EXPOSING Mila Kunis: RUDE to Fans, CHEATING on Ashton Kutcher, and Supporting DANNY MASTERSON

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heartless home wrecker tinsel toown temptress or Drop Dead Diva well she sure isn't here to make friends yeah I'm not proud of it mil Kunes has been in the industry for a long time and she's had plenty of feuds along the way not only is she mean to reporters and known for breaking up relationships but Mila is a cheater herself and someone who seriously needs to be humbled so let's get into [Music] it if you aren't subscribed to the let's get into it podcast then you're only getting half the tea for longer videos Deep Dives and of course more of me subscribe to the let's get into it podcast listed in the description below now I should have known after seeing Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunes defending Danny Masterson for the crimes that he had committed that there was something very wrong here and upon further research I real I that M Kunes isn't a great person so today we're going to be talking about some of her worst moments One in particular involves an interview that she did with a guy named Stephen keep in mind that this is a phone interview and the way that Mila speaks to this man is just really it's rude it's unprofessional it's weird and it's going to be kind of the basis of our video I want to walk through his thoughts and his reactions to interviewing this actress about her work and how dismissive she was because it almost doesn't even seem real Star Ledger writer Steven witty interviewed munz by phone about her new film third person and found the experience to be as he said a pretty bumpy ride now Steven admits that he went into this interview and he was told that he was allowed to ask any question which typically isn't the rules I mean the publicist will tell the interviewer that hey or the reporter hey you cannot ask about this this or that but you know they said you can ask her about anything and she will answer how she feels now as we go through Steven's interaction with Mila I want to read it from his perspective because that's how he wrote this blog piece so when I'm saying I when I'm referring to me I'm actually speaking about Steven's firsthand experience on the phone with munz Steven says the interview starts going south from the first question when I make the mistake of asking munes how she's feeling she does not take this well which my initial reaction is like wait isn't that how every interview begins like you ask them how you're feeling but uh mil did not like this question from Steven Steven says now in most interviews this question would normally just be a polite bit of a throat clearing but here there's a bit of genuine added concern on my part as she is pregnant as the only reason I know that is because she recently talked about it on an Ellen and Jimmy Kimmel Live interview and at length for Mary Clair magazine asking how you're feeling doesn't seem like a breach of personal or journalistic etiquette but the gates come down immediately Miler replies I don't talk about that for publication so first off this guy is asking her how she's doing he's not even bringing up the pregnancy but you know we all kind of know what she's going through she's a pregnant woman people are asking her about her baby and when it came to Ellen degenerous I mean she was completely fine sharing everything to Ellen but this like you know humble reporter is completely shut down can congratulations thank you now so you you hid it for a while I mean you got away with it for a long time I did we actually were able to hide it for for a very long time I know it's amazing so we don't know you're not saying when it's due or anything like that we have sometime this year I promise you okay it will be this year okay and and it's uh you're not saying if it's a boy or a girl no do you have a name picked out yes okay I'm going to guess what it is by the by the end of the segment I'm going to guess what it is both I'm going to guess the gender and the name okay okay great are you having cravings yes I mean I'm very stereotypical now here's Steven's own words it turns into a bumpy ride this phone call interview as every question I ask over the next 25 minutes seemed to strike her as either dull insulting or burdened by some sort of agenda halfway through I began to wonder I mean she is engaged to Ashton Kutcher after all am I being punked Steven is a professional writer he has interviewed a bunch of different people and he's never encountered someone so dismissed Steven continues trying to figure out what's going on with Mila he writes or as I suspect still later is she in a bad mood because this is the day the explicit pregnancy details from that Mary CLA interview came out and that gawker.com quickly exerted the rawest ones making sure to get Ashton Kutcher's name hers and the word vagina in the headline now this interviewer Steven went into this call with munes and he knew his research now now this is Mila's third film this year titled third person and this film is different than her other two films because the other two films are Bigger Productions and this one is more Indie so as a reporter stevenh was curious to why she would accept an indie film I mean is she trying to change the direction of her career he asks is it just the way the release dates Bunch up I asked where does the movie signal a career shift because third person is her third film this year after The Angriest Man in Brooklyn and Blood Ties made outside the usual Hollywood system is she looking harder for Indie rolles he asks Meer replies not really because in the middle of all that I still did Oz and I still did Jupiter Ascending so that sort of destroys your assumption but Steven says I wasn't assuming that I say I actually started out by asking if it was just a function of release dates or and then munes interrupts him it's not like I go I'm going to do a ttin pole movie now she says you gravitate towards different things at different times and I can understand Mila's frustration trying to explain her career to someone who maybe doesn't understand but also he's not like trying to come for you Mila like stop trying to like accuse him of making assumptions it seems like Mila already goes into these interviews with the mindset that the reporters are trying to set her up but Steven claims that's not his goal he writes okay I think I can feel her growing even more impatient clearly let's try gravitating