The Transformative Journey of The Fremont Factory : A Tale of Three Titans

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foreign Tesla we hear much about Tesla's new factories how Shanghai has become this Powerhouse in the automotive industry and the Berlin and Texas Factory are reshaping the way we make cars and how the Next Generation Factory in Mexico will reinvent the production line once again but we cannot forget the factory that started it all for Tesla and continues to make Innovation to this day the Fremont Factory the American automotive industry is a tale of Triumph Innovation and constant Evolution as tale of giants battling to rule the roads but what happens when one Titan stumbles and another scene's opportunity in its adversity Toyota a global Powerhouse with a vision of efficient production and Superior Quality they took over the struggling General Motors Factory and turn it into a symbol of Automotive Excellence the Fremont Factory became the battlefield of transformative ideologies and the birthplace of modern auto manufacturing this was not just a factory it was an experiment in revolutionizing American auto manufacturing a paradigm shift was unfolding the Toyota way was taken route fast forward to 2010 Toyota and GM's joint venture The numi Factory closed down leaving the factory facing an uncertain future once again just when it seems like it was the end a new chapter began a daring electric car startup Tesla Motors driven by Elon Musk took the reins but Tesla wasn't here to just follow the well-trotted path musk dreamed of something more a factory so Advanced it would seem alien to its contemporaries a factory that wasn't just a factory but a machine the build the machine they face trails and tribulation production setbacks and countless of challenges but with resilience and Innovation Tesla pushed forward ultimately reshaping not just the Fremont Factory but the entire automotive industry from General Motors to Toyota and finally to Tesla the Fremont Factory has constantly evolved proving that with Innovation and tenacity the old can always be made new this is the story of the most productive Automotive Factory in North America today this is the story of the Fremont Factory so let's check out the exciting journey of this iconic Factory and let's Dive Right In [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] automotive industry was facing a cymic shift General Motors one of the major players was encountering financial difficulties that were forcing it to take some tough decisions one of those was closing down its Fremont assembly in California a factory that was known for its labor problems poor productivity and low quality output while this seems like a necessary step for GM it paved the way for an unexpected move from another auto manufacturing giant Toyota by this time Toyota has already established itself as a major force in the Global Auto industry known for its innovative production method efficiency and high quality output Toyota saw potential where others saw failure it realized that the Fremont Factory could become a gateway to a larger share of the American Auto Market if the issues the plague the plant could be resolved and in 1984 Toyota and GM formed a landmark joint venture called the new United Motor Manufacturing Incorporated on numi for short which saw Toyota taking over the operation of the Fremont Factory what seemed like a risky Venture was mitigated by Toyota's unique approach rather than replacing the workforce it decided to retrain the existing one many of whom were from the original Freeman planned Toyota brought in its own manager and trainers and staff were sent to Japan to learn the Toyota Way a comprehensive approach to production that focused on continuous Improvement respect for people and standardization of work the Fremont Factory became a live experiment in culture change and transplanting of the Toyota production system also known as lean manufacturing this methodology was revolutionary in the American context it minimized waste promoted a bottom-up approach to problem solving and cultivated a deep sense of responsibility among its workers Toyota's move was met with skepticism from both within and outside the industry critics predicted that the Fremont Factory was doomed to repeat its history of low productivity and quality they claimed that the Toyota way would be incompatible with American labor practices and resistance from the workers who would be inevitable however as months turned into years it became clear that Toyota's gamble was paying off the Fremont Factory on the Toyota's management saw a stark transformation productivity Sword and the quality of the vehicles produced was on par with those made in Japan employees were happier among gazed and absentence plummeted the critics were silenced and the industry took notice the Freeman Factory became a benchmark of Automotive production in the the United States it demonstrated that the Toyota way was not exclusive to Japan it was a universal set of principles that could be applied successfully anywhere in the world and Toyota with the Fremont factory Marked a turning point in the American automotive industry it brought the concept of lean manufacturing and the Toyota way into mainstream conversation influencing countless of other manufacturers to follow suit more importantly it showed that the culture's shift and