I Played TotK as a Traveling Salesman!

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it's time for link to discover capitalism and the powers of capitalism and to spread the word of capitalism I would like to take Tuesday please yes bring me Tuesday okay let me explain the challenge we're gonna go into our inventory we're going to pick out like 15 items and then we're gonna travel around Hyrule and we're gonna sell we can only sell one thing per NPC that's one of the rules another rule is that you can't glue the items into the wagon they have to sit there free form okay and uh rule number three is you have to actually sell the item I have to describe why the person would want to buy it I have to give them a reason to buy it also uh rule number four Don't Judge Me rule number five uh only leave really nice comments rule number six uh have fun rule number eight there is no rule number seven okay there we go whoops I activated the the bright Bloom at least we will be able to see where we're going we'll drop that perfect now they can't fall out probably are you ready Tuesday we are going to sell all of our Wares otherwise I won't be able to afford rent and we'll be sleeping outside hey potential buyer to a great start okay let's pick something out we'll take the Goron spice aha Beetle listen you're a traveling salesman too just like me have you seen this new spice that is all the rage in Goron City oh what's this you want me to tell you more Beetle let me tell you more this spice will be the perfect addition to any dish you can throw it in any dish it's like tahin but for people in Hyrule yeah no shut up we're not talking about beetles right now pay attention you're gonna buy this Goron Spice from me four four is my final offer where am I going I can't just be willy-nilly traveling okay we came from there let's get to kakariko Village I think kakariko Village is going to be a good one because there's a lot of people we can sell to right oh look a potential buyer let's be let's be aggressive salesman and block their path oh ho traveler boy have I got a deal for you are you tired of not having anywhere to put your food while you're on the road well this plate that I have is the perfect thing it's definitely not a toenail it's a plate and it's so clean you could eat off of it so what do you say can I put you down for a haynox plate one plate so you can hold your food just you might want to run it through the river water a few times okay it was a pleasure doing business with you and thanks for buying that plate I'll see you next time okay bye bye the end of this challenge is definitely going to be to convince Gannon to buy a time share do you think we can do it how close to kakariko are we pretty close actually right through this what do we sell to the carrot shop I gotta I gotta do some reconnaissance ah yes okay I know exactly what to sell to this person is your lucky day look at me you seem like a woman a culture a refined class and I've got the perfect product for you I didn't even say it's a product it's an investment you see this Ruby that I have will not only catch the eye of your precious husband and rekindle the Flames of burning passion between you two but it also increases in value you want to get in on the Ruby Market as soon as possible they're already minting nfts of it so what do you say one Ruby now normally these go for 500 but for you for someone like you I'm willing to part with it for 110. [Music] yes to think I'd look into something as neat as this my mister will be pleased too you I can guarantee you that's got the links stamp of approval right there so you're gonna enjoy that and I hear that it has certain boosting properties in you know for men who may have problems getting it up so just something that you might want to keep in mind all right you're welcome goodbye it was a pleasure doing business with you nfts say what you guys don't understand about nfts is that they're non-fungible chat they're non-fungible this person will buy something hmm okay now what can we scam I mean what can we convince her to buy stay away from the cart bug it listen I got my eye on you I know you Mr Shifty eyes you're trying to eye my Wares well they're not for you unless you got the rupees yeah walk away I will not stand for this let's sell her the porn Hey listen I've got something it's truly unique a one-of-a-kind item but I don't know if you're the type of person I should sell it to what do you mean what know if I should part with it it's a really rare one-of-a-kind item it is a petrified pineapple very rare but a collectible wait what uh-huh okay thanks for your life story but I'm not interested oh how about it I'll sell you this petrified pineapple its age to Perfection crack this baby open on a special occasion you're sure to be a hit with all of your party goers I'll sell it to you for 15. ah what a thrill I'm ready whenever you are all right we need to continue I think there's another shop I'm pretty sure you can sell to the clothing shop right she probably misses her sister in atena Village well we can fix that uh her sister looks kind of like a fish right good evening somebody made a doll out