Jordan Peterson: Losing all credibility in the funniest way possible

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remember those 50s hat sporting fathers who stayed married supported these men they're doing impossible things supped their families and repressed women well they head I think it's revenge against God for the crime of being what do you mean do what do you mean you what do you mean fromter a they've got another thing coming we'll see who cancels who it's not okay necessary [Music] I told myself I would never talk about politics on this channel but this isn't about politics this was never about politics if the college wants to re-educate me they're more than welcome to try so Dr Jordan B Peterson the B apparently stands for burnt Jordan burnt Peterson Jordan burnt Peterson why would he do [Music] that so if you're unfamiliar Jordan Peterson is your toxic ex-boyfriend's favorite person if you've ever dabbled in anything remotely political or philosophical on this platform known as YouTube you've probably gotten a compilation video recommended to you of this man taking down a triggered feminist with a scolding comeback that kind of content it's a product of it time you can tell that this man's best years are behind him he peaked in the 2017 era of Internet politics 2017 in Internet terms is like looking back at the Bronze Age why was everyone so obsessed with this man in 2017 and what causes you know such a descent into madness retracing the steps of Jordan's legacy and having to remind myself of the existence of this kind of content it's like an archaeologist search in through the old dusty historical documents or you know reading the hieroglyphics of ancient YouTube history on on the cave walls which it doesn't let me just get straight you're saying that we should organize our societies along the lines of the lobsters I'm saying that it's inevitable no I don't want to talk about that Cathy you tried you you tried I'm not here to unpack a 6-year-old interview or unpack this man's politics with history hopefully if you're watching this video you are already aware of Jordan Peterson's existence and if you're not aware then um okay Jordan Peterson is a conservative thinker a professor an author a professional meme a podcaster he's even a licensed psychologist well not for long cuz he's about to lose his license but we'll get into that a bit later so you want to take my license how about no he originally became popular through his opposition to certain Canadian human rights laws regarding gender expression and pronouns likening being forced to call someone by their proper pronouns to postmodern neoism it's just the same pronoun rage that we've seen in recent years sorry did you want to get immersed in our world yeah well guess what [ __ ] pronouns [ __ ] gender ambiguity cuz that's we [ __ ] know cuz we're boring we're so [ __ ] Bor even though I'm making this video I'm not a massive political thinker I'm not going to debate you bro leave me alone leave me alone I'm just a comedian I make videos on the CPO karaoke and the Mattel movies come on man if you want a deep political analysis of Jordan Peterson to sink your teeth into plenty of experts have done that and they've succeeded Jordan has very real ideas ideas that some people used to claim were dangerous dangerous the left but at this point postmodern neomarxism it's just a meme and after 6 or seven years we all know this man's political leanings so I'm not interested in that what I'm interested in is the modern day Jordan Peterson the unhinged Maniac who is slowly come to fruition the already successful man with his crazy suits and H blood pressure God drawn that tie is a bit tight he's red in the face Jesus Christ he looks like he's getting choked this man went from self-help psychologist occasionally mentioning trans people to a Batman villain hormonal treatment sterilization subjugation to a lifetime of expensive medical complication how delightfully profitable is that and misery Jordan Peterson has always been mean worthy he's got a funny voice he cries a lot like like a lot he cries like a lot it's so strange cuz wherever I go it's like I have friends there because I walk down the street and people wave at me and you know they call up my name and well that's my life I have far more than I could ever imagine I didn't think it was possible in certain circles this man has always been you know the butt of a joke but now I just feel so real and so extreme they had a multiple camera setup of this man shouting at the camera we'll see who cels who we'll see who cancels who the man used to talk about cleaning your room and sorting yourself out and going back to politics even the other right-wing grifters are starting to think um Jordan Jordan what the what the hell are you doing what what are you Tweeting at why are you doing this absolutely everything you do CNN is pathetic virtue signal thank God days are Ned the man has had a downfall I want to figure out how and why let's discuss and when I say that I mean me and my friend Herby by the way you can't discuss with us you watch us [Music] discuss so happy Hi how are you welcome to the video I feel like if we had actual microphones this would be like the ultr Chom podcast this is The Unofficial ultracom podcast episode one that's right so we did a video on Jordan Peter sketch we did the ultra Chom sketch on Ultra it's really funny as well the ultra Channel what was the sketch I don't remember what it was we were on the you don't remember no I have no idea what it was we were doing a zoom interview with oh that was funny wasn't it that was really funny yeah that was good um Dr peton I think you're having some connection issues I think you're going to have to turn your camera on hang on wait ah there okay it's nice to talk with you today uh how are you not too bad so you