The Top 10 Fake Bosses of Elden Ring [Art Competition]

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Elden ring it wasn't shown at this year's Game Awards so it might actually be another six months before we get any news at all but to pass the time we have this competition bosses and art that will help us to imagine this open world title that we know precious little about there were hundreds of entries to this year's competition and as always it's a huge responsibility to rank them all so as you look through all of these incredible entries please remember to continually update your favorites in the top right of the video player because I'm curious to see what you will think as well so without any further ado please join me in imagining Eldon Ring number ten this is egg drill a manifestation of you guitar sill the world trade all types of art were accepted in this design competition and pixel art was no exception [Music] after the disappearance of the sacred tree a girl decided to join the fight countless he is defending the northern forest had destroyed little by little his own sanity but in the end the forest was a part of himself and only the most intense fire could burn the branches that connect the lost kingdoms so the top ten ended up being largely defined by the categories that they scored 10 out of 10 in and this piece received 10 points for presentation thanks to the short video and the tidy screen that you see here while an overgrown golem boss was a little bit common the pixel art was excellent the folklore pulled its weight and the mechanical arm referenced to the olden ring trailer was appreciated so congratulations on making the top 10 number 9 Starchild by Daniel acknowledge Starchild is one of the few on this list that received full points for technical skill the attention to detail is crazy just look down to the splash in the water the blood dripping down his leg his hair whips away in the wind and droplets of water even flying away from his flailing necklace this piece is insanely photorealistic and that detail persisted across all three panels and really helped to draw me into the world and of all the entries I believe this was the only frontrunner that was inspired by fairy kind which is folklore that spread throughout early Europe specifically this piece was inspired by the Starchild by Oscar Wilde the story of a handsome boy who for the first 10 years of his life believes that he is truly the son of a star as he was found deep in the woods as a baby wearing a star amulet and a star cloak in these images I'm showing he's been taken in by the Fae small creatures that worship Him for his beauty however like them he becomes cruel and vain going so far as to rip the wings of other small creatures so he can wear them for his own across this location in-game Daniel says that the player will hear a wailing in the woods very faint at first but getting louder as he follow the direction of the cries eventually you reach an opening in the forest revealing this scene where an old white-haired hag sits in a flat pool of water crying and wailing this is the Starchild's real mother whose unsightly appearance infuriates the star child causing him to lash out and initiate the boss fight with you as the fight goes on small fake Reacher's dart out from the undergrowth while you fight to the Starchild and if you as the player eventually decided to spare his life then later on in the game you can find him enslaved and humbled by a cruel magician so this too follows the Oscar Wilde story that it was inspired by but as original as this folklore entry was it's also the reason we had to give it a low loss score as there was a lot of overlap between the folklore and the boss's supposed law within the game coming up with your own law is important but while I would have liked to see some deviation from the folklore as well as maybe some more overt Elden ring references this entry was brilliant in almost every other way and absolutely deserves a place in the top 10 coming in at number 8 dhannu the puppet knight by Celeste the first thing everyone I show this two notices with this piece is that striking posture that curvature of the body which is mirrored in the curvature of the weapon and also in the curvature of the crown as well which is in itself a subtle Eldon Ring logo reference Dhanu stands this way to reinforce that she is in fact a sort of puppet a vessel crafted by a talented Smith to protect something precious the Smith's name was Galan and he was the craftiest man in the world capable of making or repairing anything made of wood and iron every Kingdom every ruler wanted him by their side yet one day he with a shiny thing that he found on a battlefield and if you ever saw him after that the thing obsessed him and every day every hour his hammer pounded away at something but no one ever knew what and to hide this shiny little thing he locked himself behind an impenetrable door and then brought the puppet knight to life to help protect the shiny thing that had destroyed his life when you stumble upon this arena by the Smiths door Don who will walk towards you acting disinterested and then attacking all at once with brutal combos until she fades back into apathy at 10% health the puppet knight breaks her present weapon into pieces revealing four arms behind her cape she gets down on all fours and attacks at once with the shards of her broken weapon interestingly you're not actually supposed to fight back in this phase you just enjoy her onslaught for 12 seconds and she will fall back defeat it this piece received excellent scores for originality and also law but it was held back by its folklore inspirations as they were only limited to the concepts of a sort of legendary Smith that you hear about in Norse legends I would have also loved to see the Smith since he features prominently