This is what big pharma doesn't want you to know...

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all right you guys made it back to the homestead I'm out running the fence lines right you got to come outside here on your homestead if you guys are going to live this lifestyle and we live off grid and we got this you know property I got this stuff all fenced off and I got to check these fence lines in the woods especially um because these trees you know they have dead Limbs and they'll fall down on stuff I've had you know trees just fall over and take out parts of the fence and then if you're not staying on top of your fencing and what's going on out here maybe you turn your animals loose in a place where you didn't check it yet then you got a great big problem but today's topic of the video is like um you know medicine through your food right let food be your medicine we talked about that earlier uh if you believe in the Bible and stuff right God said that he gave us everything that's good for us and for our bodies and he gave us the seed that means the food that he gave us is going to produce seeds so we will always have this continuous flow of medicinal food that takes care of our body right we have our spiritual food and then we have our physical food that we have to take in right and so that's what we're going to talk about today is letting food be your medicine instead of turning to Big Pharma all the time you know it used to be back in the old days you know Stacy and I live the 1800s lifestyle you know we live in a log cabin and we grow 90 of our own food and we live a hundred percent off rain water and we poop in buckets you know they didn't really have buckets these outhouses but we found advantages in our system of using buckets and I'll probably hit you guys to that here coming up but that's what we do we're like the ungovernable you know and we're having a fun time doing it but what I was getting at and about how back in the 1800s they had one doctor and that doctor actually worked on the animals and the people so they had one doctor for a whole town and my funny joke is now that I say is now they have a whole town of doctors for one person so they kind of flipped the script on us right so Stacy and I are here to help educate you guys on these natural ways that you can take care of yourself especially when we're getting into like the cold and weaponized flu season all right all right so that's what we're gonna do today and some of this what we're going to talk about today involves garlic right and I was talking to you guys earlier if you believe in the Bible that God has given us everything that we need and he gives us the seed to produce the food over and over that will sustain our body right and man actually takes the the app Man actually goes in and tries to find out what he thinks is making it good and then turn it into a bunch of chemicals and then give it to you that's not what we want okay so we're going to show you this natural remedy here and you're gonna like and I was thinking about the other time that I only mentioned uh garlic in the Bible and there was one other time when the Israelites were complaining remember they were complaining in the wilderness and they were they had their little list of things that they missed and actually you know what garlic made the list all right so we're gonna go in right now Stacy's gonna show you guys how you can take care of yourself this winter all naturally and help boost your immune's immune system right that's what's going on your immune systems are down they've done that to you on purpose they've engineered you now with low immune systems we were there too and we changed it all and uh they're now they're going to take advantage of that all right so let's go see what Stacy's got to tell you guys uh foreign yes that was a whole bulb of garlic and I'm putting it in here and I have to tell you one of the things when I cook that I don't like to do as much is peeling garlic cloves so this is probably the easiest way for you guys to peel your garlic so I'm going to show you what's going to happen well today I'm going to make something to kind of go into Doug and I's Arsenal that we keep here on our Homestead I've been doing this for many many many many many many years and I always tell you guys and this is my philosophy that Doug and I we are our own health care providers hypocrisy said food let food be your medicine and so that's what we try to do we try to put things into our body to help nourish us to keep us healthy keep us strong and keep us defied off disease and garlic is one of those things that you're going to use when you look at garlic by itself it has a compound in it called allicin and the funny thing about Allison is Doug always says that's our daughter-in-law but Allison is a compound that does help strengthen your immune system and the other thing that I think is so fascinating about this compound Allison is it helps to kind of improve your white blood cells and the white blood cells if you guys don't know you know they're swimming around in your blood and there's the ones that I'll make it really basic that eat the germs so let's say you have a virus or something then the white blood cells are going to get activated and really pumped up and the Garlic's going to help with that a little bit to do their job so garlic is a powerful thing it's been touted throughout history talking about garlic it has so many things that it can help I mean it's crazy I'm only going to list a few but one of them that's pretty awesome is it is a great heavy metal detoxifier and in this day and age there's lots of heavy metals in the air from the sky in our homes just all around foods that we're eating so that's a really good point to add garlic to your diet as well as it's anti and anti-aging so we have a lot of oxidative stress things that could damage our bodies and this is something that can fight those free radicals and help with us to live longer and who doesn't want to live longer right as well as helping to lower your blood pressure and your cholesterol and there was also a 12-week study that was done and they found out that they did not get sick as often and when they got sick colds flus things like that the sickness wasn't as severe and it didn't last as long as I cut in half so who needs a shot on that one moving on to step two voila raw honey now raw honey where did we get it from a b right B it's loaded in your B vitamins that we need the human body needs them we also have calcium and magnesium and potassium and zinc I mean it's loaded with the kitchen sink it has everything in it it's antimicrobial antibacterial wonderful has it been following along for a while we had a cat a few years ago that had its whole neck pretty much ripped off and we thought he was going to die so when I thought you know what I'm going to try to save him so from things from the garden I had some yarrow and calendula I made a very strong um uh like tea and then I went ahead and kind of cleansed it and then from there I added the Manuka honey and Manuka Honey is a more medicinal it's from New Zealand type of honey and it healed it so we are big Believers in this stuff because we use it on ourselves we use it on our animals and our livestock and it's been very helpful for the US so here I have some raw honey make sure that it is raw honey you don't want it to be