The TRUTH About Virgin Voyages from a First Timer (Valiant Lady Review)

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well I finally took my very first cruise with  Virgin voyages I'd been wanting to do this for   many years and a lot of my followers had been  asking me to do it and I finally got on board   and found out things are very different on board  virgin voyages and I'm going to tell you exactly   what I mean I'm also going to answer the question  of is it too raunchy is it too wild because that   was a lot of what I heard before I went on the  cruise from folks so I'm going to tell you all   that and more in my official review of my cruise  on board the viant lady hello everyone my name is   Zach I Am The Traveling Man and if you've never  watched one of my Cruise review videos before   I basically go through everything and everything  as I experienced it so uh this is where I'm going   to be very honest I'm just going to tell you  how things were a couple years ago I created   a model to do these ship reviews since I do so  many of them I wanted to make them as Fair as I   could across the board and so I use my own steps  review process and steps is an acronym and there   are five elements to steps the first being uh s  for ship we'll talk all about the vant lady uh   we'll talk about some of the infrastructure like  the Wi-Fi the room things like that then we'll   talk about the T the T stands for Taste and of  course we're going to talk about food and there's   a lot to be discussed about food on viant lady  and virgin voyages because food is quite a bit   different than what you would see on other Cruise  Lines the E is for entertainment and entertainment   was very different and you're definitely going to  want to hear uh how Wild some of the entertainment   was on board the show the PS reports I'll tell you  about where we stopped and sort of how uh each of   the stops on board the crews were and then the S  stands the second s rather stands for service and   we'll talk about how the crew was how the service  experience overall across the ship was so I'm just   going to jump right in with the s for ship and uh  I'm just going to say that the ship was amazing   that was my initial thought when I boarded the  ship and I didn't have very high hopes because I   had seen the pictures and videos as I know a lot  of you have they might have never been on Virgin   voyages before you might be thinking it looks  different sort of grayer it's all the red uh I   didn't think it was very pretty the first time I  saw pictures and videos I was not impressed but   y'all when you're actually on the ship itself it's  a completely different environment there's just a   different vibe on the ship I really love the ship  and the cool thing about that is because the first   three virgin voyages ships the Scarlet lady the  Valiant lady and the resilient lady they're all   identical and then the brilliant lady which is  going to TBD come out at some point it's also   going to be exactly like those so you know exactly  what you're going to get across the entire fleet   because they only have three and soon four ships  they all are basically identical to each other so   I really enjoyed the ship and as I walked around  the ship and explored of course virgin is no kids   right so I felt like the entire ship was an adult  playground that's just what kept coming up in my   mind because you would walk out on the pool deck  and you're you're at the pool there's like all   these bars around the pool and then suddenly  it's like oh there's like outdoor gym equipment   and then oh there's the gym like around the pool  uh you would go up on one of the top decks one of   the upper decks of the ship and they actually  did have an adult playground they had like a   boxing ring uh with like a punching bag in there  they had seesaws for adults they had swings for   adults and y'all I was on those swings all the  time it was so much fun basketball courts and   jogging tracks do whatever you want to cuz you're  on vacation that's sort of the vibe I also really   enjoyed my room my state room now the state rooms  on board virgin ships they're quite different they   have different aesthetic but I enjoyed that  because I found they're not quite as stuffy   uh as some of the other cruise ship rooms can  be you know you get a cruise ship from like the   2000s and those rooms are quite stuffy they have  a certain Decor you're seeing it in your brain now   it's not quite like that on Virgin their rooms  are just different and I really enjoyed that I   really enjoyed a different aesthetic a different  feel to the room it was also cool how the bed in   the room was actually able to be transformed into  like a sofa if you were going to have guests over   so during the day it could be a sofa and at night  it could be the bed I also enjoyed the that the   beds were low to the ground it was easy to get up  and into bed I don't know there's something about   that room made me feel like a teenager again  the balcony or the SE Terrace as they call it   was really cool I really enjoyed the hammock the  hammock was my favorite part probably of the whole   cruise and I really don't know why other cruise  lines have missed the boat on having hammocks   on their balconies because there's just