The Trillion Dollar Man with JB | Dan Pena

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I have local important my podcast with Logan do it with Logan would kick your ass I think you're what riding a fantastic wave how could you not make some mistakes along the way think how can you be for small government and then have the government dictate oh I sit in your personal life right you idiots completely wrong just wait stop I was walking down the hallway like a dotted bull with a needle sticking out of my ass coming to five steps to like to the gates of put way something like you would say I want this guy in my life I want to help this guy [Music] hey Jordan Belfort here the wolf of Wall Street and once again I am here in the new vastly improved Wolf's den where from this point forward you can join me once each week to get anything and everything you could ever possibly need or want out of a success oriented sales oriented business origin and of course laugh out loud funny at times totally irreverent podcast from yours truly the real wolf of Wall Street so you're probably aware by now the new form we've created here is basically a hybrid where I start off each episode with about 20 to 30 minutes of myself going full-on where I'm discussing one particular topic and that cap could be anything from sales to business to current events the pop culture all the way to the internal mindset of success meaning an inner game which is what happens right up here between your ears before you ever go out into the world and take action remember all set starts up here not in the a dural starts up here you're going to visualize certain things AK certain ways believe certain things about yourself and society at large in the world the human condition right and then after I do my twenty thirty minutes I will bring on a guest sometimes not always but sometimes we're gonna guess afterwards who'll do a crystallization of what we just talked about throw in their two cents and just so you know I'm only bringing on guests that are awesome or else I'll just talk myself cuz I love the [ __ ] talk and that's the walleston so let's get right to it here today's topic is pretty much the inner game of success but I want to talk about also the in condition out what the [ __ ] is going on in this crazy mixed-up and seemingly you know rapidly de volver we're going to hell in a handbasket for a lot of reasons and one of them I think is this obsession and I would say idiotic obsession with political correctness nothing bothers me more than this whole idea that you as an individual so [ __ ] sensitive and so easily offended and so just destroyed by what someone else says about you of thinks about you now again I think that we should be sensitive right there's no reason you want to hurt people on purpose and words yes they do have power but one thing that I learned when I was a recovering drug addict and I went to this this place called the Karen foundation up in Pennsylvania right got a weird eclectic way of looking at you know recovery recovery meeting when you're a post drug addict trying to recover and live normally again right is that so much of why people to drugs is to try to quiet the negative feelings you know the bad emotions and and how you know basically you do that as a coping mechanism and and one of the things they teach you there and I just you know I don't agree a lot of things they teach us some really wacky beliefs they have but one thing that struck me is being absolutely true is that no one can make you feel a certain way so when you utter those words oh he made me feel so you make me feel so bad you really hurt my does she understand that when you think that way when you utter those words what you are doing is giving away your power as a human being no one could make you feel any way that you don't want to feel in a vacuum music in reality is yes someone says something to you right and they hurt your feelings really what did you allow their words to hurt your feelings no one can make you feel bad people could say things and you can either allow them to not impact you in a very deep level or you can allow someone else's words someone else stupidity someone else's limiting beliefs or pain impact your life and destroy you in other words you're in a fight with someone that you love with something you care about even a boss says do you know you're such an [ __ ] you did this role at that wrong you're a loser you'll never amount to anything okay well that does what hurts your feelings doesn't really have to you can't allow someone else's stupidity and pain and sharp tongue cut to you as a human being or else you're gonna be living a really disempowered life where you were going up and down and it's you know you feel based on your last interaction of people around you if people are nice to you you feel good people say kind things to you feel good inside if people say negative things to you when they say hurtful things you become hurt and disempowered you have to be [ __ ] tougher than that because there are a lot of [ __ ] in the world and people are gonna say things that you don't like and here's the thing the truth is is you know at least for me and my Levant I think I speak for most people is that the only time that people's words hurt me is when they come from people who I truly love and care about I don't care what a random idiot hater say about me on mine I should do this so did I'm a worse person the best person trait okay it's noise to me right if I look at it I look at it empirically and logically and say what can I take away from that message maybe to him change my own message to try to get more people to understand where I'm coming from but I don't let the people I don't know people don't love I don't let their words impact me an emotional level I don't care about them enough the only people that could hurt me are those that I love and even then over the years we learn I've learned and you need to learn that even those that you love and those that you care about and knows that you trust they're gonna say stupid [ __ ] from time to time they have their own inner demons they lose their temper they say things out of their own pain and many people and I've been in relationships like this is the best thing we probably all have if we've been in relationships is that you know it's very common that when someone gets hurt really badly their gut reaction is I want to hurt the other person so they feel just like me I want to hurt this person because all in that moment they might still love you it might be great people still you get it so it doesn't make them terrible in that moment their emotional brain that reptilian brain takes over their strategy for trying to make themselves feel better I'd want to hurt this person as badly as they possibly can because I want them to hurt like I'm hurting right now they should feel what I'm feeling now when people say negative hurtful terrible stuff to you 99% of the times because they are in that pain and when they say misery loves company well yeah it's true but pain loves company as much as anything else so they want you to hurt just like them doesn't mean that bad people and it doesn't mean you still can't love them or be in relationship you can by the way but you have to realize this number one that when someone is saying those terrible hurtful things to you that it's because they're in pain that's a reflection of their own pain and it's that natural gut reaction I get hit I'm gonna hit back I've gotten hurt I want to hurt back equally as bad to the people that hurt me and to that you know in that vein so to speak you know you have to say well what was your part in hurting that person what did you say to that person that hurt them now watch to see how this runs counter to what I saw I started saying that people really can't hurt you but in the real world this is what happens we allow other people's words and other people's opinions about us not only to hurt us but taking it one step further once they heard us it starts the seed of a limiting belief about ourselves and maybe about that other person you have a child and every day of this child's life but time he was a year old old enough to talk and maybe he remembers himself at 2 or 3 his mommy and his daddy looked at him and saying you'll never amount to anything you're not worthy of unconditional love you're not that smart you're only gonna be average everything you do is screw