The Tragedy of Toji Zen'in | JJK CHARACTER ANALYSIS

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foreign is incredibly cool the man who overcame the Pinnacle of the Jiu Jitsu world the world where cursed techniques reign supreme through sheer planning and Ingenuity contending with Supernatural monsters with martial might alone toji is rawness incarnates the Batman of the Jiu-Jitsu World a methodical madman that every viewer is enamored by he is simply that guy but beneath this cool exterior beneath this tough shell is a Broken Man a tragic victim of his life's unfortunate circumstances and the real tragedy is not just in the way the judicial World broke him down but rather the way he broke himself down even further through the Myriad of self-destructive decisions he made in search for validation by the ones who ostracized him today we will be unraveling one of the most beloved antagonists of recent times descending beneath the man he presents himself to be in hopes of determining who who he truly is before I begin I would like to give a major thank you to kuritol over on Twitter for this beautiful thumbnail his art is absolutely amazing and I have left a link to his page in the description below so if you do like this gorgeous piece make sure to check him out and show some love Porgy was born into the zenyin family with zero cursed energy and that detail alone provides a great deal of insight with regards to the childhood he must have had the zenian are obsessed with Bloodlines and innate talents they value cursed techniques Above All Else and consider those who lack those talents to be lesser it's very clearly implied that toji had a terrible childhood this is best seen through Marquis character who functions as a foil tatology as an individual suffering the same predicament in the same family and in Torchy's case as a male as a potential candidate to one day head the family it was probably even worse they most definitely had huge expectations for the boy only for him to be born with zero cursed energy a massive disappointment to the family who value that cursed energy over anything else he was ostracized by the very people closest to him his own flesh and blood and at some point in time he was exiled from the family and left to live in isolation disgraced by the ones who considered him a disgrace toji became the infamous sorcerer killer a mercenary who targets cursed users and kills them for money to survive he collected cursed weapons from his Fallen victims and in time built an Armory of these tools which he stored in a cursed spirit this is the Torchy's ending we first meet in the story a character defined by his martial prowess existing On The Fringe of JuJu Society talentless in the world of the supernatural yet incredibly gifted in the natural world a cunning murderer who makes use of the knowledge he gathered from his time as a zenin to crush his victims his ability and strength to defeat and kill Sorcerers those born with innate talents in spite of his own lack of talent made him incredibly prideful he lived to prove that he was better than the ones that shunned him a bitter insecure man whose life goal is to crush the zenian clan once it reaches the peak of its power to murder their strongest members to spit in the face of their conservatism what better way to get back at those who prioritize power through curse techniques over even familial bonds than to crush them without that power his ultimate Target essentially being the next 10 Shadows curse technique user as that is the Pinnacle of the zening Clan's potential ironically his own seed gives birth to a child possessing that very power the child who changed the course of toji's life it is very clearly implied that meeting megumi's mother marrying her and having a child with her was the best thing that could have happened to toji he threw away his pride meaning he stopped dedicate himself to killing Sorcerers and named this child blessings as someone who was born into one of the three great families of the Jiu Jitsu World talents were not just expected of him but considered a Birthright yet fate had other plans for toji birthing him talentless with zero cursed energy he grew up envying everybody around him those who had manifested their blessings in the form of cursed techniques that is why he calls himself a monkey to refer to this lack of cursed energy monkeys are primates the same branch of animals as humans a derogatory way of referring to regular people that he definitely picked up from his egotistical family the self-glorified zenian who viewed those without cursed energy as scum and so told you views Jujutsu techniques as the blessing he never received thus he names his own son blessings for reasons that may be ambiguous but still incredibly telling perhaps torji considered megami's birth a worthy replacement to the blessing he was denied or perhaps he was just manifesting the possibility that at least his son wouldn't suffer the same fate the one who yearned for approval to impart meaning upon his existence found exactly that in love and Parenthood he finally found somebody who accepted him for who he was but then his wife died and he regressed back to those self-destructive Tendencies it was mentioned by akutami himself that megumi's mother helped toji become his normal self after his abominable past but her sudden demise made toji spiral and revert to his old ways just like how he was before he met her back to that massively insecure