The Shameless Spiral of Shallon Lester (Ft. The Right Opinion)

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isn't it more fun to be the Victoire than the victim I think so see how these things might seem innocuous or even like fully early if you're a fan and you encounter me someplace feel free to ask to make out I'll probably do it it's because she lies and she gas lights her fans keep it up keep making me money [Music] so as you've probably been able to tell this is gonna be a long one so I just want to get something quick out of the way before we start the right opinion and I finally got our podcast Susan's boys up on Spotify so links to that are gonna be in the description below if you want to hear us flirt first we've done three episodes so far but plan to go weekly from here on out probably maybe let's see that's pretty much it be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and let's begin you may remember a youtuber named Nicole Arbour and if you don't lucky you do you're fat people only one person can get you out of depression holding you accountable for your own feelings and for your own life did it come from psychos eating bats did it come from some Chinese food evil-looking orgy or are we all just realizing now that China is filthy the comedian / youtuber / bottom feeder who has been repeatedly lambasted by the internet for her blunt and unfunny material directed towards fat people women those with mental disabilities and just about any races people you can think of now there's a reason her career has plummeted in recent years and it's not just on account of how blatantly uncreated she is it's because Nicole Arbour displays a transparent superficial attitude veiled in a thin layer of charm and charisma an unflattering trait that probably won't get you very far in the entertainment industry because as much as content creators love to hide who they really are when the curtains close and the lights dim a cold smug frame of mind will do little to assist your journey into mainstream stardom as any viewer with a half functioning brainstem will be quick to see through the disgusting sense of self-importance so casually emulated through a computer screen a cruel reality that Shallon Lester has yet to embrace he has anxiety maybe because you're stuffing your body full of things like acid but maybe he's Unum press can a bad guy change Shallon lester describes herself as a writer and youtube personality who covers a wide range of topics on her channel from dating advice to biting commentary on today's most prevalent a list celebrities her consistent uploads have collected tens of millions of views since 2008 so it's safe to say she's been on the scene for a long time whether it's sharing the most responsible advice on relationships what do you do when you can't just settle for one man you have to have many many men today I'm gonna teach you how to cheat and get away with it or making educated assumptions on people who suffer from anxiety and the thing that I had a problem with with Pete was not that he's bipolar not great not that he's got borderline personality disorder also not great but that he doesn't care to fix any of it but yeah I'm getting ahead of myself who really is this glorified wine mom and how is she managed to make so many people mad in such a short amount of time for that we're gonna have to start at the beginning one thing to note about Shallon is her capability of fabricating information in general as well as just her personal past she doesn't exactly like people knowing her age for example it's why she's moved heaven and earth trying to hide the actual number of trips she's made around the Sun thirty-nine she's as she's 39 years old despite claiming to be 35 there's an interview that's still online where this interviewer calls her 28 in 2011 that would make her 37 right now which is still older than the 35 were getting but still not the truth you see that she'll enlist her graduated high school in 1999 so if she was really 35 that means she graduated high school at around 14 I think the final proof of all of this is that she'll and herself confirmed on the Flickr photo on her account full of pictures of herself that her 24th birthday occurred in the year 2005 Howell Esther is 39 years old weird but make sense later she actually wrote a myriad of teen novels during her mid-20s along with a memoir aptly titled X's and O's a downtown girls mostly awkward tales of love lust revenge and a little Facebook stalking catchy but it wasn't until 2010 when Shannon's career really took off with her own MTV reality show downtown girls I really couldn't tell you the plot of this show because I really don't care and neither did anyone else since it only got one season which is fine because Shallon had a couple of day jobs lined up posting vlogs on archaic blogging sites and writing a series of articles on in addition to working as an editor for a fringe magazine and a gossip columnist for another this was of course in between filming these weird kissing tutorials for Howcast you did a lot of these the key to giving a good kiss with a lot of tongue ironically is to be very sparing with how you use your tongue I mean whatever pays the bills I guess even if that includes her regular appearances on the Windy Williams Show Star Magazine give it up for Shady get that bag sis but the highest point in her career the magnum opus that she references and oh so many of her YouTube videos is her esteemed title as an editor for Star Magazine you know those garbage tabloids you see near the checkout at Costco yeah she kind of uses her former position at star to justify any of the bizarre claims she happens to make against the celebrities she talks about on YouTube if you haven't been able to tell by now Shalin loves drama in fact it seems to find her wherever she goes let's pull out the posters the women of BTS look at these people look at this one I don't know which one he is you for an Asian man you to look like a girl named Ashley is it weird that I think Asian people should be allowed to location how do you guys tell these people apart because Shaolin has effectively dedicated her entire adult life to speculating about celebrity she's never met it would appear she's adopted this weird false sense of authority when it comes to providing commentary and of course when I say commentary I mean unnecessary personal attacks masked as insider information I used to be the editor Star Magazine and so many of our stories were about Ellen and Portia to the point that I was like who the hell oh my god who the hell cares Peter Griffin voice I can't stand Selena Gomez why not because she's got an autoimmune disease not because she struggle with substance abuse issues and she continues to still drink and do drugs probably it's because she lies and she gas lights her fans so if you're here to be like oh sweet alone [ __ ] she is alone now that her job is strictly YouTube based it would make sense that Shallon no longer has access to the sources she may have had working at stars poor anorexic long-suffering Portia and the what Ellen did to her allegedly allegedly that was always so bad was that she refused to let this woman have a baby all she wants is just a baby it's not like Ellen would have to carry it in her body or even like it just sucks with her to do it like they could literally go out and purchase one right so the bar for clinical psychopathy is a score of 30 or higher Ted Bundy scored a 39 so maybe she's not Ted Bundy level 39 but do you want to deal with someone who's even level 25 no obviously Ellen isn't the greatest person alive I've got my own problems with her but I don't know if that justifies such a bold assumption especially when you point to absolutely zero evidence especially when there are real criticisms to be made on ellen degeneres decided to hire non-union staff to oversee the lockdown shows out of all of her loyal crew members only four were given work during the pandemic this decision landed Ellen in hot water with fans who didn't understand why she would do this to people that have backed her tirelessly he's a lot to talk about so it doesn't make much sense to pull something out of your ass so blatantly but because Shaolin is a sensationalist at heart that's just the type of hyperbolic slander you're going to find throughout her catalog of repulsive content her videos as a whole suck okay she just rambles with no editing but where was I going with this what were they talking about so like I said how anyone is able to sit through this garbage is beyond me well at least my mom's on the legal immigrant lease if I call ice they're not going to send my family back to whatever [ __ ] country I came here but it's important to remember shall uns roots Shallon lester is the embodiment of overdramatized clickbait riddled with exaggerated and even downright fabricated materials she's