it up you scrub all the time what is it well a lot of kids grow up with maybe not quite that bad of a operating but many are close what do you think those kids feel inside every single day as adults when they're out trying to succeed in the workplace or in life in general they have that belief in the pit of the stomach their very core that they're not worth it they're not worthy of love they'll never amount to anything you take that kid and you project out 30 years in the future far and few between all the ones that actually will succeed at a very high level unless unless somewhere along the way they met someone like me or some other great mentors out there there are others as well who will help these people overcome those limiting beliefs quiet down those voices and replace them with the absolute truth which is that every human being out there including you is not only worthy of love because you are but you're capable of absolute [ __ ] greatness you are I can't tell you how many people over the years I have coached and mentored now when I was younger at when I ran my companies right I would see these people every single day and I'd be intervening in their lives and you know uh you know in-person hands-on and I watched the growth and I saw the success I watched these people flourish like wilted flowers that never had what they needed to sprout up meaning love support the right beliefs inserted in them and yes when I say inserted the beliefs that you have a great many get inserted in you beliefs get inserted in you by people that savings to you by experiences that you have by severing things you observe experience you observed me you could I don't mean that you did it yourself you saw something happen and your takeaway from that caused a limiting belief to form I tell a story about how when I was five years old and I was only six years old I was a nurse there's old kindergarten and my teacher mrs. Raskin there's like plumpish lady right sure she's dead for a long time by now or in this world dead as a bad word probably she's passed on okay no she's [ __ ] dead it's been a long time now nice lady mrs. Raskin look like a penguin right mrs. Raskin was walking around the room trying to teach us how to draw and I'm like five or six years old and she puts a bowl of fruit in the center right and we're all around you know table that was around there right and she says okay everybody I want to draw this bowl of fruit and we all had you know pad of paper and all crayons right and I started drawing and I'm drawing I'm saying oh this is okay I'm doing okay I think right and I look to my right and I'm like oh [ __ ] the girl next to me to my right leg she drew like a photograph of the fruit balls like holding and I look at mine and I'm actually wasn't I sneezed on the paper it was pretty bad right and like you know it didn't really look like that bowl of fruit right I looked at my left and there was another girl and hose was pretty damn good too so mrs. raskins walking around and she gets to the first girl she was like oh my god Jeannie you are such a talented young us you're gonna be the next van Gogh I remember I know Jeannie is fairly beaming right oh my god I'm so great and then she walks up comes around to me and she looks and she puts her hand on my shoulder she was well Jordan at the gate in case your art carrier to buy stick to your speaking because I was only believing I was already really verbal at that point there was like the guy that always stop to speak she goes but you're not gonna be an artist in that moment like oh I'm not gonna be an artist I'm and do you know to this point Fouad that one instant set a chain of events going that could this day I cannot draw a straight line now hear those words I just said about thinking I cannot draw Australian I came the worst artist in the world really is that true or is that just a belief see what happened was that when mrs. Raskin said that to me in that instant I felt bad that's it I'm not good at this so what happened that experience I took an action I drew a bowl of fruit from that action I got a result and based not result which in this case was pretty lousy right mrs. Raskin said to me up you know you're never gonna be an artist Jordan kiss your art you're a good boy and that forms what a belief Jordan I join is not naturally gifted at art I'm never gonna do well at this and it doesn't feel good because people laugh when I draw so what happens a week later next time you go to art class again now it's art period right okay I want you to draw this already I'm like I don't want to do that suckers I got a bad feeling I'm certainly not gonna practice it so now when I go to draw I'm almost doing it with half a heart and I'm already nervous and my nerves kick in my hand is shaking and my result is what is even worse I look at my all right mrs. Rosco's huh well there you go as I suspect the Jordan your our career is never gonna happen right so I get a worse result my belief gets reinforced and that circle that cycle of the limiting belief forming from a negative result and then reinforcing itself by cutting off my attitude essentially my ability now actually gets reduced because number one I get nervous when I try to perform the task number two we don't typically try things that we don't think we're good at we say yeah what's the point I'm just not good at it so I should I they don't practice next time I get a worse result and then a worsening reinforce itself until you get to the poorer I am today we're from my whole life I shied away from ever trying to draw anything about feeling good about it and I say I can't draw now think about the [ __ ] insanity of this just think about this do you really think that I was missing an art gene and I was incapable of learning how to draw of course not in fact many years later to a great story I'm watching TV when cable TV first was popular and then this guy was an ass who used to do this whole thing you know hey why this is my world and watching you control this and he did this [ __ ] well like he draw like bushes and links and trees and mounds and let I was like any minute seemed effortless and he taught you how to do it you know how with the strategy there's a strategy for art yes there are van Gogh's there are naturally gifted Mozart's there are naturally Jordan Belfort's for selling that never had to try to learn to sell yet god-given gifts that allow you to perform instantly and amazingly at a particular task yes we get those we get those gifts from God or nature we have you believe the point is is that the rest of these things can all be learnt by strategy by someone slowing the process down and saying okay you don't gonna drill bro fool a fruit let me show you how it starts by this and just like that you learn a step by step formula to complete this task and do it well and then you start to practice that and you practice that and next thing you know you're pretty damn frickin good at it now am I ever gonna be van Gogh probably not probably I don't possess that natural talent in the same way that when I teach tens of thousands of people of now display millions of people to become expert salespeople are they ever gonna be me probably not as good as me no but what I can do and what you can do in whatever skills that you need to possess to achieve success whatever success means to you in terms of living in empower life that could mean learning how to speak and to be learning how to close when bother closing is a required course they keep you learning how to write certain code I mean becoming a basic coder it could be learning marketing techniques it could be learning anything or everything that you want playing an instrument learning how to date how do you talk to the opposite sex do you know they teach this [ __ ] they actually teach this to be I'm sure you primary is picked up artists out there that teach you in some very unethical was so very ethical some actually show you a very ethical way of how to engage with the opposite sex and it's a system now many of us don't need a system to talk to the opposite sex well the same sex research ever you want doesn't matter but some of us do and there's nothing wrong with learning it if you need it if you need to learn a certain skill to live an empowered life what do you do you [ __ ] learn it almost everything out there that you need to possess terms of a skill set is available to you by a mentor or an online course or