The Tough Questions with Rick & Bubba | Ep 57

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[Music] welcome to rick and bubba university the podcast this is a weekly podcast that is unique uh content uh from the week that was rick and bubble uh the rick and bubba show is a radio show for some of you that don't know that you could find out more by going to rick and bubba spell out the word we do a live five-hour show monday through friday and if you'd like to know how to get that go to rick and bubba spell out the word but bubba today rick and bubba university the podcast is going to be a little experimental yes it's going to be a little different today rick we had a guest schedule for rick and bubba university they canceled on us within an hour of starting uh to record this podcast so uh we decided that we would try something a little different and something that a lot of people who do podcasts cannot do and that is take live phone calls so we told our audience that we would be taping at a particular time and they have responded we have a full bank of phone calls so we thought this would be a little more intimate uh uh setting for us to take phone calls and talk to the audience yeah we're just hanging out you know our guest is today bubba the world yeah the world so let's start tj is out of the great state of kentucky you all of you will be dictating what we'll talk about today so we'll bounce all over we'll bounce all over the place tj what would you like to discuss on rick and bubba university so i have uh two theological related questions for you guys okay first was the american revolution a violation of romans 13 okay and then and secondly to go more present day with it is having more than eight family members in your home for thanksgiving a violation of roman 13 if that is your governor's current mandate well okay we'll start with the first one which is much deeper well let's do the second one because that's probably the easiest answer uh if it is against the law if you've been told to do this is having more members in your house is that the blaspheming god and the in the answer of that would be no so if the law where you live says you can only have this many people in your home for thanksgiving then you would as a follower of christ you would follow that law now if they said you can't celebrate thanksgiving no giving thanks to god or you can't go to church and worship god as mandated or you can't talk about christ and you you can't make disciples uh then we would not follow uh those laws so so that one's pretty easy if it is the law of your state uh that you can only have eight members then as a christian you should only have eight members but rick i i think we need to point out it in some of these states it's not a law that's right it's it's a it's a strong suggestion yes so and it all depends on what ruling authority passes it down because of the type of country we live in is it a governor is it a president is it a county commissioner is it a mayor it gets real sticky to be honest with you so we try to follow the laws the best we can unless it violates god's law so try to stay within the guidelines that your state's giving you yeah and but if it's if it's just a suggestion then you can do whatever you want uh now let's get to the revolution and i've had a number of emails about this but you have to remember what was at the heart of the revolution i mean we had pastors in churches removing their robe to reveal that they had the continental uniform on and they said the men of this church we need to go fight now why did they say that for religious freedom they they were not they didn't think that they had to follow an order from the church of england because the church of england had created created a version of god that many of these pastors disagreed with they did not like the theology they did not want to be told on the whims of the king or the queen whether they would be protestant or whether they would be catholic and they wanted the freedom to worship the one and only living god the way that they deemed theologically sound and at the root of the revolutionary war was religious freedom which would be a god sanctioned war to fight and i think too uh rick you have to point out that while i think they were in their rights to do that they also would face the consequences of doing that and that was many many people play paid a tremendous price they lost their lives they lost their property they lost the lives of their family members their children their neighbors and uh while the country was successful at getting independents there was a high price to pay for it yeah and and they were willing to pay it but at the root of it remember we revised history quite a bit was the pursuit of religious freedom to worship god and what they they they completely believed was biblically correct versus the church of england that they thought was apostasy yep so uh we continue thanks on that great question yep uh allen in north carolina great depth allen in north carolina alan go ahead yeah so hey uh love y'all show um i would say a little bit about me i'm a troop master for a group called trail life you might be familiar with yeah we're sure yeah and so uh by the way we gave away your manhood book at one of our leadership meetings oh great wonderful yeah so we're having adult training coming up uh later in the month and we're going to ask all of our leaders leadership tips so my question to you guys are what is leadership and give us three tips that you would say good tips for leadership okay uh bubba you want to start i've got some i can hit on well i think one of the things that's overlooked and this is just me i'm i'm you know i'm not speaking for rick on this i think that you have to be careful that