The 4 BEST Types of Silver to Stack, and why we Stack them!

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hey everybody it's silverseeker and today we're going to switch it up just a little bit and we're going to be talking about some different types of silver that people normally stack and what you should be stacking and what the pros and cons are of each different type of the most popular silver to stack so we're going to be looking at and talking about 90 generic silver we'll be looking at one ounce silver rounds like buffaloes and of course we'll be looking at the world's most popular silver coin the american silver eagle we'll also take a look at a silver bar and talk about that as well so guys let's go ahead and get over there and take a look and start talking about it but before we do if you like videos like this if you want to learn more about silver stacking coin collecting and more do me a favor don't forget to subscribe and click the bell so you don't miss my future video notifications all right guys so let's go ahead and get started like i said we're going to be talking about the four different types of primarily stacks over now of course there's way more than what i have in front of you but these are the most popular far and away so of course we have 90 constitutional silver that is your dimes quarters and half dollars 1964 before uh we have one ounce silver generics like this one ounce silver buffalo right here these are absolutely beautiful they're very recognizable and a lot of people like the stack buffaloes we also have the american silver eagle now the american silver eagle like i said is the most popular one ounce silver coin in the entire world to stack and they are absolutely beautiful they do have a face value of one dollar so these are legal tender and spendable not that that would be a good idea and then finally we're going to talk about silver bars so i got out the scottsdale uh 20-ounce silver bar right here these are i really like these scottsdale bars they're really really cool uh so we'll start with constitutional silver now when i'm talking about the silver that we're stacking today i'm going to talk about the different scenarios in which it might be better to stack one over the other it really depends on what you're wanting to do my i myself obviously like to diversify the type of silver that i stack so uh with constitutional the beauty of constitutional is that it's highly highly recognizable these are u.s coins that were produced 1964 and before for dimes quarters and a half dollars uh in those years they were all 90 silver and the beauty of the 90 silver constitutional coins is that they actually have an exact amount of silver based on their face value and it all is equated to you know how much there is so for example what i mean by that just in case you're confused this half dollar has the same exact amount of silver as two silver quarters uh which also has the same exact amount of silver as five as silver dimes now of course of course there is you know where so if a coin is you know heavily worn like this quarter right here it might be missing a little bit it's not as much as you might think but it is definitely going to miss a little bit of its weight so you know unfortunately over time if these wear down a lot there is going to be a little bit of missing silver but believe it or not it's unless they get completely flat it's not as bad as you think it is uh the numbers that people like to use so when these are freshly minted when they're brand new out of the mint and i this kennedy right here because it's so nice probably would have you know the 0.725 per dollar so 0.725 ounces of silver but whenever you're buying and selling constitutional silver the industry standard is to use the math of 0.715 ounces per dollar because of wear so like i said you know when coins wear they will lose a little bit so even if you have like completely brand new uncirculated coins like this the industry standard is just to use .715 because at the end of the day it balances out and that's just how it works out for you know the majority of silver and if you ever sat down with a whole pile of silver and you threw some on a scale and you multiplied it by 0.9 and then you divided that by the face value you would see that that 0.715 is pretty darn accurate um you know a pretty darn accurate number to use for determining the amount of silver in a dollar's face value of 90 constitutional silver so like i said with 90 constitutional silver uh you know because it's very recognizable it's very easy to buy and sell you can go into any coin shop and you can buy and sell this well buy if they have it right now it's really hard to find silver but you can go into any coin shop and buy and sell 90 silver without a problem it's very easy to get it's very easy to sell and you know the beauty of it is is if you guys are like a doomsdayer and i'm not saying that i am but i'm just saying if you're a doomsdayer and you're worried about we're going to be in a situation where there's going to be need to be a trade or a bartering transaction where there needs to be some form of currency uh you know 90 silver is very easy to use because for example if you need a loaf of bread a one ounce silver eagle like this may be too much money but you might be able to get it for like you know a silver dime or maybe a silver quarter i don't know what you know obviously i have no idea but my point is is if a one ounce silver is too much and all you need is that loaf of bread or that gallon of milk or whatever it's going to be you know having what they call fractional silver which 90 constitutional is perfect for is a very very good thing to have because it allows you it's kind of like your change when you go into a store uh with a 20 bill and you buy something that's five bucks they give you 15 back so you even if you just had the one ounce over i guess you could give it to them and hopefully they have you know a half dollar and a quarter to get back to you or whatever the difference may be if you know what i'm saying so that is uh the couple of good reasons for constitutional silver now a lot of people like to stack these in bags sometimes they put them in rolls uh to me i tend to keep them i actually do keep like these crown royal bags that's what i know i just i like those but you know i keep some of my constitutional and crown royal bags i don't have a whole ton of it but that's what i like to do with it so very very good thing to stack now when we're looking at uh you know stuff like this now that we're done with the constitutional and we're talking about one ounce silver buffaloes the same kind of applies these are very recognizable uh but they are made by multiple multiple different mints across the us i mean there's probably ten different mints that produce these i could be wrong it may even be more but my point is is these are produced all over the place and the same design you know sometimes there's variations but they are produced by a ton of different mints so with the buffaloes it would be very easy for a novice to unfortunately accidentally buy a fake one if he doesn't know what he's looking at if he doesn't know how to test it or if he buys it from a less than reputable source like or you know a guy that's trying to scam people on craigslist things like that but generally 90 of the time 95 of the time probably more uh these are perfectly fine you just again when you're sourcing your silver when you're getting it make sure you get it from somebody you trust somebody that has high reviews get it from a local coin shop that's been around for a while