in the law but perhaps not seeing him is intentional since he is in hiding after all regardless congratulations to Celeste truly of all the thousand entries that we received this next one might be the most evocative and it manages it all with a single image this is Herne the hunter described as a set-piece boss similar to the serpent God in sec you know I take this to mean that he's not supposed to be defeated only run from which I'm glad kayo added because I was almost about to criticize the boss for looking undefeatable your goal in this place kayo says is to reach this protected oak tree but as you get closer to it you notice enormous arrows flying past in the forest and then later you catch glimpses of this enormous thing flitting between distant trees eventually it becomes a full-on chase with this thing pulling its unwieldly limbs and weapons through the trees behind you Herne the hunter is a local legend from the forests of Berkshire likely inspired by other gods such as the Celtic God so who knows who you can see in his horns or even the Norse god Odin whose features you can see in his single eye additionally there are powerful Elden ring references here like the fact that it's an open world encounter clearly and also the multiple arm motif that we saw in the trailer I love that there's a character hiding here not only for scale but to reinforce the fact that you're meant to hide and run from this boss and I also like the multiple arms because it's a common mistake to see multiple arms carrying like tons of weapons which wouldn't really work from a gameplay point of view but this boss has a bow and a couple of swords that's the right amount I think so while it lacks a little bit in presentation and the law is largely lifted from the original story of Hern this is an incredible entry and it's well deserving of 7th place but what if I told you that gameplay could be described through music this is oders ring by Ricardo amico and today he delivers something that's so artistic so ambitious that it honestly almost exists outside of the competition the boss is called Oda and it's a fight in two phases fought to the tune of a giant harp that odor plays throughout because his entry isn't just a boss is a symbolic depiction of the boss fight' said to music than Ricardo himself has composed for example look over to the right every time you're about to hear is actually the boss attacking with blasts of wind [Music] [Music] this boss takes inspiration from Richard Wagner's Ring a 16-hour long opera cycle that tells an epic story inspired by Germanic and Norse myths in Wagner's mythology Oda is the world's wisest woman and she knows all of the stories that have ever been told and all that are yet to be in Ricardo's interpretation Oda is a fate weaving boss able to control your movement and even your characters stats to shape your story to her liking speaking of that a bit of an easter egg is the runic text around the edges that read I will pull the strings and down your curtain rings and who are you to tempt your fate go which way my winds blow for if you don't I will pull the rings of fate and so on the fight takes place on the back of a giant Lindwurm which is essentially an ancient Norwegian version of a wire then you yourself fight on the back of a chariot chasing down Oda as she tries to escape you in phase one we mentioned the wind blasts in the music earlier and in this phase she also creates a fog that requires you to listen for where she is and then you also have to deflect air streams that whip down upon your character none of this does damage in this phase by the way it just slows down your chase so she just wants to get rid of you here until it's too late of course for in phase 2 the boss sheds a tear and then transforms horrific Lea into a living Orchestra now you're the one being chased and she rains hell down upon you she peppers you with stat altering arrows a huge wolf will leap at you from the clouds a swarm of crows dived down and sometimes she even summons the Lindwurm itself to attack you from the clouds you can hear all of this and more in the music itself which you really should to go and listen to over on Ricardo's art station where you can just sit quietly with this piece and give it the attention it deserves because it really is a masterpiece Ricardo won last year's prosthetic art challenge and as a result of that I've started working with him since then of commissioning other projects so in order to avoid bias this entry was not judged by me but if I had to guess it received sixth place because the gameplay concepts are a little bit incompatible with from software games and they're also missing some references to Elden ring while it really can't be judged by the same criteria as the rest the technical skill the originality the law and the presentation here they're off the charts and Ricardo should be incredibly proud of the true art that he's created imagine aimlessly exploring a coastline in the open world of Elden ring when you come across piles of loot swords and armor discarded at the coastline you start picking it up and as the world begins to darken with the setting of the Sun you look over to the horizon and something catches your eye it's the silhouette of a man effortlessly standing upright in the depths of the reflective waters and it would be impossible to just ignore that right because he's just a man how threatening could he be so you strip off your heavier armor to move better in the water like the other dead warriors before you did and you come to stand in the depths next to him expecting to talk this is the knockin who in Scandinavian folklore is described as this beautiful young man who tricks women to jump into the water with him to drown them and as you get closer something huge grabs you from underwater tearing you down below where the fight