ManChurch | John Croyle & Rick Burgess

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[Music] hey good evening men and welcome to man church I'm glad that you're a part of what we feel is going to be a historic evening and I thank you for each one of you taking the time and effort to be here and to be a part of this I regret that I'm not able to be with you tonight in fact while you're watching this video either I'm sitting in the Atlanta Airport because my flights delayed or I'm somewhere over the Atlantic beginning my 25 and a half hour odyssey to get to Cape Town South Africa so I think it's pretty evident I would much rather be sitting right there in the conference centre with you guys tonight tonight is a night of high expectations a lot of prayer and a lot of work have gone into tonight and we feel that God's going to do something special this evening I'd like to just as we get prepared tonight to call your attention to a group of warriors who are called the Spartans Spartans were a warrior Society in ancient Greece and they were feared and revered for their strength and their courage and their endurance and the power of the Spartan army did not come from the sharpness of the spears however it came from the strength of their shields losing one shield in battle was considered the single greatest crime a Spartan could commit a warrior carries his helmet in his breastplate for his own protection but his shield for the safety of the whole line men I want you to look to the man on your right and to your left and I want you to make note that you are in this battle together you have each other's backs John Cole and Rick Burgess are going to sharpen your Spears tonight and send you out to battle but you're not by yourself hundreds of other men with shields in hand are marching with you so men don't lose your shield because we're counting on each other now talking about spears let me introduce to you the man who is the tip of the spear of the men's movement who has invested countless hours of hard work and intense praying to see this night become a reality so let's give it up for our director of the men of shades Brent Jones Brent come on up welcome yes man what a what a opportunity to be here tonight and just wanted want to thank everybody for being here tonight we have an opportunity to present some changes hopefully everybody's seeing the excitement seeing the the buzz around the church with what God is doing specifically with our men very intently with our men we have actually completely revamped our men's ministry here at shades and we are we are actually going to completely read we're going to revamp we're gonna have a new logo we've got very intentional changes very intentional direction on the way and where God is leading these are men and so tonight we're gonna from now on we're no longer gonna say that we are men's ministry we are now you are the men of shades and so I want to encourage everybody to go to the website at WWE slash men and check it out see all the things that are going on and see what the minutes is about I can tell you right now that the men of shades is not about events it's not about adding more things to our schedules it's not about Jam packing more we're men our schedules are already packed and so tonight tonight is not an event tonight is worship tonight is church for men we had the opportunity to make this an event we had the opportunity to take this to the Rick and Bubba show and basically have this broadcast free all over the country we had the opportunity to partner up with some major churches around the city and we could have very easily sold out the sanctuary we could have sold tickets for the tickets you got tonight for free with the lineup we've got and we could have very easily build a sanctuary and have our overflow here but God very specifically very intently told us No he said this is not about checking boxes this is not about events it's not about getting men here how many men can we get that's that's not what this is about he told us this is a very specific call to the men of shades Mountain Baptist Church to become the men that he is calling us to be and it's to go therefore and make disciples that's the whole reason that we're doing this guy's the men of shades is not about events more stuff it's about discipleship in order for me to be the man that guy's calling me to be I I don't know how to do that without you you don't know how to do that without me together so it's taking all the men in this room and if you've ever felt alone tonight's not the night look around this this place is packed with men that are gonna walk through this that are here to see God and to hear the message that he's going to bring us tonight and so the men of shades is about community and about doing this together and taking that next step to being that man and that we're not alone why are we here I guess my question is not necessarily why do we need something different why do we need something different than what we've got we've already got a good church we've already got things that are going on why don't we need something different I'll tell you it's because of this right here guys God's infallible Word tells us very specifically that as men that me and you it's our responsibility to be the spiritual leaders of our families of our communities of our church of our workplace that that responsibility falls on us from the very beginning in Genesis when Eve sinned Genesis 3 God went straight to Adam he did not go to if he went to Adam it was Adams responsibility if you look tonight hopefully everybody's got a card there's a there's a BIOS for Rick and for John on the back side there's a comments area notes area if anybody else take notes hopefully you've got pens there's anything you're gonna write down tonight for me from what I'm saying I want everybody to write down Deuteronomy 6 Deuteronomy chapter 6 don't look it up tonight right now please during the service tonight when you go home I'm gonna ask don't don't do it next week don't say you're gonna do it tomorrow as it won't happen after tonight read Deuteronomy six it's not a very long chapter and then go straight to Ephesians five and guys if you pair up Deuteronomy six with Ephesians five you will see what God is calling you to be you will see the picture of the man that God is wanting you to be I don't want to tell you what that looks like go to his word and see for yourself exactly what he tells you I will tell you though that in first Corinthians 16 13 and 14 he gives us a very clear picture of the characteristics of godly men and he says that we have to be watchful we have to stand firm in our faith we have to act like men and be strong and everything that we do we do in love and when God gave us this vision of a man church what do you know what it look like we didn't know what what the name was going to be but we knew that God was going to bring us some godly men that fit that description men that were watchful that were strong that were bold that everything they didn't love though and backed it up with the scriptures and immediately two names was John Crowell and Rick Burgess and we thought man if we could have one of those guys what a message guy could bring us of course God brought has brought both men tonight and I want to say with everybody here with John Crowell and Rick Burgess we're very very grateful for you to be here these guys are here because God has given them a message for us they're not charging us anything this isn't something that that we had them do this is something that we mentioned and God absolutely convicted them with a message for us tonight and so I just want to make sure everybody knew that also let's go ahead and just while we're here let's think John Crowell and Rick Burgess for coming out tonight for being here [Applause] guys I'm gonna pray here in just a minute get us going I do want to tell you a little bit logistically about tonight we are gonna ask everybody when you leave tonight not to go out the front I guess the back of the room is actually the front of the church don't go out that way even the balcony we're gonna ask everybody to exit out of these two doors and everybody should have gotten a card as well that looks like this this is just a information card and we're gonna ask everybody to fill this out it's going to help us update the church database more importantly selfishly we want to make sure that we have a men's database for the men of shades if we're gonna walk through this together and do this we need to be able to connect and to find each other but what we're gonna ask you to do there's a cooler outside of each door there's a Yeti cooler on one side there's a big orchid cooler on the other just drop it in there we've got some opportunities that hopefully you've already seen some tables set out here you're gonna hear a little bit more about what's outside from Rick here in a minute but at 8 o'clock sharp we're gonna draw a name out of each cooler the name that gets drawn takes the cooler home with him we've got another we'll draw one more name at each cooler we've got the big stainless steel Yeti cups so we'll have two coolers and two Yeti cups that get given away at eight o'clock have to be present to win just encourage you when we're dismissed to be able to mill around and look and see what's out here the other thing is this sticker inside your koozie there should be this little black sticker I want everybody just to think about this what this sticker could actually look like for the minute shades if we put this sticker on our car if each one of us put this on our back window every time our wives and our children pulled in to this this parking line they would see countless men that are leading them and say man growing up our children would see they wouldn't know what they're seeing but they would look back and say man all these men investing in God and seeking God and leading this church this church was led by men unlike most churches that are led by the women what what that would show our children what about yes when they pull in the parking lot and they see all these stickers and want to know what that is was that's our men's ministry man that's our men of shades there's man I need that I I don't have that I want that that would draw people in here this sticker could be so so powerful when we take our kids to football or to practice and you see that one or two windows when you're walking in you don't know who's that the practice either but it's a reminder that you're not alone that we are doing this together there's men of shades it did that comfort that reminder also of who we are as we're walking into that ball park is it's it's a it's a check for as well so I