The TRUE SILVER PRICE and why you should stack it!

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hey everybody its silver seeker and in today's video we are going to be discussing the true price of silver and why I think you should be stacking stuff like this 90% silver constitutional junk right here as well as pure silver like these silver Maple Leafs I have in this tube alright guys I have quite a bit to talk about so let's get started okay everyone so we know that the world is going through some tough economic times right now everyone's staying at home a lot of businesses are closed right now not making the money that they're used to making there's people that are laid off from work and I do know that the government has released the stimulus package to help that's gonna be sending everyone some money you know opening some small business loans at a very low percentage things like that and hopefully that definitely helps but you know there's a lot to be said for the fact that whenever you release a whole lot of money to people for free that inflation doesn't exactly do well in that scenario in fact I can actually see the price of things going up quite a bit not only because of the extra money that's been flooded into the economy with nothing behind it but it's again to go along with that the cost of production to get stuff out just because so many people are at home right now so you know I would worry about you know things like that you also have to worry about low supplies of stuff for businesses that currently are closed that would normally be producing stuff for us to buy and all of that leads to an increased level of inflation now I'm certainly no economist and there's probably a lot more to it than that maybe I'm not even a hundred percent accurate but as far as Silver's concerned I've been stacking it for quite a long time now way back we used to be on what's called the gold and silver standard and that's basically where the government for every single dollar bill that they printed they had $1 worth of silver or gold in a vault you know to back that up in fact we used to have what are called silver certificates and if you look at this old two-dollar bill right here it says silver certificate at the top and then it says this certifies that there have been two dollars deposited in the Treasury of the United States of America so essentially you had basically a two dollar bill right here and this two dollar bill certified that the United States has $2 worth of silver and you can use this note which is easier carry around than two dollars worth of silver which would have been eight quarters or four half dollars you get the idea so you could eat more easily store your wealth and the US government was guaranteeing that they had the silver to cover this note so you used to be able to walk into a bank you could turn this in you could get you know two silver dollars of course you wouldn't get one with holes in it but you could get two silver dollars for this and so we went off of that standard a long time ago and going off of that standard is basically given the government free rein to increase the amount of money that they have with having no backing of it whatsoever now money is generally you know valued based on what people think that it's worth so if you walk into a store and you know the store clerk thinks that his gallon of milk is worth at three dollars then you know to him that your three dollars are worth the same as says gal in the milk the next guy could say it's to the next guy could say it's four it's only worth what people say it's worth but if people start to lose confidence in the money that they have if they start to lose confidence in the government that backs the money that they are using then that money quickly becomes worth less now the next day the guys like well I think I need six of those dollars for my gallon of milk or I need twelve of them but when we were backed by gold and silver all of our money printed was backed by a finite resource this finite resource that took you know hours and hours of time to extract from the earth to you know to refine and then to be stored by the government saying that hey you know you have ten dollars we have ten dollars worth of silver to cover that ten dollars so that doesn't happen anymore now the government can literally just open up a computer and they can just put another zero at the end of a line you know they can print a one trillion dollar coin in fact I know there was a member of our House of Representatives that was pushing to have two one trillion dollar coins printed to help with the situation that we're going through right now what is the point of that like if you if you were to produce to one trillion dollar coins all you're doing is adding extra money that we that has no value that about the money was just created out of thin air there isn't anything behind it to give it any value there's no work involved so you know money can have value because of the labor that was put into create the money so if you have a guy that works you know a hundred hours and he gets so many dollars for that hundred hours of work his money has value not only based on what other people think it's worth but also value based on the labor that he put in to produce the money if you just printed two one trillion dollar coins that doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything other than increase the amount of money with nothing behind it to be backed on it like silver where is silver at least with silver when our money is backed by silver it has value and it always