used to the world of libelous tabloid headlines normal people which is right off his fire kindling a format that hasn't translated to youtube as well as she may have hoped just going through some of these videos I am shocked that she hasn't been sued by anyone yet I've heard from a very very lovely source that the reason she needs needs to have all of these kids is because she needs a child for every abortion that she had and she had like seven abortions and so she feels like she owes life God whoever like a baby to balance out her since what where are you getting this hey I mean yeah I'd love to say Angelina Jolie adopts a child for every abortion she has that'd be hilarious but it's not grounded in anything that's speculation I could speculate that Shallon Lester as thirsted after men ten years younger than her but that doesn't make it true I mean it is true but that's a completely unrelated and don't get me wrong I speculate from time to time I'm sure you do too we all formulate our own half-baked hypotheses of the people we criticize but the problem with xiaolin isn't her assumptions it's the narrative she attempts to create around rumors that stem from flimsy or otherwise non-existent sources if her theory on ellen degeneres for example turned out to be false than any assertion she makes beyond that would fall apart I don't know enough about Ellen and her history because I don't [ __ ] care she admits to not knowing enough about Ellen and a video devoted to the implication that Ellen is a psychopath you see a problem here more often than not she seems to work backwards from her own conclusions which may turn out to be a bigger mistake than Shallon realizes but don't take my word for it hear what my flamboyant confidant has to say on the matter thank you John what a pleasure it is to be back on this channel boy have I missed these aesthetic background so without further ado I suggest we just get into it I've been given the briefing that we are looking at Chinon Lester and some of her values I'm aware that there's blonde with her and was contemplating my own video eventually but when we agreed I actually didn't know a single thing about him so when John sent me Exhibit A one of Shawn's evil week videos with the preface that I'd be using it as a springboard to draw some conclusions about her approach to creating this content I was actually quite intrigued I started contemplating the possibilities maybe she'd go for Machiavelli revel in the evilness would be appropriate an intellectual level of detachment that his doctrines of contain of course would she deliver on my high tea expectations but where was I going with this so like I said no the video that introduced me to her was how to cheat and not get caught a rather immoral concept on principle given that loyalty is one of the most valued aspects of a relationship typically but you know what it was evilly give me some of that evil Shallon I know you guys are tired of getting manipulated I hear it all the time you're tired of getting cheated on so is the answer to become the thing you fear and hate the most a cheater it can't be I've may need to lay down but today we're not gonna talk about people cheating on us a Sara Lee we're gonna talk about cheating on them but I bring all this up because look if you're cheating to hurt your partner just leave girl literally just leave just leave because ostensibly you want to cheat and like not get caught but if you want to cheat and get caught on purpose you're gonna play yourself because then you're the bad guy so let's say your boyfriend is a shitbird and you really have legitimate reasons for getting revenge on him and like sticking it to him if you go out and take up the mantle of the villain you blow your position you blow the only leverage you have and victim mentality you know we talk about that usually on this channel we're talking about good things and positivity about how toxic victim mentality is and how much it sucks and how annoying it is for everyone around you but it's really useful when your boyfriend sucks you know you have to hang on to that victim narrative back to your power and not your leverage okay but let's say you fall in to the first category of cheaters I was talking about people who just kind of like boys that was always sort of my thing like I love ways and I'm boy crazy and I have been since I was like six right okay this is a rather strange video I think the first problem is that she just goes too far out of her way to justify what she's going to be talking about her goodness sake shut on its evil week behavior is inherently unjustifiable just tell me how to be a bastard and I think that's also what bothers me by justifying it to the extent that she does she's making it easier for the viewer to justify it in their heads so like I said if you are just like oh you can't kind of resist you're sort of like a kid in a candy store maybe you're studying abroad maybe you guys are like in a long-distance relationship maybe you love him but he works a lot and you're just like I don't know I just really like making out with boys okay first of all keep your goddamn mouth shut it's like she's tacitly endorsing the behavior as they sometimes necessary outcome of circumstances despite acknowledging that its basis is personal greed this part isn't even evil it's just really pathetic horniness she then assumes the position as your personal infidelity coach continuing to write off all those weird friends you have with their pesky moral compasses you think you know your friends and you think they're loyal to you but people have very different morality in terms of cheating first of all I wouldn't die my friends out to god herself like I keep their secrets forever and we got a lot of them but some people are not like that like some people who come from a family where dad cheated on mom and facey cheating it's like when it's like a Vietnam flashback like they cannot handle it they will sell you out so it's really really important to keep your crimes on the down-low loose lips sink ships but this sort of content to even remotely work you have to accept that you are the scumbag if you got in your way to justify the actions too much it looks like you're more over insecure about your character with shallow may well be she admits herself she has cheated multiple times and I appreciate her transparency but her personal investment really taints whatever entity and value this video would have for example shown on tells people that if they're cheating on their significant other they should keep their mouth shut because of those moral compasses but then she goes off on a tangent about how people aren't entitled to full transparency something which yes is true but isn't really a justification for the former statements you also need to keep it quiet from your boyfriend and I know that sounds obvious I know that sounds obvious but I get a lot of messages from you guys where it's like my boyfriend dumped me or we were on a break and I went to a club and made out with this guy and I feel so guilty because now we're back together should I tell him I'm like no are you no oh transparency is baloney transparency is capitulation of control I don't tell anybody everything certainly not a boy that I'm dating are you out of your mind I didn't tell my husband everything I never told my husband how old I was I mean he figured it out but like that to me is information I don't like to share I would rather like share my pap smears oh that's just and that's me and that's my line in the sand you know and like you have the right to have your own information stay with within you when you go out with a guy you don't have to tell him your whole history you don't have to tell him that like you were married or what no one is owed access to your stories okay and certainly not your boyfriend people who do shitty things wouldn't admit to them not because of the sister slae attitude of you not having to answer to no man or woman they don't admit to it because they'd lose out on the benefit of doing that shitty thing or because they don't think the son would understand it however not satisfied we're just telling you how to keep it on the DL just goes full into how to be an awful person period and this is truly evil this is evil are you guys ready for it you got to start gaslighting him that is the tool of a cheater and so we are used to seeing gas fighting as like a guy calling you crazy but really it is anyone who tells you that you are not observing what you are very much observing right so we can come in a lot of forms I don't know where you're making such a big deal out of this it's no like there it comes in a lot of forms so try to employ it in as many different subtle and amorphous ways as you can right and that's the thing this isn't someone who's horny due to a boyfriend who isn't around enough this is something much worse