also did a video on geord Peterson oh I did yes I did yes that's good yes so you did a video on Jordan Peterson talking about his book talked about his book Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life is a book that sets out to guide the scummy Lo life of society today so they can find meaning 20th century history indicates as nothing else can you don't the horrors that accompany okay Faith in the idea I think this is the thing about Jord Peterson he'll have like very simple self-help stuff like if you see a cat in the on the road drop the cat he just dresses it in a way with such formality and a a weird can like he's a weird Canadian man which and he's old and he's people think that's wisdom and he presents normal stuff in a way that people think is profound and interesting you know that book that he did though yeah it did launch his career in a way but he also got very popular for talking about trends like there was basically like stuff about transs and pronouns why can you not just respect your students just use the gender neutral pronouns how do you respond to that well first of all I'd have to be convinced that doing so would do more good than harm and I don't believe that to justify my claim I think that the danger that's intrinsic to the law far outweighs whatever potential benefit it might produce especially given that there's no hard evidence whatso for any benefit with regards to respect is that you don't meet people generally speaking in a mutual display of respect you generally meet people in a mutual display of alert neutrality which is the approprate way inter so when we did our past videos in John Peterson yes the ultra chrom sketch and your video right there's always comments of people saying you shouldn't laugh at a man cuz he's crying right he's showing um emotion you say men should show more emotion but you taking the painting the piss out of a man crying I don't think we're laughing at him because he's crying it's like I am it's because it's the way he's crying and also it's the fact that he cries at everything he'll cry because of pin Pinocchio Pinocchio Pinocchio Pinocchio Pinocchio he'd be great uh voice acting in in the Pinocchio Pinocchio father when can I leave to be my own father and that catalyzes the puppet's transformation into a real being and we start as puppets and so the trick is to get rid of your goddamn strings and you remember in Pinocchio he faces a lot of Temptations one is to be a liar the other is to be a neurotic victim oh the whale trapped in the stomach of the whale the whale the Bren frasure of the whale do it do it do it I need to know I need to know that I have done one thing right with my life so I feel like Jordan's meme worthiness is actually a bit of his downfall yeah because even if he makes like a good point mhm which is rare which is very rare especially at this stage you just can't help but laugh cuz he's so it is a he's an internet super villain yeah like B like a Batman villain yeah you know he's orange suits and also I noticed in a lot of videos the high blood pressure as well like his faces gets very puffy and red maybe maybe he's had work done but like it looks like he's tired I think it's the meat diet the meat diet the meat diet that video of him going T joh how's your meat diet and he's going it's horrible are you still eating your all beef diet unfortunately yes really just just beef not can you have like ketchup on it nothing it isn't something I would lightly recommend it's a little hard on your social life makes traveling quite difficult and it's dull as hell but what's it what has it done for you well I lost 50b in 7 months I stopped snoring I had some autoimmune conditions that seem to have gone away so him his daughter did the all meat diet yeah she's still on it is she still on it I think oh I I don't follow them dayto day they did a book about the all meat diet I need to find it cuz I haven't got it in the notes so they did a book together up on this Carnival diet that picture is insane insane it looks like a meme edit it looks like a it does look like so if you look at the scale of it I don't know what they were thinking but Jordan looks like a little wee boy holding his da yeah it does it does cuz look look at the hands as well the hands are crossing mommy M Mommy I think especially in recent years Jordan is just incred unhinged that's the word that I would describe just completely unhinged it still might be regarded as unacceptable to the woke authoritarian moralists who now insist for example that we celebrate pride month not hour or day or week but month and who have literally called it pride month instead of LGBT plus month let the girl with the biggest win do you remember when this man used to write you know self-help books also a side note since I've been editing this video I'm getting recommended a lot more Jordan Peterson content your fertility window is closing the serious face to boil how is this content do people watch this he before he wasn't hinged he was like half hinged he was half hinged and now he's unhinged cuz I feel like there there was something quite innocent when he was a professor talking about um the chaos dragon and Pinocchio but now he's tweeting 50 times a day or [Music] more some do office with drop sings for for resent lights and a disapproval of the self-righteous tyrants hanging heavily in the air he also writes it like poetry MH like it has a what's it called a stanza mhm like they have different Stan BR out your English bring out my English literature DCC but that's the level of tweet that he does you know he he he writes out his tweets on paper first like he a quill a quill yeah with classical music playing a lot of his tweets are responding to news about Justin Trudeau MH meta told him he was this was going to happen and then he insinuated his careless arrogant law