want to encourage everybody to put these on their on their windows we are now the minister age let's be the minutes let's do this together there's a more that will come but I let me go ahead and pray and let's get started father God we just humbly come before you tonight and on wonder of who you are the fact that you love us so much that you sent your only Son to die on the cross for us father God that you could raise him from the grave and and that he would conquer death and hold the keys of death and Hades so that we could spend eternity with you if I gotta we just pray for every man in this room tonight father God that they can have the confidence to know that they're here because you call them there's no there's no circumstances there's no coincidence from any man being in this room right now father God you have called them to hear a message Lord to bring them a message through John Crowell and through Rick Burgess and through Michael and Logan as we sing father God I just pray that we'll have that confidence that we'll be still and hear your voice Lord that we'll listen I pray for the Ephesians six armor of God over this whole room for other God just protect this room don't let evil any evil penetrate the walls let each man and everyone here stay focused and attentive and not think about the things that are going on in their life the things that are going on today or tomorrow at work no cell phones no emails no texts father God let us intently focus on you and hear your word probably god I pray for every man here will have the courage to be the man that you're calling us to be to step up and to listen and to love our wives unconditionally like you love the church to love our wives more than we love our own children father God to be that man Christ's precious and Holy Name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god you are my god earnestly I'll seek you it's my prayer for our church job that we as the men of shades by the Methodist Church would earnestly seek the face of God and then when we stand together corporately the scene of the glories of I got a key that we would not do so Lord that we would not look upon the face of our Savior with indifference but then we would passionately seek him earnestly with all of our heart with all of our soul and all of our streams and all so I invite you now to see no matter what level of affection you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just one word my heart would be then you avoided every temptation to make this a spirituality contest you stand before the Lord with every single one of us under this is close to just step it off the right path I read this morning second chronicles the eyes to Lord range to the fro so let's commit this is a journey not a destination this is a long a long haul is his father's it's a long haul as husband's it's a long haul his friend his brothers but God I mean giving the equipment of the tools you need he won't leave those voices for these gifted prophets the Lord comes [Music] [Music] it's great to talk my heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] I'll be see if your buddy John I am humbled I am humbled to be here thank you so much Rick calls you know the other day and he said hey done I said fine said you know you're opening for me don't you and I said well my life is now complete I've opened for george w bush I've opened for Tony Robbins I've opened for Willie Robertson and now Rick Burgess so it's all my my I am complete thank you those you don't know what we do we have a home for children called Big Oak ranch for 41 years we've raised 2,000 children our first kid is 40 not thing things think our first kid is 59 years old and when I left about two hours ago our youngest one is five people literally driving the driveway they open the door give us their children and drive away it happens all the time and the tough part is when one of the kids says what do you want me it's tough just about a month ago a woman came in and there was her daughter's 15th birthday and she had told it all that morning she said I got something special I want to show you the girl didn't know this she'd part she had packed her daughter's the mother had packed her daughter's bags and had him in the trunk she said come on let's go she's where we going I said man they got horse it's like a camp it's great and then she walked in and Brody said hey doing man she said well Brody is so good I watched you on the NFL man it was fun is what I fun watching you at Alabama advanced guy she won't talk football he said man what can I do for you she said oh okay come here I'm done happy birthday and she got a car and drove away the little girl just looked and she looked at Brody he said and she said what do you want me they said you belong to me now girl and he hugged her and he said you're mine and then we called the house parents in and that little girl thinks she's died and gone to heaven cuz she found somebody that won't sir every man this friends you really want to cut to the chase we're just boys trying to figure it we're in men's bodies some of us but we were given a task when we were little boys when we were growing up we only we only had two questions mom dad do you really love me number two the Dom measure up is a man why do you think your son's want a wrestle all the time especially if when you're laying in the floor and you're watching TV and one of them jumps off of the Ottoman and his knees hit you and your left kidney and you can't breathe for ten minutes and you want to kill him but we've all been there but we were there one time we're little boys but we had a little boy at the ranch he'd been with us awhile and he had tough luck he's abandoned at 13 and I said how you make money he said oh I was a fighter he's a street fighter that's how he made his living and his mother pimped him out to her friends and he figured at 13 why should I do that when I can do it myself so he took care of himself somebody came in I forgot who was doing the interview and they they brought him in and they asked him some questions he said oh yeah now we got everybody to ranch we got black wire to patch the Indian Porto Rican Guatemalan we got all of them they called him in he's just him I'm gonna call him Billy he's just Billy and they said well what kind of tell me about your brothers is all we got black we got Y we got guacamole ins we got to uh if you will here's the main course I'm just opening act I'm just the hors d'oeuvres but we're getting ready to hear from somebody who's been there we were just talking about and one of the girls asked me on the day they said what are you afraid of and I said do what she said what are you afraid of I didn't hesitate I said darling we've had her since she's five years old she's now 20 I said I'm afraid of one thing something I might have done in my past or something I had done now would hurt you that's the only thing I'm afraid of besides my wife somebody asked brother they said what's your daddy afraid oh he said mama but talk I won't I want to do something if you will bear with me just second thank you for getting the chair by the way there are four kinds of men in this room you're one of four and you can be s blow smoke you can blow smoke at every buy in the world you can you can even blow smoke at the guy in the mirror but you cannot blow smoke at your kids guys we've raised 2,000 kids I've had my personal car stolen 29 times matter of fact I went to Birmingham jail got the boy out of jail boy come walking up said you're gonna help me I said not in here so what there's men in this room I'm gonna make sure if we're real clear on this you're not a Christian you know you're not a Christian and you act like someone that's not a Christian okay that's this guy you know you don't know Jesus Christ you know you're not a Christian but you pretend to be you've accepted Jesus Christ your savior you know that if you died right now your fire insurance policy is paid up and you're going to heaven because Jesus Christ said if you believe in me pretty simple she believed he's just Savior but you're acting like a Christian because you think it's what you're supposed to do instead of being one the most humble man of all he knows his Christ is Savior and he also knows he means is Lord gentlemen there's something in this room you've been Christian is longer than I've been alive and there's not a day in your life he's been your Lord oh you go through the motions you take up the offering but you know how I find out I don't check into Church role I don't check man of shades roster you know I check I go talk to your son what you don't know you think you may be in this chair or this chair or you may think you're in this chair but if I ask your son to come stand up here and stand behind the chair that you're in what chair would he stand behind you cannot fool your boy and you cannot fool your little girl you try between the ages of one and six your child gets 85% of their character morals values the decision-making when they turned six to ten you are then working to reinforce what you've taught them the first six years of their life when they turn the age of ten your little boy and your little girl got reasoning skills they reason things didn't think it through when your little boy and little girl turned 12 they got figuring out skills they figured you out you talk to their mama like she's a dog and then you come in here and take up the offering there you are that's you they say some lady walked by she's dressed and scanning her clothes hmm versus got a so much little boy you little boy watches what reflects off in your eyes he's not looking he's looking at you there's a song by a filter Craig and Dean said door let me be like you because my little boy wants to be like me you know how I find out what kind of man you are ask your son one question who's the godliest man you know his answer tells me what seat you're in you think you're in one of these maybe and let's be candid from majority of us we may be in one of these two chairs there may be some here there in these chairs and you're just searching you know what we are as Christians just beggars who found food I see it we got a little boy right now I'm gonna call him Tommy Tommy has lived in a goodwill box for three years we got him when he was eight he's lived with us now he's just turned 11 in three years not one person on this earth has called to find out how he's doing we've tried to find somebody that's related to him and he doesn't know anybody he is a 100 cent true orphan and a long time ago when I was 19 I found out that one burst one said go get the orphans we don't go to wherever they're right here ain't got a flyover I'm going for them people bring