Batman Kills The World

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this Batman story is one of the best Batman stories I've ever read most stories I really get drawn to are the ones that feel otherworldly dark and with a bit of levity by the end and this story that I've been wanting to cover for some time is just that this story puts you in a place where you know absolutely nothing except that Bruce Wayne is Batman or so you're led to believe because throughout the story you're not sure if Batman is even a real thing or if Bruce Wayne is just been insane the enti ire time everything as you know it about the DC Universe has been flipped upside down completely and it's your job the reader and Bruce Wayne to figure out why this happened this story has many different twists and turns and it's such a doozy so let's get into it this story opens with a hardened Batman following a case for the better part of a year where all over Gotham someone has left chalk lines to outline the Batman's dead body and where Batman's heart is marked lies Crime Alley the place where everything started upon Bruce entering Crime Alley he finds a small boy with an umbrella with the atmosphere feeling too quiet Batman then slowly approaches the boy only to find a long dead corpse further investigating Batman phones into Jim Gordon informing him of the body but while doing so the corpse lifts its arm revealing a gun and before Batman can even react he is seemingly shot [Music] Rose Alfred Alfred come in anyone here you're here Bruce Wayne My Lord you're right here and it's finally over you what have you done to me take it easy Bruce please your motor functions your speech they'll all come back soon it's a simple side effect just relax no you're tricking me playing a joke but I'm not in fact this is the first time in many years you're not being tricked Bruce see we tried everything to get through to you all kinds of therapeutic measures nothing ever worked but now finally a new medicine created by your family's Pharma Branch a drug called Helo has done its job and so after all this time you're actually here with us in reality and at this facility we're just so happy to meet you no no no no no no no I know who you are I know you I know you too Bruce I'm your doctor Dr r Edmond hood and I have been for nearly 20 years the whole time you've been here with us in Arkham Asylum Dr Hood further explaining Bruce's situation Bruce refuses to listen begging to be released upon further struggle Dr Hood shows Alfred into Bruce's room and Alfred meaning Bruce he's joyful that Bruce has finally come to and can finally come home soon telling Bruce that no one blames him for what happened but Bruce confusingly asks what Alfred means and Alfred begrudgingly says that Bruce killed his parents 20 years ago he had hoped they were all on the same page at this point Bruce starts to freak out until Alfred ragey unveils a curtain showing several different patients and workers around the Asylum that share resemblances to his villains saying to Bruce that he's been living in this fantasy called Batman for too long and that it's affected other people's lives saying that Bruce needs to face the reality of the situation and until he does he won't be leaving later Bruce wakes up in his padded cell and desperately tries to find something anything to break himself out while searching for a tear or a hole he finds one and upon searching through it he finds the iconic Penny and dinosaur from the Batcave Furious he screams that he won't give in and that he knows that this is all some sick game the next day Alfred meets with him again to discuss everything leading Bruce to ask questions like how he learned to do so many things like speaking different languages fighting styles and so on to which Alfred has an explanation for everything like that he learned how a fight from a gymnast called Dr alul referencing Rael ghoul and he learned many languages from the librarian Elliot referencing hush after Alfred explains these things to Bruce Alfred decides that Bruce needs to see his cowl for his own eyes upon giving him the cowl he explains that it was a sort of shock therapy treatment for Bruce with Alfred saying to Bruce that the sooner he accepts this the sooner they can go home together however Bruce has a different idea putting on the cowl attempting to escape climbing each floor in the Asylum taking out whoever tried tries to stop him while equipping himself with several different tools from workers or guards however Bruce ends up cornered at the very top of the Asylum until Alfred calls them all off and to leave them Bruce demands to know what is going on because he knows that this is all a trick to which Alfred begins to tell him that there's nothing left for him outside of this place the world isn't the same as it was meaning there's no more mission for Batman and while Alfred speaks to Bruce he asks to see his true face after feeling that his heartbeat was different with Alfred shutting down his face Tech to reveal he is much much older it's also here where Alfred explains that he isn't the original Bruce Wayne but a copy and that he wasn't even supposed to wake up for another 2 years Alfred then tries to ask Bruce to stay in the simulation with him telling Bruce that he had toy men code in entire Gotham City that matched the original perfectly practically begging Bruce to stay and give it a chance but Bruce refuses and with Alfred realizing that his son won't budge he gives him the penny to remember him and one final hug with the boy he loves later Bruce bursts out of a sandune climbing out to a dry sunscorch desert upon walking out further he'd find a lantern covered in sand wiping it off only to find it filled with the Joker's head with Joker then waking up screaming who's there Batman tries to ask Joker how in the hell he ended up this way but the