then it happened and you prophetic minions moralize in his favor and then of course he respond with a M jpeg of a minion why do you think he has a folder in his pH I think he has a tweets fold he has his um he has his favorites you know you add a heart and you have favorites on an iPhone do you remember this he tweeted out um a water bottle so he tweeted out a picture of a water bottle yeah and he tweeted out with this there are Cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see just like literally just holding a water bottle taking a photo of it you know in 2,000 years they'll look back at this as if it's sacred text oh yeah so there's another tweet here it's in response um about a uh police officer being a bit too political um uh becoming a menace to free speech time to defund them where does he get these images like the thing is he uses this exact image of the Joker M I went for about 12 really I just watched uh uh Yim Phoenix in Joker M and he's a very charismatic actor he's masculine in his features and carved but he's So Graceful every single thing he does in the entire movie is a dance like he's conscious of every single movement he makes every turn of his head is conscious it's danike and you can't take your eyes off it and you have to think is this man on a substance he did have a moment where he he was addicted to um benzo a little bit and then he he went he came away from social media for like a year and he was in hospital cuz I feel like if he was back on a substance his family would intervene like they did back then I feel like he has so many people around him and he has such a history like there's no way they let him carry on if he was this unhinged with a substance I feel like he's just like this [Music] now I don't think that this man is on substances I feel like there is no stronger substance than um pronoun Rage that's yeah [ __ ] prone sorry did you want to get immersed in in our world yeah well guess what [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] gender I'm [Music] begin he hasn't been a practicing psychologist since like 2017 no it's just a it's just a medal of like it's just a a way to prove to himself that he's still useful yeah because of these unhinged tweets and and things like trans Soviet stuff is said just not even on Twitter just everywhere he's having his license taken away his psychologist license no an Ontario Court says the province's College of psychologists had the authority to tell Peterson to take social media training or face possible disciplinary action so it's actually an indefinite sentence conditional only on what on What on what my my compliance by what standard to cap it all off a social media communic expert who the hell is that so you want to take my license is giving we live in a society bottom text honestly I don't know what it's giving it's it's a new kind of but thing he didn't make that thumnail no but also it is the vibe I feel like recent Jordan Peterson does have a kind of very specific vibe that you can't help but laugh at MH and also you want to talk about the opening of this podcast the theic music get it up now CH and Taiwan and other areas in [Music] Asia what [Music] no okay so the thing that gets me is doing this face meanwhile he has interpretive art like faded he loves that one the maps of mean and cover so much so that he literally wears it I like your suit oh thank you isn't it ridiculous yeah it's good you stand out I like it this is giving a young J this though that the crochet um tie you I am student at Toronto University Toronto I am studying psychology a lot people know at least one thing about J Peterson yeah and if someone Lo like looked up out and like saw the recent stuff like what the hell is going like even rightwing people were probably thinking what the hell it's like a weird Grandpa isn't he it really is a weird Grandpa but more of a weird Uncle no no I he a weird Uncle not a weird Grandpa oh look at that man is that a weird Grandpa say I'd say uh weird uh um weird dad do I think he's a fascist no no I don't think that I think he's just a man he's just a man he's just Ken I'm just Ken anywhere else i' be a 10 Jordan Peterson he's got very comfortable he's like this he's like this it's like he's settled in but now he he's he's got to a point where people are going to listen to him whatever he says he's got a cult now it is an echo chamber mhm because I don't think he's ever had the thought of like hold on is what I'm saying like actually true probably not like he's never had that for he's got the old man logic just the stubbornness Jordan peton stubbornness is giv he's giving um P Corin in the uh Audi shop shop and go I'm going to buy some strawberries and I'm offering exactly the right amount of money here on the help desk so you people take that money one 9 and I will take my strawberries I pay by legal tender no no no don't break break I paid by legal tender and I am going out with my I feel like those two men is an example of going through like a kind of another adolescence where you go from like political Professor whatever to just a grumpy old man yeah grumpy old stuck in their ways here's the thing he he'll go on stage and just talk and he'll fill out like the O2 Arena it's just him talking yeah he's literally he's doing the O2 Arena in November yeah should we go should we go just like this should we go yeah no but so the thing is he'll go on stage with a big old chair and it'll be him and his wife one of those old timey chairs that go all the way up there yeah yeah and it be like this you're pretty damn useless and everyone around you would be better off without you and I'm sure many of you have thought that at some point in your life already and are you so sure that you wouldn't have called up the friendly Trudeau government and had them give you a hand just at that point I