How to Start the Toaru Series in 2024 | Ultimate Watch/Read Guide

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April 2024 is the 20th anniversary of the entire tow aru franchise including index and rail gun and it's never been a better time to get into the franchise than now in this video I'm going to give you my recommended watch order for the anime or if you're hardcore and want to start the light novels and manga which I recommend by the way I will give you my comprehensive read order for the entire franchise index rail gun all spin-offs including Ed that you should read if you're stuck about where the hell to start this giant franchise which Rivals one piece as I know it can be confusing for new fans of the series to get into this but it's worth the adventure trust me or if you're a fan currently reading index or rail gun this will help inform you where to start the other spin-offs or entries into the franchise if you're unsure so make sure you stick to the end of the video to find out where I recommend you read everything so my recommended watch all for the anime hasn't changed I still think people should watch the series in release order so that being index season 1 rail gun season 1 then index season 2 then the index movie which is optional because it's not too important technically it's not filler but it kind of is at this point then rail gun s which is rail gun season 2 by the way then index season 3 then the accelerator anime and lastly rail gun T if you try and watch this series col CH logically with the anime it's kind of tough to do because rail gun does overlap with the events of index on multiple occasions so it's kind of impossible to watch it chronologically I think Mr Kia did a video trying to do that and it's just all over the place so I really don't recommend that I think starting at index season 1 is a great place because it introduces you to the universe of both the science side and the magic side hopefully that helps you now that's out of the way let's talk about the light novel and manga so index is based off a light novel and rail gun which is the other main spin-off of it is a manga but there are also many other entries into the franchise spin-offs Side Stories Etc that are either light novels or Manga and there is a hell of a lot to read but I'll be focusing on the main Cannon I won't be talking about non-cannon material that's pretty much bonus stuff anyway if you really are in the need for more toaru if you do like non Cannon I probably do recommend the idol no accelerator manga which is a huge parody of the entire index and real gun series it's super funny so if there's one non-canon work I do recommend it's definitely that one without further Ado let's start the read order so first we're starting with all testement which is the original light novel series of index and this pretty much covers all seasons of the anime so starting off with Old Testament 1 of course and then reading up to Old Testament 13 and then you want to read index Side Story one it may be called a side story but it's pretty important as it was actually adapted in the anime and it also introduces one of the three main protagonists of index so yes definitely read Side Story one then you want to do the double by reading Old Testament 14 and 15 now what you can do now is optional you can either wait until you finish Old Testament or you can read it here and now what I'm talking about is the Dark Matter spin-off so this is the spin off of the number two level five who is called kakina tayu and he fights accelerator in Old Testament 15 all that guy in next season 3 if you've seen the anime this spin-off covers his backstory but I do recommend you being introduced to him via the main index series because that's where he made his debut it's only one volume so you'll be able to read it pretty quickly next you just want to read all Testament 16 before going on to Side Story 2 Side Story 2 takes place in multiple time frames because it covers different characters at different points in the index timeline even before the start of Old Testament 1 but it does catch up to the present day and I think it does occur around Old Testament 16 either way it was published in Japan after Old Testament 16 so you might as well read it here then you want to finish Old Testament by reading Old Testament 17 to 22 and congrats you have now finished the first light level series of index there's two more Yep this this is a huge franchise now that you have finished Old Testament I'm going to give you a break from index and read all the Side Stories and spin-offs you should probably start before starting New Testament firstly nor mythology SS AKA kanzaki SS I think this is one volume that some people skip when reading index and do not skip this volume because it introduces a character that later appears in New Testament called Brun Hilt iel she's not the most important character in the world but when she does show up in New Testament you won't really care about her unless you've read Norse mythology therefore I think this is pretty important in my opinion one of the side stories that is optional is volume SP this volume has different stories in it covering different characters from both the magic side and science side it's additional background information you might want to check out but yeah up to you similarly narius SS and an SS this covers how these two Magic side groups end up joining the Anglican Church in Old Testament so yes these two do occur in Old Testament about halfway through but yeah not the most important up to you if you want more info and yes you can also start rail gun The Source material that is I think if you've seen the anime you probably don't need to read the Manga because the anime does a decent job well at least season 2 and season 3 I should say but bear in mind the second half of both rail gun season 1 and rail gun season 2 were anime original arcs they've been incorporated into the cannon but initially they were filler there are little bits in the manga that have been changed that I not completely like how the anime presents things so it might be worth reading for that but if you really don't want to read it then I think the animation do a good job but if you do want to read the Manga then I recommend you read volumes 1 to 10 everything else after that is optional and if you're curious about the chapter which rail gun volume 10 ends at I think it's chapter 71 oh yeah and how could I possibly Forget You could also check out the accelerator manga accelerator is one of the three main protagonists of index he's one of the best characters in the series but I'm afraid to say his manga ain't that great allow me to explain the first Arc is decent the second Arc not so good that that's one of the worst arcs in the entire franchise so it's a bit of a tough read I'd say if