The TRUTH about buying JETBOIL, MSR or GRAYL

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this is a jetboil this is a skillet by msr this is the grail water purifier and in this video i'm going to tell you why i'm taking them backpacking what's going on everybody my name is dan becker thanks so much for joining me uh so i am hopefully going to inspire you because in 2021 i met two people that compl completely hang on completely inspired me i thought i was going on trips to inspire them but the polar opposite happened they inspired me so let me just tell you who they were first person is a guy named chef corso so uh he and i went on a backpacking trip where he invited me out and i just thought you know what i'm gonna go out and do my thing get a backpacking trip in and meet a guy and make a video man was i wrong this guy is a professionally trained classical classic he is a classically trained professional chef and that's what he does for a living and his specialty is back country cooking so right then and there uh you're talking to a guy who eats freeze-dried meals and dehydrated meals and literally that's it and i don't even know how to cook anything outside so total inspiration the second person that uh inspired me was a guy named eric hanson who i just backpacked with about a month ago in south dakota and the reason this guy inspired me was because of this right here there were several evolutions in the in the journey of eric hanson as a backpacker and camper one was just using those z lights for years and years and years just was sure that uh sleeping with you know half dead legs as they would just uh kind of rot away on that uh little bit of padding and just being miserable was just that was the backpacking experience and until i actually started getting some nice mattresses uh because i was spending 200 nights a year uh 200. 200 nights a year i was used to be a guide and 200 nights a year what take that through hikers so eric was a former guide and when he told me that he backpacked and hiked 200 nights a year um right then and there like legitimately i my first thought was holy cow i need to pay attention to everything that's happening on this trip because where i thought i was going to provide inspiration it was happening the opposite way and i knew that i needed to pay attention to learn a few things because i was with a guy who really knew what he was talking about so out of that trip i came home and uh out of the trip with steve the chef i came home and i bought these three gear items because i was totally inspired now i can already hear you ultra lighters groaning you're dying on the inside like a piece of you has just been ripped out of your soul because you cannot believe i just bought a jet boil in the grail water purifier or a skillet i'm gonna bring with me like why would you do that dan well because the people that i was with they're not ultra lighters they don't really weigh their gear very much and they never complained about their gear being heavy one time and they backpack just fine and myself included i really don't weigh my gear anymore either at least when it's all packed up i weigh it individually but when it's all packed up i don't remember the last time i weighed my backpack i just kind of pick it up and go yup and i go on my trip and i'm totally fine but that's just because i've been doing it a long time and i kind of know uh what i'm capable of doing so let's just talk about why these three pieces of gear okay so you got the jetboil here now the jetboil if you don't know what it is you've been living under a rock i'll just tell you it's been around forever it's a super fast all-in-one cook system uh i think for you jetboil users you'll tell me this um i think this is like not just a measuring cup but i think this is actually a cup that sort of comes with it and you can use it as like a separate cup but then this down here wait hold on you got to take off the top i've never even used it uh this top here also has a strainer and like an area where you can sip out of it comes with a stand where you would put like the gas can in so it kind of stops it from tipping over kind of cool and then it comes with this pot stand that you don't need necessarily but if you want to like use a skillet huh so the stove goes on the bottom here like this i got a gas canister here um screws on the bottom like this oh look out and then this is the stand for the gas canister there we go okay so that's in there now it's nice and sturdy and then you can you know cook your water or food or whatever you want to put in there you can make a meal in here mac and cheese ramen whatever you want to do if you want to just use like the pot stand you can just go like this i think again i'm not very good at this so okay i think that's right and now you've got like a stove to cook your stuff on a skillet i bought this because steve totally inspired me to enjoy my meals i i kind of feel like so many times i eat and i'm just ready to get on with the next thing i don't enjoy it i don't take time to enjoy it and sitting there with him cooking and seeing what he was capable of making wow it was just absolutely incredible the things that he was able to make so totally inspired and then with eric okay eric who inspired me to purchase this this is the grail water purifier yeah oh wait what are you wait wait what what that's not a typical water tell us about this water bottle oh this isn't typical deal no uh maybe it feels typical to me but that's because i've been using this for like two years okay this is the grail uh geopress so i've had a ton of people tell me about this and like dan you've gotta yeah you've gotta you gotta check this out yeah a water filter filters bacteria and protozoa that's it a water purifier also filters viruses so that's the difference right there and this is something that you could take internationally if you wanted to uh over in countries where there may be viruses that your body isn't capable of handling you just take the top off like this and you scoop the dirty water here once the dirty water's in there you kind of put it like this you gotta unscrew the top just a little bit so that lets little air out so it's got air flowage and then you just push it down like this and it filters the water and then you take top off you drink or you pour it in your pot you put in a water container whatever you want to do and you get on your way now this is the ultralite version of the grail this one weighs about 10.9 ounces or so the regular grail water purifier weighs about a pound and that's why i went with this one a little less capacity it's not the one air cad but um i i'm trying i'm trying look if a guy who's been um backpacking for as many years as eric has doing it for 200 nights a year uses this there's something to it matter of fact there's something to all of this gear because there is a reason that companies are selling uh gear like this and people are still buying it using it and enjoying it and loving it let me just tell you where i got this where i get almost all of my gear is at backcountry the reason i tell you guys to buy at backcountry is because they have what are called gear heads the gear heads are individuals guys and girls who are former olympians athletes trail guides and they actually know what they're talking about so like you try to comment on my videos right you send me emails you send me instagram messages and you're asking me questions you're like dan what do i do here which one should i buy of this there's no way i can get to everybody so i'm sending you to a place where i truly have confidence in these people to give you good information of the stuff that you're looking for they gave me a coupon code it's dan b15 15 off your first order some exclusions do apply try it out hopefully it can save you a couple bucks i was inspired by some people hopefully i've in turn inspired you a little bit to maybe think outside of the box and try out some different styles even get around people who are doing things better than you and they will inspire you if you guys like this video make sure you hit that like button also subscribe for more hit the bell notifications so that i can send you a video every time it's released hit me up on instagram and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Dan Becker
Views: 341,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ORR7LoNbGmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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