The True Power Of The Master Sword - Zelda Theory

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[Music] since its Inception the Legend of Zelda franchise has had recognizable items and weapons throughout all of the different titles we've had different bows hook shots and Claw shots ice rods fire rods boomerangs bombs but out of all of these weapons not one of them is more iconic than the master sword when you come across the master sword in a Zelda game you are immediately overcome with the feeling of excitement and wonder it's that point in the game where you know that link has proven himself to be a worthy hero and he's about to upgrade his Arsenal to a whole new level the sword that seals the darkness the blade of Evil's being is now in our possession we now have a weapon imbued with divine power but what does that actually mean now we all know the master sword's origin story but for those who need a refresher we'll go over it real quick it was once called The Goddess sword crafted by the goddess hylia herself in a time before Hyrule even existed link The Chosen hero was led to the sacred blade by fee the spirit who inhabited the sword after acquiring the goddess sword from inside the Statue of the goddess atops skyloft link then tempered the blade with the sacred flames of the goddesses giving it even more sacred power with Pharaoh's flame it became the goddess longsword with nehru's flame it was turned into the goddess white sword and din's Flame finally turned it into the master sword Zelda who is the goddess hylia reborn as a human gave her blessing to the master sword ultimately transforming it into the true Master Sword its edges sharp the wings of the hilt were open and the blade itself was branded with a mark of the Triforce a weapon of divine power designed to defeat demons that threatened the world and only to be wielded by those who proved themselves worthy to be highly as chosen hero I say those words specifically because there is some argument to be made that some of the links in the franchise are not actually highly as chosen hero but must first go through trials to prove that they are worthy to wield the master sword the point is that a Legendary Blade had been created and stories of its Legacy were being passed down through the generations much like the stories of famous weapons in our own history throughout our history we have swords like joyous which was wielded by Charlemagne as his personal weapon Charlemagne was King of the Franks in the 8th Century who then became emperor of the Romans during the early 9th century and is regarded as the person who managed to unite the majority of Western and Central Europe This saw joyous saw many battles and after Charlemagne's death was used in Coronation processions for French Kings it actually got lost on a battlefield and some random knight found it presented it back to Charlemagne and Charlemagne was so grateful that he bestowed upon an estate and land in wealth entitle to this random guy that's how much he loved this sword it is now residing in the Louvre and has been since 1793. another weapon worth mentioning is the Wallace sword a massive two-handed sword said to have belonged to William Wallace William Wallace was a Scottish Knight who led a resistance to the English occupation of Scotland during the wars of Scottish independence it is noted that this sword was used by William Wallace during the Battle of sterling in 1297 and again in the Battle of Falkirk in 1298 other swords in history include legendary weapons that historians have trouble confirming their actual existence one of these weapons is of course Excalibur said to have been wielded by King Arthur as The Story Goes whoever is able to pull Excalibur out of its resting place in the stone shall have the Divine Right To Rule Brit historians are still not able to confirm if King Arthur was an actual person which throws the existence of Excalibur into question as well a sword embedded in stone that sounds quite familiar doesn't it foreign [Music] of legend or rather a weapon of Mythology is the sword harp the blade that was used to kill Medusa this sword had several wielders the main ones being Chronos Zeus and Perseus and its origin stories are pretty interesting but they are very gruesome so we won't get into it but it is a weapon worth mentioning for this video another mythological weapon worth mentioning comes from Nordic mythology it's mjolnir the Magical Hammer wielded by the Mighty God of Thunder Thor now most people associate this weapon with the Marvel franchise and it is from the labors of Marvel Studios from Comics to movies that this weapon was brought into the pop culture scene but it was originally from Nordic mythology from thousands of years ago used as a devastating weapon but also as a Divine instrument to provide Blessings Now I know that was a little bit of a long tangent about random weapons and it may seem irrelevant to The Legend of Zelda but I just wanted to point out that these weapons and stories are a wonderful source of inspiration for the master sword players were first introduced to the master sword in 1991 