Driving will NEVER be the same again - Test driving “The most exciting vehicle in history”

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[Music] like seeing in person I love it it's amazing I'm so envious is this the first time sweet oh my God I'm just in a BMW and you guys are cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh so I got a chance to ride in the most exciting vehicle in history according to Sandy Monroe and uh this is as far as I'm concerned the most exciting vehicle that I've seen in my life and I'm old really old but this kicks real ass they cyber truck the most attention grabbing vehicle on the road we were passed by supercars and they looked at Raphael cyber truck we were riding in and gave us the thumbs up and we met this random girl at a stoplight that just loved Raphael's cyber truck I love it it's amazing this truck is turning heads and taking names with all the new tech that is in this car that is embarrassing the old Legacy automega truck as they suddenly all feel outdated with their Old School Technology that is of course fitting with their old school look that is like 70 years old now to be fair I really like the look of the rivan or the new Silverado or the F-150 Lightning but put them next to the Cyber truck and it feels like you're looking at the future and looking at the past but as I said before the look of the Cyber truck is the least exciting thing about this truck and getting to test it out and feel that steer by wire was just an amazing experience all right sorry sorry guys it's good all right yeah so you can turn left here after stop there's a c oh expensive one as well hello he thought we had a cool C cooler yeah be honest the cool car so Lis what are we doing right now we are test driving a cyber truck and this is my first time driving a cyer truck make that o I couldn't push it so how is it it doesn't feel like a huge truck that's right and you notice how you turn the wheel very little when you're going slow speeds and they turn up it has a big turn uh a small turning radius yeah because the driveway wire knows that when you're going slow speeds you want more input and you're going highway speeds the input is less yeah yeah the Turning circle out there was amazing it basically turns like a you know like a medium to big size sedan yeah rather than a big truck although the dimensions of the vehicle themselves are pretty big yeah the steer by wire feels so amazing and natural I completely agree with Jason from h on this one it makes you wonder why steering hasn't always been like this makes you wonder why steering wasn't always like this since we have had this steer by wire in Planes for the last 40 years and suddenly this makes all the other EV pickup trucks feels like decades old technology even makes the brand new F-150 Lightning suddenly feel so old as you still have to turn the wheel like you doing some kind of workout and all of this is made possible because Tesla has made their car with 48v architecture also the first in history and their fast 1 GB ethernet this is amazing and with the wrap you have it just looks like a really spoty pickup truck but when you get inside here just feels like luxurious SUV kind of yeah and we basically have three big people I'm the smallest one of the group we're all people tall guys tall guys muscular guys we have three giant dudes here that's right that's right that's sounds good sounds good tall very tall strong muscular people okay don't exaggerate all right you get used to it pretty easy right lar it's easy to get used to it you know some people comment on oh but I can't see the the bumper the front no yeah but the thing is that that Cliff that you see is basically what what you need to see because it's not that long after that it's like this big and of course also show maybe the the front facing camera right yeah you can actually show the front-facing camera here oh okay yeah just by ding on it's very convenient when you're like on a trail on you know on the forest and you don't know if you're going to hit a rug or something you put the front bumper camera and that helps you know exactly where you're going to be so okay I use it all the time oh did I miss uh turn uh no just a little bit further down here okay so and then if you turn it off then you have the rear view there but you can also like have the rear view here ah okay and you see the two side cameras the two side repeaters so it depends on what you prefer and then you can also activate or deactivate this view with that corner on on the wheel right there ah okay yep nice oh so that's activated that little one there mhm ah okay yeah you should go a parking that's not really helpful that's not really helpful yeah I mean I just watched Yen yeah I use I used it to check if my my face is okay purpose yeah uh if the tunnel cover is open then you have a little bit of a view to the rear but the window the glass is so small that it's almost useless yeah and the direct coefficient get trashed with the car open right uh I I've driven uh many of the 15,000 miles that I have driven on this with that partially open I it's not that bad nothing thing you notice it's it's not really yeah exactly I couldn't tell okay yeah I guess the way that the aerodynamics of this car are so tuned in that it I don't know it's it's almost magical I don't know I don't want to sound like a super fan booy but it's really incredible the way that this thing behaves it's nice and quiet as well yeah the cabin is very quiet yeah even I have noisy tires on that's the other thing these are not the tires that it comes with I immediately replace the tires for through off-road tires cuz I'm doing a lot of off-roading yeah woo turn so