The Three Feathers || Faerie Daels

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what can I say I am spacejam the whole movie hello there humans my name is Dale Kingsmill and today I have a little bit of a fairy tale for you that's right it's a hilarious pun on the term fairy tale but using my name instead of the word tail because it rhymes I know you're laughing I know you're out there having a good chuckle I can tell well now that you've all comes down from that raucous uproar of uncontrollable laughter I was looking around today for a story to tell I wanted to do a fairy tale I've had some good recommendations recently some requests which I do plan to do they're great stories but also they're going to take a little bit longer and using the prompt of Ravens from Omar and landed on a story called the three feathers and actually while we're speaking of creative prompts given by Omar 13 days 13 shortest started it's a Halloween creativity festival it's a good time I'll leave links you should go check it out all right the story of the three feathers there once was a woman who was married to a guy or at least she thought she was she never actually seen him he wooed her and would visit her and married her entirely in secret without ever showing his face this is sounding familiar and for a long time this woman who by the way doesn't have a name no one in this story has a name except for one person who's like a minor character really in the long run the nameless woman was very happy with her marriage because her husband was very kind that is until some of her neighbors and friends and family started to question why exactly her lover and husband had never shown his face perhaps they paused postured pondered possibly both perhaps there's something wrong with him maybe he's hideous maybe he's a monster maybe you're in danger yet this is definitely sounding familiar now the woman had already had these kinds of doubts floating around in the back of her head and as soon as other people were giving voice to them giving her sideways glances down the street that's when she decided to act on it so that night as she waited for her husband in the darkened bedchamber she waited till she heard him coming in and she surprised him by suddenly lighting a candle and whipping around to see what he looked like yeah I've definitely heard this somewhere before for people who don't know this is very much the same opening sequence as the story of Eros and Psyche from Greek mythology I've done a video on it although that might have been I might have been one of my last videos on the geek and sundry vlogs channel I'll throw up a link to it I don't know whether that link will be to an old he could sundry vlogs video or whether I mean maybe I'll be uploaded on this channel I think I have permission to do that technically at first the man that the woman beheld was a gorgeous being the most beautiful she's ever seen he was a stunner but then very quickly things went pear-shaped Oh should I say bird shaped rather he turned into a bird a gigantic brown bird this is look like he was angry he was an angry bird oh wait that's a game wow that's an old reference now remember when Angry Birds was a thing oh boy oh boy that was a time and he said no you have betrayed me I must flee no she said you're beautiful and you're good and I love you please stay there's only one thing that you can do now the only way that we can still be together is for you to prove your love because of course it is I'll do anything anything to stay with you I love you we're married let's stick to that thing I think it was working well before I like tried to trick you and see you you have to hold down a job for seven years in one day what hold down a job yeah sure I guess I'll do it hey go this is the place okay great where are we yeah this is where you're gonna work you're gonna work here as a laundress seven years one day the woman inside is looking for someone to do the laundry that's your job you gotta prove that you love me and never in that time and you allowed to take the advances of other men and never are you allowed to leave the job or lose the job that's important you've got to hold down the job and you can never let anyone convince you to leave the job but I feel like most of that is encompassed in the to base rules I feel like you can work it out what laundry I can't do laundry anything I can't wash clothes I don't know what I meant to separate into like colors and whites what counts as colors is gray or color clearly the woman had never had to do this are you gonna do from under my wing take three feathers from right next to my heart right there take them from ya hot for this right there under mowing all you gotta do is hold those three feathers in your hand and say wait what you have to say by the virtue of these three feathers from over the heart of my true love I bid the thing happen like whatever the thing is you put that in there that's the part of it that yeah you fill in with whatever you want done and it'll be done the magic feathers I'm a magic guy bird now thanks for that by the way this was gonna be the previous seven years in one day ever and he flew off I was about to say never to be seen again I mean you know that's an exaggeration seven years in one day we know what the time limit is and the woman went she talked to the mistress said hey I hear you need a laundry gal I'm your laundry gal sure we'll give you a trial run super mistress and so the woman goes off into the laundry room shuts the door tight closes all the blinds pulls out the three feathers