The Traumatic Hidden Story of Haymitch Abernathy

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hey Mitch abery a drunkard Solen brutish harsh if you have only seen the film adaptations of The Hunger Games something I do not chastise you for that seems to be the whole of his character yet I imagine even movie only fans of the series have picked up on the darkness behind hach's crass exterior that if you were to remove the mask he wears and he does tip his hat at times you'd see a broken man woody harelson did an excellent job in his portrayal of the District 12 Hunger Games Survivor and Mentor which is why I have noticed that those who have not read the trilogy but are invested in the films Beyond just watching it sense that there's something more well you're right and the details are quite intense I'm the geek apprentice and here is haage Abernathy's traumatic hidden [Music] story born in and raised in the slums of District 12 hitch was no stranger to the Injustice of The Hunger Games well before he was reaped in his late teens we know from early on in the first book that hitch being a mentor means he was the winner of a previous Hunger Games mentorship became a part of the prep during the 10th Hunger Games the first of those mentors being graduating Capital students after this presumably the very next games previous winners were the ones to Mentor tributes of their own districts there had only been two winners from 12 before Katniss and peta's games the other we now know thanks to the prequel book to be Lucy gray bear winner of the 10th Hunger Games but which year did hitch win he had no regular Hunger Games in fact he was reaped for the 50th Hunger Games the second quter quell if you recall from Catching Fire cter quals occur every 25 years a quarter of a century and they have a spin on them for the 75th the tributes were reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district we learn in the second book that the first C of quell the 25th Hunger Games forced the districts to vote on who would be reaped a way to cause civil unrest within the districts dividing them against themselves to keep them from fighting against their true oppressor but for Hon's games the number of tributes was doubled yes two boys and two girls from each district 48 children in total in the book Catching Fire Peta and Katniss learned this because they have access to footage from previous games after learning they'd be in the arena again they took the effort to learn about their opponents but they specifically wanted to watch a quter quell since they're so different there was no footage of the first one but they also knew haage was in the second quter quell and that made them a little bit hesitant still needing to know more and out of sheer curiosity about their Mentor they decided to watch in secret one of the first things they discover is the true origin of the mocking jpen one of of the girls reaped was a friend of Katniss's mother as she was standing right next to the girl and was clearly upset also next to the girl was her twin sister the girl's name was Mas donor and she was the original owner of the gold walking J pen the pen at some point must have been given to her twin sister who eventually went on to marry a man who would become the mayor and they had a daughter M UNCA a friend of Katniss everan this friend actually came to see Katniss after she volunteered for Prim in the films we only see Gail come in and also her mom sister but in addition to those she was also visited by peta's father of all people who promised he would make sure that Prim was well fed and as a for mentioned M uny who at that moment gave her the mocking J pen and made her promise to wear it in the arena knowing now that the pin had been a part of the games before in a sense makes it all the more significant but why go into all this detail about one of the female tributes well she's important for later throughout the process of preparing for the game the one thing we know about because it was recorded is hach's interview he was snarky sarcastic and standoffish but due to his demeanor otherwise and his good looks he could get away with Flatout saying I think these games will be as stupid as ever Well for now in the actual quter quell hch does almost exactly what he tells Katniss and Peta to do for their first games run find food and water however though he was not exactly a part of the blood bath he did run to the corn IA in fact the arena was so breathtakingly beautiful that when the gong sounded to begin the games they all just stood there as if in a trance but not hch he grabbed supplies and ran in total 18 children were killed in the blood bath that followed as they came to their senses others began perishing as it became apparent that The beautiful landscape was nothing but a giant deadly trap the streams fruit heck even the smell of some flowers all poison leaving only water that you might get from rain and any food you grabbed from the supplies of the Cornucopia as safe for consumption and of course anything sent by a sponsor as you can guess with double the tributes that means an even larger career pack this time it was a total of 10 kids they stationed themselves in the area of a mountain to pick off the others hch however made sure to keep his distance from said Mountain he ran into his own issues as well such as carnivorous fluffy golden squirrels and agon ing butterfly stings but he pressed on regardless and as it turns out masley donor did pretty well for herself as well in the backpack she grabbed she had some food as well as a blow gun with darts darts that she would dip in poisonous substances to make them lethal not too far into the games sticking with the theme of the beauty being a facade the mountain turns out to be an active volcano which erupts many Die In This Disaster including half of the career pack leaving only 13 tributes haage continues away away from the mountain but encounters three of the careers he manages to swiftly kill two of them with his knife but the third overtakes him it's at this moment that masley shoots a dart into the third career's neck saving hitch she steps out in his Direction and tells him we'd live longer with two of us and thus they agreed to be allies ignoring the inevitable for the time being but still they do well together rest more food and water able to fight as a team masley presses haage on why he insists on continuing away from the mountain wondering what he expects to find to which he just says hey it's got to end somewhere they do eventually find that end a cliff Edge hch insists on staying but masley noticing that there's only five tributes left suggests that maybe they go ahead and part ways implying that they really don't want it to come down to the two of them and have to kill each other after they separate hch is exploring that Cliff Edge when he knocks a pebble off moments later it shoots back up and lands in his hand he laughs knowing that he is now found a flaw in the death trap that he's in that's when he hears her scream masy despite the alliance being done he runs to her anyway she was attacked by a flock of pink birds with skewers for beaks and one of them drove it straight through her neck as she passes hch holds her hand to comfort her eventually it comes down to hch and the girl from District 1 bigger than him and just as fast the fight is