The Top 5 Worst Things That Can Happen To You In Hollow Knight

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hey how you doing today my name is brilliant thank you so much for stopping by today i wanted to talk about hollow knight i mean why wouldn't i hollow knight's one of the best games out there but i'm not here to talk about the good things i want to talk about the five worst feelings in hollow knight because when playing this game there's a couple of times where just kind of feels bad you know what i mean and it's not because the game is bad or the controls or something bad has happened but there's some points in the game where it just gets so difficult and it can be a pain to say the least before we begin there will be spoilers for hollow knight clearly we're going to be talking about things that happen for the most part a lot of this stuff is going to be late game stuff so if you don't want spoilers you've been warned the very first one is killing friendly npcs there's only a couple of times where you even have the choice or the option to kill an npc you might not even know you had the option and so we're going to talk about this right now first one is myla myla is an awesome character right she's she's an enemy but we get to see her before she has been taken by the infection she's chilling she's singing she's having a good time she's peaceful we like milo we stan myla around here and we try we try our best to never kill her in a randomizer sometimes things happen anyways we love my love and it is so sad to watch her turn and slowly become infected as you get new and more abilities her getting infected just it can bring a tear to your eye it feels bad like you go back and you're like oh let me go see my friend one of the one of the few friendly characters in the game at least at least they from from an enemy very few enemies who are who are friendly like that right you go go check them on my lid now she's infected she wants to fight like come on milan we were friends i got nothing against you remember me like i i wish she could be more like sly when she comes back after starting to get infected but alas now myla we don't have to end her we don't have to kill her but it's just sad that that she's going down right and along the same lines this one tricked a lot of people you've got the nail smith after you've upgraded your nail all the way to the pier nail you've got the nail smith who leaves his hut and you can see him outside right here he's just chilling but he's asked you to strike him down with the best nail that he could possibly make and most people do it most people strike him down with that nail thinking that that's what you're supposed to do and granted there's an achievement for it but if you do it it's not the best it doesn't feel good because you may not have known that you could actually save the nail smith and over here you can see him chilling he's got a friend you get a different achievement the happy couple achievement you can't get both of these achievements on the same save game file you have to you have to both kill the nail smith and not kill the nail smith but learning this information feels bad you did you kill the nail smith did you do it i bet you did i could just tell just looking at you the fourth worst feeling in hollow knight is actually trying to deliver the delicate flower and hear me out this is one of those things that maybe not everyone had a problem with this but i remember the first time i tried to deliver the delicate flower i was taking damage like immediately after picking up the delicate flower from the grey mourner i'd be going down the path i'd see this first enemy here and just instant instant death and i didn't know the trick i probably should have cleared the path killed the enemies ahead of time before trying to deliver that's not the hard part the hard part is always that last jump when you enter the room with all the spikes you think that you've gotten through the hardest part of it you've defeated all the enemies you've made your way but that last jump that last jump when you hit the spikes just like that and it's just like you spent so much time especially if you went through and took all the time to backtrack learn the route kill all the enemies then go pick up the flower and then walk your happy little hollow knight tushy all the way back well then you hit you hit this flower and it it's just a bad time it just doesn't feel very good the third worst feeling in hollow knight has to deal with the path of pain this area is extremely difficult because it's a lot different than anywhere else we've been through hollow knight thus far we've never done quite this difficult of platforming i mean yes the white palace is difficult but this is on a whole nother level the first area for the path of pain is very difficult in fact i think that it's kind of the barrier to entry if you can pass this first major section in the path of pain i personally believe that you're gonna be just fine and you'll be able to do the entire path of pain that said the last step to the path of pain is also extremely difficult yes it's more difficult than the first part but with all of the skills and platforming that you've done up to this point you should be able to do it that said there's a curveball right at the very end after you drop into the final room all of a sudden you've got two enemies to fight that deal double damage and if you're not ready to destroy them or you forgot the heal just before you went through there's a chance that you die in the final room and if you don't know if you haven't had this worst feeling it makes you start the entire path of pain all over again there's there's there's very few things that feel quite this bad the fourth worst feeling in hollow knight is going through your steel soul run and dying to something silly now for the most part steel soul is not the hardest thing it's it's difficult don't get me wrong and mistakes can be made it is very possible that you're running through the map you could even be closer to the end of the game you've got all the abilities you've got double jump you've got extra masks and whatever else but if you're not paying attention it is very possible you get caught off guard you're in a room where you might not be able to heal very easily you're climbing you're jumping and then that one enemy catches you by surprise and you die just like that and you lose your entire steel soul run hours worth of work and you know what some people will just say hey if you get down to one or two masks you should just pause the game quit reloading a bench i personally i'm not the biggest fan of that strategy i think that uh i think that you you you're taking on a challenge play however you want to play don't let me judge you shame you however everything you're feeling about that don't feel that i'm gonna say you play however you want i personally think i would like to uh go for the challenge and not save quit but let me know what you think did you ever try steel soul and leave me a note in the comments did you die to your steel soul run and if you did how i want to know i bet you there's some good stories out there the absolute worst feeling in hollow knight is making your way all the way through the fifth pantheon finally making it to the absolute radiance not just the first time but maybe your third fourth fifth time getting all the way to the climb getting good feeling like this could be the run where you spent an entire hour defeating enemy after enemy after enemy and then when you finally get to the climb or the top just being smacked down oh it feels so bad because you spent all that time working there grinding fighting all the bosses and you have to do it all over again so there you have it those are my top five worst feelings in hollow knight let me know what you think down in the comments below what is the worst feeling in the game for you i'd love to hear your stories because i'm sure a lot of people have different stories depending on how far they made it into the game oh so good though i love this game you can't have the the feeling of absolute awesome without the feeling of the pain if you want to know the top five best feelings in hollow knight i'll leave a link down in the description you can check it out here thank you so much my members who've been supporting the channel thank you for watching to the end and i'll talk to you again more real soon thanks bye
Channel: Relyea
Views: 247,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollow Knight, Hollow Knight worst, hollow knight worst feeling, Hollow Knight feels bad, Hollow knight is hard, Relyea, Reylea, Hollow knight spoilers
Id: Z1McupiP76U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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