by going to school whatever that might be the problem is is that so many of you are going through life right now and you're actually lacking the cornerstone skills that you need to succeed at the highest level because you've been brainwashed into thinking that you just you are who you are that you're set to like live a life that whatever was like set in stone from the beginning those first 5 or 10 years ago that's my life that's who I am it's based on the beliefs that you have about yourself what do you think you're capable of what you think you can achieve we don't try things that we don't think we're capable of succeeding at we don't try to shoot above all level of possible achievement we kept ourselves we don't try if you don't think we'll get the result we say why do all the work what's the point many times when you're thinking about taking action you're thinking about going for it in life whether it's starting a business becoming a top producer going out there and just meeting someone and falling in love again you say to yourself what's the point because when you think about when you project that out and your mind and your mind's eye runs that movie you say I don't really see myself succeeding so why do all the work why put myself out there why take the risk why invest the money why take out a loan why go to school at night why buy that course why attend that seminar why go out to a party and mingle with other people when it's never gonna amount to anything anyway yeah maybe there's other people because you know when they I guess they've had success that that's they're a lot like but that's not me that's all based on beliefs that you have the beliefs of what you think you're capable of how you see yourself your capability beliefs and guess what here's the irony in many cases it's true you're not capable of achieving massive success and you're not capable of greatness and the operative word there is now meaning based on what you currently know yeah maybe you lack certain cornerstone skills that are required to achieve success so your brain in those cases is almost acting as like a self-protective mechanism and says you know what I don't really own this [ __ ] like I don't really know how to close listen if you can't close the deal if you can't sell if you can't be a hammer you can't close good [ __ ] luck trying to really get ahead in life it is the single most important skill Bar None the ability to close the deal and without that skill without possessing that skill your brain says you know what maybe I should just kind of stay Pat because at the end of the day I don't really have what it takes to succeed so why do all the work I'm not gonna get the result I want anyway that's what happens and that is why when I teach people persuasion like to really close and they bother it's easy to learn I teach people from all over the world from all walks of life and anyone can learn it right and that's why that when they learn that one skill it's like opens up a universe of possibility not because it's the only skill because there are others as well but without that one skill it almost acts as like a governor a damper on your life stopping you from charging forward when you should and causing you to pull back when you shouldn't so there is this relationship between the inner game what happens up here your success mindset and the possession of outer world skillsets and it starts again with beliefs and so many of the beliefs that you have right now that are limiting you in life that are stopping you from charging forward that are stopping you from really being happy from really living a life that just thing that just turns you [ __ ] on and you deserve it okay you know God you know what this week it was just awful what happened with Kobe Bryant awful I actually shed tears I did I'm not usually emotional about that stuff people die all the time right but that one I shed tears you know why here was a guy that was like just the most robust most full of like zestful man that accomplished so much and lived at such a high level both meaning his mindset his commitment to success his commitment to excellence and the amount of work he was willing to do in the real world to possess the skills required I heard a story that when Kobe missed the shot once after an important game he spent five hours that night would not leave until he hit 10,000 shots like that and he was already the best player in the world greatness like that at that level is the combination of natural ability mindset and massive skill set they're always linked given the fact fake this through that why am i connecting these dots I'll tell you why watch how it all comes together given the fact that our beliefs can literally undermine us and be the silent and at times not so silent killers of success that literally stop us impede us from getting what we want in life from living life before at any moment it could be snuffed out like it was with Kobe what a terrible thing but at any moment all of this could end how could you go through life now with one more second not trying to at least be the best you could be to overcome those limiting beliefs to not allow yourself to be subject to the words and whims of other people this is what it all comes full circle because if the beliefs that we have are so critical in deciding whether or not we actually do take action and any thing that someone else says to you can form the seed of limiting belief how can you be that [ __ ] sensitive and succeed stop buying into this nonsense of political correctness it's [ __ ] it's not true it's some weird invention that's being thrust upon us through I don't know exactly what with this some weird silent hand at work they're trying to make you think that yeah it's terrible when someone says something bad about any one group of people or any one person and that's enough to either ostracize that president of Society or you are such a weak Constitution yourself that you are gonna go up or down based on what the last person or group people said to you you can't be that sensitive you have to know who you are know what you're capable of them what you're worth without it being subject to someone else calling you an [ __ ] or this or an idiot or a douchebag or a [ __ ] seriously that's a dirty word [ __ ] you know guess what in Australia they used the word [ __ ] like it's nothing it's like an animal the kangaroo is a [ __ ] when I went to Australian they used that with the c-word the c-word I was like what the pause it oh my to me it hit me in the gut when I heard that was a word you don't utter that's a bad word or is it it's [ __ ] the bad word guess what now I'm down there they would think of it like women is saying the word [ __ ] it's just a word just a word I'm not saying we should go around using words or inappropriate snot what I'm saying but the fact that you could be that weak-minded of a fool to let a word destroy your inner Constitution says something about you or the fact that you're being brainwashed because you're not that weak you're capable of more and as long as you're gonna let things like that bother you and you're gonna buy into this [ __ ] narrative being thrust upon society right now about what people say is more important than what they feel and do you're never gonna get ahead in life you'll be a [ __ ] yo-yo going up and down side to side based on what the last person that you either loved and cared about like even stranger said to you is enough to send you into a tailspin how could you be that [ __ ] sensitive and move through life and really believe you can be empowered you gotta be tougher you have to have more [ __ ] resiliency than that you have to be able to take criticism and and take things that you don't like and just say I don't give a [ __ ] what they think and you move on until you can do that all of this talk about success and forward investment it's all [ __ ] nonsense because I promise you you'll get knocked down ten thousand times on the way towards trying to grab that bass brass ring the world is not a safe [ __ ] space it's not the world is not safe the world is full of [ __ ] the world is full of incompetent morons trust me I know I meet them all the time people lie to you they let you down they tell you one thing and do another and as long as you're willing to let those people dictate how you feel inside you don't have much power you gave up your own personal power by doing that you have