if you are in leadership you don't try to be in leadership in every aspect of your life i think a good leader also has to be a good follower in other parts of their life because if you're just trying to be a leader all the time it looks like it's more about you than the cause that you're actually doing so you there's times to be a leader and there's times to be a follower and i think if you're a follower it actually will help you in times that you need to be a leader because you know the kind of things that helped you to be a good follower yeah so now let's use that in tip i'll use bubba's theme because he's right uh the model that is perfect would you you know i don't know if you're a man of faith or what but you would say that when i say this in in the in the men's ministry program that we have if you want the perfect example of how to be a man or how to do anything how about when god did it and so we were shown by jesus who had all authority in heaven and earth we were shown that servant leadership is the correct version of leadership meaning a true leader like bubba said understands what it's like to be a follow a follower and they should have all humility and you never ask people that you've been placing authority over to do things that you yourself are not willing to do a great example of this is you know i saw in my father who who was given a lot of responsibility at a very young age he was an athletic director and a head football coach when he was in his 20s and i remember an equipment salesman coming in to see him about selling equipment and my dad who was the athletic director and the head coach was cleaning the toilets uh and when asked why he was cleaning the toilets he said because it's my turn uh so i think that doesn't mean you have to you know just like jesus washing feet uh you know he says i'm not i'm not washing your feet is not beneath me so washing each other's feet should not be beneath you uh so it's a sacrificial servant type leadership i think the other thing is understanding that that there should be a great mix of of holding people accountable but also encouraging people bad leadership is the man or the woman that you only hear from when you're doing something wrong all they ever do is point out what you're doing wrong and they never encourage you and say hey you know what great job hey what you did today was fantastic so you got to have encouragement mixed with discipline and i think the other thing is you must be consistent a leader has to be consistent a leader that's all over the road meaning they don't have any integrity i notice you're saying that we should do these things but we're looking in your life and we don't see you doing them uh you talk to us about about how we need to be disciplined in this area of our life but you're not disciplined in that area of your life i think that you have to live a life of integrity as a leader too or if you don't then people might fear you but they'll never respect you so hopefully those are helpful uh let's go to sonya in alabama sonya welcome to the program yes hi rick and bubba i love you guys i love what y'all stand for and i appreciate everything y'all do uh for uh the public out there and uh my question is for bubba um i must have missed the episode and i wonder if it was this year or might have been last year when it happened i'm thinking that bubba had some kind of injury that caused him to have to have some kind of repair surgery done and i was just wondering how he was doing from that and i missed it i was just wondering what the um injury was and uh how he's doing from that and will he be able to exercise again sonia that's a long that's an introduction i will say this during uh my tennis playing days i ended up having seven surgeries five knee surgeries two foot surgeries uh minor uh in the case of the foot surgeries uh the other were knee scopes and whatnot had to repair an acl but uh my last one was actually in uh december january of last year and just about the time i needed to ramp up and get out and start playing and doing some things against when the cove had hit and we all had to go into lockdown so yeah i i this year up till a couple of weeks ago has not been a very good exercise year for me yeah and and you may have missed what you're talking about you did have a stint too also a heart stint yeah nothing nothing to do with tennis couple years ago yeah so okay so far so good on all that so great great bless your heart i'd just love to see you be able to get back out there exercise and i hope y'all can get toby mac uh an interview with him on the show um because i missed hearing what happened to his son tragically i don't know what what the tragedy was but i choke up every time i hear his songs and i just love his music anyway but yeah he's fantastic we it's a good idea we may try to get him if he's willing to be on all right we'll come back more your phone calls coming up on this edition of rick and bubba university the podcast all right let's continue now today's a little different uh on rick and bubba university the podcast we are talking to america america is our guest the world is our guest and people are actually calling in on the podcast and we're taking their topics we had a guest scheduled for this week which fell through because of some responsibilities they had and could not record this week so we said let's take calls and this time we can do the podcast 45 minute hangout and just talk about things that the audience wants to talk about and shiloh has been waiting patiently shallow welcome to rick and bubba university the podcast you're on good morning gentlemen how are y'all good i um my question is how would uh one go about ministering to their sister and if i may i would like to set up the scenario