brutal and bloody both receive wounds that would eventually prove fatal if untreated by professionals haage literally has to hold his intestines in as he runs through the arena to get to the edge but the girl has an axe hon drops right at the cliff Edge right as the girl throws her Axe and it goes over the ledge the girl is understandably confused and just stands there holding her bloody empty eye socket probably caused by hitch by this time heage has begun convulsing from his injuries and it seems it's just a matter of who can survive the longest but hamage knows what he did by making sure the axe went over the cliff Edge moments later the axe flies back up and lands squarely in her head hitch has won no survived the second quarter quell the 50th Hunger Games but only within an inch of his life hamage turned the arena into a weapon for himself and as katness says to pea after watching not just against the other tributes but against the capital too it made them look stupid and she says that it's almost as bad as them with the berries but we find out in book three mocking jay that even if the berries were worse Peta and Katniss got off real squeaky clean compared to haitch you may recall from the third film mocking J part 1 that when the team goes to the capital to rescue Peta Joanna and Annie finck films a propo that was airing live this does occur in the book but not exactly the same same way regardless Finnick does film a propo in the book and he exposes Snow's secrets we learn that Finnick was given as a gift to high ranking people of the capital his body was he tells how if a Victor was considered desirable and old enough considering that Finnick was only 14 when he won his game so he got to wait a couple of years snow would prostitute them and if you fight back or resist in any way he has someone you love killed it doesn't take much thinking to realize that had Katniss and Peta not had their starcross the lovers thing going on even if it didn't become real for Katniss till later either one of them would have had the exact same thing done to them were they the lone Victor with no romance this shows you how smart heage is making Katniss look desirable after peta's interview in the first games though it was real for PETA didn't just save her in the arena it would have protected her after had she been the only one to live and by proxy Peta as well in the reverse the mind wanders and you think is that what happened to hch after his games in fact that's exactly what Katniss asks him but no that is not at all what happened to him after hmage survived the cord quel life was of course never the same but far worse than you imagine the capital especially President Snow were none too pleased with his little stunt he should have died a girl with a missing eyeball could have easily outlived someone whose intestines were hanging out back it up further he should not have even known about that flaw in the arena and died by her axe right but he was too smart and too cunning for the capital to let him Slide by Within 2 weeks of being crowned Victor and coming home from the games his girlfriend little brother and Mom all killed murdered by the capital on Snow's orders why didn't they just kill him too well they have to have a Victor right but no they could have come up with a reason to cover it up he tells Katniss in the book that it's because he had to be the example so that others like finic could look at him and his story and Cave to whatever the capital said and never rise up and challenge them as you can imagine hamage felt that he had nothing to live for after that at on top of this the pressure of becoming a mentor the very next year and every year following watching kid after kid after kid be murdered brutally he probably gave out quite quickly on trying to help no wonder he drowned himself in alcohol every single day Katniss and pea gave him hope but now it makes sense why he was always so hard on Katniss she had the same wit and fire as him and he did care for her and didn't want her to suffer the way he did he was the only one who truly understood very specific parts of her and thus how to get through to her how did he live out the rest of his days post war he's still in the Victor's Village he tends geese in his yard but they take care of themselves according to Katniss and of course he drinks but he does also help contribute to a book Katniss and Peta make it details all the wonderful things about the people they've lost something to give them hope give them any spark of Joy after all the trauma all three have endured to remind them to keep living because those they lost wouldn't want them to despair but press on hitch may be long past pressing on but now you know why as I wrote this being a fan of the books first it was difficult not to feel at least some frustration that hach's traumatic backstory got no screen time still I hold on to what I've always said when it comes to taking a book to the big screen Cuts have to be made even if you made a book fan version that lasted several hours a very unrealistic task as the money it would take to make that would not be earned back in profit very few would watch it comparatively it still could couldn't match the books perfectly some may be watching this thinking why bother making the video there's books people should just go read them you know I tend to have that level of sass sometimes but really only when someone's not truly invested but still pesters me with questions anyway other than that though I get it because until the Hunger Games I really didn't enjoy reading I watched and invested so much into the Harry Potter series but only the films I didn't read the books until a few years ago Hunger Games maybe realize I did love reading just only certain books I guess as another example I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy but I just cannot get into the books so I have sympathy for those who get invested in a series but aren't fans of reading I'll always tell you the books are better but it would be completely selfish and arrogant of me to assume I'm better because I've read them as long as movie only fans aren't rude about it I have no issue with it besides this video as you can tell wasn't necessarily intended for book fans though I'm sure book fans could enjoy it it was aimed towards those who had not read the books and didn't know the gravity of hach's depressing story thank you all so much for getting to the end of this video If you enjoyed it please consider giving it a thumbs up and hitting the Subscribe button to be a part of the geekdom I also make videos about other games such as animal crossing or The Legend of Zelda not to mention I live stream a few times throughout the week mostly on Sunday nights where it's Community stream where we can play games together like Mario Kart thank you heartily to all of my patrons especially those in my highest tier the highly in night tier like joking Batman geek mom l ring sheep and MC toppler yall are the best but anyway that's all for today thank you for watching and May the odds be ever in your [Music] favor
Channel: The Geek Apprentice
Views: 8,755
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Id: XkJZ6rAP6bw
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Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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