begins this boss is inspired by seculars underwater controls which is genius because I from developed this system for use in Elden ring as well and as amazing as the underwater combat system in sekito was it never really had a boss that did it justice if you think about it but the knockin does Gregory provided these graphics for the fight something that really helps you visualize it in a fully 3d space he says that all of these attacks are foreshadowed by gestures that the humanoid figure up top makes there are also new mechanics here like needing to ditch your armor to swim faster you need to come up for air periodically and you can also increase your dodge range if you find an underwater surface to kick off of if you die to this boss there's even an animation whereby you're absorbed into him adding to the collection of failed heroes whose arms are outstretched and their faces are captured baring their final expressions Gregory's entry is a masterclass in originality and it was a joy to imagine this boss actually existing in olden ring it made me realize that Elden rings bosses by virtue of the open world will feel like they really live in the world compared to a lot of the other from software bosses because now that it's an open world it's not just about how the boss is designed how we encounter it is also important to bosses like these that are really high standard for from software to meet and this really does help us to imagine what's possible so here's another entry that was fully inspired by the open world to the point where I'm awarding it a shared third place with the entry that's to follow it this is Pesta she's the Crone of death or at least that's what she wants you to think in the 14th century the Black Plague ravaged humankind in Norway they called it pester a norwegian word for the pandemic but also a personification of it since it had a biological cause and that was incomprehensible to people at the time the plague took the form of an old woman said to be Ashley faced and carrying a broom or a rake and it's this folklore that Christian has pulled from for his boss fight in his vision of Eldon Ring the character will stumble upon towns and villages only to realize that they've been decimated by the plague and just like the townsfolk of 14th century Norway the NPC's blame pester and they implore you to seek her out and kill her to end her rampage so in this really open world style you follow the trail of death and decay until you track her down because she's a wandering boss and you confront her and start the fight the battle has three phases but they don't play out like you'd expect in the first her movements are slow and stiff with long ranged attacks of magic corruption poisonous smoke and rats in the second phase she increases in size and desperation with these disturbing frantic attacks however astute players will notice here that her hair has become more graceful and divine a hint for her final phase and her true identity the third phase comes after the full depletion of pests as health bar when a soft and elegant voice is heard rats transform into crows and ravens and the music begins again her rake reveals a spear within it and a new HP bar appears this time belonging to the Phantom Queen that name is a translation of a name that belongs to another Celtic goddess the more agooo a shape-shifting Celtic goddess of war fate and death the more ogres folklore is murky and she takes many forms and indeed she took many forms in this competition as so many artists decided to depict her in different ways however this was the only entry that incorporated her deceptive form into the story of the boss fight itself because it was the more agooo the Phantom Queen in phase 3 who was creating the plague all along and becoming hated as Pesta who she was in phase 1 instead of as her true self that's amazing so the only entries that received a 10 for folklore were those that blended stories together in true from software fashion and on top of that this piece also made incredible references to olden ring and while I would have loved some visual environmental details it scored highly in every category and it owns an undeniable place in the top three looking at Christians art station we realized that much of his work has this style that's consistent with his entry and that's something I think is important in an artist because his work is very unique and recognizable as a result he's an aspiring digital artist from Tampa Florida who's currently interested in contract or freelance work so the project needs an artist with inspired designs and an incredible creative flair and this is your guy but it was actually impossible not to put this next piece in the top three as well because well look at it if I told you this was official concept art Ferelden ring you'd probably believe me this is visceral the black winged Valkyrie by Jonathan Lee he says that the goal here was to make this boss feel intimidating yet majestic which he achieves with sharp upward angles and striking silhouettes but then he also tried to display a depraved descent here which he achieves with blackened wings a crude helmet ragged clothing and D saturated colors in Nordic folklore the Valkyrie were these warriors who served odin there were women who escorted the souls of those who died bravely in battle to the halls of Valhalla in Jonathan's story however visceral was once the glory of the Valkyrie Legion and protector of the olden ring tragically falling from grace when the ring was shattered for centuries she was outcast forgotten but then one day the echoes of the Ring called for her service once again but this time not as a protector but as a destroyer Valkyries were a really common entry but Jonathan's rises above it's design is perfectly compatible with the high fantasy veiled and ring the technical skill here is