them and drop them in our driveway right now to show you the trend we right now have a hundred and sixty seven children thirty-seven more than we had last year at this time where people are quittin if you will bear with me just a minute imagine you're with me in the locker room and we're getting ready to go play and coach Bryant's the coach and those either you know know about me he's pretty good by the way how hard was it for you yesterday Jacksonville in Auburn but anyway I couldn't help myself it just see how far you hit this one but anyway I've never been a Jasper Gamecock in my life but I was yesterday I'm sorry I'm sorry I did we're not here to talk about football now I slipped up and my bad but imagine with me in the locker room and we're sitting there and and you know you're me and you're getting ready to play and you know the first camera played against Southern Cal in Los Angeles in the Coliseum and birth Cairo tackle is a guy named Sam Cunningham I didn't really tackle a me guy his foot hung in my face man but I got him down but you know it was tough when he's run down the field it was hard but I got him down could have my job but imagine you're with me in the locker room coach Bryant walks in he said I gentlemen here's what he would always do he said in this ball game there's gonna be four or five plays of coming out coming the ball game your honor if you're gonna be the hero or the goat but rest assured that plays are coming and then he'd called out starting lineup I can't tell you what a rush it was I'm just gonna be obnoxious for a moment it's a rush to be sitting there and he comes your name okay see here starting defense and he'd always start with the left defensive end he said crawl and and whoever as a rush because it worked hard to get there I was 6 6 to 112 but he likes skinny people but then you go out into the tunnel and I mean at Alabama and Auburn now it's not the same obviously but when you come out the moment you step on the field you cannot hear here's what you hear for five hours you have to literally look at the guy you're playing next to and you have to read lips it's so loud and we've sitting there and we'd start the game and we get ready to play and I'd look the guy in front of me he's six nine to ninety and I say it's gonna be a long day for you I'm only gonna be here for two series because the second team guys gonna be here in just a minute he's gonna hook your head he's mean but he's sitting there and you guys start the game her thing and literally we'd play two series and we sit down we were done the guy behind me the last two years I played had more playing time and I did I was better than him but the point is he had more playing time and we'd sit down and be sitting there weighing heavy helmet besides everything and then you see the second team defense out there and they wouldn't be doing so good and you'd hear this oh that looks like you know or whatever he was talking about and then he talking about their mamas and everything that goes with it and then you'd hear the voice now here's this but you'd hear the voice get the first bunch ready there's no question get the first bunch ready you grab your helmet and I figured it out I'd go stand right next to me cuz I knew the cameras on him but then he's a ghost stop them and we go out there and we lost one regular-season game in three years so winning was just understood I was in Tennessee we gained Tennessee fans I wouldn't race man oh y'all good luck you're Tennessee I'm sorry - Tennessee there's a Tennessee guy he got some Adam he hated Alabama he hated Bear Bryant he said you played out BAM I said yeah I said you got a national championship ring I said yeah where is it I said it's home in a drawer much matter ain't you're proud of it and I've run out of cheeks and I just looked at him said mr. Alabama we got some any of those range it's not a big deal I made him some mad and I said y'all got one whenever but a ring is just a piece of jewelry in a drawer but playing there's a difference when you go out there and call the coach cost for the first team second team guys had their shot same team guy he's got a jersey he's got his name on the jersey he's a member of the team but he's got nothing to do with winning the game he's just a member of the team but God's sake guys we're raising a generation of wisss we're raising a generation of sons and grandsons that don't know what a real man is because it's our fault not theirs we got girls that date some stupid fool because they don't know what a real man looks like and sometimes you say well my daughter married a mule-headed fool I said well guess what she watched for 20 years your daughter's gonna pick her husband by what she saw in you your son's gonna be the man he's gonna be because of what he saw in you and if he's a fool then guess where he learned I don't ever get invited back but I I get to open up a Rick Burgess I'm good I'm good those four chairs represent one of those four chests represents you if I had your woman standing right there behind it and I said was it a lot living that man you live with and your woman looks at me and says I live with a man of God he can take up the offer and bare anybody I know he teaches Sunday School man he's a member that men's of shade thing he's got a little sticker on the back of our car man he's got all the trappings but are you the real deal your wife will tell me that you are because she wants to say face your kids will tell me the truth your son do you think you it does he think you a man's man I'm talking my in here not physically but you're with me and we come off the field coach Bryant it's a good job you'd sit down for those of us in room in the majority of us in this room I know our Christians you read the first team guys second team guy first team guy you know what it takes to win and you're willing to pay any price to do it no matter what sing a team guy bang and the tough Brodie was playing Oakland Raiders he's on the ground guys speared him in the back and he got enough I knew he was hurt but he's finished the game he had two fractured vertebra in his back but he played the whole game because that's what you're doing that I felt you play period and afterwards he went to the restroom and he urinated blood for three three days but he wanted to win but now he wants to win once in point he came to see me and my wife recently and he said about two years ago he said dad you'll have me I want to come back help you and Reagan my daughter run the ranch I said fine let's go and so now he's in complete control of big oak ranch and all the children run to him that's exactly the way I want it because see I'm looking 40 years ahead I've done my 40 years when we did the transition we copied Moses and Joshua they both wanted to win most of the first team Joshua learned by watching Moses what's your boy learning by watching you I'm gonna do something I don't do very often but Randy Pitman's know me probably longer near my last day Belcher's here well no you've known me longer and a voucher because you know I used to babysit you when you were a child I'm sorry I didn't do a very good job but 40 years I've never copied another man's talk I've never never use another man's speech but today I am and also I'm gonna give you the note I'm working I'm gonna tell you where to go to get the notes for this talk this man is talking about blind guides he's talking to religious people a group of them just just like you and me just a group of them and he um he said your blind guides and then he gives a checklist of seven checkpoints of a blind guide gentlemen we know I mean I've seen the fruit y'all hug little girl they've been in raped by her father when she was three months old I've seen the evil that men can do to their children but you know the greatest evil in the world thinking you're here but you're actually in one of these three chairs that's the greatest evil in the world because you're preparing your son to go faiths God Almighty and he ain't prepared and when God Almighty looks at your son and says why should I let you into my heaven and he looks at your boy and says God father says what did you do with my son I said here's my personal Lord and Savior and only by grace am I allowed to be here that's how you get in that's this guy because this guy tells his son that truth and he lived it in front of him but can I take what stuff with these other three chairs what stuff when your son meets God Almighty and let's pretend you and your son killed at the same time in a car wreck and you go the gates of heaven and you're at one of these three chairs and you're not that guy you're not a first team God and God looks at you and you success in your sons by Savior I can almost even though he's filled with love says I had so much plan for you I had so many plans for you to change the world starting with your son and then he looked at your boy what you doing my son I'm a dad the last word you hear your son say as gods looks at him says depart from me for I never know you when you hear your son screaming as he drifts off into eternity and goes to a bad place dad why why didn't you teach me why didn't you show me the blind guide speaker he started with this a guide is a pointer would you agree we point as men we point the way even though we're driving we don't know where we're going we still point the way but we're not talking bout gobbler tell my life P the speaker said you pretend you know where you're going oh you got all that you you you got it going on you're not a bad guy you don't drink smoke you don't you and your wife you don't beat her you don't beat kids but your fake fraud and a liar because you're pretending oh you're obligated to the wrong thing if you're obligated to this church you're obligated to the wrong thing if you're obligated to men's of sheight you are getting to the wrong thing that is the manifestation of the walk you have with God Almighty that's just the overflow P Oh a blind God imitates the real thing I've been in so many I was in Scottsboro this morning and I'm standing there and I'm watching this man and this younger man standing next to him and I saw the young guy sitting there and he was looking at this guy his old man he wasn't it wasn't real to everything but he saw the guy and the guy was just getting so emotional and so wrapped up I saw the little boy goat or the young man go they didn't always do it he just imitated the real thing a pointer imitates what they think is the real thing thing about it your kids know your imitation you think you got them fooled you don't P o n you neglect what's important if you've not prayed with your woman in the last three or four days something's wrong guys if you haven't