The Trail and the Toll | Critical Role | Campaign 3, Episode 3

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Ask not for whom the bell tolls…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/D20_Buster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly I feel like this was one of my favorite episodes of critical role in total. I love this new campaign!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sockmonkey2878 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

For those who don't know, this is the Val Kilmer character Travis is referencing, though I think he's referencing a later scene.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fresno_Bob_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of my favorite endings in Critical Role history. Every cast member involved (and the crew who made those sounds and visuals possible!) was firing on all cylinders to deliver a truly memorable final scene

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CaduceusClaymation πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soraku392 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love Sam’s in character expression as FCG.

Smiley day there!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Squiggle_22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is Talisons character a little OP? Feels like he’s at a higher level with his damage and abilities.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Moist_Philosopher_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I misread this as The Trail and The Troll…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theIRLbard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
MATT: Hello, everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of Critical Role, where a bunch of us nerdy ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons. ALL: (hollering) We play Dungeons & Dragons! MATT: Like that, yeah. Before we jump into tonight's episode, we do have some announcements to get through, beginning with our first sponsor of the night, Hit Point Press! Sam! SAM: Hey, guys, remember that ad I did two weeks ago for Hit Point Press and their latest product, Fool's Gold: Into The Bellowing Wilds, based on the popular YouTube animated series by Dingo Doodles? This jungle-themed campaign setting uncovers the mysteries of the world's deadliest wilderness, where everything wants to kill you. Well, they're back and they have their own special minis to go along with the adventures, including the biggest baddest tarrasque I've ever seen. MATT: Okay, that's fucking awesome. SAM: Whoa, it's sharp. Ow, ow, ow. LAURA: That's huge! MARISHA: Is it heavy? MATT: I'm gonna keep it. SAM: It's heavy. Here, I'll pass it around. MATT: That's mine now. SAM: You can check it out-- You can check this out and more at Man, guys, Hit Point Press sponsoring the show twice in just three weeks? They must've-- okay, I have more bit to do, more bit to do. They must've just loved my Broadway musical as much as you all did. I mean, that standing ovation you guys gave me in episode one will stay with me forever. MARISHA: Wait, wait, what? I don't remember giving you a standing ovation. SAM: Sure, you did! You all stood up and applauded. Why I remember it like it was yesterday. (flashback music) (applause) MARISHA: Bravo! SAM: Thank you, thank you. MARISHA: Sam, you are the funniest person alive! SAM: Oh, thank you, guys. (laughs) (flashback music) MARISHA: Yeah, that's not how I remember it at all, actually. SAM: What? MARISHA: Yeah, in fact, as I recall... (flashback music) MARISHA: What the hell was that song? SAM: Well, it was a musical. I think it's ready for Broadway. MARISHA: Well, I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. (extended forced laughter) (extended forced laughter) MATT: (laughs) SAM: Marisha, you are the funniest person alive. (laughter) (flashback music) SAM: (scoffs) That does not sound like something I would say to anyone, but my own self in the mirror. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, I'm with Sam here. That's that's not how it went down. The way I remember it... (flashback music) (polite clapping) SAM: Oh, well, thank you for that polite applause. MARISHA: Yeah, it was a so-so bit. SAM: I guess so. (gasps) ROBBIE: Look out behind you! (grunting, battle noises) SAM: Robbie, oh my god, you saved me. You saved my life from an assassin attack. ROBBIE: It's all in a day's work. TRAVIS: Oh Robbie, you are the sexiest person alive. (sighs and whimpers) (flashback music) TRAVIS: Yep, that's how I remember it. (sounds of agreement) MATT: Pretty much, yeah. SAM: Well, I'm glad we got that all cleared up. Thanks to Hit Point Press and Matt, back to you. MATT: Thank you, thank you. And thanks to the second sponsor of this episode, Ravensburger, and their new title Echoes, an immersive audio series where players use a deck of illustrated cards and spine-tingling sound cues to complete a story and solve a mystery. All you have to do is install the app, scan the cards, and the sounds and illustrations bring the story to life. Right now you can choose from two stories to play as a group or solo, The Dancer or The Cocktail. And more stories will be released in 2022. So check it out now for yourself at That is and thank you so much for supporting our show, Ravensburger. SAM: (whispered) Announcements. MATT: Yes, there are more announcements, Sam. Thank you so much for joining us live on Twitch and YouTube. To join in our live and moderated community chat, please head on over to our Twitch channel. And I believe that's the last of our announcements, so-- (sounds of amazement) MATT: Well, to be fair, we had a lot to pick up on the first couple episodes. Now we're kind of at a decent pace, so thank you for your patience. LAURA: Oh no, I'm nervous again. MATT: But let's go ahead and jump into tonight's episode of Critical Role. MARISHA: We split the party! (yelling) MATT: And welcome back. (laughter) So, last we left off, this group of individuals, disparate lives and goals all brought together here in the city of Jrusar, managed to cross paths by a brief scuffle on the open streets outside the Spire by Fire tavern, caught the eye of Sir Bertrand Bell and as such offered to gain their trust and a possibility for paying work under Lord Eshteross. After an invitation by Bertrand Bell, you agreed to see it through and met with this elderly orc noble-like figure within his estate. There, he seemed interested, but wanted to test you, and by that, he attacked you. You all did battle with him in the middle of his fire-lit study, and seemed to prove yourself well against this orc-ish figure with a history of combat and mercenary work, and a heart dedicated to bringing justice and a modicum of good to a city that he sees fraying at the edges. Welcome back. SAM: Hi. I was distracted, I didn't have a pencil and I noticed that Ashley's not wearing any shoes. ASHLEY: Well. (laughter) SAM: She's like-- TRAVIS: What a betrayal. (laughter) SAM: Well, it's like that person on the airplane and you look over and you're like, "Oh, okay." ASHLEY: I wore flip flops today! (laughter) I'm sitting criss cross applesauce over here. You don't want to do that with flip flops. TRAVIS: (silly voice) Applesauce. ASHLEY: (silly voice) Applesauce! TALIESIN: This is what happens when you don't get a live count. ASHLEY: I'm not that person on the plane, by the way. LAURA: No, you're not. ASHLEY: Never, you know this, I wouldn't do it. MATT: After proving yourselves-- (laughter) MATT: -- capable in combat, Lord Ariks Eshteross wanted to see if you had the aligned interests and so he sent you on a brief mission to begin to seal this pact between you. He let you know that there had been some strange elements of thievery going on in one of the warehouses under Prudaj Textiles, one of the portions of the business that he oversees and looking into this, you met some of the interesting figures that watch this warehouse during the day, inspected some of the contents of these crates, where some of these thefts had happened and acquired some strange clues. After waiting outside to see who might leave, looking a bit dubious and a bit of questioning and mind probing and getting a read on a few of the members within, you waited to see who was exiting. After sending Orym in, invisible, sneaking in, as Danas, the managerial gnome, who seemed to be the most shifty of the group from your curious probing, began to dart off in a huff just as the sun was setting and the warehouse was closed. Locking you behind in a lightless space with a lot of the group in the alleyway behind it. Dorian left keeping watch on the front, as Bertrand Bell and Imogen both rush off to chase after Danas. So, where we come in, what is happening? (laughs) TALIESIN: How much time has passed so far? MATT: So far? Since what? TALIESIN: Since-- because we set up camp in back. How long have we been back there at this point? MATT: At this point you've been back there for, I'd say, about an hour or so. TALIESIN: I'm getting antsy. Okay. MARISHA: And we still have the drunk guy next to us, too, right? MATT: More or less, yeah. He is out. ROBBIE: And how long's Orym been in solo? LIAM: How long are we saying that I've been in the warehouse? MATT: You've only been there for maybe a minute. LIAM: So, an hour for them. Right, I've got-- MATT: You guys all set up and were keeping watch for a while, as the sun began to set, people begin to leave one after another and then once you're all situated for a bit, it wasn't until Danas went ahead and closed up, locked behind, and then bolted in which you two carried off after that, you stayed back, wanting to stay with the rest of the group. So you've been in there for just a couple of minutes, fumbling through the dark, as the oil lanterns had been completely closed off. It is a lightless interior in this warehouse LIAM: We should start with me because I'm the easiest to figure out. I'm just between some crates and a wall that I felt, and I've got my blade in hand and I can't see shit. And I am just listening for anything, be it my friends-- MATT: Didn't somebody bang on the door? LAURA: Yes, yes. TALIESIN: The back door? MATT: Yeah, the back door. LIAM: Right, Liam knows that was allies, but I just heard (banging). MARISHA: I messaged you, right? LAURA: Yes! Yes, and you got whispers. Yes, that's what happened. MARISHA: Whispers from me. Yeah. LAURA: (whispering) Yes. LIAM: Is that what happened? because I don't remember. MATT: That's where all of us began to talk in whispers. MARISHA: Yeah. LIAM: Oh, so I'm just thinking I'm-- Right. So I'm just terrified. MATT: Yeah, you were just scared. LAURA: But you got the message. ROBBIE: You're too far to communicate with each other now that you've taken off with Bertrand? LAURA: Yes. SAM: The back door team doesn't know that the front door team is in motion? MARISHA and ROBBIE: Full Frontal. MARISHA: Get it right. SAM: I'm sorry, I have it written down right here. (laughter) TRAVIS: Jesus Christ! Where is that hiding? Every time I come in here, I never see it. (chalk scratching) (horrified, pained yelling) MATT: No, no! TRAVIS: Fuck you! LAURA: (screams) Stop it, Sam! ROBBIE: That's horrible. LIAM: And-- ASHLEY: Ugh, that hurt my teeth. LIAM: Sorry, Freaky Friday, what was your information you passed on? TRAVIS and TALIESIN: "Freaky Friday." MARISHA: I think it was just: Hey, what's up? How's it going? I'm-- LAURA: No, you were telling him-- (laughs) MARISHA: Oh, I was like, "Full Frontal is gone." LAURA: Yes. MARISHA: But we're still here. LAURA: Because I told you mentally-- SAM: We should watch our show. (laughter) MARISHA: Well, that happened right before we ended. TALIESIN: Yeah, it was a fast roll. MARISHA: But I think I was like-- SAM: Check chat. MARISHA: Um, yeah. MATT: So. MARISHA: Dani! LAURA: We're fine. LIAM: All right, we're good? MATT: So are you just currently waiting for something to come through this door? LIAM: Yeah, I'm not doing anything. I'm listening for threat, and for anything coming up out of the ground or out of the ceiling. Not necessarily-- I mean, I'm listening for everything, but the walls and the doors are likely them. And anything coming up from below, that I can't anticipate, is bad. MATT: Fair enough. LIAM: That's where I'm at. So we'll figure out where everybody else is rotating. MATT: Team Back Door, what are you doing? MARISHA: Well. SAM: Yeah. ASHLEY: Should I keep-- TALIESIN: We know he's in there. ASHLEY: Should I keep-- I'm going to just start scratching on the door. MATT: You now hear-- TRAVIS: Goddamn it. MATT: (high-pitched scratching) MARISHA: Maybe we should check in with Dorian? TALIESIN: Send one person around to the front and come right back immediately. ASHLEY: Who wants to go? MARISHA I'll go. ASHLEY: Okay. (laughter) MATT: As you-- SAM: Why is she crawling? MATT: -- spider walk your way to the front of the building. ASHLEY: -- if she does this just walking normally. (laughter) MATT: Air biscuits. No, air biscuits are a different thing in the south. So you come around the corner and you see, standing nervously, Dorian. MARISHA: (harsh whispering) Dorian, it's Laudna! ROBBIE: Does she come out of the alley? MATT: Yeah. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh, jesus. MARISHA: Hello! ROBBIE: Hi. MARISHA: How are you? ROBBIE: I'm not so good! MARISHA: Oh. ROBBIE: They just took off, I'm by myself. MARISHA: What happened? Where did they go? ROBBIE: Someone came out of the door, and Bertrand and Imogen just took off after him and I don't know what to do. LAURA: (whispers) Her. LIAM: Danas is a her. LAURA: Danas? MATT: Her. ROBBIE: I'm so sorry. Yes, Danas. MARISHA: The little shifty one? ROBBIE: Yes, yes, they took off after her, and here we are. MARISHA: All right. Do you want to come join Team Back Door? It's quite fun back there. You shouldn't be up here alone. ROBBIE: I look around to make sure that no one is clocking the area or anyone's coming back, and I go: All right yeah, let's go. MARISHA: All right, all right, all right. ROBBIE: I'll come back with them. MATT: Okay, so as you head back to join Team Back Door, and you're waiting, hearing this odd scratching against the metal, Imogen, Bertrand Bell. TRAVIS: (laughs) (clears throat) MATT: Charging after this figure. One: I would like you both to make stealth checks. LAURA: Oh! TRAVIS: I'm feeling good. LAURA: Okay. MATT: Just to not be noticed from a very paranoid individual that you watch as they're darting quickly, as they're looking over their shoulders and ensuring they're not being followed. LAURA: 13. MATT: All right. TRAVIS: 19. TALIESIN: Oh shit. LAURA: Pretty spry for a-- TRAVIS: We should decide, as we follow, are we a pair or are separate? Should we take opposite sides of the street or should-- I throw my arm around her. LAURA: I move away from you and in your head, you hear: I don't know what the fuck we're doing, I just saw you run off and didn't think you should be by yourself. TRAVIS: Oh, I was-- we were following Danas. LAURA: Right, but should we really be--? Yeah, let's split up, opposites sides of the street. TRAVIS: We drift, opposite sides of the street. MATT: Right as this is happening, you watch as Danas stops in her stride and glances over to you, Imogen, and goes, "I'm terribly sorry, "we're closed for the night." SAM: (whispering) Oh, that's right, she knows. LAURA: Oh! Oh, it's you! I'm not at the-- Oh, you know what? We are really close to your business, aren't we? No, I'm just in the area. MATT: Make a deception check. ASHLEY: "I'm just in the area." ROBBIE: Just in the area. (laughter) SAM: It's an industrial part of town. LAURA: Yeah, I was just visiting, you know? Okay, okay, here we go. (gasps) Okay. (laughter) LAURA: 22. MATT: 22. TALIESIN and ROBBIE: Whoa! TALIESIN: All right. MATT: Danas looks at you for a second. You can see the eyes are wide and there's sweat dripping down the side of her temple, there's a little bit of a lip twitch to the side and occasionally is looking past you in the alley before going: "Right, well feel free to come by tomorrow "or later in the week, "but, unfortunately, we're done for the night. "If you're just wandering through--" LAURA: Just wandering through. MATT: "All right. Well, stay safe." LAURA: And you said not to come by until I talk to your employer. Do you remember what's going on? Are you okay? You seem a little frazzled. MATT: "Oh, well--" "I had to finish closing up, and you know, "the streets get a bit dangerous here at night--" LAURA: Oh, they do? MATT: "So I'm just "trying to make sure that I'm making my way home." LAURA: Do you need someone to walk with you? Because I don't want you to be unsafe. MATT: "I'm very used to this entire walk, "I take it every day, so--" LAURA: All right. MATT: "But thank you, I appreciate it." TRAVIS: I just keep walking, by the way. I just keep getting ahead of where that conversation is happening. MATT: You don't seem to gain her attention at all. "Right well, best of luck to you. "Do come by once you've spoken with--" LAURA: Most certainly, and thank you so much for your time today. MATT: "Of course, of course, have a good night." LAURA: You, too! MATT: Puts up a scarf over the head and then begins to, not a dart, but a quick walk and then gets a decent distance away and begins to speed up once more. LAURA: I'm going to stay a little further behind, and I'm just going to say to Bertrand in his mind: Keep a close watch because I'm going to be at a distance now. TRAVIS: Not a problem. LAURA: Just let me know which direction you're going. You know, mentally. TRAVIS: Like, I just think it? LAURA: Just tell me mentally. TRAVIS: Okay, straight ahead. LAURA: G-- Um-- All right. MATT: So you're staying at the-- LAURA: I'm going to stay out of sight of them and I'm just going to follow Bertrand's directions. MATT: But staying within mental contact with Bertrand. TRAVIS: Straight. LAURA: Which-- LAURA: Which is, like, miles. I can be four miles-- TRAVIS: Still straight. LAURA: I got it, Bertrand. TRAVIS: Can you hear me? LAURA: Yes, I can fucking hear you. Just-- (frustrated sigh) You gonna made me cuss. (laughter) MARISHA: "You gonna made me cuss." MATT: All right. Bertrand, I would like you to make a perception check for me, please. LIAM: "Turn left at the roundabout." MARISHA: (laughs) TRAVIS: 17. MATT: 17. TRAVIS: No modifier. MATT: You do watch, especially as, the end of day businesses are beginning to let out, and now some of the night shifts are shifting over, the energetic, social portion of the evening, is beginning to brim and come to life. You can see individuals who are getting dressed up to go out for a night on the town. You can see entertainers are starting to fill portions of the street. You can see a different wave of carts and knickknacks and different sellers, especially here in this portion of the Lantern Spire are beginning to set up. And you watch as Danas is just carefully darting through, just right of the street and would be hard to follow, but you have a keen eye. You followed some dangerous things in your past. TRAVIS: Indeed, just like the whispering werewolf from the north. (laughter) MATT: You hear him-- LAURA: What are you talking about? (laughter) TRAVIS: I'm so glad you asked! LAURA: What whispering werewolf? TRAVIS: You've probably heard of my adventures across many continents, but that was one of the beasts I slayed, the whispering werewolf. LAURA: I'll remember that, sorry. TRAVIS: Have you ever of the horrible hippogriff-- Oh shit, hold on. (laughter) Straight ahead. (laughter) Bearing right. (laughter) At the end of the road, turn 'round. MATT: Meanwhile, back in the warehouse, Orym. LAURA: (transition noises) MATT: I guess I should ask, has the scratching continued, or was that a brief beat? ASHLEY: I just made sure to go from the top of the door all the way down to the bottom. Very slowly. MATT: Just a long screech. ASHLEY: Yeah, I'm just tapping now. MARISHA: Fearne? ASHLEY: Yes? MARISHA: What are you doing? SAM: Oh, you're back! MARISHA: Oh yes, oh sorry! Hey, I found Dorian. ASHLEY: Oh, hi! He's a part of Team Back Door now. SAM: Welcome to the back door! How's it going up front? ROBBIE: Not so great, there is no more Team Us, Front Full People. SAM: Full Frontal? ROBBIE: Mm-hmm MARISHA: They left him! They just ran off! ROBBIE: No, no, they didn't exactly leave-- SAM: That's horrible! ASHLEY: Rude! ROBBIE: They were going to investigate-- Anyway, It's just us now. SAM: Investigate what? ROBBIE: Danas, she took off, and Bertrand and Imogen followed her, and I don't know. SAM: We didn't-- We're just letting them go without-- ROBBIE: I suppose? MARISHA: I have full confidence in Imogen. TALIESIN: Okay, okay, okay. New plan. I'm going to put my ear to the back door. Do I hear anything? MATT: Make a perception check. TRAVIS: (fart sound) MATT: I would like you to make a stealth check with advantage. LIAM: Natural 20 on the first. TALIESIN: Oh, well, never mind. LIAM: And 15 on the second. TALIESIN: Taking a-- I'm so sorry, it's a which check? Perception check? MATT: Perception, yeah. TALIESIN: 16. MATT: Nothing. Absolute silence TALIESIN: Okay. Do you have any way of making things quiet? Just bringing noise down. Anything? Anything? SAM: Not today. MARISHA: I don't think so. LAURA: (laughs) TALIESIN: Okay. SAM: Too many spells! MARISHA: I can make images that are quiet. TALIESIN: Can you make--? MARISHA: But not, you know-- TALIESIN: Images! ROBBIE: I can make things that are really, really loud as well. MARISHA: I can do that, too! TALIESIN: So can I, holy shit! MATT: (laughs) SAM: What are you trying to do? TALIESIN: Okay, Plan B. MARISHA: Wait, is this after Plan A? Are you abandoning Plan A? TALIESIN: Plan A is shit now; it's Plan B. MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: Wait, why is Plan A shit? TALIESIN: How many people were outside? How many people on the street? What did you see? ROBBIE: Oh, when I left my post? No one, no one. The coast was clear. TALIESIN: Okay, we're going to at the very least, the two of us, we're all going to go. It's time to do this. SAM: Go where? TALIESIN: We're going to go out front very casually, and we're going to get inside because this is taking too long and we've got a man inside. ASHLEY: Wait, but it's locked. People will see us going in. TALIESIN: Let me see what I can do about that. ASHLEY: Should we try to go in this door? TALIESIN: It's a loud door. Unless you can heat the lock or something? MARISHA: Well, we want to see if people come in, right? SAM: Is Orym in there? MARISHA: So why would we go in? ROBBIE: He is. MARISHA: (gasps) Are we the intruders? TALIESIN: We will be. That's the hope. MARISHA: Maybe this is a reverse timeline situation, you know, and it's like we're jumping back-- TALIESIN: Oh, for fuck's sake. MARISHA: -- and we're about to catch ourselves in the act! ROBBIE: I just want to get our friend. Let's go to the front. ASHLEY: Should I burn it down? The door? TALIESIN: Can you quietly melt? We're trying not to make noise. Does no one crime?! MARISHA: Oh, wait, hang on. If Orym is inside, why can't he just unlock it for us? SAM: Yeah, that's a great idea. ASHLEY: I've been trying to get his attention and he is not opening the door. MARISHA: Oh, wait, hang on. β™ͺ Orym? β™ͺ ALL: (creepy whispering) Orym. MARISHA: How's it going? Do you want us to come inside? ALL: (creepy whispering) Come inside. LIAM: I thought the idea was to wait and see what happened. MARISHA: Well, we've been waiting for like five minutes and nothing is happening. ALL: (creepy whispering) Time, death! LIAM: That's really not that long. MARISHA: How? Should we continue to wait or do you need assistance? ALL: (creepy hissing) LIAM: I think I'm good. How about you just freak me out if there's a problem? MARISHA: All right. ALL: (creepy whispering) All right. MARISHA: He's fine. SAM: Did you ask him to open the door? MARISHA: Well, I said-- "Can we open the door?" (laughter) MARISHA: And he said to stay outside. TALIESIN: If he's fine, I guess it's okay, but the longer this takes, the more that can go wrong. That's all I'm saying. MARISHA: I guess I'm still confused on the goal. SAM: I got to say, I'm with Laudna on this. What are we trying to achieve here? ASHLEY: Yeah, I think I lost track of why we're here. TALIESIN: The theory was to get in and take a look around-- SAM: But we're in. But it doesn't sound like-- TALIESIN: -- and see what we can find, But nothing is happening in there. (laughter) TALIESIN: Can't hear anything. Clearly there's nothing happening in there, there's nothing to listen to. SAM: But meanwhile, two of our associates are on a wild chase across town and we're just letting them go? TALIESIN: There is nothing else to be fucking done other than maybe speed this up. MARISHA: Imogen can handle herself, all right? Imogen's great. She's got everything totally in control. MATT: Speaking of which-- LAURA: Where the fuck am I?! (laughter) MATT: If you could make-- Make either a perception or investigation check with advantage, because you are getting guidance from Bertrand. LAURA: Perception or an investigation? MATT: Correct. This is glancing around the town and trying to discern streets in a rapid pace covered with people. You've been in this city for a little bit, but you don't know it that well. LAURA: 13. MATT: 13? Okay. That's not bad, actually. You almost get tripped up a couple of times, and some people, a couple of vendors rush out to you and try and catch your attention and you push it off, and as you're still pushing through it and focusing on Bertrand, you know, the whispers still peek in at the periphery a bit and you're having to keep them at bay, and as you continue onward, you can keep visual on Bertrand as you continue. LAURA: That's great because that's the only way I'm going to be able to keep mental stuff with you. TRAVIS: My knees feel like there are knives in them. God, I miss cartilage. (laughter) LAURA: Look, I can talk to you for three minutes max, if you're out of my sight. So every once in a while, just make sure that-- TRAVIS: Here look. I'll jump. LAURA: Oh god. TRAVIS: Ow. LAURA: I got you, I got you, just keep going. TRAVIS: Jump! LAURA: Bertrand. (laughter) TRAVIS: Bearing right. MATT: A short walk later, you watch, as you come to a familiar portion of the Lantern district-- or the Spire, where you see the very same Weary Way Tavern that you had previously stopped by. Danas rushes into. Now at this point at night, where the sun is predominantly gone and the orange and purple hues are transitioning now into deeper blues. And eventually the darkness of a star-covered nightscape. The interior is warmly lit, and you can see many patrons have now arrived and there is music emerging from the open front door space in a welcoming display. You can see there's a couple of dancers on stage that are in the process of doing this hearty jig performance. Most people seem either not drunk enough to be appreciating it or focused on the food in front of them, but it is a lively place with many different tables and spacious areas. And Danas just vanishes into the crowd from this distance. TRAVIS: Oh shit. My notes are so organized, but just for everyone else, did we stay at the Weary Way Tavern before or the Spire by Fire? TALIESIN: Spire by Fire TRAVIS: Got it. Okay. So Danas makes her way into the crowd. I'll push in and just try and keep eyes on, but I'll also pull the band out of my ponytail, let my hair go into my face a little bit, so I can mask the sides as I push through with my little shawl, try to get eyes on her. MATT: Okay, okay. TRAVIS: Just trying to keep eye contact. MATT: I'm here for the Pantene commercial. LAURA: I'm outside. Where did you go? Where'd you go? I don't see-- TRAVIS: Inside the Weary Way Tavern LAURA: Where? TRAVIS: Inside the Weary Way. LAURA: Oh, the tavern. SAM: We stayed there. We stayed at the Weary Way TRAVIS: We did, or the Spire by Fire? SAM: We drank at the Spire by Fire and had a fight there, but we stayed at the Weary Way. TRAVIS: We slept at the Weary Way, right? SAM: Yeah. TRAVIS: That's what I thought. TALIESIN: Oh, you're right, actually. I'm so sorry, you're absolutely right. SAM: Dani! TRAVIS: So it's somewhat familiar. ASHLEY: It is not Dani's fault. LAURA: It is not Dani's fault. TALIESIN: I have notes, I'm just not used to having good notes. LAURA: It's our fault. (laughs) MATT: It feels like it's been four weeks since last game. LAURA: I know! Why does it feel--? MATT: Because it's been a long week. TRAVIS: So since the hair's down, just as I'm looking for Danas also looking at the room real fast, just to see if there are any familiar faces, anybody that works for Lord Eshteross or anybody else that might be clocking me with this shaggy-- MATT: Make a perception roll for me. TRAVIS: Eugh! Six. MATT: Six. Glancing across this room, you have no gauge on Danas. There's probably about 40 or so patrons in this room and the room can hold well over a hundred comfortably. Well, not terribly comfortably, but functionally. Not a fire hazard, necessarily, but within the current group, you do not see a sign of Danas. TRAVIS: (whispered) Fuck. MATT: You can see there's the bar in the back. There's a number of alcove, bench seats that are situated. They are mostly full, a few that are empty. You can see there are two different staircases that lead to different portions of the upper inn area of the tavern. You can see a number of tables in the front where people are eating, laughing, some are doing some mild gambling with dice or cards. It is what you'd expect of a lively, cusp of night tavern atmosphere, but no sign of your quarry. TRAVIS: It's going, the music's going, so people aren't really checking-- I mean, it's a healthy vibe in the place, right? MATT: Yeah. TRAVIS: It's not quiet? Okay. Just simple process of elimination, I'll try and keep pushing towards the back of the tavern and also keeping my eyes on the two staircases just to see if she happens to move up. Just trying to get to the other side, see if I can see anything. MATT: Imogen, what are you doing? LAURA: I get to the outside of the tavern and I'm just going to stand on the outside. MATT: Okay. LAURA: I probably shouldn't follow you in here. I'm afraid she'll notice me again. TRAVIS: I can't see her. I lost her. LAURA: You've lost her? TRAVIS: Yeah, she's here. LAURA: I'm going to go around to the back of the tavern and see if maybe she cut through. MATT: Okay. You dart around the back of the tavern and check the alleyway. You can see there is an older half giant that's in the process of dumping rotted vegetables into this small trough-like container in the side. And begins mulching them, stops and looks up at you. "Can I help you?" LAURA: How do you get in here? I can't find the entrance anywhere. MATT: Back where you came, there's a big door. LAURA: Oh. Thank you so much. MATT: "You're welcome." LAURA: I'm going to turn around. MATT: He keeps crunching them. Yeah, no sign of Danas in the back. TRAVIS: Have you made your way in yet? LAURA: No, I was checking out the back. TRAVIS: Damn it. Fuck. LAURA: Bertrand, are you over at the staircases? I mean, did she maybe go upstairs? TRAVIS: I'm looking. Anything? MATT: Your eyes are scattered around the room-- TRAVIS: Fuck. MATT: -- but you're having a hard time focusing. TRAVIS: Meet me inside. Meet me at the bar. Use a code name. (laughter) TRAVIS: I'll be posted up. Try not to look like you're hitting on me. (laughter) LAURA: You just hear me sigh in your head. TRAVIS: Are you okay? (laughter) TRAVIS: (laughs) Do you need assistance? LAURA: I make my way inside. ALL: β™ͺ Making my way β™ͺ MATT: Are you trying to make an entrance, or are you trying to slink in? LAURA: I'm just going to try to slink in and also how do I avoid--? I'll just walk straight over to the bar. MATT: Are you doing anything to adjust your appearance? LAURA: No, I mean, I stayed here last night. I mean, I don't know, I have purple hair, you know? I'm pretty-- MATT: Well, to be fair, to be fair. There's a lot of varied people from all over Exandria here, people who, largely within the city, from all walks of life. It's a colorful crowd. So it's not like you stand out like a sore thumb, necessarily. LAURA: Okay, okay. TRAVIS: Bertrand is doing his best CIA thing. He looks like Val Kilmer in The Saint where he's being the French poet and the artist and he's like-- MATT: All right. (laughter) ASHLEY: What a reference. LIAM: The eld Witcher. MARISHA: Yeah. TRAVIS: What're you doing? LAURA: What're you talking about? TRAVIS: You don't have a disguise? LAURA: I don't have a disguise, Bertrand. Plus, I mean, it's a tavern. People come to drink. TRAVIS: Did you use my name? (laughter) LAURA: Barry. Barry? TRAVIS: Same letter? (laughter) TRAVIS: (sighs) LAURA: I start looking around. MATT: Make a perception check. (laughter) LAURA: Oh no. Three. MATT: Three. Looking around the room here, you do not have eyesight on anybody that looks or resembles Danas. Looks like your eyes have failed you. LAURA: I think we lost her. TRAVIS: All right. Well, you've got to work on your clandestine skills. LAURA: What are you talking about? TRAVIS: It's fine. LAURA: We should head back to the group. TRAVIS: What?! LAURA: Look, now we can tell them where to go, right? I mean, this is a new lead. Unless you want to hang out around the back? I'll go get the group, let them know what's going on. And-- Yeah, you just keep looking like yourself and make sure that, you know, she doesn't leave here. TRAVIS: I suppose you're right, young girl. LAURA: What are you doing? (laughter) MATT: Are you still looking around or are you just kind of--? TRAVIS: Yeah. MATT: Make another perception check. TRAVIS: Flipping on the radar baby. MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: 11. (radar ping) (laughter) TRAVIS: And the vibe at the same time, the hip out. (laughter) LIAM: Yeah, Chris Kristopherson. (laughter) MATT: As you flip your hair, on the left-hand side, as you entered, what would be the left-hand side of the Weary Way, you see one of those little alcove booth-like sections, there is a small figure that currently has their hands around a mug and is sitting there, looking out over the crowd nervously. That's all you can make out with an 11. TRAVIS: Hot, hot, hot! LAURA: What? What're you--? Why do you keep saying "hot"? TRAVIS: Eyes on target, on target. LAURA: What does that mean? TRAVIS: We have luck. I found her. Be cool, be calm. LAURA: Should I leave? Now that you know where she is? TRAVIS: Oh shit, this is the break we needed, Imogen. MATT: Imogen, make a stealth check to see if you're managing to not-- Because you're in the eye line of this particular booth that you have not noticed. ASHLEY: Be cool, hunny bunny. LAURA: No. Four. MATT: Four. Okay. That's all. TRAVIS: Okay. Is she over my back shoulder or-- Is she behind me? MATT: If you're at the bar and you're leaning on this arm, she would be over-- TRAVIS: Oh, I can see her? MATT: You can see her. TRAVIS: Don't turn around! LAURA: Don't turn around. TRAVIS: No, don't turn! (laughter) TRAVIS: She's in a booth at your six o'clock. LAURA: Should I--? Does she look like she sees me? Did she see me? TRAVIS: I'm looking at you, so-- LAURA: I know. Well, I'm leaning, I'm leaning, so you can look past me. TRAVIS: Stop moving your fucking head. No, look, every time you do that-- LAURA: Can you see? TRAVIS: -- you look more drunk than I do. MATT: Danas has moved from the booth, and has vanished from sight. SAM: Oh no. TRAVIS: Fuck! Come with me. Help me outside. LAURA: Oh, gosh! TRAVIS: Help me outside. LAURA: Oh Barry, you're getting-- TRAVIS: I'm going to be sick. LAURA: You're getting so drunk again. TRAVIS: Barry? LAURA: I don't know. MATT: Make a deception check, both of you. SAM: Oh god. (laughter) LAURA: The worst, the worst. MARISHA: It's, like, a 30 DC. There's no way. TRAVIS: I rolled so bad. TALIESIN: Get them all out of your system now. LAURA: What'd you get? TRAVIS: What'd you get? LAURA: I got a nine. TRAVIS: Five! (laughter) LAURA: I rolled a five! MATT: All right, so what are you two doing? LAURA: Well, he wanted to walk outside, so that's all we're doing. TRAVIS: β™ͺ Meet me outside, meet, meet me outside β™ͺ Yeah. LAURA: I think we're being kind of obvious. TRAVIS: Are we? LAURA: I say in your head. TRAVIS: We're going to plan to go out the back, but is there any sign of her up the stairs or up in the up door area? Up door? Upstairs. MATT: Not currently, no. TRAVIS: Fuck! SAM: Oh no. TRAVIS: Eyes towards the door? MATT: Eyes towards the front door, you mean? TRAVIS: Yeah, is she heading towards the exit? MATT: You do not see anyone heading towards the exit that looks like her. TRAVIS: I saw her for one second! Maybe let's go-- Is the booth empty now? MATT: It looks like the booth is empty, yeah. TRAVIS: Let's go check out the booth. LAURA: I go sit down like you're my dad taking me out for a nice evening of drinks. TRAVIS: I've been doing this for years. She could be invisible, so just act like you're going to sit down and maybe she'll be like, (squeaks). LAURA: So maybe on our way-- (laughter) TRAVIS: What's the matter? (laughter) LAURA: Maybe on our way to the booth-- (laughter) LAURA: We should just swing our arms around, just in case she's next to us. (laughter) SAM: This plan gets better and better by the second. You're going to just start pirouetting around the bar? (laughter) MATT: You're just like one of those kids in a dark wave dance night, just by herself in the middle of the dance floor. LIAM: She's going to do the Molly Ringwald. (laughter) LAURA: Just in case we catch her, you know. TRAVIS: Let's go. LAURA: Yeah, just walking. (laughter) MATT: As you both walk-- (laughs) -- walk past the bar, you see-- SAM: Wild and crazy guys! (laughter) MATT: There is a figure with a sloshing stein in their hand wearing work leathers-- LIAM: This is rough. MATT: -- a light gray skin with horns curled around their ears, shaved head. It looks like they've had a hard day's work, watching both of you and just-- And then moves away. TRAVIS: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Try the mead. MATT: You head to the booth? TRAVIS: Yep! MATT: And you just what, windmill in the space? TRAVIS: We get there and then we're like-- LAURA: Loosey-goosey, just swinging our arms a little harder than normally. MATT: All right. LAURA: As we walk over. MATT: Nothing catches your hands or arms. LAURA: Okay, well. TRAVIS: Is there a depression in the seat cushions of the booth? MATT: Make a perception check or investigation check, your choice. TRAVIS: 17! MATT: No, there are none. TRAVIS: 19, okay. LIAM: β™ͺ Don't be suspicious β™ͺ LAURA: β™ͺ Don't be suspicious β™ͺ TRAVIS: If I did an investigation, it would be 19. Any sort of business card that she dropped? I don't know, is there anything that looks like might've been from her? MATT: It looks like the mug that she was holding was left behind on the table, but that's it. MARISHA: Get a DNA sample. LIAM: This hound has got his teeth locked in. TRAVIS: All right, back to the others. LAURA: Yeah, sorry, Bertrand-- Barry. Sorry, Barry. MATT: Meanwhile, what are the rest of you doing? MARISHA: Ashton? TALIESIN: Yeah? MARISHA: You said you had a plan. TALIESIN: I do. MARISHA: What's your plan? TALIESIN: We go around the front. MARISHA: All right. TALIESIN: We open the door. MARISHA: Okay. TALIESIN: And we all go in, because clearly there's just nothing else happening, because half the group walked away. ASHLEY: How do we open the door? TALIESIN: I will try and pick the lock. MARISHA: Should I, once again, just have Orym open it for us, or are we like setting up a challenge for practice? TALIESIN: Oh, no, I keep forgetting you can talk to people. Maybe, yeah, maybe have him open the door. MARISHA: So, but here's my-- I think where I'm confused. Weren't we supposed to be seeing if someone came in the building? And if we're in the building, how do we see if someone comes in the building? TALIESIN: There was supposed to be someone out there and they decided to do this instead. ASHLEY: I wonder if someone-- Maybe it's not a good idea that we're all in the back, because what if someone walks in the front? MARISHA: Right. ASHLEY: And-- I don't know. MARISHA: So should we have a new front door team? Who's it going to be? SAM: Well, some folks should go in, so that Orym isn't alone in there, right? TALIESIN: That's my thought. ROBBIE: And we should investigate the space as well, right? SAM: And if you need someone to stay in the back, I don't mind doing that, if you want. TALIESIN: I'm going to need you for a second if we're going to pull this plan off. MARISHA: Can you see in the dark? TALIESIN: I don't know. Can I? MATT: It'd be under senses, I do not believe you can. TALIESIN: I don't think I can. I'm pretty sure I can't, but I've got a light. I keep a light in my bag. MARISHA: Well, I have pretty good vision. TALIESIN: You do? MARISHA: Yes, in darkness. TALIESIN: Clearly. Okay, yeah! MARISHA: So maybe I can go inside. TALIESIN: That's a good idea. MARISHA: And then we'll take it from there. TALIESIN: And then we'll have two people inside, ASHLEY: I think that's a great plan. TALIESIN: Someone on the front, someone on the back, everything should be fine. MARISHA: We're just covering all of our bases. SAM: Who's staying in the back? TALIESIN: Probably be the two of us, and put you back in the front, ASHLEY: We'll go in the front. TALIESIN: Yeah. ASHLEY: Okay. TALIESIN: Less suspicious, somehow. I don't understand why, SAM: So you're going in solo? MARISHA: Well, I'm not solo; Orym's in there. SAM: With Orym. MARISHA: Yes, yes. SAM: Okay, okay, okay. Okay, great, good luck. MARISHA: Orym! ALL: (whispering) Orym. LIAM: I'm going to get used to this. Yes? MARISHA: Would you open the door? ALL: (whispering) Door. TRAVIS: (whispering) Pull your skin off. LIAM: Yeah, just one second. MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: The back door. LIAM: I will move towards where I heard the scratching on the door. MARISHA: Okay. MATT: Okay. LIAM: Do I find it? Do I have to search for it? MATT: I will say, with a little bit of time. You're aware of the surroundings. You were in here earlier when it was lit, so it doesn't take you too long to get there. Yeah, you do jam your leg a little bit. You do get to the door and you reach it, and you see there is an area where a handle is. And as you tug, it doesn't move. And you guys, if you recall, the back door is-- LAURA: It's sealed. MATT: It's sealed. TALIESIN: Sealed. ASHLEY: Maybe tug it a little harder. LIAM: Oh, hey. TALIESIN: The other door was working-- MARISHA: Maybe it pushes in. Does it push, or do we pull? SAM: Let's just go to the front door. LIAM: I know how to use a door, it's locked. ROBBIE: Orym, all you all right? Can he hear us through the door? MATT: Very, very faintly now that you're all right up against it. ROBBIE: Are you okay in there? LIAM: I can't see anything, but nothing's happening. SAM: Yeah, let's go on the front door and give-- ASHLEY: But why is the door sealed? MARISHA: Exactly! ASHLEY: That's weird. LIAM: They locked it up because business is done for the day. ASHLEY: No, they would seal it up? MARISHA: No, it's sealed from the outside. ROBBIE: The door is sealed, but is there a gap in the bottom? Like, in the bottom of the door, like a normal door? SAM: I thought you said last time there was no gaps. ROBBIE: No gaps at all? LIAM: That's right, it was all-- MATT: It was a barn sliding door that has been sealed and welded against it. SAM: Let's just go in the front door. MARISHA: All right. Orym! ALL: (whispering) Orym. LIAM: Yeah? (coughs) MARISHA: Should we try the front door? ALL: (whispering) Door. SAM: (whispering) Kill. LIAM: What was that last part?! MARISHA: I just asked if you could to try the front door. LIAM: On my way. MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: Okay. We'll go up front. MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: I'll come with you. Are you okay back here? LAURA: Do you have Message or Sending? TALIESIN: We're fine. MARISHA: Message. TALIESIN: Make some noise. If you hear noise, we'll come rushing in. ASHLEY: We'll holler, okay. MATT: All right, so the rest of your Team Back Door heads to the front door? MARISHA: Yeah, yeah, yeah. ROBBIE: All of us? LIAM: The three of you. ASHLEY: I think you're staying in the back. Or do you want to come in the front? MATT: Every time. SAM: I'll stay in the back with Ashton. MATT: Don't know why. SAM: As you go I'll say: If anything happens back here, I'll send you a feeling. MARISHA: Oh! That's so sweet. SAM: Oh, and also, I'll just cast Guidance in case you need it for the next minute or so. MARISHA: That's a good feeling. SAM: Yeah, it is. All right. MARISHA: All right. MATT: Okay? TALIESIN: Hustle, hustle. MATT: So you all to make it back to the front door. As you're fumbling through back to the front portion of it, where the door is there, and you can, I'd say make an investigation check for me. LIAM: Sure. MATT: With disadvantage because you're dealing without any vision here. LIAM: Real bad, yeah. Real bad. That is four. MATT: You find the door, but you are not quite sure how the mechanism that locks and bars this door functions. You don't know where there would be a turn portion or a knob, or a slide that gets it open. It's just barred and you're not quite sure how to undo it. LIAM: I don't think I can reach the-- You're going to have to open it from your side. MARISHA: Oh. Shit. ASHLEY: Okay, I'm going to-- Yeah. MARISHA: Try the door. MATT: Make a strength check for me. TRAVIS: Is that what that was? (laughter) LIAM: Roll high. TALIESIN: This is what I've been waiting for. This is everything I've been waiting for. MARISHA: Okay, with Guidance. SAM: With some Guidance. MARISHA: This is straight-- Oh wait, wait, wait. MATT: Just the strength modifier, yeah. MARISHA: It's cocked. Okay, so, because here's my question. (laughter) TRAVIS: Always a good sign. MARISHA: Okay, okay. That is-- It's a che-- Just-- Not a saving throw? MATT: Correct. MARISHA: Even though they're the same. Okay, so, that is 19 total, minus three. LAURA: Whoa! SAM: Pretty good, pretty good. MARISHA: So, 16. MATT: Okay, not bad, not bad. As you pull on the door, you watch as the muscles tense and your shoulders pop out of the socket slightly from the pull. And as you focus even harder, there's this odd, magical darkness that swells around the muscles in the shoulder and reinforces as you tug once more and the door kind of-- (grinding) It doesn't open entirely, but you can see the metal on it bends a bit. And whatever mechanism is holding it shut appears to be somewhat damaged and lessened in its strength. SAM: Nice. MARISHA: But I didn't open it? MATT: Mm-mm, it's still barred. MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: Okay, so it's barred. It's barred? Is it barred from the inside? TRAVIS: It was. ASHLEY: It was barred. MARISHA: I just pop my shoulder back in the socket. All right, well, ASHLEY: Okay, is it locked? (laughter) MATT: It appears to be locked and barred, yeah. ROBBIE: I am frantically looking over my shoulders while these two fucks-- MATT: Make a perception check. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. It's a perception-- just straight 14. MATT: 14, okay, glancing around, nobody seems to have currently gained any attention, though there was some noise from the pulling of the door and the knocking and such upon arrival. So who knows how long it'll be, but currently you feel no prying eyes. MARISHA: Did Ashton come up to the front? TALIESIN: No. TALIESIN: Did we hear it in the back, the noise? MATT: You would have heard the-- (low impact) TALIESIN: Oh, for fuck's sake! SAM: They're trying their best. MARISHA: I do have a lock picking kit. ASHLEY: Okay. MARISHA: It's not my forte. ASHLEY: Well-- MARISHA: But I could try. ASHLEY: -- you could give it a try. You've already-- MARISHA: I could give it a try! ASHLEY: -- used your superhuman strength. MARISHA: That was amazing. ASHLEY: That was really cool. MARISHA: I've never felt so strong. ASHLEY: Oh my gosh, that was just so neat. MARISHA: Oh, thank you. All right. ASHLEY: Okay, I think you should try it. Oh, you're not here. MARISHA: I crack my fingers a little bit. MATT: Okay. MARISHA: Is there-- does it have a lock that's pick-able? MATT: It does have a lock that would be pick-able, yes. MARISHA: All right, all right. MATT: And it looks like the damage to the door may have done good to it, may have done bad to it, you're not sure, it did something. It may have hindered or helped your attempt. But if you want to go ahead and attempt to pick the lock. ASHLEY: I'll try to hide her with my body. MATT: Okay. ROBBIE: Shoulder to shoulder, for sure. ASHLEY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, nothing's happening here. ASHLEY: Yes, no, no, no. MATT: You got it. ASHLEY: Nothing to see here! MATT: All right. TRAVIS: Real tall, and leaning right up by the door. MATT: Are you proficient in lock picking? MARISHA: I'm not proficient, no. MATT: You just have them? MARISHA: I just have them. MATT: Okay, so just go ahead and roll a d20 and add your dexterity modifier. MARISHA: All right. MATT: As an ability check. MARISHA: Not that one, this one. MATT: You do not have Guidance. MARISHA: I do not have-- Natural 20! ASHLEY: I thought that's what it was. MARISHA: That's a natural 20! MATT: That's great, plus? MARISHA: Plus two, so 22. MATT: 22, as you get down there with the lock picks, it's still a larger opening for the lock there, and you can see inside some of the springs are already busted, and whatever created this latching bar mechanism that closes this warehouse is partially damaged, and as you get the lock pick in there, it's not quite going to get what you want, but your finger can get inside. MARISHA: I was going to say, I just slide my fingernail up a little bit in its bed to give it a little bit more length. MATT: You find that one last little metal tumbler, and as you pull on it, as you retract the finger on the inside of the lock-- (ching, grinding) You hear the rest of it slide open and the door (creak). LIAM: Oh good-- Oh my god! (laughter) MARISHA: It's good to see you. How's it going? Are you having fun? LIAM: Uneventful. MARISHA: This is going to be fun, come on. LIAM: Come on in, I'll show you the place. ROBBIE: In or out, in or out, let's go! MARISHA: All right, all right, all right, good luck. ROBBIE: And I'm going to shut the door behind us. MATT: Okay. LAURA: Are you in or out? SAM: Who's in, yeah? MARISHA: They're out, and we're in. SAM: Did you go in? ROBBIE: I went in. MARISHA: Oh, you went in? Okay. MATT: Okay, Dorian's in. Are you out? LIAM: You're the one who could see, right? ASHLEY: I'll stay outside, I'll stay outside. I'll stay outside and I'll watch. MARISHA: All right. ASHLEY: Go get some stuff. MARISHA: I'll scrape in the door. ASHLEY: You'll scrape and I'll know that it's you. MATT: All right, both of you. (laughter) You can hear it faintly, and you guys are listening for it, so you can hear the sounds of the door opening and then closing again. LIAM: Just trading places. SAM: Ashton? I feel like we should split up, just you and me. Just go two different directions. I don't know why, it just feels like that's what we're doing today. (laughter) I'm just kidding. TALIESIN: No, I respect the urge. Yeah, these people. Okay, okay. Something happened over there, and we're not hearing-- Have you heard a creepy voice in your head? SAM: No, no, not at all. Not in a while, anyway. They have good instincts, though. They just need a little bit of guidance and help, focus. TALIESIN: They got the door open, apparently. I've heard they got the-- MATT: Yeah. TALIESIN: (exhale) Let's just keep a lookout, put our ears to the wall. I feel like they're going to fuck something up. SAM: Yeah, you're right. LIAM: Has the plan changed? MARISHA: Um. LIAM: What are we doing? MARISHA: You know, I'm not entirely sure what the plan was-- ROBBIE: I don't think we ever knew what the plan was, no. MARISHA: -- from the beginning. So it just feels like we're making it up as we go. ROBBIE: Oh, it is dark in here. MARISHA: Yes. I'm going to pull out my Moon-Touched scimitar and it lights up. SAM: Hey. TALIESIN: Oh! ROBBIE: Better. SAM: Took two episodes to get a light in there. TALIESIN: Long walk, long walk. MATT: But you got there, you got there. LIAM: Thank you. TRAVIS: Level three be damned. (laughter) MARISHA: (chanting) Level three! LIAM: You want to just sit and wait? I mean, that was the first idea. MARISHA: Right. LIAM: But is this a new idea? ROBBIE: You said you found something in here that seems suspicious, or--? LIAM: No. Oh, earlier? Yeah. ROBBIE: Yes! LIAM: Yes, like a residue of something. ROBBIE: Do you think there's more to investigate in this space? Should we look around? MARISHA: Maybe we should investigate? LAURA: Brumestone residue. LIAM: Brumestone reside? LAURA: Brumestone. LIAM: Did I know that, though? LAURA: Yes. ASHLEY: You did. SAM: I told you. LAURA: We knew. LIAM: Okay. TALIESIN: Brumestone. MARISHA: Well, I'm going to take a look around. LIAM: Okay. ROBBIE: Oh boy. MARISHA: I haven't been in here yet, it's nice. MATT: So who's doing what? ROBBIE: I'll stick with Orym since we can see together if he stays close enough. MATT: Okay. ROBBIE: And you can see in the dark, right? MARISHA: I can see in the dark, so I'm going to do a perimeter pass and just look around, see if I can find any things that look like it could be hidden entrances, or weird ventilation shafts we didn't really notice before, ways that people could maybe get in. MATT: Make a perception or investigation check. MARISHA: Okay. LIAM: And, you know, if you need anything, just do the terrible thing again and we'll come. MARISHA: What? What terrible thing? LIAM: Uh. As you were. MARISHA: All right. MARISHA: Okay, I'm no longer guided or blessed? MATT and SAM: No. MARISHA: That was just once. SAM: Just for that one time. MARISHA: 14. MATT: 14. You-- And it takes a little bit of time to do a thorough scan of the chamber, but looking around, aside from the storage boxes and crates, and you do see the same crates that you had managed to uncover that are still all the lids have put back onto them loosely. It confirms what they had previously seen as they were entering the warehouse and looking about, but no signs of any sort of hidden entrances, doorways. MARISHA: Are there any desks around? Paperwork? MATT: Not within this main room, but there are a couple of other chambers, if you want to go ahead and explore. MARISHA: Yeah, let's check out other chambers. MATT: Okay, in the interim, what are the rest of you doing? ASHLEY: I'm going to take out my pan flute and just lean up against the outside of the door, and just start playing. MATT: Okay. ASHLEY: My pan flute. MATT: Okay, very nice. ASHLEY: (whistles) MATT: You guys can hear the pan flute. ASHLEY, MARISHA, and SAM: β™ͺ Hoot! β™ͺ ASHLEY, LAURA, and ROBBIE: β™ͺ Hoot! β™ͺ TRAVIS: Hoot! MARISHA and TALIESIN: Okay. TALIESIN: Is there anything around right now? It's pretty quiet back here? MATT: Pretty quiet, the drunk guy is starting to rouse a little bit. He's like (groans) TALIESIN: Mind if I have a sip? I'm just going to-- He's got a bottle, right? He's got something or no? MATT: He looks like he does. You go and grab for it. He isn't reacting to you doing so, and it is empty. TALIESIN: Oh fuck. MATT: He just slowly gets back up and kind of hobbles off and wanders out of the alley and back into the rest of the city. TALIESIN: I'm kind of rooting for him. SAM: Yeah, I mean, I hope he does something with his life. TALIESIN: He's living his best life, that's fine. SAM: You think that's his best life? TALIESIN: Sadly, I do. SAM: Hmm. I don't know, I don't know about that. TALIESIN: You know, aim low. SAM: Oh, I don't know about that, either. (laughter) I feel like he might have a lot more to accomplish than just being a waste of space who's just drinking his troubles away. TALIESIN: Oh, that's not necessarily a waste of space. I mean, that's a person going through shit, probably. I mean, what do you imagine? Bring it, bring it, tell me. SAM: For that fellow? TALIESIN: For that fellow. SAM: Well, just what do I imagine his life could be? TALIESIN: Yeah, I'm bored, please. SAM: Well, I just feel like he needs something in his life. TALIESIN: Hmm. SAM: The problem that I find with-- not the problem, I don't want to be insulting or anything, but the issue that I find with some of you soul-touched creatures-- TALIESIN: Sure. SAM: -- is that you always know what you want, you know? But you don't always see what you need. TALIESIN: Huh. SAM: And I feel like he might just need some help seeing what that is. TALIESIN: So like a hobby, or something like that? SAM: Yeah, an interest, an inspiration. TALIESIN: Huh. SAM: Like, for instance, for you, like, what is the thing that you're trying to get to, that you think that you want, maybe? TALIESIN: That's a very interesting question. Self-reliance. A certain amount of freedom to move about. SAM: Those are good goals. It seems like you have a lot of that already. TALIESIN: I've got some of it. I've got some of it. It's complicated. SAM: You're not free to move around? TALIESIN: Well, you know. SAM: I don't. TALIESIN: I've got some debts. SAM: Oh. TALIESIN: That hang over, and that's what the money's about, honestly. SAM: That's why you're always asking for jobs and whatnot? TALIESIN: I got some stuff I'm working through. I'm working through it, I'm working through it. SAM: No, one step at a time, that's fantastic that you're working through it. TALIESIN: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. SAM: But it's the debts? It's the money thing? TALIESIN: It's the money. Well, it's money, it's favors, and, you know, some reputation issues. You know. I can be difficult with people. SAM: No! TALIESIN: Really. SAM: No, you're great. TALIESIN: I appreciate that, but to be fair, I haven't hit you yet, like in intense anger with a giant hammer. SAM: That's true. That glass hammer does look pretty intimidating. TALIESIN: It does. If it makes you feel better, you're just too adorable to smack with that thing. SAM: Well, I appreciate that, but-- TALIESIN: Or if we did, it would be like, you would get to hit me again. It would be something like that. SAM: Oh, I don't know if I could do that. TALIESIN: I keep seeing you try and use that buzz saw and I was just-- God, I'm rooting for you. SAM: Yeah, yeah, well. I'm just going. SAM: I feel like I'm a little too low. MATT: So as the conversation goes on and the sunset turns into night, LAURA: Uh oh. SAM and TALIESIN: Oh no. MATT: The stars beginning to peek through the sky, TRAVIS: Fucked up now. MATT: Inspecting the interior of this warehouse, you begin to look about, and most of the small chambers here look like break rooms and some side storage spaces that aren't currently being utilized, because it isn't a very full warehouse and a small office. MARISHA: I could put a little cot right here, actually. MATT: There is an office door that is locked. MARISHA: Ooh! Ooh. Lock picks. MATT: Go ahead and roll a d20 and add your dexterity modifier. MARISHA: Come on. Oh, not as good, not good this time. Nine. MATT: Nine. (clicking) It's not budging. Right at this time, Bertrand Bell, Imogen. SAM: Oh, yes. MATT: You've returned to the warehouse to find the exterior-- LAURA: Oh wait, we were both heading back? TRAVIS: Yeah. LAURA: Oh, I thought you were going to stay there. TRAVIS: I was, but fuck it. (laughter) MATT: You both return to the warehouse. TRAVIS: Do you want to stay? LAURA: No, no, no. MATT: As you arrive, you turn and Bertrand's there behind you. And you're surprised to see that he-- LAURA: I thought you were staying behind, Bertrand. TRAVIS: I thought you said, "Come, Barry, follow me. "We're going back to whatever the--" No? LAURA: Where is everyone? ASHLEY: (flute whistling) MATT: You hear the pan flute. ASHLEY: (flute whistling) Hi! LAURA: That's lovely. ASHLEY: Thank you, I was just passing the time. So Team... Back Door sort of became Full Frontal, and now they're inside. LAURA: Okay. ASHLEY: A couple of them are also in the back, and I'm just keeping watch in the front. LAURA: Oh, all right. Well, we followed Danas, the boss lady. ASHLEY: Yes, yes. LAURA: We followed her all the way to the Wayward Tavern? TRAVIS: Weary Way. LAURA: Weary-- TRAVIS: Way. LAURA: Weary Way. ASHLEY: The Weary Way. LAURA: And we lost her in there, but she was in there, and then she saw us. TRAVIS: Nope, no, what? LAURA: I mean, did she see us? TRAVIS: I don't think so, no. I mean, we were being pretty sly. ASHLEY: Okay. TRAVIS: Yeah. ASHLEY: I hope she didn't see you. LAURA: Yeah. TRAVIS: She was hard to follow. LAURA: She was hard to follow. I kind of lost focus in there and I apologize for that. TRAVIS: It was a bit of amateur hour. We fucked up in there, but it's okay. At least we know where she went. She had a corner booth-- ASHLEY: Listen, I will not judge at all. I know this is-- TRAVIS: Where's everyone else? ASHLEY: Inside. TRAVIS: Oh, good. ASHLEY: Yes. Ashton and Fresh Cut are in the back. LAURA: Should we move away from the front door, perhaps, just in case someone does get here and then they see us standing here? ASHLEY: I open it. You can go in. We can all go in. (laughter) LAURA: Oh, well. ASHLEY: I can still stay outside. LAURA: No, I mean-- TRAVIS: I can stay, you go. I look-- I've made myself-- ASHLEY: Oh, you look very different. (laughter) ASHLEY: Should we go inside? LAURA: Sure. Are you sure, Barry? Bertrand? TRAVIS: Yeah, I can do a bird call, if someone comes. (caws) LAURA: Oh, all right. Or you can-- Okay, are you going to be across the street keeping an eye? How are we going--? TRAVIS: I'll surprise you. LAURA: I'm going to have Laudna send a message to you every once in a while, just to make sure that you're safe, all right? TRAVIS: And I'll do the same thing where I just inform her of my position every, how often? Five seconds, okay. LAURA: Okay, yeah, actually, do keep me posted because we can talk for a few minutes at least. TRAVIS: Sitting down. ASHLEY: Every five seconds feels a bit excessive. TRAVIS: I'm sitting down. LAURA: All right. TALIESIN: I think at this point, the two of us come running around the other side, because there was a weird fucking sound that just happened. SAM: I thought I heard a bird. TALIESIN: What the fuck was that? SAM: It sounded like a big bird. LAURA: That was-- TRAVIS: I'm in disguise. SAM: Oh, all right. LAURA: We're going inside. SAM: You're going inside? LAURA: I don't even know what's happening. LIAM: Did you want to get in there? MARISHA: Into this door? LIAM: Yeah. MARISHA: Yeah, I think this is an office or something. Maybe we could find some papers. LIAM: I have a pick too. Step back. MARISHA: Oh, really? LIAM: I slash the lock. MATT: (laughs) Go ahead and make an attack roll. MARISHA: You slash the door, is that what you said? LIAM: And I'll make it a disarming attack. That's a 10 plus-- That's a 16 to hit the door. MATT: Yeah, it definitely hits. LIAM: Okay, that is-- MATT: Go ahead and roll damage. LIAM: -- 12 plus my superiority, 17 points of damage. MATT: (impacts) The lock (creaks, thuds). MARISHA: Oh, that was cathartic. LIAM: (thunk) Do your thing. MARISHA: Let's go. Are you coming, or are you going to stay? LIAM: You watch her, I'll watch you and the room? ROBBIE: We'll all watch each other, it'll be great. MARISHA and ROBBIE: All right. LIAM: Just keep that sword out. ROBBIE: Sure. LAURA: It's really dark in here! MARISHA: Oh, Imogen? Imogen! LAURA: Hello? LAURA: I'm right-- ASHLEY: Oh boy. LAURA: I'm by the door. MARISHA: Good, are you okay? Glad to have you back. LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: Good, good. MATT: Well-oiled machine. ROBBIE: Stay together. You guys hold hands or something. I'll go get them. ASHLEY: Okay. ROBBIE: Run through the darkness. Hello. LIAM: Okay, let's go. MARISHA: Let's hold hands, while we investigate. MATT: (laughs) LIAM: With the sword out. MATT: It is a relatively small chamber. It's about 10 by seven feet. You can see there are a couple of small tables and a roll top desk that is currently closed. MARISHA: Gorgeous. MATT: That's it. MARISHA: You know, I had one of these desks in one of the cabins that I used to live in along the way, and it was just abandoned, and I fixed it up a little bit. Put a nice little stain on it. These things, they don't make them much any more. LIAM: No. MARISHA: All right. LIAM: Do you see anything? MARISHA: Uh-huh, yeah, it's a roll top desk right here. LIAM: Okay. MARISHA: What else do I see? Oh, wait, you said a desk, the other stuff? MATT: Two other small tables. It looks like they have some scraps of material on them. A couple of small tools. MARISHA: I'm going in the desk. LAURA: Are you in the room too? MATT: Make an investigation check. ROBBIE: I'm making my way through the larger-- TRAVIS: β™ͺ Makin' my way! β™ͺ ROBBIE: -- factory toward you so you guys can see. LAURA: Oh, you know what? ROBBIE: I'm running toward you with light. LAURA: As you do that, I'm going to cast Dancing Lights. SAM: Oh, great. TRAVIS: Slick. LAURA: But I like-- That's a really neat trick you got. ROBBIE: Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll put it back and I'm going to scamper back toward Orym to see what they're doing. LAURA: I always forget I can do this. MARISHA: 12, that's all right. ASHLEY: That's very cool. MATT: 12. MATT: Looking through the interior of this desk, you find there are ledgers and collective books you find there are ledgers and collective books marking ins and outs within the warehouse, dates and materials delivered, materials distributed. It's a fairly by-the-book breakdown of the passage of materials in and out of the Prudaj Textures warehouse. It looks like there have been a couple of mentions of missing materials, but it's been heavily-- Make an intelligence check for me. MARISHA: Does it looks like it's been doctored or something? SAM: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. MARISHA: Just straight intelligence check? MATT: Yes. MARISHA: What is my intel-- okay. Oh, yikes. That's a two, for a three total. MATT: Oof, okay. There's something about it that just looks a little off, and you're not sure why. LIAM: What does Laudna's hand feel like? MATT: What does your hand feel like, Laudna? MARISHA: Cold, a little clammy. LIAM: Like, how cold are we talking about? MARISHA: Like, unnaturally cold. LIAM: Okay. MARISHA: Like a little-- LIAM: So like you're walking in from being out in the winter weather for a bit? MARISHA: Yeah, like someone who has really bad, like me, someone who has really bad circulation, and it's really a little ever so slightly tacky feeling. LIAM: Okay, okay, okay. MARISHA: A little porous. SAM: Oh wow. LAURA: As we wander into the room, I'm going to say: So-- MARISHA: Yeah, yeah. LAURA: So Bertrand and I followed Danas and she's over at the Way-- MATT: Weary Way. LAURA: The Weary Way. She's over at the Weary Way Tavern. We lost her, but, you know, I remember Mr. Eshteross said that what he wanted more than anything was us to take care of the source of the problem, and it very much seemed like she was the source. MARISHA: Source of the problem, all right. SAM: Did you have any idea where she was headed next? LAURA: No, and we lost her, but maybe if we head back over there we could track her down. LIAM: Orym starts flipping through that book. MARISHA: Yeah, it looks-- You're smart. LAURA: Oh, I've got-- here. MARISHA: Looks like it's like a-- LIAM: Oh, thank you. LAURA: I just drift some-- MARISHA: Look at those lines. It looks like it's smudgy almost, like it's not right. MATT: Make an invest-- well, for you it'd be an intelligence check to discern the-- ASHLEY: I'm going to peer over the top of Orym's head. LAURA: The lights spark and flicker above you. LIAM: Am I doing intelligence or investigation? MATT: Intelligence. LIAM: 19. MATT: It looks like there have been initial findings in one handwriting, and then it looks like it's been smudged and then rewritten to downplay the amount of goods that are missing. LIAM: You're saying two different scripts? MATT: And multiple different dates over time. Whenever there's any sort of indication of theft, it looks like there has been intentional use to downplay the amount or retroactively alter the information. LIAM: Okay, it's an inside job. LAURA: Yeah, and can we find anything else that has this secondary handwriting on it to prove that it's actually Danas making those notes? ASHLEY: That's such a good idea. MARISHA: I could keep looking through the desk, I guess. MATT: I will say, because you are there, and the desk at your disposal, there are a number of essentially invoices there are a number of essentially invoices that have been signed off for other vendors and distributions by Danas and the handwriting does match. LAURA: So we take both of these books, worst case scenario, we can take these back to Mr. Eshteross and get 150 gold for finding the source. MARISHA: Right. LAURA: We could, however, go over to the Weary Way Tavern and see if we can track her down and maybe take her out, or take the source out, whatever it is. I'm not saying take her out-out, but maybe like-- SAM: For stealing some wool and linen, you want to kill? I'm just joking. ASHLEY: We could take her. We can take her-- LAURA: Take her out of the tavern-- ASHLEY: -- to Eshteross. LAURA: And bring her. MARISHA: And interrogate her! LAURA: Sure, or stop her sources or something. TRAVIS: Sitting in the street. LAURA: She did look-- (laughter) Mr. Bertrand is sitting in the street. (laughter) MARISHA: Is that safe? It's fine, it doesn't matter. ASHLEY: He's probably going to fall asleep. LAURA: He looks really disheveled. LIAM: Somebody should look into-- LAURA: I don't remember what I was thinking. SAM: Well, we have evidence now. LAURA: We do have evidence-- oh, that's what I was going to say. She seemed distraught when I ran into her, when I talked to her on the street. She seemed like, I don't know, like she was in trouble almost. SAM: Was she carrying anything, like it was a delivery or something? LAURA: Not that I noticed. ASHLEY: Like maybe someone's making her do this. LAURA: Maybe someone's making her do it, so if we follow her, maybe we can find out the greater source, you know? ROBBIE: We could confront her with this. It's a smoking gun. LAURA: That's true. Take this. MARISHA: You are brilliant. ASHLEY: And take an invoice. LAURA: Yes. ASHLEY: So we can show her. LAURA: Yeah, I'll fold up an invoice, put it in the thing, put it in my bag. MATT: Okay. LIAM: And you saw her at the Weary Way? LAURA: Yeah. LIAM: And that's where you left her? LAURA: Yes, that's where we lost track of her. LIAM: Okay. MARISHA: Maybe the Weary Way is in on it. LAURA: I get really uncomfortable in taverns, you know, I start feeling funny and I don't know, I just lost focus and I apologize, Mr. Bertrand, again. SAM: Only in taverns, or is it a specific thing with taverns, or--? LAURA: It's crowds. SAM: Crowds? MARISHA: It's all right, it's all right. LAURA: Yeah. Anyway, do you think we should head out, maybe, and get out of here? LIAM: Well, it seems like we have enough for part of the job. Question is, do we want to settle for that, or do we want to try to wrap the whole thing up? TALIESIN: I'm hanging out, watching all this, I assume. Can I find an address for Danas? Is there anything around that's got an address on it or anything like that? MATT: Make an investigation check. TALIESIN: Natural 20, for 21. MATT: Natural 20. Glancing around, even just poring through the papers and some of the drawers in it-- TALIESIN: Just tossing shit. MATT: You feel pretty confident that there is no address for Danas or any records that indicate that present. So at least you know you're not missing it. TALIESIN: I was going to say, nothing valuable or interesting otherwise, or weird looking? MATT: You find a handful of copper and a silver coin that have been left in a drawer. TALIESIN: I keep the silver, I throw the copper on the floor. SAM: I'll pick up the copper. (laughter) MATT: Fair enough, fair enough. LIAM: Well, we could take a shot at going to that tavern, or maybe I wonder if we could go to the theater and find her coworker and-- I don't know, talk to her or lean on her. MARISHA: One front door team-- SAM: Oh boy. MARISHA: -- goes to the tavern. Back door team-- no? We're not doing that anymore. SAM: It does seem like we should at least swing by the tavern to see if she's still there, right? LAURA: And we should probably do it soon in case she leaves, you know, she did seem a little, I mean, quick. SAM: What time is it right now? MATT: Since you left and caught up with the group, I'd say it's been a little over 10 minutes. LAURA: 10 minutes? MATT: 15 minutes. ASHLEY: She could still be there. ROBBIE: Imogen, yes. He said evidence was good, but I believe he said a person was better. LAURA: Yeah, he did, he said-- ASHLEY: That's right. LAURA: Yes. He said 150 gold if we can discover the source of it and 300 gold if we can stop the source of it. MARISHA: All right. To the tavern? TALIESIN: Do you know what time the show at the theater is? MATT: You have no idea. TALIESIN: Okay, you don't know. MARISHA: β™ͺ Oh, Bertrand! β™ͺ TRAVIS: (snores) ALL: (creepy whispering) Bertrand. LAURA: I'm going to say in his head: Bertrand. TRAVIS: Hmm. Huh? LAURA: Oh. Did you hear? We're coming out. TRAVIS: Yep, all clear. LAURA: Okay. (laughter) LAURA: Head out. SAM: So we're going to head to the tavern. LAURA: Is anybody on the street? If we come out of the building, is anyone going to see us? TRAVIS: Is anybody on the street? MATT: Make a perception check. LAURA: (laughs) TRAVIS: Six. (laughter) MATT: Coast looks clear. TRAVIS: Clear! Go, go team alpha. TALIESIN: Just going to knock a little bit more shit over on the way out to thrash the place just a little bit. MATT: Sure. ASHLEY: I'll help. MATT: Yeah. TALIESIN: Push things over. MATT: Fuck this furniture. It's been a theme. Okay. TALIESIN: Make it look like a robbery. ASHLEY: Oh, that's why we're doing this. (laughter) TALIESIN: No, for fun, too. Let's be fair. LAURA: Oh, you know what? TALIESIN: This is the fun part. LAURA: On the way out, maybe we can grab some fabrics, some clothes or something we see, and we can cover ourselves up so that it's a little less obvious it's us. At least the ones that were in there before. SAM: Are there pre-made clothes? MATT: There are, yeah. There's a number of pre-made outfits, as well as base material to grab in here, if you want to. LAURA: Just grab stuff on the way out that covers us. SAM: I'm going to throw on a tunic. MATT: Yeah, great. MARISHA: Throw on a little capelet that can cover my face. MATT: Yeah, all sorts of colors at your disposal, so. SAM: All right, if we go over there to the Weary Way, though, it feels like you don't want to be there for reasons, LAURA: I don't want to go in-- SAM: Maybe Bertrand, maybe not, because she saw you, or? Did she see? LIAM: He ain't here. SAM: Oh, he's not there. LAURA: We're making our way outside. SAM: Making our way out? MATT: Okay, so you exit the warehouse, catch up with Bertrand. TRAVIS: Ca-caw! Caw! SAM: What, birds? LAURA: What are you--? Is it--? TRAVIS: Ca-caw! LAURA: Are you ca-cawing because we're-- TRAVIS: Oh, you changed your appearances. I have keen eyes. I miss nothing. What did you discover? (laughter) LAURA: We found a book and some shit. We're going to go back to the tavern. TRAVIS: Are we getting paid or we're going back to the-- LAURA: We're going to go back to the tavern. If we don't find her, then we can still go to Mr. Eshteross. TRAVIS: Fair enough. LAURA: Yeah. TRAVIS: Good job. ASHLEY: Let's go. TRAVIS: I'll lead the way! MATT: Okay, you trek across, following the footsteps that you two previously walked to the Weary Way Tavern. Approaching, it is as loud, if not louder than it was when you last left. It looks like the usuals have definitely taken up the space. You can hear a violin already rousing a group around the small stage to the right-hand side of the interior. People are drinking. People are talking. People are laughing. People are shouting. It is a boisterous atmosphere. TRAVIS: Okay, before we go in, Imogen, maybe you can stay outside with me. We're pretty well-suited. These bitches be witches, so we'll just let you guys go in and get your shot, shall we? What do you say? All right, go get 'em. SAM: Do all of us know what Danas looks like? LAURA: We describe her. I describe her to everyone. LIAM: I'm going to go in. MATT: Okay. SAM: Who's going in? TALIESIN: I'm going to go in. ASHLEY: I'll go. TALIESIN: I'm going to get a drink and hang by the front door. ROBBIE: I'll stroll in, as well. MATT: Okay. MARISHA: I'll I guess maybe try back. SAM: Been on the back door all day, so sure, sure, why not? MARISHA: I'll rejoin the back door. LAURA: I'll describe what the back door looked like just so you know what to expect. MARISHA: Okay. MATT: Okay, those of you who are inside, what are you doing? You said you're getting a drink. TALIESIN: Getting a drink, sitting by the door, looking around. MATT: Make a perception check. TALIESIN: Yeah. That tends to go okay. Not this time! Natural one. LIAM: Ooh, biffed it, too. I rolled. I have advantage on perception rolls. TRAVIS: Oh really? LIAM: I got a four. TALIESIN: This place is crowded. MATT: It's very crowded, and no luck so far glancing and seeing a person of that size. I mean, you only just got here. TALIESIN: I'm checking the ceiling. MATT: Yeah. ROBBIE: Is the band full-on playing, or are they just setting, playing or setting up? MATT: There was a person with a small fiddle playing and you can see there's other performers that are in the process of getting instruments ready, like a backup performance. ROBBIE: I'm going to walk on over to them with a musician's vibe and ask them: Excuse me, I know you guys were about ready to play, but have you seen a small gnomish woman around here this evening? Maybe looking a little bit nervous, out of place, anything like that? And slowly pull a silver piece out of my pocket and twiddle it in my fingers. MATT: Make a persuasion check. ROBBIE: Fair. SAM: Come on, come on, let's go, bard. LAURA: Come on! ROBBIE: β™ͺ Let's go, 21! β™ͺ ASHLEY: Whoa! MATT: This isn't one of the fiddlers, this is somebody you see is pulling out this long sitar-like instrument and is in the process of getting ready to start tuning, goes, "There was a patron like that and indeed, "they've been sitting over there for a bit, "but absconded up that staircase "about three minutes ago, I'd say." ROBBIE: Thank you so much. Have a wonderful show tonight. And I go in to shake his hand and palm him the silver. MATT: Goes ahead and takes it and-- "Indeed, and enjoy your night." ROBBIE: You too. Run back. Who's in here? (laughs) ASHLEY: Are you going to perform? ROBBIE: What? ASHLEY: You were talking to the musicians, I figured you were figuring out a tune to play. ROBBIE: No, no, we're doing Plan B. I'm doing Plan B. ASHLEY: Oh, oh, oh. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he said three minutes ago, he saw Danas go up those stairs. Just three minutes ago. MATT: Two sets of stairs, like towards the back, and the one to the right was what they pointed to. ROBBIE: That way. MATT: Yeah. TALIESIN: Let's gather everybody and get up there, then. ASHLEY: Okay, should I make my... fucking way up there? (laughter) MATT and SAM: β™ͺ Makin' my fucking way β™ͺ TALIESIN: Very impressed. We don't have everybody yet, can we-- MATT: No, Laudna's in the back. TALIESIN: Let's get everybody back. ASHLEY: Okay. TALIESIN: Does anybody, can anybody-- Fuck, I'm going to walk outside. (laughter) Fuck it. MATT: Yes, there we go! LAURA: Thank you! TALIESIN: Down my drink, put it down, and I walk the fuck out. MATT: All righty. ASHLEY: I'm going to walk outside. MATT: You can mark off three copper for your drink, by the way. TALIESIN: Oh, yeah. Yep, sure, sure. MATT: (laughs) LAURA: As we see him come outside: Did we lose her again? TALIESIN: Nope, nope, we got her, we got her, come on. LAURA, MARISHA, and SAM: Oh! Oh! LAURA: I'll make sure my hair's covered. TALIESIN: All right. SAM: Imogen, if you need anything in there, I'll be right next to you, all right? ASHLEY: I'm going to start clomping up the stairs. MARISHA: And I'll be right on the other next to you. You can be in the middle of us. LAURA: That's so comforting, actually, thank you. Thank you. LIAM: It's a stairway surrounded by 50 to 100 people. MATT: Yeah, it's a busy room. LIAM: Yeah. SAM: What you trying to do? ASHLEY: I'm just walking up the stairs. SAM: Oh, shit! (laughter) MATT: As you guys are talking, working this out, you see Fearne's already just going up the staircase without you. TALIESIN: Love the initiative. I'm going up, too. MATT: Okay, as you all begin to follow behind, heading up the staircase, and it goes up to the second floor of this multi-floor establishment here. You get up and turn the corner and you can already see it's a long hallway and there are doors right and left. You've now entered the inn portion of the establishment and you can see room doors. It's probably, as it continues downward before curving to the left and you get the sense from the outside and now that you're looking in, the front is where most of the party atmosphere happens, and then the building is a large square behind it, and it's three stories up. And around that square is where all the building-- all the additional rooms in the interior and exterior are. You saw some balcony fronts out the front of it, so you get a general vibe of this large rectangular structure. So you curve around the way, you see down the hallway and there's about five or six doors on each side of the hall before it curves up to the back. LAURA: Letters? SAM: Yep? LAURA: You had the ability earlier to open your mind up. I heard your thoughts. Can you do that again? SAM: To hear other people's? LAURA: To see if you can hear her down the hallway. I would do it, but I-- SAM: You can't. LAURA: I'm a little overwhelmed. MARISHA: She can. LAURA: I can. MARISHA: She can. SAM: Okay. MARISHA: It's just a lot for her, all right? SAM: I can, it helps, if I can-- MARISHA: She's very capable! LAURA: Thank you, Laudna. SAM: I believe you and that's wonderful that you're sticking up for your friend. I can open up my mind and hear some thoughts. It helps if I can see them, but I will at least be able to hear if there are people in rooms, you know. LAURA: Would you recognize the thought pattern? SAM: I don't know. (laughter) I've only used the spell once in this campaign. (laughter) ASHLEY: What's a campaign? (laughter) SAM: "You can use the spell to detect "the presence of thinking creatures that you can't see." MATT: Yep. SAM: But I don't know if I can really hear thoughts that way. I would just know that they are there. MATT: "You can search for thoughts in 30 feet of you, "once spoken, penetrate barriers." So yeah, you can use this spell to detect the presence of thinking creatures you can't see, I'll say, and then if, once you've acknowledged them, then yes, you might be able to. LAURA: Discern that same-- MATT: Mm-hmm. SAM: Okay, then yes, I will open up my inner gadgetry and try to sense the thoughts of those around me with Detect Thoughts. MATT: Okay. SAM: And then, I guess-- LAURA: I'm going to keep my hand on his shoulder. SAM: And I'll go around the perimeter of the hotel. MATT: Okay. LAURA: That hallway. SAM: Yeah, just sort of feeling. MATT: All righty. Continuing down, rolling forward and concentrating, first room is bereft of any sort of thought. The next room has two individuals and you take a moment to focus and even just the surface read, they are-- it is primal, amorous, you continue. The next one to the right, there is a person sleeping. Not familiar. The next room, nothing. You come around the back bend and the first room on your right as you turn, which is out-facing towards the next street or alley into the back of where the structure was, you sense many figures. Just an initial impact as you come into the space, like one, two, three, four, five... nine, ten. SAM: And this room isn't marked as like a suite or anything different? MATT: It's one of the larger rooms, but you're not sure. You know, you're not familiar with the space and what's there, but-- TALIESIN: Great inn. MATT: But one of the-- (laughs) even just an initial impact, you can gather or glean a familiar thought pattern you can gather or glean a familiar thought pattern as to the person you met in the warehouse earlier. SAM: Wow. I think we got something in this room. LAURA: That's wonderful. SAM: But there might be many others in there as well. LAURA: Yeah, it sounds like a lot. MARISHA: Maybe we can scare them, smoke them out. SAM: Oh? MARISHA: Yeah. LIAM: I had that idea, too. It feels like a bad one, but-- MATT: You can vaguely hear-- Are you at the door, or are you all back? SAM: Yeah, I guess so, right? Yeah. LAURA: On the other side, yeah. LIAM: I feel like maybe some of us were hanging back at the hall. ROBBIE: Reminder me, are we all together, or--? SAM: Yeah, we're all traipsing around this hallway, but-- LAURA: I feel like we went up on our own to listen through. MARISHA: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. MATT: Okay. LAURA: I'm going to send back a message to you and let you guys know that this is the door. LIAM: This is the girl. MATT: Were you traveling along with them or you staying back? LIAM: Yes, I would. I would have traveled with them. MATT: Okay. LIAM: Because I'm light. MATT: You do hear very, very faint voices from underneath the door that Fresh Cut Grass pointed out. LIAM: Does it sound like her? MATT: Make a perception check. LIAM: That's better, 22. MATT: 22, as you hear some of the whispers, it's just hushed voices. You get low right to where the crack under the door is and listen in and you hear, (as Danas) "I don't really have much else to say. "There was some rough-looking folks "and an old man started coming around "asking questions about deliveries "and they got really-- "There was some woman that came in by a business. "I ran into her again. "I don't-- I'm just getting uncomfortable. "I think we're being found out." There's a pause in the voice. A second voice, unfamiliar voice, comes through. (deeper creepy voice) "Uncomfortable because you cannot be trusted "to keep your mouth shut? "Because you are incapable of handling yourself? "Tell me, should I be uncomfortable as well?" LIAM: While I'm listening to this, I just start thinking: She's in danger, she's in danger. MATT: (as Danas) "No, no, not at all, "I just-- I thought you would want to know." (as stranger) "Most definitely, and I thank you. "Did you tell them anything else?" LAURA: (whispered) There were rooms that were not-- that were empty. MATT: A pause. (as stranger) "Well, I suppose we need to adjust our supply lines. "I'll look into it. "Danas, I appreciate your contributions. "I will be no longer requiring your services." MARISHA: Oh no. MATT: (gurgling sound) LIAM: I kick the door! (screaming) MARISHA: Oh no! MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Full speed! LAURA: Oh god, no. MATT: Make a strength-- yeah, this would be a strength check against a locked door. ASHLEY: I start clomping. TALIESIN: I see this happen, I'm running full speed. ASHLEY: Yeah. MATT: You got it, okay. MARISHA: I follow behind. MATT: The door cracks and splinters, but does not push open. And all you hear now at this point is-- (grunts) and (gagging). LIAM: I would slash the door, too, now. At this point we're all in. MARISHA: I'm going to cast-- TALIESIN: Let me know when I'm close enough. MARISHA: -- False Life on myself. MATT: Okay. MARISHA: I'm calling it now. MATT: False Life is on. LAURA: I'm going to cast Mage Armor. TALIESIN: Raged and ready to hit. MATT: All right. And what? LAURA: Mage Armor on myself. MATT: Mage Armor on yourself, you got it. All right, and go ahead and make your attack roll. TRAVIS: She's just choking on a grape, you guys. MARISHA: Yeah. (laughter) LAURA: This is dumb. MARISHA: Oh, sorry. TALIESIN: Figure out where I put my rolls again. There we are. All right, yeah, okay, let's hit the door. Fuck's sakes. MATT: What'd you roll? TALIESIN: I rolled a-- LAURA: He doesn't want to say. TALIESIN: I'm actually-- I just threw everything because I hadn't set this up. Nine, I rolled a nine. MATT: Nine, you hit the door and it impacts, but from the angle that you're coming at and rushing, it just glances off the wood, splintering it further. The door is damaged, but it is a sturdy door and you guys are having a rough time with it. (laughter) MARISHA: It's made out of mahogany. LAURA: Shocker. MATT: The rest of you have now rushed up to the door-- It's always the fucking doors, I swear to god. The rest of you have rushed up now. What are you doing? MARISHA: Can I see-- is there a crack to where I can see inside? MATT: Not enough, no. MARISHA: Not enough, hmm. MATT: Not with those rolls, unfortunately. ROBBIE: Is this like hotel space? Are we getting clocked by the rest of the establishment? MATT: There's nobody yet. This has all happened very quickly. ASHLEY: I'm going to knock. MATT: And the hallway is currently empty. LAURA: Oh god. (laughter) MATT: You knock. Does everyone wait after the knock? LAURA: No, no, no! (laughter) LIAM: I'm slashing the door, I'm slashing the handle. TALIESIN: I'm just going. MATT: All right, both of you roll attacks on the door as you're now hacking at it. SAM: Before they slash again, I'll cast Bless on both of them. MATT: All right, on? TALIESIN: Oh, thank god. SAM: Orym and Ashton. MATT: And who else? SAM: Oh, I get one more? MATT: There's three. Three for Bless. SAM: Imogen. TRAVIS: "Housekeeping." SAM: Yes, Imogen, yeah. TALIESIN: 13 to hit. MATT: 13 to hit does hit. Go ahead and roll damage. TALIESIN: Oh, thank god. MATT: So you said Orym, Ashton, and Imogen. TALIESIN: Yep, correct. MATT: You got it. TRAVIS: "Have a good day, sir." ASHLEY: (Cockney accent) I brought up your room service! (laughter) LIAM: These two are like-- (banging sounds) TALIESIN: I cannot believe how shitty these rolls are. Nine points of damage. MATT: Nine points of damage. The door splinters in a bit, and you can just barely begin to see through. And what'd you roll? LIAM: I duck the hell under his gigantic hammer. I rolled a 23 and I got eight points of slashing damage. MATT: The door splinters open off the hinges, broken, scattered to the side. Elements of it just fall to the floor and skitter forward. LAURA: I'm instantly going to telekinetic shove whoever is next to Danas, just push them back five feet, if I can. MATT: You glance in. Make perception check. LIAM and LAURA: Oh, that's a weirdo. LAURA: I liked it, but yeah, it was cocked. Perception, 14. MATT: 14, you go in to do that, nobody. MARISHA: Oh shit. LAURA: There's nobody there? MATT: There's nobody-- Do you run into the room and look around? LAURA: No, no, no, just at the the door. MATT: The door? You don't see anybody from the door. All you see is, from the other-- you see there's a closed window that leads to a balcony. You can see what looks to be-- There's some torch-- like magical torch light flickering in the chamber, giving a little bit of ambience to the space. You see some sort of a heavy armoire, some sort of furniture closet on the opposite side. There's a table in the middle of the room with some chairs, but in the low light here and just glancing beyond what you can see right now, no person. LAURA and LIAM: No Danas? MATT: Not right now, no. The door's open. TALIESIN: I'm going to run in and smash the closet, see what the fuck's in it. MATT: Okay, you rush into the room, go over, and you roll an attack for the closet. TALIESIN: 22. MATT: 22, roll damage. TALIESIN: All right. SAM: We hate furniture. MATT: Apparently, yeah. TALIESIN: 12 points of damage. LIAM: It's going to move, it's going to move, I know it! MATT: You slam into this large cabinet, just breaks in as the doors fall into it and the top structure of it collapses inward. You sit back a minute and you hear (chittering) on the inside of the cabinet and you see movement coming from the splinters. At which point, a voice from behind you goes, (as stranger) "Oh, interesting. "I wasn't expecting more visitors." You glance over your shoulder and you can see by the desk up on top of it, some sort of a humanoid figure in the dark shadows of the corner, cloak wrapped around the shoulder, peering off the front end. You see this sallow, pale dwarven face with a very scraggly-kept chin beard that looks patchy and nasty. Greased hair pulled back, amongst the black cloak and clothing, it's just like a floating head. We're talking like the weird flashes of Pazuzu in "The Exorcist." It's staring at you from the far corner. And you hear other strange skittering throughout the chamber. And that's where we're going to take a break. (groaning) ROBBIE: Aw, come on! TRAVIS: Oh, shit. MATT: Back here in just a minute to see where this goes. (cheering) LAURA: I completely forgot we had to take a break. ASHLEY: I did, too. I forgot we-- yeah. LIAM: I shut the door behind him. (laughter) MATT: Good night. But yeah, we'll be back here in just a few minutes and we'll pick up from there. SAM: Oh boy. Finally after all these years, with the hardships, and emotional turmoil, and Steven losing his leg. Hi! We finally found it, the treasure of the jungle. It's the Fool's Gold 5E campaign setting! And welcome to our Kickstarter! Oh god no! Based off of the YouTube animated D&D series: Fool's Gold. Eat your... potassium! Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds is a 5E campaign setting with everything you need to survive the world's deadliest jungle. Where everything wants to kill you. Like this thing! What the (quack) is that? And sheep! We got new classes, races, items, giant mechanical dragons! Charts. We've also included a full adventure module so you can play through the entire open-world campaign of Fool's Gold with your own party! There's quests, NPCs, and lots of lore to uncover about the mysterious disappearance of the ancient four claimer race. It's pretty wack, yo. Don't worry about spoilers, everyone plays through it their own way. And I'm pretty sure you're not gonna make the same horrible choices... we made. So Hey, back the Fool's Gold Kickstarter campaign today at and help bring this chaos to your table. Thinking about this, this may have been a bad idea. You leave now! Laura: Hey Critters, Laura Bailey here to guide you through what's new in the Critical Role Shop. You need this? You probably need this. Hey, look at these. They go on your face. Look at this, isn't it fashion? So much fashion happening here. You know, the Traveler always says, impulse purchases are a good decision. Oooh, so comfy cozy. Style should never be a dump stat, darling. And hey, if you want, you can head over to the Critical Role Shop right now. Oh, hello everyone. Ashley Johnson here with some very, very exciting news that I am so excited to share. As some of you know, the Critical Role Foundation partnered with Shanti Bhavan, a school in India dedicated to enriching the lives of students from India's lowest socioeconomic class in an effort to break the cycle of poverty. In September, we set a goal of $160,000 and thanks to your generosity, we have hit that goal. Oh my goodness. This is just, I'm so happy right now. So let me break this down. $150,000 will be going towards the construction of a girls' dormitory and 10,000 will help fund their music program. Basically, I wanted to make this video to just say thank you on behalf of the students from Shanti Bhavan and everyone at Critical Role, everyone at Critical Role Foundation, and if you want updates on the construction in the coming months, make sure to follow Critical Role Foundation and Shanti Bhavan on the socials. And I think that's it, but thank you all so much for your generosity and blowing us away yet again. And that's it. Thank you once again, for not forgetting to love each other. Take care. (upbeat music) Announcer: We now go live to a special address from the President. Hey dweebs. Now as your president, I've been kinda killing it lately. I gave global warming an atomic wedgie. I balanced the budget by selling my Pog collection, and I saved the Queen of England from that octopus! But my kick-assery is far from done. According to this chart that I made, an estimated 35% of you are still a bunch of nasty goobers, but don't worry, I have a plan. Operation: Gag Me With A Spoon. It's easy sleazy. According to this study that I wrote, if every citizen subscribed to Critical Role on Twitch, we could reduce maximum goobage by a metric buttload. Twitch is the only place where you'll get a live and moderated chat and when you subscribe to Critical Role, you instantly get access to all their shows as soon as the live broadcast ends. So while you're oogling those Critical Role dorks with their sick goof-em-ups and their nerdy voices, think of me, Gale, the current president of whatever. Now I gotta go make a fresh batch of spitballs, but I guess I have some time for your boring questions. You. Reporter: Gale, is it true that if you subscribe to Critical Role through Prime Gaming, you have to resubscribe every month? Uh, yeah. I do it right after my monthly prank call to Pee-an O'Brien. Next question. Reporter: Does Critical Role have exclusive emotes for their subscribers? Uh, doy. Of course they do. I like the hello bees one, 'cause bees are cool. I replaced my whole security detail with a bunch of bees that think I'm their queen. Last question. Reporter: Yeah, with all due respect, is Operation: Gag Me With a Spoon a real policy, or are you mad goofin'? Am I mad goofin'? What, do you see me scarfing Milk Duds while doodling ding-dongs in the SkyMall catalog? Listen, I know I'm new to this. And I admit that when I made the wish to be the boss of everything, I did not know the witch that works at Woolworth's was listening. Well, Faustian bargain or not, I am the president and I have an obligation to lead this country. So to answer your question, no, I am not mad goofin'. Security, take him out. (bees buzzing) (Gale laughing) Later, chudruckers! MATT: Hello, everyone, and welcome back. So... (laughter) I feel like we should roll initiative. (shouting) TRAVIS: We're just doing it?! MATT: We're just doing it. ROBBIE: What's it going to be? Who's the one? Who's the one? LAURA and ASHLEY: β™ͺ (scatting syllables) β™ͺ TALIESIN: Hey! ROBBIE: One, two, three? TRAVIS: One, two, three. ROBBIE AND TRAVIS: (in unison) One, two, three. SAM: Oh! LIAM: Ooh! (gasping and exclaiming) ASHLEY: Oh, what? MARISHA: H-what? LIAM: Owa. ROBBIE: Hey, let's go! SAM: Tagu. LAURA: Siam. MATT: There you are right there. After trashing this piece of furniture. TRAVIS: Yeah, fuck that furniture! TALIESIN: I was going to say, yeah, like, if you want to knock that down or something, make it happen. MATT: Now the rest of you. TALIESIN: Fuck the furniture! LIAM: Fearne and Orym are right at the door. MATT: Orym is right there. This door is-- MARISHA: Not the mirror. LAURA: Imogen is right in the middle of the door, too, because-- MARISHA: Seven years of bad luck. LIAM: Oh, because we're listening in! LAURA: Tried to do the shove. LIAM: That's right. Yep, you would be dead center. MATT: You got pushed there, and Imogen would be-- ASHLEY: I was knocking. MATT: -- right in the center of the door. LAURA: Sorry about that. MARISHA: And there's the dwarf. MATT: Right over here in the corner. Where do the rest of you want to be out in this hallway? ASHLEY: I was knocking, so I think I probably went right in. LIAM: Orym and Fearne are pressed, I guess, right behind. MARISHA: I'd probably be with Fresh Cut Grass behind them. ASHLEY: Look at that little bed. (laughter) MATT: Dorian? Right or left of these folks. ROBBIE: I'll go to the left, closest to the door as possible. MATT: Okay, and then Bertrand probably over-- TRAVIS: I was still down at the bar, but let's say I-- MATT: That's right your were. TRAVIS: -- heard the door break? MATT: Bertrand is not present. LAURA: Oh, I thought you were upstairs! TRAVIS: No! No, I was going to keep an eye out, if other people came up behind you! MARISHA: Oh, that's right. MATT: Someone might want to send a message for their turn real fast. TRAVIS: I guess I should ask: Does anybody in the bar downstairs hear the (crash) and look up towards the-- SAM: I have a feeling message. MARISHA: Feeling message. I mean, it's pretty loud and there's music playing and it's a bar. MATT: It is-- here. TRAVIS: And people drop shit all the time. MATT: Roll a perception check. TRAVIS: This is not strong for me, Matt. I don't know why you'd-- 18! (laughter) ROBBIE: Reverse psychology, let's go! MATT: You do hear the repeated impacts, and you see a couple people hear it and look up the stairs, but nobody's really paying immediate attention. TRAVIS: My ears, they know! (laughter) Danger is afoot! Move fools! (laughter) LIAM: "They're going at it in room 17 again." MATT: All right, so it'll take you two rounds to get here. Fully booking it on a move and a dash. You can get there in one round if you use your action surge, to take an extra-- TRAVIS: I'll go ahead and use it. MATT: Okay, so you won't be there for this round, but the next round you'll be able to-- TRAVIS: Fair enough. MATT: We'll say at a full sprint. So initiative scores, we have 25 to 20? MARISHA: 20. ROBBIE: Dirty 20. MATT: All right, who of you has the higher dex? MARISHA: I have a plus two. ROBBIE: Plus three. MATT: So Dorian up first. SAM: Always got to be Dorian. TRAVIS: Laudna. MATT: All righty, 20 to 15? ASHLEY: 18. TRAVIS: 18. MATT: Okay, so we have Bertrand-- LAURA: What's your dex? TRAVIS: Plus two. ASHLEY: Plus two. TRAVIS: Oh shit. MATT: You guys get to pick who goes first. TRAVIS: Ladies first. ASHLEY: Okay. MATT: All righty. LAURA: 16 for me. LIAM: A 17 for me. MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: What was Ashton? TALIESIN: 16. MATT: And 17 you said, Imogen? LAURA: No, 16 for me. Orym was 17. MATT: You're 17. LAURA: We both were 16? TALIESIN: Yeah. LAURA: What's your--? TALIESIN: My dex is two. LAURA: My dex is plus two. TALIESIN: Oh shit what's your-- My dex is 15. LAURA: Yeah, same. TALIESIN: Oh shit. (laughter) MATT: Shit! TRAVIS: Rollies! ALL: (chanting) Rollies, rollies, rollies! ROBBIE: Let them fight! TALIESIN: Nat one. LAURA: Nat one! (shouting) TRAVIS: Rollies part two! Rollies again! ROBBIE: Come on! TALIESIN: Eye contact, eye contact, eye contact! MARISHA: Best game! TALIESIN: 15. LAURA: Five. (groans) (laughter) LIAM: That was the hottest game of Rollies ever! (laughter and chatter) SAM: Come up with a better tie breaker in Rollies. ASHLEY: Ah, yeah. LAURA: Yeah. ASHLEY: It was on 15 and then it went boop. TALIESIN: There's options like poker. LIAM: Loser eats their die! (laughter) TRAVIS: It's Orym, Ashton, Imogen, right? LAURA: Yes. MATT: Correct. And then Fresh Cut Grass at the very tail end. You got it. TRAVIS: Go F.C.G.! MATT: Dorian, you're top of this round. All you do is watch, after the door gets broken in, Imogen walks in, looks a bit confused, right as she gets pushed to the side as you see Ashton run into the room. You hear yelling and then the smashing of furniture, and this weird voice beginning to emanate from somewhere in the room. What do you do? ROBBIE: I'm going to sprint in. MATT: All right. ROBBIE: Because I'm stupid. MATT: Five, 10, 15. So far as you take in the space, and all you see currently in this room in the low lit space, this one dude in the corner and Ashton across the way near a smashed cabinet. ROBBIE: Ashton, what's going on? TALIESIN: Thing, kill, ha! ROBBIE: Me kill?! All right! (frustrated growl) Where's homeboy? MATT: Right there. You have 15 more feet of movement, I believe. ROBBIE: And do I hear other-- are these voices like circling around the room? MATT: It's just one-- all you hear is one guy talking. ROBBIE: Fuck. TRAVIS: Is his mouth moving? ROBBIE: Okay, I'll just-- MATT: You don't clock him right now. ROBBIE: In a moment of panic, I will just turn to him, not move anywhere, I'll unclip my handaxe and wing it at his noggin. MATT: All right, are you staying put, or are you getting close? ROBBIE: I'm going to stay right where I am. MATT: You got it. MARISHA: β™ͺ Fighting bard, fighting bard. β™ͺ ROBBIE: Poopy, poopy pants. TRAVIS: Come on! ROBBIE: No, big poopy pants, 12. MATT: 12. You throw it and you watch as the head shifts in the cloak and it just scrapes off the side of the wall and now your axe is in that corner, you'd have to retrieve it to use it again. ROBBIE: I know! LAURA: You need a chain of returning! ROBBIE: Shit! ROBBIE: I know right, nya! Can I move anymore or am I--? MATT: Yeah, you have 15 more feet of movement. ROBBIE: I'm going to make way for my homies. I'm going to sadly back into the corner by that picture frame. TRAVIS: You throw it at him and you are like "Sorry." MARISHA: Hang on, hang on, wait, wait, everyone pause. MATT: All right, cool. Does that finish up your action? All right, cool. Finishing Dorian's go. Laudna, you're up with Fearne on deck. MARISHA: Oh shit, all right. (grumbles) Imogen! Coming in. Is it the shadow creepers? LAURA: I think so? MARISHA: (frantic shout) Da-ga! MARISHA: And I'm going to-- TRAVIS: What? ROBBIE: Doug? (laughs) Who's Doug? MARISHA: Doug! ROBBIE: His name is Doug! MARISHA: Look, all creepy people, you know? LIAM: Sorry, Dougs. (laughter) MARISHA: Shit, what am I doing? MATT: What are you doing? MARISHA: I'm going to Hex him. Oh, wait, wait, shit. (laughter) SAM: It's not going well. ROBBIE: Does the Hex make him shit? MARISHA: Where are my spells? MATT: Hex is a bonus action. MARISHA: Hex is a bonus action. LIAM: That's all I care about. MARISHA: And then isn't it-- LAURA: But it's a spell. MARISHA: It's a spell. But then I just want to make sure I can't do a-- Goddamn it, why are you doing this to me right now? I can't do two bonus actions. I can't do a bonus action as an action. MATT: Bonus action and action is what you got. MARISHA: Okay. Then I will start by Hexing him first. MATT: All right. TRAVIS: Nice, nice, yep. LAURA: Solid, solid. MARISHA: Solid choice. ROBBIE: Solid, solid, solid. MARISHA: I'll do that-- TRAVIS: Hit him in the old BA. MARISHA: --and then-- ooh, I'll do Chill Touch. MATT: Okay, yes you can. TRAVIS: Chill Touch, yeah, yeah. MATT: Which you can do ranged because of Spell Sniper. MATT: The range is like-- MARISHA: Yeah, 240 feet. TRAVIS: What?! TALIESIN: Whoa! MATT: Yeah, you have a lot of range on Chill Touch, yeah. TRAVIS: Why are you in the room? MATT: So you don't need to worry about range at all. TALIESIN: You could be at the bar right now. (laughter) MARISHA: So, I'm going to sling some black liquid from one hand. And then with the other, you see coming out of the wall, like a big ghostly skeletal, spectral hand that just reaches out and yanks him and smashes his head up against-- MATT: You roll to attack or it's a saving throw? MARISHA: I roll to attack. MATT: Go for it. MARISHA: I think, I do. LIAM: (ghostly rumbling) LAURA: (whispering) Chilly Touch. MARISHA: Yes, we'll see, ranged spell attack. Okay, yes, yes. 21. MATT: 21 hits, go ahead and roll damage. MARISHA: Fucking balls! What fucking what?! Piece of shit. One damage, but-- LAURA: He's hexed. MARISHA: Oh, oh and Hex! Thank you, thank you. Okay, four damage. MATT: Four damage. SAM: Yeah! MARISHA: And he can't regain hit points. MATT: Got it, okay. So as the spectral claws rake through, and try and pull him from the top of this table. (grunts and growls) Just glances back at you two creepy things looking at each other. MARISHA: (creepy growling) MATT: (creepy growling) MARISHA: Oh! TALIESIN: Get a coffin. MATT: All right. (laughter) MATT: Are you going to stay where you-- (laughs) "Get a coffin." MARISHA: How much more movement do I have? MATT: That would have been 15 to get there, so you have 15 more feet. MARISHA: I'll do another 15 to start clearing the doorway, and I'm going to stick to the farthest wall that I can. MATT: Over here? MARISHA: Yeah. But if I can move even-- you know what, that's fine. That's good, that's good right there. MATT: Okay, there you go. All right, that finishes your go. That brings us to Fearne, with Bertrand on deck as you spend this turn arriving. We'll get there. TRAVIS: (old man panting) MARISHA: You're winded on the stairs. ASHLEY: Okay. I am going to come in and peek around the door. Because I know they're shooting something in that corner. MATT: Okay, so five, 10, and that's about the time that you can glance in, and you watch them rush in and start shooting things to the left. So you come in and immediately to the left, and you can see this long, black cloak. It's dripping over the edge of this table and this pale dwarven face looking back at you grinning. (laughs) ASHLEY: Okay. I am going to shoot an Ice Knife at him. MATT: All righty. ASHLEY: Okay, okay, okay, what are we going to use? Let's do this, 16. MATT: 16 does not hit. I'm sorry. ASHLEY: Ooh! Okay, good to know. MATT: You go and release the Ice Knife, and from within this cloak-- this is the first time you've seen this figure do anything. The cloak opens up from where it's standing perched on this table, and in one hand you see there's this long rapier and the other there's a dagger. And the dagger hand just deflects it, and you watch as it spatters into ice shards onto the wall. MARISHA: Shit. ASHLEY: (gasps) You bitch. (laughter) ASHLEY: I'm going to... (babbles) I'm going to tuck in to the other side of the wardrobe. MATT: Over here? ASHLEY: Yeah. MATT: All righty. So you-- up against the wall, and you know he's right around the corner there. All right. ASHLEY: That's my turn. MATT: That's your turn? All right, Bertrand, you're up with Orym on deck. You-- (panting) TRAVIS: I'm so glad I'm taking that glucosamine! (laughter) MATT: Action surge. Pick up the double run! TRAVIS: 60 feet. MATT: That'll get you, we'll say about there. TRAVIS: (wheezing) This elevation's a bitch! (laughter) MARISHA: 12 feet of elevation. (laughter) TRAVIS: (high-pitched panting) (laughter) MATT: Bertrand-- TRAVIS: (strained) I'm coming! Woo! MATT: Finishing your go, Orym, you're up. Ashton, loosely on deck, we have something coming up before you. TALIESIN: I figured. LIAM: I've seen two of the ladies run in and look to the left and I can hear that voice, too, so I do a dive and roll between-- LAURA: Just straight between my legs. LIAM: Yeah, straight between your legs. What I was going to say, and then bounce up and then just juke left immediately towards where I know this motherfucker must be. MATT: 25, 30 does get you within melee. LIAM: Okay, I'm going to try to-- what weapon is this weirdo holding? MATT: It looks like a rapier and dagger. LIAM: Okay, I'm going to try to knock the rapier out of his hand. That hits, that's a 23. MATT: 23 hits. LIAM: And he has to make a strength save to hold on to the rapier. MATT: All righty. LIAM: 14. MATT: With a 14? LIAM: Yeah. MATT: 13. LIAM: (deflection) Rapier gone. MATT: It just drops to the ground, right? LIAM: That's right, right on the ground. And that is 10 points of damage. Then, I will Action Surge and try to knock the dagger out of his hand. TRAVIS: Let's go. MATT: Okay. LIAM: But that totally misses. So, it was way too low. TRAVIS: That's a great turn. MATT: Okay, hell yeah. So, you rush around the corner of this tiny little-- MARISHA: β™ͺ That's my best friend β™ͺ β™ͺ She's a real bad bitch β™ͺ MATT: Shield forward, blade out. You carve the side and you watch as the rapier goes to block your blow, but that wasn't the intent. You carve into the arm a little bit, but deflect it off to the side, and it scatters to the ground and falls partway underneath that chair. (grunts) Looks back at you dagger still out. You go to swing again and it just catches and parries your blade with the second strike. LIAM: You're with me. And that's it. MATT: All right. Finishing Orym's go. It is now this person's turn. They're going to leap down. MARISHA: Confirmed: person. MATT: -- onto the side here and pick up their rapier. SAM: That old trick. MATT: Well. TRAVIS: It's a bitch move. MARISHA: Why couldn't you do that? ROBBIE: I-- (stammering). MARISHA: (laughs) MATT: Yeah. But, now wielding, stares at you and goes, "Fine, it's us." And is going to go ahead and go and make four attacks against you. TRAVIS: Four attacks?! ROBBIE: No, no, no! TRAVIS: Four!? ROBBIE: No! ASHLEY: Four attacks? ROBBIE: Yeah. MATT: Yup. Two with the rapier and two with the dagger. So that is going to be a 23 to hit. LIAM: Hits. MATT: (exhales) 26 to hit. LIAM: Hits, yeah. So both of those with the rapier here, we'll say are 15 points of piercing damage. (rapid piercing sounds) (pained grunts) Gets you both in the torso twice, and then now with the dagger. That's going to be a 14 and a 20. LIAM: Yes. MATT: So the dagger gets you for seven points of piercing damage. SAM: Still up? LIAM: Mm-hm. MATT: Pulls back. (grunts) And just glancing at you a little bit. And then as a bonus action, going to go ahead and disengage and keep shifting a little bit further this way. ROBBIE: Yikes. LIAM: And that's as far probably as he can go, because half his movement was to get the weapon, right? MATT: Exactly. So that finishes their turn, Ashton, you are up with Imogen on deck. TALIESIN: Oh, you are not--! I am running full speed, I'm going to-- there's like a weird phase to me where a slightly redder version of myself keeps running the opposite direction just for a little wisp, like a candle, and a blue version runs through the door, like a little candle, they're just popping off of me. And I run, I'm basically going to shoulder check the wall, swing around and try and nail that fucker right into the wall. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: With the backswing. MATT: Go for it, roll for an attack. TALIESIN: Let's do-- yeah, fuck it. I'm doing the thing where you-- MATT: Reckless? TALIESIN: Reckless. (laughter) MATT: Go for it! The thing where you-- TALIESIN: Where you hit. Natural 20. (cheering) MARISHA: Reckless Attack, fuck yeah. SAM: Are you raging? TALIESIN: Oh, I'm raging. MATT: Raged when he went for the door. SAM: Nice. TALIESIN: Okay. So that's-- TRAVIS: Look at those big fucking dice. MATT: I know. TALIESIN: And I'm also putting in a Chaos Burst into this-- MATT: Go for it. TALIESIN: -- because, you know, life. LAURA: I'm jealous of his little setup. TALIESIN: So that's also going to be-- how much force damage? Ah, that's pretty good, so-- It's going to be base of seven, and then six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, and then 14 points doubled. MATT: So 14 doubled? TALIESIN: 14 doubled. MATT: So 28. TALIESIN and MATT: Plus seven. TRAVIS: 36. MATT: Yeah, 36. Going to use a reaction to Uncanny Dodge and reduce that by half. TALIESIN: Okay. LAURA: 35. 35. LIAM: Boogety, boogety, boogety. MATT: So. MATT: It's 18. TALIESIN: 18. MATT: 18 points of damage. You slam into the chest, but you watch at the last second, puts the shoulder down and it glances off the shoulder armor. It did a hit and it cracks into the wall and you can see like the stone and wood there, just slightly crack at that point. (grunts) TALIESIN: I'm going to liquefy you. TRAVIS: (laughs) LIAM: Mm-hmm! MATT: "I like your gumption." TRAVIS: Did you say forms were coming off of you? TALIESIN: Yeah, like little wisps that keep going different ways. A little blue and red wisps that keep-- TRAVIS: You say that like that's a common thing. TALIESIN: -- pulse happening. MATT: All right, that finishes your turn? TALIESIN: Yep. MATT: All right, Imogen, you're up. LAURA: All right, I'm going to stay right where I am and just open my mind up as much as I can and shove, all of the cacophonous whispers I hear from downstairs all of the cacophonous whispers I hear from downstairs right into his head. MATT: Okay, so Dissonant Whispers? TRAVIS: (spooky whispering) LAURA: Yes. MATT: Is that a wisdom saving throw? LAURA: It is. MATT: Natural 19. LAURA: Okay, so on a fail... On a success, does it do anything? Half as much damage and doesn't move away. So it still takes half. MATT: Got it. LAURA: Okay, so that's 3d6. 