something  about stretching out in that hammock and watching   the sea go by it just really made my experience  amazing so really enjoyed having that hammock   really enjoyed that room also really enjoyed the  little uh bands that they give you you know you   wear like the bracelet that's really cool because  that acts as your Cass card the entire time so you   don't have to have a card that you have to keep up  with or a card that you might accidentally leave   on the counter or something when you walk out of  the room and then realize I've locked myself out   once it's on your wrist for the day it's pretty  much there uh so that was nice you can get in   and out of your room with it they tap it for  any purchases or any food or drinks that you   get around the ship so I thought that was really  cool technology also under the ship I'm going to   talk about the embarcation process just to warn  you a little bit if you've never been with them   before maybe you have one booked or going soon  they do start embarcation quite late uh for   Virgin voyages so if you look at your boarding  documents and you're like oh boarding it says   my boarding time is not till 4:00 there's no way  that's true it's true they actually don't start   embarcation until about 1:30 I think right at 1:30  they started embarcation now I had the deep blue   extras uh and the deep blue extras are basically  they loyalty status matched me from uh some other   cruise lines that I've sold with and have status  with they matched my status and gave me the deep   blue extras and the deep blue extras included an  entire host of things things like free unlimited   Wi-Fi and this was like the streaming Wi-Fi for  the whole Cruise it was like priority embarcation   and boarding it also included like a daily I think  a $10 coffee credit for anywhere around the ship I   think it was something like $100 of like bar tab  on the ship all kinds of perks and I know that   they've recently changed that program so I don't  think their loyalty status matching anymore but   you might want to check and see if you might be  able to get those deep blue extras for one reason   or another so you'll have to check up on that cuz  I'm not quite sure what they're doing now I know   the program has changed though I mentioned the  deep blue extras here because number one it was   incredible I couldn't believe how much they gave  me being a first time cruiser with them but second   because I had the deep blue extras I was able to  have priority embarcation and like I mentioned I   was one of the first people on the ship it was  very quick and easy the process once they open   the doors to let us in went right upstairs got  my little wristband went through security went   up and sat for maybe 10 minutes to wait for them  to actually start boarding they boarded the rock   stars which is the like folks stay in the Suites  and then they called for General boarding and I   was the first person of that group to board the  ship so very quick and efficient process but   it does start later I had to wait like a couple  hours cuz I'm like oh no way they're not starting   boarding until like 2:00 they they're leaving  at 5: or 6 you know but yeah they absolutely   do wait until quite late in the afternoon before  they start boarding the show now I talked about   having free streaming Wi-Fi and I will say that  the the internet was great it was very reliable   the entire cruise uh it was a 8-day cruise down  into the Caribbean so we were in the Caribbean   the entire time had no issues with connectivity  was always able to do pretty much whatever I   wanted to uh you could watch videos on your phone  with a pretty good latency on those I will say   though that any uh VoIP or Voiceover IP that was  quite difficult to do so if you want to use Wi-Fi   calling you could call someone and you could hear  them they just couldn't hear you so it's almost   like the upload they you know they really throttle  those upload speed so maybe they'll like upload to   upload your voice out to send it out just wasn't  working uh FaceTime was incredibly reliable so   they were allowing like FaceTime that'll work  great you can do voiceover FaceTime but if you're   doing Wi-Fi calling and some other apps that do  like voiceover stuff you're probably not going to   be able to do those so just know that is like the  only limitation of the unlimited like streaming   package of internet on Virgin and similar to the  internet I'll talk about the Virgin app they have   a lot on there they really do you can make your  dining reservations you can book excursions on   there you can see and make reservations for shows  where you might need to but it just wasn't great   it was very clunky it was unreliable it would  crash a lot virgin needs to do quite a bit of   work on their app and app is an integral part of  the cruising experience on Virgin because you do   need to make reservations for a lot of things  you do need to make dining reservations for   all of the dining rooms and you need to do that  if you want to dine in a particular dining room   at a particular time you want to do that 45  days before your cruise you're going to need   the app to do that once you're on board you're  going to need to make reservations for certain   shows so they need a little bit