well based on the scarcity and of course the work to produce this over that we have and a perfect example of that is this quarter right here was minted in 1954 now in 1954 I don't know the exact price but let's say guess was probably a quarter maybe 20 cents maybe 30 cents back then let's say guess was a quarter it's probably very very close in 1954 so you could take this quarter in 1954 and you could go to the gas station you could turn it in for a gallon of gas right you can't do that anymore right well you could if you had this 1954 quarter you could take this 1954 quarter and you could sell it to a silver stacker you could sell it to a bullion dealer and you will get a few bucks for it and then you could take that few dollars and now you could go to the gas station and get yourself not only a gallon but about a gallon and a half at today's prices of you know of gasoline for this quarter which is the same as you could have done back when this quarter was made and that's just a perfect example of how silver has always kept up with inflation and probably always will keep up with inflation like this quarter right there so that just goes to show you that the value of our dollar has decreased over time it's unfortunate but if we would have been on the gold and silver standard we would be looking at a much better inflation rate because the government would have their hands tied they wouldn't be able to just create money on a whim they would have to do with what they had they would have to live within their means the government while the government does a lot of good things it does a lot of wasteful spending I know people in the military that talk about military contracts for stuff that they pay $15,000 a piece for like a certain type of radio that cannot be produced for 20 bucks but they have to keep paying it because they signed a contract with you know a and B company to produce for that company exclusively for to produce them at that price for the government for you know so many years and that's just an example of things that the government may be like all right well we need to rethink this we don't have unlimited funds but now they kind of do the more money that they pump into the economy with anything to back it without labor to back it without silver and gold to back it the the less that money becomes worth and the more expensive the things are but and you know at that same time silver and gold also becomes more expensive or in other words it just you know passes it passes against inflation and continues to be worth the same value so you know if you would have been storing your money let's say in 1954 you would have been takin a bunch of paper dollars like this of course you would have had smaller ones because this is much older than that but if you would have been taking a bunch of paper dollars like this and you would have been putting them under your mattress it would have done anything but if you would have taken a whole lot of silver dollars like this or quarters or half dollars and then putting them under your mattress at least your money would have been keeping up with inflation at the minimum and that's you know that's just the fact of the matter so as far as stacking is concerned I think it's a really good time to pick it up now I do realize that there is a premium and well will quote premiums because I just I'm starting to disagree with the word premium and I use the word premium a lot and I know exactly what it means and basically a premium for silver is the amount that you pay over spot price for a silver coin so let's say that this half-dollar melts for five dollars but you pay eight for it you paid a three dollar premium you paid three dollars more than what the silver in the coin that was worth however you got to remember that you know the silver premium or the silver spot price I should say is a number that is set by the stock market is set through future trading on the stock market we're basically stockbrokers with millions and millions of dollars to buy thousands and tens of thousands of ounces of silver on paper and then they trade those contracts around that determines what the price of silver is this stuff doesn't the stuff in your hand does not determine the actual price and I think that's why you're seeing starting to see a major disconnect between the price of silver on the spot market or in the stock market and the physical price of silver in your hand because there's a lot more of that paper silver out there that those millionaires and billionaires are trading back and forth to make a little bit of profit then there is in your hand you know if you have if you have a stock broker that buys a million ounces of silver at $12 an ounce and then it goes to two 25 through trading and now he can sell his million ounces of silver at 12:25 well he just made a million quarters that is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars so he's not worried about this stuff he's just worried about making those dollars and it's very easy for him to do and then of course when he sells that million ounces that causes the price to go a little bit lower - so it's artificially keeping the numbers low and I think I think people are starting to realize they're starting to see a disconnect between the true value of silver and the value of silver that's traded on the stock market through futures trading so when you see premiums on stuff like this when you see the amount that you're paying over spot for stuff like this I'm not saying to ignore it it's it's just that it's really it's just a guide it's just an idea you're not