got a if you ain't had time to visit with your little boy and just hate um before you go to bed I'm gonna pray we do what every night that I was at home when my children were growing up I would go in before they went to bed and I put my hand that hard I said God protect my little boy from said the women do God take care of my little girl make her a man woman a guy like her mama every night I down the way home they got a memory what memory they gotta you neglect what's important pío int you're focused on temporal instead of eternal I don't want my son playing the NFL and I got all this money and done all these stuff and he's a sorry man I wanted to be a good man to raise my grandson I got five grandsons and no granddaughters and by the way I am into arranged marriages so whilst waffle resumes when this is over but temporal versus eternal your kids course perfect on a CT they're not bad kids and they've just got it going on but they've got a black heart and somebody's down there and they're hurting your kids thank God somebody needs to help them versus your son or daughter running to go help on that is the fruit of your life my pears P int II every blind God is always exhausted God never called you me to be exhausted he called us to be tired Jesus Christ himself got tired but not one time in Scripture have I ever read Jesus was he exhausted never he made time for what was important wouldn't it be good to copy that vo int e our here's a scary part you reproduce the yard a pointer I just gave you the blind guide are you a blind guy are you a first team guy or just a second thing oh you remember the same but you got nothing to do with winning you got a great speaker as I said I know my place but I won't close with this story before I do we got a girl who's been abused our father and brother since she's five years old I'm not going into detail but just let me assure you if I already reduced you to the man you'd kill him I could I'm not a bad cat but it can be I'd rip his throat out with my toenails if I could but you know what God called me to go get the little girl he's gonna take care of him and we talked to her and every child that's ever lived at bigger ranches heard the same four promises for 40 years I met now 41 years what's really cool is for 40 years I made the promises but now Brody does and he took this little girl little over two years ago and he just said I won't make you four promises I love you I never lied to you and I'll stick with you to grow and there's boundaries don't cross them and then he said and you get one extra promise and I've gotten to do this and now he does it he took her face in his hands he said look at me as long as me and my sister breathe no one's ever gonna hurt you again that's a good day cuz you know what I found out the key to life you know what it is you know who you are what you are why you're on earth if you got those three things you fear no one never know about a year ago the little girl got real nervous and antsy and he's a what's the matter with you she said nothing what's the matter with you my dad gets out of prison today the last words he said to me when they hauled him out of the courtroom was I'll get you and he started laughing at her she said why you laughing they said sweetheart your dad I get to me he's gotta get to mr. John he's gotta get through your house that her house that's Jack I'm at me he'd kill him and then Brodie said and then there's miss Regan our daughter and she played basketball at Alabama homecoming queen and model with a male you see an Oscar vida renter walk to him so we like you to wear this cellophane dress she said I don't wear see-through dresses he said you won't work in this business she looked down and said then I won't work in this business and the next day she got a contract made a lot of money well at least he got her all payroll for a while you know why send me in y'all laughing yeah my grandma my daughter's 36 and I'm still paying for everything other things he said do you know what a defibrillator is and she said no sir a defibrillator is what brings people back to life if your daddy walks through that door to hurt you and get you my sister will shoot him between the eyes and then she will get the tip later and she'll bring him back to life and she'll kill him one more time you know what's really cool the little boy I told you about that lives in a box that has no one I was telling this Reagan and he was running with her oldest son and they were playing in the surf and I said it kills me there's not a person on earth that cares where he is and she looked at me she said there's a hundred people here that would die for him the staff and the other children they've taken him in because he's got no body now back to my story little over two years ago we're at Panama City Beach and y'all know had is the the you know and then the turn of the surf and then it goes down to the trawl then goes back up the psycho sandbar do you remember when you and I were 1415 pulling everything and we look out there that sandbar is about what 40 yards maybe but you know when you've got children grandchildren out there that sandbars a quarter-mile away y'all need to come home back I'm right here come on back and anyway Brody and our son-in-law John David Phillips and by the way this would be the only time I ever brag on him because I first time I met him I said you ain't good enough for you the best we found my pack I told him that yesterday but um and you're looking at meteors that well my son loves better but anyway the two of them and then Reagan our daughter and her three boys were out there and they were going up and down percent dollars we've all been there and John David had his two-year-old in his arms and John David said hey boys look there's a dolphin and Brody had on goggles and he went under and he came back up he said JD it's a 10-foot hammerhead it was 30 feet away as I said I'm gonna brag on my son law he jerked the two-year-old boy have his arms and he shoved him at my daughter and said take him and go and then Brody grabbed the other two boys they were 9 and 7 by their bathing suits and threw him up on top of the float that they were putting the sand dollars on and he shoved the float at my daughter and said go and then my son and son all turned and they went toward the shark Brody told me later he said that's as scared as I've ever been but he wasn't gonna get my sister in my nephews now I might take a sidebar only Jesus and Bear Bryant had walked on water but my daughter ran on top of the water the boys were riding the float they thought it was arrived they were having a great time and then the shark and everybody here knows nearby sharks they come at you they go under they attack from underneath where you can't see them that is the definition of Satan but here's the problem we're so bland he's right infront of us but we're so arrogant and proud we got it going on we think we're in that chair were actually not and he comes under then it's too late this short went under and they saw him coming and they came at him he got within three feet and he circled them and then swam out then my son son lo ran on top of the water and got to the shower but I want to close with this thought there is a ripple effect of your life and there's three of them positive negative or no ripple at all and by the way no rippling all no ripple at all is negative that means you didn't even make a wave the ripple effect as my daughter was going in the seven-year-old boy was going into shock he was so scared he'd seen all them shows he was terrified my 9 year old oldest grandson he put his arms around his younger brother and he said we all I gotcha I ain't gonna name get you I ain't scared he was terrified but he's making sure that we'll knew that he was safe we did interview with my main event life way and then at my daughter men my son talked and they asked her what was it like growing up she said at my house said yeah said we had a hundred brothers and sisters all the time that's all their life way new she said but there's one thing my whole life my daddy told me I was pretty and I knew my dad would die for me and then when Brody my brother was born they trained him the same way and now my husband would die for me and you know what's really cool and she smiled she said I got three sons my boys would die for their mama she said just think I got six men that would give their life for me I get asked every day who's the biggest man you know he's a six year old little boy I'm gonna call him Charlie Charlie six scum he's seven now but when I made him he was six I left him yesterday he's seven years old now his father runs an organization that worships another being and the church service included the men in the audience abusing his two sons they went to bed every night afraid because they were having Church in the other room and he would hear that his dad coming down the aisle coming down the hallway when he would hear the footsteps he would throw the covers back and run into his little brother's room his little brother was five and he was step in front of him said daddy just take me don't don't take Billy I've never knelt in front of a man never knelt on my dad brought him my grandfather a barber I've never knelt I knelt in front of that seats your little boy and I said you're more man than anybody I've ever met are you you got a choice do you want to have a shark come suck your kid under cuz you were not on watch for me in my house we're gonna go after that little boy and we're gonna make sure that his a he and his little brother will never be again I know why I'm on earth do you [Applause] thank you John and you know it was I've never forgotten something that John taught me and you know I'm not he's not opening up for anybody he's having some fun with that he and I get a chance to speak all over the place and and tonight I'm just a member of shades Mountain Baptist Church that's it I remember John telling me one time when I have one daughter and four sons and he was talking to me about about my daughter because she was the oldest and because of my past sin she had to grow up a child of divorce when I was lost course I told everybody was a Christian even then of course until a man was bold enough to call me out on that and I'm gonna do that for you tonight so he came to the studio in Gadsden where it all first started he walked me into the production room you may not even remember this and he said I want to talk to you about your daughter I said all right he said you know how many girls are at the girls ranch who have a father that is invested in their life I said no he said zero knowing all all the ones that are there are there because their fathers are