more reliable of  an app in order to make that experience a little   bit more seamless now going from something I  didn't quite care that much for to something   I loved tremendously is there are no dress codes  and no elegant evenings on board virgins so you   can pretty much go in shorts or uh simple t-shirts  or whatever I work shorts a lot to dinner um and   then no elegant evening just every night you know  it's go to a restaurant and that's because the   dining is a little bit different on Virgin you  know we're we're talking about things you keep   hearing me say that things are different that's  sort of the theme of Virgin they're trying to   do things different they're trying to you know you  have all your other Cruise Lines over here they're   kind of in the same box virgins trying to be over  here in a box by themselves doing things different   to attract people to a different type of cruising  and they did that through their dress codes and no   elegant evening and I'll talk a little bit more  about food in a minute and tell you how Donnie   is completely different on Virgin another thing  I really loved about the ship is there are no   announcements you are not getting pestered every 5  minutes with hello oh this is your cruise director   and here are the activities coming up in the next  10 minutes on the show none of that they would not   make announcements like that telling you what the  events were the events were on the app the events   were printed on a like a daily happenings flyer  you could get around the ship they were put in   your room sometimes no need for a cruise director  in fact I never even saw a cruise director or knew   that there was a cruise director there was the  happenings cast but I don't know that there was   actually a cruise director and I really enjoyed  that I really sometimes the announcements are way   too much on cruises can we all be honest about  that like the announcements get to be a little   bit too much you have to hear from the cruise  director three times a day really so with all   those things considered virgin voyages has gotten  it figured out when it comes to like developing   a great cruise ship a cruise ship just for adults  an adult playground hammocks on the balcony that's   why the Valiant lady is getting a 4.9 out of a  five rating so next up is the te for Taste we're   going to talk about the food and I started out  quite skeptical y'all because I had heard great   things everyone was telling me you know virgin has  really good food you're really going to like the   food on Virgin you got to try virgin just for the  food and I started out the first night at The Test   Kitchen there are I think six restaurants on board  the ship uh and they're all different themed like   Test Kitchen is just sort of like an open kitchen  concept you see food being prepared around you uh   they bring it to your table and it's a lot of like  weird like pairings of stuff stuff you might never   have had together before they try to make it very  unique in there so there's that there's also a   Mexican restaurant pink Agave there's razzled  Dazzle which is a little bit healthier options   they are open for brunch also there's the Wake  which is like your traditional Steakhouse there's   gum Bay which is the Korean barbecue restaurant on  board so everything's a little bit different but   all of these restaurants and all of the food  on board the ship and all of Virgin voyages   ships is included in your cruise Fair there is no  specialty dining there are no restaurants that you   have to look at and just drill outside the window  because it cost $70 to get in plus service charge   everything's included so all of the restaurants  they are the main dining room there is no main   dining room it's those six restaurants and each  night you can make reservations to go to them and   you can go to them as many times as you'd like  throughout the cruise however I think you are   limited to two reservations per each restaurant on  the app so you will have to go to walk up and make   reservations once you're on board the ship and  you actually can some people were messaging me   and being like well you can't get reservations for  dining on Virgin but if you can't get it on the   app you can walk up in person to the restaurants  and they do hold back some reservations for walk   UPS so the first night I started out skeptical  because I didn't go to test kitchen I was really   excited about Test Kitchen it sounded like a cool  concept however it just wasn't that great and it's   sort of a preset menu and they just have listed  on the menu like this is the blue cheese course   or uh this is the mushroom course and you don't  really know what that means they explain it when   you go in there but one of the things that they  brought to the table was literally some green   peas with an egg yolk in the middle and they're  like mix that egg Cup in those speed and then   dip your bread in it and I'm like I don't know  about this this is not a great start to the food   being incredible on Virgin however I was proven  wrong because as I went to the other restaurants   I learned not only is dining different on Virgin  but it's also better on Virgin because you do get   the freedom of all the various restaurants  you can go to uh but the food's