The TikTok Star Who Fooled The Internet | The Lovely Peaches Saga

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if you tell my mother your story because I hope the lady trackers charges on me don't you see this so let me tell you what really happened that night maybe some problems buddy have us in this situation now I can crop and be serious they drop their split uncle in the bad blood all over my pillows little over my sheets did I press charges against me for survivors charge of the summer [Music] [Music] as humans we are innately intrigued by what we consider to be abnormal it would seem our morbid curiosities tend to get the best of us even in times when it's the least appropriate whether we like it or not everybody loves a good train wreck you don't have to be a good boy all the time what better place to observe such catastrophes than social media which directly enables the very behavior we both condemn and relish it's almost impossible for us to simply ignore the outlandish especially when it's entertaining just as we are often compelled to turn our heads towards a gruesome accident on the highway we can't help but gravitate towards the strange and bizarre personalities the doc you by our Instagram feeds a phenomenon that has given prominence to one of the most infamous names on the Internet's lovely peaches I want to [ __ ] a man while his right fist on the other side of the room crying as he eats my delicious [ __ ] in front of her very eyes hug daddy your wife don't taste this good does she okay so I sense if this guy's virginity yesterday he's nice yes hello I was wondering if proactive will work on my genital herpes how does it feel knowing that your first time [Music] [Music] Brittany Johnson is a 19 year old social media personality whose rise to fame in 2016 to 2017 can be attributed to the barrage of psychotic acts she broadcast to the internet under the alias lovely peaches of course she's had to change her name a couple of times after being suspended for you know drinking toilet water eating poop I prefer green green poop other than any other poop like when my poop is green like I cannot even help myself making out with the dog you know just have you do she hasn't rung any bells yet she's also responsible for the critically acclaimed tick tock single itching and burning my [ __ ] be burning itching burning itching itching and burning itching and burning it be burning itching burning it's no matter how bad a [Music] yeah what was once a incoherent snapchat ramble eventually became one of the most popular sounds on tick-tock as if I'd expect any less from such don't worry though her influence reaches far beyond that one song because that's not the only one of her Instagram ramblings to be turned into a tick-tock trend and you're gonna get a feel for the power points smelly everybody does did everybody I wish like I could cook and just like fart on my food I didn't eat it because it would taste really good grab your coochie in three words it she Bernie and smelly so it's funny because it's not I don't know dude like yeah I get it she's weird she's easy to laugh at I guess she gives these kids something to latch on to and that can only remain harmless for so long because it's this type of public aggrandizing that perpetuates whatever mental problems may already be there and basically depends on a price how much they're gonna charge me for a feature Annie Frank I mean she's pretty famous so who knows how much she's gonna charge me I wish I could sit here and easily tell you where she came from and how long she's been around but truthfully nobody knows the answer to that the history of lovely peaches is almost as much of a mystery as her obsession with human feces according to her though she's been running away from home since age 15 and appears to have been Motel hopping since and after poking around a bit I was able to find what looks to be an old YouTube channel dating almost four years back which I assumed was one of her first official social media outlets where only a handful of videos are currently listed including such titles as my first video followed by I deleted all of my social media I've decided I'm better off dead and finally I should have done this a long time ago a response to online bullying that I guess didn't last long since she posted this the next day I got a very stinky so it's hard to get a read on it my really sexy and incredibly hot friend Primack covered lovely peaches on his channel last year where he did bring up a pretty good point peaches entire internet presence seems to revolve around two types of content one that consists of pretty harmless yet still ridiculous types of troll videos where she just kind of acts Adam and messes with people and another that isn't that hello are you there are you there if he asked me there's a pretty considerable difference between pretending to acts stupid and a Q&A in flashing your vagina at a kid on Instagram live I mean this is a woman who constantly post videos of her sexual encounters with men streams herself sucking dick even hooking up with married men but I get I get that's a lot so you know we'll get into that in a little bit because when I went down this rabbit hole I wanted to know how did peaches even get to this point why was she followed and supported by so many huge influencers on social media what caused this well I have to say it's pretty simple when you boil it down kids obviously what do you think it's no secret that kids are not hard to entertain you show them something insane like a woman trying to fight her alter ego on camera and they're probably gonna want more like a moth attracted to a bug light they can't get enough of what will probably hurt them in the long run before she went completely viral on tick-tock peaches was no stranger amongst an Twitter thanks to her reaction means and is just overall bizarre reputation plus she's a barb so yeah that probably helped Mickey is the queen and she always will be I'll know why you hating on her she's a queen a ramp she was funny she could never be replaced you have to admit it is a pretty impressive feat to maintain such a massive audience for so long and despite all of her account terminations she posts all the time mostly with the same song the same