towards something else now Steven asks her a little bit about her childhood it's somewhat of a harrowing tale she's recounted before in past interviews she was born in the USSR which was Russia subject to that State's anti-Semitism munas came here with her parents at the age of seven not speaking a word of English it was so alienating she once told the Lost Angeles Times that she has no memory of that first year Beyond crying every day but Steven claims that when she is on the phone with him right now in this moment she doesn't want to talk about this now I've heard before that celebrities get frustrated when they do interviews over and over again they're being asked the same things because it does get boring and that's probably what Mila was feeling you moved to the us at the age of seven from Russia were you living in Moscow at the time no I was living in Ukraine you were living in Ukraine okay you moved at the age of seven and your parents they didn't really tell you that you were moving to the United States is that right correct my parents took it upon themselves to lie to me and um and tell me we were moving up the street so oh laugh laugh you guys it's great yeah uh I was seven and I was like what are all these boxes doing here and my mom's like oh we're going to move up the street and I was like I don't know why my mom speaks English I love that she a spy too now if you bring up big life stories like these people are going to ask about them but M doesn't want to be asked about them saying I've talked about me moving to America in a 100 interviews she says it's the most mundane subject possible it's like everyone's immigrant story it was much harder for my 13-year-old brother it was much harder for my parents he asks her does she have any family left behind in Ukraine and she says no well Steven is trying to fight here because he says well I say actually that's probably good given the situation there at the moment does she dot dot dot no she interrupts I know what your next question is so let's just skip it you're going to ask me what I think about what's going on in Ukraine just because I lived there until I was seven doesn't mean I identify with Ukraine but it just seems weird to do an interview about third person and then it becomes about Ukraine and that's the headline she says I do interviews and they seem like they're supposed to be one thing and the writer has an idea and then they become something else so clearly munz is reacting to being screwed over by past reporters Steven goes on I explain that I don't want to just talk about one movie but about her career and her childhood and her opinion on different things we can talk about anything she wants for example what was the pull towards drama what led to her starting acting classes at 9 years old and what did she get out of it this is how Milo responded honestly asking a 9-year-old why who knows it was just a fun thing to do other kids take karate art gymnastics I just happen to take acting classes because it was fun there was nothing else to it I don't know if that's the answer you're fishing for so shoot she's shutting down every single opportunity he is trying to get to know her as a person Steven writes I tell her that I'm not fishing for any particular answer but I stop I'm not sure she's actually hearing what I'm saying at this point and I think part of the reason why Stephen is frustrated is because she's answered this all before and she's so kind to other big reputable people that like you know have shows Ellen degenerous Howard Stern anyone else but this guy and probably any other reporter that she's on the phone with where she's not on camera and people can see how she really speaks to other people and you at 9 years old you announced I want to take an acting class yeah which was expensive it was pricey was it $6 $900 something like that well I always thought it was like $250 and my parents had like $900 in the bank account and we were doing my mom and I were doing this interview and not that long ago I learned that it was $890 and we had $900 in the bank account you know most parents would have said you know what we don't have any money we've got $900 and you're going to take up all our savings and there's no way we you know what go to a community theater or something learn to act there's absolutely no Rhyme or Reason for what my mom did and why she did it now at this point in the interview Steven is trying to win mea back over he says when I try to compliment her on a string of movies not just third person but the most dangerous man in Brooklyn and Blood Ties and of course Black Swan that have shown her taking on meteor roles new challenges she takes it as an insult Steven must not be smooth with the ladies or at least smooth with the celebrities mil says I hate when people ask this question people have this misconception that comedy's easy I'm always looking for challenges and I find a lot of things to be challenging it can be the director the producer a lot of things I just want to work with people more talented than I am so I can learn from them which is honestly a beautiful answer Steven writes this interview has gotten marginally easier at last at least she hasn't called any of my questions annoying predictable or clueless in the last 5 minutes unfortunately just as things are going to get a little more smooth they're about to end Steven writes and to be fair it could all just be me certainly in the past she's given a number of great interviews to other writers where instead it seems like she's not bored she's you know rather candid or involved so signing off I tell her I'm sorry that this one seemed to upset her so much and she says brightly no no it was a good interview so she was rude and you know beating him down the entire time at the end he was like well I'm sorry I wasted your time and she's like oh no it's fine but she knows what she was doing to sum it up this person wrote If you want a better sense of how she came across I would suggest reading the whole thing the guy even theorizes that she's having a bad day or that she feels sick or something because her coldness really comes out of nowhere at the beginning of the interview and hovers throughout the whole piece I mean who answers I don't talk about that for publication when asked how are you feeling lol I have to say Ashton Ker's douche has really rubbed off on her and I don't think anyone wants to see mikuna acting like this and plus it's just not likable I mean I feel bad for her