The Truth About BULK eBay Graphics Card Sales...

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i've got a question what's the most expensive graphics card listing ever sold on ebay let's find out fellas it's that time of the year again time for frothy beards and uh well yeah i'm still working on mine and manscape's new performance package 4.0 is here to take care of you in it you'll find the lawnmower 4.0 a cordless trimmer built with advanced skin safe technology set to ensure smooth cuts pretty much anywhere new to the collection is the weed whacker good for nose and ear trimming visit or click the link below and use my promo code salazar to get 20 off plus free international shipping along with two free gifts let me give you a quick rundown of how things are going to work here i'm going to use very generic keywords and we're going to search those keywords and sort by highest sale price now these are only sold listings doesn't really make any sense to search for listings that haven't sold yet because in theory i could ask any amount of money for anything on ebay but if it doesn't sell what's the point so only sold listings and we're going to be sorting from highest to lowest obviously because we're interested in the most expensive listings here i expect that we'll run into a lot of bulk deals which is just an unfortunate consequence really of the mining craze that is still in full force right now and a lot of folks getting a hold of like distributors and buying cards in bulk that way um just again it ultimately shafts the end consumer the one who's interested in maybe gaming or content creating with a single card that makes prices go up for all of us so uh it is an unfortunate scenario that we are in but i figured why not have some fun and just kind of like i don't know sulk at and hate and yell at through the screen these really expensive deals because what else can we do so for those who want to try this themselves maybe try it with a different product you can go to ebay and then click on the advanced tab up here next to the large blue search button from here scroll down to search including and then you want to click sold listings and if this was the only one checked then that means that whatever we search for it'll only show us results for listings that have actually sold and verified purchases so we're going to stick with the generic keyword here you can see graphics card and we'll just click search and see what happens so what you're looking at now are the most recent graphics card sales as of time of filming you can see we've got pretty much everything here gtx 1080 ti 700 uh an rtx 3070 900 a 570 4 gig for 150 bucks and these prices are just outright insane but people are willing to pay them because we're also going to buy a card like at all because most places are out of stock again an unfortunate side effect of the currency of affairs now to sort from highest to lowest all you want to do is check out this tab here and then click price plus shipping highest first so this one now this um yeah this is more or less what i was expecting okay so the first listing six gpu mining rig rtx 3080s non-lhr so lhr is the uh that's the low hash rate version of a card so this is the non-low hash rate which is obviously what the miner is going to want to want and 589 megahash per second whatever okay so we'll click on this and you can see it was being sold by someone in great falls montana and it sold for thousand five hundred dollars that's a lot of money uh anyway this is the original listing and uh this is the the first photo you see and it really sucks but this one's much better you can see that five of the six cards appear to be identical and then that six card down there uh the same gpu just a different aib not that it really matters for mining oh and just add insult to injury you're gonna be paying an extra 250 just to ship these dang things so somebody was massively ripped off that or maybe whoever bought this was just trolling the seller and actually didn't follow through with the purchase which will end up just wasting the seller's time and also waste your time though as the troller i just don't think it's worth it anyway uh the next one here is a set of 12 power color red devil amd rx 5700 xt so this was actually bid on 50 freaking times and let me just do a simple math here divided by 12. that comes out to 1208 dollars per card twelve hundred eight dollars for an rx 5700 xt that's the world we live in and look this lot sold december 12th which was only a couple of weeks ago i also love that it says like barely used never used for mining like okay bro okay whatever you say why else would you buy this many cards at one time or have this many even at one time unless you were just flipping them i can't really see that as like a a reason because if you're selling in bulk chances are you're probably offering a discount over a single card sale but that aside these cards are pretty good for mining apparently again i've never mined before i don't really know like which cards are the better cards and which cards aren't obviously the really weak cards are pretty inefficient they're really expensive cards you just get your your hash rate per dollar ratio all screwed up but 5700 t somewhere in that sweet spot and i don't really see why else you would need this many just either you or someone before you was mining with these my friend this next one's a doozy four times msi geforce rtx 3090s from msi four of them for 14 000 freaking dollars plus 43.32 shipping just