and says by the virtue of these three feathers but I took from over the heart of my one true love let the clothes I guess be like separated into the right groups and then washed and then like I don't know maybe do like a tunnel driving for some of them but only the appropriate ones and then like I don't know dry them and separate and like let's iron them and fold them as well just to like be really thorough and then she sat down leisurely on a chair and watched as the clothes began to float about her and do the work on her behalf because she had magic feathers and so of course she was the best laundress the household had ever had she quickly became staff favorite and she just breezed through the first four years of this little like no trust task proving your love Penelope style thing that's happening but of course as there always is there's problem after these four years various male servants from around the household began to fall in love quote-unquote loved with the woman but no matter how many times they asked she would turn them down one of these servant men was the butler the aging and rotund shall we say Butler gentleman one day as he was finishing up one of his chores he decided to take a detour past the laundry room because he wanted to sort of check on his his favorite girl see how she's doing maybe see if she'd changed her mind and wanted to date him which okay assistants not that cute as he rides outside the whole place is shut up good and tight and he can hear the woman's voice saying by the path by the power of Grayskull I almost said by the virtue of these three feathers do all my laundry blah blah blah anything's Wow that's really weird and so he takes a little peek through the the keyhole to the laundry room which is the only thing left unsealed what did I just do to my wrist oh boy and what does he see he sees the woman lounging about on a chair as all the clothes float about washed themselves and he sees an opportunity in this that night he corners the woman and he says to her I've seen what it is that you do and once and for all you will be with me or I will tell the mistress that you are a witch and even if you don't get burnt at the stake you will be fired the woman's heart is in her throat what's she supposed to do she can't sleep with this guy or she'll never see her one true love again she can't afford to be fired or she'll never make the seven days in one year and she will never see her husband again she can't breathe everything's terrible she needs to buy herself some time and so she says oh but I could never be with someone who doesn't have any money it was the first thing that she could think of and the return Butler says huh is that all well I have 70 pounds put aside by the master for me in my savings is that good enough for you and the woman suddenly getting an idea says yes yes that'll do fine so that night the butler goes and he collects his 70 pounds and he he collects the woman from the laundry room and begins leading her into the house and up the stairs of down the stairs where do the servants sleep upstairs downstairs was the name of the show that doesn't give me any hints toward his bedroom let's just say he hands over the 70 pounds and the woman says oh I've just remembered I've left all the blinds open on the laundry room they're gonna be cluttering around all night in the wind and the mistress and the master they're gonna be kept up by it I'd better go deal with that I'll be right back I'll just go handle this but she knew she knew that the rotund Butler was that particular kind of douchebag who believes so wholeheartedly in their own chivalry despite doing scumbag II things that he would offer to do it instead oh no no no that's fine I'll go I'll shut the blinds for you and I will be right back he trots off to shut the blinds but of course this leaves the woman alone on the stairs and she pulls out her three feathers and she says to them by the virtue of these three feathers which I pulled from above the heart of my one true love let the blinds never close all night but only blowing the wind and let the butler never be able to close them until morning comes and so it was the butler went and he tried to close the blinds but every time he turns to walk he could hear them clattering in the wind he'd turn around they were open again as he goes to try to close them one more time in the wind and they knock him around the head he gets his nose shut in them it's a fast and it just doesn't stop until morning when finally he's so embarrassed that he just goes back to bed by himself the woman's already gone by this point and he just never brings it up to anyone because he's so embarrassed about what happened so the woman not only gets her way keeping her job not having to sleep with this easy dude but also she gets his seventy pounds out of it it's a pretty sweet deal so that's pretty nice and eye covers her for about six months until until the coachmen also decides that he's in love with her and also comes to visit her after he finishes feeding his horses one day and he also hears her say by the virtue of these three feathers which I pulled from above the heart of my aunt and the coachman also looks through the keyhole and sees her lounging as all the clothes flutter about the room once again this supposed nice guy who supposedly loves her corners fur after work that day and says I've seen what you can do I know that you're a witch and I will tell the mistress and if she doesn't have you burned at the stake she will have you fired that is of course if you don't agree to be with me so