"F**k Ukraine" - Candace Owens Explains Why America Should Not Support Ukraine

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when I was watching the Republican debates and they're sitting here trying to make me cry for people in Ukraine are you kidding me are you kidding me have you looked around America yet you really think that this is what the people at home are going to respond to perpetually telling them that they have to care about another Nation more than their own backyards that they should be caring more about what's happening in Ukraine and Chris Christie trying to pitch it and you know Pence trying to pitch it and Nikki Haley you know we need to be the police officers of the world we can't even police her we can do both no we obviously can't like have you walked down the streets of Los Angeles have you walked down here we clearly obviously can't do both right and so having I think that the courage to stand on something that doesn't feel establishment popular or mainstream media popular but that you understand is what people are actually feeling and you know I'm very much a person that from the very beginning has said f Ukraine you know I stand on that and I I would have said it if I was in the debate stage like I would have let them all do their little pitch in the cries tears because how this gets into the YF Ukraine because Rich because Richmond north of Richmond you know what I mean that because Richmond because people literally can't put food on the table you've stopped people from working in America uh the average person is struggling to even be able to afford gas groceries uh you have people that are dealing with an influx of crime and illegal immigration in their cities peoples whose daughters and kids are being raped and killed that woman that was horrifically killed in Arizona going on a run by an illegal immigrant all this is happening in our country right here because if you told me as a mother that I need to care more about what's happening in the neighbor's house while my kids were suffering in my house I would look at you and tell you you were crazy obviously of course I'm going to take care of my own house first and if I have something after my house is in perfect order right and then you say to me hey they need help that's that's just common sense but if my house is in complete chaos and my kids can't eat and my kids are struggling how dare you tell me that it's wrong to want to care for my own first and that's exactly what the American foreign policy is amongst the elites but Candace our house has never been in perfect order as you know this in America so how do you grapple with the fact that when do we get involved like if China anything anyway like non-interventional so China attacks Taiwan you're good with it I'm what kind of like foreign policy do you think we should even have zero whatsoever in the world all everything that we're doing in the world right now is we're suffering from not being able to mind our own business this idea uh you know post World War II and Inter regarding International liberalism that it was our now we must spread our ideas everywhere and everybody must accept them maybe people don't want to live like Americans want to live have you ever thought of that like maybe people in Iraq and Iran actually are not interested in the way that we live many people in Saudi Arabia are not interested in the way that Californians live and by the way if you're looking at what's going on in California and L.A does it seem like maybe people should be embracing American values and principles at this moment like if if you could if you could buy them and purchase them right now as another country you probably wanting to go the other way hence Uganda and the laws that they're putting in place trying to keep this lgbtq agenda that Americans are funding all across the world why are we funding that why are we funding saying that girls in in Pakistan need to learn about transgenderism this is the foolishness that our tax dollars are going toward and people oh is that because International liberalism these are great ideas no actually these ideas kind of suck actually sucks and it's it's arrogance it's a very it's not it's not even American arrogance because the average American doesn't think this way the average American doesn't think that children in kindergarten need to learn 75 000 genders we aren't even we're not impressive academically kids are getting systematically Dumber in America we have nothing to show for all of the money that we're spending all around the world our country is in full decline so I I actually want to be clear it's not just F Ukraine it's F everybody until we get our house in order so nothing you don't want to be so if China attacks Taiwan and the semiconductor chips were relying on and that's going to be gone in 90 six percent of the products that the China manufacturing right now in China were apples manufactured in China and they go through that mess it's okay it affects your your totally fine enough ways to die on foreign soil zero no not one American life so then so then how do you so so then what would if a Candace Jones was president today what would your foreign policies be what would your approach be with G what would your approach be with Putin what would your approach be with what's going on in Iran or some of these guys what would you do yeah well I mean with Putin obviously the worst thing that we could have possibly done which is what's happening now is folded him further into the arms of the East okay Putin should be a natural Ally with the West we have been pushing this fake Cold War for way too long okay we're not in the 60s anymore okay Putin is not trying to rebuild Soviet Union uh he doesn't have the money I mean it's completely ridiculous to think that Russia is the biggest threat this is just the mainstream media simulation it's going to be just like the Soviet Union whereas we're the ones that are actually pushing further are into that territory I mean it's complete delusion we're the ones that is putting NATO on everybody's border and pushing and inching further after we