heated or pasteurized or anything so it'll destroy why all the beneficial wonderful enzymes from it and what we're going to do is we're going to be making a honey fermented garlic so I'm using a big jar and I'm going to pour my honey over the garlic cloves and cover it with probably about an inch or so let me Stir It Up okay so I want to make sure I'm blending this up very nicely so that I get all that honey mixed in so it covers the cloves okay honey and garlic together like we're taking math class equals this powerful powerful team together so they're going to work together so what I'm going to do now I think I'm gonna add a little bit more honey because I want to make sure that my garlic cloves are going to be covered because we're going to ferment this lid make sure it's a tight fitting lid flat in a ring is perfect you're going to put your lid on it so what's going to happen is you can see here that the garlic is on top I'm gonna ferment this and I don't want it to get moldy or anything I want to make sure that that honey is covering the garlic we are making honey fermented garlic now when you look at honey honey has a moisture content at about 18 or so when you go higher than 18 it's going to start fermenting I'm adding garlic to this which has moisture in it it's going to make the moisture content go up in the honey and it's going to firm it however if you look at the garlic it is above the honey and I want the honey to be covering it so you have a job for a few days because we're going to make this powerful thing that's going to hopefully help you guys and you're going to be flipping it every day okay like this so it's totally covered so what I'm going to do is I might flip it upside down just like that let it set for a little bit and then bring it back over here and let the honey just kind of move around I'm gonna do that daily now as each day goes on it's going to start to ferment so it's going to build up a little pressure inside so I'm going to gently turn this and you'll hear go and it's going to release some of the gases that it's building up through the fermentation process and it'll smell really good it'll smell like garlic and then you're going to do this for a week maybe two generally for honey ferments they're going to be pretty good for a couple weeks and you're just going to do this up and down and you'll notice as the days go on as it goes to eight days or nine days it's not going to be you're not going to get as much pressure in there and it'll just be fine and then after a few weeks you're going to have this wonderful concoction that you guys can use because it's just food right when you're making this I want you guys to think about being proactive before you need it so this is something that's going to need to sit for a few weeks for it to start building up all its medicinal properties now this will be okay after you know you're going to let it set a couple weeks if you wait about a month it'll be pretty good if you wait two months it'll be better if you make three four five six months it's awesome because it's going to get that more medicinal benefit out of it I have some the longer you see it don't freak out it's gonna get almost black I have some that are quite a few years old that I still have and they're it's going to be darker and it's going to get much more liquidy because of the fermentation process it's not going to be thick like this like honey all right so don't be scared sometimes you'll even notice that the garlic it may turn blue or green but that's just the process of fermentation and that's what happens to garlic sometimes it's okay that'll go away if you do have that happen so you're going to just let this set somewhere you don't have to put in the refrigerator and you leave it out you can put it in your pantry I mean it's amazing the honey is going to help preserve it so once it's done it's couple weeks and you've turned it and if you don't want to turn it you can use a knife and Stir It Up that's up to you that's fine and then that way you can use it when you need it so if you want to just eat a piece of garlic you can eat a piece of garlic if you want to use some of the honey to put on your salad dressing or drizzle over some meat or something you can do it like that put it on a piece of toast if you're feeling not very well maybe you're one down or having not enough sleep so this might be something you might want to take you know take a piece of garlic in the morning at night that's why if you were noticing earlier I was cutting some of the bigger cloves in half because some clothes are bigger some are smaller so you can cut them into little bite-sized pieces I know with our grandkids I'll give them some if they're not feeling well I'll put a little piece and some honey and then they can take a spoonful and even the kids like it so this is something that everybody can benefit from making one now I always make a couple of these every season so I'm gonna make another one too so don't just have one because you may need more who knows maybe you have your mom or dad or your grandma and grandpa or a friend who might need it too I would always make two and then that way you'll always have it it's something that's not going to go bad it'll last many years you don't have to put it in refrigeration but some people will ask me well what happens I use a a mile on my garlic and I still have a lot of the liquid for me I like to use that liquid and I'll go ahead and use that liquid and put it in my salad dressings I make homemade salad dressing or you can drizzle over something I like to use a honey by itself some people may want to go ahead and add some garlic to the honey you can do that my I don't like to do that quite as much I always start a few new batches every year and then I use up the garlic and when it's all done then I'll start over again so you guys can do it however you want to do it but that this stuff is just wonderful so get on it you want to make that Perpetual honey garlic and then you will have something in your Arsenal to be your own health care provider you got it how you can kick big farm out of your life and take care of yourself the way God intended we just showed you guys how you can make your cold and flu medicine just like the old man it goes way back thousands of years right even older than pioneers so you guys make that a little concoction there and use it well I swear by it we have friends that have been using it everybody swears by it all right hit that subscribe button on the way out thumbs up too man some good info and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] did you guys know that in the 16 17 and 1800s chocolate was consumed as a beverage there was no such thing as a chocolate candy bar well we're bringing chocolate tea back to the 21st century because it's loaded with antioxidants our body loves and it's a great source of magnesium that's wonderful for bone and heart health it's a great addition to your coffee machine or your French press or just along with your favorite sweetener you can find it at off-grid with Doug and along with our brand new tea infuser simple to use for easy steeping cheers [Music]
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 786,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Id: 6tDzf1h8QU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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