in case you thought shipping was covered uh yeah i guess again i honestly don't understand like what the appeal is with charging extra for shipping i mean if you put free shipping on there that's probably going to help your sale and 43 dollars when seen in the context of a 14 000 sale is rather inconsequential i think most of us could agree but anyway if we take thousand dollars and divide it by four that comes out to thirty five hundred dollars per card that is that is crazy there's not much margin left in this i mean if you're paying 3 500 bucks per card that's top dollar so i'm not sure what this person's going to do with them maybe maybe he or she's holding on to them for a rainy day maybe they expect inflation to just go crazy like it already has it definitely has but maybe they think it's going to get worse and these cars are just going to continue going up in value can you imagine i mean if i had told you this four or five years ago like oh yeah folks are just gonna buy cards and just hold on to them because they're gonna keep going up in value yeah even the old ones yeah yeah they're gonna sell for more than they originally sold for three years ago that what what kind of world are we living in now this one this has to be this has to be fake apparently this single geforce rtx 3090 this is an fe card here sold for 10 000 10 grand and just when you thought it couldn't get any better this is the description yes it is this detailed i don't know something seems up with this one apparently the seller has got really great feedback but 10 grand i mean 10 grand for a 30 90 is nuts even in this market all right then so let's just be even more vague on purpose because we want to be more encompassing in these searches let's type in rtx just rtx and see what comes up and oh my gosh this sold literally yesterday i'm filming this on december 23rd so this sold yesterday there for 60 grand that's a quantity 100 bulk of p and y rtx a2000s holy guacamole the seller apparently doesn't have any feedback at all and these pictures are kind of i mean this one it could be anything and then this one here i mean you tell they don't want to break the seal but this doesn't really do me any like good because i can't tell what it is anyway i mean how on earth did someone get a hold of a hundred of these cards not that gamers should be interested in a2000s but still why is ebay suddenly like the most pop i mean i know why it is i'm asking this question you know it's kind of rhetorical but ebay of all places right to sell 100 of these cards where is this person getting them from that's what i want to know but anyway all right let's try gtx instead of rtx i think this will be interesting so gtx and 5300 for 10 gtx 1660 supers where where are you getting 10 of these bud huh where are you where are you getting them you just you just buying them from a bunch of different retailers stockpiling them and then offloading them what is going on here look at this six gtx 1080s sold like four or five days ago nine gtx 1070s like come on so this top listing here is from a seller with pretty stellar feedback 100 positive feedback 2192 reviews which is um that makes you a veteran my friend smart guys computers sold 10 1660 supers in bulk for fifty three hundred dollars now i'm not a mathematician but fifty three hundred divided by ten means that each of these cards sold for five hundred and thirty dollars i mean at least you get free shipping i mean there's that it's even crazier is it the conditions listed as new so if we take the seller it hits her word that means that these these cards were never opened they were probably again purchased through some distributor who just worked a backdoor deal and then they were allowed to flip these on ebay because why else would you yeah why else would you sell a card on ebay right now let's do one more keyword search this time it's going to type in the acronym gpu see what comes up gpu let's press enter and we need to sort by price by shipping highest first 24 999 mining rig with six gpu such an eloquent title so this was thrown up by a seller with again zero positive feedback and uh i mean okay like he's got pictures of multiple graphics cards but he says it's just six i'm assuming it's these six down here and these all look like 30 80s no it's kind of hard to tell let's check the description it says mining rig with 10 okay 10 gps so it's 10 not 6. does this say it says with 6 gpu but then he contradicts himself and says 10. okay condition is used evj for the win three he's got two 30 90s he's got two 30 70s uh another 37 msi and a 30 60 ti tuff and wait so that's it so okay wait that's six cards again but then you said 10 right above that this is the this is this is just a disaster i love this not in a rush to sell all parts were put together three weeks ago i just really wanted to try and experience building one of these well building a mining rig so you didn't try to make any money yeah so like the big issue with folks who claim that they've only used their cards for a week or a month or in search time frame here is that you can't verify any of this there's literally no way i mean even if it was documented in software that's very easy to change and alter and post so i never trust any seller personally when he or she says that they've used it for a short amount of time unless it's someone that i know that i fully trust that i've done business with in the past it's just um don't make don't base your purchasing decisions on the word of the seller unless it's