Why You Should Fear Laura Stuart

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Laura Stewart may seem like an innocent Christian girl but she is far more evil than you could possibly imagine behind that smile is someone who enjoys the suffering of Lolly nuns and wants the absolute destruction of all things in existence including herself she's also over a 100 years old and looks like that what is the dark and chilling true secret behind asserted magical index's mysterious Archbishop stay to the end to find out Laura became the Archbishop of the angan church in 1909 allegedly not aging a single day since putting even sunade to shame with everyone around her assuming she was making herself appear young via magic when that couldn't be further from the truth despite Laura's quirky and Charming personality on the surface she slowly gained a ruthless reputation in the church as the leader of necessarius the Church of necessary evil evil a group of Anglican magicians who would eliminate anyone who dared reveal magic to others or any Rogue magicians who went against them which is based upon the real life witch hunts where in Britain innocent men and women were brutally murdered due to accusations that they use Supernatural Powers Laura demonstrated expert knowledge of torture in her new role as her helpless victims was sent to the Tower of London to be interrogated and exposed to unimaginable pain and yet the Archbishop masked her evil actions with fake kindness and generosity making it appear as though she wasn't entirely bad after all Laura would introduce the index of prohibited books to the church a young girl who would remember anything she saw forever with a perfect memory who would be used as nothing more than a tool Laura forced index to read toxic magical books known as Grims which would normally destroy the mind but as the young nun had a perfect memory she resisted the poison and absorbed knowledge of over a 100,000 books style Magnus and kanzaki Kari then replaced index's former Guardian oriolus isard forming a loving Bond and friendship with her as they valued index as a human being instead of one of the church's greatest assets Laura however deprived index of her human identity not even giving her a real name with her only function being that of a library with Forbidden Knowledge due to the fears that index could rebel against the church and turned into a magic god using the Grims Laura ordered that index's entire memory be erased to prevent her brain from being overloaded this was nothing more than a lie and was simply intended as a way that Laura could keep controlling index and deprive her of having real human connections style and kanzaki were heartbroken and were deceived into eradicating the memories of their dear friend all while index was screaming that she would never ever forget them they could not bring themselves to start over their relationship due to the sheer pain and Agony it caused them Laura proved how much of a heartless manipulator she was and it would take another year before her lie about index was exposed by kamou Toma who managed to stop her memory from being wiped again in the following year but was then faced against index's robotic John's pen mode a form which allows index to access all the magic in her head as a self-defense mechanism that can even be controlled by Laura the sweet girl was temporarily replaced as John's pen represents index the void of all emotion humanity and warmth taking the role of a weapon that will eliminate anything in its way with toan nullifying this form He restored index as a person and gave her a new identity and purpose in life away from the church at the cost of losing all his memories in her place Laura had the reputation as one of the strongest magicians in the church comparable with kanzaki who can Crush mountains with ease however Laura was hugely underestimated as she chose not to reveal her mindblowing true Powers there is a reason why this truck driver did the Joseph joar technique of getting the hell out of there when she was trying to Hitch hi a ride no is a Kai for you Laura in terms of offense Laura's long ass Rapunzel hair is actually a weapon as it can create explosions when it comes into contact with anything else she also possessed multiple spiritual items or magical weapons such as index's controller which allow Laura to use and access the grimo inside the n and the legendary sword of damle able to instantly appear inside its victim and manipulate gravity in every direction but these powers are nothing to the demon lurking within literally Lura Stewart's true identity is the great demon coronzon a terrifying High dimensional entity tied to the occult systems of cabala flamer and enokian Magic coronon usually resides in a void separate from the physical world known as the abyss of seph off located in a metaphysical magical concept known as the tree of life that divides humans angels and God into ranks if you're an Evangelion nerd you probably know what I'm talking about coronzon would Safeguard the abyss known as the sphere of the which holds the key to Divine knowledge Beyond human understanding highly valuable to any magician aliser Crowley the world's most infamous and greatest magician attempted to access this knowledge by crossing the abyss in a ritual known as the 10th aper and you do not want to know how real aliser did this as it's disturbing