you've seen the accelerator anime you don't need to check it out honestly the anime is better than the manga in my opinion for accelerator so there you go but if you want to read it you can now we have finally gotten through these random spin-offs and Side Stories hopefully you don't wait too long from finishing Old Testament to starting New Testament otherwise you might forget a lot of info either way start new testament with volume one of course which is now being published in English by Yen press well more on that later and you want to get to newest Testament 11 and now you can read more Side Stories yay so now I recommend you read biohacker SS which covers a backstory of Toma and a bunch of other characters that appeared in New Testament Volume 11 so this will give you context on who they are but I do recommend you reading New Testament 11 first getting that introduction to these characters there or character I should say even though by hacker is set in the past I do feel like you shouldn't read it chronologically in that sense just just just listen to what I say trust me also you can read index New Testament SS this one is not as long as SS one and two in my opinion but this was not overly important from what I remember there's also misaki figure SS as yeah she meets a toy version of herself that's alive in next for Toy Story why not there's also astral buddy this actually occurs around Old Testament 17 or 16 in the inex timeline but again a character that appeared in newest 11 if he is in that so you kind of need to know who she is to care about her and yeah same with mental out you can read it after New Testament 11 CU you'll know some background with shomi saki who's the main protagonist of that spin-off and you can also read a certain dark side item following the item dark side group yeah it would help you having read new testament 11 for understanding one of the characters that appears in volume two there are currently two volumes out for the light novel at the moment for item but there is a manga ad ation that is also ongoing which is catching up and the manga is really good amazing adaptation either one you're guaranteed to get a good story in my opinion definitely recommend checking out a certain dark sides item if you haven't already then you can follow all the way through with New Testament you can go from 12 to 22R wait 22R what the hell is that so for some weird reason the author of index commi kazimer decided he's not going to call the 23rd volume of New Testament n23 he's going to call it NT 22R so once you finish New Testament volume 22 then you can read new testament 22R which is the final volume of New Testament it's kind of confusing but yeah he just did that for stylistic reasons don't ask me why he did that you can at his Twitter and he won't respond but don't ask me I don't know so congrats you have finished New Testament and now you can get up to date with index by starting Genesis Testament by reading Genesis Testament volume one of all things who would have fought and there is also a short Genesis Testament SS following koru umidori this is a pretty short story as well you can check that out if you want not overly important again but a bit of cool extra stuff for Genesis Testament and you can now follow through with Genesis Testament 2 to9 Genesis Testament 10 is coming out next month which is April 2024 so if you're watching this video past that date then it's already out by now so that'll be the latest volume of index that is out and it is coming out out on the 20th anniversary of the entire franchise which is crazy I can't believe this series is over 20 years old already and it's still going strong it's great to see and I hope this volume which is coming out will be a absolute blast fingers crossed oh yeah one thing I didn't mention was that there are also rail gun Side Stories which are light novels which is kind of strange because rail gun is AER but there are some side stories that are actually like novels instead and I think there's like four of them so far four or five do I recommend reading these if you're a really big fan of the rail gun girls and you like reading light novels then yeah you will probably have an enjoyable time reading them but honestly I'm not a massive fan of these overall I think SS one is my favorite because that has some magic side stuff and actually yeah almost all of them apart from col game do have some magic side spin on it so if you do like rail gun but you also like some of the magic stuff and want to see how the rail gang would interact with magic elements when they wouldn't normally do so that's probably the best way I can sell you to uh check these out if you are interested now if you're actually wondering where I can read index and rail gun Etc index Old Testament has been fully translated by yess which is out in English so you can buy that from whatever seller you find on the internet and they also have the giant Omnibus Bible Edition which covers all volumes of Old Testament and the two Side Stories in one huge book which which I did review so you can check that out if you're interested and they also do New Testament as I've already previously mentioned as for rail gun astral body and the accelerator manga they are published in English by 7 C's so you can also get the volumes of those from whatever retailer you prefer you can also read Genesis Testament at basuki I will post a link to basuki down in the description but as for the other stuff you will just have to find it somewhere on the internet I can't tell you where it is also I'm planning to do a timeline video video of the entire toaru franchise for the 20th anniversary cuz I think that's what people will be interested in so I'll do like retrospective stuff for index and rail gun so if you want to see content like that in the nearby future make sure you subscribe and like the video and check out these videos on screen right now if you want to see my reviews of the Old Testament omnius and New Testament one thank you for watching hope this was useful make sure you share it to your friends or other people you want to get into the series and yeah see you all next time bye bye
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 5,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Magical Index, Toaru majutsu no index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator, Theory, Discussion, Light Novel, Anime, Manga, Review, Reaction, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Esper, Level 5, Season Four, Railgun, Index, fight, ability, Kakine Teitoku, Shokuhou Misaki, Mugino Shizuri, Sogiita Gunha, Misaka Mikoto, Power, Dragon, Dragons, Imagine Breaker, Season 4, Index NT, To Aru, Index IV, VS, Watch Order
Id: mbHzN2OeAug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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