either not around they're bad people and they're not invested in them and I've never forgotten that even though it was it was not the way God designed the family I made sure when I became a man of God a follower of Christ that I would never forsake her or my children and-and-and-and I want to kind of challenge you tonight with how I was challenged you know like a lot of you I was raised in cultural Christianity and cultural Christianity is means that you know you you're Christians somehow because of the culture that you live in you know we're in the Bible Belt even though it should probably be renamed the church Belt there's not a lot of Bible going on but there are a lot of churches and you know I parents took me to church most of the time I was never involved in the church I went down front as a little boy because I was scared to go to hell and and I said some prayer and and I was baptized and I was baptized again when I became sexually active in high school and I thought that I was a Christian because I was not a drunk like most of the other people who went to church every Sunday but I was having problems with my sexual purity but for somehow I thought drunkenness was worse than that and then I careened off into the world going through some disappointment out of high school and and I was a cultural Christian and and when I entered into the world just as John talked about Satan devoured me and and I remember taking my first drink of alcohol because for some reason that's what I held as the the reason I was a Christian is because I didn't party with everybody else but he changed that when I went off into college and and and and we don't have time for the whole story but to make a long story short I took the first drink of alcohol and that led to 13 years of never returning to the church I was the 70% by the way 70% 70% 70% of the people our youth Department right now will never return to church 70 percent which tells me that some of the things John talks about and what I almost love about tonight must not be going on because that shouldn't be happening if they have a powerful spiritual leader in their father I teach 12th grade if I'm the spiritual leader of your home then you're a terrible father if somebody else is a spiritual leader of your home and somebody else is a spiritual leader to your children and to your wife then there were a better husband and father than you are because you've just squandered the most important thing you were put on this earth to do and that was to pass on the faith to your children and to bathe your wife and the Word of God to present her blameless Ephesians 5 so if you're not doing that speaking of somebody that volunteers at the church you rock me 30 minutes every third Sunday that your kid finally shows up and you expect me to work it out and then he or she keeps going back into your home I got no chance I got no chance you're the one who has the impact on that child I don't I should be supporting what you've already done and driving at home and I know some of you that she game plan for your children let me tell you something it didn't working it is a bad strategy which is why I felt called to to this and and one of the things that I went through my life still claiming I was a Christian 13 years I went through a divorce after only being married two years had no concept of holy matrimony claiming to be a Christian how to church wedding of course and and I went wayward from that I've tried to be a weekend father I was just I was a bad bad bad man praise the Lord my children were so little when this was going on they don't even remember it I've even tried to talk to him about it and I older children they don't remember it by the time they were 2 & 3 my life radically changed thank you to Rick Kegel who's now gone to glory a pastor and Gadson and I hope I can be that guy to now hope John has already set up to be that guy as you continue to look at these chairs because that's what we're gonna we're gonna drive this home I go to see him about getting married to my beautiful wife Sherri I don't know hiney world I ever convinced that woman you know I am in marketing I am in sales most little girls did not dream of Prince Charming coming in and a beat-up car with two two children an ex-wife and a mullet that is not Prince Charming and so I went to this pastor and Gaston I walked in I said hey man I want to get married in this church and he said why this church I said well my family's from Birmingham and Calhoun County and her family's from Guntersville in Marshall County and you're right in the middle it's perfect he said why don't you have it at your own church I so I don't have a church hey see you don't have a church I said you know how to go to church to be a Christian it's where all the hypocrites go he said people who were hungry for the word of God and hungry to worship their Lord and Savior pretty much go to church not because they have to because they want to and he says I'm not gonna marry you would not be a breath of fresh air if the church did more of that and I said what do you mean you got a problem with being divorced you want those people I've been divorced who you think you you know you're not gonna you don't know the Stewie don't know what that he said no no no just saved save your speech I don't know the details of your divorce and I don't think divorce is an unforgivable sin it is a sin I don't know the extent of this but but that's forgivable if you repent and declare it a sin never to go there again I said in what's your problem he said I don't marry you because you're lost I'm not going to blaspheme this altar but people they're lost I said who are you to tell me I'm lost I'll have you know I was baptized twice once when I was a little boy and once when I was a teenager when for some reason I didn't see any fruit and I thought maybe they just didn't dump me good enough when I was a kid he said so you're a Christian I said absolutely and I loved him for this that's what I'm gonna do tonight it's what John's already started he said based on what he said I see how you live your life he said you in and out of the bars your Hellraiser you're violent you got a foul mouth you're chasing women all over this place because you're about to ruin another woman's life is what you're about to do and I ain't gonna allow it not here you won't he said I'll sit back and relax let's hear the fruit of your Christianity you make your case and I mean y'all know me I always got something to say and I had nothing to say you know why say I knew enough from my grandmama who prayed over me tirelessly who kept telling me you're squandering the gifts that God's given you she always thought I'd be a preacher she did and I knew what he was saying where's the fruit of the powerful Jesus the King of Kings in your life you seemed to sin pretty comfortably and I knew is right I knew it was right I was embarrassed I left I drove back to my home I went into my little the little house I was living in a little bachelor pad and of course I had Bibles because I'm from Alabama but see I was like a lot of you I had more Bibles than I knew Bible verses and I knew how to find Genesis I could do that middle thing where you pop it open to Psalms I knew where revelations was but I didn't know how to call it the revelation I'd never read it and some of you that are devout followers of Christ here that are in the Far chair the two or three of you the you're gonna find this funny now those you that are here y'all won't get this like I didn't get it then but I get it now guess what book of the Bible it felt it I just took the Bible I'm just opened it James chapter 4 hey you can be a mature follower Christ and study James this week and you'll be convinced you got work to do for him to take me to 400 level Christianity right out of the gate I now realize how funny that was and but it fell right to James chapter 4 verse 7 and 8 and it might and he took my eyes and he zeroed me in to the word submit submit yourself then to God resist the devil and he'll flee from you come near to God he'll come near to you oh I love the story the prodigal son don't we love that I see I lived it so you know what I love about this story of the prodigal son is a little phrase that God placed in there when he saw that boy coming home and it says while he was still a long way away his daddy started running to him hey just you just start moving toward me and I'm coming the rest of the way and I knew what God was telling me you may have believed in me but you never submitted to my authority like John was telling me you you you got a savior but you you don't have a lord and I knew I'd never submitted to the authority I was not under his authority I was not his I just wanted some kind of if at all if you don't get too mad with me you can let me live long enough maybe I just won't go to hell maybe I didn't know enough about the scriptures know that that was a very dangerous choice so I got on my face I can still smell that nasty carpet of a bachelor pad and I buried my face in that carpet and I said Lord just changed me I don't want to be this guy anymore I know that I'm wrong and I could see my children in my head and I could see that he was giving me another chance to experience holy matrimony even though they be things I'd have to work out and every time I'd go to him say man this is amiss he said you may dismiss as I did if you've done the family the way I told you you wouldn't have this mess but I've seen him be so gracious and so merciful and I just gave my whole life not just my sin to Jesus and he changed me and my wife and I experienced holy matrimony and I started feeling that hunger that I'd never felt before to know him to know him I want to know everything about you I love that you changing me and the things I struggle with and I remember one of the things I struggle with some of you struggle with it was alcohol you know I went when I get ready to do what we're doing tonight and Satan starts his garbage and I have to remind him that he's defeated 90% of the things that I think about in my life that I regret can be traced back to alcohol and I loved it no matter how bad it got I kept coming back to it and I finally told Jesus with a sincere heart I'm done with this I'll never be the man you need me to be with this no way no how and I gave it to him and then I drink again but this time because the sincerity of my heart my face broke out in whelps and I was miserable had some kind of allergic reaction I never had in my life and I never never drank again he took it away because I was sincere about it some of you got sin in your life you think Jesus can't take away but it's really not that you know why it's still there because