and brief very briefly and then uh if you can give me some advice on how to go about ministering to my sister or my younger sister okay we'll do our best go ahead um i come from a very large family at rural alabama uh and my dad he went to be with the lord but anyways he we went through a tough time with him he meant it he was a minister of faith firm believer taught us the bible but also very abusive i like to say he used also the bible as a crutch uh and my one one of my sisters struggles with it and i just you know i'm in the process of ministering to her but i would i'd like to hear your opinions on it and get some advice of how to go about administering to her because she struggles with the fact of my father understood so what's happened here is sadly and we see this a lot the the man of the house and who was supposed to be the spiritual leader gave a version uh and let's just say it it's the version that a lot of especially daughters take on of god uh is is because god's called a father but as the song said god is a good good father and a perfect father and i think you as her siblings and her family you need to if she's willing to go into scripture and you need to be very well versed on scripture and show her the inconsistencies of god the father uh of of god the son and god the holy spirit versus the things that she may have seen in in the flawed presentation of of her earthly father she she doesn't need to equate uh imperfect uh sometimes uh fallen people uh with a perfect god and so i would my approach would be don't try to justify things that maybe she didn't understand or maybe things about daddy because that's an imperfect example what you want to do is point her ultimately to perfection which is god the father god the son and god the holy spirit so i think that i would just almost do it and bubba see if you agree kind of a reset and say this really isn't about daddy yeah yeah absolutely it's about it's about it's about your redemption and it's about who god is not who daddy was yeah i think too many times we hang our our spiritual beliefs on a human being right and you not only with a dad or a mom or something but you also see it with pastors and ministers and uh you know they're going to fail they're humans just like we are and we make mistakes so do they and sometimes they're a lot more under the spotlight than somebody else especially if they're a high profile person but it's really not about people it's about you and god and you and that bridge through jesus back to god and that's what you got to focus on because people will fail you every single time and and that's that's moms that's dads that's spouses that's kids uh and we feel we fail people too so i don't think we can get hung up in that it reminds me something my mom used to say years ago when somebody would bring up something about somebody in the church as a hypocrite or they're doing and they would use it for an excuse not to come back of course you know so-and-so over there he's a hypocrite he he does this on sunday and he you know i see him out doing this and you know whatever they come up with all kind of stories and uh she would jokingly say well i'd rather go to heaven with a few hypocrites into hell with a whole bus full of them right so you know none of us are perfect that's why we need a savior and be prepared for the part because sometimes i've i've dealt ministered to people who who had bad parents or people or parents that mistreated them even and and they said well what about this part where it says honor your mother and father i don't think that my parent is worthy of honor well this doesn't mean to condone your mother and father it doesn't even say to love your mother and father it says to honor them and what that means is that you your sister will live your lives in a way that brings honor to whomever your parents are or were whether they deserve it or not they look at the way you live your life and that brings honor to them because of the honor that you're ultimately trying to bring to your heavenly father it does not mean that the way that they've done things is okay it doesn't mean it's condoned and it doesn't even call for us to love our parents it says to bring honor to you yeah and to that point i don't want to draw it out too far but i i know cases where you've had a kid grow up in a home that was not perfect right that the dad was far from perfect in a lot of cases and we'll use a dad in this example maybe and a daughter they didn't have the greatest relationship well the daughter followed a a christian walk did what she was supposed to do the way you were supposed to do it you know she got the ba hum bug from her dad and all that stuff but she kept doing it but at some point in in their their life later on when the the father got older he came to know god because of seeing her and the way she acted and the fact that she didn't hold a grudge against him she was non-confrontational dad love you don't agree with that i'm doing what i do i'm grown up yeah so and and that meant a lot so i think that's the end goal that we we try to to show god's love to people and and that they they have a life-changing experience yeah and don't let the adversary use bitterness toward an earthly dad to keep you from the perfect father yeah remember the devil's gonna try to tangle you up in all kind of stuff just try to cut through the minutia of all of that and remember the big picture thanks shallow appreciate your call uh we continue uh to john in alabama john welcome to rick and bubba university the podcast go ahead wow this is an honor guys thank you so much for the opportunity to be on rick and bub after dark that's good you know all the other callers can hang up i'll be here a minute i'm just kidding i'm be respectful