so after planting the seed the song could mess around because their spouses working at the time she's now talking about tactics which are true to the word evil but the way she creates a slippery slope to logically justify the actions is absolutely foul if you want to give your thoughts on how to be an evil bastard okay do it but don't blur the lines between the two because otherwise you're deceiving people into thinking they have justification to do something much worse than you may present it make sure you define the circumstances from the specific action or response but shaolong dozen and therefore if you're watching a video you will probably end up feeling rather uncomfortable why are you talking to Garrett up in the pool for two hours what are you guys doing I'm just literally doing nothing I you were at work I don't know that's because they're doing something bad and when people are criminals they see crime everywhere right so if your boyfriend starts to get suspicious or even before he does start to Gaslight him this is Eve like this has given me a sick feeling in my chest because I don't like telling this with Sean's personal investment the video just comes across as a complete failure to fans you idolize her her inserting yourself into these situations may make otherwise untenable positions seem more justifiable to them but to people who don't it just makes shaolin's actions and behaviors seem incredibly objectionable which is where the majority of audience consensus lies though this is post stigma but it's okay guys she just wants to prevent you from being cheated on but again I want you to use this to spot people like this in your life I don't want you to go out and cheat on people because like I said it's lits you into two it's really hard on yourself and society doesn't love a cheater that's not a fun thing to have to admit to other people order yourself it isn't like you don't sleep great at night being like I've cheated on people who trusted me it's awful it's awful and it's awful to be cheated on you know but at least when you're cheated on you're the victim when you're the cheater you're the bad guy she Mansour's this at the start of the video and at the end as if it's this cushion for what she's talking about and if it was if this was her genuine intention then this was the wrong way to do it there was a show called the real hustle which I used to watch growing up it was pretty damn entertaining and it would show people how scams worked by carrying them out on the unsuspecting public as well as this it held the narrative that the purpose of these demonstrations was so that people could identify them in real life now I always found this justification kind of sketchy but I could at least understand it because a lot of these scams relied on technical details that could be identified detached from the realm of personal perception and it was presented from a third-party perspective so this is what I mean because scheduling is a big shift in terms of behavior it's like she doesn't come home now and like I don't know where she goes after school and blah blah blah so you want to sign up for like two things say one's like a pottery class okay you're doing pottery like every day after work then you're gonna be like oh I'm also doing like CrossFit and like it's hard to get in so sometimes the only classes are like eight to nine it's so annoying and actually do that so that it there's plausible you know there's a realism to your lies you're coming home you're sweaty or whatever it's like you're your body's changing you can like give normal accountable details because you're actually there the problem is that as shallow notes herself the key to cheating successfully is to make your behaviors appear as ordinary as possible to give your partner as little cause for suspicion I know it's part of the branding for evil week but if you really want to help people you have to be quite specific regarding identifying this sort of behavior otherwise you're just promoting unhealthy relationship paranoia especially for what could be normal conduct such as taking up a new pastime or preventing someone from overreacting to a situation she's going halfway to try and say oh well there is actually a moral for this video it just seems incredibly disingenuous like sis it's evil week if you feel bad about inspiring people to do shitty things then don't make the damn video if you want to help someone identify gaslighting then you have to cater to their perspective rather than speak about it generally from the point of a cheetah slash abuser I am only a mirror I'm not I am NOT the problem I didn't start the fire okay I am just like warming my hands next making money off of it sorry this video was such a bizarre viewing in attempting to cover every angle shall own pretty much manages to fail on all fronts and make herself seem completely inept and morally bankrupt in the process it's almost an achievement in itself but that's the problem when you don't actually have professional experience in understanding human behavior and you instead rely on basic methods of gossip it's less Machiavelli more Milli Vanilli after watching a few more uploads I think you can diagnose a pretty apparent problem shallow lester has a cosmic road to discourse that is well beyond her death and despite clearly not having the depth tries to create a greater motive in attempt to justify otherwise below average and sometimes downright obscene narratives now normally on this channel we break down celeb scandals and we talk about positivity self confidence but Eva week is gonna be a little bit different this week we're gonna talk about how to get really good being really bad how to weaponize the dark arts of femininity to get ahead get what you want and insulate yourself for people who are going to hurt you it's time to turn the tables right ladies aren't you tired to be manipulated oppressed lied to bamboozled and conned and swindled I am and all we need is in here like what are these videos meant to be cautionary or empowering I think shallow knows I think she's just talking out of her ass now the evil week videos are a bit off-brand not because of how she approaches the topics but because normally she'll talk about celebrity gossip and then attempt to explain some sort of phenomena frogman's which brings us to Exhibit B her video on the Brangelina relationship however as you'll see in the title she also intends to use the situation as an exemplar to explain why men cheat well today's the day we're finally gonna tackle a topic you guys have been begging for forever Brangelina not just Brad and Angie but Jennifer Aniston too and not just the dirt because you know I got it as a gossip editor we're gonna talk about what makes a man cheap in the first place once again were thrown into this very weird gossip cycle I think the key word here is assumption Sharron Lester's content is built around the concept of assumptions in this video the titular assumption is that Brad Pitt cheated on Jennifer Aniston now it's not impossible that it occurred as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt worked on the film mr. and mrs. Smith at that time and many observed the chemistry between the two however Angelina denied these claims pretty vert medley at the time stating that although she had fallen for Brad they did not have any deeper romantic involvement while Brad was still with Jennifer due to our own personal history of marriage within her family in commentary we would typically provide benefit to the doubts while acknowledging the theoretical possibilities but with gossip craters it's fun to assume the most dramatic scenario a lot of people do this from shaolin's community which is understandable but Shallon tends to go one step further she tends to appeal to herself asserted authority as a gossip guru who has all this tea behind the scenes she recites any proper sources but her fans put their faith in her because she's been on the front line such as these Star Magazine who and she even went on the Wendy will so and then along comes Angie dislike boss tit sex princess just like clouds of blood [ __ ] in the limo and cutting herself and drugs like she was just like this Hot Topic pageant queen and people were like repelled by her but fascinated and I think that's why people are still so into her because America loves to hate Angelina Jolie like which I was always really weird like I'm I love her and I identify with her she's like the wild woman I wanted to be and can we talk again about that body Hey lord have mercy turning a minute straight figure unreal I'm presuming these things are self-proclaimed truths she would typically go on to ask more implicative questions about human nature simply relating to the psychology of relationships and distinctions between gender roles however the problem is that if these premises that shallow presents aren't