you got to know he can take it away surely you know this the reason why it's still there I'm not talking about stumbles I'm talk about a lifestyle of sin the reason why it is still there is because you still love that sin more than you love Jesus you still love that sin more than you love your wife if you're married you still love that sin mourn you love your children and and and in that that sin and you you just in love with it every sin that is I still struggle with this simply because I don't love it more I don't love Jesus more than I love it jesus said in John 14:15 if you love me then obey my commands but then some of you have started because this is this is this generation out of the church age the American church right now what about grace what about grace what about grace what about grace if I hear that again I'm on puke hey I'm glad about grace but it's not excuse to do whatever you want to do you don't believe me let's look at what Romans chapter 6 says Paul took its own he said what shall we say then this is verse 1 are we to continue in sin that grace may the grace may abound by no means exclamation point in my Bible how can we who died to sin still live in it your Paul says well if you were saved by grace hallelujah we all are but you when you win when you said hey Jesus I submit to your authority I know you defeated my sin I know you defeated eternal death Paul says well you died the sin but we do is still living in it if you're still living in it then you haven't died to it he's not talking much stumbles and I found missing mistakes that the Holy Spirit conviction you correct he's doing about lifestyle and for a lot of people in this room you need to hear the next verse look at 15 what then are we to sin because we're not under the law were under grace by no means do you not know that if you present yourself to anyone as obedient slaves you are slaves of the one whom you obey either sin which leads to death or your obedience to Jesus which leads to righteousness he said hey you're a slave to one of the other and you know what word he uses what Paul uses you and those time there were two kind of slaves there was the slave that was an indentured slave like let's say that Brent owes me money let's say they Britain owns me money and he said I don't have it he said I tell what I'll do I'll come over there and I'll work for you and I'll work in your yard I'll do whatever to pay that debt back well see then Brent can go home he can do what he wants to he owes me he's working under me but but he's an indentured slave he has rights that's not what Paul's talking about Paul says I am do loss for Jesus I am do loss the Greek word is a bondservant I got no rights now you you're not free to see him he said I am a a duel off to Jesus Christ and he says he really gonna be do lost to sin or you gonna be do lost to Jesus Christ you're not an indentured slave that you kind of have some rights do whatever you want to do when you came under the authority of Jesus Christ you became a bondservant you got no rights you do whatever the master says to do not out of legalism out of obedience that's two different things we got a whole generation of the American church that has made legalism and obedience the same thing and they're not the difference what one is an act of love I can't pay the debt back I'm obeying you because I love you to say thank you so so what is it that you're still a slave to what what sin is that you can't shake now for a lot of people in this room I'm gonna tell you straight out what it is it's it's porno and in the church that we won't talk about it we tried to address it a few times I am so sick and tired of seeing you you men be defeated by porn I'm sick of it I'm sick of it it's embarrassing some of your name is coming out on Ashley Madison in this church you ought to be ashamed of yourself and you know what see the thing is when you cut these deals with Satan you know what Satan never says to you you can trust me I won't tell anybody he'll burn you so fast I got a friend of mine who says it perfectly just what was Satan always does he'll company say nobody will ever know and then we do it he goes look what he did tells everybody he said gotcha hey and it came out didn't it he didn't stay secret did it hey thank you I felt if your name was and they're looking at that they think your children feel you think that's embarrassing I mean you hear us the last time we had anything in this church that had a movement for men the person in charge of it left his family for another man you think we might that might be why our men's ministers been a little confusing hey that stuff's got to stop I'm it's got to stop and I'm gonna tell you something Jesus Christ woke me up four o'clock in the morning 4 o'clock in the morning I'm trying so hard I'm bringing young men into my home trying to invest in them because you if you want to change the world you change men bottom line godly men will change the culture they will we try to pass it off to let the to let mama's do it and we try to pass it off that doesn't work there's there's nothing that can replace the impact positively or negatively of a man nothing God made men and women equal he did not make them same and we were very confused right now we just look ya'll can't wait to watch the ESPN again and they honored Bruce Jenner because he thinks he's a woman courageous courageous we now live in a culture that takes a former world class athlete who says I think I'm a girl and says I'm gonna pretend to be a girl and we don't just say I'll let him do what he wants to do we celebrate it we call it courageous now let me tell you what courageous would be you wonder what courageous would be hey I'm freaked out I think I'm a girl and I'm not gonna destroy my family I ain't no act on it that's courageous hey I'm drawn to porn but I'm not gonna do it that's courageous hey I drink to drunkenness and embarrass my family but you know what I really want to do that that's who I think I am but I'm going to show some courage and not do it see that's courageous it's not just doing whatever the hell you want to do there's no courage in that and then claim it hey what about grace what about grace you know the you know one thing would help this church what do you think if we start throwing some of y'all out it really would it be a better Church it'd be a better Church you know there's no church discipline some of y'all should have been thrown out this church a long time ago and you know what we you know what Paul says it might save your life if you suffer a little embarrassment for you sin bring it out in the light let's have a look at it might save you life but what do we keep saying comfortable so I might sue us hey we're gonna answer before God for that and when I'll got woke up at four o'clock in the morning that's when I'm not concerned because I know God's gonna do it I'm just doing what he said dude he said to me audible woke me at 4 o'clock in the morning on my face and begin to cry wholly he said I'm going to bring a remnant I am producing a remnant it's never been a lot of people hid ain't gonna be a lot of y'all most y'all I'm gonna leave here you're gonna check it off the list and tell you why he came because she made you but you know what there's some of y'all this is the night this is it this is when you're gonna give yourself to Jesus Christ and for the first time or the first time you ever meant it and you're gonna be radically changed by the power of Jesus Christ and you're gonna be part of the Rimet remnant that God is calling in this country hey we're in bad bad shape and you know what Satan destroyed the American family and how did he destroy it Jesus told you to watch out for they say if you're gonna if you're gonna take on the strong Mans house you got to bind the strongman and Satan has bound us out of fear by feminizing us and you know what mainly the big problem is you don't know the Word of God you don't know it you you can't obey something what would Jesus do what would you do would you agree it's hard to do it Jesus would do if you don't know what he did I would think that would be extremely difficult and it's pretty important I love when people shoot me straight kind of like Rick Kegel did to me you know he died to two Springs ago the pastor that got in my face said you're lost gosh I love him for that it was embarrassing but I loved it and now generations of children can benefit from him you know having the courage to call me out and I thank him for it so he's died and it's a long way to his funeral he wasn't engaged anymore and I'll tell my wife you know I don't know I said I don't need to go down there and I don't know if I can make that funeral and my wife pulled me in the room yeah you ever had that happen will you talk to me in here and the kids even looked you know they go daddy's gotta get it and but you know what you know why my wife called me out of the room because she's a powerful woman of God but she's not gonna embarrass her husband in front of his children she understands even when I got something to say I don't circumvent the leadership my husband in my home she's wise she pulls me in and she said you need to pack your bags and go wherever that funerals and I said how do you want me to leave y'all I don't I don't get that she said if you were dead and your children and me and possibly your grandchildren we're sitting there burying you and there was a man that has the platform you've been given that was gonna come down and tell us hey your husband your daddy your granddaddy called me out and led me to Jesus I sure would want to hear it and of course with her wisdom that made all the sense in the world so I was able to go there and tell his wife and his children that their daddy was reaping rewards in heaven and all the things they'd seen come from the platform that God's given me their daddy and granddaddy and husband was the key one guy who called out another guy that led to layers and layers and layers of ministry 1st John chapter 2 verse 4 through 6 straightforward straightforward here's John a man's man 1 I one of the sons of thunder don't you love that John don't you look we've taken these disciples and we ought to have a bunch of pansies I mean you realize there's two of them John and his brother James they were called the sons of thunder sons of thunder but they're not our hero though we got we got our heroes some football player or some actor or some some idiot like that and yet here's here's the sons of thunder tough as nails there are out there in Bible stories do you remember the time when there was a there was a community that didn't want Jesus and would they say hey man Jesus let's bring down bring down the fall