as hell do not Google it coronon prevented Alisa's attempts and tried to take control of his body to enter the real world but she was driven Away by alistair's lover and Associate Victor nberg despite this coronzon still managed to escape into the world disguised as a mere piece of paper as she pretended to be summoned by aliser when in fact she had signed a contract previously with his Archen enemy Samuel Mavs in order to to bring his foe to ruin once this was achieved she would finally be free to do as she wished which involved the total reset of the universe as a demon of total dispersion by the way if you want to see more upcoming content like this make sure you subscribe for more future videos as a great demon coronzon is incredibly powerful and deadly to any foolish Mortals that dare cross her path even if she had to lower her rank on the tree to actually physically exist exist in our world which then made her weaker by creating a physical body as opposed to being stronger in the abyss but being unable to do anything away from the void kind of like how Gandalf in Lord of the Rings is actually an Angelic being in another dimension but inhabits a physical Flesh and Blood body when in Middle Earth that's the best way I can explain it it's not my fault it's so godamn complicated while she may be weaker coronon can still Force out the goder power at the top of the tree of sephra all the way down to the surface World in a devastating attack known as magic flaming sword which is stated to be on par with a lance that shattered the walls of the Multiverse itself coronzon is so powerful she cannot be killed by most magic that exists due to her state of existence as a being above aons or the eras of humanity that were drafted by Alister since she's a demon coronzon can possess other human beings and even objects by via the Rapunzel hair or via her invisible influence even being able to control the corpses of her victims to be used as her puppets it is said that even her voice can suck out someone's life force out of their body and no that's not an innuendo you sick her other abilities include being able to create Angels made of her own hair using the four pure elements Beyond human magic just like bending fire water Earth and air from Avatar and being able to create walking talking magical books in humanoid form and even other demons what is most impressive though is her plan involving the ceremony of MOA Fair aka the apocalyptic Infinity Gauntlet es spell of Doom which would destroy everything in existence every single Universe all magical Concepts and even herself hoping that the Universe would eventually reset somehow what an Immaculate plan that is but why did coronzon want to do this simply for being the biggest Edge Lord ever for wanting everything to die not quite while coronzon is a demon and is the epitome of evil she's not actually evil Aon that's a controversial statement you've just said how much she enjoys torture how she gastl lets others into erasing their friends memory while also wanting to end the goddamn world let me explain destruction is coronzon nature she's not a human who is the product of both their environments and surroundings with the capacity to make good or bad moral decisions she has one purpose for existing and cannot function differently this may make us seem like a one-dimensional antagonist who just wants to end everything except it's not coronzon believes what she's doing is the best thing for the world she believes Humanity has corrupted the universe with magic and their immoral behavior and it is simply her duty to reset it as that is the natural order of the world nothing lasts forever and everything must come to an end that is the fate of everything that exists including herself due to this Nuance view of apocalyptic death and rebirth cronon's purpose is pretty much a cynical reflection of life itself whether we like it or not we will all eventually die and our impact upon the world around us can be harmful and our only choice to continue is to make babies and I'm not going to explain that for you while coron on can be cruel she views human beings as inferior creatures to her therefore she doesn't care if she treats them badly but what's interesting is how Kuran deceives others she enjoys tearing others down psychologically or manipulating them to do her bidding proving that she does have a twisted mentality that aims to bring out negative emotions and attributes of those around her as if cronon's actions are to affirm humans are as vile and Hope hopeless as she says they are which would completely justify her own actions if you enjoyed this video make sure you check out my other index law videos just like this on screen right now and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 5,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Magical Index, Toaru majutsu no index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator, Theory, Discussion, Light Novel, Anime, Manga, Review, Reaction, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Esper, Level 5, Season Four, Railgun, Index, fight, ability, Shokuhou Misaki, Sogiita Gunha, Misaka Mikoto, Power, Dragons, Imagine Breaker, Season 4, Index NT, To Aru, VS, Flashback, Backstory, LN, Aleister Crowley, Coronzon, Aiwass, lola
Id: W26JF3i-3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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