song just Oliver take theis the same same song [Music] [Music] the fact that she was able to get so big off of this really is a testament to not only her own entertainment value but also the type of audience were dealing with here she's even used her reputation to launch a seemingly legitimate music career in the same vein as wove icky or lillte if I wasn't so concerned for her mental state I'd say it was genuinely well played I mean her voice is actually pretty good but I'm afraid there are some deeper layers to lovely peaches that are just too glaring to go unrecognized on March 1st is 2018 when peaches was just 17 years old she had a child named Cora miracle my third trimester now now at this point peaches had already established a pretty sizable reputation she had a name for herself as you could imagine an audience of a couple hundred thousand people were pretty thrilled upon hearing the news and just like any young mother the birth of her child fundamentally impacted her life on an unmeasurable scale just not the way that you would think but before we get into this tale of wonder we do have the sponsor rake on this is definitely not the first time I've mentioned rake on in a video but that's because I think they're ear buds are genuinely good I wouldn't keep pushing them if I thought otherwise I actually like them especially because they started around half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market yet they still sound just as great as any other top brand you know they're good for exercising and working from home even listening to podcasts like Susan's boys hosted by the right opinion into myself with it six hours of play time a seamless bluetooth pairing bodacious colors quality bass in a sleek compact design that gives a nice noise isolating fit click the link in the description below to get 15% off your order huge thanks again the lovely people a TRACON for helping me out during these trying times speaking of triangle let's see lovely peaches try and pull off the biggest and most controversial lie of her career hello good morning I don't really like this video needs that much of an introduction I just want to talk about a few things I made this page specifically for that issues now this YouTube channel will be based off of the story of Cora miracle and what really happened to her a lot of assumptions were made up about the situation you know people they just assume things and they run with it it didn't take long for peaches language towards her infant daughter to become more and more unusual drifting into rather distressing waters pretty quickly okay where nobody says nobody can show me how I should treat my child you know why because she's mine and I brought her into this world and I hope she sees this - I brought you into this world home she's a big second ho all she do is get [ __ ] on [ __ ] day she's a ho ho I love to watch my baby girl get [ __ ] to her [ __ ] [ __ ] car to get away from men now if you haven't noticed lovely peaches is a very erratic unpredictable individual whose intentions can oftentimes be difficult to interpret you never really know when she's being sincere so some of her fans found it fairly easy to disregard the many threats against Cora's life but with the sense of apathy came a level of genuine concern as peaches began making physical threats against her daughter on a regular basis I ate your [ __ ] plate man I'm your [ __ ] mother [ __ ] I don't care that - two years old [ __ ] I won't [ __ ] kill you in this [ __ ] room [ __ ] don't [ __ ] tell me like that or at home I thought of her she'd always finds me I was gonna bop her on her [ __ ] and I did I pressed a whole [ __ ] I got a confidence vote according to countless video streams Instagram caption peaches was said to have admitted to licking her daughter's genitals in addition to slapping and throwing her against the wall to cut my amidst further calls of peaches disgusting the prostitution of her one-year-old child leaving many onlookers beside themselves no she's not a virgin she first lost her virginity at four months I was like she has sex at least maybe about five times in her life [Music] okay even if this was all just an elaborate joke the graphic nature of what was being depicted was enough to elevate mild concern into full-on outrage and rightfully so fans began frantically contacting CPS as Instagram celebrities began raising awareness around social media with the help of youtubers like Jacqueline Hill and candy Johnson it wasn't until then that the police were notified and subsequently confirmed to the masses that Korra miracle was never in any danger at all in fact it was revealed that peaches didn't even have custody of her daughter who was remaining under the watchful eye of her grandfather safe and sound well she was like a month and a half old she was constantly flirting with my boyfriend and she did it for literally months like he would change her diaper she will be flirting with him and it was at this point that we discovered peaches had run away from home early 2018 her whereabouts unknown to her family who were said to have little to no internet access with this information in mind another piece of the puzzle seemed to fit right into place with her daughter staying the same age throughout many months of Instagram posts something was clearly out of the ordinary with peaches herself cycling through only a handful of images she had evidently taken before running away from home she never had access to her child after abandoning her yet that's clearly not what she wanted people to believe but was she insane or trying to manipulate her fans for clouds truthfully I don't know if the answer is that simple peach is absolutely an attention-seeker I mean I'd say it's pretty obvious that she enjoys all publicity whether that be negative or otherwise but when we take a closer look we recognize the hollowed-out shell of a desperate individual practically screaming for help peaches comes from an unfortunate background one that we don't particularly know a lot about but I feel like the clues presented over the past couple years paints a rather dark picture one that depicts lovely peaches not as an insane monster but rather a victim of circumstances beyond her control okay let's just take