11, 13, halved. MATT: 13 halved, so six. All right. As you release the whispers, you can see the right eye closes and twitches, just for a second and then (grunts) shakes it out. Are you going to stay where you are? LAURA: I'm going to move... Oy vey. SAM: Oy vey. LIAM: Oy vey. ASHLEY: (Cockney accent) Oy vey. LAURA: I'm going to stay, yeah, I'm going to stay where I am. MATT: You got it. TRAVIS: Is there any sign of the little gnome that was in this room? MATT: You're not in the room. TRAVIS: No, no, I was just curious. (laughter) MATT: Okay, finishing Imogen's turn-- LIAM: (whip cracking) TRAVIS: Ah! MATT: Now up against the wall, both blades in hand, Ashton to the left side, as it recovers from the impact. "Children?" MARISHA: Oh, here we go. TALIESIN: Cool. MATT: And you start hearing the sounds of tiny feet and scraping claw. And from outside of the broken furniture, from the chest behind you, from under the table, from under the desk, it looks like somewhere in the neighborhood of about seven or eight of these small creatures emerge from the shadow. You see these gray-- TALIESIN: I knew it. MATT: -- leathery faces with toothy mouths and these jet black eyes, no nose. They have these hooded cloaks from tattered material of different darker shades. A couple of them are holding blades and you can't make out much of their form under the cloaks, beyond these clawed feet. SAM: Oh god. LAURA: These guys are no joke. SAM: You know what these are? LAURA: Yeah. SAM: Well, we don't know-- LIAM: (admiration noise) TALIESIN: Cool. MARISHA: Goddamn it, not again. ROBBIE: It's a hotel room fight. TRAVIS: Bedbugs. MARISHA: Hey, bedbugs? No joke. TRAVIS: Oh no, this is-- ROBBIE: Look how many. SAM: What are those things? TRAVIS: Glad I'm in the hallway. MATT: Climb out from here. TALIESIN: Cool. ROBBIE: Game over, man. TRAVIS and LAURA: Game over! MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Okay. They're all now going to make attacks, there's two attacking you. TALIESIN: All right. LAURA: Oh god. MATT: With claws. A seven, and 16. TALIESIN: Yep. MATT: All right. You take four points of piercing damage. TALIESIN: Reduced to two. MATT: Plus four points of necrotic damage. TALIESIN: Not reduced. MATT: The other one is to you. That one has advantage because it is technically flanking with him. So that's going to be a 16 to hit. TALIESIN: Hits. MATT: Hits. You take three points of-- Sorry, four points of piercing damage. TALIESIN: Reduced to two. MATT: And four points of necrotic damage. TALIESIN: Motherfucker. TRAVIS: 12 total. MATT: This one's going to go ahead and dart forward towards Imogen, while those two currently knocking shit off the table. The one on Imogen, going to go ahead with its claw. Nine misses, I believe? LAURA: Yeah. MATT: I'm pretty sure. LAURA: Step back, yeah, and avoid that. MATT: (snarling) You can now see as its lashing at you, the hood pulls back a bit and it has this weird, almost rubbery, leather-like texture to its gray skin. It looks humanoid, but monstrous at the same time. LAURA: We recognize these. MATT: You have encountered one of these before. MARISHA: Goddamn it. TRAVIS: The fuck? MATT: There are two now, currently going after Laudna over there, one roll is a six to hit. SAM: Hey! MARISHA: (grunts, hisses) MATT: Seven to hit. So yeah. MARISHA: (hisses) MATT: The other gets 20. MARISHA: (pained growl) MATT: Not a natural 20, a dirty 20. So one of them (snarls). It looks for an opening and can't find it, but while you're distracting it focusing that one, the other one jumps up, grabs on to your back and goes (snarling) and starts tearing in your shoulders. SAM: Your happy reactions are the same as your-- (laughter) MATT: You take five points of piercing damage. MARISHA: (yelling) (laughter) SAM: I think she likes it. MATT: So five points of piercing damage and eight points of necrotic damage. LAURA: Oh god! MATT: As it begins to just tear into you. MARISHA: 13 total. ROBBIE: How much? TRAVIS: 13. ROBBIE: 13. MARISHA: Okay. LIAM: Laudna's middle fingers must be terrifying. SAM: Wait, how much damage did you take? MARISHA: Eight plus five, right? MATT: Yes, eight plus five, so 13. There is now-- This one here is going to go ahead and rush in towards you. So the one that's attacking you, Fearne. Natural 19. LAURA: Oh no. MATT: That'll be a 24 to hit. You take ooh, six points of piercing damage, and eight points of necrotic damage. (groaning) LAURA: Yeah, they're no joke. MATT: And the one that is currently focused on you, that's going to be 19 to hit. LIAM: Hits, fuck. TALIESIN: Fuck. LIAM: I'm about to go down. MATT: You take two, four points of piercing damage and 10 points of necrotic damage. LIAM: Down. SAM: (groans) LIAM: Down. TALIESIN and MARISHA: Down. SAM: I'm not even in the room, people! MARISHA: Yeah, we're not even through a whole round yet. LAURA: Oh my gosh. MATT: That finishes their go. Fresh Cut Grass, your turn. SAM: I'm going to roll into the room. (wheel squeaking) Will they get, I guess-- MATT: You can get over to here, but you're now between two of them. SAM: I'll just sort of say: Well, smiley day, everybody! How's it going? And-- oh my! TALIESIN: Situation, situation, situation! SAM: Oh boy, oh boy. All right. I will cast Healing Word on our friend, Orym. MATT: Okay. SAM: For five points of healing. That's my last spell. (laughs) And then-- LAURA: Yeah, we're used up. ROBBIE: No long rest, we're used up. ASHLEY: We forgot about, like, resting and stuff. (nervous laughter) ASHLEY: We got a lot of those spells used up. LAURA: It's been a long day. SAM: And then I will, boy, you know what? Boy. (laughs) MARISHA: Oh, shit. SAM: I'll use my action to try to see if Danas is anywhere. MATT: Make a perception check. SAM: Nope, nine. MATT: Nine, at glance, no. SAM: Damn it. MATT: All right, does that finish your turn? SAM: I think so, because if I move more, they'll get an attack of opportunity. Right? MATT: They will. SAM: Nope, I'll stay put. MATT: All right, Dorian, your turn. ROBBIE: Yeah, well, shit. All right, I'm going to go-- And that one's got-- hmm. I'm going to rush toward the one right behind Laudna, and try to get them in the back with my scimitar. MATT: You've got it. MARISHA: Thank you. ROBBIE: You've got it, I'm going to try, girl. MATT: You have advantage on this because you are technically flanked with Laudna. ROBBIE: That is very good. MARISHA: Come on. ROBBIE: I know. (laughs) Fuck me! TRAVIS: What is it?! What'd you get, Robbie? ROBBIE: It's a five and then yeah, it's nothing. It's a 12, yeah. MATT: 12 just hits. (cheering) LAURA: They're little! TRAVIS: Yeah, you're good. ROBBIE: No, no. TALIESIN: Not a lot. MARISHA: What was your first roll? ROBBIE: Eight. MARISHA: Okay, okay. ROBBIE: And then plus five. MARISHA: Yeah, yeah, yeah. ROBBIE: Okay, bad math, but not that bad. MARISHA: Yeah, yeah. ROBBIE: Okay, okay. (groans) With my scimitar-- sorry guys, I'm getting there. There it is, give me this. Six plus six is 12. MATT: 12 points of damage. As you rush to go ahead and help Laudna out as this one is currently untouched and has been mad dogging her, you see the other one leap onto her back and start slashing as she recoils in pain. You come back and as you swing, you carve into its back, and as you finish the rest of your blow, no resistance met, it slumps into the ground. LAURA: Great. SAM: Okay, okay. LAURA: They're weak little fuckers. ROBBIE: They're squishy! They're very squishy! (laughter) And then I'm going to go over to Laudna, and I'm just going to say: Get 'em! and I'll give her my Bardic Inspiration. MATT: Hell yeah. MARISHA: (growls) MATT: All right, so do you want to move to her? This guy over here, will get an attack of opportunity against you if you move out of his combat range. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah. She's our cannon. MATT: Hell yeah, let's do it. All right, so you move over. It's going to swing towards you and that's a 12 to hit. ROBBIE: It does not. TRAVIS: Nice. MATT: Just barely, using your cape to get in the way of it trying to swing at you with its-- looks like it has a small dagger, and make your way to Laudna to go ahead and inspire her. Does that finish your turn? ROBBIE: It does. MATT: All right. Finishing up Dorian's go. We have Laudna, with Fearne on deck. MARISHA: I'm going to take the ichor from the goopy thing that he just sliced open, and having his Bardic Inspiration, I'm going to take it. I'm going to just lick my fingers-- MATT: Gross. MARISHA: -- as I start to crack my head and I'm going to do my Form of Dread. So once again, I lick this black ichor and then it starts pouring out of my eyes. And I can still hit things at a range; will I be at disadvantage because he's up next to me? As long as I don't hit him? I want to hit the one that I'm basically-- MATT: If you want to hit the one that's right against you, it'll be disadvantage, correct. Anything else is okay. Oh, by the way, just to interject here real fast, as it falls into two pieces on the ground-- TRAVIS: No, shut up. MATT: It bursts in a flash of fire. LAURA: It turns into two more. MARISHA: Yeah. (laughter) MATT: Leaving ash behind it. The body is incinerated into ashes, but the heat is immense. I need you both to make dexterity saving throws. LAURA: Oh, oh, oh. ROBBIE: Fuck me. SAM: What? ROBBIE: I know. Five. MARISHA: Yikes, 10. MATT: Those are failures. ROBBIE: I'm burning it. MATT: But you only take one fire damage each. (cheering) MATT: Laudna, sorry, continue your turn. MARISHA: Cool, so Form of Dread real quick, I get temporary hit points. Let me do that, sorry, sorry. MATT: Do not stack with your-- MARISHA: Well, those are gone now, so it's fine. MATT: That's right, they were already gone. MARISHA: They were already gone, but that is good to know. Okay, and then I am going to Eldritch Blast the dwarf. MATT: Go for it. MARISHA: Across the way. Yeah, 20 total. Yes, 20 total. MATT: Hell yeah. MARISHA: And he is-- ooh! MATT: Before you roll Hex damage, roll for concentration, because you did take the damage from the previous-- MARISHA: Sure. 10, I'm okay. MATT: Yeah, you're fine. MARISHA: Yes. MATT: So now, go ahead, Hex. MARISHA: Yes! ROBBIE: Woo! MATT: Max damage on that! ASHLEY: That's max. MARISHA: 16 plus three, so 19. MATT: 19 points? TALIESIN: With Hex? MARISHA: With Hex. And he has to make a wisdom saving throw. MATT: Or be afraid. TRAVIS: Afeared. MATT: That is going to be a failure, that is an eight. TRAVIS: Oh, let's go. MARISHA: He is afraid of me. MATT: He is frightened of you. SAM: As are we all. TRAVIS: Let's go, Knott's Berry Farm. (laughter) MARISHA: I get knee pads and I just start sliding everywhere? Yeah. TRAVIS: So many sparks! MATT: Can't move closer to her and is generally afraid. TRAVIS: He should be scared by them. (laughter) SAM: Laudna, you just won the lottery. (hisses) (laughter) SAM: Oh, are you happy about that? MARISHA: (hisses) Yeah! SAM: (hisses) (laughter) MATT: There it is. TALIESIN: Fancy little thing. MATT: My little counter there. SAM: Cool. ASHLEY: That's so cute looking. LAURA: Yeah, I like it, it's-- LAURA and ASHLEY: -- really pretty. MATT: Well done, is that your turn? MARISHA: That is my turn. MATT: All right, finishing your go, it is now Fearne's turn, with Bertrand on deck. ASHLEY: Okay, so I'm standing up against the wall, and I'm going to start turning into a constrictor snake. SAM: Ooh! TRAVIS: What? ASHLEY: Wild Shape. SAM: I haven't seen that yet. ASHLEY: So-- TALIESIN: Been a while. Sorry. ASHLEY: The snake is bright green with little-- LAURA: (gasps) You have a snake! ASHLEY: -- yellow swirls around the body, with red eyes, and little seafoam tufts of hair on top. MARISHA: Aww, he is so cute. SAM: A hairy snake? ASHLEY: Hey, where I'm from, some snakes have hair. (laughter) ASHLEY: Okay, so. MATT: So? ASHLEY: I am going to-- TRAVIS: Lovely lizard locks. ASHLEY: I'm going to take a bite at the one in front of me. MATT: Quick question, just to double check on this, ASHLEY: Sure. MATT: For beast shape-- SAM: Does it take an action to change? MATT: Right, that's what I'm double-checking here. LAURA: Oh, is it an action or a bonus action? MARISHA: Depends on what class she is. MATT: It's an action to change it. ASHLEY: Oh, it's an action to change it, okay. Okay. MATT: It's one of the benefits of a Circle of the Moon druid is you can do it as a bonus action. ASHLEY: You can jump right in. MATT: Yeah. MARISHA: Yeah. Circle of the Moon. ASHLEY: Okay. MATT: If you still want to do that, we can totally do that. ASHLEY: I'll still do that. MATT: All right, you got it. ASHLEY: And I'll just stick my tongue out. MATT: You got it. (hissing) (unhappy snarling) ASHLEY: That's my turn. MATT: You got it, all right. It just growls back at you and lashes out with its blackened, pointed teeth. The tongue is jet black inside its gray face, too, it's an awful thing. It just looks like these vacuous spaces without light. All right, finishing your go. It is now Bertrand, with Orym on deck. TRAVIS: (pants) SAM: (laughs) TRAVIS: Save some for me! As I come in the room. MATT: I'll say you can get about there. TRAVIS: Perfect, I'm coming-- A fucking snake! (laughter) No, no, I'll take a swing at the dark little scary individual right in front of me. MATT: You just push right past Imogen and you see the creature is now harrying her from the front, and you get right in its face. Go for it. TRAVIS: I'll wager plus three. MATT: Hell yeah, go for it. SAM: Wager, ooh. TRAVIS: On Gambler's Blade. That is 21 to hit. LAURA: I know, what is that? MATT: That hits, go ahead and roll damage. LAURA: That's fun! I like wagering. I don't know what it means, but I like it. TRAVIS: There's a Gambler's Rapier, but it has consequences if it goes wrong. Nine points of slashing-- piercing damage. MATT: Nine points of piercing damage. (impact) (pained gasp) It is now on the edge of your blade, impaled. You see it grab it, (gargling) it starts spitting out blood. It's still alive. TRAVIS: (yell of exertion) Second one. (laughter) MATT: Slam it with the blade. (laughter) TRAVIS: 10, that's-- 16 to hit? MATT: 16 hits. TRAVIS: Yeah, come on, baby! Seven points of piercing damage. MATT: (impact) It splits in two on the ground. TRAVIS: Ah ha! Still got it. MATT: (flames whooshing) MATT: Then it burns into ash, and the heat burns around the space. I need... Fresh Cut Grass, Fearne, Imogen, and Bertrand to all make dexterity saving throws. TRAVIS: Not a problem. I'm warm, I'm loose. LAURA: Nope. Seven. SAM: Great. MATT: Two points of fire damage. SAM: 13? MATT: 13? Success, you take one point of fire damage. ASHLEY: 16. MATT: One point of fire damage. TRAVIS: Six. MATT: Two points of fire damage. TRAVIS: Okay. MATT: But it is destroyed. All right, does that finish your turn, Bertrand? TRAVIS: It does. MATT: All right, end of that, brings us to Orym, with the dwarves up next. LIAM: All right, so he just came to, I'm going to use a bonus action to use Second Wind. MATT: You got it. LIAM: So I-- Ooh good, get 12 back. MATT: Hell yeah. LIAM: Good. And then I'm going to do that thing where from my back, I flip up onto my feet, and roll along this little critter's back and stab into his back. MATT: You got it. SAM: Laura Bails, you could have added a d4 to your save. LAURA: Oh. LIAM: It's 25 to hit. MATT: You are blessed. 25? That definitely hits. LAURA: Oh, that would've made an 11. LIAM: Five points of damage. LAURA: Does that save? MATT: 11, so one damage. LAURA: Okay, thanks! Thanks, Freshy! MATT: How much damage was it? Sorry. LIAM: That was just five. MATT: Five damage? TALIESIN: You also would've had-- If you're attacking big bad, you would have had advantage also. MATT: It wasn't big bad, that was a small dude next to him. LIAM: Right. MATT: Okay, so as you go and you a stab in the back. (gurgles) You land back over. Are you coming over to this side? It's probably 15 feet. LIAM: No, because I'm wary of that guy, and I'm feeling fucked up, so I'm going to stay right where I am. MATT: You got it. Okay, that finishes your turn. LIAM: Yeah. MATT: All right, the dwarf, looking at you with this intense look of fear in his eyes, "Children!" And is going to go ahead and put its hand forward, and as it does, suddenly all the torches in the room begin to darken. And-- TALIESIN: Before anything, I want to cast Temporal Morass. MATT: Temporal Morass, right. He needs to make a save. TALIESIN: Constitution save. MATT: Right. MARISHA: Get that morass. MATT: That is a failure. LIAM: Morass. MATT: So what's that do? TALIESIN: So that means, speed's halved and no reactions until the ne-- he loses his reaction. MATT: You got it, all right. TALIESIN: Okay. MATT: So you watch him slow a bit, in the same way that you watched, you flicker the red and blue, there's almost a dragging gray imagery off of this dwarf as it tries to move, like it's slightly slowing its pace. Looking at you angrily, staring back at Laudna, releases its hand, the lights dim, and the chamber is now filled with darkness. SAM: Oh no! MARISHA: Magical darkness? We can assume. LIAM: Yeah. MARISHA: Bitch. TRAVIS: It's dark. MARISHA: You little bitch. MATT: The room fills with shadow. SAM: Oh no. MATT: So currently Ashton and-- LIAM: Orym's in there. MATT: And Orym have no vision. MARISHA: Fuck. MATT: It's just black, and-- LIAM: (as Caleb) Counterspell. MARISHA: Ooh! Do it! TRAVIS: I remember those days. MARISHA: I know, someday. MATT: Okay, there we go. TRAVIS: If you're lucky. MARISHA: Yeah. SAM: No. MATT: That finishes their turn. Ashton. TALIESIN: I can't see shit. MATT: No. TRAVIS: See and swing away, my boy. TALIESIN: Reckless attack. MATT: Towards? TALIESIN: Big motherfucker. MATT: Go for it. TALIESIN: So I guess I am just one die then. MATT: Correct. TALIESIN: All right. YOLO. (laughter) Yeah, I'm bringing it back. 20 to hit. MATT: 20 to hit? 20 hits. SAM: Wow! TALIESIN: Knew where they were. MATT: Yep. It's interesting. You go to swing where they were, you swing backwards to go for it, and you hit this way. TRAVIS: Nice. LAURA: Oh! TALIESIN: Nice. ROBBIE: Yo. TALIESIN: Let's put a Chaos Burst in that, just for fun. TALIESIN: Do some-- All right. Let's do some lightning damage. So I get a little power of four there, here we go. Big money. Oh, that's pretty good. Four, five, six, seven. 14 points of normal damage. SAM: That's great. TALIESIN: And then-- Oh, goddamn, seven points of lightning damage. MATT: Nice! TRAVIS: Wow! ASHLEY: Cool! MARISHA: Amazing. MATT: Decent damage. TALIESIN: Then I'm going to just turn so I'm facing that way now. MATT: You turn to face that way, you feel the spark and the burst and you're used to, in shaded spaces, especially when lightning charges off the weapon, it creates light, but there is none. Whatever this darkness is, it is absolute. TALIESIN: You know, I'm feeling it, fuck it, I'm going to book full speed away. MATT: Where? TALIESIN: Away. MATT: Away? Okay. TRAVIS: Please run into something. TALIESIN: Oh yeah. MATT: It's going to be-- Like over this way, you mean? TALIESIN: Yeah, yeah. MATT: Okay. Full speed'll get you way over here. TALIESIN: So just once I'm out of it, I'm going to stop. MATT: Okay. You get to the edge of it. You do feel a swipe towards you from two creatures-- TALIESIN: Sure. MATT: -- as you move that direction. Oof, that's going to be, from one of the smaller ones, for a 23 to hit. TALIESIN: Yeah, it hits. MATT: You take... six points of piercing damage. TALIESIN: Reduced to three. MATT: And nine points of necrotic. TALIESIN: Oh my god. SAM: Oh my god, as in-- TALIESIN: That ain't good. MATT: And the other strike is going to be a 15. TALIESIN: That's my AC. MATT: So it does hit. TRAVIS: What?! What? MATT: That's going to be... six points of slashing dam-- piercing damage, sorry. TALIESIN: Okay. MARISHA: You okay? TALIESIN: No. MARISHA: All right. (laughter) TRAVIS: (chanting) Level three! TRAVIS, MARISHA, and ASHLEY: (chanting) Level three! TRAVIS: (chanting) Level three! TALIESIN: That-- MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: That finishes my turn for now. Fuck, I made a bad call. That finishes my turn for now. MATT: All right. TALIESIN: God, I made a bad call. MARISHA: Oh no. MATT: All right, finishing your go, Ashton, Imogen, you're up. LIAM: Feels like tight spot. TRAVIS: I believe your words were, Fuck it. I'm going to fuck it. LAURA: Shit, I can't see anything in there. MATT: What you can see are: the one creature at the very edge. Actually, no, because Orym would still be in that. So all you can see is the one that's currently engaged with Laudna on the opposite side, and the one that is currently engaged with Fresh Cut Grass, and the snake formerly known as Fearne. TRAVIS: Take a chance. SAM: "Take a chance." (laughter) LAURA: I'm going to go for the one that's engaged with Fearne, since it seems like everyone else has the other one. MATT: This dwarf, technically, is not there, because it has splattered, but you can see it. LAURA: Oh, okay, great. Then I guess I'm going to-- MATT: To be a little more accurate here, I can go ahead and just move this. TALIESIN: Anybody have a healing potion? LAURA: I think I might have a heal. TALIESIN: Okay, good. SAM: Oh, really? MATT: Do you have one? LAURA: Yeah, I bought one. TALIESIN: This one. MATT: You bought one? Let me pull it one up for you, because I can do that now. LAURA: Oh, great! TRAVIS: Yeah! TALIESIN: Somebody is going to drop. SAM: I have a bedroll and a water skin. ROBBIE: Mm! LAURA: Ooh! ASHLEY: Oh! TALIESIN: Somebody's dropping. MATT: Because we're back at the same table again. (cheering) TRAVIS: That was awesome. LAURA: Nobody's down-down yet though, right? TALIESIN: This one's close. MATT: Takes a lot of skill to-- LAURA: I wouldn't see him, he's in darkness. TALIESIN: He is in the dark. LAURA: I don't see shit. TALIESIN: Saw him got his ass kicked, but yeah. LAURA: Okay, I'm going to-- ehh. I'm going to (groans) I'm going to walk up behind the one that's attacking Fearne-y snake, and I'm just going to grab onto his back and cast Shocking Grasp. MATT: Go for it, roll an attack. If you want to move into partial here, you can go ahead and make it a-- LAURA: Yeah! MATT: You're stepping into partial darkness over your shoulder, so part of your arm vanishes from everyone else's perspective, but you're still visible, but you have an advantage on the attack roll because you have the creature-- LAURA: Jesus, 12. MATT: Total of 12? 12 was his AC. ASHLEY: Yeah! LAURA: That was with advantage, I rolled a 12. SAM: But you have plus four to hit. LAURA: Oh! Not that it matters, but there you go, 13. (laughter) MATT: It all adds up eventually. LAURA: Five points. MATT: Five points of damage to that one. TALIESIN: I'm blessed too, aren't I? SAM: You are. TALIESIN: Fuck, I am. MATT: All righty. SAM: You've been hitting just fine. TALIESIN: I've been hitting just fine. MATT: As you shock it, you watch it (snarls) it doubles over for a second, and then wriggles out of your grasp, the cloth tears out of your hands a bit, and you see it shred and you can see part of its gray body beneath, exposed from where the material is damaged by the spell, but it's still standing there. LAURA: Do I have movement enough left that I-- SAM: β™ͺ I'm still standing β™ͺ LAURA: -- can get away from the darkness and circle around it? MATT: Around here, you mean? Or back over this way? LAURA: Yeah, just like-- Oh, I'm kind of there with-- Can I get on the other s--? MATT: Over here, you mean? LAURA: Yeah, to get out of the darkness? MATT: Yeah. There you are, you are on this side and you're just outside of the sphere of darkness. LAURA: All right. MATT: All right, Imogen, hat finishes your go. It's now their turn. LIAM: Oh boy. MATT: So these two, one of them is going to rush up towards you, Ashton. TALIESIN: Yeah. MATT: The other is going to move over here towards Orym. LIAM: Melee! TALIESIN: Fuck, here we go. MATT: This one here is going to-- TALIESIN: Be cool. move over this way. TRAVIS: Let's be cool. SAM: Wait, they can see in the dark? LIAM: <i>They</i> can. SAM: Oh no. TALIESIN: Yeah. ROBBIE: Mm. MARISHA: Tracks. SAM: Oh no. MATT: There is the two against Orym. That is going to be a 16 to hit. LIAM: No. MATT: You get the shield up and deflect the first blow that comes down, this one's actually wielding a dagger, and you barely catch the glint of it as this one's just barely out of the shadow, and you're pull out of the side. The other one, however, out of the darkness, comes for you directly, and that is going to be a 12. They both miss you! TRAVIS: Oh baby! LIAM: -- hear it, and all I heard was (impacts). MATT: There's one here that has now been damaged by you, Imogen, it's going to go ahead and lash out with a back claw toward you. That's going to be a 16 to hit. LAURA: Aw, man. Yeah, it hits me. MATT: Okay, you take... four points of piercing damage, and 12 points of necrotic. TALIESIN: (whistles) What the fuck? Are you okay? LIAM and LAURA: No. SAM: I'll take half of that. ALL: Whoa! MARISHA: F.C.G.! LAURA: Would that just be the ne--? Wait, how much-- TALIESIN: 12. MATT: It's the total attack, so it'll be 13 total. No, sorry, it was four points and then 12. So 16. So you take eight points of damage instead, and you get eight temporary hit points, for the time being. TRAVIS: F.C.G.! MATT: Fresh Cut Grass. SAM: See what happens. LAURA: All right, thank you. LIAM: This is a tightrope walk. MATT: All righty. And there is now-- SAM: No problem! MATT: -- one attacking you. MARISHA: You're up next. TALIESIN: It didn't start in s-- Yeah, that's right, it didn't start his turn near me. MATT: No, it rushed in towards you. That is going to be a 13 hit. TALIESIN: Nope. MATT: You step out to the side as you watch it emerge from the shadow, (snarling) you just barely get out of the way. And there's someone against you, Laudna. That is going to be a 22 to hit. That'll hit. MARISHA: Gah! MATT: You take... (sharp inhale) seven points of piercing damage, and nine points of necrotic. TALIESIN: Oh my god. SAM: Oh noes. TALIESIN: Oh no, okay. MATT: And that's going to finish their turn. MARISHA: Not again, goddamn it. TRAVIS: I'm definitely peeking. MATT: Fresh Cut Grass, you are up, with Dorian on deck. SAM: I better use some of this pain. I have my grappling thing on. Do I need to be away to use that, or can I use that sort of point blank? MATT: You can do point-- If you want to fight the one right in front of you, you can use point blank, but it is disadvantage in the attack roll, because it is technically a ranged attack at something-- SAM: Well, then, I will shoot it at the one across from me, near, I guess, Laudna. MATT: Okay, go for it. SAM: I get no bonus on this attack. It's just a straight roll. 16! LAURA: Yay! MATT: That hits. SAM: Okay, what does this thing do? (laughter) SAM: Okay, it's 1d10 for damage. SAM: Okay, it's 1d10 for damage. LAURA: You should, if you flip it inside out, it's a solid color, too. SAM: Oh, do I do that? MARISHA: The yellow. SAM: Seven points of damage. MATT: Seven points of damage to that one. SAM: And if the creature is medium or smaller, they are grappled. MATT: Indeed. TALIESIN: That's good. MATT: You can also, I believe, choose to pull it towards you, if you want to. SAM: "On a hit, "you pull the creature up to 20 feet "directly towards you. "If the target is a medium or smaller creature, "or pull yourself 20 feet directly towards the creature--" Oh, if it's large. So I'll pull it towards me, why not? MATT: (yelp) It just gets yanked over, as you now got it in its arm and pinned its arm to its body, and it's like (gurgles). SAM: Okay, oh shit, and I've dumped those eight temporary hit points into it. MARISHA: Yes, you do. TRAVIS: Yes! MATT: Yes, you do. And do an additional eight damage. And you watch as you pull it in, you hit it in the arm, you pull it towards you (cries) and it impales on the front of your grapple cannon. (squelch) SAM: Wow! (laughter) SAM: Well, that was fun! MARISHA: Murder! TRAVIS: A little extra kick. ASHLEY: Way to-- LAURA: Letters, that was-- MARISHA: Holy shit. MATT: (whoosh) Burns into ash. I need-- SAM: Oh, I got to make a save for that. MATT: Just you, go ahead and make a-- because you did pull it out of-- SAM: 17. MATT: 17, you take one point of fire damage. SAM: All right! MARISHA: "Get over here." SAM: I'll take that. MATT: That's exactly what it was. LIAM: (Southern drawl) Get over here. (laughter) MATT: That's my favorite Scorpion variant, let's be fair. (laughter) (southern accent) "Might as well finish him!" (laughter) SAM: Yeah, that's all I can do. I'm all done. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: Oh boy. MARISHA: That was sick. MATT: That's awesome. MARISHA: That's the one that was on me? MATT: Yes. MARISHA: Thank god. MATT: Dorian, you're up. You watch the creature that you were both engaged with just go "Ah!" get pulled off, and just wrecked by your little automaton friend over there. ROBBIE: Oh, so that guy that was right in-between us is no longer there? MATT: He got pulled off and killed. ROBBIE: Fantastic. Oh. Oh! Good job! SAM: Oh, no problem, eager to help. ROBBIE: But even with that, I'm just torn. Because Laudna and Ashton are both super fucked up, right? MATT: They're looking pretty rough. