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everyone this is germ cluck tv that you're watching today i want to talk about a subject that i've been very enthusiastic about something that i do want to talk about and have been wanting to for a long time i haven't had really the time or the energy to put into it except i do now especially with the launch of this new drum club tv channel which as i said before is going to talk about all the things that i'm interested in video games entertainment movies onto things like this which are more based on history so sit back and relax we're diving right in to the history and the origin of the earth so to understand the history and the origin of the arabs we have to know what an arab is today's definition of an era constitutes pretty much anybody who descends from an arabic speaking country these are morocco algeria tunisia libya egypt and sudan in the continent of africa then in west asia you have lebanon syria iraq jordan palestine and then the peninsula saudi arabia yemen oman uae qatar bahrain and kuwait now these are all the different countries of the arab world many of the people throughout the arab world look different sound different dress different practice different customs [Music] there's an old joke that a lebanese man goes on holiday to saudi arabia he stays in a hotel and he asks the hotel manager why don't you guys have any arabic food and of course the manager replies all we have is arabic food now the humor in this is that to a lebanese man arab food constitutes eastern mediterranean food so you have things like uh tabooli which is like grape leaves so these are all staples of lebanese diet which is really similar to greek food egyptians also eat this kind of food as well but to a saudi arab they don't eat this kind of food they have different sorry about that they have different variations of rice dishes and meat as well [Music] so arab culture to one man may be totally different culture to a different arab depending on the area i look at arabs as a civilization like a giant empire and each area of this arab empire has different customs this is normal even if you go to a country like iran which is larger than most arab countries but compared to the entire arab world significantly smaller but even if you go to iran you have all kinds of different different ethnic groups like persians you have arabs in the southwest you have azeries who are a turkic people similar to turks from turkey [Music] so that's just in one country iran now imagine over the span of multiple countries this is the arab world also the dialect of arabic changes depending on where you are lebanese arabic which is you know most of my family descends from lebanon so lebanese arabic uh is indeed arabic but it has many loan words from the ancient canaanite dialects as well as aramaic it's a substantial influence on the lebanese language same with syria and arabic so lebanese arabic and syrian arabic are almost identical then jordanian and palestinian arabic are very similar but slightly different because of their more southern legantine dialect [Music] but it doesn't really matter i mean a lebanese person can understand a palestinian perfectly fine you're just going to have different pronunciations the lebanese will make a lot of vowels whereas a harder more traditional arabic dialect maybe in the east bank of jordan would for sure have those vowels now again different countries have different dialects within them so in syria you have people on the coast that speak a dialect that's very similar to lebanese but in the eastern part of syria they would sound more like an iraqi anyway these are all the arabs of today so let's get into the origin the origin of the arabs is a fascinating one it's shrouded in a lot of mythology and folklore all of which honestly is not true so there is this myth kind of this mythos that yemen is the fountainhead of all of the arabs this has been around for centuries people always believe the arabs came from yemen originally settled into arabia and then spread further north into what is called the [Music] so the levant then into egypt and north africa this is not true there's also another theory which is mainly the western idea of what an arab is so westerners tend to think that arabs originated with islam and so when the prophet muhammad came from al-hijjaz in saudi arabia he came up and the four brightly guided caliphs who went on to conquer and established the rashidun caliphate and they airbus completely the whole area so there were no arabs anywhere else except for arabia and then they arabized everything else this is not true either the truth is that arabia was named after the earth so the arabian peninsula was named after the arabs not the other way around arabs are not named after people from the arabian peninsula so saudi arabia constitutes the vast majority of the arabian peninsula it's called saudi arabia the peninsula is called the arabian peninsula most people think okay this is where the arabs are from and many arabs think this is where they're from too but in reality the original arabs came from the southern levant they came from a stretch of land stretching from the egyptian sinai through to the jordanian desert through parts of southern iraq almost to kuwait so northern arabia plus parts of the southern levan this is the original heartland of the arabs the first ever arab in all of history was known as and he came from an area in syria and this man was notated as having existed so they wrote about him in 850 or so bc he could have existed even earlier than that so this is 850 years before christianity which means it's well over 1500 years before islam and there were already arabs existing now they existed throughout the whole region they existed in the jordanian desert primarily then they spread into other areas of the levant now you might be thinking does that mean that there's a secret history and all the aramaic and greek and hebrew speaking peoples of the middle east that's just some kind of falsity no arabs existed in the area that doesn't mean there was the supreme majority that's one thing you have to understand just because some ethnic group exists and they're not the majority language doesn't mean they don't exist that doesn't mean they have to be the majority they were a minority in palestine in ancient israelite kingdoms judeo palestine the whole area the eastern jordanian desert and so even though there might have been people speaking arabic in syria and in palestine and even in egypt it doesn't mean they were the majority the romans actually called egypt arabia egyptus meaning egyptian arabia they called areas of northern syria and the northern iraq on the moor of turkey arabia so many areas have been called arabia before the peninsula is actually the last place to have been called arabia [Music] so if the peninsula is one of the last places to be called the radio what were they doing before if arabic came from the north from the jordanian area what were the saudis and other people speaking and again i use saudis here because that's who the people are today but obviously at this point in time they wouldn't be calling themselves saudis they would just be calling themselves arabs from wherever actually they weren't arabs yet so that's an interesting question the tamuric language which was in central saudi arabia today so central arabia so the arabians were not arabs at the start they were speaking semitic languages these are afro-asiatic