beyonce and Jay-Z named their baby blue now I think blue is a wonderful name I don't think it's exclusive to anyone but with this kind of History like there's people in my life who have wronged me and I will not name my children those names because I just can't like it triggers the thought of them and the couple have tried to clarify how they got this name blue but fans aren't budging with the speculations that they have just stolen it from Blue control the rap Mogul finally reveals where he and beonce came up with the name Blue Ivy and it's not what you think rumor has it that it's blue because blue is your favorite color it was supposed to be Brooklyn but when we got to um what you call sonograms we was calling her blueberry like look at the little blueberry it's a cute idea I love a good blueberry I'm like a blueberry muffin King but uh blue contrell has her comments on a blue IB Steam and and it's messy now blue contrell is remember named Tiffany Cobb but she got her nickname Blue from her mother when she was little when it was announced that Jay-Z and Beyonce named their first child Blue Ivy Blue control's Twitter was flooded by fans wanting to know how she felt about the name and blue kept it classy saying of course I want to say congratulations to Jay-Z and Beyonce on having a healthy and happy baby girl I love her name smiley face oo little bit shady and there are fans who have like you know a bunch of different stories is kind of swirling around their minds of like what this really mean one person commented so am I the only one that realizes Jay-Z cheated on her married a woman that resembles her and then named his first child after her but after Blue Ivy was born it seems like blue control was going downhill unfortunately in 2014 she was found by police wandering the streets claiming that someone had poisoned her and then speculation started again that maybe Beyonce and Jay-Z wanted to get rid of her now this is all leged I'm not saying Beyonce and Jay-Z got out of their way and you know went out to go and poison this woman but she's clearly not doing well singer blue contrell went running through the streets ranting about people trying to kill her last night until police took her into custody blue went berserk in Santa Monica around 2:00 a.m. Wednesday Witnesses tell us that she was screaming about someone giving her a poisonous gas upon their arrival the boys and blue were then dealt with the do You Know Who I Am by Blue contrell she apparently went on to refer to herself as a one- hit wonder which is interesting because we talked about her success I mean her two albums did great officers tell TMZ that the Fallen star was taken to a nearby hospital where she was evaluated and of course fans speculate that maybe Beyonce and Jay-Z are getting their Revenge which I think is a little far-fetched I mean if she was blackballed and other things happened it could have pushed her to this point I mean or maybe they could have hired someone to go and do their dirty work I don't know but maybe her lack of success is due to her relationship with her record label Arista she left them in 2004 and then in 2012 she spoke out against the music industry Executives at Arista who she St took advantage of her she said nobody really knows the whole truth but me and them but I was really taken advantage of I did most of the writing and they took all of my publishing which is where a lot of the money actually comes in so if they took all of her credits and her rights then she really didn't make much off her music at all so she probably doesn't have anything saved up she said the checks were coming in and I never saw any check I never got a dime from Arista Jaguar Wright is someone who has spoken out against the music industry and who is constantly like trending on social media I would love to interview them one day Jaguar has actually been encouraging blue to come out and speak about what Jay-Z had done to her and here's a little clip of Jaguar sending that message to blue blue the first blue not they daughter blue blue canra you was singing Bo and you made a choice to work with someone and you probably didn't realize how in the as he was when you got involved with him I didn't blue it's time to talk Jay-Z worked very hard to erase you and me just like he did L just like he did his relationship with R Kelly now I'm not sure where blue is nowadays here's her Instagram she only has 10,000 followers um I don't know if this is really her Instagram looks like she's at Spectrum talent agency I wonder if I could reach out to her that way um but looking at the comments she hasn't posted in 384 weeks over a year someone wrote she's gone someone wrote she disappeared 8 years ago is she okay the most powerful woman in the industry does away with any woman that has ties to her man ooh about Beyonce so it looks like people are all looking for her in the comments everyone's like where are you here's a little look at our Instagram page if you guys are curious really there's nothing here um but looks like people are worried I'm kind of worried too now like you got me all stressed out like girl where is Blue where is Blue where is Blue everyone's asking like we're praying where is she it's a mystery and I think this video is so just interesting and unfortunate and sad and it's another example of like a case study of the music industry and how people can be torn apart but I wonder if we'll ever get closure to what happened to Blue contrell but I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you in a new one soon bye guys he [Music]
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 244,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blu cantrell, blu cantrell jay z, blu cantrell interview, beyonce blu cantrell, beyonce blue
Id: ijIZFD8TsJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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