Joker being crazy he doesn't remember a thing but it's cut short as a speed storm arrives in which if you're caught inside of it you could age to death with that Batman carries his head on his side and the two press forward to find any semblance of life over time Batman and Joker find themselves in what once was Co City only to find a wasteland The Joker would tell Batman that the Green Lanterns had been wiped out after an attack by Brainiac and the last Lantern MoGo Went Out Swinging afterwards Green Lantern rings fell like rain and leeched onto the closest people possible but while explaining huge green babies start chasing Batman and behind them are normal people being dragged this is because it takes an immense amount of willpower to control a ring thus if there is lack of will the user would not be able to control the projections Batman manages to maneuver around these projections enough where others come to the rescue with bullets piercing through the projections and out of a tank vixon pulls Batman inside vixon is then in disbelief on whether or not she's looking at the real Batman so she asks Poison Ivy and upon her looking at him she uses a vine to knock him out later Bruce wakes in a cave bonded by a form of crystal and a top of them are Vixen donat Troy Supergirl and Poison Ivy standing guard that is until Wonder woman makes her presence Bruce would then ask who killed the world and Diana would say that it was him she would then walk with him inside the cave explaining that everything went wrong after the incident and that her and the other 100,000 people in the cave have been trying to survive ever since Bru asks how it happened how did the villains win but Diana tells Bruce that it wasn't the villains it was the whole world everyone had chosen doom and it all started after Lex Luther made a case to the world to basically choose Doom because the world was ending and what better way to end it then create chaos Superman tried to stop him but it didn't work and the rest of the world fell the original Batman thought that he could unite Everyone by opening the doors to the Hall of Justice and try to create a Unity but doing this he was killed before Anything Could Happen along with several other Heroes then out of the chaos came the villain Omega Who Rose up and ruled with an iron fist over Gotham he was the worst villain yet somehow managing to kill dark side and several Heroes even figuring out the anti-life equation and used it on the world heroes and villains tried to stop him but it never worked due to his immense amount of power so everyone went underground and Alfred activated a machine that would create an entirely new copy of Batman a machine Bruce had made so that every generation would have a Batman after Diana's explanation Bruce would then say that there are rumors that Clark may still be alive at The Fortress of Solitude although the possibility is less than likely but that if he was the fight could change but Diana doesn't believe anymore saying that she made a deal with Hades to allow passage to the underworld and to bring everyone there to due to Earth being no longer safe Bruce would try to fight the idea but Diana's decision had been made so the next day Bruce takes some equipment like his old bat suit and leaves to The Fortress to find Clark we start in Joe chill's apartment where chill seems to be looking for a gun while Batman tells him that he removed most of the guns in the house Batman then attacks chill slamming him into the oven demanding to know about the dead boy in Crime Alley and the chalk outlines he even says that the boy was his duee to a DNA analysis however Joe Chill doesn't listen saying it's the end of an era and that everything is going to burn to the godamn ground Bruce then wakes up to the Joker attempting a knock do joke but it's quickly interrupted by a speed for storm and along with this Joker desperately asks Batman to be Robin Batman yells at Joker saying he would sooner make the damn horse Robin before him right as the horse is taken from the speed force storm as a voice can be heard within the storm screaming please help us Bruce we see that inside the storm it is Bart Allen bar Allen Wally West and Jake Eric but Bruce can't do anything else but press on we then switch over to Alfred back where the story started shutting down parts of the city until he runs into a scarecrow in Bane they had both been sent by Omega to bring him to Gotham but Alfred tries his best to gun them down leading scarecrow to end up infecting Alfred with his fear toxin Omega then emerges from the Shadows telling Alfred that he has something to tell him saying to Alfred infected with the toxin that he did it he saved the Wes he convinced them not to see the movie letting Alfred die in peace 2 weeks later Batman finally reaches the Fortress of Solitude with Joker repeatedly asking if he can be Robin over and over to which Batman screams that he'll never be Robin because Robin was a good person but while he argues with Joker Superman Rockets come flying down from the sky with one sending Batman flying into several different pillars until he falls near Superman with Superman picking him up telling him that he's made it Clark ends up taking Bruce further into the Fortress leading him to a place that almost looks exactly like the Ken farm and upon further exploration Batman is left completely confused due to the way that Superman is acting almost robotic likee along with this a disheveled Lex Luther makes his presence known while also telling Batman that Superman is long dead and that this was just a robot Superman Luther immediately tells Batman to follow him to show Batman an experiment he's been running for some time involving wormholes that could quite possibly bring a baby Clark Kent from a different world into theirs using Brainiac Tech while Luther explains frantically