There are Hundreds of Secrets in the ELDEN RING Trailer

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I want to watch this so badly, but I also want to go into the game as blind as possible..

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/PlayfulSafe 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KeewiwiA7X 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

To Anyone that has watched this.

Does this video give A LOT away?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DigDude97 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
Before we begin, let me grace you with some breaking news regarding checkpoints. So for a while, we've had this screenshot..of two pot guys standing around a sliver of gold - but now, we know what that sliver of gold represents. Recently, the following description was captioned alongside this image in the Japanese gaming magazine "Famitsu". It reads: "Graces will act in a similar manner to Dark Souls bonfires, acting as a checkpoint/base for the player". So there you go! The word "base" is interesting..and I really hope these places act as more of a mobile camp, in some way. But what are "Graces", from a lore point of view?. Well, according to a recent tweet from the Elden Ring twitter, before the shattering, the Lands Between basked in the pure light of the Greater Will. Slivers of its blessing yet remain in hidden pockets, where lost graces wait to be found. So these are places where the grace of the Greater Will remains..and you can expect to set up camp around these places, along your journey. (Special thanks to Mordecai of Elden Ring News for first reporting on this). 1 Now, back to the trailer. So some people are going into Elden Ring completely blind..and some are only going to watch the trailer once. Me? Well I've watched it so many times I'm single-handedly responsible for Elden Ring being the most viewed trailer over the E3 period. I've also watched it frame by frame, and you might be surprised at some of the things I've found. Here are all its secrets..big, and small. First, this gauntlet is the same one worn by the "Tarnished" character who features prominently in this trailer. He's featured so heavily here that you'd think he might be a sort of cover character for the game, but that role is apparently going to this knight, instead. At the very least, it might actually be an option to start with this armour set. There are 10 starting classes to choose from, apparently..and this this cutscene strikes me in a similar way to Sekiro's opening, where the maiden approaches our character, who is left for dead. You can actually see her riding in on Yakul at the start. If I had to guess, she's passing this mount over to us here. She has a faded scar, or birthmark, and a ring, on her right hand. She pulls this ring off, and passes it to us. Now, her lips aren't moving in sync with this dialogue..but it does seem appropriate for what's going on. "The Tarnished will rise, guided by grace once lost" 2 I wouldn't be surprised if that line was quite literal, with the light from the tree guiding you to points of interest on the map. Powerful items maybe, or checkpoints. Speaking of points of interest, here are some. A cliffside gate...ruins in the bottom right..small buildings here, and here..and a swamp in the bottom left. These shallow waters seem to be found in the canyons cutting through the map..which may or may not have been caused by some sort of cataclsysm? In previous leaks, that bridge in the distance was unbroken..but now, debris from the bridge appears to be scattered across the entire landscape, suggesting some thing tore through this area. That castle on the left appears to be the main Legacy dungeon..and it too is pretty scarred. It's a beautifully ruined scene, made better when you notice the golden specs flying through the air aren't embers like they would be in Dark Souls..they're leaves, from the tree. Perhaps its dying? 3 We see more of the shallows in this next scene. Here, homes and spires seem to have sunk into the earth, more proof that ruin has come to the Lands Between. In the distance we see a familiar tower, but it's hard to say which one..because there were multiples of these in the previous scene. Here, birds fly overhead..and it seems to be a misty morning, which makes me wonder if the mist comes with the time of day, or with the area. The same goes for the golden leaves, which are not falling in this morning scene, despite the tree being quite close. 