once again the woman said I could never be with a man who doesn't have money and the coachman replied is that all I have 40 pounds saved up with the master I can go and collect them tonight so the agreement was struck the coachman went to collect his savings from the master and after work that day he went and collected the woman from the laundry room he handed over his 40 pounds and began to lead her towards his lodging when she suddenly realized I left the clothes on the washing I'm such an idiot it'll blow up in the night look don't worry about it I'll be right back I'm just gonna go handle that take the washing in it won't take a tick No don't even worry about it says the coachman I'll go get the washing off the line for you it's cold and windy out there your feeble Constitution wouldn't handle it you'll catch your death best left to a man as he disappeared the woman pulled out the three feathers and she said by the power of Grayskull by the virtue of these three feathers that I pulled from may the washing flap about on the line and resist being taken down by the coachman and stop him from taking it down until morning comes and of course will be done the coachman get down to the line and everything just starts like whipping him in the face and things blow off their pegs and he has to run and chase them and the sheets the bed sheets all wrap around him and get him all tangled and you know the next thing he knows it's dawn and he has to go and feed the horses and he's just so embarrassed about not being able to complete this simple task but he just never brings it up the woman had taken his money and gone to bed because she knew that it would all work out and so she was covered for another six months she was covered until the footman who apparently was quite an honest kid and was genuinely in love with her or at least he thought he was went to go check on his suppose it beloved in the laundry room and he didn't hear her say anything he just thought that it would be fun to peek through the keyhole and apparently she hadn't fixed it by now which may be a mistake and what does he see lo and behold magic laundry goings-on while she sits in her lazy boy off to the side now the footman he's really troubled by this so without speaking to the laundry woman first he goes to the master and he collects all of his savings and then he takes them to her in the laundry room and he says look I have to go and tell the master and the mistress what I saw you doing I'm so compelled by my concern about this witchcraft that I could not feel comfortable not telling them the truth unless maybe you agreed to marry me the woman is taken aback and says Oh Janes because of course he's the one with the name in this story James I don't think you understand I I can't marry you and James waves away her concerns no no you don't understand I've saved up a bunch of money and I've just withdrawn it I know that you've been working here for just as long as I have and you've probably saved up a bunch of money too we can combine it get married and we can just live off that or I mean I guess if you want to keep working we can do that too but if you don't agree to marry me I will have to tell them about the witchcraft which I mean can we talk about this sort of nice guy TM behavior yeah he's honest and really in love with her but he's still gonna potentially have her burned at the stake unless she agrees to marry him what just because it's marriage instead of sex suddenly it's honorable like suddenly it's not manipulating a woman into doing something she doesn't really consent to great work James you're a real nice guy great guy I'm side-eyeing Jains HOD the woman tries for a while to convince James that this isn't gonna work but he is so persistent that eventually she just says James look this has been a bit of a shock to the system I'm feeling a little bit ill from it all could you maybe I don't know get get me a brandy from from the Masters cellar just to study my nerves and James nods and stands up and goes to collect the brandy while he's gone quickly the woman pulls out the feathers and she says by the virtue of these three feathers which I plucked from above the heart of my one true love please make James's hand unsteady as he paused the brandy unless he pours it into his own mouth and so meanwhile James and the cellar pulls out the brandy in the glass and begins to pour and he just can't make it into the glass everything's smashing out onto the ground around him and and he only gets a couple drops in before suddenly everything's slipping out of place and he takes a few sips himself to try to steady himself but after like a half hour of trying to manage this the master comes downstairs to find out why everything smells like brandy and just finds James in the cellar reeking of alcohol and his expensive brandy sloshed all over the ground James did not have a good night he wasn't fired but he didn't have a good night the master gave him a bit of a beating however the master did then go to visit his wife and say I think you need to fire that laundry woman because something has gotten into all of my manservants ever since she came here are you crazy said the mistress she is the best laundry woman we have ever all will ever have and the two of them have a huge fight a bit eventually the master loses out because the mistress is not going to lose her just incredibly gifted laundress maybe she's born with it maybe it's magic feathers and so the woman was left with James's savings as well then again one day six months down the line while waiting for the master