don't think either of us want to be political people it's just politics and General Media have kind of combined yeah cuz it's like watching a show at this point no it is like watching a show which is why we're interested if you get men like this interesting chaotic people like this you can't help but watch yeah I I never wanted to talk about politics on this channel and my first video was got no teeth Y is this politics so we're talking about Jordan becoming a bit like an old man now um and I feel like he does look quite frail yeah he does like there's this photo of him going like this yeah he's also looking like a super villain I don't know who it's this it's this yeah no it's this mhm it's a we'll see who cancels who we'll see who cancels who you sons of [ __ ] is giving up yours woke moralists we'll see who cancels who tell you about my suit first maybe that maybe you don't first thing you need to know is these are tiny Elon Musk head and I there's something so cringe about making literally making Twitter your entire personality yeah this is oh it's matching shoes as well the super villain that he's playing is like the Twitter man oh I'm the Twitter man instead of question mark yeah bird like birds yeah I wanted them to make me some suits one for each of the rules from 12 rules for life without context and one suit for each rule wait what one suit for each rule so you got 12 suits one suit for stroking a cat are you serious yeah what was that going to be so I got a special suit for the for the rule of Life the stroking cat rule of life I'm dressed as a furry extremely hard and extremely creatively to make me these crazy suits and so it's been kind of fun to wear them I actually turns out I like this I didn't think I would necessarily this kind of powder blue that's probably so smelly he's probably it 50 times the white has gone yellow wait what is this no but it is quite sad like you know John Peterson he helps like men who need very very basic self-help stuff but also he hasn't done that for years Al so does he really do anything with that let's be honest I think he did back in the day like like 12 rules for life is like very basic but I think it does help some people you want to get your fear behind you pushing you and so what you want to be is afraid more afraid of not pursuing your goals than you are of pursuing them it was also an insistence that all of a sudden this non-athletic body type is as beautiful as the standard swimsuit model for Sports Illustrated and it's not it's not as athletic and it's not as healthy and that's that no not everyone's young and healthy and no not everyone is a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model period and [ __ ] you if you don't like it it's the little Kermit voice it's the crying all the time it's the the rambling like he'll go on Joe Rogan and just like talk to himself mhm with no 4 hours no why more reason it actually makes no sense but he tricks me I think that's what the problem is you put this one man on a pedestal to a point where he can talk to himself like a crazy person for 4 hours and get paid like Millions for it so watching a freak Show there's a clip of him on Jo Ren going sergeon vampire werewolf five Cate ories of man vampire werewolf pirate surgeon billionaire vampire that's a good one warwolf billionaire pirate and surgeon pirate surgeon billionaire vampire and pilot oh no not pilot werewolf werewolf was the fifth one I wonder what be every day for John Peters say wakes up he wakes up he does this he puts his feet in the slippers and they go his feet go yes he goes and then he goes Wu make me lunch cuz he wakes up at 12 yeah he's popping pills and he doesn't make his bed know he he wakes up has a pepper armi so H where can people find you this seat right here how do you solve John Peterson well I think he just needs love and attention and and that will steer him in the right way this is info card up here that's my channel it's actually the other the other side here you do that again here is the info card for my channel click no no do it again do the this is me wait no do it again click me can you do it again quick here I am no no is is that corner this one yep here I am what the hell are we going to do without men Herby everyone isn't he amazing her's a little Golden Nugget of content that nobody really knows about yet he's really funny and he happens to be my best friend so it's a legal requirement for you to go check him out I've even appeared in some of his videos and we even have a whole Channel together so anyway okay um back on topic how do I end this video okay Jordan mostly appeals to you know lonely insults who crave the touch of a loving partner and go honestly relatable but that's just what made Jordan popular you know being a self-help help man but now when was the last time this man actually helped someone probably way back in 2017 is manically screaming about Elliot pagee helping the youth no no it's not no Jordan in the now famous channel for interview from his pop off era in 2017 he once said in order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive okay yeah okay maybe that's reasonable okay maybe in order to question some things you have to you know lightly push back against some certain ideas you in order to create some Nuance but I think we're past this point J risking being offensive is out the [ __ ] window does this look like a man who's lightly pushing back against ideas I was recently in Albania go to Albania you despicable neoc communist moralizers and see if you dare to continue your propagandizing and self-aggrandisement so ashamed of her breasts that she lets a mackan psychopath cut them off no this is a man consumed by his own narcissism he's posting Minions on Twitter and the whole point of this video is to ask how could something like this happened okay hear me out Jordan