of your sister do you want this souvenir your sister doll it looks just like her what do you think Clary yeah gone it's all yours for the low low price of uh a lot okay let's talk business I got the fish on the table how much you want for it six rupees take it or leave it yeah that sounds good there you go it's all yours enjoy you might want to do something with that fish soon or refrigerate it otherwise your Chef's gonna start to smell real bad okay okay so much for buying my fish give her your meat what's in this place [Music] okay well somebody needs to sell them a house I'm pretty sure if we keep going this way we'll get to uh Patino Village I hope we run into another traveling salesman wait will she buy something for me let's ask hey savata you're quite the assertive though indeed I am I'm here traveling I'm selling my Wares are you interested in buying something did you know that when a Gerudo comes of age she goes on a journey to search for the Vogue or destiny well if you'd like I've got some gliac guts that could help you practice fondling testicles definitely oh dear apologies but I was only joking do you think I could ever fall for a vote that's shorter than me but thank you for the entertainment that put a smile on my face savork cool all right well Tuesday you wouldn't happen to have anything that could treat a broken ego do we sell anything that can treat a broken ego no okay whoa you've been a good boy here you go whoa don't break your neck over it it's just a golden apple I'm pretty sure he just did The Exorcist move turned his head all the way around for that apple he's gonna start speaking in Latin any second now I can feel it hey buy my stuff oh somebody who's pretty chipper for a gloomy day like this do you want to buy stuff okay fine I have no business with you lord lorda lord man this rain needs to stop it's been raining forever holding up there bud in the rain hello good sir are you here to inspect my my Wares will I be allowed to pass into attend a village Tebow Tiba hi so I take it you're the Border inspector Fender I'm friend I'm friend okay I think I take that as a yes I can go in okay bye Tebow all right Tuesday we've made it safely to a tenno village Despite All Odds now let's see if we can sell some of this stuff otherwise you and I aren't eating tonight oh I'm just kidding I'll make sure to feed you but I'll be hungry hey does CC buy think hey Lastly lastly stop lastly hello [Music] will you buy something I'm here to sell oh but I don't have wait what are we gonna get what do you think a woman of her refined taste would like Hey kid step away from the Wares that's expensive stuff on this cart okay what do we have what do we have a dark Clump a dark Clump for a dark Clump it's kind of a main way to describe Her She's Somebody's waifu I shouldn't be like that Sophie you're perfect but you know what would make things even more perfect about you what if I told you I could sell you the best eyeshadow that's on the Hyrule Market it's true I was able to procure the dark Clump would you like some this can be yours for the low low price of whatever you're willing to part with so how about it the clumps on the ground it's your move you see the way it undulates I'm going to want to unwrap that baby take a mortar and pestle to it and then gently apply it to the back of your eyelid it will create a smoky look that's sure to grab the attention of all those eligible bachelors in hatteno Village what do you say I'll sell a dark Clump it's yours for five rubies I should have picked things that sell for hire I don't know I just picked things that I thought would be funny it's so stupid buy it buy my clump okay bye okay Tuesday another successful cell yeah well five rupees [Music] what do you mean that's not enough I should have sold for hire she wasn't gonna go it was in five rupees for nothing Tuesday there's not a lot of people to sell to in Hyrule if you and I want to make it through this alive we're gonna have to be a little flexible on the prices don't worry I have savings oh wait I already know this guy and I know exactly what he wants the ancient blade hello sir have I got a deal for you a man of your impeccable facial hair would do well to have one of these it's an ancient blade from an ancient bygone ERA this makes a perfect centerpiece for any household and let me just say it's been wildly popular with the ladies so your wife is sure to love it not only that you got a monsters break into your house throw them throw this right at them throw it right at their face and watch the magic happen and then come to me for another one you know you know where to get your ancient blades from me I'm the only one that sells them so what do you say proofs yeah you ready to buy offers on the table I'll sell it to you for 500 000 rupees oh so let me get this straight I came with the offer of 500 000 rupees and you're looking at me right now and you're telling me you're only willing to part with it with one rupee in order to buy this you drive a hard bargain proofs deal [Music] oh that's sad blink sound just the one okay it's time to break the news to Tuesday I don't suspect he's gonna be too happy about