Innovative production method could transform a falling Factory into the most successful in the country but as Toyota and General Motors joined Venture numi came to close in 2010 the Fremont Factory once again faced an uncertain future just as it seems like the storied factories might close the doors for good and new player into the scene Tesla Motors as they were called back then an ambitious electric car startup led by entrepreneur Elon Musk Tesla was different from the traditional automakers the company's mission was to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy as Stark departure from controversial or omega's philosophies tester saw the Fremont Factory not merely as a manufacturing site but as a launch pad for his Grand Vision in 2010 Tesla acquired the Fremont Factory for only 42 million dollars Toyota would also purchase 50 million dollars of common stock when Tesla held his IPO the next month which gave Toyota a 3 stock in the company if they had held on to those stocks those 50 million dollars would have been worth 20 billion dollars today but unfortunately Toyota sold all their stock in Tesla in 2016. so four years before Tesla's stock price made its big rally but immediately after Tesla had required the factory they set about making significant changes musk was no stranger to the lean manufacturing principles that Toyota has used to transform the factory decades earlier but he sought to take them a step further inspired by the high-speed Automation and precision found in chip fabrication he envisioned an alien dreadnock a factory so Advanced and efficient that it would seem alien to contemporary manufacturers the vision was marriage of lean principle with Cutting Edge Automation and AI leading to what Tesla refers to as the machine that builds the machine Tesla invested heavily in robotics and automation to make the production line fast and more efficient the company aimed to perfect the automation process minimize human intervention wherever possible while maintaining flexibility in the production process however this Grand Vision was not without hurdles the initial over-reliance on automation led to a significant production delays particularly with the model 3 Tesla's mass-market vehicles that was not designed with Automation in mind musk admitted that they had been overconfident and complacent about the new production strategy leading to what he refers to as production hell in response Tesla adapted its strategy finding a balance between human labor and automation experienced workers were reintegrated into the production line where they could complement the robotic automation rather than be replaced by it this combined approach demonstrated a crucial lesson while full automation was an enticing goal the human touch was still essential to maintain a functional and efficient production line and the model 3 was as I said not designed with Automation in mind as the Next Generation vehicle that will be built in Mexico has been so that car will for sure take automation to a whole new level once again but despite the early setbacks Tesla persevered and gradually began to reap the benefits of its ambitious approach the Freeman Factory eventually rammed up to produce hundreds of thousands of vehicles per year a feed unmasked by any other Electric Vehicle Manufacturer testers take over Fremont Factory didn't just transform the factory itself but also revolutionized the entire automotive industry it introduced a new level of Automation and pushed the boundaries of what was considered possible in the car manufacturing thanks to Tesla's AI controlling the whole Factory and the production method are so good and groundbreaking that even Toyota was out saying that Tesla's model y the Toyota tear down was a work of art what's funny though in this kind of whole process is that just recently Toyota just called this an engineering work of art true the model y that that was humbling but at Tesla it's not good enough if we're going to scale the way we want to do we have to rethink manufacturing again Tesla's Endeavors also reinvigorated the Fremont Factory transforming it into a beacon of innovation and a symbol of the potential for the electric vehicle and has become the most productive Automotive Factory in North America moreover Tesla's Venture into the manufacturing had significant effect beyond the automotive industry its success has spurred advancement in Battery Technology artificial intelligent and sustainable energy with implication reason far wide into various sectors the Fremont Factory thus stand as a testimony to the power of innovation and tenacity from General Motors to Toyota and finally to Tesla it has witnessed dramatic transformation and has constantly adapted to the vision of its time it's a symbol of manufacturing Evolution proving time and time again that with Innovation and resilience the the old can always be made new [Music] and thank you for watching and until next time take care out there and be nice foreign
Channel: BestInTESLA
Views: 23,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Tesla's Fremont factory, Fremont factory, Toyota taking over the Fremont factory, The Toyota way, The Tesla way, GM's NUMMI plant, From GM to Toyota to Tesla, Toyota production methodes, Tesla production methodes
Id: GuM8zQVmhUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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