languages all then you know you're afro-asiatic semitic and then arabic hebrew canaanite aramaic all the other ones so they were speaking semitic languages they probably had a similar culture to begin with but they were not calling themselves arabs what happened is the original arabs in that stretch from the sinai all the way to iraq they came down and slowly started to arabize the peninsula itself [Music] [Music] these were different people before they were aerobized they became arabized then centuries later when islam was founded these conquerors came out of arabia and they reinforced and fully settled the arabic language and dialect in areas that it was already being spoken so arabic was already being spoken in the levant not as a majority but they made it to majority then they did the same in north africa especially in egypt so why did the people from north africa including egypt and sudan all of the levant and iraq and even the peninsula why did they become arabs when islam spread when persia and turkey well it wasn't turkey yet but persia and anatolia and all these other areas that were conquered did not become arabs well one interesting way to think about it is that the original hermetic speaking berber populations of northwest africa the kind of coptic speaking egyptians as well as the aramaic canaanite and other language-speaking peoples of the left were already speaking semitic languages so arabic is kind of like the final seal of the languages that's why it was so easy for people in the levant in north africa to become arabs and to take on this identity because at least in my line of thinking arab like i said is a civilization so they're keeping their own indigenous and local customs but they're joining the arab empire and they're becoming arabs because this language is easy to understand the customs are easy to understand things like taking your shoes off before you enter a house ritually cleansing yourself wiping the grime and the oil and the sweat from your face these are all ancient semitic customs that existed before christianity before islam before the region was even monotheistic so these people were already similar even though the people in arabia were not arabs yet they were submitted [Music] so they became arabs it wasn't difficult for them same with aramaic and canaanite speaking peoples in bilat so this is who an arab is like i said i'm here to dispel some of the falsities of the world that have been spread arabs do not come from yemen originally arabs do not come from arabia originally they come from the southern levant and northern arabia and they arabize the rest of the areas over time that is exactly how the arabs came to be as an origin as a people a civilization a language and a custom and a culture this is where the herbs come from now now many people say what about bedouins what about bedouin culture well bedouins have existed for thousands of years they existed before islam they existed before christianity in fact there's many bedouins who are not even that religious at all in the book i'm reading called him in saud about the founder of saudi arabia abdulaziz [Music] it says in there that a lot of the bedouins were converted to an austere form of islam uh and even then it wasn't fully complete because the bedouins were not as religious as people pretend them to be there's a stereotype that muslim and arab and bedouin are all the same thing [Music] [Music] it was actually the people in the settled cities who were always more religious than the bedouins living in the desert now the original arabs were a mix of bedouins so nomadic people living in the desert were guided by the stars impressive amount of geographical and distant knowledge [Music] as well as traveling merchants you had arab traders coming into palestine setting up ports to trade they were coming over to what is kuwait now they were trading there they went into the phoenician canaanite areas as well mixed with the people learn their language spread their language and trade it of course [Music] so the original arabs were mix of merchants and a mix of bedouins and there were some who were bedouin some were emerging it's a completely different way of life and arab doesn't mean you have to be a bit 99.9 percent of the europes today who call themselves earth do not practice a bedouin lifestyle the average egyptian does not live in a tent in the middle of the desert the average lebanese doesn't have a desert in the next 50 miles neither the average of syria does not live in attack in the desert this is an ancient custom an ancient culture all by itself it is a it is a culture within the arab civilization so one nugget of the grand scheme of the entire arab meal is the bedouin culture you also have many other cultures and you can find bedouins in jordan syria throughout most of the peninsula and even the southern arabia as well like yemen and oman this is the origin of the herbs today and like i said today what constitutes an arab is anybody who comes from an arabic speaking country but i think also some people want to diminish what an arab is by saying it's only a linguistic thing so you're only an error because of your language i disagree because these people were already similar to each other before arabic spread that's why it was so easy for them to switch from their already hemetic or semitic languages and join an arabic language an arabic custom an arabic culture because they were already united in a similarity people from the east meaning the middle east were more similar to each other for all of history than any of them were similar to the greeks and the romans and the roman empire so even at the time before monotheism even at the time before arabs had spread at all you had hannibal carthage and the carthaginians despite not being arabs were definitely eastern they saw themselves as a continuation of a mix of the canaanites phoenician culture that came from lebanon which are the people who actually colonized modern-day tunisia and then of course the native carthaginian culture as well and that's how i like to view the arabs as well as a civilization including many different groups who are sons of the east and of north africa [Music] hey thank you for listening everyone to my german club tv rant on the history and the origins and foundation of the herbs as a people i'll do some follow-up stuff if you want any questions in the comments section i'll do my best to understand them um not understand i mean to contemplate them and give you a proper answer i will link some of the information that i used to justify my points and i'll put that in the comment section uh section or in the links underneath the video please subscribe and like the video as well leave a comment if you're interested and i'll be doing a lot more history stuff in the future as well trim clock out
Channel: Jeem Apologetics
Views: 21,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arabs, Arab, Arabic, Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Jordanian, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Yemen, Sana'a, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, Islam, Al Watan al-Arabiyah, Al Arabiya as-Saudia, MBS, NEOM, Muslim, Christian, Nestorian, Bani Ghassan, Lakhmid, al-Bahrein, Khaliji, Shami, Iran, Nabateans, Islamic, Qur'an, Bible, Petra, Kedar, Semitic, Semite, Middle East, Middle Eastern, Desert, Arabian Peninsula
Id: bAxy2X5wvPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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