in A Link to the Past and since then the master has featured in 10 different Zelda titles those titles Being A Link to the Past Ocarina of Time Oracle of Ages Oracle of Seasons Wind Waker Twilight Princess Sky would sword A Link Between Worlds breath of the Wild and the upcoming tears of the Kingdom in A Link to the Past link speaks to a woman in kakariko Village who tells him a story of the Legendary Blade long ago a prosperous people known as the hylia inhabited this land Legends tell of many Treasures that the hylia hid throughout the land the master sword a mighty blade forged against those with evil Hearts is one of them people say that it now is sleeping deep in the forest once link obtains the three pendants of virtue he's able to pull the master sword from its pedestal he then uses the master sword against Ganon and his minions as the game progresses there are opportunities for the player to upgrade the master sword making it more powerful and you can do this twice once the blacksmiths near kakariko Village which turns it into the tempered sword giving it a vibrant red Sheen and then again later in the game underneath the Pyramid of power in the dark world where you meet a Great Fairy who turns it into the golden sword when the game is over and Hyrule is saved once again the master sword is returned to its pedestal where it awaits its next Master over the different titles the master sword goes through many Transformations and upgrades and in A Link Between Worlds which is a sequel to A Link to the Past the master sword can be found in the same location after offering up the three pendants of virtue and it can also be upgraded to the tempered Sword and the golden sword once again which I thought was a nice little throwback to the original Master Sword sequence of events in Twilight Princess the master sword absorbs the light of the souls from the Twilight realm which gives link the ability to banish Twilight in Ocarina of Time When link awakens the sages they add their power to his making him more powerful and there is this theory that when Ocarina of Time was in development link would gain abilities from the medallions he received from the sages similar to the medallions in A Link to the Past and in order to use these abilities from the medallions you were required to have the master sword but the Ocarina of Time doesn't have these game mechanics so that idea was probably scrapped or maybe it didn't even exist in the first place players would just have to interpret what these words mean when the sages add their power to yours and just assume that the master sword grew stronger on page 81 of The Legend of Zelda encyclopedia there is a table of swords and you can see all of the different swords that have been used throughout the different titles the version of the encyclopedia that I have was published in 2017 and doesn't contain any information about the master sword from breath of the wild or tears of the Kingdom but you can clearly see the weapons that I've been talking about one thing I noted however is that the upgraded swords don't appear on this table I feel that this is an intentional because though the upgrades are helpful in the game they are also optional except for when the master sword absorbs the light of the souls in Twilight Princess which may explain why the master sword reverts back to its original state when put back into the pedestal now this is just me but I like to think that the master sword holds on to some sort of residual power that will Aid the next hero in the encyclopedia it actually says over the years worthy Smiths have tempered the master sword with unique materials changing its color and shape ever so slightly but speaking of The Legend of Zelda encyclopedia it also has information on the life of the master sword it reads despite its long life the blade of Evil's Bane is not Eternal to maintain it requires sacred power from Spirits great fairies and sages we see this come to fruition in Wind Waker when link first challenges Ganondorf Ganondorf mocks him saying that the power has abandoned The Sword and its edges have become dull without the blessings from Spirits and sages the master sword becomes powerless so in Wind Waker Links at it's out to restore the Master Sword to its former glory and after succeeding returns to Ganondorf and defeats him the master sword is lodged into ganondorf's head he turns to Stone and the kingdom of Hyrule is washed away beneath the great sea Lincoln Zelda then set off to find new land that they named new Hyrule which eventually just becomes the kingdom of Hyrule so at this point people ask how can the master sword be in any other title after Wind Waker if it was lost beneath the great sea but you see the thing about the timeline is that it doesn't actually inform us about when these events take place or how much time is between each event aside from the direct sequels there could be thousands of years between each story and over that time there could be events that happen that are unbeknown to us like the goddesses could will the master sword back into play or someone may have found the Triforce