of your time i've been with the show ever since it started when i graduated high school at saks high school in anniston alabama i started working it started working at gold's gym as the opening guy so i would open the gym every day at 4 30 and the first thing i would do is i'd cut on the radio and i'd put on rick and bubba and that was great up until the off season because kevin green the pro football player owned half of the gym with another guy named magic russell oh yeah no both i'm sitting there laughing laughing myself hysterical so were the other patrons of the gym and kevin green walks in he's a big man and he's like what is that and i was like it's rick and bubba you know he was like put on music and i i had to give in to his his wishes on that so uh but he he grew to love the show over there he did so he did yeah we had kevin owned a lot well thanks for all that oh yeah yeah thanks for your support for all the years that you've been supporting what we do we'll continue with your phone calls when rick and bubba university the podcast continues when you start talking about underwear uh a lot of you are going to why are we talking about underwear i'll tell you why because your underwear could be more comfortable if you're not wearing tommy johns i mean right now the underwear that you're wearing could be more comfortable and and it's okay to talk about that you don't have to be you know say well i guess this is as comfortable as underwear i'll get rick i'll say this if you try tommy john underwear you're going to have a whole different opinion of underwear after you try it because i i was that way i was that way 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limited time only at rick bubba that's rick bubba site has all the details well you're back uh rick and bubba university the podcast taking phone calls on this edition talking to america no guest you know the guest is america they're america richard has been waiting and and richard you've called us and welcome to wrecking ball university the podcast hey good morning guys good to be on with you thanks hey uh so if you may bear with me for about 60 seconds i'd like to tell a quick rick and bubba story and ask you a question that goes along with it sure uh first time i listened to the show on my own was september 11 2001. um and you know you guys i turned it on i was waiting on my boss to get to work and you guys were like hey there's planes crashing at the towers i don't know if there was a trauma in that moment or whatever but i didn't listen to rick and bubba again for 12 or 13 years after that wow and fast forward 2013-14 my wife and i you know have been i've been married my wife and i were trying to have children and we had just recently lost twins in pregnancy and we were destroyed we were we were shattered and you know we had been going to church and and you know and trying to do do that trying to follow christ but one day i drive for my job one day i turned on the radio in january and it was the first time i heard about broner and and your testimony through that and i truly believe that that god challenges those that he loves to make him better and he makes beauty out of ashes and something i would like to know is you guys personal testimony on you know i know that man church is growing and you've got all these irons in the fire and god's using your ministry but i would like to hear a personal testimony about how god continues to change you and other guys on the on the on the show for the good i don't know i know it all kind of changed that day with you guys i just want to let you know that it all kind of changed that way with me too we you know i used that testimony and it encouraged me and and we began putting our lives back together now we have two children we're faithful active in church growing in christ every day i'd like to hear how you guys have continued to grow since that day through that whole situation okay thanks uh i can tell you with me probably the biggest thing that's changed from then is i was one of these guys that took the attitude that i was only going to know so much about scripture hey i don't like to read i don't like to study you know and it's just not my thing you know and i'll try to listen to the bible and audio when i can because i never really did but but with that event in 2008 at one time if i was being completely honest except for that moment when i was put in a position where i didn't have anywhere else to go and i was growing but it was it was almost like i'd gotten to the point where i've been redeemed i've been justified i i'm very confident of my eternity but you know i used to have this attitude i remember with my grandmother who's you know a saint i remember thinking that that she and i had the same faith she was just more into it than i am uh only to discover through when it when my faith was tested that no my grandmother was what it looks like to be a disciple of christ and and what i was was a cultural christian so when i was redeemed when sherry and i got married and i was starting that process the thing that happened from 2008 on and and i think a lot of times with especially with men we we have this vision that um you know we got to try to find this new code of conduct i remember thinking immediately i got to have this new code of contact this new conduct this new self-control and then i was introduced to john 15. and john 15 i think is probably what has changed in my life the most current day and jesus says you can do nothing apart from me abide in me and i will abide in you and and then i will produce the fruit from your life that really is the power that flows from me and you know he says in john 15 and this fruit will prove that you are not my converts not my believers it'll