actually true then they cannot be used to build further assumptions of the whole Brangelina video is based on the assumption that Angelina had this huge bad girl reputation at the time which although true throughout the start of her Hollywood career was not necessarily true at that point by that time she taken up her position as a UNM boy had been highly active in international diplomacy which brings into question Shannon's recall of certain events rumors they were flirty and hooking up and I remember she gave an interview and she you know she's like and her like slumped back in the chair and that like sort of you know macho sexy way that she does and she's like I had plenty of lovers I don't need Brad I was like oh look that woman is a witch like in a cool way like that is a sorceress don't leave your man around her now I couldn't find this clip anywhere I did find one where she sat in a chair quite loosely but she doesn't talk about her relationship with Brad doesn't mean the clip doesn't exist but it just seems somewhat implausible that she'd say something like that with the tone that Shallon depicts however if you wanted to go one step further you could look at a comment like this it's kind of standard that we accept it well maybe we don't accept that we should there are partners no matter who they are and no matter what they're doing what only ever give us 80% of what we need right the other 20% has to come from our own hobbies our friends our families our self-esteem you know just and then there just might be five or 10% of needs you just kind of never get met in your life and those needs can change probably but that is sort of the human experience right but then someone comes along mmm embodying that 20% and the guys like oh my god oh my god and he's so focused on the 20% that he isn't getting that he sees this 20% woman and he assumes he's so blinded by it he's like she's a hundred percent she's a hundred percent but really he actually leaves that 8000 man's up at 20 now their relationships a little bit more complicated we'll get into it but what was that 20% I know you're probably thinking sex yeah you just want all this crazy wild sex yeah I mean that's what got him through the door but what made him stay children children Jennifer Aniston did not want to have children she said this a billion times and like yes our magazine put on the cover she's stagnant adoption joy and I was honest with please don't do this it just leave the woman in her womb alone she doesn't want kids it's fine she's a whole person without children who cares well Brad Pitt here so after referencing a rather unscientific relationship hypothesis which should not be confused with the Pareto principle shaolong states that Jennifer Aniston didn't want to have children another claim that Jennifer Aniston has denied herself in a specific interview about the deterioration of her marriage with Brad Pitt in fact when it was brought up she was insulted at the insinuation that children was the reason so she appears to have not said this quote a billion times and it seems she wasn't saying it at that point in time now Jennifer Aniston's relationship with children is certainly a difficult one and these strange media obsession over why she remains childless is one that she has said mixed signals on but there are also sources that states she is considering children so this is barely definitive yet Shaolin would not have you think that what Shaolin does is she'll start with a basic observation so this one being that Angelina Jolie has children and Jennifer Aniston doesn't assume the observation has meaning and then construct a scaffolding of insight Intel and hypotheses most of which relies on your own trust in her as an authority figure that trust is stretched more and more until she's creating inexplicable and borderline offensive theories do you know why Angelina needs to have so many kids this is wild I'm gonna blow your mind right now I have heard from a very very wealthy source but the reason she needs needs to have all of these kids is because she needs a child for every abortion that she had and she had like seven abortions and so she feels like she owes life God whoever like a baby to balance out her sins it's not a sin it's not it's your body you can do whatever you want it's worth spurring child this world that you don't want and won't take care of what then to complete the arc she'll insert a very weak tenuous theory and over state is credibility and create an additional point of meaning around that how does this affect why guys cheat right because we have to be so careful like okay I read a lot about cheating like I brought a lot of psychological studies I actually read one recently and they said overwhelmingly overwhelmingly scientists and psychologists agree that people cheat to feel a lot to feel alive and to explore different sides of their own personality right and when you look at Angelina through that filter this whole thing makes complete sense who would make you feel more alive than a woman who's giving birth in Namibia like that is like living you know he's like choppering into Cambodia plucking out an orphan like that's wild who's like screwing in the limo and we're in your blood like if you ask a woman how we define a guy that's in totally stuck intellectually stimulating you know he's intellectually stimulating what does that mean it basically means the same thing to all of us right we would all kind of define it the same way like he's smart he's well-read he has lively conversation you know he'd that's thought-provoking questions baba bhot right you ask a man what does it mean if a woman is intellectually stimulated you know what it means she withholds her time that's what it means and that does not change Manta Mantha that is what it means and they might not even be able to articulate it as such but they'll say something like she's mysterious she's hard to get she's like she's busy she's you know she's fascinating she's a bit of an enigma that is intellectually stimulating them they like a puzzle they like to chase because they who are men I'm a man but you ask me what makes a woman stimulating I probably say Herbert he'd have sharp witty banter because I'm not sexually attracted to women first of all I don't think that makes me any less of a man chill on the level of reductionism in her theories is flummoxing these are theories to appeal to wishful thinkers who want the world to be as simple as shallow presents it but the simple truth is a one-size-fits-all Theory will never suffice for the record there's only one thing that psychologists overwhelmingly agree on in this area and that's but there are a variety of reasons for why people cheat which would be dependent of multiple variables inside and outside the relationship and the most scientific way is to measure those variables does this mean that people don't cheat to be alive of course not some people do but women do it feel alive as well such reasoning like this isn't gendered and with the weakness of information that Shalom presents here she has very little grounding to try and apply it to a relationship that she clearly does not know enough about however like last time she's wrapping it in her own personal investments I mean I cheated on boyfriends and I'm not proud of it but like I have and it's hard for me to be monogamous just like that really isn't the hard part I get bored easily you know and that it's like you have this concept of feeling alive and having that stimulation and exploring other parts of you and like my boyfriend now we've been together for a while and it's like I don't get bored with him partly because he is just it's better for me to have a little drama in a relationship that's because it keeps me focused on it a little a little then to be bored because a bored woman deadly now do I think you can't have your own theory no have a blast rule I care but Shaolin creates these realities where her theories work and then declares them with the level of conviction which would make you think that they are the only valid theories yet they only work if you accept every single thing that Shaolin says as true however most of our assumptions are flimsy at best its Alice in Wonderland logic the truth is there are many reasons why Brad and Jennifer may have broken up reasons that brand Jennifer may not have disclosed and may not even understand themselves and acting like you've tracked a psychological pattern when it's built on so many conditionals that may not even be true makes your content basically worthless however its Brad and Angelina it's a somewhat speculative situation people will indulge in wacky theories however one thing that it does say is that Shallon is an unreliable narrator on what happens if her representations go a bit too far well that's what leads us to Exhibit C the catalyst the ellen degeneres video one of the