to know who the [ __ ] you are and that you are worthy of success massive success worthy of unconditional love and nobody and I mean nobody can take that from you and that's the bottom [ __ ] line and my next guest here on today's podcast you might not like this man he might offend you you might not agree with everything he has to say I don't Lee with everything he says but I respect him because he says what's on his mind and takes [ __ ] from nobody he also has a great track record in fact an incredible track record it would seem I haven't checked everyone out but I don't doubt what he says because he's a man of great conviction he's a man who's been responsible for creating a lot of success in a lot of other people especially young people so in that regard was similar so when we come back from this very very short break I'm gonna bring on a man is gonna freak your [ __ ] out cuz people have been known to actually piss in their pants and actually [ __ ] themselves when they attend his seminars like that's pretty cool by the way I think I've had some people pissed of a [ __ ] okay either way it's all good so stay tuned we come back you're gonna meet a man who is the real deal when it comes to really saying [ __ ] as it is and he's a brilliant guy too and has made hundreds of noise if not billions of dollars to himself at others state to be right back shortly and there's not that many hardline guys on the planet and it's just unfortunate but we've gotten used to it has become our comfort zone being not held accountable because most people don't want to be held accountable they want to be able to do whatever the hell they want when they want and true leadership as me getting that person to do what I wanted to do when the [ __ ] I want them to do it all right so we're back down as promised I told you I had a guest who was someone I had massive massive respect for someone I agree with that almost all his viewpoints and who's his spirit is mean sometimes you're more spur than me colorful figure super successful forced to be record mr. dan pena how are you man my pleasure and you're looking handsome as hell in that purse is that part of my firm this is me and is that in turn has been for 40 years and I'm a big leaving the first impression and what that states about you and position yourself as an expert and your field that's just obviously when you see someone put together like that has a huge impact right correct you have to times and make a first impression first is how you look seconds with when you open your mouth before you put your foot in it I mean so you've got really two times to make a first impression so there's so many things we could talk about but as I said to you that with the format of my podcast I framed a certain topic which I really want to dig into collected you're like probably one of the most foremost experts in the world that is the human condition why things are the way they are right now with political correctness social noise which i think is a [ __ ] disaster outright disaster I hate it and I'm not quite sure what to make of it in terms of where is it going but I'd like to know what your take is on like how all this insanity started where it's a lot of feelings of hurting political correctness in my judgment is a manifestation of lack of self esteem when I grew up I had an alpha male dad superhero from the second world war in the Korean War who looked like I mean I had a 56 inch chest a 30 inch waist and he had 18 inch arms and he'd never lifted weights okay and I thought and all his buddies if you will from the second world war in the Korean War look more or less like him and they allegedly and in reality they saved the generation from all that the greatest generation and so I thought everybody was like that and when I went out into business and I made a lot of money and then when I got thrown out of the company I found it the what was I going to do and I thought well I'll go back and teach University it's a long winded answer to your question and I talked University for $1 and honors and I was fully dismayed and so then I said well now coach the the meatheads the kids and because I thought everybody has some sort of self esteem now when I was at Bear Sterns almost everybody had self-esteem at some level okay in do you in New York yeah what years is that that was a 77 through 81 - no a screen bird hired me sigh Lewis hired me sigh Lewis himself and and I was the most successful not allegedly non-jew in there and they always said that I was Sephardic you know and they said you got to be Jewish yeah it's alright don't be ashamed it'll be ashamed and so but they were pushy guys I mean and we weren't the white shoe guys you know like the Goldman Sachs or those are those kind of guys we were pushy guys it got [ __ ] done and so but there I was still surrounded with guys it had a lot of self-confidence and a lot of self-esteem and so I was led to believe that self-esteem wasn't such a rare commodity or quantity whatever you want to call but in reality we both know it is yeah and self-confidence self-esteem etc and so the the world today is political correctness map to original question is because we want people to like us we want to fit in we don't want to stand out and in a day when somebody will commit suicide on Facebook because they're disliked is beyond my comprehension I can't understand it I just don't and why the parent of the kid that kills himself doesn't go killed his parents it's beyond me you know there's certain things worth dying for and that's one of them in my judgement and it's so it's but it's getting worse and worse and worse do you know to me the whole thing started going wrong when they said everyone should get a [ __ ] trophy yeah I don't think everyone should get a [ __ ] trophy agnese winners these losers a lot better wouldn't to lose you want to lose with grace and win with grace but not everyone gets a [ __ ] trophy right my kids my kids we pulled him out of group athletics just that that the customer that when they started giving everybody a party the beijing ribbon what the hell I mean like it just it's you know the whole I think and listen you know I you have to always say well if I bashed certain people they're gonna cut off my social media because they run these platforms but the fact is I think a lot of this is like Revenge of the Nerds so you're saying that you have to say alpha male father and you thought the world was it was a survival of the fittest base physicality and then what happened was and also perseverance and like a you know emotional fortitude but somewhere because of the digital age it changed and people that were the Nerds growing up that were picked last on sports teams that didn't get the girl they were able to sort of rise to the top financially and they want to rewrite those rules now to make sure no one ever feels the pain they felt from being left out this is my theory by the way part of it of how it's gotten so out of whack it's become survival of the unfinished because the people that are sort of setting the trend people to control the flow of information were those people and they want to make sure and then one adjust world is one where there are no people that would physically no longer Matt it's only about is about what you may be a are like you know performing is intellectually or whatnot what's your thoughts on that well I just spoke at University of Pennsylvania arguably one of the better schools in the country maybe the world and the and when I tell the kids how many kids in here consider themselves an alpha male nobody raises their hand I said but 98 percent of all have no yes nobody raises their hand nobody zero I asked the same question every [ __ ] time nobody raised their nah I've been at Oxford University of Pennsylvania University of Toronto you name it and nobody raised their hand before you could to them what do you know that won't that Gillette commercial that they ran when they with the whole thing with the toxic masculine I [ __ ] him throughout my Gillette razor and to this day never will use a Gillette razor again because that whole thing it's at the brainwashing of it and no one no no no but the the we have a test on my website and we have a 98 and a half percent failure rate one of the questions that the first or second question is if what would you do if somebody spit in your wife's face ninety almost a hundred percent there's five answers potential answers