going to really ever be able to get physical silver like stuff like this in your hand for that number you might you know sometimes you know find a really good deal where someone has a whole lot of silver that they want to get rid of quick but I would say for the most part you're always going to be paying some sort of premium now is that number / spot really high right now yes it is will it ever come back down to where it was maybe probably actually but I would say that by time it comes back down to that you're gonna see silver back to 17 18 19 20 dollars an ounce and maybe more and so what's the difference between paying a dollar / spot when Silver's 20 dollars an ounce we're paying five dollars over spot when it's 13 or 14 it's not much of a difference in fact it's still cheaper to buy it now at five over what's poppin at 14 than it would be to pay one over when spots at 20 so that's kind of my point the the the premium is is basically driven by demand and it's driven by you know availability and there's just again there's a finite amount of silver out there so I think again it's a really really good time the stacks over I think silver is incredibly undervalued incredibly undervalued because of those reasons and those reasons alone in fact I want to show you one website if you guys have ever been to the to the US debt clock I want to show you something really quick let's head over to the US debt clock and just take a look at what the true value of silver should be okay guys so we're on US debt clock org and basically this website is a list of everything all of our debts all of our you know income our GDP everything that the US financially is going through our entire economy is basically summed up in numbers so what we're looking at over here guys is the dollar to silver ratio right now and basically what this is and if you highlight it it shows you at the top it says the year-over-year increase of the u.s. m2 money supply divided by the yearly world production of silver in ounces so basically if we were still on the golden debt gold and silver standard this is how much per ounce silver should actually be worth and it's essentially if we were to have increased the price of silver up to a point where the US government silver supply covers every single dollar ever printed silver would have to be 1988 dollars per ounce right now now if you compare that to 1913 that says two dollars in 64 cents that is pretty crazy now what's really crazy about it is if you look at the dollar just of a ratio versus the dollar to gold ratio they are only at about eight and a half to one not even eight and a half isn't that crazy so it's it's crazy how much closer because I know silver the gold right now is well over 110 115 something like that to 1 but if you look at the debt clock based on how much it's being produced if the government you know if all of our money was covered by gold and silver you know the amount of silver that the government has available it would be 1988 per ounce gold would be sixteen thousand four hundred and seventy-eight dollars per ounce so that's that's kind of an eye-opening example of you know when we opened up the floodgates of releasing our dollar from being secured by gold and silver that's what our money should be worth right now that's how much extra money the US has produced out of thin air how much debt that were in it's it's crazy that's how much money has quite literally come out of thin air from the US government since we weren't off of the gold and silver standard so I just wanted to share that with you because it's kind of an eye-opening thing for everybody to see that silver really should be worth $2,000 an ounce it not of course but again if we were to raise the price of silver to where the US could cover every single dollar printed with an ounce of silver it would cost nineteen hundred and eighty eight dollars per ounce so that's that's kind of crazy really to think about okay guys well that's all I have for you today I do hope that you enjoyed the video and learned a little bit of something if you did please do me a favor like and subscribe I would also love to hear below what your thoughts are leave comments let me know what you think am I wrong on something do you think I'm wrong on something do you want to tell me about something you know just let me know I would definitely be interested in getting your thoughts so let me know down below and you know I would love to talk to you guys thank you so much once again I will see you in the very next video you guys have a wonderful day what's up guys thank you so much for watching the video I do hope that you enjoyed it above me you can click and subscribe if you haven't done so yet up here you can check out some of my other videos and then over here guys is a huge shout out to all of my silver gold and platinum channel members thank you so much for watching and we hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Silver Seeker
Views: 116,575
Rating: 4.8487444 out of 5
Keywords: Silver Coins, Silver, Silver Bullion, Silver Seeker, silver stacking 101, silver price, precious metals, buying silver bullion, where to buy silver coins, american silver eagles, silver investment, silver price manipulation, how to buy silver, buying silver, investing in silver, true silver price, silver stacker, stacker, silver stacking, stacking, stacking silver, silver stack, silver coins, junk silver, buying silver for beginners, silver spot price, silver eagles
Id: OdMzitp0Lhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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