4 In the next scene, we're treated to yet another skybox, our eyes drawn then to a sort of volcano in the distance. I suggest it's a volcano..because this rocky texture is seen again in this dragon scene, where magma sits on the ground. (/u/tripledoble) As your eyes travel down, we realise that this autumnal scene has a different atmospheric affect, with blue white light floating upwards. This ethereal atmosphere helps to explain the giant phantom flagpole, which itself has hints of interlocking rings upon it. On the ground are two encampments, filled with what surely are enemies. Like the phantom flagpole, one tent also features a design with interlocking rings, and their banner features a giant tree, suggesting an affiliation with the Erdtree, and the Elden Ring that is at its source. 5 Considering all this symbolism, it's probably no coincidence that these scenes are accompanied by the line "The Golden Order is broken to its core", and this second shot really drives that point home. Here, we see yet another crest of interlocking rings...and this one looks a lot like the Elden Ring logo, except with even more circles, and a mess of tendrils running down from it. Below, a person kneels, surrounded by three wolves. The appearance of beasts here maybe no coincidence..for this is actually where we fight the beast clad in black and gold armour, later in the trailer. You can tell, because that arena also features these same pillars, filled with skeletal remains. Filling your architecture with corpses is pretty dark for a group called the Golden Order, though there is plentiful evidence of this sort of immurement within history, and folklore. Lastly, we hear crow noises..but in the background, we actually see dragons flying by. Apparently, the Golden Order isn't the only thing is this flying animation. Preorder cancelled. 6 Next we see a very literal bonfire, surrounded by people frozen in place, for some reason. There are also what look like red flowers under these trees - things like this are seen throughout the trailer..and the way they glow makes me wonder if these are gather-able resources. It's raining in this scene, another obvious weather effect to be added to the list.. 7 ..and another time of day to add to the list, might be this sunset. I wonder if we literally get to watch the sun go through the sky, and how fast the days will go? The character has a horn by their waist, which we see throughout the trailer. Assuming it's a part of your equipment, I wonder what it does.. 8 It's definitely not used to call for Yakul. Instead, that's done with a simple whistle that sounds a lot like the one from Sekiro. Here, the character is actually jumping over graves sticking out oddly from the wall, which are better seen in this screenshot. Birds are perched around the place in this screenshot, as well. If you pause here, you can see that Yakul actually has rings of gold on his horns, something seen even more clearly in this screenshot. Maybe he has some lost grace of his own. Finally, we clearly see a standard longsword in this shot. Start that weapon tally. 9 As the camera pans out, you can start to piece together the geography. For example, we approach this castle and foggy valley from the front here..but this next scene shows us the castle and valley from the side, meaning we must have traveled along this rocky cliff face on the right in the previous scene. There's actually a tiny enemy here who is having trouble loading in.. There's a small house here.. and many other buildings shrouded by fog further on. Glowing lights can be seen below the blue, one gold..perhaps they're items, or a grace? If I wanted to get down there, could I jump off this cliff, and double jump on Yakul before I hit the ground? 10 What follows is the scene with the walking island. Previously, I speculated that you might have to use surrounding geography to jump on top of it at the right moment..but reddit user /u/Kid_darkness93 seems to have noticed a jump pad nearby, which looks like a very likely alternative. I'm sure there are multiple ways up there..and judging by the moss growing on the legs, I'd bet that this island only ever roams this swampy area. It is going VERY slowly it might take a while to catch it in the right spot. 11 In this mounted encounter, the enemy has a curved greatsword wrapped in cloth, seen later on in this clip. In regards to the guarded caravan, well I always thought it looks like a coffin of some kind..and my favourite theory is that it's transporting body parts, since that seems to be the trade of this area.. 12 Here, we see a ton of hanging limbs, hooked so crudely that they're spilling blood onto the floor and dining tables below. Many of these arms are conjoined, or double-ended, suggesting experimentation. Arms really are a big theme of this area..and on both sides of the painting, you can make out the lion emblem on these banners..the same emblem that shows up on this castle, on these soldiers, and on this big bosses axe. The painting itself is very difficult to make out - but there's a human figure there - with some sort of fur pelt or animal draped over his shoulders. Moving on, the flattened face to follow has something that looks like a third eye on its forehead, and the roots underneath almost look like tentacles. Speaking of which, the statues to follow, also in a cave, ALSO seem to have tentacles inside their robes. 