and that most used answer is I would try to s [ __ ] out of him okay no Lee not a logical answer no no they say I would try to ascertain his state of mind when he spit in her face nobody says pick up a [ __ ] pipe and beat him to death right basically yeah yeah but nobody nobody and when I would say nobody I mean nobody nobody so we have 98 and a half percent fail the test and the and I'm going up and down the aisles ranting and raving don't you see look all right there's a problem that kids our own they don't we had that brainwash yeah they don't know and and I didn't but they don't care anymore when do you think the brainwashing begins how early you think it begins oh well self-esteem is built the first seven or eight years of life like the Spartans used to take the kids away from their parents at seven or eight years there was a reason for that the Catholic Church and I was raised a Catholic and the Catholic has its head hand up so far my ass I'm surprised you don't see the Pope coming out my list but I'm just a good Catholic altar boy right many years ago Catholic Church says you give us your children the first seven or eight years and we will own them that's part of the doctrine of the Catholic Church because they know that's one self esteems built now when you when a kids three months for six months or nine months and unless these [ __ ] his pants they're happy two years five years they're happy seven years it starts to change because you are who who helped to raise you who raises you a mom sometimes a dad if he's around an older brother sister and a grandparent what do they know about high performance nothing normally nothing and if love and religion got the job done we wouldn't have all the problems we've got I mean love doesn't get the job done and even though I was raised a devout Catholic Catholicism or Judaism or Allah or whoever doesn't get the job done and so it starts at a very young age and and and now it's promoted in the schools and I asked the kids how many have you been in a school fight and we were discussing earlier schools are okay to three kids raise their hand out of 400 now I give these talks that the schools for free didn't go to my school okay well I know not in New York I'm from East LA I'm the barrio not too far from here and the how many of you and spanked 20 30 40 kids raise your hand how many of you have ever been yelled at 50 50 people out of 400 raise their hand the and so now it's socially unacceptable to whack your kids I was raised spoil the spare the rod spoil the child now I'm not saying all the beatings I got from my dad and he beat me like a rented mule he just did and if the nuns beat me the priest beat me and I he came home from out of town and he beat me just because the nuns and the priests and the school education system was always right and the now there's no discipline hmm I was at a another interview a while back and young kids like this first thing I noticed when I walked in on young kids and they're all nobody was on time the engineer wasn't there this that and nobody got mad nobody like my son says do I go crazy people late I go [ __ ] crazy yeah but they didn't know everybody said hey dude whoa no bro but that's the rules and I said what the [ __ ] does that mean bro I don't know and I said and so finally we want to get getting started 45 minutes late you know forty five [ __ ] minutes late if you have no idea it's like my pet peeve oh yeah cool yeah yeah it was all cool it's not cool you already used to say so I you know you have your language pass and you speak you know you say a word it just comes back I always say you know these kids that I taught I teach a system of sales called the straight line right and I used to say with it's what I invented that these kids would come to me and they were from families where they were never told by their parents they were capable of greatness and going further even the greatest they had in the mash had been almost conditioned Adam beaten Adam from daily born first on their parents then by their schoolteachers by the media their own friends but something came with my border man 18 they were like conditioned to be just average that's just to survive not to thrive right why do you think though I mean like for me it's bunsen I really struggle with is because I really tried to instill like success-oriented thinking and positive mental force with my kids why do you think they just don't know any better I think it's right well you said that it was beaten to the they should have been beaten but it weren't the addition dish yeah absolutely yeah you know like Pavlov's dog I mean you know the you jolt um and they react and but the kids now don't want to be jolted they don't want to be jolted and they're they feel entitled and I say entitled to what you haven't done a goddamn thing do you think raising a girl is different and raising a boy yes a little but if my daughter our daughter was here right now she's 33 she's a senior executive yeah I treated her like her two older brothers I didn't considered like [ __ ] but I mean I was strict I was I made them accountable that the kids don't want to be held accountable now okay and if they they miss a deadline or they miss being on work on time they got an excuse they say traffic leave earlier you [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean wouldn't you try don't give a [ __ ] about traffic let me ask you this I was giving you my theory which is like part of it I always mean I just drives me crazy this whole thing right and I said like you know Revenge of the Nerds kidding around but do you think that's part of it is true that what's driving this whole whether it's the me to generation witness there was a problem but it was so wildly overcorrected for right but this whole idea that everyone should get a trophy that there should be no winners that it's like do you think it's being driven somehow by the tech age and the people that are in positions of power welcome incidentally things no no III think it's just coincidental that the last 3040 years to be a nerd has been popular before that it wasn't misfire exactly it wasn't you know but I mean plays a role in what's going with the rules of information right now like you know what's allowed to happen what's not what they consider bullying let's not you know I mean I had a guy named Patrick BETT David you don't Patrick Beth David very sharp guy and he was on my podcast he goes I think a little bit of bullying is good and I at first said you know I don't really agree with Dax but I said I guess to a certain point not bullying but you know kids can't live in a bubble when they grow up and then expect to go on to the real world and survive right what are you thoughts on no no no well I'm considered a bully now okay at 74 and if they think I'm a bully now 50 no not 1:21 between 14 before I was a psychopath okay and what said no no I mean if you didn't get [ __ ] done rumor has it that I pull people across the table like this investment bankers and choke them okay then I probably deserved it yeah well they did the absolutely correct but I will need to come a better guy and what better off forward afterwards yeah yeah made me feel good to choke the little [ __ ] but today if you raise your voice geez I mean we had at my seminar and I'm not bragging about this we had in the last two seminars we had two guys pass out just from stress fell over and hit their head on the floor from stress of course the word they were saying no because I come I'm a heart I'm a hard guy and I make them accountable you're [ __ ] late you're out don't come back you can't be late you either early or don't come and so the kids today their parents never made him accountable and their parents grandparents apparently didn't make their parents accountable one of the questions I asked is how many of you have kids in the audience man to half and I said would you want your kids to go up and be like you know hands go up would you want your kids to go up and be like your parents know hands go up and then somebody raises their hand yeah I had a grandparent that fought in the Second World War that I hear was a real hard-ass I'd like to be like him and I like my kids to be like him they already know that they're saying importantly they have absolutely what do you think is at the root of all this well the root of all is that the again they want to fit in and the guys want to get their dick wet okay I got