The Tragic Details About O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown's Relationship

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OJ Simpson's marriage to Nicole Brown was described by friends as volatile and toxic and included several documented incidents of domestic abuse Nicole even tried to escape her abusive husband and sadly the story only gets more tragic from there OJ Simpson didn't wait long before moving on from his first wife margarite Whitley as the two were still legally married when he started dating Nicole Brown Simpson had married Whitley in 1967 and the couple had three children before separating the football star was 12 years older than the 18-year-old Brown when they met in 1977 while she was working as a nightclub waitress Simpson and Whitley finally divorced in 1979 he and Brown married on February 2nd 1985 and they would have two children together Sydney and Justin to the outside world their relationship seemed solid Simpson gushed about his wife during his 1985 induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame saying that they got together at a difficult time in his life as he was ending his professional football career however as the former bills player noted Nicole turned that period into some of the best years of his life however all was not well while OJ and Nicole loved each other the relationship would soon take a dark turn due to Simpson's jealous and possessive nature a friend named Cathy Lee Crosby told the Washington Post their relationship was passionate full-bodied they really truly cared about each other it was also volatile throughout the couple's marriage and even after it ended there were several document incidents of domestic abuse on January 1st 1989 police arrived to find Nicole had been hiding in the bushes from her husband the Los Angeles Times reported at the time her lip was split her eye was black and a handprint was visible on her neck he's going to kill me he's going to kill me she cried according to the police report Simpson pleaded no contest to domestic violence and walked away with only a fine a counseling order and Community Service A friend told the Washington Post that the couple fought continuously and the cops frequently had to break it up the friend told the outlet he had a ferocious temper the physical abuse was pretty constant everybody knew about it she was covered in bruises and I am not trying to exaggerate this you never hurt your wife either correct no I heard my wife yes while Nicole eventually filed for divorce she still felt trapped in her filing she noted that since OJ Simpson was the bread winner in the family she felt the need to do what he wanted Simpson had encouraged Nicole to drop out of Saddleback College so she could live with him effectively cutting her off from pursuing a career an unnamed friend told the Washington Post I don't think she had that great a sense of selfworth she wasn't that well educated she didn't have any particular job skills she was too old to be a model and she was trapped he always used money to force her to do what he wanted friends had also noticed that Brown Simpson acted very differently when OJ was around one told the Washington Post she would tense up she watched every move she made made and every step she took she was aware of his reactions to everything when he wasn't around she was a direct smart person but when he was around she was scared to death of him by 1992 Nicole had had enough the ex-model left OJ Simpson and fled to Aspen with her two children where she met a man named Keith lamso lamso recalled to the Palm Beach Post I didn't know who she was but we hung out the whole weekend and a friend came over to me and said what are you doing with Juice's wife the two grew close and Nicole even confided in Loma witch about Simpson's abusive Behavior after they returned to Los Angeles Nicole and Loma witch dated but Simpson kept intruding on them Loma witch told the newspaper that Simpson spied on him and Nicole through a window as they were making love the former NFL star even kicked down the door we realized we weren't safe anymore he added that simpsons's harassment led to the end of the relationship years later after Simpson was released on parole in 2017 after serving time for armed robbery and battery lamsa again spoke about Simpson's character he told the Palm Beach Post he said during the parole hearing that he was a conflict free person I don't know is beating your wife Conflict Free domestic violence becoming the crazy person he turned into that I witnessed firsthand it's clear that lamsa witch still has strong feelings about the case even after OJ died when the news broke in april24 lamsa witch told NBC News exclusively that the ex- football player's death was Justice despite their divorce OJ and Nicole were still drawn to each other lamsa had remained friends with Brown Simpson and in 1993 she confessed to him that she was considering getting back together with Simpson she thought Simpson had changed for the better but lamsa witch told her to just be careful according to the Palm Beach Post soon enough simpsons's jealous nature returned sparking a frightening confrontation on October 25th 1993 at Nicole's home while her children were in the house it led her to call 911 for help according to the police report several things had set Simpson off including a photo of an old boyfriend according to the Washington Post during the call Nicole also told the dispatcher that her ex-husband was screaming about Keith Loma later told the Palm Beach post that a mutual acquaintance had informed Simpson that he was still in touch with Nicole after the October 25th incident Nicole told lamt she had to cut ties as lamsa noted to the Palm Beach Post Nicole told him it breaks my heart that I can't talk to you anymore I felt so guilty that he had beaten her because of me I said I love you and always will then we hung up the phone that was the last time I talked to her he took away my chance to say goodbye [Music]
Channel: The List
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Keywords: the list, o.j. simpson, oj simpson, o.j., oj, nicole brown, nicole brown simpson, details, relationship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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