flawless and the presentation could be straight out of a from software design works if you browse through Jonathan's art station you may spot his entry last year too prosthetic art competition another entry that placed within the top 10 with this clean concept art like design Jonathan is an artist in San Jose who's currently looking for work so if your project needs an artist with insane technical and presentation skills as well then this is your guy and man if you thought three and four were difficult to place wait until you see one and two coming in second by hairsbreadth is the Nikhil AVI Patera of the full onshore by Andre show stuck the Nikhil avi is a monster from Acadian mythology the nastiest of all the demons in Scotland's Northern Isles it's breath was thought to wilt crops and sicken livestock and the creature was held responsible for droughts and epidemics on land despite being predominantly a sea dweller the technical skill in this main image might be the strongest in the competition you can see the sea spray from the ocean you can feel the momentum of the clash between the two riders and even the background complements the shape of the main clash in the foreground it's striking it's disturbing it's atmospheric and I've only just started describing the first image on the second page we see a breakdown of the bosses arena which consists of deepwater shallow water and Beach all having varying effects on the players movements which by the way is largely on horseback putting you on even footing with this Lovecraftian nightmare as you gallop around the arena you have to be sure to avoid the bosses plague breath which has locked off certain parts of the arena and from this hazard come little undead minions raised from the corpses that were on the beach before you were there in his first face the nokia Livi fights with long ranged attacks and tries to avoid melee encounters with melee attacks that attempt to sort of create distance between you both this is the phase where you have to avoid the plague breath and there's also another mechanic whereby if you aim the camera at the boss when it has its eye exposed the curse status begins to be inflicted upon you requiring you to look away as certain intervals with your camera and if you get close to the boss you can even cut off its tail which gives you the spine lash whip a weapon that has a high potential to damage the wielder as well I love that each of these weapons comes with its own law and description and image as well about how you hold it damaging the boss reveals that the humanoid and the horse actually have separate health bars and the phase two that you're about to enter depends on which one you defeated first defeat the rider first and we interface to a against the horse which dislocates its jaw and extends its tail for melee combat if you're still mounted you can actually try and get the boss to crash into barricades or rocks and if you're dismounted you'll have to counter attack while it's jaw is open defeat this phase of the boss and you'll receive its dissected leg was a great hammer which retains the elapsed anger that carried the tireless beast however if you defeated the horse in phase one then we enter phase 2b against the humanoid who starts the fight with this almost unavoidable dismounting grab attack from here he uses his long ranged homing missiles or his long arms for melee combat depending on whether you're a fighter or a caster additionally if you make the mistake of fighting him in the ocean then he actually has a grab attack where he uses these freakishly long arms to hold you under the water and drown you defeat the boss in this phase and you'll receive a staff made of its I which strengthens undead magic and can be used to inflict the same curse effect that the boss used against you the artist even took replayability into account and if you gather all three of the weapons by visiting new game+ or by trading with other players then you can receive the gwad and more an enormous glaive with a special attack that mounts the player temporarily on the knuckle of e itself this insane entry was the work of russian artist andre who unfortunately has no social media or portfolio to show off for this competition he says that he participated in this competition out of pure enthusiasm alone and that if you would like to you can contact him via the email address on screen and the winner with an entry that excels in originality compatibility with Eldon ring folklore and unique law is the Drowned of C by Jonas Mueller the village of C lay near a swamp next to a lake the drowned bodies of missing people were frequently found in the lake but the villagers thought this was merely part of living near the swamp but over the years something changed an unnatural amount of people started to get swallowed for something terrible lived in the water and in time would devour the entire village this law is excellent it's succinct and intriguing the Drowned is inspired by two beings first by the kelpie which is a supernatural water horse that was said to drown those who try to ride it and second by the slough spirits of the Restless dead of people who are unwelcome in other heaven or hell as mentioned earlier the only pieces to get full points for folklore were those that seamlessly combine multiple inspirations and the space is one of them because something entirely original has been created here as a result and it's something that just looks as if it's straight out of a Souls game right you wouldn't blink twice if I told you Eldon rink had a swamp area which it will probably just imagine that you're exploring this shallow swamp when this damned thing closed its way up to meet you for that reason it gets full points for compatibility with Eldon ring as well I also love that he took the multiple arm motif to the next level for it's