The Arabic Language With A Latin Alphabet

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help support name explained by leaving a like and a comment sharing this video and by subscribing to the channel there are around 380 million speakers of different Semitic languages these are the languages that made their start in Western Asia and include the likes of Hebrew Aramaic and tigrinya though undoubtedly the most well-known of Semitic languages has to be Arabic this popular language spoken primarily across the Arabian Peninsula North Africa and its diaspora around the globe Arabic is so widely spoken that there are even different versions of it with some being considered their own languages what's unique about Arabic and other Semitic languages are the script they use they have their own written form unique to them unlike say the many languages across Europe and the globe they use the ever-present Latin alphabet these unique scripts and alphabets are one of the defining features of Arabic and Semitic languages as a whole although yes many of these languages can be transcribed into the Latin alphabet like other non-latin New Zealand languages like Japanese and Hindi these romanized forms of the languages aren't their natural state make no mistake Arabic languages and Latin languages are Worlds Apart so what's really strange is that there is one Semitic slash Arabic language on our planet that does actually use the Latin alphabet as their default script this being the language of Maltese the language of Maltese is of course native to the small island nation of Malta and is spoken by just over half a million people having Maltese Heritage myself makes this language extra special so apologies if I'm being a tad self-indulgent I know minimal mortis myself but still it's good to reflect on your roots from time to time anyway despite being a relatively small language found primarily on a very small chain of Ireland it is a hugely fascinating one because as mentioned it is the only Arabic language that is written with the Latin alphabet how did this user normally that goes against all other Semitic languages even happen well it of course all has to do with the geography and history the island that makes up modern day motor motor resides in a really unique spot on our globe it is nestled neatly between the now Italian island of Sicily and the nation of Tunisia in North Africa from its location alone you can start to get a good idea as to why this Arabic language is written with the Latin script the whole nation has this really unique Mediterranean meets Arabian vibe to it not really found anywhere else on the planet it's also a stunning place with the city of Valletta being breathtaking though once again that might just be me being a tad bias this transmetto Arab which yes is a term I just invented Vibe is of course seen in the malteser language too when simply listening to their language it sounds a lot like Arabic some of the words are even identical most noticeably in numbers in Maltese are the exact same as they are in Arabic what's even more startling is that the Morty's word for God is Allah coming from the Arabic word Allah it's wild to me that incredibly Christian country like Malta is using the name Allah for their Garden according to Wikipedia most multi-speakers are able to understand around one third of Arabic that is being spoken to them this makes its use of the Latin alphabet even more strange the ultimate origin of the Maltese language is with the Phoenicians these were ancient people who spoke the now extinct Phoenician language which was a Semitic language they arrived on the island in around 750 BC and their language became the ultimate basis of modern Maltese cementing it as a Semitic Arabic language these islands wouldn't simply stay Phoenician however between then and now a huge variety of different cultures and empires have held control of mortar with all these different cultures bringing their own language with them and affecting the language on the island and how is written the islands eventually came under the rule of Carthage who did speak Venetian among other languages but this rule came to an end in 218 BC it was in this year that the Romans claimed the islands of Malta for their own in the early days of the Second Punic War slight tangent but of course one of the most famous facts about this war is how Hannibal Barker took his war elephants across the Alps now how does this relate to mortar well a prehistoric motor used to be home to the now unfortunate extent pygmy elephant I'm never going to skip the chance to talk about adorable mini elephant though I can't imagine they would be too useful in Warfare anyway with Morton now under firm Roman rule this would have been the first time that the Latin alphabet would have been used on the island this Roman rule eventually morphed into Byzantine rule much like how the Roman Empire itself morphed into the Byzantine Empire this allowed Latin to still be a dominant language on the island this Roman slash Byzantine rule of the island lasted all the way until 870 A.D it was in this year that Arab rule finally returned to maltaire of course there are many different groups of Arabic speakers with the ones who claimed Malta being a group called The alkalbids Who were from modern day easier which makes sense due to how close mortar is the nation now once again being ruled by Arabic speakers morta and the multis language started shifting to being more Arabic however a written form wouldn't come into being for quite some time as we shall see what we know already from water's history is it has been tossed to and fro between those