and wished for the Master Sword to be returned to the people of Hyrule it's just one of those unsatisfying time paradoxes that we have to accept the master sword manages to find its way back to Hyrule and that brings me to breath of the wild which people are saying takes place after the events of Wind Waker and also unites all three timelines back into one but there is no official confirmation from Nintendo about that in breath of the wild the master sword is found in the korok forest after link makes his way through the Lost Woods it is being watched over by the great Deku Tree and through the captured memories we learned that the master sword was heavily damaged after link is taken to the shrine of Resurrection Zelda takes the master sword and returns it to the pedestal in the korok forest where it repairs itself over time after being in suspended animation for 100 years link had finally healed from his wounds and made his way back to the korok forest to reclaim the master saw the master sword had once again returned to its former glory now let's jump forward to tears of the Kingdom not only is the master sword slightly damaged it is completely broken like shattered beyond belief I have this theory that over the generations the master sword had absorbed so much power that feed the spirit inside the sword was no longer able to contain it the master sword desperately needed blessings and prayers from Spirit it's great fairies and sages but in breath of the wild there are none to be seen yeah we do come across great fairies but they don't really offer blessings to the master sword they just kind of upgrade your armor and with no sages around the master sword has diminished in power as it has done so in the past or it could be the power it's absorbed throughout the events of the timeline have made it unstable and so now it has to be repaired using zonai technology from the recent gameplay reveal we learned that zonai technology is confirmed we can see link collect this item called the zonite charge and its coloring matches that of his arm if we go back a few months to an earlier trailer we can see that the design of Link's arm matches this object being held by the white guard figure to me it looks kind of like a Scabbard and a Scabbard is what you keep a sword in when you're not using it so it's probably safe to say that the broken Master Sword is being repaired within this device and is being infused with zonai technology which would make sense given the design of the sword on the logo its part damaged master sword and part Zona attack to have the master sword be broken after all of these years is unprecedented it is one of the most well-known swords in pop culture today there are so many other weapons in pop culture today that derive their inspiration from similar sources as the master sword there is the Buster sword from Final Fantasy VII wielded by Cloud Strife masamoni also from Final Fantasy VII wielded by sephiroth masamone is an interesting name given to that sword seeing as goronoro masamune was a medieval Japanese blacksmith widely acclaimed as Japan's greatest swordsmith so that is direct inspiration no question there is the blades of chaos from God of War wielded by Kratos the energy sword or plasma sword from the Halo franchise and I also want to mention Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber from Star Wars and you may say every Jedi has a lightsaber how is a lightsaber special I mentioned this specific lightsaber because my point is from stories throughout history weapons aren't made special because of how or where they are made if it weren't for the Deeds made by these figures like Charlemagne or William Wallace or mythological Gods like Thor and Zeus or fictional characters like Anakin Skywalker or link from The Legend of Zelda these weapons would just pay regular weapons and they would have been forgotten and the master sword is no different when you think of the master sword you immediately think of the chosen hero and the achievements that follow the destruction of demise the ceiling of Ganon the general restoration of peace to the realm wasn't because of the master sword it was because of the person brave enough to carry out these burdens and it just so happens that the master sword is their weapon of choice and we will always remember the words of a wise hero sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage
Channel: JayDee ArcayDee
Views: 36,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zeltik, Tearsofthekingdom, tloz, ThelegendofZelda, Zelda, pointcrow, hyrule, nintendo, twilightprincess, skywardsword, legendofzelda, videogames, zeldacosplay, zeldatheory, fanart, ganon, ganondorf, theory, zeldalore, zeldapredictions, windwaker, ocarinaoftime, nintendoswitch, majorasmask, princesszelda, zonai, ghirahim, botw, breathofthewild, gameboy, zeldacollection, zeldaedit, zeldafans, zeldabreathofthewild, zeldatearsofthekingdom, triforceofcourage, link, botwzelda, mastersword, sacredblade, weapons, history
Id: GnBnYHef_qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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