the arms of the Drowned that helped the beings swing that enormous mace that is designed to really look like it was dredged up from the bottom of a swamp my only wish is that mounted combat could have been mentioned since the piece features the water horse in its design combat has two phases first where you fight the warrior sitting atop his horse as the spirits keep up that appearance of fighting like a human and then in Phase two the Drowned becomes enraged corpses begin to float to the surface of the lake and they'll attack you if you get too close while the spirits abandon all pretense of being a man on horseback and instead throw everything at you it's movement becomes unnatural and hard to predict as it extends the range of its attacks by chaining together corpses and summoning corpses from below the lake to jut upwards like the firestorm pyromancy because hundreds of people have been drowned over the years and the creature has become really really strong as a result it's so difficult to find a single fault with this entry and I really have no other choice but to awarded first place in this boss design competition Jonas is an environmental artist at Rice Games and that company is lucky to have the guy so please do me a favor and check out his portfolio and social media down below and please join me in following not just Jonas but everyone who participated and put their art up for display in this competition thank you everyone for this incredible work these are some of the most talented people in the industry and if you're an employer or if you're a Commissioner of those who create great art then please look no further because this is your list this is their resume but it goes further than the top ten honestly way way further to many of the odd thousand people who participated because how can I not mention the veiled sisters of the eastern mounds by Andrew mironov inspired by Gaelic and the Morrigan or the Luke Thief by Rex Beck who transforms in his second phase in a flurry of crows there was Ogun the son faced who attacks with his voice which was incredibly unique and he was inspired by the Celtic God of speech there was naman of the slain sisters this interpretation of the Eldon Ring Valkyrie in the trailer but in a crow like monster form a guy called Spence even contributed this Lovecraftian creature in a sort of glowing ink that I had never seen before there were so many entries that had hours upon hours and hours of work in them and it's so difficult not to include them all prominently in the video because so many people deserve it honestly but really there's more to this than the judgement of myself and a couple of other artists this is about challenging yourself and improving your art and for a lot of you I know that this competition helped you towards that goal even if you didn't make it in the top 10 many of you I'll be reaching out to in the coming weeks to work on commissions if you're open and I encourage everyone in my audience watching now do this as well Commission people beyond the top 10 scour through the imager link in the description showing the top 100 follow the social media or just go to their portfolios and check them out if you have any ideas for future art competitions let me know in the comments below it's something I do because in the absence of Elton ring news at the game Awards this artwork has helped us to imagine Elton ring and I like to imagine that it might inspire some other artists to pick up the craft so shuts out to the Eldon Ring subreddit for inspiring this competition with their fake floor thank you for watching and thank you for participating speaking of incredible art have you guys ever heard of the game called blasphemous it feels like every month I would get tweets telling me that I have to play this game as a Souls fan and now that it's super cheap as a part of this month's Humble choice bundle I'm so glad I gave it a shot so like the souls games you're supposed to play blasphemous really methodically every enemy has a weakness and a rhythm that's yours to exploit and what's more the game's steadily builds upon your torment adding environmental effects and hazards that require you to modify your behavior around them as well overcoming a section eventually becomes something you're really proud of and I'm always looking forward to the next section that crushes me because I know that when I do defeat it I'm gonna beat it in style so if this game is for anyone it's for you guys and you can get this game and to others for just $14.99 with the subscription to Humble choice and the price of this subscription which gives you more than the game by the is cheaper than the price of the actual game on Steam a humble choice is basically the new humble monthly it's a way to get a ton of games support charity and support developers as well with your monthly subscription this is a subscription that also affords you 20% off at their store you get instant access to over 90 games in their trove and you also get up to 9 curated games every month so it's always been a great deal and it's a pretty wholesome company that I'm always proud to support so please click the link down below in the description to get that deal it expires on the 3rd of January so get in quick thank you for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 1,013,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, remastered, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, ringed, city, ashes, ariandel, ashina, farming, combat, tips, tricks, attachment, elden, ring, george, martin, game, of, thrones, trailer, glaivemaster hodir, open world, first boss, last boss, preview, reveal, art competition, imagining elden ring, $2000, artwork, concept art, gameplay
Id: l88rT4e3kIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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