prove that you are my disciples and and discipleship it's been a game changer in my life when when i started studying the spirit of the disciplines by dallas willard there there just became from the holy spirit this hunger for the word of god this hunger to know more and and to grow and and i really thought to myself how does any man claim to want to be excellent in his work excellent in this and he claims excellence from his football team and his hobbies and all the things that he really cares about and why are men especially rick why are you so comfortable being mediocre in your faith where and then i realized that's not real that's selling the power of christ really really low and i just developed this hunger not because i came up with some new game plan i i developed this hunger because i pursue christ and you know the the verse that saved my life was james 4 7-8 submit yourself then to god resist the devil and he'll flee from you come near to me and i'll come near to you well i'm a man that's action submit resist come near and i think i've been sold almost this we are saved by grace through faith but i think i had ignored the faith part yeah it is by grace but it's by faith what does this mean by faith well as you start studying scripture that's a faith of action not to earn salvation but the pursuit of christ is you seek me you'll find me abide in me you know what that means that i'm in total agreement with him that i that i rest in him uh you know first john says those that abide in christ do not live a life of continuous perpetual deliberate sin uh so i think the biggest um we're not talking about perfection i mean certainly mistakes are still made but they really are mistakes and stumbles now they're not a justification of sin in my life and i can honestly say that everything in my life that i'm not afraid to call sin christ removes so i think just the maturation and the grasp of of the of scriptures and understanding god has been the thing that's changed the most about me i think um very well put rick i think to uh you know broner's death i've referred to it a lot of times as a circuit breaker where you know we were moving along the show was moving up uh you know we were very focused on how that was growing and you know the circuit breaker too it made you kind of slow up and and say okay let me let me reevaluate here what what are we doing why are we doing it how are we doing it where where am i where is my walk is it getting pushed to the side um and and it was uh you know it was a course correction from for me personally and uh we had to look at uh you know a lot of things we were doing and reevaluated and and betty two and our kids and uh uh you know it uh as far as as professional uh things happening with a show i would say not as important uh we always want it to grow but it wasn't the priority that it was before and we started doing a lot more looking inside and we've had things since then too that you know we we we start searching god how can you use me in this and what do you want me to do and what am i wasting time on and how can i how can i curb this in and and and adjust this and uh we've tried to focus too more on some personal relationships and helping some people and be able to to to guide them through some things uh i think rick what you're doing you know maybe more in the public eye uh and we certainly have a long way to go there's a lot more we need to be doing uh betty and i have been talking about this a lot lately just looking for um you know are we you know and i think that inter checking is a good thing we all need to do that where am i where i need to be where you know how do you need to adjust this i think when you're asking those questions it prevents you from getting off in the weeds too far yeah it really goes back to this and just what bob was saying i think sometimes we get so caught up in you know how does this process take place and let's go back to that abide again i think is the closer you get to christ the more you get in his word you develop a hunger for this let's basic let's face it we're all experts on things we care about we're all experts on things that we deem of value and i think to bubba's point what we deem of value has changed radically and you know i love that part when paul's sitting there in first corinthians 15 9 and 10 and he says you know i shouldn't even be an apostle let me tell you i'm a wretched wretched man i should not be given the platform to do anything uh by the way that i had lived my life and i and i'm so thankful for the the the forgiveness that i've been afforded in the grace i've been afforded and paul said that he said i persecuted the church so i work harder than any of the apostles and the only thing good about me is because of the grace that i've been given but he says something that i think was missing in my life and i think sometimes you see it missing in people's life is that paul then says but that grace will never be in vain i don't want god to ever look down at the grace he gave me and go well there wouldn't not much happened there uh you know and and and so that that grace will never be in vain and and i think we've just prioritized and life is is simpler now like bubba said what's important what what's not important i don't live a life of fear or anxiety uh because you know we face some difficult things and i think i understand why we're here more than i ever have before and i keep working and bubba keeps working we all do on how you balance this but ultimately it's going to be what happens for the kingdom that matters uh when it's all said and done so so thank you for that and i appreciate you hearing your testimony too steven wisconsin steve go ahead welcome to rick and bubba university the podcast hey guys uh