he's a simple man and to be honest he really needs to talk to his inner child you know because you know what I see when I see Jord Peterson I see a boy a boy who's obsessed we're talking about dragons and Pinocchio and Fairy Tales the Dragon is this terrible thing it's this terrible predatory thing that lives forever and is very very wise and it lives underground and it'll kill you it'll burn you up in a second and but it Hoards gold and so you have to go there into the Dragon's Lair if you're going to get the gold okay so what happens is Pinocchio ends up not only at the bottom of the ocean but he has to go to the deepest part of the bottom of the ocean where the most terrible thing rests so now you might ask how did japeto get in the whale and the answer to that is it's never really made that clear in the movie he teaches him to smoke first that doesn't go very well so Pinocchio takes a huge drag on a cigar here's how someone like Jordan's career usually plays out he's a smart man he's written some self-help books some men out there feel really motivated by him and obviously you know he has a drive to want to help people and he has a very distinct method of drawing you in you watch a lecture of him and he starts with something like very broad that everyone can appeal to governs hunger for example so if you're hungry you posit the existence of something that will satiate your appetite a peanut butter sandwich and then you're happy when you're moving towards the kitchen yes I feel hunger yeah I I can make my life better yes I I feel the hunger I want the peanut butter sandwich the dragon Hoards treasure everywhere the dragon is an amalgam of predatory stimuli and fire which is a destructive force dragon is something like predatory destructive entity you might say well is that real it's like well yeah but it's a meta category it's like there are lions and Raptor okay Jordan this is getting a bit this is getting a bit a bit crazy now what are you talking about see Jordan you're very good at motivation but now you're just talking about a chaos Dragon what are you talking about Jordan and this diagram from your book just doesn't make any sense but here's the other thing listening to Jordan Peterson makes people feel smart have you ever been in say a classroom or a lecture and damn you feel you feel so smart for a second God you you just love learning you really get in the groove right now you really you're really connecting with what he's saying and then the teacher pulls out this and starts about archetypes but you keep nodding cuz you guess it makes sense this isn't in the textbook but okay maybe maybe I get it I don't I don't get it but okay maybe it maybe it makes sense it doesn't make sense this is what Jordan Peterson does he's a professional talker he talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks and even if the stuff he saying just sounds like nonsense he'll keep going because everyone around him wants to feel smart by listening to him the teacher from earlier who pulled out that weird diagram imagine in that same class he gets so confident that everyone understands him he eventually starts talking about tr's people what how do we get here but he's looking at you you have to keep nodding he's he's the teacher just just take notes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah trans people yeah yeah oh now because of you nodding the teacher has now become so big bigheaded he has signed on to the Daily wire so now because of his academic status Jordan Peterson is a victim of his own Echo chamber going on a podcast and basically just talking to yourself the whole time everything he says is correct how can he possibly be wrong because so many people you know look up to him how can he be wrong this is now where the memes come in the the reason that white people are inferior is because they don't have enough melanin in their skin I just don't see what the hell's racist about dressing up like a Mexican Mexicans have a now that Jordan has shown such insane behavior and rightly been made fun of for that we start to see The Man Behind the intellect the man skitso posting about cathedrals in his water bottle this all being said I feel like it's a very easy excuse to pass this all off as the ramblings of an insane person because no this is just bigotry this is what transphobic bigotry does to your brain I feel like if modern day Jordan Peterson met 2017 Jordan Peterson they'd have a very lengthy conversation and there would probably be some you know some tears well now if Jordan does in fact lose his psychologist license he loses his status as an intellectual he just becomes you know an ordinary citizen no longer Dr Peterson he's Uncle Jordan in the Town Square raving about the rat the rats and the rat goes like this and the rat goes like this the rats are all like this the rat goes like this so the rats like this and the rat goes like this the normal rat is like this that's the normal rat like this and and the rat and the vle like this it sniffs it's like this for quite a while it's like this and then maybe he sniff is this the rats are all like this the rat goes like this so the rat like this it's like this for quite a while it's like this then you are now a normal R is this the r like this the r gos like this so RS like this
Channel: Joseph Fisher
Views: 50,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Media Analysis, essay, video essays, Commentary, jordan peterson, jordan peterson downfall, internet politics, political commentary, jordan peterson impression, peterson university, jordan peterson crying, jordan peterson deep dive, unhinged, jordan peterson tweets, jordan peterson meltdown, mikhaila peterson, herbie.e, 12 rules for life, comedy
Id: K0R8Hkar6b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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