The Top 3 Programming Languages For Beginners

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hey guys what's up I'm Andy I'm a self-taught software developer and today's video is all about the three top programming languages to learn if you are brand new to programming and want to become a software developer now in a lot of my previous videos there are so many comments asking me what the best programming language is to learn for beginners a lot of people who just start getting into it like I don't know what to do there's so many options out there so really the goal of today's video is to cover what the my 3 recommendations are for brand new beginners now a little bit about me if you've never seen any of my videos before I'm a self-taught software developer I'm a full-stack developer so I work all the way from the front to the back end and I've been a software developer for a little over three years now now before we actually jump into what I think are the three best programming languages to learn as a beginner I'm gonna bring up two really big points that you need to keep in mind when you are starting the first thing to keep in mind when you choose a programming language is that the programming language is just to teach you the fundamentals of programming if you don't have much experience in programming when you are trying to learn a lot of it is just getting used to the sort of headspace that you need to get into to become a programmer I remember when I first started just looking at lines of code understanding how things basically work the syntax of the language the basic basically understanding logic being able to look at code just pick it up like that that is what you're really going for so when you're choosing language it's not of the greatest importance what language it is for the most part and we'll get into that and the second thing to keep in mind is don't waste tons of time energy and research going into your first programming language don't spend months and months and months just trying to figure out what the best programming language you should really take maybe a week or less honestly I say take two days you know watch a few youtube videos do a little bit of googling and then pick the programming language that makes the most sense for you if you're taking a long time to do it chances are good you're just using it as procrastination for actually sitting in front of the computer and doing code remember you're not getting married to the first programming language that you learned so you can always get a coding divorce and choose a new partner programming language alright you get what I'm saying I good okay so let's dive into my three favorite programming languages alright number three is Java or C sharp now I am a c-sharp developer so I'm very impartial to c-sharp but Java and c-sharp are very similar in their syntax they're similar in so many ways but Java is more widely used than than c-sharp just from a I guess a job perspective I think that would be worldwide or in least in the u.s. there's more companies using Java but from a learning perspective I think Java and c-sharp have a lot of benefits they're strongly typed languages meaning that they are more a little more rigid than say something like JavaScript in terms of their syntax there are some challenging aspects of c-sharp and Java one of them being just the getting it set up on your computer the the sort of development environment takes there's a little bit more overhead to it so it's probably not the best learn language to learn as a number oh you know it is your number one choice but it's definitely not a terrible language to learn and I'm impartial to it I learned it using the head first c-sharp book I learned it after teaching myself JavaScript or learning JavaScript and I felt that it was definitely challenging I felt JavaScript was easier but c-sharp was something that I could pick up after I had sort of the fundamentals of programming number two on my list is Python now a lot of people are going to probably throw some some shade my way cuz they're gonna say no Python is number one on the list look Python is a great program and then you just start out with I know so many people love that who started out with with Python and they did very well for themselves Python is a widely used programming language it is very easy to pick up because the scent the name just the basic nature of the syntax is pretty straightforward there's nothing there's nothing it's pretty intuitive even from someone who's coming from a non-technical background it's also fairly easy to set up it's just running an installation basically on your computer and you will have a dev environment set up pretty easily I found that on Mack it's a little bit harder than on Windows but again for the most part to get a set up is fairly easy also because python is so popular there are so many teaching resources just knowledge resources in general and for someone who's just learning programming you want as many resources as you can to learn and because of the popularity you're gonna find that wherever you go and I cannot recommend highly enough to make sure you're choosing a language that is really well I guess you could say supported by a large community of people who are willing to help alright so what is my number one programming language that I think you should learn if you are a brand new beginner that programming language is JavaScript now I am super biased because the first programming language that I learned is JavaScript and I loved it I still love it to this day like javascript is my absolute favorite programming language it's not even the programming language like working the most but it's the one that I have the most love for it's just something I enjoy the first app that I built was a JavaScript just completely raw JavaScript tetris app and I remember having so much fun with it and there's just so much flexibility that other languages don't offer and most importantly the reason I recommend it number one over Python is because it is so easy to set up all you really truly need to start coding right now in this moment in JavaScript is a browser like Chrome or Firefox or Safari and a text editor to create a JavaScript file or an HTML file with JavaScript inside of it and similar to Python JavaScript is obviously very widely supported by a big community javascript is everywhere everyone who basically interacts with the Internet interacts with JavaScript it is everywhere is one of the most popular programming languages there are plenty of jobs for JavaScript developers or someone who is specializes in in JavaScript frameworks such as react Jas or angular and many many more so it's part of the reason why I think that it's number one now let's just take a step back here does that mean that if you are really interested in Python or C sharp that you should just go to JavaScript cuz I recommend it number no please use your brain on this one go with the program let programming language that you like not what I am telling you to do this is strictly my opinion this is what worked for me but if you find that there is some programming language that you really like go with that one because honestly at the end of the day this is a marathon not a sprint to learn too especially if you're teaching yourself even if you're going to school I think those are challenging either way they're challenging and you want to make sure that you're in it for the long haul so if someone told you that C++ is the best thing to learn and you tried it and you hate it and you really don't like it but you think you're like programming then don't do C++ but on the flip side if someone told you to do JavaScript you're doing C++ and you really enjoy it then the obvious thing to do in this case would be to stick with what you enjoy and like even if it means that you're gonna learn a little bit slower alright so that's really all I have to say on the subject now you know my three top programming languages to learn if you are a brand new beginner what do you think do you agree do you disagree if you are a brand new beginner could you please let me know your thoughts did this video help if it didn't let me know why other than that thank you so much for watching and go ahead and subscribe below here click the bell if you want to get notifications for any of my new videos alright guys peace out
Channel: Andy Sterkowitz
Views: 146,868
Rating: 4.9064445 out of 5
Keywords: top programming languages, top programming languages begginer, top programming languages to learn in 2018, top programming languages to learn, how to teach yourself programming, software development, programming languages
Id: pEnJR8SmmXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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