more answer that's which is a very noble pursuit yeah yeah but I got more ass than a toilet seat at a bus station right no yeah I mean I got four that I [ __ ] everything that walked okay if it was female really I did my best dating after I was married but that's all yeah and they used to say Dan had [ __ ] a snake he held his head still now that's a bit of an exaggeration kids all right write that one down for me I'm gonna steal that well I'm not stealing getting his line and I will give you credit I'm still and but now the one of the things that I asked him what what did you do that scared yourself last week and they write down I asked the girl for a phone number at the gym are you [ __ ] me what I mean how the hell does that scare anybody you know it's it's beyond belief but a lot of girls I held the girls uh door open for a few weeks ago and she she brushed against me she says I'm sorry for invading your personal space I didn't know what that meant I had asked my wife what does that mean I I didn't grab her tits or anything what the hell I mean how is she invading my personal space is a lot of the phrases I don't I don't understand because the few guys that I still associate with don't talk like that yeah I'd dinner with a guy who's known me since I'm 10 years old last night and his wife just passed away unfortunately and so we were talking about the new generation he was talking about his granddaughter 14 your grandma I don't get it I just don't I just stay away she's not interested in my advice she's not interested in my input and so I just stay away they they when I know you're 15 20 years younger than I am but when I was growing up I was interested in somebody else's opinion older I might not have done it okay stay out of trouble don't get drunk you know better I might not have done that but at least I got the input but I was raised you are seen and not heard if my father told me to stand there right there short of a tsunami knocking me down I didn't move right until I could see he's not watching me then I move let's talk solutions okay what do you think cuz I agree I agree with you you know obviously some points you're a bit more I think in some ways yeah I think you're more extreme I'm always I'm more but generally I think I really agree with your whole thesis on what's going on in the world the question is what do you do about it how do you make I try everyday with my stuff you don't my some food scene and I try to instill like an empowered message with people and I do try to watch my words I'm not one to you know [ __ ] not politically correct but I try at least a little bit just as you know not because I know sometimes you catch a bit more flies with honey than vinegar but my even my vent my honey is pretty vinegar like but what do you think the way to correct is I think it's I think the world is heading for a very very dangerous fall right now no I we're through yeah and there is no turning back the point of correct we're way past well past a long time how long till we pass the 30 years ago 30 years ago now I'm not talking about the world ending when the Sun envelops there's four point a bit of a stir but we've got a we got two or three more generations maybe to the 23rd century but we're through I mean the the Romans had their day the all these dynasties had their day and then they were through and we've been you know we've had the United States had a good run since 1776 to - now myth for 30 40 years ago well one of the reasons I love him or hate him president has changed the financial world forever okay focus culture a new president Trump me - okay in another lifetime but he is I voted for him okay so yeah so did I he's a hard everyone knows that he's a hard-ass and he holds people accountable and he's not afraid to make cabinet position changes I mean he's made more position changes in the cabinet level then I think the last three or four presidents and he doesn't give a [ __ ] what they think we call that pivoting in the business world yes that's exactly right and yeah and the President does that but we're past it and I think that the I said before you walked in Hitler was killing the wrong people why why kid to kill the smart Jews I mean we need about two billion people on the earth instead of seven billion most people born should have rolled down their mommas leg most people born finding them being born the question is which people though how do you know I mean there's you know if you're in power it's you want to be the ones that survive and it's not IQ it's initiative I would rather have guy with a lower IQ but a lot of initiative than the opposite so this goes back to what I was thinking about so Fievel of the unfinished like I really believe right now that the world is upside down I don't believe that we're in maybe that's what you told me you said we're through and done I think it's almost like we reverse the natural order of the way things should be with the strong survive the weak perish you know intellect is favored muscle strength is favored but now it just seems like this the opposite is true and I'm I guess I just don't I mean I don't I'm sure when I say the ranges of trying to figure out what the [ __ ] went wrong and where and because I can't stop thinking about this when it really must be more intellectual than I am because I don't give a [ __ ] what hat went wrong I mean we are where we are and there's no return and you can ssam me that's why so I think about it I think you and I'll be long gone by the time some figured it out yeah and so let's talk solutions what's what do you think of the terms of the human condition is it anyway maybe not to correct it is there a way to improve it to slow it down to slow down the demise of Western civilization because I think China's taking over the [ __ ] world by the way yeah although you never really know because like we said about Japan in the eighties and look what [ __ ] happen to Japan right well I mean the everything was Japan right yeah yeah well I mean everybody knows that the Chinese have been [ __ ] us for 50 60 years right and when President Trump comes and tries to do something about it or has done something about it people everybody Christ Crazy Horse is gonna be collateral damage unfortunately yeah yeah so what do you but do you think the Chinese are really headed to really be dominant in the world yes but not dominant in the sense that everybody's concerned about their never going to go to war with us the donald wall didn't have a exactly the joke [ __ ] worry about china and it never attacked anybody and they never attacked anybody yeah correct crazy the but why does no one else say this because it's so obvious because it's just it doesn't reinforce the macro liberal narrative okay you know the news does have a liberal band of course a little bit a little bit a little bit and there's not that many hardline guys on the planet and it's just unfortunate but we've gotten used to it it's become our comfort zone has become our comfort zone being not held accountable because most people don't want to be held accountable they want to be able to do whatever they want when they want and true leadership as me getting that person to do what I wanted to do when the [ __ ] I want him to do it or is everyone hearing this Diane I'm such a hard-ass all upon seed of this thing uh everyone cuz I'm just like that I could go [ __ ] crazy a demand I'm going to pay for excellence I'll reward but I'm [ __ ] demand it you know what I wanted but yeah I'm a boss that's what being a boss is about they don't want to be a boss they want to be a friend can I give you a different take on this year I think it creates a huge opportunity for people to make money absolutely because if you if you look at this things and you know what it's about let me be active the right cut through this [ __ ] like a [ __ ] night through butter you could actually empower someone to become super successful in a fraction of time because there's somebody weak people whose weakness out there you agree with that right yes I just got an email before I came over here from a 22 year old recently graduated from University of Washington aerospace engineer he did his first deal 1.5 million bucks it closed yesterday evening I had dinner with a drink with him the night before and I said you got to do the take away clothes I said come to [ __ ] off and walk to the door and I'm closed and then I put across my fingers said if