absolutely love your show i watch it every morning on youtube thank you thank you and uh one of the things i really enjoy is during the commercial time y'all show all these different pictures uh personal pictures of y'all and uh one of our recall seeing was uh bubba it looks like you're in some kind of a graduation road and um unless i'm mistaken it looks like some kind of advanced degree so i just wanted to ask you about that well i'm not sure exactly what he's talking about the honorary doctor is is that where it was from yeah we were very fortunate last year to get an honorary doctorate from jacksonville state university where i went to school and uh we were very proud of that that they thought enough to do that so um yeah i think they felt guilty because rick got a stadium and uh that's my dad's name on the stadium i think it was a mate good on that i didn't do anything to have my name on the stadium i promise you except bad but yeah that's that's my dad but yeah but very there's no doubt man you be in your hometown and that being the university oh it was there i was very honored i i not deserving but very honored for sure that was a lot of fun uh very well that's great uh well let me just give a a little bit of a shout out to rick uh i've been i've emailed you before and i've told you this but i want everybody else to know this you are absolutely one of the best lay bible teachers i've ever run into and i try to get as many my friends to watch you as i can thank you that's that i don't even have words for that uh just knowing where it shows you the power of god's what it does i promise you that you know some people say i don't know if i believed in god but what he's done with those two i guess that's got to be miraculous and you and i hope you see that that really is miraculous and it's very very kind of you to say that i appreciate that sir um i do want to we'll come back we'll take some more phone calls wrapping up the last 15 minutes of this edition of rick and bubba university the podcast all right bubba what if i said bowling branch to you uh well you said a lot right then did you know that three former u.s presidents all use bowling branch that's and look they want the best yeah they do deserve the best yeah and these presidents agree that bowling branch sheets are the softest most comfortable pure organic cotton sheets on earth the cotton is rain fed it's pesticide free it carries the highest organic certification and you know that's why it is so soft if you've never snuggled into these things uh you will immediately see the quality and and the difference and and here's what's cool since they sell directly to us from the farmers to us the sheets start at bowling branch at 160 dollars uh their their thousand dollar quality for a fraction of the price plus you sleep on them for a month bubba you know what you don't like them man get your money back send them back so right now let's do this y'all y'all make the move all of you here on ricky bubba university the the podcast get fifty dollars off any sheet set at with a promo code rick bubba b-o-l-l and branch dot com and our promo code is rick bubba that's fifty dollars off promo code rickbubba see for all the details restrictions may apply all right so we're back on ricky bubba university the podcast bubba i've been loving this right yeah this is fun we're just talking you're our guest america we're taking phone calls this is the beauty as bubba said of us having a radio show that's also on youtube so we prompted callers to call us even when we weren't live to tape this uh this podcast and boy have you delivered uh so let's um let's continue let's go to john in alabama john welcome to rick and bubba university the podcast your question hey guys really enjoy the show thanks for taking my call our pleasure to ask uh the 60 guys that we we here doing the show now obviously get along you have a good time you really enjoy what you're doing i just wanted to ask other than you and greg obviously great big brothers but through the years has there been something that happened an argument or an issue that come up that somebody actually got mad at the other one of the other guys and something had to work through or is it just great good good all the time bubba i know we've been asked this before and i'm not trying to dodge the question but i'm being i mean there might be a little uh today i didn't really agree with that i don't know about that but that nothing that that really speaks i you know maybe when bubba and i one time very early on i think i got mad about payroll one time because yeah that's what i was thinking yeah the only one i could think you went home and you were sleeping you forgot to go by the bank and we were making so little money we you know i tried to put my check through and they wouldn't cash it uh was it that or the day i forgot the checkbook when it was payday i can't remember i i i remember i had to go home and get it once yeah it was yeah i don't know why i had it at home but we've never had one of those things where like i i can honestly say and i know shows that do this and i hope it you know god forbid it would ever come to this they do the show because they need to not because they want to and uh and i don't think there's ever been a day not for any long period of time somebody might have had a bad day or brought something in from home wasn't in a good mood or whatever but for the most part there's never been a time that like the show was at odds i would say if we've had a brush up uh you know everybody goes home we come back and it's kind of reset the next day it's never it's never carried on and the only thing i can think of was that day we it was very early we were in gadsden and we shared one office we had desks that