to come out and go on a trip the coachman the butler and the footman are all standing around together waiting for him when they see the woman walk past with a basket full of laundry suddenly James chokes up and studs blubbering about how that woman is wicked she stole out my money and she somehow got me a thrashing as well did she says the coachman well that's nothing compared to what she did to me she took all my savings and I didn't get a wink of sleep that whole night because I was out trying to get in the washing for her the butler perks up hearing this and says that's nothing compared to what she did to me not only did she take my savings but I was up all night trying to close the shutters of the laundry room and my nose got shut snapped in there having discovered all of this the three of them agreed that they would tell on her the minute the master came out tell him about the witchcraft and get her in trouble but the woman was walking past and heard this she stopped behind the coach and quickly having to think of something pulled out the three feathers and whispered to them by the virtue of these three feathers which I plucked from above the heart of my blahblah whatever it is let the three of them begin to argue about who's had it worse but a fight broke out amongst them until they wind up wrestling each other in the pond as she requested so it was the three men began to argue until eventually the footman was punching the butler in the face and giving them a black eye and the coachman was like trying to drag them apart and eventually they did end up wrestling each other into the duck pond finally the master comes out and asks them what's going on but they're all shouting over each other and saying no I want to tell my story you'll start stupid meanwhile the laundry woman is standing at the side giggling at the sight of the whole thing and the master turns to her and asks what is going on and she tells the mask basically honestly that the three of them were all angry at her for not wanting to date them and so they'd decided to make stories about her to get her in trouble to get her fired or worse but there he goes were too big and they couldn't decide who had the better story so they began to fight over it but she made sure to say they already look ridiculous they're all drenched there's no need to punish them any more than they've already punished themselves at which point the three man servants looked entirely sheepish and came to the conclusion that they should really just keep their mouths shut and let the woman do her work until she finished her run that's seven years and one day really they should be thankful because I mean those three feathers are basically a death note she could have said you know by the virtue of these three feathers kill the hell out of that guy who's about to try to get me burnt at the stake you know like she's been pretty lenient and she did get to have a full run of seven years in one day because at this point the master went to his wife the mistress and said you know what I think you were right about that girl she is very wise and you were very wise to keep her on board and so she worked quote-unquote for the rest of her years served her time and on the seven-year and second day finally her one true love arrived again no longer a gigantic brown bird but once again his beautiful handsome human self and the master and Mistress were so happy for the woman that they called all the servants together to bid her farewell on the front steps of the house and as she was leaving the woman handed over the seventy pounds that the butler had given her and said thank you that is for your service to me of closing the shutters and the butler went bread in the cheeks as she passed the coachman she handed over his forty pounds and said thank you this is for the service you did to me of bringing in the washing that night I know it was difficult and the coachman took the money and diverted his gaze and finally she passed James the footman and she handed over 100 pounds and said you know what James that is the most expensive glass of sherry that I have never received and she went until happily ever after and that's the end of the story I hope you enjoyed it I haven't done a fairy tale in a while so if you knew I you may not have seen one before I have a playlist I'll stick it up in the end card so that you can watch more of them if you'd like to if you did enjoy the video you know how YouTube works you can show your appreciation in all the places if you're in a position to financially support the channel and also if you want to because you certainly don't have to I do have a patreon which is linked in the description below but from that I do believe that's it I'm done email this to your grandma and I will see you some other time really there's a lot of Messier walking out it's gonna be [Music] what is in my pocket string or nothing lifelines 24-hour telephone crisis support service 13 11 14 if you need help go get help
Channel: MonarchsFactory
Views: 28,610
Rating: 4.9779978 out of 5
Keywords: MonarchsFactory, Dael Kingsmill, Geek & Sundry, Geek & Sundry Vlogs, Geek and Sundry, Geek and Sundry Vlogs, Geek, nerd, australian, australia, vlogger, Greek mythology, myths, mythology, Dael, Kingsmill, Dale, Dale Kingsmill, story, storyteller, story teller, story time, funny, fairy tale, fairy tales, faerie, fae, folk tales, the three feathers, f a steel, english fairy stories, fairy stories
Id: zfm8PIRMD4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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