a moment to celebrate me okay so I ran away sunday will be a month this is my eighth time on it away I start running away at 13 I run away at 13 14 15 two times at 16 and I think that's my I'm 17 now and I can't keep up what I'm typing I'm right away but it's been eight times anyways coming up will be a month that I've been missing this time and I'm pretty excited I'm going to throw an old party or whatever of course that's not to excuse any of the heinous things she's done on camera but it does provide at least a little bit of an explanation from what we know her mother committed suicide when peaches was just 15 years old roughly around the same time she was running away from home based off evidence uploaded to her social media as well as loose retellings from peaches herself it was during her late teens that she allegedly fell victim to sex trafficking there are signs from education to occupation that suggests she comes from a very rough home locked in a short lovely Peter's was basically recently assaulted so she claimed that she was assaulted there was a site that said that she was a 17 year old prostitute as he booked her - you know how his way with her he then bought two more men in the room and as those two more men came in the room it was three of them they came in ran up on her assaulted her and she even posed like stuff on her story after a happy we don't know the full extent to which she could have been exploited through human trafficking but I do suspect there was something there since she didn't become a prostitute until after she escaped or I say prostitute if she was underage then bewray but we don't have enough of a concrete timeline here to prove anything as evident by heard testimony from 2019 peaches was assaulted by several pimps in what she thought was meant to be a standard session with a client I was sex trafficking around January mostly on our rent remember that story but long story short there pimps and they pimp out a lot of young girls most of their girls are young girls like me who don't really have a place to go I was homeless for a while I got away from them and I hope someone else get away as well anyways I did a video always going on and how are you sex trafficking and abusive things of that nature I can only assume these men who were involved with sex trafficking were aware of her internet presence and were able to track her whereabouts accordingly she was quick to vent about the alleged encounter moments after it occurred on Instagram live now you go through things you cry about it and yeah like a mass feed and I feel better now you know human trafficking generates an estimate of about a hundred and fifty billion dollars per year on a global scale making peaches one of around a million girls who fall victim to such a demented fate on an annual basis the target of this industry tend to be women who come from poverty stricken backgrounds those with no one to look after them are subsequently sold into prostitution marriage or forced labor with over half of reported cases from 2018 involving minors this is an issue that transpires geographical boundaries it's a problem that can be found in just about every country on the planet across an abundance of states and counties proving once more that this sick lifestyle is far from exclusive to lovely peaches she just happens to have a massive audience in addition to that of corporate sponsorships and endorsements hardly work to remedy the situation yeah she's a terrible person to look up to she doesn't deserve the influence she has but because she's pulling enough numbers companies are willing to pay for promo just as peaches has taken advantage of fans to promote her abhorrent content peaches herself has been taken advantage of by a system that actively works to keep her down as much as she's a troll she's also a victim and although I do feel for her situation we shouldn't let our sympathy blind us from the fact that she is still a mentally unwell person roaming freely across social media and the real world alike hi I'm a huge fan you please start as soon as possible I'm in the back of security both bro how did you even get the address on the internet I came for bat-beam hey babe a big girl like that [ __ ] we go you won't behind the police have already been notified she will be arrested when she's caught I will be coming as a fan I was coming up and we're talking about the cleaner rap okay I don't know why the other house she went to had her on camera and didn't notify their security I can't answer that but she will be held accountable she did okay you may find it easy to laugh at peaches it's understandable at first glance though the deeper you delve the more depressing her story becomes on one hand this is a woman who is in clear need of mental assistance she shouldn't be trusted to roam the streets unsupervised let alone carry the heavy burden that comes with being as famed as she is whether she's receiving praise or criticism she's getting exactly what she wants which is the grand conundrum of this entire situation we can't just ignore a party so chaotic and unstable in nature with an audience of 700,000 followers that's just not feasible at this time the people in her life can only do so much to guide her in whatever they think is the right direction while onlookers like us can only judge and observe whatever she puts on the Internet lovely peaches will be commended mocked and criticized for as long as she's cashing in on public shock value but above all else I am afraid the direness of her circumstances will be downplayed by her fans for the remainder of her online presence hopelessly tormented by an audience responsible for the attention she can't seem to live without [Music]
Channel: j aubrey
Views: 2,153,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lovely peaches, lovely, peaches, lovelypeachesmusic100, tiktok, malu trevejo, malu, woah vicky, cora miracle, lovelypeaches, lovely peaches tiktok, the story of lovely peaches, bhad bhabie, malu trevejo live, ig live, peaches and malu, bhad bhabie peaches, lovelypeachesmusic 100, primink, fooled the internet, tiktok star, j aubrey, commentary, funny
Id: lMLV1yxzfFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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