that's established so you don't really have to worry about it someone that's going to back their silver if you get it from like these online dealers like app max jm bullion and sd you don't have to worry about getting fakes one fake one of these i would just be concerned about buying it locally from some guy you don't know on craigslist or ordering it off of you know some the site like or alibaba just you know to avoid it from there and then there's something else to think about with this stuff when you're buying it is if the price is too good to be true then likely it's not true um and you know the same goes for silver eagles now the difference between the buffalo and the silver eagle is the buffalo is considered to be generic silver whereas the silver eagle is considered to be a premium silver coin and what that means is that with the premium silver coins you tend to pay a little bit more over spot than you would for like a generic so where let's say again in this video we're using 20 an ounce as a baseline let's say this would be you know 20 plus three or four right now it's a little bit more than that but again we're using fake numbers let's just say this would be twenty dollars plus two so you'd pay twenty two dollars a piece for these one silver's trading at 20 whereas these you would pay 24 uh when silver's trading at 20. so you have to consider that when you're buying it that if you have you know a hundred dollars to spend you won't get as many of these or let's just say 200 let's say two let's say you have 240 okay you would be able to get 10 of these but you'd be able to to get 11 of these so you would actually have an extra ounce of silver uh by buying the generic buffaloes over the silver eagles but on the same token when you go in and you go to sell your silver eagle one it's much more trusted because it's a silver eagle it's way more recognizable than any other coin in the world outside of constitutional and additionally you actually do get a premium back when you sell these so when you're selling a silver eagle to a coin shop or somebody else you can actually expect to get more for your silver eagle than you would for your buffalo so you know that's that premium tends to come back to you now there is a huge caveat to that and let me explain what that is and this is something to consider let's just say that you have four hundred and forty dollars four hundred and forty dollars is going to get you an entire tube of one ounce buffaloes but it's only gonna get you 18. i don't have the calculator in front of me but let's just say you have enough money to buy 20 buffaloes but that same amount of money is only going to buy you 18 silver eagles now if you think that silver is going to skyrocket to a hundred dollars an ounce what would you rather have would you rather have 20 ounces of silver or 18 ounces of silver and that is something to consider when you are buying the difference between generics and premium is that if you really at the end of the day think that silver is going to skyrocket to an astronomical number it's going to shoot through the moon it's going to become the next bitcoin whatever you might want to consider just having more silver for the money that you invest so that is something to keep in mind um you know what between buffaloes and eagles now of course myself you know i i am kind of a i'm kind of enormous when it comes to silver i do believe that silver is going up i do believe that it's undervalued but i don't believe that you're going to see something crazy like hundred dollar announced silver anytime soon for a long long time and i am much much much into the collecting of beautiful silver like i said at the beginning of this video so i have no problem having silver eagles but at the same time i also don't have a problem having these buffaloes as well and then finally guys the last thing i want to show you uh and talk about these are silver bars so this right here is a 20-ounce silver bar now this is kind of sub-standard but i don't have any 10-ounce silver bars available to share with you right now i don't keep most of my silver with me um you know for safety reason mo uh most of it is locked up in an off site but uh this right here is a silver bar now the beauty of silver bars is that you know unlike this one usually silver bars are more of kind of a rectangle they're thin they're easy to stack unlike this one because they stack up in big stacks of ten you can even put them in a piece of plastic and wrap some tape around it so they stay together the beauty of silver bars is you tend to get them for a little bit less of a premium even than silver rounds and so you can buy a little bit more silver for your money just like i was talking about the difference between buying more buffaloes than eagles for the same money generally 10 ounce bars tend to be even a little bit cheaper now it's usually not by a whole lot sometimes a quarter sometimes 50 cents per ounce it's not a ton so for a 10 ounce silver bar you may save two dollars and fifty cents you may save five bucks but if you're buying a ton of it you know money does add up and so over time you could actually save quite a bit of money by buying 10 ounce bars over generic rounds that being said you got to remember it goes back to the thing where they are less usable you know let's say and again going back to an end to worldly scenario uh 10 ounce silver bars kind of like your 100 you know well actually it'd be kind of like a 200 bill versus your one dollar bill or your 20 bill being the silver eagle and your one dollar bill being the dime so keep that in mind as well uh but i do like silver bars as well uh this is the only one that i had with me so i thought i would bring that out and share it with you for the video but anyway those are the four different primary types of silver that most people stack and i wanted to share the pros and cons of each one of those so i do hope that it helps you out if it does do me a favor let me know down in the comments below we really like hearing from you down there also guys we do have an awesome discord server if you want to talk about silver we have almost 1200 members uh so a lot of people talking about silver every single day if you want to ask some questions to other community members get some help and things like that make sure you join our discord server there will be a link in the description below of this video and i would love to see you in there outside of that guys thank you so much for watching i hope that you enjoyed the video if you did do me a favor don't forget to like and subscribe and we will see you next time hey guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed the video i did leave a video above you can check out if you haven't seen it yet i also want to give a huge shout out and a huge thank you to my awesome channel supporters scrolling right there on the right hand of the screen thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next one
Channel: Silver Seeker
Views: 62,645
Rating: 4.9370494 out of 5
Keywords: Silver Coins, Silver, Silver Bullion, Silver Seeker, Best Type of Silver to Buy, Best Type of Silver to Stack, silver stacker, silver investing, silver bars, silver price, stacking silver for beginners, silver investing for beginners, silver price today, american silver eagle, investing in silver 2021, silver investing today, stacking silver, silver investing 2021, buying silver, precious metals investing, investing in silver, buying silver 2021, silver stacking 101
Id: oL8ByI5zphQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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