also pretty   good y'all I learned as I went from restaurant to  restaurant to restaurant around the ship another   restaurant that I ate at and was excited eat out  was razal Dazzle and the first night that I ate   there I actually ate dinner there two nights of  the cruise but the first night that I ate dinner   there it just wasn't great so there were a couple  of dining experiences where I was just like this   is not great this is not the best food at Sea you  know better food than the other cruise lines like   some people had led me to believe however that was  pretty much the end of like the bad dining so two   nights were not that great but then the rest was  incredible and speaking of razzled dazle they're   actually open for a breakfast SL front they open  very early in the morning until like well into the   afternoon so that was awesome too because that was  different from what other Cruise Lines do because   typically if there's a main dining room option on  a cruise ship it might open at like 7:00 a.m. and   be done by 9 or 10:00 and you've got to really  rush to get up get ready get breakfast and The   rasle Dazzle was incredible for breakfast I went  in there just about every day after the first time   I went in there because they had this avocado  toast that was incredible I mean it was just   something out of a dream and I couldn't believe  that it was included and that exper experience   not being able to believe that it was included  was a common experience on board the ship because   I would just go uh to a restaurant and have food  and I'd be like that tastes like it should cost me   like 20 bucks you know that should be specialty  dining that would be specialty dining on other   Cruise Lines you know you sort of get that feeling  sometimes that the food is so Bland and just so   ordinary and basic on some Cruise Lines because  they want you to pay extra to have you know an   entree brought to you from the steakhouse or extra  just to go to the steakhouse and eat so you don't   have to eat in the main dining room but on Virgin  most of the things were incredible now similar to   rasle dazle being opened each day for breakfast  and brunch the Wake was as well and the Wake was   also a really good option for breakfast and brunch  but they had heavier options in there I felt like   if you want to eat maybe lighter or healthier  for breakfast you want to go to razzled Dazzle   and then if you want like a full carb breakfast  just full of carbohydrates then you want to go to   the weight cuz they had offerings in there like  French toast and eggs benedict and like your   typical breakfasty type foods and also some brunch  offerings as well like shrimp and things like that   so both were incredible and I was really pleased  at the sitdown breakfast and brunch options   available on board the ship now I'm just touching  briefly on the food options here but I will say   uh now that I mentioned some of my worst dining  experiences I will talk about the best dining   experiences the best restaurants uh you know those  evening main dining type restaurants on board the   ship and those are gumbai and pink agave and I'll  start with pink Agave pink Agave is the Mexican   inspired or the Mexican restaurant on board the  ship and the food in pink Agave was just amazing   and it was also probably some of the quickest  service I had at any of the restaurants that I   went to on board Valiant lady I really enjoyed the  food that I had in there it was all very delicious   for my main course in there I actually had a revi  steak with cheese and that's all it was there were   no sides or anything it was a RI by steak covered  with cheese delicious and again a dish where you   would be like that's not specialty dining like  literally that would cost me $30 or $40 on   another Cruise Line things are different on virgin  voyages gumay was another one where you would have   sworn it would have been an additional cost to eat  there and it was kind of a cool concept because it   is Korean barbecue but you were sat with uh other  groups of people I think the table in all had six   or eight people so you might be sat with another  group of people to make sure that there are six   or eight people and that's of course because your  server does come to the table and prepare a lot of   the meat right there in front of you but all the  food in there was delicious there were table games   that the server would come over and play with the  entire table so even if you didn't know the people   that they sat You by by the end of the dinner  you've played so many games and interacted with   them so much that they felt like new friends so  I really like that concept and the food in there   was tremendous so pink agave and gumbai were my  favorite restaurants on board the Valiant lady now   speaking of things being different virgin voyagers  likes to Pride themselves on the fact that they   don't have a buffet instead they have this concept  called The Galley and the galley is essentially   like a food Hall so you walk in and there's all  these different stands there's like a Bento Box   stand where it's just Bento boxes all day long  you can even go in there at breakfast time and   they have like fruit Bento boxes in the afternoon  it's sushi you can grab those and go anywhere