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah. (sighs) All right. And I'm going to reach-- Laudna is right next to me, right? MATT: Correct. ROBBIE: I'm going to reach over and tap on her shoulder like: Do the best that you can. And I'm going to cast Cure Wounds on her. MATT: Great. Go ahead an roll for that. ROBBIE: Oh, six and three, so nine for you. MATT: Great. MARISHA: Thank you. ROBBIE: And then I still got my scimitar, right? MATT: You do. ROBBIE: I'm going to use my movement to sprint right into the darkness to Orym. MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: Yes, I love it. ROBBIE: With my blade out. MARISHA: We love a brave boy. LAURA: Yeah. MATT: You jump into the darkness, and as you get in there, the light-- ROBBIE: Fuck! MATT: -- vanishes. And at that point you realize: Oh, this is not normal shade. ROBBIE: Yeah. MATT: There is just black around you. Okay. TRAVIS: Brave lad. MATT: That finishes your turn. LAURA: As you smash into the table and trip over Orym. (laughter) ASHLEY: Ow, ow, ow, ow! ROBBIE: Really bang your shins. LIAM: Step on a LEGO. TRAVIS: Kneecap. "Fuck!" MATT: All right, Laudna, you're up, with Fearne on deck. MARISHA: Can I see anyone outside of the darkness? MATT: Uh, enemy you mean? There is one that is currently between Imogen and Fresh Cut Grass and Fearne. MARISHA: Oh, perfect, okay, yeah. Returning the favor to FCG. I'm going to Eldritch Blast the one that's right in between them. MATT: Go for it. MARISHA: Yep, that's grood. MATT: Very grood. MARISHA: Very grood, 22. MATT: That definitely hits, go ahead and roll damage. LIAM: That is no good. MARISHA: That's shit, but you know, we take what we can get. That's okay, okay. So that's seven plus three, 10 damage total. SAM: That's good! MATT: 10 damage. MARISHA: And he has to make a-- oh, go ahead. MATT: He would, if he wasn't all of a sudden, just scattered to the ground. You watch the head just pop, and what would be blood instead is ash by the time it hits the stone, as it begins to burn-- MARISHA: Uh-oh, watch it! MATT: There's minor burn up as the body incinerates, leaving nothing but charcoal and dust behind. I need Imogen, Fresh Cut Grass, and Fearne to make a dexterity saving throw. SAM: 16! MATT: One point of fire damage. SAM: One, you said? MATT: Yep. ASHLEY: 19. MATT: One point of fire damage. SAM: Ow! LAURA: 17. MATT: One point of fire damage. MARISHA: Okay, okay, okay, okay. I think that's my turn. MATT: Are you staying there? MARISHA: Can I back aw-- (blows raspberry) I'm going to get in the corner. MATT: This corner over here? MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: Easy enough to do. Okay. That finishes your go. That brings us to Fearne, with Bertrand on deck. ASHLEY: Okay. SAM: Bert and Fearnie. ASHLEY: Are there any visible-- (laughter) ROBBIE: No! MARISHA: Bert and-- ASHLEY: That's pretty cute. MATT: Oh no! TALIESIN: Why? ROBBIE: No, what have you done?! ASHLEY: I like it. MARISHA: It's so cute! ASHLEY: It's really cute! LIAM: The art's going to be wild! (laughter) ASHLEY: Bert and Fearnie! TALIESIN: No! No! ASHLEY: Are there any more visible creatures, or are they all in the dark? MATT: Currently, no. Everything right now is in shadow. And you don't see Dorian. You saw both Dorian and Orym vanish into the black magical mass. And you just hear sounds of movement and combat. ASHLEY: Okay, here's a question. MATT: Yes? ASHLEY: So with the constrictor snake, constrictor snakes have Blindsight? MATT: Correct. (gasping) MARISHA: Girl! Nice! LAURA: Yay! TRAVIS: Yo, what's up, ma'am? MARISHA: That's a good druid right there! ROBBIE: Let's go! MARISHA: Yaas! ASHLEY: I'm going to start slithering into the darkness. MATT: Okay, you slither into the darkness, and you can tell that there are two of these right by the side of where Orym and Dorian are. Which direction do you want to go? ASHLEY: Okay. LAURA: Can you see the big baddie? SAM: Do you have snake earrings on right now? ASHLEY: I sure do. SAM: Holy shit. LAURA: I love it. ASHLEY: Okay. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Where's the big baddies? MARISHA: β™ͺ Little snakey, you're the one β™ͺ MATT: What's the range on Blindsight? SAM: Heyya, Bert. ASHLEY: 10 feet. MATT: 10 feet. So yeah, no, you don't know where he is, but as you move up here, you immediately can make out the two of those. ASHLEY: Yeah, so I'll just go naturally. I feel like it would be, yeah, perfect. Okay, so I'm going to take a bite attack. MATT: Go for it. ASHLEY: Oh, that's awful! SAM: I would say it was cocked. ASHLEY: No, it wasn't. MATT: Technically, you do have advantage-- No, you don't, I guess, I'm sorry, that's my bad. TALIESIN: Would there be a way to get into it? MATT: Not from where she was placed, unfortunately. ASHLEY: Okay, that didn't hit. MATT: What'd you roll? ASHLEY: A seven. MATT: Seven does not hit, unfortunately, no, but good try. ASHLEY: Okay, okay, that's it. MATT: Is that your turn? Okay. SAM: That's very cool. MATT: Finishing Fearne's turn, Bertrand, you're up, with Orym on deck. TRAVIS: There're no enemies outside of ze goo, right? MATT: Nope, there's just darkness. LIAM: Why am I dripping with goo? TRAVIS: I will run to the edge of the bubble and call out: Friends, where are you? (laughter) TRAVIS: Is there a reply? MATT: Did anyone reply? ROBBIE: Do we hear it? LIAM: Hey! MATT: Yeah. ROBBIE: Bertrand? ASHLEY: (hisses) TRAVIS: Okay, you're in there, that didn't help at all. MATT: You know the basic direction of where they are, and you saw where they vanished, or at least where Dorian ran into. TRAVIS: So can I split the difference and just run in between the two and swing? SAM: Oh my god. LAURA: Oh no! MATT: Sure. SAM: Let's see who you hit. MARISHA: Yep. LIAM: (impacts) (groans) MATT: You run into Dorian. ROBBIE: Oh, goddamn it. MATT: And that's as far as you can get there, unless you change direction. TRAVIS: Okay, fair enough. MATT: You hit the back of Dorian. TRAVIS: Take a swing. (laughter) 15. MATT: What's your AC, Dorian? ROBBIE: It is 15. MATT: You hit, go ahead and roll damage. ASHLEY: Oh my god. ROBBIE: Shit. MARISHA: (laughs) ROBBIE: What do I do? What does he do? LAURA: You're such a troll. MARISHA: This is the best. TRAVIS: 10 points of damage. (gasping) ROBBIE: You dick! (laughter) (screams) TRAVIS: Oh no! Oh no! ROBBIE: Bertrand, is that you? TRAVIS: I'm so sorry! ROBBIE: Why would you do this to me? TRAVIS: I thought I had a plan! ROBBIE: Literally no one has stabbed me up until this moment! TRAVIS: I know how to get out of here. Do you want to leave? ROBBIE: No, you just saw me run in here to help! TRAVIS: I start taking steps back out of the bubble. LAURA: Oh my god. LIAM: Take your attack of opportunity! (laughter) ROBBIE: Do I get one? MATT: I'll allow it. ROBBIE: Okay, fine, I just want to unarmed strike, try to open palm him somewhere. MATT: Do it! Do it! ROBBIE: Fuck you, three! MATT: I'll give you advantage! ROBBIE: What? MATT: I'm giving you advantage. TRAVIS: Oh, come on! MARISHA: Come on! ROBBIE: (yells) 15! TRAVIS: My AC is 14! ROBBIE: Let's go! MATT: Crack! (echoing) Crack, crack, crack! The red hot pain on your cheek as you just get the biggest backhand you've-- and you've gotten a few backhands in your time, but this one shakes the room. (echoing impacts) We're talking anime fight scene quiet after this. Everyone in the room just goes (gasps). Even the creatures (gasps) in the darkness. But yeah. TRAVIS: I stumble out of the bubble and go: Dorian's over there. (laughter) MATT: Does that finish your turn? TRAVIS: It does. MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: I've done enough. MARISHA: Fuck, amazing. MATT: All righty, finishing your go there, it is now Orym's turn. LIAM: Man, I'm in the darkness and I just heard (hisses) "Are you there?" (yells) (impacts) (slaps) MATT: A lot's happening. LIAM: So I know-- MATT: You do have two dudes right next to you that even though you can't see, you can sense them there. LIAM: So what I'm going to do is I'm going to make as if to run, and use a superiority die as a bonus action, make a feinting attack, which will take me from disadvantage up to a straight roll. MATT: Correct. LIAM: So I'm going to go as if to run, I'm going to immediately pirouette back and slash in a circle. MATT: You got it. SAM: Still blessed. LIAM: Thank you. Heh, I hit, 21... 26. MATT: Yeah, that definitely hits. Go ahead and roll damage. SAM: Although, for all these fire damages, do I need to be rolling for concentration on that? MATT: Yes, you would have. LAURA: But they're one point of damage? MATT: You still have to roll each time. So just roll a couple for me. LIAM: That is 13 points total. SAM: One. MARISHA: You are lying! MATT: But he's still hit without it. LIAM: 13 points. MATT: 13 points? LIAM: Of slashing damage. MATT: All right. SAM: And it was a one. LIAM: Just a razor pirouette. MATT: As the blade cleaves through, you hear (groans). (flames whooshing) I need you to make a dexterity saving throw. LIAM: Okay, I'm good at those. MATT: And you're the only one that needs to. LIAM: 17. MATT: 17, great, you take one point of fire damage, I'm rolling really bad for these things. Bless is gone, unfortunately. TALIESIN: Boo. LAURA: Bummer. LIAM: Oh, all right. MATT: No, good looking out on that, too. MARISHA: DM's pet. ASHLEY: Yeah. LIAM: β™ͺ DM's pet β™ͺ ALL: β™ͺ I wanna be β™ͺ β™ͺ DM's pet! β™ͺ TRAVIS: β™ͺ Dear DM I love you β™ͺ ASHLEY: β™ͺ I wanna be snuggled, and cuddled β™ͺ β™ͺ As close to you β™ͺ as I can get β™ͺ LIAM: You guys were on it! I'm so in love with all of you. ROBBIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughter) MATT: Is that your turn, Orym? TRAVIS: If you haven't seen it, watch it. Watch it. ROBBIE: The kids don't know it. MATT: All right, that brings us to Ashton, your go. TALIESIN: All right. Did that creature actually somehow back into the darkness away from me? MATT: No, it's visible at the entrance. TALIESIN: Okay, they are visible. MATT: Yeah. LIAM: Big kahuna is still in there. TALIESIN: I'm going to take a swing at that thing. MATT: Go for it. TALIESIN: Am I going to do a reckless? (laughter) Uh... MARISHA: Robbie keeps looking at his hit points. TALIESIN: He'll hit me if I don't kill the damn thing, anyway. MARISHA: So mad. (laughter) TALIESIN: Yeah, that hits. MATT: Okay. Okay, yeah, definitely. LIAM: You sat next to Travis-- TALIESIN: This thing needs to drop. ROBBIE: Ha, looking now. SAM: Rookie mistake. TALIESIN: That's (counting). That's 13 points of damage. MATT: (impacts) (snarling) It crumbles underneath and spatters for a radius about a foot in every direction before burning up. Make a dexterity saving throw. TALIESIN: I have advantage on dexterity saves. MATT: You do. TALIESIN: Thank god, because, all right, that was terrible. 19. MATT: One point of fire damage. I'm rolling so bad for this fire damage. Like, it's consistently twos and ones. SAM: Nice. MATT: Good for you! LAURA: That was all it could do. MATT: I know. No, it can do more than that. I'm just rolling really bad. (laughs) TALIESIN: And I'm going to run around the darkness towards everything. MATT: Okay. MATT: Five. I mean, 25 is right here and you're in the middle. TALIESIN: All right, that'll do. As long as I want to-- TRAVIS: Dorian's over there! MATT: (laughs) ROBBIE: Stay away from me! (laughter) MATT: Imogen, you're up. LAURA: Oh god, okay. SAM: "Oh god" is right. What can you do? LAURA: Well. This is so dumb. MATT: I like dumb, what you got? LAURA: But-- TRAVIS: Wanna bet? LAURA: -- I know where-- I can hear right in front of me where everybody is fighting, right? MATT: Correct. LAURA: Just super noisy. So I'm going to go run into the darkness past it, as far as I can into the room. MATT: Which direction? LAURA: Straight into the back corner. MATT: Okay. LAURA: Into the darkness. TALIESIN: What? SAM: β™ͺ Into the darkness β™ͺ MATT: I would like you to make a dexterity saving throw, because you are running through furniture and other things in the way, while blind, so. LAURA: Yeah. TRAVIS: Let's go! We got this. LIAM: [Inaudible] those Legos. LAURA: Seven. MATT: Seven. You run past, you shoulder check into somebody, you thought Dorian was there, and you hit Dorian a little bit, move past, stumble into another creature, hit a chair. (laughter) You take two points of bludgeoning damage from the chair hitting you right in the knee cap. LAURA: Right on the shin. You know, like right in that money spot. TRAVIS: Shuts the whole thing down. LAURA: You know when you whiff it on a stair and your shin cracks. ASHLEY: Oh, the worst! LIAM: You know what? Never mind. MATT: Also, the creature you run past gets an attack of opportunity. LIAM: Oh shit. MATT: That is going to be a 14 to hit. LAURA: Nope. SAM: Oh! What? MATT: Because Mage Armor, that's right, yeah. Whiffs and you run, run, run. That's five, 10, 15, 20-- Okay, you run, and you just keep running. You haven't got to the edge or a wall yet, but that's your movement. LAURA: Okay. MATT: You can keep going, if you want to. LAURA: No. (stammering) No. I'm going to stop where I am, and I'm going to cast-- SAM: Oh boy. LAURA: I'm just going to put my arms in front of me and close my eyes really tight and cast Shock Flare all around me. SAM: I have never heard of this. TRAVIS: What? MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: What? LAURA: So an explosion of electricity just flares up all around me. MATT: (explosion) All of you hear this weird-- (explosion) like low bass-y sound, and the air suddenly smells like electrical fire. TRAVIS: Yo! MARISHA: Mm, cool. MATT: That's all you know. Go ahead and roll damage. LAURA: Okay. Okay. SAM: Cocked. LIAM: That was the most cocked ever. LAURA: 10 points of lightning damage. MATT: Okay. Is that your turn? LAURA: Yep. MATT: You got it. All right, that brings us to the last one's turn. TALIESIN: Can I see it, or no? MATT: No, it is-- LAURA: It's a 10-foot radius. SAM: 10-foot radius?! MATT: 10-foot radius, yeah. Which means, where you were-- LAURA: Did I get any of them? MATT: No, you were 15-- no 10-- you would've been there, yeah, it's 15 feet from you, unfortunately. The one that's left. MARISHA: Ah, that thing was nothing? ROBBIE: No, whiff. LAURA: I was hoping the bad guy was still-- MATT: No, it was a good call, it was a good call. But you didn't get the one that was near Orym, unfortunately. MARISHA: But you got one thing. MATT: But that one is going to attack you, Orym. LAURA: I don't know if I got anything. I was hoping the big baddie-- ROBBIE: You fucked up that chair that got you, though. LAURA: I was hoping that big baddie was in there. LIAM: 20? MATT: Natural 20. SAM: Oh no. ASHLEY: Uh-oh. LIAM: This is going to put me down. MATT: Hold on, one, two, five points of piercing damage. LIAM: Okay. TALIESIN: Hey. SAM: Oh. MATT: And... 10 points of necrotic. LIAM: I'm still up. (cheering) MATT: Oh shit! It rolled a one on one dice, and then a two and three. So even on a crit, doubled-- Oh, no shit! LIAM: I did a-- Not action surge, I keep confusing the two terms-- TALIESIN: I know you did, yeah, the-- Second Wind. LIAM: Second Wind. SAM: Oh, cool. LIAM: Second Wind. TALIESIN: Fuck, good, good. MARISHA: Shit, oh shit, yeah! ROBBIE: A little beefy boy. LAURA: Surprisingly beefy. ROBBIE: He is beefy. MATT: And that's going to go ahead and finish its go. LIAM: (winded) I'll take all of you on. MATT: Fresh Cut Grass, you're up. SAM: Oh. There's-- I don't know what to do. MATT: Yeah, it's just a void of darkness before you in this room. You hear combat, you hear friends yelling in pain, you hear creatures shrieking. TRAVIS: Yelling in anger. (laughter) MATT: Yeah. ASHLEY: You seem pretty down, Ashton. LAURA: Did I hear anything when I did my spell? Nothing? MATT: Nothing. TALIESIN: I'm all right. MATT: I'm sorry. TALIESIN: I'm not in double digits or anything, but I'm all right. SAM: Wow. I mean, I don't see anyone. I can't do anything. Um. Shit. I-- I don't know where anything is. (whines) MATT: (chuckles) SAM: I could blind fire? No, I don't want to do that. I will, I guess, once again, use my perception to try to-- No, this has been rounds. Danas is dead by now. We've had at least three rounds of combat. TRAVIS: Damn it, Danas. SAM: Danas is dead. All right, I will go to the edge of the darkness and hold my attack action until I see anything dangerous, I suppose. MATT: Okay. LAURA: Danas isn't necessarily dead, it's been like 30 seconds, max. SAM: But if it's a-- SAM: If there-- LIAM: She could have stabilized, we don't know. SAM: Yeah. MATT: It's possible, we'll find out. MARISHA: Shit. SAM: No one has seemed to see her-- MATT: So you are right up against-- SAM: We've been walking all around this place. LAURA: Maybe she's in that cupboard, right there. SAM: That's true, she might be in the cupboard. Wait, didn't we break up the cupboard? LAURA: There's a second cupboard. SAM: Hmm. MATT: Yeah, there's furniture over here, there's furniture over there-- SAM: Is that furniture broken, or is the other one? MATT: Well, it is now. (laughter) MATT: No, that one is not broken. SAM: Well then, I'll go open that. That'll be my action. I'll go open the cupboard. MATT: Okay. SAM: See what's inside. MATT: Get that door out of the way. SAM: I just pull the door off and throw it away. MATT: I mean, yeah, totally. Pull it open, it looks like there are some sleeping linens that are provided for the chamber, but nothing else in there. SAM: I'll just look through the linens and try to tidy them up a little bit. MATT: Okay. (laughter) I respect that. SAM: I think there's a gray with the whites. ASHLEY: "While I'm here." LIAM: Just quickly fold it into a swan. MATT: Dorian, you're up. SAM: Uh-huh. MATT: You can hear the one creature that's currently harrying and fighting with Orym, and is going to just, right in front of you as well you hear-- (snarling) ROBBIE: Oh, but I can hear it. MATT: You can hear it, yeah. ROBBIE: I'm going to use my movement to go straight toward that. MATT: You take a step and it's like right there. Even just hearing it, it's right in front of you. ROBBIE: God, I just want to touch Orym. I want to reach out, I just-- MATT: You can either reach for Orym, or you can go for the creature. You hear the creature there and you hear Orym in pain, like-- LAURA: He said it. ROBBIE: Okay, I'm going to reach out for Orym. MATT: Okay, and? ROBBIE: And do I f-- I'm going to try and cast Cure Wounds, if I can feel him. MATT: Okay, yeah, I'd say, you-- (laughter) ROBBIE: I'm palming his hand like a basketball. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you. And I'll cast Cure Wounds. MATT: Go for it, roll. β™ͺ (vocalizing) β™ͺ Four plus-- Seven. β™ͺ (cheering) LIAM: Nothing to sneeze at, thank you. MATT: All right. Does that finish your turn? ROBBIE: While I've got my hand on his head, I'm also going to say to him, I'm going to say: I'm not feeling so well myself, please help us. And I'm going to give him Bardic Inspiration. LIAM: Oh shit. MATT: So take a d6. ROBBIE: Wait, can I do that if it's already on somebody? Clarification, can I? MATT: Yeah, you can give out inspiration. Can't do multiple to a single person. ROBBIE: Multiple to-- MATT: But you can give it to different people. ROBBIE: Okay, yeah, so I'm going to give it to Orym. Just making sure. MATT: Yeah, no worries. All right, that finishes your go. Let's bring it to Laudna, with Fearne on deck. MARISHA: All right, I am going to move up to the darkness. Ah. I'm not sure if my Eyes of the Dark-- SAM: Oh yeah! MARISHA: -- will work with this. MATT: What does Eyes of the Dark do? MARISHA: "Starting at first level, you have "darkvision with a range of 120 feet. "When you reach third level of this class, "you can learn the Darkness spell, "which is doesn't count-- Sorcerer's point to cast-- "Spending two sorcerer's points, you can "see through the darkness created by the spell." SAM: Oh! MARISHA: So I can see through darkness spells, but I don't know if it has to be mine, or if I can see through his? MATT: It says if you spend two sorcery points, you can look through? MARISHA: I can cast Darkness. MATT: Okay, so, sorry, specify again what it-- MARISHA: "When you reach third level in this class, "you learn the Darkness spell, "which doesn't count against your number of sorcerer spells known." MATT: Correct, you're not third level in that class yet, unfortunately. MARISHA: That is true. MATT: Yeah. MARISHA: That is true. MATT: But that's something you can look forward to in the future. MARISHA: I'm first level, but I have Darkness. So I can't see through the darkness. MATT: You peer in and it is just void. MARISHA: It's just nothing, okay. (laughter) MARISHA: Shadow that doesn't like me. ASHLEY: It's like Nott's, "Aah!" (laughter) MARISHA: I am going to-- and I have zero idea where anybody is-- I am going to start charging-- it looks like sinew and almost like a... like a Jacob's ladder, that I start making, but out of like-- MATT: It's so gross, I love it. LIAM: Yeah. MARISHA: Dripping bloody sinew. And I wait-- I'm going to hold my action, and I'm going to say: Imogen, I'll shoot where you shoot. And I'm going to wait, and hold my action for Imogen's turn and attack wherever she attacks. MATT: Okay, you got it. Finishing your go, it is now Fearne, with Bertrand on deck. ASHLEY: Okay. MATT: That guy who's right next to you that you bit for, you can still hear moving and shifting right next to you as a serpent. ASHLEY: Okay. I'm going to take another bite attack. MATT: Go for it. SAM: Come on, snake. ASHLEY: Come on. SAM: Solid. Solid! ASHLEY: Natural 20. (cheering) ASHLEY: Woo! Okay. (laughter) ASHLEY: I'm going to turn towards it and then slowly open my jaw very wide, and on top of-- MARISHA: Nom nom. ASHLEY: -- the head. You know when snakes are trying to eat something, it's just real slow? Yeah. MARISHA: Cool. ASHLEY: That's what I'm going to do. MATT: Roll damage and double it. ASHLEY: Okay, what's the-- LIAM: (growls) (laughter) MATT: (whimpers) ASHLEY: Ooh, okay, so that would be seven points of damage. No, I'm sorry, eight points of damage. MATT: Eight points of damage? ASHLEY: Yes. MATT: This is the last of these type of creatures. How do want to do this? (cheering) ASHLEY: I'm just going to keep slowly chomping down. TRAVIS and MARISHA: (gulp) ASHLEY: Just real slow, while he's screaming, while it's getting muffled in there. TRAVIS: Yeah, okay. MATT: All right. I'll say, situationally, as you swallow it, you hear (muffled cries, explosion). (laughter) MATT: Roll a dexterity saving throw with disadvantage. (laughter) LAURA: How do you dodge that? MATT: As it incinerates in your-- MARISHA: Roll for heartburn? MATT: This is to see if you can spit the ashes out fast enough and try-- ASHLEY: Did you say dexterity? MATT: Yeah. ASHLEY: 10. MATT: With disadvantage? ASHLEY: That's at disadvantage, yeah. MATT: Yeah. Take three points of fire damage. LAURA: Oh. It makes sense that that would do the most. MATT: Yeah, and it incinerates within your gullet. You manage to spit some of it out as it flashes. But you still catch the brunt of it. SAM: Is your snake still alive? ASHLEY: Still alive. SAM: Cool. ASHLEY: Yeah, still alive. MATT: All righty. That finishes your turn? ASHLEY: So-- it does. There's another person, there's somebody else in here, right? MATT: The initial dwarf that was in this chamber has vanished into that darkness. ASHLEY: Okay. Okay. I'm going to start slithering over there. SAM: Yeah. LAURA: And you've got blindsight. ASHLEY: Yeah. I'm going to start-- MATT: Slither over towards where Laudna is. LAURA: Imogen. MATT: Sorry, Imogen over there. ASHLEY: Yes. MATT: And it's just Imogen over in that corner. LAURA: (gasps) ASHLEY: I give her a little snake-- on her arm. Let her know I'm here. MATT: That's inappropriate. All right, that finishes your go. That means it's now Bertrand, with Orym on deck. LAURA: Can you see anything in the darkness? SAM: Yeah, shouldn't she see--? MATT: You have blindsight in 10 feet and you see furniture. ASHLEY: In 10 feet. MATT: But you don't see anybody else over in that corner aside from Imogen. LAURA: Disappeared. TRAVIS: I'll just walk to the edge of the darkness and take my rapier and hold it in my hand and hold and attack if an enemy becomes visible. MATT: You got it. TRAVIS: That's it. MATT: Okay, that brings us to Orym. LIAM: I'm basically going to do the same thing, I'm going to roll back, lean on Dorian, and just hold the blade up waiting for anything to poke out, because it's rough in there. MATT: You got it. Okay, so holding attacks at the ready. Finishing your go. Ashton, you're up. TALIESIN: Fuck. (laughter) TALIESIN: I'm going to move into the corner where I first saw the gross little creature. MATT: Yes. TALIESIN: And I'm going to hold my attack. MATT: Okay, weapons at the ready looking into this shadowed, shadow-consumed portion of the chamber. TALIESIN: I drop rage. MATT: You drop rage. SAM: Oh no. MATT: All right, Imogen. LAURA: I'm going to say very loudly: I remember a door over here, there was a door! And I'm going to start walking towards, where I-- MATT: Towards where the door was? Okay. LAURA: Where I remember the door being. Can I feel anything? MATT: Yeah, you go over, and you come to the door, and as you touch it, (creaking). SAM: Oh! MATT: You push past. And this door is now open. You enter into what is-- You step out of the darkness, and you're now in a separate bedchamber with a large canopy bed and a second balcony. LAURA: (gasps) MARISHA: Aw! LAURA: I think he came through the bedroom! And I'll run out. Do I see any trace of him? Door opened onto the balcony, anything? MATT: The opening to the balcony is open. The window is open. LAURA: Can I look out? Do I see anyone running on the street, or--? MATT: I'll say roll a perception check. LAURA: (deliberating humming) TALIESIN: Decisions, decisions. LAURA: (humming) Mm-mm-mm. Five! MATT: Five. Looking down over into the alley, glancing around, it's low lit in here. You do not see anybody at the moment. All right, so finishing that, we'll say we're technically now out of combat. (groaning) MATT: So we'll go ahead and bring this down to what are you doing as you all hear Imogen shout this. MARISHA: I'm going to-- Hearing my girl, I'm going to run out to this balcony over here and see if I see anything. MATT: Okay, go ahead and roll a perception check. MARISHA: All right. (scoffs) Five. LAURA: You see me on the other balcony! LAURA and MARISHA: Hi! (laughter) MARISHA: Oh my god! (laughter) MARISHA: Yep, no, nothing. Nine total, but, I mean-- MATT: Yeah, no, glancing down the alley, same thing. You're both not catching sight of anything in particular. SAM: I'm going to open that trunk and see if Danas' body is shoved in there. MATT: Okay, you shift over to the trunk. You go ahead and lift it up inside. It is empty, it is a storage trunk. MARISHA: Okay, that's less gory. SAM: Where did this body go? TALIESIN: I'm just going to keep tossing the room, then, if this is what we're doing. MATT: Okay. TRAVIS: Dorian, if you can hear my voice-- ROBBIE: Yes, but I don't want to! TRAVIS: Dorian, I'm sorry, if you could come back this way. LAURA: Can I look under the bed and see if there's anything like a doorway under the bed or anything? MATT: Sure, make an investigation check. TRAVIS: Letters will help, I'm sure. ROBBIE: Fine. Orym's still in front of me, like, maybe got him by the collar. MATT: So you see, you-- LAURA: 20! MATT: 20? LAURA: Dirty 20. MATT: Dirty 20, okay. We'll get to that in just a second. As you see how Laudna's off on the balcony looking over the side and you hear Imogen shouting, and they're in the process of looking for where this individual might be hiding or running. You go ahead and start inspecting around. You look under the bed. You do not find anything under the bed, but as you begin to feel on the ground, you begin to push into the darkness and feeling along where the table was, and underneath the table on the opposite side, you touch a boot of some kind. LAURA: (gasps) Uh-oh. SAM: Oh my god. No. MATT: What do the rest of you do? SAM: A deadly boot. TALIESIN: I'm tossing furniture in the main room, and I'm probably going to make my way, I'm not being subtle about it-- MARISHA: β™ͺ Makin' my way β™ͺ I'm going to make my way into the bedroom. MATT: Okay. LIAM: I will have limped my way over to where Laudna is, and I'll actually leap down to ground level and see if I can spot our runaway. MATT: Okay, so you leap down. What's everyone else doing? SAM: Ankle broken. ASHLEY: I'm going to, since I'm near Imogen I'm going to slither over to where-- MATT: At this point, we'll say for the purpose of this, he is gone. LAURA: Oh fuck. MATT: You know, generally, where everything is in the room. SAM: Is the darkness still up? LAURA: Is the darkness up? MATT: It's lingering. SAM: Wow. LAURA: Can I use-- SAM: How long does it last? LAURA: -- because I don't trust this-- SAM: Must be 10 minutes. LAURA: -- whatever this is. Can I just use my telekinetic pull and pull the whatever it is toward me? MATT: Yep, two the chairs, like, (scraping) get shoved out of the way, and you watch as a limp female gnome body-- LAURA: Oh shit! MATT: -- is extracted from the darkness, covered in crimson-- LAURA: Letters! SAM: Wha-- I'm