actually faced each other oh yeah like you walk in you went to the right you got to rick's desk you went to the left we didn't have to send email because about what was going on because there wasn't a thing called email and we both could hear each other on the phone we couldn't both talk at the same time so anything that was being done the other one knew what was going on because they were sitting there listening to it and i think i for the for some reason i forgot to check book or left it in a different car or something i had to go home and get it and rick was mad and uh and then i was mad i had to drive back but i think that was about the the length of it it was all over by the next day yeah we've been we've been very fortunate you know i hear sometimes marriages say you know we've never had a real argument and and nothing of any consequence we've been very fortunate about that and uh so we're trying to keep that record a lot yeah let's hope we do uh chris and chris this may be the reason why with your question chris go ahead you're on rick and bubba university the podcast yeah good morning guys hey hey it's our pleasure yeah i'm from originally from uh georgia so i was recruited to play football in alabama and uh met my wife at school and and uh so after graduation we moved to her hometown gadsden so we were you know we were newly married and uh i got up one morning and just flipped over to you know one of the local radio stations and and you guys popped up and i thought who in the world are these two guys you know and uh so you know as you say as you guys uh say in the past hey just give us a little bit and we'll grow on you yeah yeah 30 days we'll put the weight up after 30 days if you still don't like us it's over yeah that's right well i'm still listening um so my question is when when we were playing when i was playing football right the we had a chemistry uh camaraderie that you know a lot of guys don't get to experience that yeah and i know guys a lot of you guys have played you know sports have been around you know athletics you know your whole life and you know to me when i listen to you guys it is a true you know camaraderie is true chemistry a love for one another um that is that is that the way it is when you go to commercial break you know ragging on each other you know playing jokes you know because when we get when i go back and we get with our guys just like you know i hadn't seen some of my teammates in 10 years but we pick up like we we we didn't see each other for you know a day or two no no doubt yeah the chemistry has been there from the very beginning and i don't think that's something that you can coach uh you know bubba and i had a chemistry uh on the air and again that doesn't mean i think sometimes people misunderstand that that that bubba and i and greg and speedy and and now for gosh i guess the the shortest amount of time anybody's worked here has been 12 13 years now uh because we have we've had very little turnover because of that chemistry that means that we're all exactly the same now we're all very unique we have very very unique interest in personalities but there's something about your point when it comes time for the game there's a chemistry that has always been there you know that bubba and i kind of flow and talk and we do have a lot in common when it comes to what we think is funny uh and and most in most everything politically and all that but but there's a chemistry that that is with this bunch and it's the reason why we don't really hire people helps you may be the only exception and it's worked out with him that we actually hired somebody because we thought they had expertise in an area that we needed uh even adler was kind of a start-up i have some talent in this area but i'm going to grow with you greg certainly the job he does here he had no talent for uh as far as far as the stuff he does off the air for you know making sure commercials air and record all this bubba you're making it sound like greg has no talent no but what you're saying he didn't have that going into his chemistry but he had a great workout yeah see the work ethic i never i was not concerned about i knew greg would work harder than anybody here speedy yeah alabama power speed he's got a great work ethic helms he does adler's tremendous work ethic so you have to have a work ethic to be here i think that would be one of our requirements but you don't have to have a lot of expertise and you don't really have to have a lot of talent but because we certainly don't but but the camp but the chemistry and the work ethic have to be there and this team has it it always has had it uh and uh and and it's just something that i think that god just blesses with it really it really is it really is not something we work on and you know i i think a lot of times when you hear the term peer pressure it it's usually used in a negative connotation that you know people around you are going to shame you into doing something you don't want to do well here we kind of have a positive peer pressure you don't want to mess up because everybody gets on you and you don't want that so you try to hold it in the road high accountability no doubt about it you don't want to be the guy that dropped the ball you just don't yeah all right we're getting close to wrapping up rick and bubba university the podcast dallas may have the perfect question to end it uh dallas go ahead hey guys well lucky me i got to listen to the whole podcast on being on hold there you go good today there you go um so guys uh when the day comes and rick and bubba has their final uh i guess year uh the curtain calls i would say um do you guys have plans um whether it's in your wheels to leave the show um to the kids or do you all have plans to let adler