The Things People Throw Away - Curbside

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good morning blow the scrap Taliban channel it is gonna be good morning the weatherman says 100 percent chance of rain but ain't nobody got time for that scrap to get this beast okay tell you my wheeze this morning you know what I'm not sure if it's come on be giving me a hard time already alright gotta be strong Mike would say wow that it's not raining that's just this guy is part of the heavy refrigerator that was crazy I really want that side up I want to go vertical here can I do it I don't think so nope I can already feel my elbows all right everyone straight to the scrapyard this thing even close it won't will it it does oh wait a magnet fling the garbage man just don't sit look in the can actually I'm at a good drop this stuff this refrigerator off but I want to get rid of that a little and I'm finding more aluminum okay all right I'm gonna go drop this aluminum off and then take this refrigerator to the scrapyard now normally I don't use this scrapyard but I'm going to right now because I never know when they might change their ways and be a lot cooler what else let's give them the benefit of the doubt Wow there's no scrap in there scrap pile all right the scale is at zero 4220 mark it's gotta broke all right [Music] hey what's up huh your bunch seven there [Music] so what's up on hundra [Music] I take the label dude that's get the metal husband or lover thanks man see if the scale says I see 39:20 all right let's see what they paid okay three dollars our refrigerator yep but you know what it's all good I did some thinking about this a lot of thing about this last couple of days that I am NOT gonna allow the reduction of scrap metal prices to change what I like to go do so I'll take that three bucks and I'll be happy about it thank you God we're good you provide no matter what even if it was zero dollars god you provide thank you Lord in the name of your son amen oh so I'm grateful for public dumpsters in my community so there's no issues with illegal dumping and stuff like that because anybody can use them well I can hit my truck what is that like couple centimeters get rid of this stuff I'm seriously put that back there's metal to that those guys alright back to an empty truck mostly G all right let's go scrapping Lorne and Ralph morning Sam weather started getting rough yeah don't think I can get it on one scoop as I'm dragging it huh yeah weatherman said a hundred percent chance but I know nature saying yeah let's let him scrap for a little bit and then give them some thunder boom ease a surfboard you know you tried it wait a minute there's something in there oh it's velcro it's not that new we're not that old would you like to go to the scrapyard not to be turned into a car door there was a lawnmower back there and it was running and yeah I just put all this stuff together it's through comments and things is that they're running it out of gas so they can store the lawnmower and I guess that's the proper way of doing it is to store your stuff without gas because the gas will change molecular li and you come bad gas degraded am I gonna take it anyway I think I am as mr. scrappy would say I have to redecorate here yeah mess going so we'll rusted right off yep enough [Music] check the knobs yeah and take that thing probably brass all right dude get in my truck thank you I'm gonna do that more often all right so bowline knot and that clove hitch did another clove hitch here now it's not really a knot it's just a hitch and I got a young you got a message from one of my old worship pastors Cory and he's in Newfoundland right now and he was hanging out with his his uncle Gary and his own Gary was talking about hey I watch the scrapping channel in Illinois and my old warship ash is like I know that guy because I've been on his worship team I don't know dozens of times and it was just really cool so all right this is to Newfoundland you have not been degraded you look brand spanking new you really never been used or just clean if I got a spot for you yes I do thank you straight up how's my back feeling today actual I've never had back issues some hopefully I this whole scrapping thing doesn't change that I think I can feels right alongside my back straight I don't do any twisting as I have a low because that's how the the disks in between the vertebrae because you know the vertebra is the bone and the discs are the meaty fleshy parts in between long as they don't have a load as I'm as I'm twisting that's how absolutely yeah you're wrecked I'm reckon anybody's wrecked doing that I don't like awkward so then I'm not gonna do it in there looks like a robot ears a couple eyeballs its body it's a robot grease looks like a lil Bill Bell this if I didn't wait too late get some raindrops and that is looking dark out there that was some thick clouds it's a lot of water hanging over my head all right they wouldn't get to the scrapyard before it's a torrential downpour it's so dark everyone's lights are on well I guess their one draws the lights on anyway but no look how dark that is all right this time I'm going to be a no because that last scrap yard was $20 a ton for scraps to you and that's that's one cent a pound yeah I mean it's I think it's three cents a pound here yeah so I brought the refrigerator here it would seve it be in three bucks it would have been nine dollars so I meant 41 40 so I'm less weight now than it was with that refrigerator I think they're cleaning up they use that chain-link fence to do their cleanups way over jester's right trying to go very fast as I hit it thank you when I run over a piece of metal it's not going to go into my tire it's raining all right how fast can we do this it's a cool thing about these pitches is that I do is spin them the opposite direction and they will uh I'll undo but here this is the strong part if you go backwards just come on done [Music] mushiya lightning now I'm over here playing with metal oh yeah coming down now all right let's get this stuff offloaded tyreq tailgaters bouncing scrap off of it and the bowline knot comes undone real easy as well Oh lightning strikes get out of here real-time offload what was i 39:20 at that last scrapyard will you doubt so 220 pounds I see 3900 even it started raining thundering just in the NICUs just a minute of time if you'll notice that some sanguine personalities you know the happy-go-lucky whatever that they just in the nick of time get things done and yeah wait till the last second and then everything just works out and that's what happened today so three cents a pound here so it's actually three times as much even though you talk about such low dollars it you know so I got seven dollars and 20 cents for three or two hundred forty pounds and I had two hundred eighty pounds I think of that last one I got three dollars so I still want to thank God for this let's think not for the god I thank you for health today for a clear mind at least what I think is a clear mind god you're good God sometimes when I see people I can I can just see that they that there's some issues that need to be talked about God would you just help us help me talk to those that you want me to talk to about whatever issues that's going on in their life because I know that that a burden shared is cut in half and a joy shared is doubled thank you for that gun and Lord just give me the strength to talk to people even when it feels awkward give me give us that strength in the name of Jesus another thing that I was noticing is that I was talking to some people and we were talking about doing our little side hustles you know to get a couple extra bucks and what I found just from talking to a couple dozen people about this you know because this was just a side hustle for me of scrapping and doing some YouTube videos and just like with them their side hustle has turned into their main source of income their main source of what they do on a daily basis with the gifts that they have so I'm just wondering has that happened with you it has that there's a lot of vehicles are just gonna get right into has that happened with you then that your your regular job your nine-to-five job that you get paid hourly or salary and or you get paid the same amount for every pay period where that didn't quite cut that didn't pay all the bills at the month and where you did something on a side hustle that was actually within your area of giftedness that you really enjoyed and that you did that more and more than that other job you gave up and started doing this this joy does that happen with you I'm seeing that more and more it's almost like the the work force out there the corporations out there have been paying less and less less giving less benefits that's forced people to start doing other things that's within their area of giftedness where they are fighting joy and then what I'm doing that instead of that corporate nine-to-five thing that was not joyful and they were not working within their area of giftedness okay that makes sense I'm seeing it more have you are you seeing that phenomenon anyway let me know in the comments below I'm curious this is like this was a really cool thing that I'm observing so anyway thanks for watching just be awesome stay awesome do your thing I mean that do your thing because that's what you were designed to do yeah I'm glad we went to the scrapyard but a percent chance of rain they said God held back the rain [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 73,207
Rating: 4.8814397 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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