Batman demands to know what he did to Superman and the world Luther then snaps out of it and begins to tell the tale of how he ruined the world just by a simple contest between him and the Man of Steel the contest would be life or death between the two involving a vote casted by the whole world they would come back to the same place days later and stand above Kryptonite spikes activated by thought if the world voted for Justice Superman would Prevail and if the world voted Doom Superman would die so the two spread the contest to the world and the two both gave the best speeches they could until the day finally came for judgment everything had looked like it was going to go into Superman's favor but when the Kryptonite shards started to rise from the ground the two shared one last look with each other before the world chose to kill Superman over Lex Luther inadvertently killing themselves too in the process Luther would try to explain that he's been sending Clark over and over from different dimensions but each time he turns up he's found dead almost as if it's a sign there's no saving this world but they're soon interrupted as the Superman robot is hacked turning on the two of them and to top it all off Omega tracked Batman down to the Fortress of Solitude sending his Lackey to kill him but before they could get the chance to kill him Wonder Woman would appear just in time to save Batman however they wouldn't be in the clear just yet due to the villains hacking all of Luther's reserved Superman bots in hopes to kill them with all seeming lost Luther would choose to sacrifice himself in hopes to save the two of them giving them a fighting chance and to hopefully tell Superman of his heroism someday they would soon be both transported next to the spectre's cloak and Wonder Woman would guide Batman through the cloaks Gateway while in this Gateway they would develop a plan to get to Gotham and to try and gather forces to take down Omega but while they discuss why Diana came back and is willing to follow Batman Batman looks over his shoulder to see everyone that fell when the world ended and one of the people he sees turns out to be Alfred filling Bruce with much sadness due to him only just leaving him weeks prior after this they end up in Gotham City determined to get through omega's defenses and stop him for good however while sneaking through Gotham they both run into the court of owls and at first it seemed like a fight would break out with each of them calling out who who who and sentencing the both of them to death instead one of the talons breaks up the fight removing his mask and it turns out to be Dick Grayson we open with Jim Gordon and Batman on top of the gcpd building installing a new bat signal while Batman discusses the details of the chalk outline case and the dead boy devising how it all connects Gordon questions about how the boy died and in Batman's words he says that the boy died during a botch surgery from a drunken surgeon and the surgeon in question was Thomas Wayne with Gordon adding that the Wayne murders were a possible Revenge because of the death of Joe chill's son Batman realizing this he starts to lose faith in his Crusade but Gordon seeing this he motivates Batman telling him that his new bat signal will be symbolic of his renewed Faith asking Batman to help him start up the new bat signal and let it shine brighter stronger than the last we then switch back to present day where everyone rebelling is hiding in the Batcave now referred to as the owl cave where they are all able to hide from omega's anti-life frequency so they don't become controlled by Omega thanks to Tim Drake Batman tries to discuss ways that they can defeat Omega but Dick Grayson and the others are against it because by the time Batman arrived they already tried to fight and they lost and now Omega will release a new form of the anti-life frequency so powerful that it can control everyone in the world Batman tries to Rally up some of the members to fight along his side but everyone has pretty much accepted their Fates Batman has even shown the people that have died for this war and and Batman seeing this will not stand for it he just can't let it end this way so Batman then makes a speech to everyone in the cave telling them that he's young and idealistic and he's never even faced the hardships this world has faced but he still stands strong and that's the kind of Batman they need with Batman telling them that Omega is using his anti-life machine in Wayne Tower so that means he can use his DNA to get into the building and stop the signal while Diana leads a squad to Arkham Asylum where they're using the amplifier to destroy it telling everyone that this plan could work because Omega thinks he's already won and with that everyone decides that it's better to go out swinging than to do nothing at all meanwhile at Wayne Tower Omega has started to prep his anti-life emitter telling his laeis that Gotham is all but a lie and that's all it's ever been but today it all changes hours later Diana's crew managed to sneak into Arkham Asylum wearing Inhibitors that dampen the vision of those affected by the anti-life signal allowing them to appear invisible meanwhile Batman and Joker now in a robin mech suit sneak into Wayne Tower Diana's crew sneak through all of omega's forces right up to where the anti-life amplifier is held ready to unlock the Vault with Rider's Tech while Bruce enters the the tower to a room that's designed almost like Bruce's Batcave meanwhile Diana's crew managed to finally crack the door open leaving everyone in disbelief because the whole time the amplifier turned out to be Martian Manhunter but upon Diana reaching out to Martian Manhunter trying to save him his mind has been completely altered with the intent to kill Diana locking her inside with him back to Batman and Joker they browse