videos that has catapulted her questionable recollection of details into the public eye but here's some things that I know about Ellen she is so mean to that wife of hers and this is what we would focus on not that like oh she's a monster behind the scenes we did do stories like that but we would focus heavily on her relationship with Portia and like poor anorexic long-suffering Portia and the what Ellen did to her allegedly allegedly that was always so bad was that she refused to let this woman have a baby in this upload channel makes a series of completely baseless and borderline defamatory claims against Ellen probably aware of the recent criticism that she's been receiving and hoping that people won't research or challenge her Berry's assertions she does nothing like they probably have a billion servants and cleanly she's not cleaning the house she's probably not cooking the dinner like all she wants is just a baby it's not like Ellen would have to carry it in her body or even like oh it just sucks with her to do it like they could literally go out and purchase one right it'd be very easy for them to acquire a child to keep her wife happy and she just wouldn't do it and Portia would like move out and store him out and then move back in and it was just and I'm sure it still is this extremely tempestuous relationship because you have one person who is essentially a tyrant right this is my way this is the highway you're not making any [ __ ] money are you know so I make the rules doesn't that sound like kind of you know Don Draper Mad Men it's like that's cute you have an opinion but that's actually all it is once more challenge constructs a reality however this one is a much more cynical one and separated from any realm of rationale there is not one citation or source for acclaims throughout the video and many sources which are led to the contrary bring into question how much she really knows I'll say this our other stories probably did happen such as the Mariah Carey one where there is verifiable footage there's white shadow not using it and although possible cause for criticism on Ellen's behalf the context is uncertain as to memorize own knowledge of the gagged the only other material appears to be in the form of tweeted testimonies and although they shouldn't be written off on their own basis because Xiao long presented these to Baker premises that reveal Ellen in a negative light prior to the tweet and presented them as the truth everyone justly biased someone's judgment at Ellen and cause them to lend more assumed credibility to further allegations than they may want I can't help the feel maybe she'll actually springboarded her own statements off the tweets and placed them at the start the video to frame it conversely does this mean the tweets aren't true of course not people could make their own judgment on them but shaolong sells the insider scoop as if she knows what's going on and she's sharing that enlightenment with you and all it reveals about Ellen's psychopathy they lack remorse or guilt they have shallow effect like a reduced emotional response just kind of blank behind the eyes they're callous with the lack of empathy a parasitic lifestyle they feed off of other people right poor behavioral controls promiscuous sexual behavior early behavioral problems lack of realistic long-term goals impulsive irresponsible failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions remember that one many short-term marital relationships juvenile delinquency criminal versatility now as we go through these examples for Ellen she's not gonna hit some of these she's probably not a criminal mastermind she might be I don't think she was a juvenile delinquent she doesn't seem promiscuous or impulsive she seems like she has long term goals right but there's other things that you're like oh [ __ ] so maybe she's not Ted Bundy level 39 but do you want to deal with someone who's even Louisville 25a my opinion she doesn't know much look at the evil week videos they fail because she lived through the theories that she creates herself there was no distance despite the acknowledgment that it was deplorable behavior a lot of the times she seemed to be giving you pally advice on how to screw up your relationships is the same with these videos she's living through her content and in the land of the blind the one-eyed Shaolin is Queen this is a reality that she wants to create rather than the one that we actually live in and you can do you sister but the moment that you start asserting it as an unconditional barity than the power you hold as an influence with such claims could be legitimately damaging where there's her dubious psychology advice or our unsubstantiated claims regarding celebrity behavior delivered with an unwarranted stench of certainty and authority however channel's authority can only propel her so far and unless she has the sources to back her claims up then they're as good as mud to me she likes to retain this aura someone who's so confident in the information they're relaying but competence doesn't equal truth it just means a few ask questions until someone raises concern with what you're saying journalist is Ellen video is one of the worst examples but it's also one of mental if she's really prepared to make such idle statements as soon as it becomes cool to hate someone that I wouldn't put my faith in her narratives she seems to be someone providing pseudo-intellectual gossip videos on who has done what and what it can really tell us but all it tells me is you may not know quite as much as she professes back to you Jory I was fun thanks for taking a break from all the sex to help me out James be sure to check out his channel if you haven't though I'd imagine you're already well aware of the right opinions in for me at this point in time we've established showers less than credible track record of mind-numbing statements as well as her complete and utter lack of a moral compass I like that matters to me of course Shaolin can be as bad of a person as she wants go for it ma'am the biggest problem to me is the way in which she makes unreliable and otherwise fickle assumptions appear as the inexplicable truth as James has already touched on Shaolin Zelan video is just one of the many examples of this leech taking an observation pumping it's full of rumors stretching it to fit a wider narrative and feeding it to her gossip hungry fanbase if Ellen really cared she could probably string together a legal team let's be honest the notion of Ellen being a bad person is hardly a dangerous one I doubt any accusation so innocuous as any skin off Ellen's plastic botox filled nose if anything it proves how little shalem's opinion should matter to a general public take your commentary with a grain of salt move on with your day and nobody gets hurt unless you're outwardly blaming a victim for things they can't control in which case were crossing into some dangerous territory Shallon he is like his own special kind of douche but we'll break it down why because the things that are wrong with him are never going to change and I think he's an excellent example of a male victim and typically especially on this channel we've talked a lot about like female victims Taylor Swift's Selena Gomez people like that who get their entire identity from their perceived and created self victim hood and mythology so right off the bat Shaolin is already categorizing Pete Davidson's mental issues as self victimization which is a pretty bold assertion to make at the one minute and 20 second mark Shaolin especially when you haven't even said why you feel that way but whatever ok well it's just let's let's listen to what she has to say she stated her conclusion now let's see her attempt to work backwards from the idea that this random celebrity is now using a mental disorder as a way to victimize himself as she calls it we always knew Pete was a mess he I've done a lot of videos about him why Ariana was drawn to him given her own daddy issues stuff like that and the thing that I had a problem with Pete was not that he's bipolar not great not that he's got borderline personality disorder also not great but that he doesn't care to fix any of it so this is a pretty weird thing to say first of all I have no idea what she means by his bipolar disorder being not great I guess she either doesn't think he has it at all or she thinks he's using it to his advantage by not working to better himself which takes us to her next assertion that he doesn't care to fix any of it so we're gonna break down first of all his recent interview with Charlamagne tha God bah God tha ha you know how I hate that you know I hate bad grammar I want to do a whole video series on celebrities I'm just gonna call it your name question mark why question mark question mark your name is Shallon Lester ma'am sorry I know that's completely unrelated but I don't think this