this hey buddy you remember that thing we found that ancient artifact that's priceless I sold it for one rupee me if you if you had lips then you could do the selling and then and then you could ride around on my back huh but that's not the deal we we made it's fine we've got other things we can sell I'm still hopeful about the gliat guts and let's hope that dinerelle's horn doesn't slip out is there anybody else here that I can sell to we can sell to The Cheese Shop I'm pretty sure oh hello squirrel who manifested it out of nowhere hello I'm pretty sure that squirrel just appeared how much you reckon I could sell the squirrel for I'm gonna no wait come back nope there goes dinner hey old man you want to buy something I don't mean old woman okay if you're here just to cause a Ruckus Ms Thurman I'm gonna need you to step away from the cart I don't want to get violent step away attendo used to be a safe neighborhood till the UMAS moved in and Tuesday does a really good job of following the road watch I don't even have to control him he knows exactly where to go and he takes the wide turn to protect the goods in the cart what a good boy good isn't an eve to describing Tuesday Tuesday is a great boy I missed my turn I'm this way uh-huh it's okay turning the cart around is a real pain in the neck okay what is the what is what does cheese lady want I have the perfect thing for you coin have I got a deal for you you have one two three four five six seven you have a no cheese but what if you had eight slices of potato cheese and one slice of aged potato cheese huh yeah it'll fit right here five rupees okay wait how much do you sell them for you sell them for TWI yeah but you bought mine for five what is this GameStop what the hell coin I'm never coming back here it was not a pleasure doing business with you let's get out of here Tuesday she's a liar and a cheat never buying a tin of cheese again just stop shouting cow it's a horse and his name's Tuesday I can't believe that man would insult you like that don't worry it sticks and stones Tuesday everybody knows you're a horse and a magnificent one go ahead sweep that dirt onto other dirt you're definitely making a difference look how much cleaner that dirt is now that you've swept it produce and fashion nope just produce oh God Oma get out God damn oh that's Leah got you and your wife just a menace okay can you please get out of my way sir he's trying to commit insurance fraud this is why I'm telling you Tuesday we need to invest in a dash cam I know you don't want to wear that around your neck but it's to protect us from people like dirt they like to run in front of carts and then claim oh you ran me over guess I'm gonna have to contact a lawyer now they're probably gonna wake up aren't they but maybe not yep yeah no leave my card alone go leave my card alone oh okay how are we oh my God I don't know how we made that but we made it well yeah perfect look at use the stairs to move the the stuff to the back of the cart where it's safe I plan that I plan that all along that definitely didn't happen by accident it was intended okay well um no I didn't really think that far ahead looks like going back down the stairs just returned everything back to where it was so anyway never mind that oh gannon's distant cousin got scared off by our wagon yeah go tell Gannon we're coming for him he's gonna buy this time share whether he wants to or not Tuesday stop okay what do you think she would want uh probably some milk that's been out in the sun and the rain fresh milk is uh that's a bit of an overstatement I don't know how fresh this milk is all right Tuesday let's hope she doesn't have a good sense of smell cause she's gonna know this is some sour milk as soon as I start approaching her ma'am have I got a deal for you only the freshest of milk straight from hatteno Village I did not have this in my cart out in the sun for several days it is not practically sour cream at this point look how solid that is that milk is solid you it's not a liquid anymore it has transferred States what do you say mubs do you want some really hard milk yep okay enjoy the milk she bought it she bought it let's get out of here before she realizes he get her hands on antenna cheese who else is running a delivery service I thought I was the only one thought I had cornered that market I delivered hateno cheese to retail Village for crying out loud thank you so much for making it to the end of the video I appreciate it if you'd be so kind as to leave a like a comment or even subscribe that would be wonderful and if you enjoyed this video you'll definitely enjoy one of these videos as well
Channel: CarelessRex Off Script
Views: 81,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: totk delivery, totk delivery service, zelda delivery service, delivery service link, DSL, carelessrex, careless rex, careless rex off script, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom gameplay, tears of the kingdom, video games, legend of zelda, roleplay, traveling salesman, salesman, sales
Id: Toi0DRYSZco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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