that she has been traumatized by writers that she feels like she needs to behave this way but she also needs to do what's best for her and this isn't I mean just don't do an interview then now there's a lot of celebrities who cannot stand mil Kunes for good reason I mean of course she's feuded with Demi Moore over Ashton Kutcher it could be assumed that Demi Moore is not a fan of milak Kunz considering she's who Demi Moore's ex-husband Ashton Kutcher quickly moved on and started a family with following their 2011 divorce however milun has denied rumors that there was any overlap with their relationships or that she caused the split she explained that when they got together on the armchair expert podcast that he was post post post post devorce but I think there was a lot of misconceptions about his divorce from Demi Moore regardless Demi and Ashton apparently did not end on good terms in her Memoir inside out she wrote the husband who I thought was the love of my life had cheated on me and then decided he didn't want to work on our marriage while Demi Moore probably irked munes by calling her now husband a cheater a source revealed to people quote nothing came out of this book that Mila did not already know Ashton Kutcher responded to Demi Moore's book by posting a picture of his happy family and writing on Twitter I was about to push the button on a really snarky tweet then I saw my son daughter and wife and I deleted it now you guys know how we feel about cheaters on this channel it is never acceptable and here's a clip of Demi Moore talking about what Ashton had put her through you opened the book at a place that really hit me I was now completely alone I was almost 50 the husband who I thought was the love of my life had cheated on me then decided he didn't want to work on our marriage my children weren't speaking to me their father a friend I'd counted on for years was gone from my life the career I'd scrambled to create was stalled or maybe it was over for good everything I was attached to even my health had abandoned me I looked like I felt destroyed I had done so much work on myself and to find myself in a worse place than I've ever been was like how the did I get here right now before MAA got together with Ashton Kutcher she was with McCoy kulin and reports claim that he was hurt by their breakup now ble is one of those celebrities who has managed to remain pretty private over the years but if you ask me Lunes he's probably one of those celebrities who can't stand her that's because the two had dated for almost a decade before they had what apparently was a messy split up in 2011 Mila blames herself for that telling the armchair expert podcast that it's effed up what I did and it's effed up how I did it when I got to be single I said I genuinely need to know why I did what I did and like regroup myself as a human so whatever munz did to this poor guy I mean he sounds like he lived through hell while Mila never revealed what she did to mcole culen there were rumors that she had cheated on him with her now husband Ashton Kutcher the two had gotten together shortly after she and mle broke up which suggested that there could have been some overlap yet their split still did come as a surprise to many especially because 2 years before their breakup Mila was publicly saying that her husband was the greatest guy ever and then Ashton Kutcher came into the picture unfortunately the two seemed to be on bad terms Mila revealed on WTF with Mark Marin were probably not as friendly as we could be there are too many aspects of it that just prevented us from ever moving forward from the past Kunes is finally speaking out about her brutal breakup with maau kulin you make mistakes in your 20s I up like I was that's the thing that hurts the most when Mila broke up with him mcau spiral out of control literally I was hoping to disappear off the face of the Earth his health is just getting worse and worse what has happened to the world's biggest child star recently shared about your breakup with mcol well let me be clear I think it was misconstrued but mil left him behind as her career took off she and Ashton reconnected the pair got married look how cute y all are meanwhile mcau hit rock bottom I'd spend like 12 hours a day in my bathtub how could she hurt him like that after everything he'd been through if you guys want a deeper dive into their relationship leave a comment below now it seems like Jessica beel wasn't happy with mil Kunis's relationship with her man Justin Timberlake Jessica be is another celebrity who has said they do not like munes which stems from her past and her alleged fling she had with Justin Timberlake it happened back in 2011 when Mila and Justin were filming a movie Friends with Benefits rumors surface that they were more than just co-stars this was when Justin was dating Jessica beel and he had been interested in munz adding that he tried every trick in the book to get with her now Jessica and Justin did break up later that year just before he promoted the film with Mila Kunes who also happened to be newly single because of that there were rumors that Mila caused their breakup even people reported that Justin Timberlake and munas had been pretty Inseparable weeks before regardless it makes sense that Jessica beel wouldn't like any woman getting close to her man during their time apart let alone a woman who had intimate scenes with him during a film what's even worse is that Jessica beel actually tried out for this role that milaun has got so she could have had this really intimate romantic movie with her man but she just wasn't good enough of an actress even though we're in in the movie Friends with Benefits NE and I have never dated no no we are like brother and sister totally platonic relationship which which is why I can do [Applause] this and uh and it's why I can do this on that note I think that's our video and it makes sense why Jessica did not want mun at her wedding to Justin Timberlake it all makes sense to me but I hope you guys enjoyed this video leave a comment below what do you think of everything we've unpacked here and I'll see you in a new video soon bye guys [Music]
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 297,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mila kunis, mila kunis interview, ashton kutcher, ashton kutcher and mila kunis, jennifer lopez rude
Id: FLm6ScJ2IfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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