gave promises that we wouldn't do that that we would not expand one inch Eastward okay so we're just not being honest about what it is that's even happening over there we're not being honest about the corruption and the laundromat that Ukraine is and the reason why we have such a vested interest in it Biden's interest in it you know barisma and everything that's going on this has nothing to do with caring about Ukrainian soldiers if you if you actually bought that narrative that they're worried about the Soviet Union expansion you're absolutely wrong you know they just are they want to expand their own power in that region and so when Trump was in office and he sought to have a meaningful relationship with Putin's that we weren't for pushing him into the arms of China and China is actually a threat to the United States uh yeah that was the right policy to have an actual peace policy you know that we should be respecting how people want to run in their own countries right and also trying to have strategic relationships your Partnerships with them that's that that is what makes sense to me I believe in National sovereignty I believe that Russia has the right to run its country the way that it wants to run its country I believe Iraq Iran America the the United Kingdom I don't want to be you know we want to be out we don't want to be a part of the European Union all the European Union these these concepts of trying to say to globalize us and say this is how everybody must think we in America we can't even decide on how we all want to think you know what I mean the southern principles and values compared to New York City and LA uh is is something that can't we can't seem to give you a perspective can I give you perspective I want to get your perspective on this so you know your daily wire I was just with Ben couple days ago and we had a good time together but think about a company for example that's built on software we rent which we all do right a company's not built on 100 of software that you have right when we build an insurance company we borrowed a company called ipipeline they are a behemoth of a company two and a half billion dollar company after 10 years of saying no to him he finally said let's make it work I said let's make it work and he came and gave me an offer I couldn't refuse I said let's let's roll then another one and another one I won't name all of them but it my perspective is to say guys moving forward if you're not one of our you know a product that we're not doing internally that's it I don't care about them we're not going to do any business with this this is it it's Forum we're not going to do nothing but we're relying on that software the reason why I'm saying this is this we're relying on China okay this we're relying on China cars were relying on China today this week was the first time we got a iPhone 15 that's going to say Made in India which is phenomenal it's progress but it's still it's not made in America right if we do made in America this is a five thousand dollar phone this is not a thirteen hundred dollar or now twenty seven hundred dollars so all I'm saying to you is from it's and I get it I get the fact that we spent 100 billion dollars White House finally confirms they spent 100 billion dollars on Ukraine and we send 700 a family to Maui which is absolutely pathetic and it's still you know it's been a month already whatever the timeline's been yeah we'll eventually get to it what I mean we'll eventually get to a couple thousand kids still missing but that that that desire to say nope that's it nothing no foreign policy no need what we're talking about here is we're talking about our involvement in Foreign Wars that's not to say that we shouldn't be doing business yet so I said strategic Partnerships with people that are overseas well I get that but what I'm saying is he asked the question if we allow China to attack Taiwan you're like nope we're not doing anything we're not sending our man over there I'm not saying I'm not I'm not sending a single so you're okay if we lose all the manufacturing oh that's not necessary that's not necessarily going to be the conclusion there's a lot that could happen in between there's a lot of negotiations that contain place this is why you have ambassadors that go over there what I am saying is that if I were president and I'm not okay and obviously I'm sitting here giving you the Owens Doctrine off the cuff but obviously you'd have to sit down and this is why you build a cabinet and you have people that are smarter than you in the cabinet talk about these things you bring in the best business guy to talk about how you get around this but what I am saying is that I would not be sending a single American son or daughter to die on foreign Soul so what about money though because I agree with you we don't need to be involved I mean everything that we've done on post-world War II has been a freaking disaster Vietnam Korea Afghanistan Iraq now Ukraine but we don't necessarily have boots on the ground per se I know there's allegedly people there but money or even soft power or influence or you talked about diplomatic relations there has to be a little Nuance it can't just be like zero we're done fine with diplomatic relations that's actually what I'm saying is that we need more diplomatic relations is the whole point you know and and we need to stop strong arming and and making these stances and sending billions of dollars and with no accounting by the way and things of that nature but I think they missed like a couple months a month ago two months ago the girl from The Pentagon was like yeah we had a mistake and there's six billion dollars we don't know where there is really so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here foreign
Channel: Valuetainment
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, ukraine, russia, candace owens, us, war, putin, zelenskyy, nato, conflict, foriegn policy, america, daily wire, explains, trump, biden, 2024 election, zelensky
Id: fI61HrNXQaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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