13 And what about these pot guys? Do you think they're hostile, or friendly? After years of smashing pots, is it finally time for pots to smash us? Personally, I'd hope they're do see them around a grace checkpoint, after all. What will be truly terrifying is if they're friendly AND drop good loot, like crystal lizards. Their arms do seem like they're made of a similar't make me do it.. As you continue underground, you might have noticed that a grill is missing, suggesting you can go further below. Then we come across another many-armed enemy. This one is exuding green fumes, made of skull textures. Interestingly, he's wearing a crown..just like the other many-armed character we see later in the trailer. That's an interesting trend - maybe this kingdom's habit of experimentation with limbs goes back quite a ways. 14 Finally leaving the underground, we enter the castle, which has diagonal gashes here, and further on. This boss blocks our progession, and a golden fog gate appears behind him, blocking our progression. His robes, and magic weapons, mark him as a sort of sorcerer. Design wise, he looks a lot like the Ghru of Dark Souls 3, who have similar twisting horns on their head. He also has these same horns on the end of an enormous tail. At first, it looks like these horns are ALL there is making up his head..but you can actually see his face hidden below. Interestingly, he also has a similar mess of grey hair, like we do. During the fight, you can see a sort of obelisk with a blue light - the same sort seen later in the trailer, when the character summons help. These summons also have a similar blue light - so I bet these stones mark the areas you can summon at. Another summon is seen in this area - a spirit bird, which..has prosthetic legs? I'm so intrigued by this seems like there's so much variety here. When the boss knocks us back, we get a good view of our characters longsword, which is imbued with a blue tint around the hilt, marking it as a sort of magic weapon. The magic effect also appears around the weapon, marking it as a sort of weapon art..and I wonder - can magic weapon arts only be applied to magic class weapons, like this longsword? 15 In the tunnel, there are some very brightly glowing flowers that I bet we can loot.. Followed by some enemies, one of which has a conical hat, or helmet. 16 I love the weapon and armour of the character in this scene. The enemy here has the lion crest on their armour, and is also wearing a mask as a part of their helmet, which we'll talk about later. They actually change the enemy during this cut, and a golden glow heads towards our character after their death, giving us a hint at the type of golden soul currency we can expect to receive. 17 It's similar to these golden leaves that fall from the tree in this night time scene, which look stunning against the blue sky. An enormous moon is visible, as are a couple of crude tents. Now that graces are confirmed to be where our checkpoints lie, I'm less convinced that we'll be able to set up camp in the open world..but still kind of hopeful that something like this might be in the game. One cool thing to note is that the grass and trees are blowing rapidly in the wind, which might mean they're reacting dynamically with the weather, which is cool. You can see the same sort of thing happening to the trees in this stormy scene with the wolf knight, who, as many have pointed out before me, is an obvious Berserk reference. Sekiro is a shinobi named wolf, Artorias was a wolf we have this character, completing the transformation. He even has a greatsword, like Guts..I love the design. The way he's stepping off the edge of this cliff in this animation means it must be the player character..and the long grey hair helps to convince me of that. I'd imagine this is something akin to the Dragon covenants of Dark Souls, except we become a beast here instead? Perhaps this sort of transformation is a path that tarnished can take..and if that's the case, can we turn into dragons as well? This dragon has a spine of grey hair as well..just saying. 18 This cube item is clearly the item we use for summoning, and here it summons two helpers which..both seem to be the same enemy model, but equipped with slightly different gear? This one has a giant knife, and the other has a wait it's a whip! aand you can see it snap back into being a sword again! My best guess is that this is either a whip sword like the puzzling stone sword, or that turning a sword into a whip is a type of weapon art we can give it for extra range. Bit of an odd one! This enemy has a cool greatsword, and our character is doing the short bow dodge attack which will help make ranged play viable. 