coming! I'll roll over to where I heard this call, and do I see this dead... Danas? MATT: Indeed. SAM: Well, I'll-- MATT: Pale and bloodied. SAM: I'll cast, just in case, Spare the Dying. But I don't know if they're still fighting. MATT: Okay. Make a medicine check. SAM: Okay. 19 plus things. Plus five. MATT: Fantastic. LAURA: Oh! MATT: You go ahead and cast Spare the Dying, and go over to inspect, and there is no pulse to this body. It, unfortunately, did not survive between the time of whatever, and now looking at it, you can see there's a grievous wound from the bottom of one ear, across the throat, and almost taking the head off the neck. (groaning) What are the rest of you doing? You jumped down? LIAM: As he was doing, I'm trying to-- MATT: Go ahead and make a perception check. TRAVIS: I'm going to the hallway-- LIAM: I get to reroll a natural one. TRAVIS: -- just to look and see if we've attracted commotion. TALIESIN: Close the door, block it. MATT: There's definitely-- TRAVIS: We didn't leave much of the door. MATT: You can see there's a few patrons out in the hallway leaning, glancing in the direction of where you are. Looking a bit concerned by the sound. TRAVIS: It's all right, stay in your rooms. Stay in your rooms, please. Everything's fine. ASHLEY: I'll put my-- MATT: Make a persuasion check. (laughter) ASHLEY: In your rooms, in your rooms, nothing to see here! MATT: Persuasion or intimidation, your choice. TRAVIS: 13. MATT: 13, okay. Most folks tend to whisper, and then go back into their rooms. They're not likely to get involved in something when an authoritative voice tells them not to. TRAVIS: I take the pieces of the door and-- MARISHA: I'll walk over to the door. LIAM: With advantage on perception, Halfling Luck, and Bardic Inspiration, I got 24. MATT: 24? Okay. Glancing around side to side, you don't see anything. LIAM: Got it. ASHLEY: I put my snake head on Imogen's boot. SAM: Aw. MATT: Okay. ROBBIE: I made my way out of the darkness, and to the body, and-- SAM and MARISHA: β™ͺ Makin' my way β™ͺ ROBBIE: -- sort of look at her for a minute and I'm going to unclip my cape and just give her a shroud real quick and just cover her up. Just because the door's open, it's unpleasant. LAURA: Having dealt with these guys before, I imagine you and I would start looking around-- LAURA and MARISHA: -- for entrances. LAURA: Places they could get in into the room. MARISHA: It was interesting, though, because they were-- LAURA: They were different. MARISHA: With him. Yes, they were different. Ours didn't explode. LAURA: No, and they had red eyes. These ones have black eyes. SAM: You've seen these creatures before? MARISHA: Yes. LAURA and MARISHA: Shadow creepers. SAM: That's a cool name. Did you name them that? Or did someone tell you that's what they're called? LAURA: No, apparently they're-- MARISHA: Hated. LAURA: They're like rats in this town. SAM: Oh. MARISHA: They're essentially little treasure thieves, goblins. They sneak into people's rooms, our wonderful landlord, Zhudanna, she's been dealing with them for a bit, and we helped her defeat them. But normally, it just seems like they were out to come in, steal knickknacks and treasure, and, you know, go add to their little hoard. LAURA: Awful, but innocent. MARISHA: Yes. LAURA: These seemed-- MARISHA: -- different, like you said. SAM: Mutants. MARISHA: Yeah. ROBBIE: Have you ever seen so many of them? LAURA: Well, yeah, they come out. MARISHA: Like she said, they're like vermin. Run in hordes. LIAM: Orym gets a running start with his boots of striding and springing, and leaps and grasps the bottom of the balcony and vaults himself up. MATT: Without issue. TALIESIN: We should finish checking the bedroom and get the fuck out of here. ASHLEY: Is that a mirror over there? MATT: That is, yeah. ASHLEY: I'm going to slither over there and then drop Wild Shape once I get to the mirror. MATT: Okay. So we'll say for this part, yeah, you can move to that to that side, and you go ahead and make your way over to the mirror and drop Wild Shape. MARISHA: And I'll go over-- SAM: Is there a reflection? MARISHA: Mending the door to patch it, so we have a bit more privacy. MATT: All right, so slowly the door begins to magically extend and repair itself from the pieces that Bertrand put up to it. TRAVIS: I want to say we've been successful in our task. We've rooted out the problem and found the person that was also the victim, but I guess we can say is responsible. I'm not a fan of perhaps taking a body to Lord Eshteross. LAURA: We could always-- and I cast Prestidigitation and clean the body up. We could pretend she's drunk and bring her to him, and act like our friend-- TRAVIS: We could. Does anyone have any artistic talents? A sketch of her, perhaps. In case he knows who she is. ASHLEY: I'm very good at drawing. TRAVIS: It might behoove us to leave this scene and not be affiliated with it. TALIESIN: Agreed. MARISHA: Just leave her here? LAURA: I feel like everyone saw us come up here. We weren't-- TALIESIN: Personally, I see two options. We leave her in the bed, leave the place ransacked. Something happened. Or, push her over the edge of the balcony. Get out the other way. SAM: Whoa, hold on now. I mean, did we inadvertently cause this in any way? LAURA: Yeah. Yeah, we did. TALIESIN: No. No! SAM: So what exactly-- She was stealing, but she was stealing for someone? TALIESIN: She was in bad business with a bad person and bad things fucking happened. It happens. TRAVIS: Well, who was here? Who was first on the scene? Did anyone hear anything before we-- LIAM: I did. We were there, but I got my ear down by the door. She sounded like she maybe had been giving them what they want and that went sour. MARISHA: I'm going to go over to her body and check her pockets. MATT: Sure. Go ahead and roll a general investigation check. MARISHA: General investigation. 15. MATT: 15. You do find about 12 silver, 15 gold pieces. The keys to the warehouse. SAM: Don't need those. We broke the door. MARISHA: That's true. MATT: Those are the things of importance and interest that you've found. MARISHA: Could be other locks. TRAVIS: Did you check that room? The one your balcony is in? LAURA: I was looking at-- I looked under the bed and stuff. I'll keep looking around the room, but-- LIAM: Orym looks over. Has anyone checked that desk yet? MATT: You're checking other parts of the room? LAURA: Yeah, remember I said I was looking for places that-- MATT: Right, then I'll say as an extension, as to your 20 earlier, which you did roll, under where the desk is. SAM: Underwear. (laughter) MATT: There is a portion of the wall where the baseboard-like structure of it is splintered and you get your fingernail in there and pull back a bit. And it leads to a hole in the wall about a little over a foot across from side to side that descends into the-- LAURA: Orym! MATT: -- the wall of the building itself. LIAM: Yeah? LAURA: Can you come here for a second? LIAM: Sure. Oh, look at that. LAURA: Can you fit in there? LIAM: Yeah, yeah. TRAVIS: Aren't we a bit worse for wear before we start jumping into dark holes? TALIESIN: Boy. I don't feel good. LAURA: Yeah. ASHLEY: I'm not doing so well. LIAM: I mean, we can shut the door and just lay low for a bit. MARISHA: Take a nap in here? TALIESIN: I don't know if that's an option. We made a lot of noise. I, personally, want to get out of here. LAURA: We can always come back. TALIESIN: We can always come back. MATT: You do begin to hear heavy footfalls. LAURA: Shit. MATT: A series of steps making their way from the far end of the hall towards where you are, though the door is now closed and moderately repaired by you. You can hear (heavy footsteps). LIAM: I start to push the boards up and put the chair in place under the desk. LAURA: Should we just hightail it off the balconies? TRAVIS: I'd advise that. TALIESIN: Let's hightail it off the balcony. SAM: Do we need to take this body or are we leaving? LAURA: I don't know how we-- TRAVIS: Did you sketch? ASHLEY: Is there any parchment in the room? LAURA: I pull out the-- There's just not really time. TALIESIN: We're not taking a character-- ASHLEY: It's fine, I have a way to do this. LAURA: I pull out the book that I am-- LIAM: If we leave her, and they saw us come up-- LAURA: They're going to think we killed her. LIAM: Think we did it. If we take her, she's just not here. ROBBIE: How does she look after you did-- LAURA: She's cleaned up, but she's still got a slash. MATT: She's still wounded, but there's no blood spatter. TRAVIS: I'll leave it to you, your call. LIAM: Weren't one of you two wearing like a big bit of textile? LAURA: Yeah! SAM: I've got a tunic. TALIESIN: Hand out, I'll take the tunic and I'm going to grab the body-- MATT: (knocks) TALIESIN: I'm the strongest one, so I'm just going to roll it over. MATT: "Hello?" TALIESIN: Out. MARISHA: We're indecent! LAURA: Oh, uh, sh-- Dorian, come here. And I just pull him in and I'll open up my shirt a little bit. SAM: Oh! LAURA: (breathy voice) Can I help you? MATT: The door, by the way, is still-- did you open the door? LAURA: I just peek out. MATT: All right, so there's a bunch of furniture that Orym just pushed up against it. You just (furniture scraping). LAURA: I'm giggling. LIAM: Against the door? No, I'm sorry, I was covering the hole under the desk. MATT: Oh, I misunderstood. Okay, then yeah. LIAM: I put the boards up and slid the chair in-- MATT: Gotcha, I misunderstood, so yeah. The door is available to you. LAURA: Yeah. MATT: You open it up and you can see there's two strong-looking humans who you've recognized briefly as you were scanning the room earlier as like the peacekeepers of the internal space. You can see they both look like they're related, but one looks a little older and a little more haggard. The other looks a little younger and spry. And greeting you at the front, you can see, is one of the employees who normally passes out food and drink amongst the patrons as it's ordered. A half-elf with light sun-bleached hair, sun-dappled skin with a smattering of freckles and these dark brown eyes, glances at you. "Hello, we've been hearing complaints about some sort of--" LAURA: Oh my goodness! (giggles) We are so sorry. ROBBIE: Not the first time, if you know what I mean. ROBBIE and LAURA: (giggle) ROBBIE: Are we too noisy? LAURA: We can tone it down. ROBBIE: Yeah. MATT: "Yes, please." Make a deception check. LAURA: Sorry about that. MARISHA: Come on! LAURA: With advantage? MATT: Well, you can either both roll individually, or one of you can have advantage. TRAVIS: Who's got great deception? LAURA: Ooh, I think we both have pretty good, but I don't know. ROBBIE: This is your idea. LAURA: Okay. I'll-- MARISHA: Come on, come on. LAURA: (nervous exhale) SAM: Robbie's got good rolls. LAURA: He does have good rolls. Maybe we both roll. ROBBIE: One of each? Why would you put that on me, dude? LAURA: Onesy, twosy, threesy. That's cocked. LIAM: Yep. SAM: Because you're good, that's why. ROBBIE: Deception. LAURA: Okay. ROBBIE: Dirty 20. LAURA: Oh, that's great. I rolled 16. MATT: 16. Glancing over you a bit, glances over at you. "If you don't mind, you're bothering the other patrons." LAURA and ROBBIE: (laugh) ROBBIE: Well, you can always tell them there is room for a third. ROBBIE and LAURA: (giggle) MATT: You do see his cheeks flush. (laughter) MATT: "I have to get back to work. Back there." LAURA: Toodle-oo! MATT: "Good evening." ROBBIE: Good night. MATT: "What?" (laughter) MATT: You hear them all begin to slowly make their steps toward the far end of the hallway. MARISHA: While they were doing that, I just start ushering people towards the balcony so we can-- TRAVIS: Bertrand has one leg over the railing going: Oh god, no, please-- (laughter) Are we going? MARISHA: I just lift his leg. TRAVIS: (screams) (laughter) MATT: (impact) TRAVIS: (yelps) (laughter) MATT: Perfect. TALIESIN: Who the fuck are you people? I'm just, yeah, taking the body and I'm dropping off the-- ROBBIE: We're taking this body? LAURA: We should take it. TALIESIN: I've already got it wrapped, like Santa Claus. TRAVIS: Not on me. MARISHA: I jump over the balcony. TRAVIS: Do I take any fall damage? MATT: You would, yeah. LAURA: (laughs) "You would, yeah." MATT: Two points of bludgeoning damage. TRAVIS: Hey! MATT: And not a sprained ankle, but you're going to have to sleep on that. TALIESIN: I use Bert to break my fall. (laughter) ROBBIE: I scoop up Imogen. MATT: You take another two points-- ROBBIE: Are you ready? MATT: -- of bludgeoning damage. LAURA: Sure. ROBBIE: We'll fluttle, we'll flutter down. LAURA: We'll fluttle! ROBBIE: Yeah, I got both. A little fluttle, I got my boots on. I'll princess carry down to the ground. SAM: Ooh. LAURA: Thank you. SAM: I'll use my grappling hook to lower myself down. MARISHA: Oh my god, so cute. SAM: (buzzing noise) (laughter) MATT: All right, one by one, you all eventually make your jump off or descent from the upper balcony into the alley behind the Weary Way Tavern. SAM: What do we do now? LAURA: We get over to-- SAM: Eshteross? LAURA: Yeah. TRAVIS: I think we just go to a tavern and-- LAURA: No, we go to Eshteross. TRAVIS: That's what I said, Eshteross! LAURA: Okay. Yes, we go to Lord Eshteross right now. LIAM: Five pints. (laughter) TALIESIN: Let's just wait for this whole thing to blow over. ROBBIE: It comes in pints? MATT: All right, so, as you arrive to the-- Well, I'd say, for the most part, you are carrying a limp body. Who is currently taking charge in the transfer of-- LAURA: Ashton. TALIESIN: I've bundled the body to the hammer like a hobo satchel, and then I've tightened it up as best I can to just look like a big, lumpy mess. MATT: All right, yeah. LAURA: It is a gnome. MATT: It is a gnome. TALIESIN: Yeah. And I'm strong. LAURA: That's fucked. MATT: Okay. LIAM and MARISHA: Sorry, Danas. MATT: You trek away from the Lantern District back to the Core Spire to the exterior of the Eshteross estate. There at the door, you are greeted by Evelyn, who peeks behind the door. "Is this good news or bad news?" MARISHA: Yes. TALIESIN: Mixed. LAURA: Mm-hmm. MATT: "Mixed. Be right back." Evelyn steps away. LAURA: We're just all splattered with ash and blood. MATT: A few minutes pass before the door opens once more. Evelyn goes, "Please, to the dining hall." And you all step in and are immediately met with a very sweet smell, like a fresh bakery of some kind, like there is something fresh out of a warm oven, and there's a sweetness and a warmth to the interior. It's very different from how you came here last time. You all head off to where you saw Lord Eshteross had all those weapons hidden for the breakfast for the morning, but now you see the long table is set for eight people. And on the far end, you see sitting the somewhat grumpy in appearance, Lord Eshteross in his thick, familiar, burgundy evening robe tucked around, his glasses on, sitting there, arms crossed, looking over at you as you arrive. "So, "how has gone the journey?" TRAVIS: Very well, very well indeed. Bertrand Bell and His Sorcerous Swords have delivered as promised. TALIESIN: I drop the bag on the table. MATT: "And what is this?" TALIESIN: Well, this is half your problem. LAURA: I pull out the ledger and the note we took from the office. MATT: Pulls it forward, his massive hand almost covers the whole paper as he pulls it in and reads it over. "Danas, the whole time." LAURA: Well, yes and no. She was working with someone else. MATT: "Do you know who?" LAURA: You know, we were working on that. MARISHA: He was very creepy. SAM: We saw him. TALIESIN: We can describe him. MARISHA: Pale, sallow dwarf. MATT: You see the cunning eyes of this aged orc going back and forth in the head, trying to place the description that you give of this figure before giving a nod. "I'll see what I can look into." LAURA: He came in with a team of shadow creepers, a small hole in the wall. ASHLEY: He called them his children. MATT: "Shade creepers?" LAURA: Shade creepers. Gosh darn it, I knew we were saying it weird. Yeah, that makes more sense. That's probably why people kept looking at us weird when we were saying it. MARISHA: As opposed to shade creepers. TALIESIN: We forget the word tangerine. SAM: Shade creepers is cool. MATT: "They are a pestilence on this city, but--" LAURA: Yeah, but these ones were special. When you killed them, they exploded into flame, and their eyes weren't red, they were black. It looked almost like undead shade creepers. ASHLEY: I have a little heartburn. SAM: Oh. LAURA: She ate one. MATT: "What?" ASHLEY: What? MATT: "I'm impressed. "And this?" TALIESIN: I open it up. MATT: You see Evelyn in the back of the room-- (gasps) TALIESIN: Oh, look at this house. You know how to deal with this. MATT: He doesn't flinch, really. He gives a look for a second, and then-- "Well, it seems that those "who deal in dangerous realms "run this risk." MARISHA: That's exactly what you said, Ashton. TALIESIN: That's because I'm right. MATT: "We'll take care of it, and this is my responsibility. "I will make sure that the family is compensated, "and I do not think it's necessary "to have to sully their memory with this truth, "but I am perplexed as to who she was working with and why." SAM: You don't recognize the description that we gave? MATT: "I do not. "But, "is this the extent of your report?" SAM: Oh, well, there's some more details. TALIESIN: Yeah. SAM: When we were investigating the textile place-- LAURA: Oh, that's right! TALIESIN: They were smuggling. SAM: We found some missing items, but also we found some powder. LAURA: Bloodstone? TALIESIN: Brumestone. SAM: Brumestone residue. LAURA: In multiple crates. SAM: That they've been smuggling or hiding or ferrying around from someone. MATT: He sits back in his high-backed dining chair, and as he does, it shifts and creaks. The mass of his shoulders, you can see, is straining as he thinks, stroking the edge of his chiseled chin. Even at his age, you can see this is a handsome orc who has, based on the scars that peek through, seen a lot of the world, to an extent. "For the life of me, I cannot imagine "what shade creepers or their ilk would need with brumestone. "I thought maybe this thievery was related "to the Ivory Syndicate, but this is a shift "in the journey I was not expecting. "Well, I thank you very much. While--" And he gives you all an intense look, reading down, both looking at how hurt you are, but also how curious about these threads of mystery as well. Nods slowly. "I'm impressed. "I ask you this. "What's most important about this? "The coin? "How do you feel at the loss of this one, "even though her deeds were dark?" LIAM: I wish we could have been there sooner. LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: We're not done yet. Don't let us go yet. Give us a chance to find this dwarf. MATT: "Well, "if you're still looking for work, "I am certainly interested in pursuing this relationship." LAURA: Yeah. MATT: "Evelyn--" SAM: We got pretty banged up back there. But, I mean, are you all-- do y'all want to keep going? MARISHA: Well, maybe we sleep. MATT: "Take a rest, please." SAM: But I mean, just in general. MATT: "If we do not know where this individual is, "such an investigation will take time. "There's no reason to push yourselves "past the point of exhaustion and ruin." TRAVIS: If I may, this is a most generous offer. The connections you seek, the coin you require, Lord Eshteross is quite the one to provide such an opportunity. MATT: "I am a man of my word, and "I will have a contract drawn in the morning. "We will formalize our arrangement, "and as interested queries "come to mind, "I will notify you, call you, "and should you be available and interested, "the work is there. "But for tonight--" And Evelyn, you watch, drops these little pouches at the table where each of you are arranged around. You can hear the clink of coin from within. "As agreed upon, 150 gold each, "with a 50 gold bonus for expediency." TRAVIS: I snatch it up. (laughter) MATT: "And, if you wouldn't mind, "I think there's a bit of a celebration "to commence with this relationship." And for the first-- Ever since this hard, rigid orc has met you within these chambers, there's a smile that crawls across his lips, a softness you weren't expecting. He stands up. (grunts) And Evelyn's like, "Oh, I can--" He's like, "This is my thing." (laughter) And he turns around and comes back with, you see in his hands, this massive, brown structure, this rounded structure, and sets it on the table. "After a long hiatus, I felt compelled to make a cake. "So let us celebrate our partnership over cake." And takes a little knife and begins cutting slices out of it. MARISHA: This is amazing. LAURA: A cake? ASHLEY: Did you bake it yourself? MATT: "I did, and I apologize if it's a bit rough. "I've not had reason to make cake in some time." LAURA: What kind of cake is it? MATT: Takes a slice. "This is carrot. I hope you like carrot." LAURA: I love it. MATT: It just looks brown. He begins against passing pieces across the table, and Evelyn begins helping pass them out, and you see there's a sense of pride on his face as he passes them. LAURA: Carrot's my favorite. LIAM: I'm more familiar with pie, but this looks wonderful. MATT: "It's like a heartier pie, "if you want to think of it that way, "but thank you. "What do we call you? "Bertrand's--" LAURA: No. TRAVIS: Bertrand and His Sorcerous Swords? ALL: No. LAURA: I do not like that. TRAVIS: BBSS. LAURA: We will definitely-- ROBBIE: No. LIAM: The Backhands. LAURA: No. MARISHA: The Back Doors. LAURA: No. TALIESIN: No. SAM: Full Frontal. MATT: "Think on it. "There is no rush in this "until we've solidified a contract, "but I do require a title for your band of mercenaries." SAM: Band of mercenaries? Okay, well, I mean. MARISHA: That's a good name. SAM: We just met. MARISHA: We could be The Band of Mercenaries. ASHLEY: The Band. TRAVIS: It's all about branding, believe me. It'll carry you far. LAURA and MARISHA: We'll think about it. ASHLEY: We've got to get to know each other a little better, I think. LIAM: We're not very good at this. LAURA: We'll get better. LIAM: Naming thing. LAURA: Oh, I thought you just meant all of it in general. MARISHA: Did you all have a name, the three of you? ROBBIE: We never quite settled on one, did we? ASHLEY: No, we didn't. MARISHA: Have any good candidates? ROBBIE: (laughs) Not particularly. ASHLEY: No. MATT: "How is it? Do you like it?" LAURA: Oh, it's so-- MARISHA: Delicious. LAURA: How is it? MATT: It's very dry, but it's not bad. It's standard carrot cake with some raisins in there. LAURA: What kind of frosting does it have? MATT: Oh, there's no frosting on it. It is just cake. It is a cake loaf. LIAM: (with mouthful of cake) Do you have any water? LAURA: Or milk? ROBBIE: Coffee? MATT: Eventually, he looks over at your faces and goes-- LAURA: It's so good! MATT: "Right. "Evelyn, could you make some frosting?" And she steps back. LAURA: As soon as I hear that, I'm going to stop eating and wait for the frosting. MATT: He doesn't seem offended. If anything, he seems a bit embarrassed that he forgot. SAM: I just keep a bite in my mouth for a while and then just kind of let it fall out. (laughter) ROBBIE: Gumming up the works. MARISHA: Yeah. MATT: Perfect, perfect. LIAM: There's a little pile at the base of your chair. (laughter) ASHLEY: Whatever he drops, I'll eat. MATT: Great. But other bits of a meal are prepared. The cake is repaired with Evelyn's frosting, and together, it does make it a decent cake. Not the best you've had, not the worst, but an upturn from the frantic events of the evening. Throughout the night, there is questions and laughter. If there's any particular questions you have for Lord Eshteross during the dining period of the evening, you're welcome to ask, or we will move forward with the evening. LIAM: Can I ask a question while I'm eating this cake? MATT: Yeah. LIAM: I'm thinking back to the encounter we just had in the hotel. Did the dwarf's attire resemble what I saw in the past? MATT: Not necessarily. LIAM: Okay. MATT: I mean, there were some similarities in the darker clothing, but there was no heavy face covering, there was no interest, at least, when you gathered for any sort of head covering. LIAM: Okay. MATT: He didn't quite match the description, but you also didn't get a great look, either. LIAM: Okay. MATT: You don't know. LAURA: Lord Eshteross, why do you keep so much of the house in darkness? MATT: "I have, one, not as much use as the previous occupant did, "and second, most of the chambers in this house "are heavily trapped, "so do not wander, please. "There have been many attempts on my life through the years, "and I've gotten here by being careful." LAURA: Good to know. SAM: I'll ask, as the night progresses, I don't want to drag you into a personal matter, but I had some dear friends that met a bad fate near Evishi. MATT: "Right, the city of Evishi, yes. I'm sorry to hear that." SAM: You know, it's in the past now, but I don't know who was responsible for their demise, and I'd wondered if you had heard of any creatures around there that had-- MATT: "There are many creatures "that wander that part of the Oderan Wilds. "I fought many in my days of past." You see there's-- in a brief bit of distraction, a glaze over his eyes as he begins to look into memories, and there's a nostalgic grin that curls. "I was once a premiere sellsword for a company "called The Ruddy Hilt, a much better name than The Toppers, "which was the original when I joined, "and I pushed to change it, personally. "But in that region, I've fought "a terrifying, mutated bog spider that had wandered "far from The Heartmoor and set up in that space. "We believe it was an alchemist's attempt before it ran free. "There's a whole manner of odd trolls "in their own divergent lineages that--" SAM: Do you have knowledge of any creatures that have one eye? MATT: "I mean, there are cyclopses, "though not indigenous to these jungles. "I have heard of many aberrations "that have a central eye or multiple eyes. "There are many beasts that can meet this description. "Do you have any further descriptors?" SAM: Not really, that's all I kind of know. TALIESIN: Pirates. (laughs) MATT: "Should any other information-- "Should any other information come to light, let me know." SAM: I will. Thank you. LAURA: It's good soup. MATT: "Oh, that is Evelyn's." TRAVIS: This feels good. It's good to be back. SAM: It does, you're right. TRAVIS: This is a rare opportunity, to be in such demand and esteem. MATT: There is a direct line of eye contact with Lord Eshteross, who looks at you and goes, "Indeed." MARISHA: I have a question. MATT: "Yes." MARISHA: How'd you know we were coming? Or have you just been waiting at this table for 48 hours? MATT: "I had made a cake just in case." MARISHA: Oh, emergency cake. MATT: "It had been around for a few hours, "and I wasn't certain if you would arrive "in the next day or two or five, "but this cake is designed to last quite a while "before being cut into, so I felt confident." LAURA: Like a fruitcake. MATT: "More or less, yes. "Also, when Evelyn told me that you had arrived, "we quickly set the table. "If it looks a bit slapdash, my apologies." LAURA: It looks wonderful. ROBBIE: So your hobbies are baking cake and covertly protecting the realm from evil. What an odd retirement, how did you come a-by it? (laughter) MATT: "I also read a lot of books." LAURA: How'd you come a-by it? MARISHA: How'd you come a-by it? (laughter) MATT: He thinks to himself and goes, "Well, I did the odd mercenary work "for a good 25 years of my younger life, "and I made a name for myself here in Marquet. "But one of my patrons "who I struck a strong friendship with was Mistress Prudaj, "who was the previous owner of this estate "and the business of which you have helped "find this thieving within, and others." LAURA: Which needs a new door, by the way. MATT: "I'll arrange it. "Through this friendship, over the years, "I left my mercenary company "and became her private protector, her bodyguard. "That's where I met Evelyn, "who has since become my caretaker, "but through Mistress Prudaj, I learned that-- "I learned true values. "I learned what it meant to be more "than just wandering for coin. "I learned really how many people "are challenged to protect themselves, "and while there are some people in the Mahaan houses "in the political structures in this space "that are trying their best, "there are others who are insidious "in the need to climb and abuse their power, "and other dregs and... "societies that sneak beneath "the brimming darkness of the streets. "I was hired over years to capture "well over 200 fugitives, criminals, "and members of the Syndicate, so I was already... "familiar with their lack of morals. "So, when it came time that she had passed from this world, "I was surprised that she left me everything, "and I continue to retire "from my business "and wanted to take her memory "and her wealth "and do with it the best I could." LAURA: That's wonderful. MARISHA: How did she die? MATT: "Natural causes." MARISHA: Insight check. MATT: Make an insight check. MARISHA: Okay, okay, okay. 16. SAM: Oh! LIAM: Whispers! LAURA: Woo-hoo! SAM: This whisper is brought to you by-- I don't have anything. Hit Point Press and a gigantic tarrasque. LAURA: Buy our pet bandanas. SAM: Our pet bandanas, available now at the store. LAURA: Yeah, that's right! SAM: They fit humans, too. LAURA: They do, they really do. SAM: And other animals, probably. MARISHA: Tragic. SAM: (creepy exhale) (laughter) MATT: "Indeed. "Well, nevertheless, the evening grows late, "and I am up in my years. "I thank you for your candor, "for enjoying this cake with me, "and, well, hopefully this is the beginning "of a wonderful relationship. "And if you cross me and are lying, I will have you destroyed." (awkward laughter) SAM: That's not going to happen. MATT: "I don't think so either." ASHLEY: But that's fair, and I guess we can do the same as well if you cross us. (laughter) MATT: "I guess that is indeed fair as well." SAM: I don't think that's-- I don't think we need to worry about that. I've always been taught that when you lie down with dogs, you wake up with puppy smooches, because, you know. ASHLEY: That sounds wonderful, actually. TALIESIN: No, that-- Okay. MATT: "Nevertheless." LIAM: Dogs are the best. MATT: "They are quite adorable. "Well, have a good night, friends." LAURA: Oh, I think that's our cue. SAM: Oh! LAURA: Thank you. We'll excuse ourselves. ASHLEY: Are we sleeping here? Is that what-- MATT: "I have no rooms that are fitting for sleeping for guests." SAM: And they're all trapped. MATT: "That would not-- In some terrible way, "render you dead in your sleep." MARISHA: If you ever want assistance setting up a guest room, I volunteer. LAURA: She is excellent with furniture. No joke, her eye is just-- MATT: He looks back, and Evelyn goes, "You were talking about a remodel." He goes, "Not now, but when, maybe. MARISHA: Okay. Mm. MATT: "Anyway, I'm going to retire "Evelyn will see you out." And he goes ahead and gets up, and it's funny, you fought this man, and he had a strength and a fervor, and then for a brief moment as he sits up, you can see the age hit, but he still holds himself with a dignity, grasping his silvered cane with the orb at the top that some of you had felt personally, and exits the chambers as Evelyn also shows you to the door and out into the night air of the Core Spire. TRAVIS: Well done! Well done. MARISHA: That was fun. I had fun, I don't know. LAURA: Yeah, but-- LIAM: Fun? ASHLEY: That cake was delicious. LAURA: It was pretty good. TALIESIN: A little dry. MARISHA: It was a bit dry, yes. TALIESIN: Yeah. LAURA: It felt a little strange eating the whole dinner with Danas just sitting on the table like that. MATT: Danas was taken and-- (laughs) (laughter) TALIESIN: Weekend at Danas' was not good enough for you? MATT: Eating the cake and just staring over at the body. No, sorry, I should've specified, not part of the dinner experience at all. So. LAURA: Well, does that mean... we're in this together? ROBBIE: He did ask us for a name. LAURA: A name? ROBBIE: A name. What does that even mean? MARISHA: A contract, put it in writing. ROBBIE: Do we have to choose the name before the contract? LAURA: I think so. TRAVIS: I can handle the contract. TALIESIN: That is how it is traditionally done. LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: Pick a name, make a contract. LIAM: I guess just for here, right now, working for him, doesn't have to be forever. SAM: Don't the three of you also have other business to attend to here? MARISHA: You were looking for someone, right? LAURA: Maybe we can help. MARISHA: Is it a bad someone or a good someone? LIAM: A good someone. LAURA: Are you a good witch-- LAURA and MARISHA: -- or a bad witch? LIAM: (creepy exhale) (laughter) TALIESIN: Haven't run with a crew in a while, a long while. ASHLEY: I mean, I'm sure we all have things that we need to do. MARISHA: We should also talk about what we can do and maybe strategize, because that was horrible. TRAVIS: Over more drinks. I feel like a celebration is in order. ROBBIE: How about a walk and talk? To the tavern? LAURA: Let's not go to the same tavern, how about that? TRAVIS: The Spire by Fire. LAURA: Spire by Fire sounds wonderful. MATT: All right. TRAVIS: Drinks are on me. MATT: You carry your extremely hurt, bruised, bloodied selves, though probably with Prestidigitation, easy enough to clean up, but still hurting selves, to the Spire by Fire Tavern here in the Core Spire for rounds of drinks-- LAURA: As we're walking-- MATT: Okay. LAURA: -- I'm just going to, into Dorian's head, say: Sorry about pulling you in like that. I hope it wasn't-- ROBBIE: It was fun. LAURA: All right. ROBBIE: Reminded me of drama club. (laughter) LAURA: A theater kid! TALIESIN: Fuck! LAURA: I had no idea. ROBBIE: And as we're walking, Bertrand's right ahead of me, I'm just going to kick the outside of his heels so as to make him trip over his own feet. That's it. MATT: Yeah, make a dexterity saving throw. TRAVIS: I got this. I'm not worried. Dexterity saving throw. That's a seven! MATT: Yeah. You eat shit. TRAVIS: Aw! And I'm holding the cane, so it falls under the arm. It's like, "Aw!" (laughter) ROBBIE: Oops. LAURA: He's so old! Dorian! ROBBIE: He'll be fine. TRAVIS: I definitely felt an alignment shift. Some stuff moved around back there. LIAM: No, he's not getting up. MARISHA: Oh no! ROBBIE: I just wanted to make him stumble, not kill him. MATT: No, no damage. It wasn't that bad. It was just a minor bump. TRAVIS: I deserve that, I-- I-- I got carried away and I will not strike without-- ROBBIE: I'm going to help him up. And I'll say: You are forgiven. (laughs) TRAVIS: Thank you. That's very gracious of you. LIAM: It's lucky that pile of fecal matter was there. (laughter) TRAVIS: Oh, fuck! LAURA: Prestidigitation. You're fine. TALIESIN: Double-checking for the earring still around my belt? MATT: Yeah. TALIESIN: All right, still there. Cool. MATT: Okay. SAM: Ashton, I'm not going to need this, so. TALIESIN: Thank you. (clicks tongue) SAM: Just give him all my money. TALIESIN: What do you think about this? SAM: About hanging out with these folks? TALIESIN: Yeah. SAM: Oh boy. Well, I mean, I think it could do you a lot of good. TALIESIN: Eh. They're all right, anyway. SAM: I mean, they might get us into some more trouble, right? TALIESIN: I was literally just using you as a coin toss. I'm fine either way. SAM: Well, I'm thumbs up. TALIESIN: All right. You have yet to get me killed, which is, to be fair, pretty impressive. SAM: I try my best. LAURA: Can we grab a table outside this time? TALIESIN: Oh, what a good idea. ROBBIE: Ah, al fresco. MARISHA: Yes, yes, very nice. LAURA: Fresh air. MARISHA: What? TALIESIN: You're horrifying. MARISHA: Thank you! TALIESIN: You're welcome. MARISHA: So are you. TALIESIN: Thank you so much. MARISHA: You're welcome! TALIESIN: Let's get drinks. TRAVIS: I'll cover them! I have this. Go inside. A round for Bertrand's Bells. LAURA: Oh. TRAVIS: No, for the Jrusar Dogs. LIAM: Nope, nope, nope. ROBBIE: No! TRAVIS: Out here! MATT: All right-- LIAM: The Bellends! (laughter) LAURA: The Bertrand Bellends. TRAVIS: Bellends. Just think about it. MATT: We'll say, four silver for the rounds. TRAVIS: Not a problem now. Or ever. MATT: You gather your evening drinks. You're welcome to converse amongst yourselves or go to bed, whatever you all feel like doing. TALIESIN: (laughs) It got real... LAURA: Quiet. SAM: Well, you had suggested earlier we share our strengths and weaknesses with each other? MARISHA: It just might be good the next time we get into a scrap. LAURA: That is true. SAM: Does anyone else heal things other than myself and Dorian? MARISHA: No. LAURA: No. MARISHA: I can siphon life and give a little bit to myself. SAM: Oh! MARISHA: But it's just for me! ASHLEY: I may be able to. Sometimes. SAM: "May"? ASHLEY: Yes, if I want to. SAM: Oh. (laughter) TALIESIN: Do you want to? LIAM: That's familiar. ASHLEY: (laughs) That depends on how I feel about the person, I guess. TALIESIN: That makes sense. ROBBIE: Hypothetical scenario. TALIESIN: Ooh. ROBBIE: Ashton is bleeding out in the middle of the street. TALIESIN: Highly unlikely. ROBBIE: Crying out, crying out for help. TALIESIN: Never happens. TRAVIS: Grim. Grim. LAURA: Just crying. ROBBIE: You have a chance to rush to his side, to save him. We are hurt and can't help. (groaning in pain) Do you save him? TALIESIN: I have beaten all of them senseless. Every last one of them, I have kicked their fucking ass. I may be hurt, but man, I took them the fuck down. Do you save me? ASHLEY: (sighs) Yes. TALIESIN: There you go. TRAVIS: Oh! ROBBIE: Three healers. TALIESIN: No, she likes me better. That's just all that came to. Clearly. MARISHA: Feels like you have some tricks up your sleeve. They're very tight sleeves. ROBBIE: They are. LAURA: They don't go up at all. ROBBIE: Mm-mm! TRAVIS: It's just pure starch. It's the craziest-- (laughter) MATT: Finest of Marquesian polyester. (laughter) TALIESIN: I, personally, am fucking exhausted. I don't know about the rest of you. Are we meeting here? What's the plan? We're going to-- tomorrow, have some breakfast, figure out what happens next? TRAVIS: Yes, absolutely. LAURA: I guess so. TRAVIS: I think we should return in the morning, unless-- two of you live nearby. LAURA: Yeah. MARISHA: Mm-hmm. TALIESIN: Ditto. MARISHA: Where do you live? TRAVIS: We could return in the morning? TALIESIN: That way. MARISHA: Oh. Fantastic. TALIESIN: If you ever want to see it, let me know. It's fucking great. SAM: The Krook House. TALIESIN: The Krook House. LAURA: We're over on the Windowed Wall. TALIESIN: Yep. LAURA: Yeah. TALIESIN: Nice. LAURA: Yeah, it's really nice over there. MARISHA: Do you all have a place? LIAM: We just got here. ROBBIE: Tourists stay in hotels. (laughs) TALIESIN: Well, if you're going to be sticking around, you should probably find something. That might be a good thing to do with your time tomorrow. LAURA: Oh, yeah. SAM: Like a more permanent sort of place? LAURA: Yeah, maybe we could find someone else that'll rent a place over by us. MARISHA: Brilliant. LAURA: It's really beautiful. We can show you in the morning. MARISHA: Mm-hmm. ASHLEY: Sure. TALIESIN: Actually, why don't we meet at your place tomorrow morning? LAURA: It's kind of hard to find, but we'll meet you on-- What spire are we in right now? MATT: You're in the Core Spire. TALIESIN: Core Spire. LAURA: So that's where we live? MATT: Yeah. LAURA: There's got to be-- LIAM: Do you think they have extra rooms? LAURA: Well, we had to ask around for-- You know, maybe Zhudanna would have an idea. We can ask her tonight. MARISHA: That's a good idea. LAURA: Yeah. TRAVIS: What about something near that library that you've been trying to gain access to? LAURA: Oh, that's the-- TALIESIN: That's rough. LAURA: No, that place is hoity-toity. TALIESIN: Is there a particularly nice waterfall? LAURA: I mean, you would know, Bertrand. TRAVIS: Yes. TALIESIN: Off the Windowed Wall? Is there a nice, centered chunk of the Windowed Wall, or? MATT: Yeah. There's vertical gardens that are built into some parts of the wall, especially certain regions of the spire. It has a lot of natural areas of beautification for gathering or wandering. LIAM: Well, we're not picky. We can go with anything tonight and figure out something more permanent. LAURA: Maybe stay at the Spire by Fire tonight. And then-- TALIESIN: Well, if you guys are staying at the Spire, I'm going to run home for the night, and I will see the rest of you in the morning. You're welcome to stay or otherwise. I know you love people. SAM: I'm coming with you! TALIESIN: All right. LAURA: Y'all just hear in your heads: Good night. SAM: Good night. TRAVIS: Be safe out there. TALIESIN: You too. (laughs) MATT: So the two of you make your way back to the Krook House. TRAVIS: Ashton, can I have your drink, before you--? TALIESIN: Oh, sure, sure, sure. (sipping). Ah! There you go. TRAVIS: That is a dick move. (laughter) MATT: And they make their way out of the establishment onward to the Krook House. LIAM: Are we at Spire by Fire? MATT: You are. TRAVIS: Another round! LAURA, ROBBIE, and LIAM: Oh. TRAVIS: Oh, no? LAURA: No, I mean-- TRAVIS: I was just feeling the group. ASHLEY: No, absolutely. MATT: It's about five silver a room here, tonight, so. TRAVIS: My god. LIAM: One more before bed. LAURA: A room? Per room? MATT: Yeah. LAURA: Is that normal? That's normal. MATT: It's modest. LAURA: Okay. TALIESIN: Were we in earshot when he said "another round"? MATT: No. TALIESIN: Okay, never mind then. (laughter) TRAVIS: I'll cover the rooms as well. I get points. (laughter) MATT: You know, Spire points? (laughter) ASHLEY: Of course. TRAVIS: I'm getting a race car phone, man. MATT: Yeah. (laughter) You get a free skyship journey to Emon and back. (laughter) LAURA: That's pretty great! ASHLEY: That's cool. MATT: Been saving up for four years. TRAVIS: 400,000 points. MATT: Yeah. (laughter) LAURA: Well, I'm probably going to call it a night. LIAM: I probably will too. LAURA: Yeah. MATT: Okay. The two of you go to one of the rooms. LAURA: We're going to head back to Zhudanna's, but we'll give them a good location to meet us at. If you guys want to meet. You know-- MARISHA: That archway that's got the hanging plants? We'll meet there. LAURA: Yeah, yeah, that one. MARISHA: The gate, you know. LAURA: It's so great, yeah. That's where everyone will meet us. ASHLEY: Do you know where that is? MATT: Okay. You got it. ASHLEY: Bertrand? TRAVIS: The hanging gates? ASHLEY: The arch with the hanging plants? TRAVIS: Yes. ASHLEY: Okay. The hanging gate. MATT: Okay. So you all head off to your chambers for the night. You have a room paid for by Sir Bertrand Bell. And you have your room as well. TRAVIS: I do, but I'm going to enjoy the night. This is a long time coming. LAURA: I pat him on the back as we leave and say: Thank you for the drinks. TRAVIS: You're very welcome. I hope you know how special this is. You don't always find yourself with the ability to mingle with these type of people. Do a lot. LAURA: No, I do find it quite special. I don't mingle with people very often, so, I appreciate it. TRAVIS: Yeah. Very glad to have come across all of you. ROBBIE: Bertrand, what type of music do you like? TRAVIS: Oh, I've had my phases. All sorts of music. The hard stuff. The light stuff. (laughter) TRAVIS: Orchestral. Jazz, I don't fuck with. (laughter) ROBBIE: How about some of the light stuff? And I'm going to pull my chair up next to Bertrand and lean against the wall and pull my lute out and sit next to him and pluck a little tune for him, and see if he likes it or not. TRAVIS: This is wonderful. ROBBIE: Hmm! TRAVIS: I have to tell you, I haven't always been this in demand, but in Jrusar, this is going to change things for me. It's been a while. ALL: β™ͺ It's been a while β™ͺ TRAVIS: A lot of travel, a lot of adventures. (sighs) It's exciting. It feels like a new day. ROBBIE: Maybe I'll write a song about you. TRAVIS: You should. I'll make a list. (laughter) ROBBIE: Slip it under my door tomorrow morning. TRAVIS: I'll need the whole night. LIAM: 10 titles. (laughter) MATT: All righty. ASHLEY: Well, I'm going to retire. So I'll see you all in the morning. LIAM: Are we, the three of us, in one room? Is that what you paid for? Sir Bertrand? TRAVIS: No, no! You all have your own. Bertrand's Bells have their own rooms! The Bellends! MATT: That's two gold. TRAVIS: Two-- what? MATT: Two gold for the four rooms, including your own. TRAVIS: For the two rooms? (laughter) TRAVIS: You're not a real person. (laughter) TRAVIS: Got it. Let 'em know! BB! ASHLEY: I'm going to walk up to the bar. MATT: Okay. ASHLEY: Would you mind sending one more drink over to the older gentlemen, Bertie? MATT: "Yeah, totally. "I got you for that." ASHLEY: You give him something nice. MATT: "Okay. I know what he likes. "He comes in here and drinks every now and then." ASHLEY: Okay. MATT: "Thank you kindly." And grasps it in his lion's paw. Rustles the whiskers a bit and goes to pour the usual for Bertrand. ASHLEY: All right. I'm going to bed. If you wouldn't mind taking that to him, that would be great. MATT: "I got you. No worries." All right. Drink is delivered. TRAVIS: Yes! (laughs) Who is this from? MATT: "The tall, kind of creepy, horned faun girl "that came through here." TRAVIS: Fearne bought me a drink! ROBBIE: Yes. Don't read too much into it. TRAVIS: I won't. (gulping) (laughter) MATT: All righty. LIAM: You two off? LAURA: Oh, yeah. We're wandering back. MATT: They head off. Fearne's off to bed. LIAM: Well, gentlemen, I'm going to retire, myself. TRAVIS: Are you sure? We could parade around the Spire? ROBBIE: It's true. Bertrand should have retired years ago. TRAVIS: Yeah. This is the latest I've stayed up in 30 years. (laughter) LIAM: You want help getting upstairs? TRAVIS: No! No. No, every once in a while, you need to see the sunrise. It might be that night for me. LIAM: Okay, well, you want to get some sleep. Back at it tomorrow. TRAVIS: I didn't take as much damage as you did. LIAM: That's true. (laughter) ROBBIE: I've got him, Orym. LIAM: Okay. Well, enjoy the night, gentlemen. TRAVIS: Night. LIAM: I walk past and I stop next to the two of them. And I place a hand on Dorian's shoulder. Thanks for not letting me die on the floor, there. That's one I owe you. ROBBIE: No debts between us. LIAM: Night. ROBBIE: Night. MATT: Any other events for the evening, before you find yourself-- ROBBIE: I'm going to try to play him to sleep. (laughter) MATT: All right. LIAM: Count backwards from one hundred to one. 100. 90-- TRAVIS: How much more are we drinking? ROBBIE: As much as you want, Bertrand. TRAVIS: Who else wants a drink? MATT: Four hands on the inside of the-- You're still on the front area, and the hands go. TRAVIS: I take out the big bag of money we just got. I shake it. LAURA: No! LIAM: No! ROBBIE: No, Bertrand! Bertrand, Bertrand! TRAVIS: I know this is an unwelcome sight at times, but here's generosity personified! (laughter) TRAVIS: I'm going to buy drinks. ASHLEY: Oh my god. MARISHA: Oh my god. MATT: All righty. We'll say for the other four individuals and drinks for yourselves, it'll be three gold. TRAVIS: Amazing. ASHLEY: He's going to be so hungover. LAURA: Poor Bertrand. TALIESIN: One last quick thing before I go to bed. MATT: Okay. LIAM: One point of exhaustion. TALIESIN: Once we get home, I want to head over to Milo's apartment real quick and give a knock. MATT: So you head over to the room in the Krook House where Milo stays. TALIESIN: Milo! Wake up. I take one of the bags of gold and throw it at their face. MATT: They open the door. "What?" (thuds) "Ah! "Fuck!" SAM: Twenty pounds. MARISHA: (laughs) Yeah. TRAVIS: Cartilage gone. MATT: There's blood running out of their nose. TRAVIS: I can't believe you've done this. MATT: "How the fuck--? What is wrong--? "Whoa!" LIAM: Dumbbell. TALIESIN: I'm thinking about running with a new crew. It's been a while. I'm-- SAM, MARISHA, and LIAM: β™ͺ It's been a while β™ͺ TALIESIN: And I know, you fuckers. I don't know. I found some people. I might be picking up some money and I need you to do me a favor. MATT: "Yeah, yeah." TALIESIN: When you get some time, I need everything you can fucking find out about Lord Eshteross. Everything. MATT: "Okay. I'll ask around. "I've got some friends." TALIESIN: It's good money coming in, but-- I don't know. You know what happened last time. We'll see how this goes. MATT: "Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no worries. "Did she come around anytime recently?" TALIESIN: (exhales) Not recently, no. That worries me. And I would rather have that-- I don't need that coming around right now. I want to cement this before anything weird happens. MATT: "All right. No, no. I'll ask around. "I'll see what I can find." TALIESIN: Make sure she doesn't find out. MATT: "You got it. "You could-- "You could go for the shoulder next time." TALIESIN: I'll try. You should go to bed. I'm going to go find a place to throw up, and then I'm going to go to bed. MATT: "That's a good plan." TALIESIN: Yeah. MATT: "All right, Ashton." TALIESIN: Night. MATT: "Night." TALIESIN: (groans) MATT: "Ashton?" (thudding) Coins hit you in the face and you see Milo hid in their hand a cluster of coins they took from it. TALIESIN: How much damage? MATT: Not enough to-- TALIESIN: I don't know, I'm really on the-- (laughter) MARISHA: Back to one? MATT: It's all right. I'm going to leave you there. TALIESIN: That's fair. (laughter) MATT: All right. TALIESIN: Thank you. LAURA: When we get home, I'm going to take my bag and chuck it at Zhudanna. (laughter) MATT: "Hey, did you have a good night?" (thuds) TRAVIS: Across Jrusar, there were a series of murders. ASHLEY: "What'd you do that for?" LIAM: The gold sack murders continue. (laughter) MARISHA: The gold sack murderers. (laughs) Is that our group name? ROBBIE: Is it just us that's up? TRAVIS: Yeah. MATT: Just the two of you, yeah. TALIESIN: Scrooge McDuck money pit. TRAVIS: I will take my drink and I will put it in front of Dorian. ROBBIE: All right. TRAVIS: I'll say: You are a trustworthy fellow. So don't tell the others. It has not always been this successful for me. ROBBIE: No! TRAVIS: I was part of a previous group called The Bevy. ROBBIE: The Bevy? TRAVIS: The Bevy. And we did not have as much-- Why are you all taking notes? We did not have as much success as this one did. I think there's really, really something special here. So I want you to remember that. ROBBIE: Bevy. TRAVIS: Cherish this opportunity. It comes and goes. I have had years where I was the top of the walk and years where I was shit. It feels good to be... ROBBIE: Not shit? TRAVIS: To be back on top. ROBBIE: We will not let this become The Bevy 2 for you. TRAVIS: Yes. Something, you know, better. I have to go figure out where the Windowed Wall is. Otherwise, Imogen is going to know that I don't know where that is. (laughter) TRAVIS: I'm going to go take a walk. You get some sleep, because you are fucked up. ROBBIE: You're going to go walk by yourself? TRAVIS: Of course! ROBBIE: Um. What were you trying to find out? TRAVIS: I have to go find the Windowed Wall. And this library. ROBBIE: I think it might be upstairs. I think the Windowed Walls might be upstairs. TRAVIS: I appreciate your good nature, but I want to walk. ROBBIE: The man should walk. TRAVIS: Thank you, Dorian. <i>You</i> need sleep. ROBBIE: You're right. I put my lute away. TRAVIS: I grab another drink off the table. ROBBIE: Oh no. TRAVIS: Somebody else's. MATT: (laughs) TRAVIS: Cheers. ROBBIE: Cheers. TRAVIS: To the Bertrand Bells! ROBBIE: To the Bertrand Bells. TRAVIS: How many people are left in the tavern? MATT: At this point, there's probably the same four. TRAVIS: Let me hear it! Bertrand's Bells! MATT: (slurred yelling) "Shut up!" TRAVIS: (whispering) Branding. ROBBIE: Good night, Bertrand. TRAVIS: Good night. And I stroll out to figure out where the fuck they live. (laughter) MATT: Okay, okay. And you're going to bed? ROBBIE: Yeah, I'm going to go up to bed. MATT: Okay. (laughter) MATT: Imogen. SAM: Oh shit. (exclaiming) SAM: And that's where we'll end. (laughter) MATT: Exhausted, sleep comes to you quickly. And you feel the gentle touch of the tall grass against your fingers. As you find yourself walking through the beautiful green fields of the home village of Gelvaan. The breeze is cool and gentle and you can watch the horses running through this plateau valley, alongside the climbing Taloned Highlands. You feel the nudge on your left. Turning to see the snout of Flora, your favorite mare, acknowledging this look for a snack. LAURA: I reach in and give her something. MATT: Bertrand. You are wandering at a zig-zag through the streets of the Spire at night. You've got to pee real bad, suddenly. (laughs) TRAVIS: Yep. Time to bless the dirt. (laughter) MATT: There's not much dirt in the way around here. It's kind of an open street with alleys. You know the Windowed Wall's a little ways away. But you can hold it or find a quick stop. TRAVIS: Not at my age. I'm going to find a quick stop. Otherwise it'll-- MATT: Okay. You duck into the side alleyway and begin to relieve yourself. And it's a genuine relief. The little bit of moonlight that's peeking through the alley is obscured to your left. You suddenly sense someone standing there. You glance over and you see a silhouette. TRAVIS: Do I recognize the--? MATT: Make a perception check with disadvantage, you drunk asshole. TRAVIS: Oh shit. SAM: Guidance. TRAVIS: I suck at perception. Six. MATT: You can't make out any details. TRAVIS: I put my hand on my rapier hilt. Draw myself up to my full height. Say: Gertrude! Are you-- Oh! I'm sorry, friend. May I-- Can I help you? MATT: The figure takes a step closer. TRAVIS: My-- My friend is off around the corner. Can I be of some sort of assistance? MATT: Takes another step closer. TRAVIS: I draw my rapier. I think that's close enough. SAM: (whispering) What's happening? MATT: You sense this figure looking at you. And as they get closer to you, the full height of your stance, you can tell the figure's a bit shorter than you. Cloaked of hood, maybe comes up to about your shoulders. LAURA: (gasps) SAM: What'd you say? MARISHA: Is it this dick? Is it the fucking dwarf? LAURA: Is it the dwarf? MATT: "Why don't we have our conversation--" MARISHA: (gasps) MATT: "-- a little further in?" And you see beneath the cloak there's a flash of metal, as a familiar rapier glint hits the moonlight. TRAVIS: Further in where? MATT: Points deeper into the alley. TRAVIS: Okay. Is there anyone with him, beyond him? MATT: No. The alley itself is maybe about eight feet from side to side and they're right in the center of it and they're about three or four feet deep into it. And you're about 10 feet deep. TRAVIS: Oh, I think I'm fine right where I am. It seems I have you at a disadvantage, sir. MATT: [die Thuds] SAM: Ah! That sounded like dice. LAURA: (laughs) MARISHA: What could it be? MATT: In a sudden flash of quick movement, of unnatural speed, the cloak whisks, and you feel a twinge of burning pain in your chest, as you look down at the hilt of the rapier that's now up against your chest. You take 12 points of piercing damage. LAURA: (gasps) TRAVIS: Okay, okay. SAM: Oh no. MATT: That's a natural 20. MARISHA: No. LAURA: (laughs) "No." TRAVIS: It is. MATT: Right there. As you glance down at it and cough, the blade withdraws again. (whooshing) And goes, this time, into the abdomen, right up to the hilt for 16 points of piercing damage. TRAVIS: Caw! MARISHA: (muffled yell) TRAVIS: Unconscious. MATT: Imogen. (gasping) Just then, the wind suddenly starts to change. Harsher, colder. You turn, and your eyes find a familiar sight. The horizon-- LAURA: Shit. MATT: -- entirely consumed in red. LAURA: Shit. MATT: Swirling, hungry clouds filling the sky and coming fast. Silent flashes of lightning in the distance as you stand motionless, watching the streaks of dark crimson rake across the heavens above you. Darkening it. Reaching for you. Flora immediately flees and you stand frozen. The storm reaching around and consuming you. Buffeting your face, the wind growing louder and louder, until you hear her voice. LAURA: (gasps) MATT: "Run, Imogen. "Run." LAURA: (gasps) I back up and start sprinting towards my house. MATT: You go and you run. And you run. And you run. And you rush towards that country home, which you now see darkened by the shadow of the looming storm as it continues to follow. You've reached the door and tear it open. Look over your shoulder to the roiling storm. And you see another figure, standing where you were. At a glance, it's a man. Older, refined. Walking proudly into the tempest before he's gone. LAURA: (gasps) What? MATT: As you lie bleeding in the alley, your vision begins to blur. A coldness and a peace begins to come, as the figure steps and blocks the moonlight, and says, "Sir Bertrand Bell it is, huh? "Good night." And that's where we're going to finish tonight's episode. (exclaiming) MATT: We'll pick up from there next week. ASHLEY: No! We're going to do it right now! (laughter) MATT: This episode already ran pretty late! But it was getting to fun stuff and you guys were having a great banter. TRAVIS: I probably should have said my name less. (laughter) ASHLEY: Oh no. LIAM: Barry! ALL: Barry! TRAVIS: As the vision fades, I just say: Lieve'tel. (exclaiming) LAURA: Fucking dick! MATT: You asshole! LIAM: Says who? MATT: Well, we'll pick up from there. Thank you so much for joining us. We love you very much, and is it Thursday yet? Good night. (groaning)
Channel: Critical Role
Views: 3,435,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, marisha ray, travis willingham, laura bailey, sam riegel, matthew mercer, taliesin jaffe, ashley johnson, liam obrien, dungeons and dragons, matt mercer, crit role, role playing game, dungeons & dragons, critical role d&d, voice actor, critical role campaign 3, campaign 3, robbie daymond
Id: POgfa65vi4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 248min 42sec (14922 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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