O.J. Simpson's Kids Were at His Home When He Died

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OJ Simpson's final days were spent at his Las Vegas home as a steady stream of friends came by to say farewell and they were sworn to secrecy he insisted that everyone who came into his presence surrender their phones and sign a non-disclosure agreement a hospice bed had been brought into his master bedroom and he reportedly could no longer get in and out of it by himself when the end came his four children were by his side cydney and Justin his children with Nicole Brown Simpson and Jason and Arnell his older children from his first marriage fill it up good Justin and Sydney were just eight and five years old when their mom was murdered sing the song home videos show them enjoying a happy childhood the family attended Simpsons movie premiere for The Comedy Naked Gun 33 and A3 3 months before Nicole was killed Sydney is now 38 Justin is 35 they live in Florida and both work in real estate Sydney now goes by the name Sydney Simpson brown she's added her mother's last name I OJ take you Nicole and here's more home video we found in the Inside Edition Vault OJ Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson 1985 wedding the best man was alings the guy who just N9 years later would be behind the wheel of the Ford Bronco it gives me great Delight J Nicole to pronounce you husband and wife that's cing leading the cheer the newly wet seemed very much in love Nicole rubs Simpson's arms and they share a kiss when Nicole was slain she left behind a trunk filled with momentos and Family Treasures and her sister Tanya gave Jim morray a look inside it's the watch she wore the night she was killed for Tanya the watch is precious and painful again get the visual of her it just kind of it just brings me back there that she actually died in this also in the chest a single earring its match is buried with Nicole I really wanted to leave Nicole something in her casket yeah and um so I gave her the other earring meanwhile Simpson's friends are mourning him today at his favorite bar every Sunday I was with him watching you know football Ashley Meyers says Grape Street in Las Vegas was Simpson's second home there's nothing that you could say to him that would ever face him and there was a lot of obvious negative comments he always handle it in a very kind and gracious way when was the last time that you talked to about a month and a half ago do you think that he knew he was going to die you know I think he was kind of saying wanted to say that goodbye hey Twitter World Is Me Yours Truly he posted upbeat videos on social media downplaying just how sick he was revealing that he SM marijuana to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy I thought the pot really helped me with that form of the of the unfortunate side of uh uh catching cancer uh in any event I'm healthy now uh it looks like I beat it that was May last year and he continued to deny that he was dying right to The Bitter End hospice hospice you talking about hospice [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 356,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, nevada, ie health, california, Inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, ie celebrity, oj simpson, orenthal james simpson, death, cancer, nda, las vegas, football player, the juice, prostate cancer, oj simpson death, oj simpson kids, les trent
Id: PHMSviLLk04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 37sec (217 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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