19 Next, the dragon. It has four legs, four wings, and a rocky texture..all things that would mark it as one of the greater Archdragons of the Souls series. Another familiar souls trope is summoning lightning - and since it comes from the heavens, I bet the lightning is a divine miracle here, similar to how it is in Souls games, and Sekiro. If this Dragon is being blessed by the, that would give Gwyn some serious conniptions. We, as the tarnished, are also being graced again as well, remember..and even the dragon has a hint of grey hair running down its maybe it's no different. As mentioned in another video, our character is performing a double jump..not to avoid the lightning per se, but instead to avoid the ripple that goes along the ground from its point of contact. But look around the dragon this mentioned earlier, the rocks in the background match this smoking volcano, and we can even see magma on the ground, underneath the flames. Look around some more..and here here, here, here..piled up, and left discarded..are coffin carriages identical to the one the two giants are hauling earlier in the trailer. For some reason, it seems these coffin carriages are being dumped in this volcano. Why? This volcano also doesn't seem like the only place we find the dragon. The next scene shows it back in the open field, with no hint of the rocky formation I just mentioned. Here we get our first side profile of the sorcerer knight, holding an ornate staff sword thing. They're fighting near the Erdtree, but with a red sky. I wonder, is this burning sky a special event, like the blood moon in Breath of the Wild? Or is it a stage of the game that changes the skybox, like we're used to in previous games? Finally, there's a strange corruption on the ground here, that suits the red sky.. 20 The next shot reveals a more feline beast knight, also with long white hair, like us. His armour is black, trimmed with gold. In this scene, our character dual wields a dagger and a short hatchet..two items that would have the quickstep weapon art in Dark Souls 3, and they seem to have it here as well. The other way they avoid an attack is by jumping this low sweep here, just like Sekiro would. 21 As the trailer goes on, scenes pass this one with the Valkyrie. Pausing the frame, we see two things - first, the clear corrosion on her face..and second..a prosthetic..leg? It's reflecting the light, showing a pattern..and there's clearly a sort of bolt here keeping it in place. (ty to discussion with menaslg) As we get impaled - note that we're fighting around the roots of a great tree. I wonder if she's some sort of protector. 22 In this scene, the bosses hand has six fingers..and it's stroking the maw of a great, dead black dragon. This is its nostril, and here is a giant horn. It's actually the same head we see sewn onto him at the end of the trailer...and the same dragon seen briefly in the open world of the leaked footage. So..does he attach the head halfway through the fight? Is it a sort of phase 2 for him, or is fighting him with it a sort of dynamic event? He does do the roar cutscene in the same place as the smash cutscene, after all.. In this cutscene, the tarnished draws his sword slowly.'s rare for a Souls game to have the player interact with their weapon in a cutscene. The reason it's weird, is that different characters have different weapons, and drawing something like a greatsword, from the hip, wouldn't make sense. So..what's happening here? Will this cutscene look the same regardless of weapon? Did they come up with a unique animation for each weapon type? Or is the game pulling from a set of weapon drawing animations? This one baffles me, honestly. On the bosses back, you can actually see Sekiro's lost ar- just kidding. Though if I had to guess, this would be the guy who took the Valkyrie's arm, or at least is somewhat responsible for the arm theme throughout this area. He also takes legs as well, you can see a couple hanging..and while his left leg seems to be that of a giant..his right foot is a mess of toes. Eugh. There's some serious body horror going on in this trailer. Finally, there's a lion crest on his main axe, marking him as a lord of this castle, and region. According to the official twitter, he's a Lord clinging to his ruined Legacy..the ruler of a husk wrung dry by war. The word "Legacy" is capitalised..and legacy dungeons were said to be the main levels within each open world, each containing a demigod. Therefore, he's the main boss of this area. Man, the longer I hold off on making my story video, the more scraps the Elden Ring twitter bestows upon me. I'll just wait a liiitle longer... 