woman is in any place to be mocking somebody's name okay here's some things he said he is sober at the moment because he needs to be clean in order to be diagnosed and to be diagnosed with things like bipolar and borderline personality disorder and these doctors are always adjusting his medication I mean for bipolar you can't be medicated for borderline personality disorder because it's your personality there's no like cool pill and so he goes to rehab when he feels like he's going a little bit too far you know so that he can clean out and then get adjusted but have his meds adjusted so he's going to rehab in service of getting more drugs that's what that means I go to rehab so I can con my doctors into giving me more drugs I don't think if he was doing a lot of extracurricular recreational drugs he would have to keep getting his prescription drugs adjusted so frequently they would probably just work because the baseline body they were working in would be a constant it wouldn't be like meth moly cocaine beer 24 natty lights it would be like vegetables food yoga meditation smooth sailing from the research I've done on bipolar disorders finding the right medication can almost be like a trial and error situation it can take a significant period of time to find what works for you with the disorder itself varying by person so does the medication so it's only natural that your prescription would fluctuate depending on numerous factors self-management is important of course but even if you take the necessary steps to regulate your day-to-day life it's still extremely common for your meds to be adjusted at some point in time either because your symptoms change or your body builds up a tolerance it doesn't have to mean you're abusing substances Shallon I was a cutter I was a cutter for a while for a few years and it is truly one of the most shameful chapters in my life that's how weak cutters feel we feel ashamed of ourselves you feel ashamed yourself you were bulimic and I don't just like speak about it and I wouldn't just speak about it to Charlamagne saw God when I don't believe charlemagne asked I don't think that's on he's like typical list of questions who's your celebrity crush any fun plans for the summer you ever cut yourself yeah he did ask literally literally what's his cutting look like just to based off this one massive mistake I would have to assume she probably only read about the interview instead of watching it chorus she's also invalidating Pete's testimony by tying her own outlook on cutting to his it's fine to speak from a place of personal experience but it's another thing to give your own perspective on cutting before assuming that his perspective is anything close to yours especially when you still refuse to show any kind of clips to back it up for him to say he's only slept with five or six women I just I don't know dude I don't believe that I don't believe that what is your definition of fast lifestyle it's probably sex drugs and rock and roll you'll do any drug you can get your hands on but you won't do any woman you can get your hands on baby boy that should be inverted like that should be inverted he tells anyone caught standing still that his dad died in September 11th and I think he was about six years old at the time the victim narrative that's part of the victim narrative and Pete on one hand like idolizes his mother and his sister but he's got borderline personality disorder so something bad happened in that house so again the prime example of Shallon lumping several assumptions together to push a narrative the peat is somehow a drug-addicted [ __ ] who is using his mental disorders as a victimization tactic in order for her conclusion to even fit here though what if parts of her theory would have to all ring true and that's a lot of what if he has suicidal thoughts but but insisted he would never commit suicide because he has a mom and a sister and doesn't want to hurt them mmm-hmm you know what him bringing that up smacks of to me revenge if you're not going to commit suicide if that's just like not in the table why would you even bring it up when people threaten suicide truly there's nothing more disgusting to me because they're holding people in their lives hostage and I'm not saying if you have suicidal thoughts you're disgusting no it's the people who threaten it if you leave me I'm gonna kill myself if you don't do this I'm gonna kill myself [ __ ] you [ __ ] you go to rehab get some help no no I'd never do it though I'd never do it obviously I understand there are people out there who use suicide to manipulate those in their lives into doing whatever it is they want them to do hanging the thread of killing themselves over their loved one's heads it happens and it's bad every time but as per usual Shaolin has nothing of substance to support what she's saying at the end of the day you're invalidating a man's suicidal thoughts on account that he didn't go through with it as if the only reason he stopped himself was because he wanted revenge the drugs he uses are marihuana shrooms and acid mm-hmm shrooms and acid can really mess your brain up I mean acid especially I mean you can like permanently alter your brain chemistry and when you already have bipolar and your brain chemistry is already not exactly where you want it is that it does not seem wise that's why he has to keep having his meds adjusted because he's [ __ ] with his brain yeah her views on psychology are surprisingly one-dimensional for a video that revolves around a supposed deep Vanda Pete's mental state but I'm sure you've realized that by now so he brings all this up for victimhood for identity for manipulation for terrorization do you have someone like this in your life the point of the interview was for Pete to open up about his personal life and share a side of him that's normally overlooked by the public I discuss things you wouldn't normally have the opportunity to touch during an episode of SNL or comedy sets but you keep speaking under the assumption that nobody ads and that Pete is somehow asserting a level of victimhood by simply answering the questions charlemagne ask further D legitimizing his condition and confirming and many of the fears people with mental disorders already have in the process all to justify an absurd narrative that Shaolin has already deemed a legitimate in her own head if you watch enough of shaolin's content which believe me I have how in the hell does someone like Kanye who I have heard from many sources smells pull a chick like Kim Kardashian I mean you'll start to notice some peculiar hallmarks and I'm not talking about her voice which sounds like the auditory equivalent of kicking a wall with the toothpick under your toenail I'm talking about her apparent disdain for singer-songwriters Selena Gomez sorry I mean whisper goose or something no we call her the whisper goose because that's what her music sounds like I think I'd rather fight selena gomez thetic guys cuz he's had that that dude claw you know right there they can swipe Selena's now that she says a bunch of touches gonna be honest like Selena Gomez either I think it's fair to say her career peaked at age nine with her role on Barney alongside Demi Lovato I'm not exactly a fan of hers but I don't have anything personally against the woman either unlike Shaolin seems to have I can't stand Selena Gomez why not because she's got an autoimmune disease not because she struggled with substance abuse issues and she continues to still drink and do drugs probably it's because she lies which is fair enough you know have your gripes challenged but it's interesting to me how passionate she is about this single individual I've never met Shaolin and although I don't like her much as evident by this video it wouldn't wish me harm honor and I definitely wouldn't go so far as to say this about her Selena I just you know I could probably help you I'm not going to because you annoy me and bore me at the same time which is a deadly combination gold boy when she overdoses and she will y'all can thank yourself because you didn't hold her accountable for [ __ ] it was liver alone everyone else is lying would you do you honestly think that that's helpful if you never watch an episode of intervention in-between the bizarre personal attacks Shaolin manages to almost entirely dismiss the nature of Selena's bipolar disorder combining a myriad of assumptions to push the narrative the Selena is using her recent diagnosis as an excuse for questionable behavior pretty much based on nothing I discussed that after years of going through a lot of different things I realized that I was bipolar I recently realized I'm bipolar realized realized realized did you go to medical school Salina I didn't realize that you were actually a Rheumatologist or a psychiatrist I thought you were a pop star did you go to the Mickey Mouse Club School of Medicine