The Truth About Ballerina Farm

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moving on to a person that I follow and I'm a huge fan of I rarely talk about the micro celebs that I am a fan of I should do that one day just give you guys a list of people that actually I think we should be promoting and celebrating not everything is an evil but I think the reason why this person is so great is because she's not in Hollywood um if you are following her on Instagram you might have heard of her uh she goes by the handle ballerina Farm uh she is a woman who quit Dancing she was a ballerina she attended juliard in New York her and her husband decided to move out to Utah and now they just farm and they lead a remarkably wholesome life her name is Hannah neilan her husband is the hog farmer and I think his handle is like hog father or something like that and it's just wholesome to to follow her on Instagram she's got eight children and she's constantly baking and cooking for them tending to the chickens uh again with her eighth pregnancy she gave birth at home everything about it just feels really organic and wholesome which is the reason why she always goes through such ridiculously controversy because she's garnered this following women like to look at it uh especially women like to look at this wholesome lifestyle and now they are selling their products I actually bought their starter kit kit for dough to bake bread because she bakes so much bread and like I said because it's wholesome of course the media has attacked her they tried to problematize it first what she suffered through was people saying oh my gosh we looked into it and actually she's a liar her and her husband have money uh he's somehow related to the Jet Blue family and people believed that she was just some poor farmer she never once said that they were poor in fact if you have common sense you would actually deduce that they have to have some level of wealth because she was a ballerina it's takes a lot of money to be able to keep up um that particular craft especially because she went to juliar which is incredibly expensive School in New York City I never thought she was poor but I guess they say if you're a farmer you must be poor and they felt like it was some sort of false advertising completely and utterly ridiculous well Hannah is again coming under Fire for something that is patently ridiculous now if you are not familiar with Hannah neilan she also part-time when she's not uh busy on the farm she participates in beauty pageants and she recently won Mrs American by the way she gave one of the greatest speeches ever one of the greatest answers ever rather um take a listen when have you felt the most empowered when have you felt the most empowered I have felt this feeling seven times now as I bring these sacred souls to the Earth after I hold that newborn baby in my arms the feeling of motherhood and bringing them to the Earth is the most most empowering feeling I had ever so we have a woman that is competing at in pageants and has a bunch of young women looking at her saying that what is aspirational is motherhood I mean what is more beautiful than that and again she stands by what she says you can find it on her Instagram it's beautiful to see how her kids participate in their lifestyle how they are little Farmers as well and of course that is the reason why she constantly has to suffer um just being destroyed by the Press people that are just trying to say and problematize her entire lifestyle this time it's because she is just 12 days postpartum and she seems to have lost her weight her baby weight and she is showing people how she is preparing once again for another pageant take a look so for those of you that are not able to see this listening to the audio she's essentially showing herself getting ready for the pageant you can see that she still has a tiny bit of a postpartum belly but not much at all uh her younger toddler is holding the infant and she's just showing her getting her her hair blowdried getting ready at home and then trying on clothes that she's potentially going to wear I mean she looks fantastic there's no question that for somebody who just had a baby 12 days ago she looks completely amazing and now she's getting her hair and her makeup done while she's holding her infant while she's breastfeeding she's wearing a gown in my estimation this is wonderful it sends a signal to young women that your life does not end when you're having a child which is what we saw yesterday and people I don't want to have a child I somehow my life will be over if I have a child she's saying the exact opposite she's just jumping right back into life so why are people so upset about this well in the comments that I have seen first and foremost they just can't believe that her postpartum body has has gone back this way and they say that it sets unrealistic expectations for women that they can just jump back into their lifestyle when other people are suffering from maybe postpartum depression maybe some people got C-sections okay she didn't have a C-section she was able to have a natural birth at home she feels great her body bounced right back what is wrong with that literally ask yourself what is wrong with that and you will finally you will likely find that the answer is people project right people project people see other people that are happy that are healthy and they project their own insecurities onto that individual I made a joke at the top of one of the shows that six weeks postart I was like yes feeling so great because I got back into my jeans and I saw one commenter say the exact same thing to me how would you how could you say that Candace that bouncing back in wearing your jeans uh that you were wearing pre-art why would you say that it sets unrealistic expectations I'm not setting any expectations we all have different bodies I am saying what actually happened for me right I'm very happy that I got back into my prepartum genes why shouldn't I be why do people have to shut up about uh their lives it makes other people feel like they're not enough and she's not saying to those people that they aren't enough right at all everybody has different experiences with labor and delivery I obviously it's a topic that's near and dear to my heart I have an entire series that is dedicated talking about vaccines and talking about my own postpartum experiences you don't make it seem as though Hannah has done something wrong because you're may be feeling insecure about yourself when you potentially have done nothing wrong either of course like everybody has different experience and so I just want to say I am a Hannah neilan Stan I absolutely love her I adore her I think that she is one of the healthiest things that we have seen in pop culture recently and the best part about it is she's not trying to be in pop culture this is not um a young woman that aspires to have Paparazzi taking pictures of her she's not telling people hold on to your youth forever and take all of these serums and Botox and she hardly ever wears makeup I've only ever seen her wear makeup uh when she is getting ready for a pageant She is totally always dressed down on a farm she loves her husband she loves her family guys please just allow people to be wholesome and good for once because there's plenty of toxicity that we could instead Reserve our anger for all right guys if you like this video you are definitely going to like the full episode even better you can find it by clicking right here
Channel: Candace Owens Podcast
Views: 474,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ballerina farm, ballerina farm dairy, farm life, farm store, family farm, fballerina farm, ballerina farms review, ballerina farm controversy, ballerina farm honest review, farm, ballerinafarm,,, ballet, farming, farmlife, farmfluence, baking, unboxing experince, mozzarella, donald trump, miss america, baby formula, allie stuckey, mrs. american, mrs.american, raising cattle, relatable with allie stuckey, hannah neeleman, candace owens
Id: fyVBJr-DfAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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