who speak Arabic and those who speak Latin we are already starting to see how this language came to be in Arabic language written in Latin however the single biggest influence of the language would happen in 909 A.D it was in this year that the islands that make up mortar would come under the rule of Sicily now a Sicily is just an island belonging to Italy however back then things were a tad different Sicily and mortis history and languages run somewhat parallel with one another so it's vital to briefly explain this Island's history of languages too were in 909 the island was actually under Arabic Rule and named the Emirate of Sicilia this period of its history started in 831 A.D when hours from ifrica from Northern Africa claimed this land then in 909 it was this same Everett that claimed the mortar two were prior to Arab rule Sicily had its own language this is silly in a romance language which is still spoken there to this day however under armed rule that Sicily found itself becoming home to a unique variety of Arabic known as sicola Arabic this was a version of Arabic heavily influenced by the romance language being spoken there it was however written with the Arabic script when a Sicily claimed mortar in 909 sicola Arabic came along too this dialect of Arabic is seen as the biggest influence of modern Maltese with this Arabic dialect along with a mixture of Arabic and Latin tongues already been spoken on the island seen as forming the modern multis language the Emirate of Sicily along with Malta fell to the Normans in 1091 A.D this meant that the aforementioned circular Arabic had over 1 100 years to evolve on the island however whilst being under Norman rule mortar didn't start speaking French all of a sudden due to mortar's relative isolation its Norman Conquest didn't affect the language all too much people carried on speaking secular Arabic and it evolved into the motives as we know it today in fact secular Arabic became extinct in the 13th century but Maltese has carried on being spoken to this very day as his sole surviving Heir mortis did carry on changing however and despite being an Arabic language the year spent under various Latin influences made the Latin alphabet stick around from the Norman's Malta found itself under the influence of Italy due to its location and of course would eventually become a Crown Colony of the British Empire it belonged to the British from 1813 all the way until 1964 becoming fully independent in 1974. this meant that Maltese became heavily influenced by English too and the language is still why widely spoken in the nation and is even an official language there today the three most popular languages of mortar and motis English and Italian but from its vast and long history being ruled by Latin speakers and Arabic speakers it's easy to see how Maltese became the sole Arabic language written in the Latin script we don't know when exactly they started using the Latin script however for so long mortise was solely a spoken language but the earliest written evidence we have of Maltese comes from the 15th century and is called the Ila cantalina a poem written by philosopher Petru karaho what's interesting is that while it is written in the Latin script showing us that this script had been cemented as the script for Maltese by the 15th century it uses No loan words from romance languages this gives us a unique view into medieval mortise as being purely Arabic though written in Latin it's also worth highlighting that the multis alphabet wasn't standardized until 19 24. by this time the Latin script had been cemented in the nation and at this time mortar was under British rule which might have influenced the choice to stick to the Latin alphabet the modern language however doesn't just use the Latin alphabet of verbatim it has some unique features in its script most noticeable are diacritic marks of a single dot placed on top of versions of the letters of c g and Zed this dot on top of C in mortis makes it sound somewhat like a CH sound in English the Jiva dot on top makes a similar sound to a j and the Z that looks like this makes a somewhat standard z sound though at the end of words it sounds like an S more unique in Maltese is a form of the letter H with a cross over the top of it this sounds like a standard H this crossed H is also used with a G as a single letter though apparently most the time it is silent unless it's at the end of a word then it sounds like a normal H that's just a handful of the more unique characters of mortise and how they are used if you haven't got the point by now this is a really unique language one unlike any other on the planet from powers that use the Latin alphabet like the Romans and normal to those who speak Arabic like the Phoenicians and Sicilian Arabs or with this allowed us to reach this point where we have an Arabic language written with the Latin alphabet who would have thought that such a small island could have such a deep and Rich history an extremely interesting language not bad going at all mortar name explained depends on viewers like yourself supporting the channel financially on patreon so a huge thank you to everyone who does donating just one dollar a month helps the channel amazingly and gets you bonuses including ad-free videos exclusive content the power to request ideas to be 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Channel: Name Explain
Views: 94,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Name Explain, Etymology, Language, Word origins, Malta, Maltese, Arabic, Latin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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