countable and he said guys easy we also saw the first tee mom James and John's mom I want to know are my sons gonna be important remember her mama's ain't never changed now I'm saying hey are they gonna be on the right and left of you but but anyway these are these are guys that are getting after it so let's look at what first John chapter 2 verse 4 through 6 says straightforward apply this to yourself tonight if you have the courage to do so whoever says I know him but does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him whoever keeps his word and him truly the love of God is perfected and I catch this man by this we may be sure that we are in him whoever says he abides in him are to walk in the way in which he walk so let me tell you what John said to you and me you say you're with him and you don't obey him you're full of it you're not telling the truth he said you're a liar so so if you claim Jesus the Word of God says and you live and conflict with him see we've invented I went through this this morning and I don't know if it's Baptists or who invented this phrase backslidden that is not in the Bible that's just something we con once again what about cranks go back back slidden I'm back I'm back slidden know you're probably lost if you're living a lifestyle of sin not Rick not John not Brent not many shades the Holy Bible says if you have a lifestyle of sin that is in conflict with Jesus Christ it would be impossible lived that way with the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit so you're probably not Baxton you probably just lost and the quicker you will just admit that and swallow your pride they get on your face and say I submit to your authority then you'll change and then you'll be something but you're too prideful just to admit that maybe because you're a deacon maybe because you're a Sunday school teacher it didn't stop you from getting on Ashley Madison some of you you didn't care about it then so so who you know what if you're a Sunday school teacher and you're living lifestyle sin I don't want you teaching my kids I wish we would remove you mate and if you want to be put in a position the first thing you got to do is be sure you're right with wait you know what somebody said well Rick you're kind of I think sometimes the church gets a little Pharisee and you know we good no no I would not say that I would say we've lowered the standards quite a bit a lot more than we should have not for the center but absolutely for the leadership you want to get on your face and come before the authority of this church and be you discipled and change hallelujah we're all equal at the cross but would you do some of us a favor if you've been putting the leadership row and you know you shouldn't be in it would you please step down you're killing us you're killing us and you're killing your family so in closing a couple things I'll say you know they're there there's a verse in the Bible that a lot of people get confused about and it's in Matthew chapter 7 we're doing the Sermon on the Mount right now and we hate to get ahead of Danny and the guys but I'm gonna go and tell you what he says at the end and in chapter 7 Jesus says a couple things these are red words in my Bible you ever changed the Bible to make yourself feel better ever you ever done that God will never give you more than you can handle that's not in the Bible what Paul said is God will never give you more than he can handle if he never gives you more than you handle why you need him Bob didn't say that god helps those helping themselves has been Franklin it's not in the Bible how about God just helps those who submit and say I need help amen I used to say that Jesus said when he talked about the tree and the fruit in chapter 7 beginning in verse 18 that a healthy tree should not bear bad fruit I like that that's that what about grace what about grace hey I'm just a work in progress some of y'all don't know what progress means seem like y'all work for the the highway department we keep seeing that blinking sign pardon our progress I don't see it I have nothing to pardon y'all we ever gonna finish this 65 to get us up to Nashville ever so anyway but that's not what Jesus said and boy this is gonna rock your world it rocked mine big time but actually took the time to read it Jesus said a healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit that's that's a different statement he didn't say should not talk on it cannot Wow so if you're bearing bad fruit you're not a healthy tree again we're talking about lifestyle not all my stumbles so if you're on that porn every day and you don't even care that you're committing adultery against your wife or if you're single committing adultery against your future wife or somebody else's wife then you're not a healthy tree see your desire for that oughta bother you so much you don't do it but Kyle said the power of the Holy Spirit you need that kind of accountability I get guys in a stream hold us accountable say at all times somebody somebody goes out and does some idiot move goes some filthy movie they shouldn't have gone to they come walking in you know I shouldn't go on to that and and you know but it sure was funny you know we say hi Jesus like it says he got to go he loved it since you took him into that trash says you claim him as your Lord and Savior and you received the Holy Spirit now every place you go was supposed to be holy did he enjoy it how does he enjoy the porn that you show him does he love that he enjoy that the way you degrade the daughters that he rated and confirm something how would you like it if a guy was looking at your daughter that the stuff you're looking at would you enjoy that would that be great watch your daughter roll around like an animal then bother you see and what it is it should be so convicting I told my sons this when I caught something looking at pictures I said you know what all you're doing is confirming that when you see a woman doing that that ought to break your heart it's your job to even protect her purity if she won't do it as opposed to bringing on we're here we're here to be entertained pathetic how weak in the wrong way well it ought to break our hearts when women do that to try to get men's attention instead of confirming it by applauding it and see if you're a healthy tree you wouldn't bear that fruit so I so maybe need to lay that down here at the altar tonight and say you know what I I need to submit to your authority so he goes on and he says these verses that have been taught confusingly sometimes when I was a kid I used to confuse me 21 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord would inherit the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven on that day many will say to me Lord Lord we not prophesy in your name cast out demons in your name do mighty works in your name and then I'll declare to them I never knew you I don't know who you are depart from me you're a worker of evil and I did you ever did you ever think yourself oh my gosh oh my gosh we can never know if we're saved I remember being a kid I used to scare me he's saying people but see but I wasn't mature in my faith to catch no he told you who's real did you catch it did you catch it he told you whose real look right here you're gonna find there's a running theme in the Bible not everyone who says to me Lord Lord we entered the kingdom of heaven but the one who does the will of my father wait a minute so a lot of people say his name he said you weren't know who's real look for the ones that are doing the will of my father I would think knowing the will of his father would be pretty important did you know the Bible is not silent on that I'll run through them quick for time here it is the will of the Father throughout the Bible Thessalonians Paul says it's the will of the Father that you be sanctified he said it's the will the Father that you start your sanctification what is sanctification to become holy to mature in your faith to be pursuing it to have a desire to be in the Word of God to have a desire to be on your face to have a desire to come to church to be fed to have a desire to sing songs of praise so you can get closer to Jesus and he said that's the will of the Father so that would fall under those who are real look what else it says Thessalonians and other places it's the will the Father we not be sexually immoral I've covered that hey so will the father we not be sexually immoral hey single guys single guys if you're having sex with anybody who's not your wife with any part of their body you're wrong and you're just as wrong as the homosexual all the porn we talked about that's one form of adultery some y'all have it literally having adulterous affairs you know you may be heterosexual but you just as wrong homosexuality is sexual sin so is adultery so is fornication the only thing blessed by God Almighty is in the wonderful wonderful relationship that he deemed he went on record in Genesis right out of the gate he said it's not good that man's alone I've created everything oh my gosh man's alone it's not good and he searched the garden and he could not find the right partner for man that included all the animals you weird pet people and all the animals were there and none of them were the right partner for man he said I don't have the right partner for man I haven't created yet so he said here's the moment for all time I go on record I will now create the proper partner for man his helper and he made he made woman and he's never changed his mind never so if you don't have the woman that God gave you within the holiness of marriage anything outside that is sin and he says it's not it's the will the Father you not be sexually or more Ephesians says it's the will the father not to be drunk well Rick itis drink in moderation really some of you prep may can pull that off most of you though when you tell me that you're slurring you ever heard anybody John ever you ever heard anybody said I'd like to give my testimony I was a terrible father a terrible husband terrible man horrible employee terrible son but then I started drinking and it turned it all around for me I you ever heard that have you heard the opposite have you seen the fruit of the opposite a lot 100% John says the will the father that you be able to discern false teaching you know what that means no the Word of God so when Satan's telling you a lie what did he say to Adam and Eve right out the gate is that what he really said he said we're not supposed to even look at it but she's already adding stuff and what does Satan say that was really spent did God really say that see if you don't know he'll talk to you all kind of stuff and that's the will the father did