23 Here come the quickfire part of the trailer. Here, a tarnished dual wields curved swords. Like in the previous scene, these are different weapons..meaning we might be seeing a return to the more dynamic way to dual wield multiple weapons, like in Dark Souls 2. The bramble knight also has a unique greatsword that I'm sure he drops.. and we're fighting him at night, under the light of the Erdtree. 24 Next, the dragon drive by. It's likely the black horned dragon I mentioned earlier, though it's hard to say for sure. Here, the character carries a huge, two handed spiked mace..and the same armour better seen in this screenshot. 25 Next, lordvessel smough sends out a cascade of flames, as he stands off against the sorcerer knight, wielding the same wrapped greatsword mentioned previously. We also see a hint of his giant mace, which I hope he drops..alongside that helmet. 26 The giant has one arm, meaning it's probably going to show up somewhere else in the game ..and he has a flame smoldering deep within his chest. His weapon is a sort of axe staff, double ended..and our weapon is a short blade with blue runes. It's the second time we've seen a sorcery-themed sword with a blue tinged I really do wonder if these are a class of magic weapon now, or if magical properties can be bestowed upon the a blacksmith, perhaps? 27 Next, the Bloodborne crossed with Irithyll. I love it. The gargoyle statues are seen again in this next indoors scene, showing that they're the same place. Here, our character wields a sorcery-halberd, the enemies wield crossbows, rapiers..and the main enemy has a simple sorcerer's staff. His headpiece is already the focus of many burger king memes. Lastly, there's a bird in a small cage here on the side here. 28 Speaking of animals, around the great stag, visible even before it spawns, are many smaller, brighter ones wandering and grazing upon the field. The masked player character in this shot is the same as in this screenshot, except this time wielding claws, instead of a flail. 29 Speaking of masks..that's a bit of a theme for the entire trailer. This character we kneel at has a mask..the woman beside the giant knight has a mask..there's a giant masked cart, this enemy type has one too..masks. They're a good way to prevent your animators from having to animate mouths in cutscenes, so I bet that's why From are such fans of them here. That Demon's Souls remake is a tough act to follow.. 30 In this next scene, we see that limbs aren't the only body parts being repurposed..this guys helmet and upper body armour features a ton of ears..all the better to hear those books with? 31 Next, this hand has way too many fingers..and gives me a real body horror chill, reminding me of those terrifying hands from the early Zelda games. The middle finger has many rings, and one ring has a giant purple gem. The player character here seems to be using a black flame spray attack against the hand, to little effect. Behind the hand, we see a giant head..which actually looks a lot like Void, from Berserk.. And behind that, the Erdtree is still seen, even though this is a snowy area. This tree must be pretty central to a lot of the open worlds, I imagine. 32 This next scene happens fast, but it's a masked carriage with three flamethrowers on each side. The character has a spear, and a greatshield. 33 The eye seems to be that of a cyclops, since you can see the bridge of a nose here..and the 8 other marks are..more pupils? 35 The winged knight here is the same one we saw standing next to the masked woman, with a flat helmet and horned greatshield. 36 And finally, there's a giant tree on the tower in the final cutscene, along with the same diagonal marks on the towers seen earlier. I can't wait to learn about the history of this place. Let's end today with a snippet of an interview featuring George R. R. Martin, where he finally talks about Elden Ring. Enjoy. Now, before you start saying Elden Ring is a sequel to Dark Souls - no. I seriously doubt he accidentally revealed that it's a literal sequel..he obviously just meant that it's But thank you for watching and supporting, and enjoy watching the channel for the next few weeks, as we discuss this game to death. I'll see you soon.
Channel: VaatiVidya
Views: 668,015
Rating: 4.9600558 out of 5
Keywords: guide, walkthrough, lore, dark, souls, remastered, dlc, two, bloodborne, story, vaatividya, vaati, vidya, videos, (video, game), shadows, twice, from, software, sekiro, ringed, city, ashes, ariandel, combat, tips, tricks, elden, ring, trailer, demon's souls, remake, remaster, ps5, playstation 5, exclusive, xbox series x, erdtree, checkpoints, graces, legacy dungeons, demigod, final boss, pot guy, famitsu, wttcchicago, george r r martin, grrm, e3, summer games fest
Id: NJltV720kuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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