verifiable take it with a huge chunk of salt well you know what hold on here the listing underneath the one that we just checked the 1660 super bundle looks identical the same copy and pasted title from the spec sheet looks like sold for fifty two hundred dollars instead of fifty three hundred dollars and it sold 30 days prior exactly 30 days prior this this has to be from the same seller there it is yep smart guy computers i can't highlight to save my life with the uh 2192 reviews yep they got a hold of another set of 10 somehow some way and you know i mean this just tells you how corrupt the whole thing is now the logistics of it all the one of the main reasons why i don't think any of us can get cards now at least from e-retailers at decent prices is because of this these kind of like back door shady distributor deals not that i have anything against the seller specifically the seller's doing what he or she is allowed to do and it's not illegal what i what i do think is shady though is that there's really no there's no follow-up from the manufacturer in regards to where these cards are sent the manufacturers happy just selling the cards getting rid of the cards manufacturing them and then offloading them to distributors at a wholesale price and they make their margins and their you know shareholders are happy and that's the end of it but once the distributors get a hold of the cards i mean all hell breaks loose because at that point folks like this seller here can go straight to the distributor and say hey i want to buy a bulk of 10 cards a buck with 20 cards an entire pallet of cards heck and i'll give you a decent price you know 10 20 over uh over break even and the distributor's like yeah sure that's that's an easy done-do payday i'll take that 20 margin and then yeah again the seller can just offload these on ebay for crazy amounts of money 10 1660 supers that's 520 each but at least you get free shipping right free expedited shipping at that it's all so depressing and i know it's easy for folks just to watch this video and think oh he's just ranting for the sake of ranting he just wants the clicks the views i make videos for you to click on i'm not making videos for no one to want to watch so that is yes undeniably a huge part of it but i think what you can take away from this is that you we're kind of screwed i mean i don't know how else to word it we're competing with folks who have direct connections with vendors that are and they're already working out deals months in advance and then we're at the mercy of those purchasers right the ones who buy from the distributors who then need to mark up again so that they can make money and it's easy to attack the seller at the end of the day it's easy to attack these listings these these folks that are just you know offloading 10 20 30 cards at a time still at insane prices but at the end of the day they are selling for these prices according to ebay at least and how can you really fault them if it's not illegal there's nothing technically you know you can't go to jail for it right and if there's no real consequence at least socially because you're doing it behind a keyboard nobody knows who you are personally then why wouldn't you do it you know like what's stopping me from contacting a distributor and hey i wonder what it would take how much effort it would take to get a hold of a distributor and set up a deal or maybe a pallet of cards could be sent here and i wonder what that distributor would charge for that pallet of cards relative to msrp because if i could get a hold of cards at a 10 markup over msrp from the distributor i mean i could sell them and break even i could just break even you know like my time my effort that goes on whatever i'll make videos about it i can monetize my life that way i already do that with the picture flop and pcdc stuff but if we can get a hold of a distributor make a large a sizable purchase let's say a pallet of cards i'm not sure how many cards come in a pallet but i'm sure it's well over a dozen if we purchase you know fifty thousand dollars worth of cards add a small markup yes but then we sell those cards for the same basically it cost for the same price we paid the distributor for them to just you guys is that a is that something that is possible i wonder because i i know that other channels have like they've done things by coordinating with the manufacturers right or with the aib so they'll go to msi or asus or whatever and they'll set up kind of like a graphics card drop and then they'll you know do it that way but don't go don't go to the aib because the aab is still at the mercy of the distributor and and there are certain deals set up through nvidia you know that again that's that's a kind of a different outlet though because those aibs are more or less like meeting quotas that are set up by nvidia directly so i don't really think going going about it that way is as efficient because then you're at the mercy of the purchase orders between the aib and the manufacturer but in the case of the distributor where it's it's more like you know wholesale to resale or retail uh i wonder if i wonder if we could get a hold of one and just see i mean i wouldn't even know where to start but obviously it's possible because there's no way for sellers like this on ebay to be getting a hold of tens of cards every month to sell at a pre-suite premium because look if i could get you know 1660 tis for 300 even i don't know i don't know what they're going for now on ebay but you know at