you be able to discern that you know one of the things that's often left out in the creation story I even had a guy getting to fight with him about it you know why cuz he's arrogant and prideful and he don't take responsibility does it ever convict your heart that it says after Eve ate the fruit and it was good that she gave some to her husband who was standing there with her you ever read that part he's there he was there the whole time he and do you think that's why we had having you Adam see what Adam should have done is you should have stepped him said whoa whoa oh ho ho hey God told me what was mentioned God told me we don't eat from the fruit Eve he gave you to me I'm supposed to be your spiritual leader we eaten from the tree took the snake killed the snake and said don't you ever come near my wife again but he didn't anybody feel like that Sam was just personal to them since not personal is it see Adam failed as a spiritual leader that's why we have new Adam we don't look to him some of y'all right like ya'll him we look to Jesus that's the new Adam so it's the will the Father that we be able to discern the scriptures and like should have already known that Philippians says it's the world the Father you mature in your walk some of you came to Jesus some of Wilson eyes a childlike faith that's wonderful he said anyone who can't receive me like a child cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven but he didn't say then you go on and have a childlike walk childlike faith but not a childlike somebody all need to grow up you're still toddlers I can the frustration to Paul I've come here to preach and I got to go over the same stuff again cuz y'all still owe milk hey guys it's enough with the bottle if you had a childlike faith praise His Holy Name now let's get on to a man like walk and you know what it's the will of the father finally second Peter it's the will the father that none should perish anybody guys anybody this is the ninth month of the year let's just go 2015 can I find anybody or you follow across yes I am and you know why because put your name there led me to Jesus anybody can you is there one person that would please say your name was the key to bringing them to Jesus not that you had anything to do their salvation but you did what Jesus told you to do and that was a tell him who he was tell him what he'd done in your life you were this way now you're this way the last thing he said before he ascended you doing that so will the father that you do it and Jesus said only those did the will the Father are really with him guys I'm gonna tell you and this is gonna wrap it up and I know we went a few minutes over and I apologize for that but and then we'll move into the next thing John thank you so much I know you're in high demand Brent thank you for all your work and everybody put this in this all hit home for me in 2008 when I was away speaking at an event and this kind of puts it in nutshell I got five wonderful children I love them all I have two that are on their own two still at home and I got one in heaven two and a half years old William Bronner Byrd yes I called him cornbread and he looks exactly the way you think he looks if you never got to know him and I was speaking at a conference in Pigeon Forge my wife is at home with the kids godly powerful woman and she I noticed my phone kept vibrating you go through five different if you ever been done these things have been around them you go through different sessions three arenas and they ride you around you literally walk in speed getting the van go the next one and I was getting in the van and I realized my phone had been vibrating while I was preaching you know I was preaching I ended ended those sessions with John 16:33 when Jesus said I say this so that you have peace anybody want that don't you kind of wonder that everything's gonna be alright you won't find it anybody about him he said I'll say this so that you'll have peace in this world you will face tribulation I don't have to tell you all that not you might you will goodbye to that health wealth and prosperity trash jesus said you will face tribulation and the following creation he said and when you do you take heart because I've overcome the world he's overcoming anything you face and there was a last thing I was preaching I love that verse and I called home and this was not uncommon for the kids to call my dad's way and I said what's going on and my wife was crying I says everything all right she said no she said you need to get everybody there to pray that's what's happened she said I don't know how I'd have it Rick I said honey what's happened she says somehow I don't know how the bay be got out of the house and he's drowned in the pool and they're trying to bring him back you got to pray he hung up because she was a mama who was holding her baby that was being worked on now remember in the moment I was like I felt instant to comfort the Holy Spirit that now the verses I've been talking about that Jesus was reminding me of them and I'd remembered 9 years earlier when my third child second son nearly died at birth and my wife nearly died at birth and and I was three years into my walk with Jesus after the pastor had been bold enough to call me out and I remember when the doctor told me the baby was fine that she was fine I remember praising his name I said Lord I know enough about you I know you're the giver and Taker of life I know that you have answered my prayers and you saved my wife and you saved my son I just want you are great and you were worthy appraising you know what he told me standing out there outside that operating room nine years before this preparing me he said what if they had died would I be any less great to you or do you trust me that I do what's right that I do what I have to do to be glorified that I love people enough to do whatever it takes to bring them to me I remembered those words nine years later when I was praying to him again Lord don't let this happen would I be any less great I tried to get in touch with my wife I was trying to get to an airplane friends were trying to get me home faster than I had driven there and the chaplain was giving my call and I'll never forget the chaplain saying mr. Burgess are you alone I said I am never alone I had a friend with me your son has gone he passed and all I could think about was my wife that's all I could think about but I had to somehow get to her and my children what chaos they must be experiencing my wife who's one of the most godly women you would woman you would ever meet don't ever debate her on the Scriptures she her book is coming out next year she spent five and a half years grinding out it's one the most powerful and the editor that was handed the manuscript made the people take their shoes off because they said she said this manuscript is holy so she doesn't lack for an understanding of the scriptures but I want you to get this this is this thing gonna tie it all up she said she was there at the Children's Hospital she said and I couldn't say the words that I said I was they kept working on our child and working on him and they finally looked at me and they said Mrs Burgess we can't do any more and she said and I felt coming up out of my my spirit you know this is a mama - and I would say probably from her womb she said not my will be done Lord you will be done where you think she learned that she learned that from Jesus who when our but when our rear ends were on the line and he's perspiring blood not sure he wants to take the wrath of history wasn't about the cross by the way don't everybody tell you about that Jesus was afraid of the cross no he knew was about to take the wrath of his father when he said let this cup pass the prophets told us that's the cup of God's wrath about to be poured out on Jesus instead of you and me and he's sweating that but when his father didn't answer with a new way he said not my will be done but your will be done father and he went to the cross that's where she learned that she said not my will be done your be will be done Lord and they handed her the lifeless body over two and a half-year-old strawberry blonde husky little boy she said now they had I had people around me she said I had my pastor I had people from the church we had family and we had friends she said but there was kind of an uncomfortable sense with everybody because we all knew one thing nobody could be my husband nobody could be the children's father so we waited she said when my husband finally arrived and stepped into the room that was the first moment that we all knew that everything was going to be all right because he was much more than a husband he was much more than a father he was the family's hero because no one could replace him you cannot be replaced in your home by anyone else those of you they still have a home that God's going to give you no one will ever replace you and tonight gentlemen for the sake of your family for the sake of a generation for the sake of the gospel make the commitment you're going to be part of the remnant tonight let's bring the Lord as we come to this time of decision thank you for the message and challenge from John and thank you for the message and challenge from from the disciples and the Apostles and your holy word Lord there's nothing to add it's all been said forgive me for being imperfect trying to deliver your perfect message in Acts chapter 2 it's recorded that when Peter delivered the message of Pentecost and he finally got it right because he now was inspired with the Holy Spirit said that the people that were there said their hearts were pierced some of you in this audience tonight your hearts pierced and I pray that you'll cry out as they did and they cried out to Peter what must we do Peter said repent just directly repent turn away natey from who you are and turn to Jesus repent of your sin he said then rise and come forward to be baptized and you know - they even counted how many people were added to the church that day so they didn't just say go home and work it out and we wish you the best you know what the Acts chapter 2 tells us the gospel demands a response and we're gonna be obedient to that tonight I pray as we come to this time decision Lord that no one no one one tag liked the call and the pressure that your sweet Holy Spirit has on us now in Jesus name Amen let's tan
Channel: Shades Mountain Baptist Church
Views: 1,579
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: shades, mountain, baptist, church, men's, ministry
Id: nden325V4QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 10sec (6610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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