then   they have the diner the diner is actually open or  a section of the diner is open 24 hours a day you   can go in there and it's just like a diner you can  sit down at the stool and Order eggs or omelets or   whatever from the menu they also have a burger bar  they have a full dessert section over there and   the cool thing about all these various sections  is you're not really serving yourself there   are people there serving it to you or if you are  serving yourself it's sort of like a covered food   dish that you're grabbing and taking away it's  not like you're getting like uh you know you ensil   yourself and getting the food out like you would  on any other cruise line now one thing I will say   uh to Virgin voyages about the galy concept they  like to say we don't have a buffet but y'all it's   pretty much a buffet it's not the traditional  Buffet let's say that it's not just like   tons of food that you get yourself it's not the  traditional there are plenty of different options   another thing I really enjoyed on the ship were  the little dessert snack selections at the social   club the social club is a place where you can go  to play games they got tons of board games they   have like pool tables foosball tables they also  have food options in there you can get popcorn in   there just about all day uh you can get hot dogs  you can get hot wings but then they have like this   little dessert case and I tried a couple things I  think I tried a cake pop one day and then I tried   the cereal bars that they had in there and y'all  these were like Fruity Pebble Rice cre treats and   I don't know how many of those I ate throughout  the cruise but they were one of my most favorite   things that I had the entire cruise so make sure  you go to Club social and check out those desserts   cuz again all included you don't have to pay any  extra same thing with the ice cream shop on board   or the ice cream stand uh lick me till I scream  you can go there at any time of day and get an   ice cream that's included they also have pizza I  didn't get to try the pizza but I do know that the   pizza again is sort of made to order it can take  a little bit of time and sometimes the lines were   long and then finally there is the Grounds Coffee  that is the coffee shop and right there they have   U all sorts of like croissants and muffins and  things you can take away and then of course they   have coffee that's prepared to order that was a  really cool location right Central in the ship   and then they also had a smaller Grounds Coffee  location up in the gley so you can get coffee up   there also one more cool thing about food is soda  soda is included on Virgin voyages they do have   soda machines inside of the galley so you can  get soda and you're not going to be charged any   additional so so for all the reasons stated I'm  going to give food on Valiant lady a 4.4 out of a   five rating now next up is e for entertainment and  entertainment was different on board viant lady   in the best ways like this is the place where you  could see uh along with the food but you could see   that they were purposefully trying to be different  than all the other cruise lines I already said   there was no Cruise director I really enjoyed  that but I really just enjoyed the different   selections of entertainment all across the ship  and there was tons of entertainment I feel like   there was a themed party just about every night  if you were into that and that's one thing I want   to say I'll go ahead and talk about this about  the ship being too wild or the [ __ ] being too   runchy and you might not be into that that's fine  still go because you don't have to participate in   the shows you don't have to go to the shows if  you might not like what the show is or uh you   know if you feel like the party is too runchy or  whatever you don't have to go the vibe on board   the ship is that it's always poised for a party  like there's people on there that are just ready   to like have a party at any moment but you can go  back to your room and lay on the hammock which is   what I did 90% of the crews I would maybe go to a  show or two in the evening otherwise I was in my   room relaxing on my hammock so that's the beauty  of Virgin voyages it's really the beauty of any   Cruise you can make it your own you can do as much  as you want to or as little as you want to so it   doesn't have to be wild for you you don't have to  go to the parties or the theme nights or whatever   if you still want to go and enjoy the great food  and the good entertainment and not really be about   a theme party but if you do want a theme party  or you do want a nightclub they do have all of   that they also had a comedian on board the ship  he was there every night and he pretty much had   the same show it was repeating every night and a  lot of the shows on Virgin actually are that way   you see a lot of repeating shows throughout the  cruise because the venues where they actually have   the entertainment are quite small and in fact the  Red Room which is like the main theater we'll say   it's it's supposed to be the nearest thing to  a main theater on board the ship it seats very   few people and you do have to have tickets which  you do reserve on that Cluny app uh because they   do limit the number so