through the room looking at each and every one of the momentos of the people this Omega is killed and Batman asks Joker what could have happened to this man to make him this way right as they both get hit with tech meant to immobilize them rendering them both defenseless just as Omega leaves the Shadows introducing himself to Bruce later bringing him to a torture chamber Omega remarks that he's a spinning image of the young Bruce Wayne Two of a Kind no scars no nothing a clean slate and one that he can rewrite to his own image using the repurposed Mobius chair to rewrite Bruce's mind to make Bruce do his bidding Joker tries to attack Omega by surprise after breaking free but he would stand no chance against Omega afterwards Bruce would say that he's no Batman at all and the real Bruce Wayne would be appalled of what this version of him has become but Omega begs to differ removing his mask revealing that Omega was in fact the real Bruce Wayne the entire time the younger Bruce yells that he will stop him but Omega just tells Bruce that everything he did let him exactly where he wanted him to be saying that once the chair has done its work all of omega's mind will be transferred to his head and his plan will be complete Omega would later leave to enact his plan while Bruce would feel defeated until Joker finally remembered what he did to Batman so long ago telling Bruce that he made a case for him that everything about the case involving the chalk Out Lines Joe Chill the dead boy in the alley and the story about Thomas Wayne's botch surgery was all made up by the Joker to be his last case of the world's greatest detective and even after Batman never solved the case believing his father killed a young boy he didn't change and he still kept his faith in people enough to try and save the world when it didn't want saving but the man upstairs calling himself Batman is not Batman telling Bruce that he is the real Batman and with that Bruce would spit out the penny Alfred gave him in the beginning of the story and break out of the chair back to Diana's Squad they desperately tried to survive Batman's deadliest villains locked inside with them while Omega gives the go-ahead to kill them all but while doing so Batman would sneak up to Omega ready for the final showdown the two Batman instantly run towards each other locking fists with Omega telling Bruce that he never forgot what the people he tried to help really did to him as they cheered when his bones broke or how a little girl tried to light him on fire six times before it finally worked as he throws fist after fist trying to convince Batman to change sides but after fighting and realize he'll never back down Omega would grab the pike with dark side's head above and stab Batman telling him he'll be a symbol of everything that has to die for a new world to be born as he activates the anti-life emitter back to Diana's Squad Duke Thomas and Dick Grayson fall to scarecrow's fear Toxin and time is running short to stop Omega Diana lays broken as Martian Man Hunter amplifies the anti-life equation to the world as Omega rejoices that a new world is now born one Without Anger anger sadness and pain but one that's finally quiet before getting bonked on the head Diana tries desperately to stop Martian Manhunter as Batman has gone his second wind ready to fight Omega one last time with Omega trying to tell Batman that the world will just rip itself apart in the end and that they will need someone to obey but Batman would say that if they choose to listen and follow they will and if they don't they don't Batman isn't special or someone to obey he's just another bat among a storm of bats but that's what makes him special that's all Batman is and all he'll ever be as he stabs Omega in the throat Omega with his dying words would try to tell Batman that he did this all for him for the world but Batman would say to Omega that he said he planned all of this but that's not true that would if despite it all he still saw something in this world so we held the door open one last time as Omega looks down at the city he fought so hard to control fade away and the nightmare finally over after the Fallout of omega's Reign things started to shift back into place but even evil still finds a way to rear its ugly head and Batman would finally close the chalk line investigation putting a final X on the spot getting ready to expect trouble the bat family all prepare for what's to come and Batman watches as a portal opens a rocket then shoots out from the portal like a bullet from a gun filled with Limitless possibilities Landing in front of them crashing down leaving the entire family speechless as the cockpit door would wind open for the bad family to see a perfectly healthy piercing blue-eyed baby as everyone would gather around to witness the dawn of a new age for this world that went through hell and back an age of Hope the story at first seems to tackle the idea that Batman as a character is about death and the loss of Hope but by the end it's almost as if Snyder himself decided that Batman as a character needed to change how he viewed the tragedy of his parents' death not as a cruel act but as a starting gun firing to start the race of life and for Batman to shine through the darkness as a hero for ones to look up to and I think that writer Scott Snider is incredibly faithful to this idea as this was kind of his last Harrah to the character showing that even in our darkest of moments even a little crack of light can lift us from the darkness for those wondering where the Red Hood video is um I've been working on that for months and I've been pissing in jars so it'll be out soon
Channel: Mullet-Man Comics
Views: 808,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7Uu-SKeC3aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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