Outlook which ultimately leads to his own demise we are introduced autology in a racing competition which symbolizes his insecurity he is gambling despite Kong stating that he isn't the type to gamble pogi is a cold calculated killer as we see all throughout the ark he wears Gojo and get all down through countless distractions over the course of several days all for the purpose of setting the stage for his entrance to crush them at their weakest and Grant himself the heavy Advantage he is not the type to gamble but here he is gambling and losing his money a subtle piece of foreshadowing for his ultimate gamble choosing to fight against the Pinnacle of the Jujitsu world at the end of the Ark despite having already completed his job and received his payment he was on his way home he did not need to fight Gojo he could have very easily escaped and that is made abundantly clear the man is practically undetectable but in the end he falls victim to his own Pride one of toji's many weapons is the chain of a Thousand Miles which can extend infinitely the perfect representation of toji's character chains are associated with fate in all forms of literature his entire life the person he is was dictated by a myriad of factors outside of his control things that are attributed to the fate of Life the best aspect of this symbolism is the single condition the chain requires it can only work so long as the user does not let the base of the tool be seen this represents toji's endless struggle with perception specifically how others perceive him a bitter man suffering from being judged since the day he was born for things out of his control lashing out at the Jujutsu world for ostracizing him whilst wearing the facade of a tough guy A desperate attempt at hiding his insecurities apology's characterization through subtext can also be found in the worm curse he uses as a bank for his curse tools the worm resembles a section of an intestine with its reddish pinkish and blotted appearance fitting as it resides in tolgi's guts the worm also resembles an umbilical cord wrapped around its host which is again very fitting for obvious reasons an umbilical cord connects the baby to its mother allowing the mother to transport oxygen and other necessary nutrients to their child this not only highlights how the worm acts as toji's greatest asset how the worm acts as a baby itself but also the irony of toji's existence nobody can deny that toji is an absolute monster a champion of Martial might someone who has achieved the peak of human potential but he exists On The Fringe of the Jiu-Jitsu World dead center between the worlds of Supernatural and ordinary this is consistent throughout various aspects of his character but it is especially ironic in his means of fighting toji makes use of cursed tools to contend with Sorcerers he absolutely needs these weapons to overcome them he only managed to defeat gorger the first time because of the inverted Spirit of Heaven toji may be a monkey as he personally proclaimed and he takes great pride in that fact but even so he depends on tools belonging into those with blessings a man defined by irony and contradictions he takes pride in killing Sorcerers in spite of having no cursed energy but he can only do so through the use of cursed tools and he isn't the type to gamble but he lost his life in the ultimate gamble the family he was born into the environment he was raised within the circumstances he was dealt all are examples of the various things outside of toji's control that made him who he was but he did have control over his own choices he could carve out any path for his life especially after finding meaning in his love with megumi's mother she broken free out of the shackles of his life's fate and he chose to chain himself Once More by regressing back into his old ways becoming a terrible father to the child he personally named after the blessings that determined the course of his life the child who supposedly changed him in a nutshell this is a man who consistently made the wrong decisions a slave to fate that that is the real tragedy of toji zenin apology is a terrific character and what's most impressive is the fact everything I've discussed in this video takes place in the span of just five episodes or 13 chapters and he only gets better with time as the story progresses and his impact on the narrative grows exponentially there are countless aspects of his character that I've barely brushed upon such as his impact on suguru Ghetto his role in shaping the trajectory of the story and his existence as someone with a Heavenly restriction what that means for the World Manga readers know that toji only gets more important with time but this video was made to be safe for anime only fans of jjk so I refrained from diving into any material that has yet to be adapted with that being said this is definitely not the last time we'll be discussing toji on the channel I hope you enjoyed this analysis and I hope to keep you around for my future jjk videos as always thank you very much for watching and I hope you have an amazing day
Channel: Radman
Views: 8,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toji fushiguro, jujutsu kaisen, toji zenin, toji, jjk, gojo, satoru gojo, gojo vs toji, geto vs toji, suguru geto, jjk shibuya arc trailer, jjk season 2 op, jjk op 3, gojo vs sukuna, gojo theme, gege
Id: vVQ28pSivm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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