I was able to go to number  of shows throughout the cruise the first night of   the cruise they had Around the World in 80 minutes  with the diva the diva is the resident drag queen   on board the ship and that was a really good show  one of the other shows that I was able to see was   the misbehave show and that was inside the Red  Room they actually had this a couple times and   I caught both shows just to see if it was maybe  a little bit different but again that's how I   found out the shows are actually the same they  just repeat them throughout the cruise but the   misbehave show was really cool it was an audience  participation show like it just depends on what   audience is in there and how much they feel like  participating in how great the show was going   to be but it was a fun show if you've ever s on  Carnival and gone to their quest which they have   some nights I know they brought that back recently  it's very similar to that they also had uh the   ship show one night the ship show was like their  own variety show that they have inside the manor   The Manor is the nightclub on board the ship but  the ship show was actually a dinner show so you   could go in there again included you could go in  there they had dinner and they only had a couple   of offerings for dinner so it's not like you get  whole menu to pick from they only had like you get   this or this I didn't eat there I didn't D there  I did go to the show and saw most of the show   and it was a good show it was very entertaining  that I did hear from some people around the ship   that the food wasn't that great in there and the  night that I went there I had dinner reservation   for somewhere else so I didn't actually get to  partaking the food myself so I can't tell you   how good or not good the food was but an awesome  concept to have a dinner show on board a cruise   ship never really seen that before again it's  different and then finally I was able to go to   dual reality this was another uh like production  show that they had inside the Red Room was really   cool and another one that really brought the  audience in together um and really just very   interactive so I was really pleased with those  like core Production shows those main shows that   they'd have throughout the cruise now there was  also karaoke uh one night they had karaoke well   a couple nights I think with uh the diva they  also had so many live bands all throughout the   ship like all the time there was just live music  all around the ship so a very Lively atmosphere   on board the ships especially in the evening of  course I mentioned they did have theme nights and   parties they had a pajama party a holiday pajama  party one night cuz I sell during the holiday   season they also had parties in the nightclub all  throughout the cruise and then of course they had   Scarlet Knight and Scarlet Knight is like the  big night on the entire ship like that's the one   people plan for they plan their outfits they plan  where they're going to be and where they're going   to dine around Scarlet Knight and Scarlet Knight  is a whole event the night that they have it it   starts at like 5:00 and on the main prominade  deck of the ship you know where all the shops   and everything are they dim the lights it's  a a red Hue all around that deck they special   activities they have Tales of scarlet Knight and  tell you what you know how that originated so a   really cool night that culminates in a major Deck  Party the biggest Deck Party of the entire crew   the Scarlet Knight deck party and that was a wild  party I was able to walk out and catch just a few   minutes of that but people were really enjoying it  people were really having a good time and I know   a lot of cruise lines like to do deck parties  they like to make that a big thing but I don't   think anyone does it quite like mergent is doing  it so Skarlet Knight is not to be missed if you're   someone who likes those deck parties because it's  one like you've not been to before I promise you   that so there's nothing I can give entertainment  but a solid a perfect five out of a five rating   for valant lady because it was so different and  some of the best entertainment I've ever seen on   board a cruise ship and it really won me over it  was one of the reasons that I enjoyed the cruise   so much because it was so different it wasn't the  same Stage production shows that you're used to   seeing on a cruise I enjoyed that next up is p  reports and like I said this was a eight night   cruise down to the Eastern Caribbean our first  stop was puerta plada in the Dominican Republic   that was a cool place I'd never been there before  i' been to Amber Cove which is nearby which is   Carnival Cruise Line's private like experience  uh but Puerto Plata was a great place and really   enjoyed it there the next stop was sanan Puerto  Rico which is always a fantastic stop then we   stopped in St Cy never been to St Croy before  but uh wasn't really that impressed with St Croy   unfortunately and then we ended our cruise in biny  and of course I think all virgin voyages that sell   in the Caribbean visit bimin because they have  the Virgin voyages Beach Club there and I will say   that the beach club is probably the best cruise  line experience like aore that you're going to   get