he does it right it'll work it's gonna blow up in his face okay and email he says I did the hard clothes mr. Pena and it worked he melted at the table or tell him don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out [ __ ] and so I mean I get off on that I mean saddles booty bone we just did that last week with the one that was like saying no no no I'm like tell him to go [ __ ] off 30 seconds later okay fine I'll do it correct unbelievable yeah but today and my kids my I call everybody kid because I'm either old enough to be a grandfather father my kids that have used yourselves say it's good I've never used it I'm a hammer closer I'm not a finesse closer I either beat you to death at the table I've seen the Sun go down and come up at a coffee table do you use it of course but use it automatically notice but I teach it's not magic it's just it's the truth about persuasion so I find the greatest salesman in the world you've never studied it but if you say oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't think exactly that's why I'm so good at what I do I think this basic truths about selling and for that matter running businesses certainly basic core truths that just run through it let me I don't want I don't want to you're beyond like steps for success but think just if you could really break it down like if you the average kid out there I would see my kid I wish but what was give me the pop what's the plan and step laser beam laser beam focus refocus okay that's one focus focus on the few not too many focus on the meanin too many of me meaning most of the kids there most of the Ducks I've got four or five projects none of which is worth a [ __ ] okay and so they're trying to make them all work because they're afraid to walk away because they spent too much time developing it the great thing about the Internet is the results are instantaneous yet kids work on apps and programs and write code not for an hour a week a month but years and they get no results your results are instantaneous most of the most of the programs don't work so focus on the few not too many laser beam focused and absolute a thousand percent total commitment and willing to make personal sacrifices and the kids don't want to make any sacrifices now you know the putting your back to the wall base leave Iraq I had no plan B until I was 60 years old I spent 125 percent of every [ __ ] dollar I ever made if I made a million I spent a million 250 if I made ten million I've spent 12 and a half million okay one year I made a hundred million and I spent a hundred twenty-five minutes okay yeah at sixty my wife and I sat down and he says oh I think we should downsize and you know stop all that and I had a lot of stuff okay most of which I didn't use we had a lot of houses and [ __ ] that we never went to and I don't believe in Plan B because if you have a plan B I mean you use it what I used to say to the kids they walk in the firm and I would say if you're trying to become a million dollar producer and trying to learn my sister if you're looking at the [ __ ] Help Wanted section right now for a part time any eggs room get the [ __ ] out now you have no chance of succeeding I want you to like put your back to the [ __ ] wall make the consequences of failure so dire unthinkable correct you give you some no choice but to succeed this is you that is missing from so many people these days right think they want the exit from the half and a half out there's a plan B [ __ ] Plan B right they can't be able to rent what was a Cortez came through world why did we burn the ships and ships right why no choice but to hack out in existence as always they say [ __ ] the Indians got our [ __ ] out of here right same thing goes right well [ __ ] and when they came to the UK the second time the Caesar Augustus burned the ships he said we're gonna conquer the pics which were the Scots or we're gonna die here one of the other and as it turned out they did not conquer the Scots and they bailed Hadrian's Wall across between Scotland and England which remnants of it are still there but the kids don't want to Jack Walsh says it better than I because when I hear these questions of my balance life I go [ __ ] berserk meat oh no there's bout there's life choices and they have consequences Jack says which I agree that's a nice way of saying but there's no balance life you're either all-in or you're not when you look in your like six days of really seeking says how many hours a week did you work 115 120 do you just even distinguish team work and not work or just you just wow I just work there's there's a guy this is the old Paine Webber which became Paine Webber long time yeah well he he told our children and our children don't like hearing this we used to have the security guard guards come in and drag your father out after four or five days living at his desk bathing in the washroom and having a secretary go get him clean underwear in clean shirts and our kids what is this [ __ ] I lived in my office of 10 years straight I lived in my office and the I still I don't consider it work I'm still 50 60 hours a week yeah and I haven't had to work in 35 years and but if you're not doing something you like it's a [ __ ] right it's a bit like my next thought I didn't to me I don't distinguish teamwork as my pleasure and my pleasure is my work and success to me is thinking about money's more about just like being right and I love the idea of figuring [ __ ] out I'm almost happiest when I'm struck my highest value is to try something not get it right right away and have to work hard and then figure this [ __ ] out and it's no better things between cracking the code after something doesn't work the first minutes and be great if it does but usually it doesn't right I love that feeling of like of failing and then succeeding well I mean success is on the razor's edge of failure Ross Perot told me that many years ago and he's gone weighing out in the last few months he was an amazing guy yeah earlier version a little guy but earlier version of Trump by the way in a sense that he was straight talking didn't have the charisma he lacked the charisma of a truck we were at the Houstonian many years ago and we're standing at the bar and the Houstonian used to be the place the meat market for hookers high-priced hookers where's that leonean in Houston Texas okay okay and Ross used to drink sarsaparilla I'm not even sure what that is it's like some sort of like root beer beer yeah yeah and so way too tall slinky looking girls we're saying hey shorty who are you wanna buy us a drink and so now everybody in the bar and knew it was Ross Perot except these two bimbos okay and you can't say bimbo anymore unbelievable I can say bimbo no no I think them both and so he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket he oh I had an old-fashioned walk and he dropped it on the floor and then he put his foot on it whenever I'm feeling short I stand in my wallet yeah and I'm [ __ ] eight feet all correct but he was a real personality no I wasn't amazing he did it was easy yes yes amazed he became the largest shareholder General million [ __ ] he only lasted a few months here because he said they were so mismanaged with idiot too much Straight Talk why he's a straight-talking in some ways he was a lot like Trump and some in the sort of Rio very different in terms of his communication style but he did have his own Flair through him that when he spoke he spoke he spoke sense it just made common sense I remember that I remember watching him in the campaign the debates and you know and he did great the first woman then something he just established no it was valid is you did Billy speak directly to the people through things like Twitter social be so Trump is master the art of circumventing the traditional media which is as you said liberally biased vastly biased at all so he's got their own narrative and I can let someone anti-establishment take over Trump was able to cut through that [ __ ] using social media Ross Perot couldn't and some lows probably why he couldn't get his fog just my opinion no no well I mean he still got twenty three percent of the vote right yeah he's a spoiler yeah yep and he spoiled 1 second term step one step two step always be to be focused on the few not the medi-laser one focus one okay focus on few not too many and the you've got to be all in total commitment and at all cost there is no plan B and the and