humbling on the red carpet she's in the audience like making these weird faces clapping and on stage she didn't look sober this is the gas lighting if you took her out of the AMAs and dropped her into a Trader Joe's and she was acting like that I'd call security as like can you get her away from the cauliflower enoki she's drunk I don't know I don't want her touching the cauliflower no key with her drunk little child pause there's a drunk nine-year-old in a bunch of makeup and heels in a Bibi dress staggering around Trader Joe's but you know what let's say Selena is lying about her drinking habits let's give Shaolin the benefit of the doubt here and say that her assumptions are accurate do you think Selena is using her diagnosis as an excuse to drink or do you think it'd be more of a coping mechanism because although there's little to no evidence supporting either of those theories Shaolin immediately assumes the worst and runs with it how do you deal with people who always have an excuse for why they're acting the way they are but that excuse never involves responsibility it never involves personal accountability it never involves you know what I acted like that because I was an [ __ ] nope it was well I was acting like this because I had lupus and then um it was alcohol and and then and then it was a panic attack and then it was anxiety and then it was bipolar what's next you were an Iraq war veteran what's going on almost like she has a personal vendetta against Selena and is looking for any excuse as to why she could be considered a bad person she uses mere speculation as an excuse to attack celebrities she only knows through interviews and tabloids all under the guise of the most disingenuous positivity seems as Lilly Singh immediately after shall and acknowledges her lack of insider information she perceives to question Selena's entire diagnosis based on poor wording from a single interview I don't know what she's like behind the scenes we don't pry vut person and we don't see her out and about the way we saw Britney Spears who is kind of the poster child for bipolar disorder I mean we saw it so okay let's talk about what bipolar and then you'll understand you're like me [Music] why do you not edit this out shelwyn she almost says more good things about Hitler than Selena Gomez in this video wasn't all bad Hitler he was a delight at parties I say this all the time he loved animals he was a very good artist God never changed Shallon part of me actually wishes Shallon would drop the celebrity clickbait and shift to more generalized life advice videos because even if you're wrong or misguided there you're not spreading rumours disguises facts they could potentially land you in hot water with Selena Gomez's lawyers oh wait except her relationship advice is littered with questionable and downright predatory remarks oh yeah that might be an issue if you're wondering where this unnecessarily burning hatred for Selena Gomez is coming from perhaps the framed photo of a shirtless Justin Bieber in her living room can serve as an indicator they latch on to one little loophole to enable their behavior and if you guys keep doing that she's not gonna make it to 27 she's just not that's not how the human body can function Selena was spotted doing shots at the Four Seasons Hotel when right after Justin Haley's engagement Selena doesn't need a boyfriend she needs another drink six she needs some maybe vital organs as a pancreas doing both gets worse yeah it would seem Shallon has more than a slight obsession I'd be probably Haley Baldwin you know I love her I love her and if you guys ever like tell me on Instagram that I look like her I'm like I screwed my screenshot and I like save it but like she and I have the same hairstylist and I was like George give me the Baldwin blonde he's like Shaolin we've talked about this she has a much darker skies fantasizing about his eggs dying in early death and comparing herself to his wife Haley Baldwin is just par for the course this fixation happens to date back to when he first hit the scene in 2010 now for context this is what they each looked like at the time Shaolin referenced a sex dream she had about the fifteen-year-old if she had been a bit younger maybe I'd be quicker to excuse this type of language but you have to keep in mind that Shaolin was not 18 20 or even 25 but rather she was going on 30 years old at the time around the same time she expressed an interest in flirting with 16 year olds not to mention the tweets where she talks about a Oakland 16 year olds B her uncalled fire for 16 year olds see making out with high schoolers and D asking a 17 year old to call her when he hits the age of consent now I hate to drop this on you so suddenly but I'm only using shaolin's own words here when I call her a cold-blooded predator and trust me when I say this goes beyond just a few callous jokes she made on the internet ten years ago which in itself would be hard to overlook given her sheer age at the time even if these comments were in jest she was old enough to have known better but they weren't in fact if we put all this information together you can see this dash of predatory behavior is perfectly in line with the Shaolin we've all come to know and love over the past 50 minutes it's pretty common knowledge amongst the show on taraj that Shallon tends to date younger guys in fact she recommends it so much so that she dedicated an entire video to that very idea and in an effort to nots misinterpret her here I think it's best to hear challenged thoughts right from her own mouth you should however be dating younger guys I will tell you why first of all they're hotter Mike and I don't mean that as a joke they're hotter they have better abs they have more hair in all the places that they should have a lot of hair they're better in bed and more enthusiastic for real like it's a misnomer that younger guys like finish quicker not true and if they do it's like an instant in his reload they're like an automatic weapon first but bursting oh my mom I don't feel the need to explain to anyone why I date younger guys but I will explain it to you guys Shalin outlines a myriad of reasons why she prefers the company of younger men whether it's because they've got better hair lines or last longer in bed to me there seems to be a deeper motive to why she does it's a motive that she'll and herself even explains in this video so my boyfriend is like a lot younger like decade status and he is one of the best suits I've ever dated and I historically have always dated younger guys my boyfriend before him was 22 one for him is 21 minute might have been 20 year old in there so they're just kind of better boyfriends how is that possible the best breakup I ever had with someone was with my boyfriend who's 21 at the time loose he was just he didn't know enough to lie I found that younger dudes take instruction better and I really do think they take it better because I am older it's like they know that they're gonna have to work a lot harder to snag an older chick so they're gonna like be on their best behavior when I've called boys out my younger boyfriends out on bad behavior their response has shocked me it's Hulk I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I'll stop doing that they are adapting in a good way in essence Shallon Lester seems to pride herself on a tendency to use naive young men to her advantage whether her goal be sexual in nature or otherwise because I set boundaries I'm like don't do this you don't waste my time you don't [ __ ] because I'm hanging out with other males you don't do that to look to go yeah she was on the other foot my dude not too cool huh the fact of the matter is if the gender roles were flipped and Shallon were a man expressing interest in girls as young as 17 this behavior probably would have been addressed a long time ago but because of unfortunate stigma that still exists today Shaolin gets an unspoken pass for effectively preying on younger men Sam 29 even think about meeting the person I want to marry till I'm like 33 34 girl you got some time use the time to just have fun and date somebody higher with hair in the right places people are set in their ways you can't teach an old dog new tricks yo let's get a puppy from the language she's exhibited in these twisted dating advice videos the argument could be made that Shaolin is encouraging older women to join her in pursuing younger men on account that they're easier to manipulate in a relationship which is totally fine because men are less likely to be sexually traumatized than women right gentlemen I've done a lot of videos before on age gaps in dating and why dating older guys is so incredibly toxic first of all I know what you're gonna say Shaolin you date younger dudes I know that I know that but I don't date teenagers first of all I talked to a teen I even I have my limits of