helmsie speedy kind of pick up where y'all left off because i don't know if craig would want to hang around he may he may want to but i see greg as a guy he's gonna when big brother goes he's gonna close that curtain too so what's y'all's opinion on that have y'all gave that much thought not not as much as we probably should but but no i will say this i'll speak for myself i'll let bubba go this this is my intention of course if the lord changes that point of view my intention this is always what i want to do for for a living always this isn't work to me now sometimes you know it can be i'm not saying i'm never tired but if i can physically and mentally do what we do i plan on continuing to do it so if i were to leave it would be because i physically or mentally just cannot do it anymore and uh and then bubba you can hit that but as far as the other guys we always encourage them to develop their own you know uh brand you know we we have the kickoff hour going now and we we expect if bob and i get to where we can't physically many or desire to leave that yeah that they would just continue with the with their own team yeah dallas the way you phrased that question about the kids was almost like you're leaving a uh a business that's working uh and and you know we're we're only on the air because we have a contract to be on the air and when that's up uh yeah you know it may not be our decision right right that's right you asked our decision yeah but on our end uh you know i i would say you know i'm planning on being here at least for the next 20 years uh because that's how long my mortgage is so uh you know you know you mentioned the kids you know i encourage my children you know to to develop their own way and it doesn't mean that i don't help them and it doesn't mean that i like it sometimes i might get my kid an interview but i can't get him the job you know what i mean i'm teaching them that they have to make their own way now if they develop their own brand and somehow you know growing up near this helps them but the thing of hey i'm gonna let my kids you know go out and and not get after it and just goof off and lay around but don't worry daddy's going to come up here and make everybody hire you i'm not going to do that uh i i think that leads to a bad a bad environment so i think if if they want to do their own thing i would certainly help them any way i could to promote what they were doing and and something like that but i'm i'm not going to give them a life raft where they don't have to work because i i think that won't serve them well going forward but as far as the rest of the guys here on the show i assume if bubba and i for whatever reason couldn't get a new contract nobody wanted us anymore uh maybe we did you know decide hey i changed my mind i think i am going to leave i would expect them to be able to keep their own thing going really no problem yeah the guy i will say this for the guys here on the show uh they you know are very capable and and different ones have turned down offers to do things at different times so i think they would be fine on their own uh if they decide to do that at some point in time um you know as far as my kids i have not pushed them into this industry uh when they have showed interest i said i will help like you said ricky any way possible they're still at that age where they're just they don't know what they want to do so they're looking at a lot of different things so we'll see how all that plays out but i've encouraged them like you were saying rick uh you know we're not all the same people right and even with our kids it doesn't mean they have the same interest like we do right so i think they have to follow their own interest and their own love and desires like we have and we're going to try to be there to support them if if one of them wanted to do this kind of thing i would love it uh if they don't if they want to you know do whatever they can grow trees they can cut grass they can you know run for president i'll be all right with whatever they do as long as they get out and try to do something yeah and uh and their spiritual health is the most important thing yes you get that right everything else to fall into place yeah well this has been great did you enjoy this i did it was fun i want to thank the audience because we've had a full bank the whole time i mean we could go we could keep going we got another 45 minutes worth of stuff but unfortunately the files get too big to download yeah so thank you for being with us i hope you've enjoyed it and maybe we'll do this again and don't forget if you didn't get in today and you'd like to get in and talk to us we do have the rick and bubba show that's a live uh you know or maybe in your market somewhere but to call it have to be live so it runs live 5 a.m to 10 a.m central time monday through friday to get all the details on where that happens go to rick and bubba spill out the word bubba great work thank you too sir harry murdoch nice work in there and thanks to all of you for being on this edition of brick and bubba university the podcast you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 17,112
Rating: 4.8756475 out of 5
Keywords: rick, bubba, rick and bubba, rick & bubba, rick bubba live, rick and bubba live, rick & bubba live, rick and bubba show, rick & bubba show, rick bubba show, burgess, bussey, radio, alabama, politics, religion, leadership, christian, christianity, christian government, god and government, god, government, what does the bible say, what does the bible say about, what does the bible say about government
Id: -cpwINtkCM8
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Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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