some price significantly under what they're selling for on ebay currently then i could just sell those for the same price and just attack on shipping you know 20 30 bucks whatever it might be within the continental us you know that would be a pretty sweet way to get cards in the hands of gamers i'm just kind of spitballing here i'm i'm trying not to rant uh but just kind of letting my my thoughts kind of run freely in this uh in this video at the end but uh who knows i'll i will look into this because uh i'm pretty sure there are some backdoor deals going on with distributors there has to be for these kinds of listings to even be possible now you know in the case of say this this 1070 bulk here like that this happened these cards were manufactured several years ago so i don't think this is a case of that because there would really be no incentive for the seller to have contacted this distributor then right back in 2016 2017 when these cards came out i think that's when they came out a while back but uh i i so i don't think this is the case of that this is probably just someone just bought several of them to mine with back in the day maybe you know two two years ago or whatever and now they're selling them because they're worth more than they ever have been worth apart from at you know msrp so i think that's a possibility here a likely possibility and then you know some of these other ones a lot of these are pascal cards so again the pascal cards are kind of lumped together but the ones up top these 1660 supers like cards that are still being produced um and that are much more modern these i think they they have to be sold by distributors ahead of time to these to these vendors i just don't see any other way around it i mean unless you're collecting one card at a time somehow maybe you're standing in line at best buy every day that a a you know a drop hits and buying one card or two cards at a time or whatever the card limit is for that store over and over until you get enough to sell in bulk i mean why would you why would you sell in bulk then that's the other question i have you see typically when you sell in bulk and you take a small profit cut because it's a one and done right you want to ship individually it's it's less time consuming your time is valuable of course especially as a uh you know owner operator of a business or what have you and so you you accept that as just a a penalty so to speak to get rid of them all at once and you take all that profit okay all that profit is realized in the beginning because you've sold all of them at the same time i mean if you were buying one card at a time or two cards at a time through retailers wouldn't you just turn around and list those immediately as individual or maybe a pair of cards on ebay and try to sell those for a pretty steep premium because they would they would sell they are happy plenty of folks are still buying at these prices so the market is at some sort of equilibrium we have to admit but no matter what we do as individuals i mean this kind of crap will continue to have look at this a sealed lot of five free shipping this sold on september 26 this sold on september 28th like what what is this i mean are we are we really you know like where are these cards coming from sealed right they were never used so obviously they were either collected one by one or they were purchased in bulk and i think it's the latter because that's the easier way to do it if i was trying to flip cards i would buy them in bulk if possible i would do anything i could to get a hold of any reputable distributor and buy as many as i could at a semi decent price to then turn around and flip them on ebay why wouldn't you when the profits are this substantial so we'll see where this goes i will do a bit more digging into the distributor side of things i've never really thought about this but um worth a shot i mean it might end up you know that there's just nothing we can do and they won't sell to me but if i can like set up some sort of company like a shell company to just handle the distribution of cards even though my goal is really just to sell them at cost to folks who have been dying to get a hold of them for decent prices um that to me that would be worth it i mean call it whatever you want it's not technically a charity because we're we're not we're not giving away money we're not making why it's nothing that's a non-profit i guess you could call it a non-profit i don't know i don't know how the tax structure would work there but anyway i i would definitely do that if it was something that i thought was feasible so i will look into it you have my word there thank you so much for watching this for another video and hearing me uh rant as long as i have uh your continued support is appreciated be sure to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it consider subscribing if you have not already leave a comment down below and i will catch you in the next one my name is greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 174,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, graphics card, graphics card scam, gpu shortage, the truth about ebay, the truth about graphics cards, where to buy a graphics card, pc gaming, how to buy a gpu, graphics card prices, tech, bulk, bulk gpu, bulk gpus, gaming pc, how to build a pc, bulk graphics cards, computer, graphics card mining, mining, Gpu mining, Ebay scam
Id: TPvzxzXcxy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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