mystically 19 and I'll let you interpret optimistic whichever way you want women don't have not don't but to such a lesser degree had the ability to sexually traumatize a guy the way men can sexually traumatize women women are pleasers were hardwired by society to please guys locker boys it's not really the same thing it's not really the same thing today we're going to her eyes peel for for my prey he's not 19 points as you get older I believe age gaps begin to matter less and less a 40 year old dating a 50 year old is significantly more acceptable than a 20 year old dating a 30 year old in my opinion and although it could be said that everyone grows and matures at a different pace the science is there to say that our brains are still not fully developed until our 20s 21 for women and 25 for men the prefrontal cortex continues to develop between 18 and 25 which is the part of your brain that inhibits impulses and organizes your behavior so if our prefrontal cortex has an effect on the way we make decisions and our daily lives it absolutely has an effect on the way we go about handling intimate relationships now is there anything inherently wrong with an older woman dating a younger man if it's legal then no not necessarily it's irresponsible to make the sweeping statement that all men under the age of 25 are incapable of maintaining a healthy relationship with a woman a couple years their senior I'm sure it works out for a lot of people the problem I have with shaolin's approach is that she is looking to date younger men because of the affirmation differences in maturity not in spite of them she enjoys the power that comes with being mentally dominant in a relationship and because younger men tend to respond more diligently to orders especially from an older woman she's able to take full advantage of their naivete and otherwise lack of experience and she knows it what's up I wanna mean cash laying in this bedroom and spread esperance friends and that's cool to be on like a great tour but it's even better to be on a grade-two with like your best friends okay how many girls you guys shag slash do anticipate shagging or the duration of the truck um actually negative four we're a team we don't do those hopefully you're 18 we don't even know what STDs are then Alex and Lindsay were being a new today I'm the fourth guy to come out about Lindsay Lohan and about the experience we've shared so I'm not going to say much the details are gonna be kept secret but right now we're playing with my hair he is called me adorable is it cuz I'm 18 am I like a little kid normal hug deal and things over action author editor predator with the callous nature of challenge delivery it was only a matter of time before the knives came close to her throat which is an issue since challenge response to criticism has been lackluster at best and downright disingenuous at worse many of shaolin's shortcomings were projected to an entirely new audience the second DeAngelo Wallis dropped one of the first videos ever made on our good friend she was quick to privatize her Twitter and sub counts offering this comment as justification she says her fans are under 18 but brags about putting spells on people she told me the truth she said Andy said he doesn't dance with dogs I come from a long line of witches very powerful mystical women and you know a baby snake is the most dangerous snake because a baby snake doesn't yet know how to control its venom so when it gets mad it just spits all of it out and it's the most deadly and I that night was a baby snake a little witchy curse went his way except cancer twice his brother killed himself but despite everything thrown her way shaolin's rebuttal barely consisted of a few vague paragraphs callously outlined in a reddit post which I can't find anymore I'm pretty sure it's been deleted but I could be wrong what makes sense on account of the post being utter [ __ ] garbage but of all the ridiculous assertions made throughout the post which you can pause to read the biggest outlier here happens to be the fact that she doesn't address anything in her past video she only clarifies that she's willing to move in a more positive direction going forward but yeah I'd love to see personally Shaolin can be entertaining and has the potential to make a decent content I guess but if you're going to make an entire post seemingly addressing the problems people have with you maybe you should start by saying something about the Peet video or the Yellen video where the numerous videos on Selena Gomez where the bizarre and creepy comments you've repeatedly made on young dudes or you know just not lie about the Angela Wallace dice and you on Twitter someone in the comments asked her to provide proof for her very serious allegation that I Doc's shirt by releasing her personal phone number and home address on my Twitter which is obviously illegal in this context and shellin responds in that comment and goes on to clarify she can't provide proof because a she doesn't feel comfortable posting her information here which by the way she could just blur it if she wanted to prove that I did tweet that B Twitter has already removed it C a police report has been filed and legal action is now pending and D she's under legal advice not to talk about it which is obviously untrue because here she is talking about it publicly but as you noticed she said Twitter removed my post it means that might suite with her home address and phone number was on my Twitter account with twenty five thousand plus followers long enough for Twitter to find it and delete it after she reported it and none of my followers saw it because she has said that she's filed a police report and that legal action is being taken but I can assure you no such things happen by the way you are absolutely anything but new to this profession just doesn't make any sense to go out of your way to make this grandiose statement towards your fans without even so much as acknowledging the specific problems people have had with your videos predatory language regarding 17 year olds during your late twenties isn't exactly a lame tweet that's something that deserves more of an explanation at least instead she's merely writing it off as ruffling of feathers which says nothing at the end of the day all it tells me is that Shallon herself is incapable of offering a fierce rebuttal to any of the assertions she makes and is more willing to construct a new reality for herself than address any type of genuine criticism so when you leave a comment saying I'm a [ __ ] you hope I die in a fire first of all comments make me money I make money on every single comment that's posted you know that that's true and also all you're doing is telling you to hey this video is getting a lot of views so you're making me money and that sense too and guess what Instagram works the exact same way every DM every comment every time you even report a video for no reason that puts a ping on your account because Instagram and YouTube says okay this person's full of [ __ ] they're reporting something that isn't offensive and so we're not going to listen to them anytime they report something you become the girl who cried wolf so keep it up keep making me money going forward I hope to see Shallon move in a more positive direction not even in terms of rhetoric necessarily just from a more personal standpoint Shaolin strikes me as an extremely insecure individual doomed to the realm of celebrity gossip while seemingly encouraging others to make terrible decisions that justify her own dubious behavior along the way Shaolin belongs to a reality detached from the one you are I know one that's built haphazardly on speculations and outright lies molded to fit lucrative narratives that ring true within challenged own imagination her blatant incapacity for showing accountability speaks wonders to me and if Shaolin truly wants to help the people who watch her videos I can only hope she'll learn to take criticism with open arms if you want to build your brand around good vibes and positivity you can't just go around asserting such bizarre claims about well you already dislike especially with the minimal level of authentication Shallon seems to have as it stands the Shaolin Leicester is not an advocate for mental health she's not an advocate for truth she's an advocate for herself and nothing more [Music]
Channel: j aubrey
Views: 1,870,936
Rating: 4.8865948 out of 5
Keywords: shallon lester, shallon, lester, the right opinion, the, right, opinion, shameless, d'angelo, wallace, d'angelo wallace, pete davidson, ellen, ellen degeneres, selena gomez, justin bieber, justin, bieber, mtv, interview, wendy williams, shallon lester selena gomez, shallon lester ellen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 8sec (4508 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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