steep that's amazing to see the other thing is that it fits fine with the roads here cuz the road are pretty big yeah there are some places where like the streets are narrow so it's a little bit more like visually it it looks difficult but because it moves so nimble like it's easy to to go through any of those those small roads like small streets yeah that's not thing that a lot of people will be surprised in Europe how how good this thing is going to fit even though it's a big one yeah you know it made lengthwise it may take a lot of space but it's not that much wider than most of the vehicles out there I mean we also have Sprinter vans so this argument for me is just like ah no it's not a problem that we have I mean it's a little wide but it's family like yeah we have big cars in Europe as well yeah yeah I mean most of the transportation of goods is either big semis or or Vans right yeah yeah yeah some some of the laws are just a little bit stupid because like you can't have this it's two angular and two sharp edges and then it comes a big semi truck like mhm you don't want to be getting hit by that one as well yep exactly a I can get used to this what's this like seeing in person I love it it's amazing I'm so envious is this the first time sweet oh my God I'm just in a BMW and you guys are cool but hey you got to come to this summer meet up here seriously tomorrow where is it right here we'll have like 10 of them over here a Heritage yeah exactly so come and and there will be a lot of cyber trucks and you can sit in one and stuff like that yeah do it yeah I will Heritage Landing tomorrow and Sunday both days okay oh and we have PL Day on Sunday where you can drive this thing yeah I know how to drive I'm like exactly I love it thank you thank you it gets attention I need to come out to the Midwest just for Content bro because valy nobody's anymore they're like we are we are already living M exactly year 2560 exactly oh my God that was so good I feel like I'm like I just got my truck again like back in February liter my phone's out I'm ready to go did you recording yeah cool yeah the next one oh yeah so Laris could you explain your experience so far yeah um I would say on the outside this car looks really tough and rough but when you get inside this is a really comfortable ride I am quite surprised also the the Turning feels kind of weird but damn it feels good yeah and you get used to that pretty fast and you're like ooh I'm a peasant now turning my steering wheel in my car now it's it's almost like a truck driver yeah and he is just like it's funny how now a truck makes cars feel like a truck instead of the other way yes that's exactly right you're you're totally right on this one it feels like a workout to drive other vehicles yeah it's like Jason from hay said this make you wonder why steering wasn't always like this ex exactly like that's this is feels so natural and now test it test the Turning race on the parking lot now and just feel be amazed just be amazed and be nice and be nice I'll try to be nice you ready lar look do a couple of rounds do a couple of rounds yeah yeah yeah Do It full your turn once you're going to hit the C yeah Jesus we will survive stay on the right stay on the right stay on the right go straight go straight now make a U turn U turn yeah just turn turn around a couple of times Jesus my mother why can't do this yes that's what I'm say okay that's good I'm going to throw so good okay okay that's good oh wait what's happening now the world is moving yeah you can park it there like on the shade oh Magneto is here Mago is here Mago the X-Men yes that's that's Ian's SC he's not an xman oh no yeah that from awesome I'm glad you liked it I hope you really enjoyed your first cber truck ride that was awesome thank you very much you got it bro so what's the verdict Lars when are you getting one I won one exactly the and what is better than a cyber truck two cyber CS awesome no wonder that people that understand engineering like Jason or Sandy Monroe are just in love with this truck as it is really an engineering Marvel people get so caught up in the look of this car that they dismiss the truck at first glance what are we a truck and not seeing the engineering that is underneath that bulletproof crazy looking stainless steel design but people will slowly learn more and more about this cyber truck as more and more are coming on the road and people get to feel the truck driving it and feel just how much better this truck feels compared to anything else like Raphael said because of the steer by wire this truck makes cars feel like trucks what an amazing pie of Technology the Cyber truck is truly an engineering Marvel that has shown the industry what is possible and the other Legacy automakers could have done this through the last 100 years they have existed but little Tesla with only 16 years of experience has now embarrassed the entire car industry by making something that is basically better in every single way from inside to out and is so Innovative that no one can even replicate what they have done so you can hate on the look all you want but there is no denying the engineering that is put into this car that in my opinion has made this the most exciting vehicle in history and thank you for watching and until next time take care out there and be nice [Music]
Channel: BestInTESLA
Views: 19,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cybertruck, Tesla Cybertruck, Cybertruck test drive, Tesla Cybertruck test drive, Test driving the Tesla Cybertruck, Cybertruck's steering, Cybertruck Streer by wire
Id: R4_0re9v9P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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