anywhere so you know think of all the private  islands that all the different cruise lines have   I think that the beach club in biny is Just A step  above all that I just loved it the food that they   had there that's which is included was just so  delicious the vibe was cool the pools are huge   they had two huge pools uh and then the beach it's  bimy and you just about can't beat biny anywhere   because bimin is such a beautiful place so for  all those Reasons I'm going to give ports on this   Cruise a 4.5 out of a five rating and lastly  we're going to talk about the second s which   is for service and it was not a great start to  service around the ship the first couple of days   I was questioning are they under staff because I  would be waiting for food somewhere uh the very   first day of the cruise I was waiting for food  for 20 25 minutes no one ever even came over and   like acknowledged that I was there there was also  an incident that I witnessed where a crew member   was like very verbal about being done they were  overworked on their shift they didn't have any   help and they just sort of threw up their hands  and said I'm done very loudly and we're calling to   other crew members and telling them I'm done you  need to come help me because I'm going to had a   break all day so not really seen that on a cruise  before and I do have to deduct points from that   the first couple of days and I felt like because  this was a very full selling I mean uh there was   no extra rooms left on this ship we were were 100%  full I'm not sure if the crew was used to maybe   having that many people it did take a couple days  to adjust and by the third day of the cruise the   service actually suddenly like flipping a light  switch became pretty awesome and I was actually   surprised at just how quickly it became that much  better so for most of the8 days of the cruise the   service was incredible anytime you went to any  of the restaurants it was great service everyone   was very nice so uh the service turned around  tremendously and I was happy about that because   I didn't want it to be like a very bad review  for service that I was really going to have   to knock them for so they really turned it around  my room Stewart was incredible I mean he was very   quick to clean my room they actually have buttons  inside the room when you need your room cleaned   and anytime I hit that like he was in there he  cleaned it up really quickly it was always uh   very well done they do clean the room a couple  times a day which was nice and actually by the   end of the cruise the crew was calling me by name  like when I would go up to get food or I'd go up   to get coffee or something they knew who I was so  a really amazing crew I do have to deduct points   though for those first couple of days because  it was like I think they're under staff This   Is Not Great it wasn't what I was told virgin was  going to be you know um that they have great food   great service and all that but it took a couple  days to adjust but they got there and that's why   I'm giving service a 4.2 out of a five rating so  when we consider all those scores together that   gives us an overall score for the Valiant Lady of  a 4.6 out of a five rating and y'all that's a new   record and and it should be because I think that's  probably one of my favorite cruises to date I've   been on 20 odd cruises now I think something  closer to 30 cruises now actually and this one   on viant lady was up there in probably the top  two top three of my favorite cruises everything   was just so different and I think that's what I  really liked that it wasn't the same old Cruise   experience it wasn't the same old food in the  dining room it wasn't the same O show after dinner   everything was different so if you're someone  who's been on a lot of cruises before for and   you're like I'm kind of getting bored not bored  with cruising we all love cruising but you know   I'm kind of getting over the same same experience  go try virgin and see what their experience is   like because it's completely different it'll open  your eyes and be like a completely new firsttime   Cruise experience and that's what I really  appreciated enjoyed about Virgin voyages so   thank you so much for watching this video I hope  you've enjoyed it and found it informative if you   did please go down below give me a thumbs up also  consider consider subscribing to my channel as   I have lots of cruise content to come and I'm  always doing cruise reviews just like this on   cruise ships all around the world folks thank you  again for watching and I'll see you on the next adventure
Channel: Zach the Traveling Man
Views: 126,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virgin voyages, valiant lady, cruise vlog, virgin voyages cruise, embarkation day, virgin voyages cruise ship, virgin voyages vlog, virgin voyages valiant lady, virgin cruise, virgin cruise ship, cruise travel, virgin voyages review, zach the traveling man, valiant lady cruise ship, virgin voyages food, cruise ship, travel vlog, scarlet lady, cruise vlogs, valiant lady cruise, cruise vlog 2024, valiant lady food, valiant lady xl sea terrace, cruise vlog 2023
Id: ijYvHIGNq-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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