the not last but not least the fact that you're not going to succeed the first time rarely do you succeed the first time big believer okay it could be the fifth time the 25th time called failing elegantly learnt yet it learn a failing business as much as succeed right yeah I wasn't too good at failing elegantly not the first time me be right yeah I failed miserably the first one yeah and I'm considered a roll up guy and but the first roll up I tried in 1981 was a colossal failure which is what okay the London Stock Exchange I try to roll 15 energy companies together and it was the the week before princess die met married Prince Charles uh-huh and it just collapsed the all the support just for voting for their mansion and aftermarket didn't exist so then I came back three and a half years later with a big success and more or less that's what I'm remembered for but I remember paying the bills the professional fees that I had that I couldn't afford to pay for the next two and a half years that I contemplated walking away from but I won't a payin him but took me two and a half years you know in the so the kids today don't want to feel that pain you know you know I've had the privilege of working with some of the Lakers I've had the privilege of working with Olympic athletes and one of the kids says I'm gonna go the Olympics to do what descend on a bachelor to get a gold medal I mean if I just make it their ascent accomplished yeah well [ __ ] that it's like now the kids run marathons for the experience they want to finish it's gonna come I rent my first marathon I ran three hours my first marathon and now they run in five six seven hours I can walk it in six and a half hours I mean it's unbelievable for the experience and the if that's all the experience you want out of life to being able to roll and a seven or eight hour marathon I mean metaphorically speaking my lawyers tell me I gotta say you ought to take a gun like this and do it right don't [ __ ] it up put it in for yourself your mouth put you somebody your own mystery baby that kids blow the side of the face off they can't even blow the brains out right it's very dangerous too but it's a bad way to commit suicide because you can't go here because you might ricochet off the skull not do it right Oh lawyer systems just metaphor metaphor speaking you know anyone to do that here that'll be no longing and everybody deserves they have a life everybody deserves to be alive I saw a video which is [ __ ] classic obviously the Florida thing that thank you what was that I couldn't understand all the words what exactly happened this follow the kid I'm gonna grab that one hiding I couldn't stand the witness hopping on the stand he was a kid from South America who was there on a journalism scholarship at the University of Florida and I'm in the Q&A part and I'm there free and there's about 350 400 people and it came to him and they passed him the mic and he said mr. Pena I've done my research and he basically said what I've done I didn't do okay so I let him finish the question I got it from my barstool I sit on 4qa and I walk towards him and I went and I pulled the mic away from him now if there weren't so many cameras I would have questioned his head right there but a lot of cameras everybody's got a [ __ ] iPhone now dangerous I yeah and good old days you could do whatever we want yeah and so I took it away from him and then what they didn't show is pandemonium broke out right they actually cut away from that for somebody right and the there was two or three little guys that were with him and there was 350 guys that wanted them out right hey and some of these guys were big and so the police who came in and much of the credit they said you know sir we have no control if you just step outside a classroom out there and the open ground you can in your talk because you know but we have to shut this thing down in here and so I did I stepped outside and I finished the Q&A outside too you know the people that stayed and asked questions but he said clearly that that all the things I have accomplished that I didn't but and well that was what was his basis for doing it and now his basis was that he thought that I went public in my financial core was based on in New York but it was based in London because I went to London in the early 80s so I was public on the London Stock Exchange not the New York Stock Exchange got it okay and he didn't connect those dots I'm giving him the benefit of doubt but that's he said you know I listen like an [ __ ] I'm just an [ __ ] looking to you know create controversy and you don't know sort of be it was like his moment is an investigative journalist right yeah you know the fact that's what he and I figured his mom and I sold he had an e-book that was for sale that he used that little clip there to promote his ebook which I never saw as we thought no you just seemed ridiculous also disrespectful I think that by the way I think there you know is something to just you know you can be tough and still be respectful to someone I don't think the two mutually exclusive you know you just like a [ __ ] dweeb my in my opinion he's you know he deserved the proverbial smack yeah verbal smack not a physical speck that will be bad right yeah but it's certainly a verbal smackdown he deserved right what freaks me out those that was a one minor thing but what do you think about like when they in Stanford they shut down conservative speakers coming onto campuses it seems a unamerican be unhealthy and see they're losing out on hearing both sides of historic what do you make how is that allowed and well I mean I had a similar experience at University of Toronto the guy a Patterson who is a Jordan Pederson Peter that's his name okay he's not well liked by the universe no no well he's a full professor there and he's got ten years so they can't get rid of me but they disrupted his class they said his class on fire and did some other stuff and so I spoke three weeks later and they called my office and they said we would want have him consider not speaking so if he does speak he should have personal security you don't need you don't strike me as the type you know and as much no no so I showed up and I'm care a cricket bat on the podium and I put the cricket bat down on the podium like this and and I spoke and they couldn't have been nicer to me and during the Q&A somebody said Mr P do you mind if we ask what's a quickie bad for I looked around and I told me what I'm telling you about personal security and they still didn't get it so then I jumped down off the podium with a cricket bat and I got this close to him and I said do you understand what the cricket bat for and they still didn't get it and some people in the back of the audience got it he's gonna [ __ ] hit you whether you idiot and I said the idea is even though there's four hundred-plus here the first five or six I'd decapitate him and that would keep the rest of you back then they got it but then the next four or five questions later said would you really do that I said you goddamn right I would you know it's not a joke to me and during the cocktail hour and they had and it could have been nicer on top but during the cocktail hour I got the question ten twelve fifteen times would you really hit one of us you [ __ ] a writer I mean I mean you have no idea and so but the kids they think I don't know what they thought you know an old man with a quick a bad I had a cricket bat when I spoke in London just a few days ago a thousand people it's the first time I had spoken outside the castle in 20 years and at the Heathrow Airport and I brought a cricket bat but I had secured had twenty paid big goons for security my wife says you're 74 now maybe maybe you can't hit no I still got questions asked to make the leg there you could still get a good like really hit somebody and I said of course now I'm old and I said well I feared for my life you can get away with a lot of [ __ ] you're not old enough yet twenty years with his people shooting people you know I have feared for my life I don't fear for my life but but I might say it in court then I fear for my life
Channel: The Wolf of Wall Street
Views: 221,194
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Id: xe-AKweDowI
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Length: 70min 17sec (4217 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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